MAFSA Newsletter Vol.4 No.4 2021

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WE HAVE GONE DIGITAL You are receiving this e-Magazine because we have redesigned our quarterly newspaper into a digital format! We are so excited about this new venture and the people we will be able to reach because of it. 1

MAF is an international Christian organisation whose mission is to fly light aircraft, and to use other technologies to bring help, hope and healing to people in some of the world’s poorest communities. Every four minutes an MAF plane is taking off or landing somewhere in the world to assist missions, churches, aid and development agencies, and other local groups to transform lives and share the love of God.



Another year has nearly come to an end, and what a year it has been. Firstly, we would like to thank you for your consistent and generous support, despite the difficult year it has been. We want to praise the Lord for His provision throughout the year and for you – our donors – who have supported us so faithfully. Thank you for being obedient to His call on your life to serve MAF in whichever way you do, whether that be financially, prayerfully, or by serving with your time and skills. Your generosity enables MAF to do what we have been called to do and we could not do any of this without you.


YOU have made it possible for hope to be restored and life renewed. From disaster relief to medical evacuations,

community development to widespread evangelism, as isolated people come to hear about the love of Jesus Christ – you have enabled it all. We have seen airstrips reopened and communities growing as we continue to reach the isolated communities we serve.

Finally, we would like to announce that the Combrinks – one of our beloved MAF missionary families – will be moving on to new and exciting things after a few months more with MAF. You will read about their journey in this issue and what’s next for them, as we excitedly thank them and look In this last edition of the year, forward to what God has in we have brought you stories store for them. from Papua New Guinea, Tanzania, Lesotho and our Thank you for the impact that very own – South Africa. You you have made throughout will read about an airstrip that 2021. You make it possible to has been reopened after the see isolated people spiritually community decided to make and physically transformed in peace. In another story, you Jesus’ name. will read about how the Word is being spread throughout May you have wonderful Lesotho with flying pastors. rest this Christmas period, We also have an update for you reflecting His graciousness to on how we helped during the us this year and praising Him, looting that took place earlier even in challenging times. this year.









Your support is powerful.


FLYING FOR LIFE - FOR SOUTH AFRICA Midnight on 11 July, changed South Africa forever. Shopping malls were ransacked, ATMs looted, and general mayhem was the rule of the day. No food, medicine or vital supplies were available in parts of Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal. This meant that the most vulnerable – most of the over 30% unemployed in the country – had nothing.

organisations, did not rest in helping bring these communities what they needed. On 17 July, we were able to send 450 kg of food and other necessities from Johannesburg to a church in Durban.

We were also able to partner with many individuals to get food to their family and friends in great need, while also partnering with churches to fly another 900 kg of But our local initiative – Flying for food to KwaZulu-Natal. Finally, we were Life – in partnership with many other able to organise transportation of one ton 4

Photo P.4: Churches received the donated goods to be packed and distributed.

Photo P.5 Top: Thanks to partnerships with aviation organisations, food was transported.

Photo P.5 Bottom: Everyone pitched in to help transport, pack and unpack the necessities.

We would like to send a special thank-you to all those who donated to this project. Without YOU, initiatives like this would not be possible!

of a vitamin-enriched energy meal from Cape Town to Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. Once in Durban, these vital supplies were distributed to various communities, including refugees within the city and an orphanage in great need. Photos taken by Brigitte Stanford.


Story by Kirstein Combrink, Photo by LuAnne Cadd

PERSERVERING WITH HOPE MAF Missionaries Kirstein and Amelia Combrink have some exciting adventures awaiting them and their family! Next year, they will be moving back to the UK. We are so grateful for all the years of service they have given, and we cannot wait to see what God holds in store for them. To say goodbye and honour them, Kirstein would like to share a story from his time in the field in 2016.

