Fuelled by Prayer

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VOL.2 NO.1 2019 C O M PA S S C R E AT I V E S T U D I O I N C 201-3228 south service rd

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burlington, on L7N 3H8



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MAF LOGO LIVERY 2012 - CMYK Mission Aviat ion Fellowship June 2012 Jason Bouwman



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VOL.2 NO.1 2019 C O M PA S S C R E AT I V E S T U D I O I N C 201- 3228 so u th servi c e rd

PRAY FOR OUR MISSIONARIES Families from South Africa are working in third-world countries across the globe, to bring the love of Christ to the isolated.

BRAD & MICHELLE VENTER | PNG | Thank God for a very successful furlough. The Venters have committed themselves for another four years and this will take them to serving with MAF for twelve years. Praise the Lord for their love for the people of PNG and the work of MAF.

TOBIAS MEYER | SOUTH SUDAN Tobias has settled in well with life and work in South Sudan. Continue to pray for all our missionaries and assets in South Sudan as this country is continually ravaged by violence. The peace negotiations are fragile and the church in Sudan continues to suffer.

GRANT & EMILY STRUGNELL | LESOTHO Grant is flying without an instructor and fulfilling his dream to fly for MAF in Lesotho. Continue to pray for safety when flying in high winds and in mountainous terrain. Emily continues to be the love of Christ to the orphans at Pulane.

MARK & LORRAINE LIPRINI | DISASTER RESPONSE Mark shows no signs of slowing down although he is reaching retirement soon. Lorraine continues to hold the fort while Mark flies in Chad, Sudan and Liberia. Pray for guidance, wisdom and financial stability as they plan for the years ahead.

KIRSTEIN & AMELIA COMBRINK | TANZANIA Kirstein attended a bible school graduation for the Maasai, who were once an unreached peoples group. Although there is much darkness in Tanzania, the light of the gospel still reaches the isolated and unreached. Pray the powers of darkness will continue to be broken.

STEVE & CAMILLA EATWELL | PNG A new season starts for the Eatwell’s as they return to RSA. May the flame for the lost and isolated continue to burn in their hearts as they settle back into life in RSA. May God lead their paths for His glory.

“After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, saying, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” Rev 7:9-10 NASB “God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah. That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations.” Psalms 67:1-2 KJV “For the word of the Lord is right; and all his works are done in truth. He loveth righteousness and judgment: the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.” Psalm 33:4-5 KJV “The Son shines with the shininggreatness of the Father. The Son is as God is in every way. It is the Son Who holds up the whole world by the power of His Word.” Hebrews 1:3 NLV

title: client:

b u rli n gto n , o n L 7N 3H8


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HOW DO YOU RESPOND? ‘“When Sanballat heard that we were rebuilding the wall, he became angry and was greatly incensed. He ridiculed the Jews, and in the presence of his associates and the army of Samaria, he said, “What are those feeble Jews doing? Will they restore their wall? Will they offer sacrifices? Will they finish in a day? Can they bring the stones back to life from those heaps of rubble—burned as they are?”’ (Nehemiah 4:1-2) Nehemiah’s response to the opposition is something to remember. He doesn’t react by fighting with the enemy, nor does he accept their discouragement and fall into self-pity or a failure mentality. The task at hand was larger than himself and his builders. They had turned to the Lord in great faith for something that in the physical looked impossible. The enemy had room enough to ridicule - grand moves of faith give that opportunity, safe moves that make sense, don’t. This tactic - to steal people’s hope, kill their dream, and destroy their faith is as old as Adam. How does Nehemiah respond? He cries out to the Lord in prayer and continues to work. And so, despite the enemy’s discouragement, soon they built the wall to half its height. Their progression prompts the enemy with another typical tactic - fear. This time around the Jews were tired from the work and began to be afraid of the threats. Nehemiah prays, stations people to stand guard in the exposed areas, told the people to remember God, not be afraid of the enemy, fight for their friends, families and homes and continue building. When opposition comes - pray, set your face like flint, practise self-control and continue the good work. In due time you will reap the reward. In Nehemiah’s time, he saw the completion of the wall fifty-two days after he had begun. We serve a God of miracles; do you respond as though you believe Him?

MAF LOGO LIVERY 2012 - CMYK Mi ssi o n Avi at i o n Fello w sh i p Ju n e 2012 Jaso n Bo u w man

CMYK COLOURS C: 100 M: 57 Y: 0 K: 40 C: 5 M: 100 Y: 71 K: 22 C: 0 M: 1 Y: 0 K: 51

VOL.2 NO.1 2019 C O M PA S S C R E AT I V E S T U D I O I N C 201-3228 south service rd

title: client:

burlington, on L7N 3H8



d e s i g n e r (s):




MAF LOGO LIVERY 2012 - CMYK Mission Aviat ion Fellowship June 2012 Jason Bouwman

PRAY FOR OUR PROGRAMMES MAF serves in several countries around the world with the vision of taking Christ’s love into the most remote places on earth.





