Fuelled by Prayer December - February 2018

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Fuelled by Prayer December - February 2018

The Ministry of Reconciliation “So we have stopped evaluating others from a human point of view. At one time we thought of Christ merely from a human point of view. How differently we know him now! This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! And all of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to himself through Christ. And God has given us this task of reconciling people to him. For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation.” 2 Corinthians 5:16-19 (NLT) Many have heard the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. The world knows this statement well. They know that judging a person purely by what is seen on the surface cannot give an accurate representation of who they are, what their story is and how many pages have been completed. Yet, first impressions are often never forgotten and used to determine if a person is suitable for a career, to step through customs with or without a search or even for marriage. It is the standard by which we are taught to evaluate people. Christians are taught to “stop evaluating others from a human point of view”. Another translation says that, “we regard no one according to the flesh”. Someone might not look healthy, or might not fit into the so-called “Christian mould” but if they are in Christ, they are full of health, fearfully and wonderfully made, and a new creation.

If we are reconciled to Christ, our task is to reconcile the world to himself. Let us remember to consider the “wonderful message of reconciliation” wherever we go, especially in our families. Let us follow the Word whole-heartedly and, “no longer count people’s sins against them.” It is nearing Christmas time, a time when families usually come together to celebrate Christ. This is a wonderful opportunity to be patient and kind, not forceful or envious. Love is quick to forgive, is always ready to bear all things and always looking for the best in people. Love is always looking to reconcile man to God. We are hosting a time of restoration and reconciliation in Northern Limpopo this December. We will be sharing the love of Christ with many communities. Please pray that out of the riches of His glory, He may strengthen our staff and partners with power through His Spirit in their inner being. Pray that our love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight. Pray for hearts to be softened. Pray that people we speak with will accept Christ in their hearts through faith. Pray that they may be rooted and grounded in love, and may have power, together with all the saints, to comprehend the length and width and height and depth of His love. May you be filled with His Perfect Peace and may you rest in the Power of His Unconditional Love. Have a blessed Christmas and happy New Year. The MAF Team

MAF SA MISSIONARY TEAM Steve (Pilot) and Camilla Eatwell Children: Nate and Cade

We had a great home assignment and managed to increase our support. We are happy to be back home in Rumginae, PNG and back flying. Praise God for friendships. We have a nice Canadian family joining us in Rumginae with kids for ours to play with. Please pray for effective ministry and relationships with people around our home as well as in remote areas, for safe flying for Steve, for Camilla as she starts schooling Nate and for the new family coming to Rumginae at the end of the year as they prepare right now in Mt Hagen. Please pray for the kids to thrive and be healthy and for grandparents as they once again have said goodbye to their grandchildren for two years.

Papua New Guinea

Brad (Pilot) and Michelle Venter Children: Nathan, Hailey and Megan Michelle and I got a chance to go to Wewak for one night. It was an opportunity to celebrate Michelle’s birthday and our 15year wedding anniversary. We had a great time together reconnecting. Pray for MAF in PNG as it is a time of change. There is a lot of crew training for current and new staff members in 2018. Pray for us as we continue to implement the strategic plan. We want to work more closely with the churches and other mission organisations so that we can be serving them in the best possible way. Brad will take over as the Flight Operations Manager in 2018 (which is still a flying role, but with additional responsibilities). The role is intense and carries a lot of responsibility. please pray that he will have wisdom and capacity for what the role involves. We are looking forward to our next furlough in 2018. Dates are still being decided, but we are excited. Pray for wisdom in planning logistics, for Michelle who will need to plan home schooling for the kids and for our presentations. Pray for Michelle as she continues to manage the compound here in Goroka. We are short on accommodation here and it can be quite a challenge to keep everything running smoothly. Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea COUNTRY FACTS

13 273 120 44 848

Aircraft Destinations Staff Partners Languages

Attempts to Islamize PNG are underway. Pray for adequate preparation and equipping that will enable Christians to act wisely. Effective discipling is the most urgent and prevalent need. Pray that communities of Christians are led by shepherds who care for them. Pollution of Christianity with spiritism and the occult are widespread. Pray that the undiluted Gospel is kept and that seeds that are planted are not corrupted.

Immediately He called them; and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants, and went away to follow Him. Mark 1:20

Kirstein (Pilot) and Amelia Combrink Children: Johann Peter, Louis Kirstein Praise God for the safe delivery of Louis Kirstein Combrink. We feel very blessed with our extended family. God has increased us and we praise Him for all that He has done. Please pray for strength and wisdom as we take care of our children. It’s been a very busy time as you can imagine. Kirstein has spoken at about ten different locations and we have met up with many supporters. Pray for continued partnerships as we set out to transform lives and build God’s Kingdom. Please pray for the new pilot to feel welcome in Tanzania and to enjoy his time. Pray for the communities that we reach to be filled with the knowledge of Christ. Pray for our work to be effective, displaying Godly stewardship. Pray for God’s Will to be done. Pray for our world and the desperate need of salvation and restoration from God. 2 Chron 7:14, “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”