phone rang with a message that came via one of the evangelists I had dropped off in a mountain village. A girl in Ole Milei was in labour and experiencing complications. I prepared the plane, did the five-minute flight up the mountain, then 15 minutes to Loliondo where she could get hospital care, and 20 minutes back to Malambo. In less than one hour, I was back in Malambo having coffee with my parents. An hour that possibly meant Earlier this year, I have had one of the the difference between life and death for most challenging experiences to write that young mother and her unborn child. about. May had been a good month. My parents At the end of the last day, people came came to visit us in Arusha for the first with a sick girl to the pilot hut asking for a time, it was wonderful to share our life lift back to Arusha. Something like this is with them for three weeks. They have a regular occurrence. We often transport been my greatest supporters throughout non-emergency patients from the very my years working for my pilot’s license, basic medical dispensary in Malambo to preparing for MAF and throughout my a hospital in Arusha. However, this girl time in Tanzania. Finally, they had the was in serious pain. After a discussion chance to share in our experience here with the health worker and family about her condition, it was decided that we and spend time with their grandson. would go for lunch and then she would During the last week of their visit, they join the flight with her father to Arusha. had the opportunity to join me on a About halfway into the flight my mom flight and spend two nights in Malambo, tapped me on the shoulder and indicated a Maasai village where we do outreach that the girl was not doing well, and we with a Bible school. needed to pray. After finishing the first day’s flight, I had After arriving in Arusha, the father was just sat down in the pilot hut when my wailing in the back of the plane with his


daughter resting lifeless on his shoulder. We tried to get help from the airport fire and rescue personnel, but it was too late. It all felt so unreal at the time, but I had to gather my thoughts and decide what to do next. I could not leave them in Arusha, but thankfully, there was still enough time to get back, so we prepared the turnaround. During the flight back, my mind wandered, exploring if there was anything I could have done differently that would have made a difference. I realised that I needed to do more frequent radio calls to the MAF base to stay focused. As we flew over Malambo, the father mourned as the reality set in once more. It was a difficult experience, but the family was thankful that we were willing to try. We later heard that they suspected she had rabies. The day was not over. After landing in Malambo, I was approached to fly a sick boy back to Arusha. We went through the process again, speaking with the health worker and the family and loaded the boy on a stretcher into the plane with a family member. This time we also had a nurse on board. They were all very helpful during the flight and helped to get the patient from the airport to the hospital in

Arusha. Unfortunately, a few days later we received news that the boy had passed away in hospital. These are not easy experiences to live through or to share. I spoke with a German missionary who has been working in Maasailand for many years and she told me that many children die in Maasailand and we helped by giving these two the best possible chance. It does not turn this experience into a success story, but it does help me come to terms with the fact that I did my best with the resources I had available at the time. I also learnt to never underestimate the seriousness of a situation. Perhaps this has not been the most encouraging story to share at this time of the year, but it is the reality of the world we live in. It is the reality of the world into which Christ came to give us hope of salvation. We persevere with that hope in our hearts. As we all know, things do not always turn out as we hoped or prayed for, but we know that God is in control despite the state of this fallen world. As we celebrate Christmas this year, let us remember the fullness of that message and pray that the whole world will come to know Him.


Families from South Africa are working in third-world countries across the globe, to bring the love of Christ to the isolated.


BRAD & MICHELLE VENTER | PNG Please pray for the Venters as they plan their home assignment, and arrange for events, meeting family and supporters, and medical appointments.


MARK & LORRAINE LIPRINI | DISASTER RESPONSE | UGANDA Pray for Mark and Lorraine Liprini in Uganda, that they may be blessed in their endeavours and continue to feel at home in a new country. Pray for continued support. SUPPORT THIS FAMILY


TOBIAS AND MORIAH MEYER | SOUTH SUDAN Please pray for Tobias and Moriah Meyer in South Sudan, that they may be kept safe in all their travels and duties, and that they will continue to grow close in their marriage. SUPPORT THIS FAMILY

GRANT & EMILY STRUGNELL | LESOTHO Please pray for the Strugnells, on home assignment in the US. May they meet all their commitments and enjoy reconnecting with family and friends.


