MAF SA Newspaper Vol.3 No.3 2020

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TAKING A TRIP AROUND THE WORLD In September, we travelled virtually with our audience into some of the many different countries MAF operates in. From the unique landscapes of Madagascar to the deep jungles of Papua New Guinea – Here are a few highlights that were experienced within these incredible destinations. Page | 04 IT JUST COMES NATURAL Sharing the gift of the gospel in isolated communities is what MAF is all about. And in Papua New Guinea, this is done in a very special way, where – according to pilot Wilfred Knigge –the written word is in high demand. Page | 09 BRINGING CHURCH TO THE NEIGHBOURHOOD Because of where MAF staff live, God often brings them opportunities to minister to local people outside of the MAF sphere. Here, flight operations coordinator, Corrine Cadinouche, discovers a new mission field during the COVID lockdown in western Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) – her neighbourhood. Page | 11 “MAF is a family, and I am grateful to be a part of it, and for the part God has enabled me to be involved in.” Stuart King | Page 3

CURRENT VACANCIES EXPERIENCED MISSION PILOT FLOAT PLANE BANGLADESH Don’t miss your chance to get involved, contact us today. Visit






VOL.3 NO.3 2020

MAF is an international Christian organisation whose mission is to fly light aircraft, and to use other technologies to bring help, hope and healing to people in some of the world’s poorest communities. Every four minutes an MAF plane is taking off or landing somewhere in the world to assist missions, churches, aid and development agencies, and other local groups to transform lives and share the love of God.



Most of our flights for this year were grounded, due to COVID-19, but despite this challenge, we have still seen widespread evangelism, disaster relief, medical evacuations, and COVID-19 relief flights. Along the way, isolated people have come to experience the gospel and love of Jesus Christ through your support.

The end of a year of growth and challenges is almost here and, despite its difficulties, there is so much to be grateful for. Thank you for your abundant support and encouragement throughout the year; your involvement has exceeded our expectations. This year, we have all experienced some level of isolation and, by supporting MAF, you are enabling the gospel to be shared with communities who live in constant isolation, from Madagascar to Papua New Guinea, Lesotho to South Sudan, bringing them upliftment and healing where they are.

In our last edition for the year, we are sharing stories with you from around the world, including travels and adventures from countries in which MAF serves. You will also read about the spread of the Word of God in Papua New Guinea, as well as a story of sharing the gift of the gospel and serving a neighbourhood in western Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). We have commemorated our 75th anniversary this year with much thanksgiving and celebration of what the Lord has done in and through MAF worldwide. And while we have hit some tough times throughout the year, we have been reminded of James 1:2-3 “Count

it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” And so, in these times, we have turned our eyes on our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ and have grown in faith and steadfastness because of Him. Thank you for the impact you have made in 2020. We would not have been able to do this without you. Your help allows us to send missionaries into the field, fund projects and to ultimately be a servant of missions. Because of you, MAF has been able to continue the mission at hand – seeing isolated people spiritually and physically transformed in Jesus’ name. May you have well-deserved rest over Christmas, reflecting on the blessings we have in Jesus Christ and His gift to us – His grace and love in all circumstances. Maxine Holman CEO of MAF SA


Financially partner with MAF where you have monthly gifts automatically deducted from your account, saving MAF administrative costs, and sending more of your donation to where it can make the most difference!

LOVE IS IN THE AIR Tobias Meyer and Moriah Juhl are excited to announce that they are officially engaged! Tobias and Moriah met on 23 August 2019 after Moriah moved right next door to Tobias in Juba on the MAF compound. She is teaching at Juba Christian Academy (JCA). Over the next five months, they got to know each other and started dating in January. God has grown them individually and as a couple by bringing to light and dealing with their fears and sins. He has been teaching them to trust Him throughout the uncertainty caused by the ever changing COVID travel restrictions. On 23 August 2020, they had planned to talk on FaceTime to celebrate the anniversary of the day they met in Juba. While Moriah was still in pyjamas because of the time difference, Tobias surprised Moriah by dressing up, serenading her on the piano, getting down on one knee, and romantically proposing with a handmade ring. Tobias and Moriah are thrilled and are planning (God willing) to get married around New Year’s! MAF SOUTH AFRICA Block 816/3 Hammets Crossing Office Park, 2 Selbourne Road, Fourways PO Box 1288, Lanseria, 1748 T 011 659 2880 | E NPO 006-942

BANKING DETAILS Mission Aviation Fellowship Standard Bank Greenstone Branch code: 016342 Account No: 020044615 Reference: SurnameV3N3

VOL. 3, NO. 3, 2020. MISSION AVIATION FELLOWSHIP Editor: Amber Thomson Designer: Gabriella Szabo Mission Aviation Fellowship is the official newspaper of MAF SA Articles may be printed with acknowledgment. If you no longer wish to receive MAF news, please advise us at Front cover: Courtesy Erick Paradizo

PLEASE NOTE When donating to a missionary family, reference the missionary families’ surname as well as your name and surname. Please don’t post cash, the envelopes are often tampered with.