3 55 5 26 120

Aircraft Destinations Staff Partners Tribes

We served 947 passengers across 51 locations in 2016. MAF brings medical care and evangelism to Tanzania’s remotest regions. Praise God for the Combrinks who have renewed their contract to stay on the field for another term. Pray for an increase of provision. Pray for Biblical teaching in the churches that will, in turn, impact other spheres of society (i.e. poverty, witchcraft, radical Islam)’. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it. - John 14:14

Mark (pilot) and Lorraine Liprini Children: David and Ruth We’re grateful Lorraine is getting into her new role in housekeeping at Carmel, we are settling into a new church, have had many visitors staying over with us, and both doing our best to evade the malicious flu that’s doing the rounds here. Mark has been able to do supervisory flying, where the new pilot flies the aircraft and he has another more experienced pilot riding along with him as a resource person he can refer to for advice and help. Mark is finding it very satisfying to see a new young pilot, who has responded to Gods call on his life, and settling in for the long haul, to serve the Lord in a tough place (South Sudan). Mark counts it a privilege to have played a part in getting him going. Pray for Sam, the new pilot, to be filled with peace and courage. Praise God that Mark has been able to complete new courses related to the new avionics and equipment installed on our aircraft and has renewed his instructors rating. Please pray for God’s Will to be done in our lives and for His plans to roll out in His perfect timing.



6 Aircraft 57 Destinations 18 Staff 559 Partners 43 Languages

We served 7,719 passengers across 57 locations in 2016. Uganda relies heavily on the support of Foreign Aid. There are many refugees in Uganda. Pray for them to feel accepted, worthy, hopeful and loved by the Father. Our flights make areas plagued by rebel activity and insecurity accessible. Praise God for His protection over our missionaries and how He makes a way for everyone to hear the Gospel and to be helped.


Thank you all for your amazing prayers for us as individual staff members of MAFSA as well as for the worldwide work of MAF. Your prayers keep us flying! Pray that the Lord would give us strength for the last few months of the year and for refreshing over the Christmas break. As we all take some time out please pray for the safety of all the MAF staff in SA and around the world. We praise the Lord for all His provision this year. We have been blessed and because of that we have been able to bless people in isolated communities. Thank you for partnering with us to share the love of the Lord.

Thandeka Mndebele Operations Manager Our work is being firmly established in Limpopo, Praise Jesus. Please pray for God to send me as an MAF Pilot Missionary.

Thabitha Mashabela Housekeeper

Thank God for His unfailing love upon our lives. Praise Him for good health and protection! Please pray for my children to focus on their studies and for protection on the roads. Please pray for my sister Evah Ratau to have a permanent job as a pharmacist.

Samantha Gumede Somdle Operations Assistant Kindly keep me in your prayers as l will be going on maternity leave. Please pray for a smooth handover to the person who will take on my role when I am not there.

Maggie Mumba Finance Manager

We praise God for His faithfulness upon our lives and our family, thank God for protection, health and provision. Pray for God to help the students to do well in their exams and for God to bless all MAF donors, prayer partners, and volunteers and to undertake for their every need.

Precia Ngoepe Database and Donor Relations Praise God for His divine intervention in our lives. Thank God for His protection, I had a car accident on the 15th of September but came out with no injuries though the car was damaged. Praise him that He watches over our coming in and going out. Pray for Godly wisdom and peace for students, for the salvation of lost souls, and for our nation to turn back to God, and for our leaders, pray for heavenly wisdom and the fear of God

Gabriella Szabo Marketing & Events Coordinator There are more people wanting to get involved with our Hero Team. Thank you for your prayers!

Natalie Ramanna Office and HR Administrator

Meet Natalie Ramanna. She is working in the HR Department. Please pray that Natalie finds a house close to work and that she settles well in Johannesburg with a close community of friends.

MAF South Africa God has provided over 20 cyclists who are raising funds and awareness for us in the 94.7 Cycle Challenge. Thank you for your prayers! Please pray for all the upcoming events to be successful and to bring in more MAF Heroes. Pray for the people of CT to be responsive to MAF Pray that more missionaries say yes to God’s call to reach the unreached! Pray for faith to rise.

Flying for Life

MAF SA’s local initiative

Please pray for revival in Limpopo. Pray for people to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and to commit their lives to Christ. Please pray for the doctors and nurses that our partners train. Pray for them to feel appreciated and to know that they have a purpose on Earth. Pray for them to grow their relationship with God.

Would you like MAF to do a talk about the work it’s doing around the world at your: Ladies or men’s group Bible Study Group Old age home School Church Mission’s week For 71 years, MAF has been on a journey full of adventure and God’s great provision and we would love to share it with you. With humble beginnings dating back to just after World War II, our story is one of God’s great provision and growth. We have a fantastic network of speakers who will inform and inspire as they talk about the work of MAF. Email admin@mafsa.co.za or call 011 6592880 to book your speaker today. Are you passionate about the work of MAF? Why not become an MAF Pioneer and speak at the churches in your area? If you are interested in becoming an MAF Speaker, please contact fundraising@mafsa.co.za

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