KIRSTEIN & AMELIA COMBRINK | TANZANIA The Combrinks are moving from Tanzania to the UK. Here, Kirstein will continue working as pilot and operations manager. May he and his family be blessed as they accomplish the move and settle in.






Work with the Regional Safety

The role will be to plan, direct,

We have urgent Teaching needs

Managers and support them

facilitate and co-ordinate MAF

at Numonohi Christian Academy

in implementing global safety

operations in Angola.

– Highlands PNG.




standards in the programme.


“Please pray for new MAF Missionaries to be called into the vacancies around the world. Pray that God will bring the right people at the right time.” Tobias Meyer, MAF Pilot

Your prayer is powerful.


MAF serves in several countries around the world with the vision of taking Christ’s love into the most remote places on earth.





MAF Chad is grateful for the rainfall recently. Pray for more rain to continue over the next few weeks.

Pray for the construction manager and his team in South Sudan, who are working hard on several projects.

Praise God for the first landing in Amudat, Karamoja region of eastern Uganda, after a long runway closure during the COVID-19 pandemic.





Praise God for the work He is doing through the Lesotho Flying Pastors. Pray for continued discipleship and maturity in the faith for the people.

Praise God for the work the MAF Kenya team has been able to do in combatting gender-based violence, and the relevant partnerships.

Praise God that we’ve been able to transport several planeloads of medicine and equipment for areas and islands in desperate need.

We have a need for pilots in Tanzania. Pray for people to come forward to serve the people of this beautiful nation.


Closed Malagasy borders made it difficult to fly. Praise God they are able to fly again delivering vaccines to seven remote areas.

The Workers Are Few Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:35-38

“Pray with us for more workers”




Pray for the students at the MAF Flight Training Centre in Mareeba. Pray for their ongoing success.

Please pray for teaching staff to fill these roles so that our MAF children can learn.

MAF PNG welcomes a new C208 Caravan. Praise God for this. Pray that everything we do will be dedicated to the Lord.




Pray for our staff who need to travel in and out of programmes. Travel is still difficult around the world – may God make a way!

Praise God that MAF was able to bring disaster relief to the recent earthquake in Haiti. Pray for restoration.

Praise God for the recent training for ambulance teams in Timor Leste.



Praise God, we were able to medevac two patients in Liberia. Pray for their recovery.


The team in South Africa has felt the economic impact of the pandemic this year. Pray for God’s provision in all we do.

MAY YOU FIND HIS PURPOSE Written by Paul Henning – Chairman of the MAF Board

Have you ever asked, “What is my purpose here on earth?” The very fact that you are reading this newsletter leads me to believe that you have indeed asked that question, and perhaps, you have even found the answer. Recently, I was challenged to reframe that question, “What is His purpose for my life?” It’s a subtle difference but one that defines our character in humble submission to Christ Jesus.

Most of us are familiar with the verse in Matthew 28 that commands us to “go out and make disciples”. In fact, many of you may be reading this from the mission field because this was your commission to join missions in some or other capacity. In Acts 1 vs 8, there is a very similar verse, “…and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”. We are all too often very enthusiastic to fulfil these missions, “making disciples of all nations” and “proclaiming the gospel to the ends of the earth”, but there is a common thread in both these passages that we overlook. The preceding verse in Matthew 28 says, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” and verse 8 of Acts 1 first says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you…”.