VOL.3 NO.3 2020







Pilot/Deputy Operations Manager South Sudan This person will need to be a strong role model for the operations team members, providing encouragement, motivation and development plans and acting on behalf of the manager during leave, etc. Essential ICAO Commercial Pilot’s License with instrument rating.


Chief Engineer Chad

Experienced Mission Pilot Float Plane Bangladesh

This role needs a strategic thinker, a person who will assist the country director in tactical planning. In this role, you will support the training and development of aviation staff by working with them proactively. Requires high levels of experience in engineering.

This candidate must have over 1 000 flight hours experience. As an MAF pilot, you will fly to some of the most remote places and in challenging conditions while providing a professional aviation service. Essential: ICAO Commercial Pilot’s License with instrument rating.


TRIBUTE TO STUART KING It is with sadness that we share that our dear founder and friend went to his Lord’s house and is now rejoicing in that Holy Temple. Aged 98, Stuart remained filled with the same inspiring determination and unwavering faith that took him across Africa to pioneer MAF all those years ago. Like the psalmist, he lived each day in close relationship with his King. “MAF is a family, and I am grateful to be a part of it, and for the part God has enabled me to be involved in. I want to thank my MAF family for 75 years of faithful support – we could not have done it without you. May God bless you and make you a blessing to others.” Stuart King, 13 March 2020, on celebrating his 98th birthday. His legacy will continue throughout many generations to come.

QUESTION & ANSWER BOX How many staff does MAF have around the world? At the end of 2019, MAF had more than 1 300 staff serving in 34 countries around the world.





VOL.3 NO.3 2020

“For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love.” Ephesians 1:4 NIV


mountainous and dense jungles of Papua New Guinea (PNG) to talk to local IT support officer Michael Gena and former IT officer Rick Higlett. For our interviewers, former MAF missionary family Steve and Camilla Eatwell, this was a heart-warming reunion with friends, as they themselves used to be In September, we travelled virtually stationed in PNG. with our audience into some of the many different countries MAF operates Some of the challenges MAF IT officers in. The journey included videos from face in PNG is working on the go as those locations, informative graphics they respond to calls and requests to about what makes each country rich fix, replace and programme all sorts and unique as well as LIVE interviews of technologies in remote villages, with specialists from each destination. ensuring that MAF’s teams remain online and are able to receive calls for Here are a few highlights that were flights. experienced within these incredible destinations and discussions. In Papua New Guinea, MAF uses aircraft to bring medical staff, teachers, AVIONICS ENGINEERING WITH MAF missionaries, and Bible translators to – MADAGASCAR the communities. Papua New Guinea is a country filled with rich culture, dense The first stop in Madagascar revealed jungles, and beautiful people. its incredible wildlife, beautiful scenery and inspiring cultures. We sat down with Fanova Razafindrakoto, an aircraft mechanic from Madagascar. From the unique landscapes of Madagascar to the deep jungles of Papua New Guinea – from the rivers of Bangladesh to the rich cultures of South Sudan. In each of these countries, Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) holds a strong presence.

Once a logistics manager for MAF, the now engineer shares one of the biggest challenges in maintaining aircraft. Because of the lack of engineers in the field, they have to work very quickly and very meticulously to get aircraft into the air. This is a massive challenge as it needs to be done as quickly as possible for the aircraft to land at the international airport before dark.

“The C-plane, the Amphibian, was such an amazing tool to help so many people in need... When I saw that firsthand, I said ‘I want to be part of that.’” said MAF Float Plane Pilot Chad Tilley.

Often being useful in natural disasters, such as flooding, one of the main challenges of flying this aircraft is the landing. Flying here comes with monsoon weather and unpredictable, ever-changing water conditions, which require high levels of adaptability and quick-thinking. Excitingly, there is currently a position available in Bangladesh for a float plane pilot. OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT WITH MAF – SOUTH SUDAN MAF’s final stop in this adventure around the world saw us in beautiful South Sudan - the first African country in which MAF landed. Because of our long-standing history, the presence of MAF in this country is strong. It is a nation with a rich heritage, diverse landscapes, and beautiful culture. We interviewed skilled operations manager from South Sudan - James Malony. The biggest challenges faced by James have been with local authorities around flight approvals and clearances, but over the years, they have seen many answered prayers for this challenge. Having moved from general operations manager to flight operations manager, James loves being a part of the MAF team and finds great fulfilment in serving God through his role.

