Fuelled by Prayer September - November 2017

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Fuelled by Prayer September - November 2017

A Promise and a Command “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” You would have read in our Magazine, that part of our vision for MAF, is to believe the promise and follow the command given by Jesus in Acts 1:8. Jesus spoke these words just before His ascension. These words would have resounded in the disciple’s ears, as the last words their Rabbi, their beloved Messiah spoke to them before He ascended to Heaven. They would have turned these words over repeatedly in their mind, meditating on them, wondering when the Holy Spirit would come, and how it would look. The disciples had just asked a question about restoring the kingdom of Israel, and yet Jesus answered in reminding them that it is not for us to focus on time or the temporal kingdom. He then turned their attention to the gift of the Holy Spirit and their work as Christ’s followers to spread the gospel. It is of utmost importance to notice that the promise precedes the command. Without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit we cannot follow the command. We might achieve something by working from our own strength, attempting to spread the gospel through “doing our best” to conform to this standard. But we then take on a heavy burden out of duty to follow the command. It will be empty, exhausting and without power. The worst part is that it might be harmful instead of beneficial. The Holy Spirit is God dwelling in us. If we pause and think about this, it is awe-inspiring and overwhelming.

When we think of the Ark of the Covenant, we can remember the amazing miracles that were associated with it. Gravity was defied as rivers stopped flowing when men who carried the Ark stepped into water (Josh. 3:8), huge walls that encircled Jericho crumbled (Josh. 6:6-7) and men died because they looked inside or touched the Ark (1 Chron. 13:9-10; 1 Sam. 6:19). His Holiness, His Power is so far above us. Can we begin to fully comprehend Him? Our God must be feared, and if we fear Him we need fear nothing else (Isaiah 8:13). The Ark was created so that the Lord could be among His people, “And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their midst� (Ex. 25:8). The Ark was where the presence of God dwelled (Exodus 25:22). Do these two verses make you think about the Holy Spirit? The promise for us, the new-covenant believers, is that God is near to us by the power of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19). We are privileged beyond comprehension to be the temple of God. Can you imagine the people of the Old Testament learning that humans are now able to host God within themselves? This is a miraculous and underappreciated gift that we have. God works through us and when He does, signs and wonders will follow. Like the Ark being associated with miracles, believers should be associated with signs and wonders. Let us fear God rather than man, and allow the Holy Spirit to do His work through us. As people contemplate the gift they have, and the call on their life, pray that they say yes to God. Pray for South Africans to learn about the opportunities MAF offers and for more South Africans to be sent to MAF Programs around the world.

MAF SA MISSIONARY TEAM Brad (Pilot) and Michelle Venter Children: Nathan, Hailey and Megan We are so grateful that we spent three weeks in Telefomin. The program continued here in Tele, it gave Michelle and the kids a break from Goroka, a chance to see another part of the country and it was a real time of rest for us as a family. Praise God that we are mostly over our last two months of battling with various sicknesses. During Brad’s three weeks flying in Tele, they were able to fetch eight medivacs and share the love of Christ to people in the bush. There a lots of changes happening on the compound. Michelle is very involved in the organising this. Pray that she manages to ensure that everything runs smoothly especially as plans seem to change all the time. Pray for us in MAF management as we plan ahead for the next year. Pray for wisdom as we make decisions. Papua New Guinea

Steve (Pilot) and Camilla Eatwell Children: Nate and Cade We are now home in South Africa for our Home Assignment. It is great to see family again and the kids have recovered from jet lag and are enjoying their grandparents. Praise God that He has paved the way for our visit with accommodation where we need it and a MAF vehicle to use. Please pray that Camilla recovers well and quickly from her operation. Please pray that the ministry partnership goes well and that it’s not too rushed or busy and that we are able to spend quality time with supporters. Pray that we are able to increase our support. Finally, we ask that you pray over our area in PNG. Pray that another pilot is able to take on the work that Steve usually does, while we are gone and that there are no medivacs until a plane arrives.

May we shout for joy over your victory and lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the LORD grant all your requests. Psalm 20:5 Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea COUNTRY FACTS

13 273 120 44 848

Aircraft Destinations Staff Partners Languages

PNG is the world’s 139th worst country for corruption (Transparency International) Their level of crime is rated very high Pray for a headge of protection around MAF in PNG. Pray that the country will be transformed in Jesus Name. Pray that every person that receives a Bible in their own language will read it and give their life to Christ. Pray that they will be discipled in their walk.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.� Matthew 28:19-20

Kirstein (Pilot) and Amelia Combrink Child: Johann Peter Praise God for His provision and the joy of growing our family, and seeing them grow, for Kirstein finishing his Bachelor of Theology, new neighbours, great childcare for Johann and a support group of mums with toddlers. We thank Him for His continuous safety during some challenging weather flying and also safety during Kirstein’s road trips for airfield development work, and also that the programme continues to provide transport for important medical outreach and evangelism in Tanzania despite of all the challenges and changes. Let’s pray for continued good health for Amelia during this pregnancy, and for all the logistical and practical challenges as we prepare for another Combrink. Pray for finances, please pray for wisdom and God’s provision. Pray for Kirstein’s continuing responsibilities with the programme and for safety in flying. Please pray for a new English-speaking, international church in Arusha near us. Pray for our work to be effective, displaying Godly stewardship. Pray for continued partnerships as we set out to transform lives and build God’s Kingdom. Pray for God’s will to be done. Pray for our world and the desperate need of salvation and restoration from God! (2 Chron 7:14). Tanzania


3 55 5 26 120

Aircraft Destinations Staff Partners Tribes

We served 947 passengers across 51 locations in 2016. MAF brings medical care and evangelism to Tanzania’s remotest regions. Praise God for the new MAF family that recently joined the Tanzania Programme. Ask God to guide them and to bless them in their serving. Ask God to increase the number of local evangelists in Tanzania. Pray that cultural norms will not hold any person back from giving their life to Christ. Isaiah 57:14!