When Jesus ascended, He didn’t simply say, “arrivederci Your prayer amici” or “see you later alligator”, he gave them a is vital. promise first, that they would receive power through the Holy Spirit and only then would they go out to fulfil His purpose, to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth. In both accounts, the authority of Jesus or the power of the Holy Spirit both pave the way for the purpose. When we pursue purpose before submitting to the authority and power of our Lord, we are no different from anyone else seeking their life’s purpose and forging ahead ambitiously in self-reliance to achieve it, often very selfishly with little regard for others along the way. However, if we submit ourselves to His authority and we allow the Holy Spirit to take residence in our hearts and minds, we are assured that the purpose we strive for and have the honour of being a part of, is not our own but God’s ultimate purpose to re-establish His Kingdom. And finally, before Jesus left His disciples, He also commanded them to wait in Jerusalem for this gift. Many of us reading this newsletter may wonder if we should be out there in the most remote parts of this earth proclaiming His gospel, vicariously living through these adventures we read about. But allow this to serve as an encouragement to you, that in Acts 2, before any apostle set foot on a journey to “the ends of the earth”, the church, the very same church we are a part of today, was established as 3000 people came to know Christ and were reconciled to their Lord that day because of the obedience of the disciples to stay in one place and to wait for the Holy Spirit to direct them. We are all His servants and ambassadors for the Kingdom of Heaven, and we all have a significant sphere of influence, spiritual gifts, talents and resources that He has given to us. Instead of living in a perpetual uncertainty of our purpose, let us very simply wait where we are, submit to His power and move under the direction of His conviction. Photo by Rakicevic Nenad from Pexels


GIVE FROM THE HEART Our Merch for Missions is the perfect gift for your loved ones! From books, to clothing to coffee! When you buy your gifts with us, you are contributing towards taking the gospel to the ends of the earth. You are giving from the heart.


We’ve changed our coffee! Not only does it have a new look, but the blend is richer and darker – just for you!




Perfect for summer and winter, sports, and the outdoors.

Read the stories of legendary MAF heroes.




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Story by Annelie Edsmyr, photos by Paul Woodington

REOPENED AIRSTRIP BRINGS PEOPLE TOGETHER Singing people, dancing in their most festive clothing expressing their joy and appreciation, was the scene that welcomed pilots Richie Axon and Paul Woodington as they brought in the first aircraft after 22 years of isolation into Yalum. The airstrip was closed due to civil unrest, but the need and longing for an open door through aviation caused the people to come together in peace talks and step up to clear the runway so that MAF once again can serve the community. It was a fine and sunny morning when the pilots prepared the test landing for Yalum. The airstrip with its 450 meters and 2.4% slope is a great challenge, limiting the load of the aircraft and demanding certain safety measures. The RAA (Rural Airstrip Authority) had done a survey a month before, but the pilots needed to confirm the length and that the clearway was free from obstacles. Richie Axon describes the event before landing.

We flew two low level inspection passes to examine the airstrip. Then I flew an approach down to short final and carried out a go-around to evaluate what would be our ’committal point’ and Paul Woodington flew the first landing”.

SURPRISING SURVEY Yalum is located in the Enga Province and has around 1012 000 people living in the surrounding eight council wards. Peter Pyandea from RAA was one of the men who conducted the survey before the test landing. He says that it took a full day of driving from Goroka to reach Laiagam, the closest town, where they spent the night before they continued the next day for another hour by car and 7-8 hours walking to reach the Yalum airstrip.

of grass, trees and had put up a fence. The only feedback from the survey was some loose gravel in the line area that needed to be buried and that they needed to move the fencing a little bit. “The community had done most of the work, which really showed that they need this airstrip”, says Peter.

CHANGING HISTORY The communities around Yalum have been suffering from civil unrest for many years, and it was when a group of armed men attempted to storm the aircraft to attack a passenger that they felt was their enemy, that the airstrip was closed with immediate effect over 20 years ago.

Fortunately, the attempt failed, “I was expecting to see trees and and the police became involved. bushes growing but was really But with difficulties and distrust surprised to see that the airstrip within the relationships in the was clean”, he says. “It was communities continuing, the much better than I expected”. airstrip remained closed and “We took our time to fly around The community had come started to overgrow. Until now. the airstrip and orient ourselves. together and cleared the airstrip The people didn’t want to live 18

in isolation anymore and after encouragement and pressure from a few key leaders, the villages came together last year for peace talks and started mobilising for change. And together they cleared and prepared the airstrip.

With the challenging short airstrip, which limits the amount of people and cargo that can be flown in and out, the village was encouraged to work with RAA to try to extend the airstrip that could then open up more possibilities. Richie greeted the people with a short speech.