“MAF is a family to me... The environment here is very friendly and we are really people of God... I’m really so happy.” said MAF Flight Operations Manager James Malony.

TALKING TO AN MAF FLOAT PLANE MAF engineers form a vital part of PILOT – BANGLADESH operations in these remote countries and are much needed for pilots and The next destination saw us in the partners to continue serving remote waters of Bangladesh, where float communities all over the world. planes – C 208 Amphibians – are used by MAF to reach communities. We sat IT MANAGEMENT WITH MAF – PAPUA down with skilled float plane pilot Chad To view MAF vacancies, visit www.maf-uk. NEW GUINEA Tilley to discuss his experience of flying org/jobs/positions-vacant and to apply, email float planes in this beautiful country. The second destination was the

VOL.3 NO.3 2020








PRAY FOR OUR MISSIONARIES Families from South Africa are working in third-world countries across the globe, to bring the love of Christ to the isolated.

VOL.3 NO.3 2020

“By their approval of this service, they will glorify God because of your submission that comes from your confession of the gospel of Christ, and the generosity of your contribution for them and for all others…” 2 Corinthians 9:13


BRAD & MICHELLE VENTER | PNG | The Venters are content at the moment in the space they are in. Pray for blessing on Brad and Michelle’s home, the flying that takes place and their work in the communities. Pray for a wonderful Christmas for them.

MARK & LORRAINE LIPRINI | DISASTER RESPONSE Mark has started his move from South Africa into Uganda by stopping on his way to Chad. Praise God for safe travels and guidance. Pray for his move from Chad to Uganda and for Lorraine’s arrangements and travel to meet him there.

In 2017 we had a major earthquake in the Western province of Papua New Guinea, it scored 7.6 on the Richter scale. We woke up with our house shaking and things falling off shelves. Our jungle village was about 170 km from the epicentre, but at this stage I was not actually sure where the epicentre was. A few days later, after a few failed medivac attempts by helicopter, I was asked to fetch a patient from a village in the affected area. So, I loaded up some passengers and cargo, as well as fill up with as much disaster food as I could find to fit in the plane, and off I went. Little did I know that I would be the first aircraft to land at the most affected village from the earthquake, and what a sight. So many fearful people were gathered at the isolated village airstrip. They had very little communication with the outside world and were extremely happy to receive some food as all their crops had been destroyed.

TOBIAS MEYER | SOUTH SUDAN Praise God for Tobias and Moriah’s upcoming marriage, and that their travels to various countries in the process is blessed. We can’t wait to see what God has in store for this couple! Praise Him for His provision.

GRANT & EMILY STRUGNELL | LESOTHO Grant, Emily and the kids are in a happy place after the year that has passed. Pray for safe flying for Grant. Praise God for his new venture starting a YouTube vlog. Pray that it will go well and will be a tool to share the work of MAF.

KIRSTEIN & AMELIA COMBRINK | TANZANIA There are some big changes ahead for Kirstein and Amelia Combrink next year. Pray for guidance and peace over these changes and pray that God will walk them through it as a family. Praise God for helping them make the necessary arrangements and pray for their safety. “So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 21-4

The feeling that I got was that these people were even more anxious to share their story with the outside world, as they felt alone and isolated in their tragedy. We were able to encourage and pray for not just this village but the entire area of villages that had gathered there. Many tears were shed as I loaded up my patient and was able to take another one that arrived by bush stretcher. Over the next few weeks, nearly every village I stopped at had a similar story and I was able to share the gospel to encourage and dispel their fears. In our lives today, there are people around us, silently alone in their own tragedies, just waiting for us to share with them the gift of the gospel and we need to ask the Lord to open doors, give us discernment, courage, wisdom and divine appointments. Just like He sent me to that earthquake damaged airstrip, He will send you if you make yourself available. In your life situation, you might have moments that don’t quite seem to go as you planned, maybe God’s plan is in action and He just wants you where He wants you or to teach you empathy in a certain situation so you can share with others, just like I am doing now. Devotion provided by Steve Eatwell - ex-MAF missionary in PNG -

VOL.3 NO.3 2020


PRAY FOR OUR PROGRAMMES MAF serves in several countries around the world with the vision of taking Christ’s love into the most remote places on earth. CHAD



Praise God for the progress on the Liberia hangar construction, which is nearing completion. Pray for Jurg’s return to SA once complete.