Mark (pilot) and Lorraine Liprini Children: David and Ruth We praise God for our new home in George, that we are settling in nicely now, and have found a church where we feel at home. We’re grateful that Lorraine is enjoying her new job as Housekeeping Manager at Carmel Guest Farm, and that Mark was able to get all his necessary licences to fly in Kenya and South Sudan, while he was there in June/July, and was happy to be back in the ‘saddle’ after an unplanned, but long break from flying. Please pray for Mark as he is doing two important flight assessments on behalf of MAF International. Please also pray that both Mark and I will continue to strengthen physically and in every other way, after six very draining months packing up the house, moving and settling again. Please also pray for Ruth, our daughter, and Marehette, our daughter-in-law, as both have challenges at the present time.

Abraham named that place, ‘The LORD provides’. And even today people say, ‘On the Lord’s mountain He provides.’ Genesis 22:14



3 Aircraft 67 Destinations 8 Staff 219 Partners 68 Languages

We served 3,121 passengers across 67 locations in 2016. Kenya has a child marriage prevalence of 23%. We serve organisations who educate women. Praise God for His unconditional love transforming the lives of men and women in Kenya. Kenya’s refugee camps host a large population of people displaced within Kenya due to conflicts. Pray for their hope to be firmly fixed on Christ, and for God’s grace to give them strength. 1 Peter 1:13


Praise the Lord for a very productive first half of the year. Pray that the Lord will give us the time and the strength to get through the second half of the year as productively. I don’t know about you but I feel that as I get older, time seems to go by much faster. Thank you for all your prayers for us as a team and individually!

Maggie Mumba Finance Manager

I thank God for His unfailing love and Grace upon our lives, for good health, provision, protection and every other blessing He Has given. Please pray that the Lord will keep my husband in perfect peace and guide his every step and for my school going children to focus in their studies and for protection on the roads. Please pray that God will open more doors for financial resources for MAF and FFL.

Thabitha Mashabela Housekeeper

God is Faithful. He has for provided for MAF and FFL and it is a privilege to serve in this environment. 2017 began with challenges, but we are so grateful that our Father saw us through it all. I want to thank God for everything He has done for us.

Samantha Gumede Somdle Operations Assistant Praise God for progress in the projects, especially our eye doctor and dentist project. Kindly Pray that we find more General Practitioners.

Gabriella Szabo Marketing & Events Coordinator I’m so grateful for such an increase in interest in the work of MAF and FFL. Praise God for being Perfect. Praise Him for His Word that strengthens us. I am so grateful for His love! Please pray for safety for our cyclist team as they ride on the road and please pray for over 20 cyclists to join us.

Precia Ngoepe Database and Donor Relations

We thank God for His faithfulness and for His grace. I’m grateful that the children passed their half yearly exams. We acknowledge that any progress in their studies is not by might or power but by the grace, power and the spirit of God. I praise Him that we are His workmanship and He is able to do in us more than we can imagine. Please pray for grace for us to follow His commands and be doers of His Word, for the salvation of my family - my mom and my brothers, and for peace in our communities. There has been so much crime lately, please pray that the Lord will reveal Himself to criminals, because Jesus died to save us all.

Thandeka Mndebele Operations Manager Please pray for me to have more intimacy with God, to be more bold in spreading the gospel, to operate in my gifts fully, without restrictions and to have a more intense prayer and fasting lifestyle.

MAF South Africa Praise God for our volunteers who so sacrificially give of their time and effort. Pray that they are blessed a hundred-fold. Please pray for wisdom in every department. Pray that we work from God’s rest and that we always look to Him for answers and strategies. Please pray for our HR Department to increase and for our new HR staff to transition well into their role.

Flying for Life

MAF SA’s local initiative

Please pray for continued good relationships with the Tribal Council in Limpopo and for a Crusade we would like to host in December. Pray for us to look to God for every detail. Pray for our partners. Pray that each will be blessed with strength and endurance. Pray for quality time with their families and for an increase in love and patience in their life.

Would you like MAF to do a talk about the work it’s doing around the world at your: Ladies or men’s group Bible Study Group Old age home School Church Mission’s week For 71 years, MAF has been on a journey full of adventure and God’s great provision and we would love to share it with you. With humble beginnings dating back to just after World War II, our story is one of God’s great provision and growth. We have a fantastic network of speakers who will inform and inspire as they talk about the work of MAF. Email admin@mafsa.co.za or call 011 6592880 to book your speaker today. Are you passionate about the work of MAF? Why not become an MAF Pioneer and speak at the churches in your area? If you are interested in becoming an MAF Speaker, please contact fundraising@mafsa.co.za

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