Fuelled by Prayer June - August 2017

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Fuelled by Prayer June - August 2017

Sowing and Reaping Since the start of 2017, there has been a strong theme of sowing and reaping in MAF SA. There are so many lessons in the Bible about this vital principle. Something that has been highlighted to the MAF SA team is the importance of what we sow through our thoughts. It is not just about sowing an action and reaping an action, like kindness, or excellent work, or tithing. What we sow in thought, we will reap in reality. There is a part in C.S. Lewis’s book, “The Dawn of Voyage Treader”, where they pass through a dark island where dreams come true. It was once depicted as a place where fears or thoughts materialise. At first, one could imagine how unfortunate it would be to pass through that land. But, after pondering it, one can easily come to the conclusion that we live in a land where our thoughts come to pass… How? “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he,” Proverbs 23:7. As a team, we have been reading the book, “The Battlefield of the Mind”, by Joyce Meyer. With such care, Joyce explains the importance of taking captive every thought to Christ. If we sow worry, anxiety, dread or any of the cousins of fear, we may reap sickness. If we sow negativity, we may reap sadness and lose our joy. If we sow faith, we will reap peace and whatever we have had faith for. Our world might not produce a physical giant from a nightmare, like the depiction in the island where dreams come true, but whether we can see it physically or not, our thoughts essentially materialise. “Thoughts are real, physical things that occupy mental real estate.Moment by moment, every

day, you are changing the structure of your brain through your thinking. When we hope, it is an activity of the mind that changes the structure of our brain in a positive and normal direction.” Caroline Leaf, Switch On Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health MAF serves so many people who are living in circumstances far worse than many of us can imagine. In the May MAF Magazine, you will see a story on people living in war torn villages in Sudan and South Sudan. Many there have experienced trauma and violence, but they still choose to smile. They are resilient and so grateful for life. They treasure it because they know how easily it can be taken away. Let us pray with such thankfulness for what God has gifted us and use His principle of sowing and reaping with wisdom. “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up...” Galatians 6:7-10

MAF SA MISSIONARY TEAM Brad (Pilot) and Michelle Venter Children: Nathan, Hailey and Megan Praise God that we have had good health for quite a while, for the great midterm break seeing family in Australia, and for arriving back in PNG feeling rested and ready to go! Please pray for Brad as he has to work out the training plans for the rest of the year. It is turning out to be a bit challenging with a need to move more pilots into training roles. Please also pray for MAF PNG as we try and implement the strategic plan for the next 5 years. It is hard to change and adapt and as PNG changes, we need to keep our ministry effective so that we can impact people here for Christ. Finally, please pray again for Michelle as she deals with the frustrations of looking after the family when nothing is as easy as it is back home. Pray that she will have the grace to deal with situations and circumstances. Papua New Guinea

Steve (Pilot) and Camilla Eatwell Children: Nate and Cade Praise God for family and friends that have visited us over the last few months. We were also so privileged to be taken with two ladies and a young girl on a dug out canoe for a fishing experience on the Wei Meri which is the river running alongside our house. Praise God for our health and for our home assignment coming up soon. Pray that God is revealed to many as we serve the spiritually and physically isolated people of PNG, in His name. Pray for our family’s health and safety especially Steve as he flies. We would really appreciate your prayers regarding our house cleaning situation. We live in a place where dust collects rapidly, mould grows on anything, geckos poop everywhere, spiders nest in most corners and ants live in every piece of wooden furniture. The last few months have been very busy for our Rumginae pilots with the Kawito base having no pilots and so many people to transport to and from their villages and or places of work or study. Please pray for strength and health for our pilots and the rest of the staff.

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea COUNTRY FACTS

13 273 120 44 848

Aircraft Destinations Staff Partners Languages

1 in 20 babies won’t reach their first birthday 1 in 454 mothers won’t survive pregnancy or birth. Pray that our emergency flights continue to make the difference between life and death for children and pregnant women. The Bible reminds us that God will provide all we need to fulfil the mission He has given us (Phil. 4:18) Pray that God will continue to provide funds for the Cessna 208.

He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God. 2 Corinthians 9:10-11 (ESV)

Kirstein (Pilot) and Amelia Combrink Child: Johann Peter Praise God for Johann growing well and being in health, he loves the outdoors, playing with the dogs, chickens, rabbits & goats and he has a wonderful lady looking after him when we are both at work; the successful completion of my Check Pilot course in Uganda; His continuous safety during some challenging weather flying and also safety during my road trips down to South Maasai; and for partnerships already established to sustain this ministry. Please pray for my first Base Check since being qualified as a Check Pilot, I have to do this under observation by a representative of the National Aviation Authority; for new airstrips in an area renowned for its spiritual darkness, pray for safety of the team and as we prepare to support the local church in the area; for the school where Amelia works (Christchurch International School); for continued partnerships as we set out to transform lives and build God’s Kingdom; God’s will to be done, focus to be on His and not my own plans; our world in turmoil and in desperate need of salvation and restoration from God! (2 Chron 7:14).