Give thanks for the upcoming flights in the Chad programme, including the opportunity to work with a new partner.

The UN OCHA report nine humanitarian aid workers killed this year. Pray for security for them and missionaries in remote areas.

MAF Uganda recently received official permission to resume domestic flying. Praise God for His provision and faithfulness!





Lift up new Bible study groups, a result of the Lesotho Flying Pastors’ (LFP). An LFP pastor couple lead the studies, following up with new believers.

Give thanks - two engineers from MAF Kenya were able to travel to Bangladesh to assist with aircraft maintenance, keeping the programme flying.

Praise God MAF was able to conduct a recent Medevac for a pregnant woman in distress. Pray for open doors to do more flights like this.

Praise God for the COVID-19 flights that MAF has conducted over the last months. Pray for more opportunities to fly.





Give thanks for the Mareeba Flight Training Centre students who passed their exams and pray for those still studying.

Pray for God’s provision over fundraising and recruitment. Play for a strong end to the year for MAF.



Pray for the Tanzania Airfield Development team who are working to refurbish airstrips in the villages of Chidudu and Dabia.

Pray for the Lailenpi airstrip construction (Myanmar). Pray for patience and endurance to finish the task.

RO’s: Resourcing Offices across the globe.


Praise God MAF was able to conduct a flight for restoration for victims of violence and war. Pray for continued restoration.


“All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.” John 1:3 ESV


Pray for people who receive the Word through MAF Bible Boxes in PNG. Praise God twe can provide this vital service.


Pray for the remaining MAF staff who are still struggling to return to programmes due to COVID travel restrictions.


Praise God for a slow and steady decline in COVID-19 cases and levels of restriction. Pray for the future of our economy.





VOL.3 NO.3 2020

VOL.3 NO.3 2020




“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” Matthew 24:35 NIV



When pilot Wilfred Knigge lands at an airstrip, he brings his well-established routine and friendly Dutch personality with him. His routine begins by helping the passengers disembark from the aircraft and sending them off with their luggage. This is followed by the normal after-landing checks; walking around the aircraft and weighing and logging passengers and freight for the next leg of the flight. All the while, Wilfred chit-chats with the airstrip agent and bystanders.

Currently they support Yatoam by at Anguganak also regularly want building a mission house there. Bibles. Likewise, Oksapmin and Ok Isai regularly request Bibles, though “A couple of weeks later, we flew the at a slightly lower rate. The people at route Wewak - Nungwaia - Sibilanga. Ok Isai purchased a lot of audio Bibles Nungwaia is closer to Wewak, it always last year and seem to be fully supplied comes first on the schedule. They now. always buy me empty! Every time I landed in Sibilanga, they asked me for Let’s have a closer look what Wilfred Bibles, but every time I was sold out. means when he says he runs out of In a way it is kind of funny, but also a Bibles very quickly on a day’s flying. little bit sad. Luckily, we also had flights At the beginning of a day’s flying, straight to Sibilanga, so we could bring Wilfred’s Bible Box contains: 8 Tok Bibles, glasses and dictionaries.” Pisin Bibles, 3 English Bibles, 6 audio Bibles, 2 dictionaries, 2 concordances, Another Bible sales hotspot is 2 Bible handbooks, 8 reading glasses, Moropote, especially for the solar and a few packs of grille medicine for powered audio Bibles. Wilfred adults and children, although they are continues: “Many times when we get not part of the Bible sales record and there, they want them. At the end more of a personal addition to the of January, we as a family spent a box’s content in response of this basic weekend at Moropote with my parents medical need by the people in these and a few ‘orders’ for audio Bibles remote communities – and at the end came in. Unfortunately, we were out of of the day? Well, let’s just say the box audio Bibles, as was CRMF. So, it took a comes back empty. bit of time before we could ‘complete the order’.