Pray for the missionaries we fly to feel strengthened to continue the good work and to be encouraged.

Pray for paitents receiving healthcare through our flights to recognise the love of Jesus and give their lives to Christ.

There is a large number of street children suffering in Juba. MAF has reached out to them. Pray for healing and restoration.

Pray for unity within the many refugee camps. Pray for stability and pray for an increase in salvations.





Pray against wildlife attacking the planes during the night. Pray for a fiery hedge of protection around the plane.

Pray for reconciliation and peace for the people. Pray that terrorism ceases and that the gospel is preached.

Pray for protection over staff and the local people from the landmines. Pray for healing from the war.

Pray for wisdom for the doctors we fly, and for hope to abound in the patients they operate on.





Pray for people’s eyes and ears to open. Pray that MAF staff are a light that Mongolian people recognise. Pray for freedom from tradition.

Pray for translators so that people will receive the Word and other Christian material in their language.

Bind deception and loose Truth. Pray that people will see Christ and understand the love that He has for everyone.

Continue to pray for healing for those suffering from the recent Ebola outbreak. Pray against fear and for strength for doctors





Bangladesh is one of the world’s poorest and most densely populated nations. Pray for transformation

Pray for good health over the Yongu people. Pray that our pilots will be contacted in time for each medevac.

Pray for open doors to build an airstrip. Pray for good relationships to be developed between all parties.

Pray for people with disabilities in the “disability centre”. Pray for strength and hope for the carers.


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VOL.2 NO.1 2019

“But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.” 2 Corinthians 2:14 NIV C O M PA S S C R E AT I V E S T U D I O I N C 201- 3228 so u th servi c e rd

title: client:

b u rli n gto n , o n L 7N 3H8


w w w. c o mp assc reati ve. c a

d e s i g n e r (s):

MAF LOGO LIVERY 2012 - CMYK Mi ssi o n Avi at i o n Fello w sh i p Ju n e 2012 Jaso n Bo u w man

One of MAF South Africa’s pilot families will be finishing their journey in Papua New Guinea.


Over the past four years I have flown many, many medevacs and so many more pastors, bible students, hospital staff, food supplies, relief and building supplies for schools, churches and other structures. Flying pastors means that we can significantly increase the time they spend in remote places, as they could walk for a week to get anywhere. The flying itself has been amazing. It is probably the best bush flying one can do with short, steep airstrips in mountainous terrain where one often needs to commit early. It is also very rewarding as the plane is a lifeline to so many people who have no other option but to walk. The closest bush strip to us is a three-day-walk and an eighteen-minute flight. This makes all the difference when one has been bitten by a death adder, or has pregnancy complications, or one of the many other life-threatening illnesses.

for the plane and what it means to the or beetle nut, Pronutro, yoghurt and Spur. Thank-you to everyone who helped make people as I offloaded food supplies. these four years of service possible. We I have sadly seen three deaths of are truly grateful to all the supporters who medevacked patients and flown many donated financially, the prayer warriors who bodies back to their villages, but I’ve also prayed for us and those we served, and for taken healed, healthy people and babies the family and friends that encouraged us home too. I flew approximately 600-700 throughout our time. You have all left a hours each year and completed 1 500 legacy of love for the people of Papua New landings each year. Guinea.

We have so many stories to share about Steve and Camilla Eatwell how God has just used us and the plane to Pilot Family, MAF Papua New Guinea extend His kingdom. All we needed to do was be here and God arranged the rest. It is so hard to try and explain to people in South • Africa how isolated and remote it is here. Top: Camilla Eatwell visits a medevacked family, Erik, Loretta and We, as a family, have invested so much Steven (named after Steve Eatwell) in physical and emotional energy into PNG Rumginae Hospital and especially Rumginae, our jungle village home. We really do feel that we are wantoks • From the left: Pilots Steven Eatwell and Markus Bischoff arrive at (family) in Rumginae. It is going to be sad to Rumginae outstation say goodbye to this special place. Our kids • Flying to save lives also means one faces have grown up here. The Eatwell family, Steven, Camilla, extreme situations. We experienced a 7.6 Nate and Cade magnitude earthquake in 2018 and I was the We do look forward to getting back to South • Bibles sold by Stephen Eatwell at first plane in to the most affected village to Africa, the land of real milk, takeaways, Hewa and Wanakipa medevac the survivor of a walking party of shops with food within sell-by date, tender twelve. On that day I saw the appreciation meat, babysitters, date nights, no malaria

PRAISE REPORT We praise you God that the Eatwells were able to serve in Papua New Guinea! It takes faith, courage and resources of many kinds to serve on the field, thank you Father for Your provision. We praise You for Your faithfulness in keeping the Eatwells healthy and for Your protection over them. Thank you for enabling each flight to take off and land at the right time for your people. We praise you Father for your endless love that you have shown them and the people they served.

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