Photo: The people were tired “It’s a privilege to reopen the of being isolated and came together to clear the runway so When MAF landed this test flight, airstrip. We appreciate the effort that MAF can start flying again. the community was waiting with you have put in to improve the a large singing group. airstrip to a level that we can operate again. But don’t look at “We were greeted with MAF as your lifeline, see us as handshakes and smiles by some God’s servants to you. I hope of the community and church our coming here will remind leaders. It was obvious that a lot you that you are not forgotten, of work had gone into preparing even though you don’t have and the community leaders access to ‘normal’ services.” kept saying how much they appreciated the airstrip being reopened”, says Richie.



Story by Jenn Wolf, Photos by Lem Malabuyo and Joe Adams.

THE FLYING PASTORS OF LESOTHO Exciting things are happening in the mountains of Lesotho. MAF is partnering with a group of local pastors in Lesotho, helping them reach their own people with the good news of the Gospel. The good news is reaching the most isolated communities for the first time, thanks to a partnership between MAF and churches in the capital, Maseru. MAF flies pastors from the city in light Cessna aircraft and bring them to the most inaccessible people. Because of Lesotho’s mountains, many villages are

very difficult to access by land, with some areas having no roads at all. That means they are isolated from access to food in times of drought, healthcare and the Gospel. COVID-19 briefly prohibited the Lesotho Flying Pastors from doing their monthly visits, but it Photo: MAF landing and wasn’t able to stop them from dropping of the Lesotho sharing God’s love with those Flying Pastors. living remotely during that time. MAF Lesotho, under the Lesotho Flying Pastors Banner, was able to deliver care packages to two of the locations where the pastors are based each month. These packages, containing food and supplies,


Photo: The Lesotho Flying Pastors at work in various villages in Lesotho.

were delivered to those with limited resources during this difficult time – helping to ease the burden of hunger for those living remotely and unable to access supplies in other ways.

the people in the mountains for several months because there has been no movement, and everyone had to stay home. Many people became discouraged; some lost their jobs, and everyone was just The Flying Pastors have also stuck in one place. Some gave been able to deliver vital up on Salvation, they really information, which helps lost hope. But, bit by bit, we’ve put fears to rest in isolated started to visit again. People are communities where up-to-date being revived, and they’re willing news is hard to come by. to continue and move forward Makopoi Shoaepane, the with God.” administrative assistant for the Flying Pastors, shared the MAF Lesotho plays a vital part following: in this ministry and its role in furthering the Gospel. It now “COVID-19 has affected the supports, and has recently Flying Pastors in some negative placed, a local pastoral couple ways, but positive things to live and minister in the remote have also come from it. We TIhanyaku area of northeast were unable to reach out to Lesotho. There, they are able to 21

share God’s Word and support new believers – hiking each weekday to various small villages to lead Bible study groups. Being able to complement and follow-up on the monthly Flying Pastors’ visits is an amazing way to disciple new believers and further the kingdom of God in the mountains of Lesotho.

MAF has served in Lesotho since 1980 and delivers doctors, medical supplies, food aid and the Gospel to those who need it most.

Photo top: Communit y members reading the Word of God in Lesotho.

“We are seeing that people are really thirsty for the Word of God.” – Lesotho Flying Pastor.

Photo - p.23: The Lesotho Flying Pastors at work in various villages in Lesotho.





BANKING DETAILS Mission Aviation Fellowship Standard Bank Greenstone Branch code: 016342 Account No: 020044615 Reference: Surname V4N4

PLEASE NOTE When donating to a missionary family, reference the missionary families’ surname as well as your name and surname. Please don’t post cash, the envelopes are often tampered with.

MAF SOUTH AFRICA Block 816/3 Hammets Crossing Office Park, 2 Selbourne Road, Fourways PO Box 1288, Lanseria, 1748 T 011 659 2880 | E| NPO 006-942

Front cover, P. 3, 9, 15: Courtesy Dave Forney Back cover, P. 21 Courtesy Lem Malabuyo 24

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