Before Wilfred climbs back into his pilot’s seat, he pulls a black toolbox from the Caravan’s back cargo pod. Don’t worry, he doesn’t intend to fix anything on the aircraft. On the contrary, there aren’t even any engineering or mechanic tools in the box! The tools contained in the box are of a completely different variety; the kind of tools used to adjust and guide a person’s life. Wilfred’s black box holds brand new Bibles, in both written and audio versions, as well as other Christian resources. These are sold at highly subsidised prices to people “On 30 January, I landed again at Wilfred encounters at the airstrips. Moropote, and straight away the people asked for the audio Bibles. But This act of opening his Bible Box, after I did not have any. On 6 February, I all flight and safety relevant tasks are landed again at Moropote, but still completed, comes naturally to Wilfred. had no audio Bibles. On 10 February, As he says, “It is just part of normal the same, I landed at Moropote, ops every day, so it is not something but still had no audio Bibles. About special or big and I don’t really register a month later, on 16 March, my it, except for the sales record.” wife Harriëtte went to Moropote. Together with her friend from He refers to some villages as Bible Liebenzell Mission they facilitated a sales “hotspots”. One such hotspot is trauma healing course. We used this opportunity to stuff a lot of audio Nungwaia. Bibles in the Bible Box so she could Wilfred reports: “Earlier this year, I took finally give them to the people.” two full cardboard boxes of Bibles to Nungwaia. That is 80 Bibles in total. According to Wilfred, Yatoam has Nungwaia has a very active church a fairly high demand for Bibles, and is also helping and serving a especially since the Wewak plane community in the Highlands, Yatoam. doesn’t fly there very often. People

Page 9: A solar powered audio bible. (AS) Page 8 - Top: MAF Pilot, Wilfred Knigge shows men at the airstrip in PNG the various Bibles. (MG) • One down from the top: The Bible Box including Bibles, glasses and dictionaries. (MG) • Two down from the top: Papua New Guineans hold up their recently purchased Bibles in their own language. (WK) • •




VOL.3 NO.3 2020

VOL.3 NO.3 2020




“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8 NIV


Because of where MAF staff live, God often brings them opportunities to minister to local people outside of the MAF sphere. Here, Corrine Cadinouche with MAF Canada discovers a new mission field during the COVID lockdown in Kinshasa, western Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), where she serves with MAF as a flight operations coordinator.

neighbours from all over the faith spectrum in our compound to attend. The proprietor, who also lives here, even calls each family to get them out of bed; she makes sure everyone comes to “church”. I was thinking the other day that if I invited my neighbours to church, they probably wouldn’t come. But now they are coming each Sunday morning. Through this confinement and churches being During our present global pandemic, closed, we are able to bring church to people back home always ask me, them. “How are you dealing with solitude and social distancing without a family Aaron has become the neighbourhood there, and being alone?” I say, “Well, preacher; the local woodworkers even video messaging my family and friends built him a pulpit! We set up 20 chairs has been the norm for me for the last outside on the driveway, which is the nine months, since I moved to the max we can have (confinement rules); DRC. As for being alone, I am confined and if it rains, we meet in the small gym with seven families in my compound surrounded by the exercise equipment. that love to get together for any and every reason (birthdays, Sunday lunch, Each Sunday they come and hear workout sessions, and so on). All the the gospel loud and clear and they kids seem to think that my house is the are given the opportunity to ask place to be!” and answer questions, pray, sing and read the Bible. It’s neat because Although all churches have been shut my neighbours that live upstairs are down for over four months because Muslim. The whole family came the of COVID-19, we have a little thriving first time we had church and now just church in our compound. Aaron, the husband comes most Sundays. a Baptist missionary whose family When he attends, he often talks and lives with us, felt called to start a answers questions. I’ve thought to Sunday morning service inviting our myself; “I wonder what he believes?”

Then, last Sunday, he brought a Bible. I have since learned that he only practices fasting to support his wife and kids during the times of Ramadan. Palm Sunday was one of my favourite services. We had “Jesus” ride in on a pink bicycle while palm branches and materials were laid on the ground. One of the ladies here said to me last Sunday, “Wouldn’t it be great if Aaron could continue with our Sunday services here even after the confinement is over?” They are all really being touched and learning God’s word. Recently, I have been wondering, “What is my mission field beyond my ministry with MAF?” And God showed me so clearly during this confinement that my mission is now my neighbours in my compound. I have spent more time with them than any other group of people during these last few months. I pray I will always seek to be a good witness for Christ with them. •

Page 10: Corrine Cadinouche joins pilot Nick Frey to do a systems checks for the Pilatus PC-12.” Page 11 from left to right: Church taking place inside the gym, outside and on palm Sunday in the neighbourhood.




VOL.3 NO.3 2020


istma s SALE



Buy your Christmas gifts this year with purpose and share the gift of reaching the isolated.



The amazing story of Betty Greene



The gripping story of the life and witness of Nate Saint



Browse a variety of MAF T-shirt designs



Browse a variety of MAF kids T-shirt designs

By purchasing our merchandise for missions, your funds go towards bringing isolated people the hope that they need, especially in this time. Over the month of November until our offices close, we will be having a SALE on many of our merchandise items*. To purchase these items at their sale price, visit and shop on our online store. *Please note that we have limited stock available. Grab your MAF Merch while you can.

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