3 55 5 26 120

Aircraft Destinations Staff Partners Tribes

We served 1,245 passengers across Tanzania in 2015 Today, our focus is on medical and evangelistic ‘safaris’. Pray that the Gospel is received by the many tribes of Tanzania. Ask the Lord to prepare their hearts before our plane even lands in the area. Kirstein Combrink had a difficult day where patients he flew passed away. Ask the Lord to heal his heart and mind and to restore complete joy. Read Isaiah 53:4-5 and ponder the gift we have of knowing Christ.

Mark (pilot) and Lorraine Liprini Children: David and Ruth The Lord has blessed us with a new home in the town of George, way beyond what we would have dreamed possible. Well maybe dreamed about, but never considered as a practicality. It’s the first home we have ever owned, and it’s been an incredible journey as we have seen how the Lord has provided in so many different ways. We’ve seen it with the deposit, bond, an Estate agent who is a true brother in the Lord and who has gone above and beyond in helping Lorraine with so many things while she is down there, the speed at which the whole bond application and transfer process has taken place (the Estate agent said that in 16 years he has NEVER seen it happen so fast). Details like the previous tenants also being wonderful believers and loaning Lorraine blankets and curtains to tie her over until our stuff arrives on the 22nd. It’s been such an incredible practical demonstration of the Lord’s love and provision and goodness. Priase Him! Please pray for Mark’s flying in Kenya and Uganda. Pray for inspired ideas of how Mark will represent MAF in RSA and for a fruitful relationship with a local flying school. Pray for strength for Lorraine’s current & future work. International

South Sudan


5 62 11 170 60+

Aircraft Destinations Staff Partners Languages

We flew over 300 tonnes of cargo including emergency food in 2015 Nearly 1 million refugees have fled the country since December 2013 Waves of violence have spread across South Sudan, leaving devastation. Ask God to raise up courageous leaders who will work for peace. Praise God for 12 tonnes of food flown to an area where 1 in 4 children suffer from mulnutrition. More than 90% recover within 2 months with the current food programme.


Praise the Lord for His amazing provision this year, He is always faithful! Please pray that the Lord would continue to strengthen me as I lead the MAF team here in South Africa and that He would give me the wisdom I need to make godly decisions.

Olivia Fraser HR Administrator

I am so grateful for the amazing journey I am walking with Jesus and how I am getting to know Him more intimately. My dad has been physically disabled for the last 12 years. Please pray for his healing, for him to know that God loves him so much and for an increase in his faith. Please pray for my mom’s salvation.

Thabitha Mashabela Housekeeper

We thank God for life and strength, for everything He has done for us, and for my husband who has now got a job. Please pray for God’s wisdom and protection over my family. Please pray for our country to unite.

Maggie Mumba Finance Manager

Thanks be to God for his grace and mercies that are new every morning upon our lives. Thank God for protection, provision and health. Please pray for God to open doors that are in His Will and to shut the ones that are not.

Samantha Gumede Somdle Operations Assistant Meet Sam, she is a new member of Flying for Life’s team. She will be married on the 22nd of April. Please pray that she will transition wonderfully into a wife, and that she will be blessed with the qualities of the Proverbs 31 woman.

Precia Ngoepe Database and Donor Relations

We thank God for His provision and His sufficient grace upon our lives, that He watches over us and knows what is best for us, for the opportunity to be called His children. Please pray for peace and unity within the body of Christ and our nation, that the seeds of the Gospel planted in the youth will keep growing; and for God’s wisdom in all decision making.

Gabriella Szabo Marketing & Events Coordinator

I’m so grateful for health and for all that God has given me. Praise Him for His unconditional love, and His ever present comfort. Please pray for the South African public to be excited about and involved with the work of MAF.

Thandeka Mndebele Operations Manager Meet Thandeka, she is also new to the Flying for Life team. She has a lovely little girl and she is a passionate evangelist. Please pray that she will be blessed with an increase in favour over her life.

MAF South Africa Praise God that all the bequests that were given in 2016 have been received. The most that we received from one person was over R300 000. Please pray that more churches will become involved with the work of MAF. We also pray for an increase in the number of MAF presenters. Please pray for God inspired ideas for our events and for God’s protection and favour over every campaign.

Flying for Life Please pray that God ordained relationships will form between FFL and the government and that we will be well received by all of their departments. Pray for safety for all our flights that carry many passengers each time we fly. Declare Psalm 91 over FFL and over our country.

Would you like MAF to do a talk about the work it’s doing around the world at your: Ladies or men’s group Bible Study Group Old age home School Church Mission’s week For 71 years, MAF has been on a journey full of adventure and God’s great provision and we would love to share it with you. With humble beginnings dating back to just after World War II, our story is one of God’s great provision and growth. We have a fantastic network of speakers who will inform and inspire as they talk about the work of MAF. Email admin@mafsa.co.za or call 011 6592880 to book your speaker today. Are you passionate about the work of MAF? Why not become an MAF ambassador and speak at the churches in your area? If you are interested in becoming an MAF Speaker, please contact fundraising@mafsa.co.za

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