Fuelled by Prayer - Summer 2021

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VOL.4 NO.1 2021

Top left: Photo of Barako the newborn that received heart surgery and later recovered.


Top right: The MAF plane resting and ready for the medevac flights taking place.



Bottom: Families and friends of the babies stand in support of the medevac.





PRAY FOR OUR MISSIONARIES Families from South Africa are working in third-world countries across the globe, to bring the love of Christ to the isolated.

VOL.4 NO.1 2021

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” 1 Peter 1:3


BRAD & MICHELLE VENTER | PNG | Please pray for the safety of Brad and Michelle Venter and their family as God continues to protect and look after them in Papua New Guinea. Praise God for His continued provision and protection.

TOBIAS MEYER | SOUTH SUDAN Praise God that Tobias and Moriah are together and back in juba starting work once again. Pray for continued strength and support as they navigate the new changes that the future holds.

MARK & LORRAINE LIPRINI | DISASTER RESPONSE The Liprini’s have arrived in Uganda! Praise God for their safe travels and pray that they will settle in well and remain safe. Pray for continued support and strength as they start their new journey.

KIRSTEIN & AMELIA COMBRINK | TANZANIA The Combrinks have recently spent some time in the UK. Pray for safe travels as they head back to Tanzania. Praise God that they are safe and well. “Then a voice came out of the cloud, saying, ‘This is My Son, My Chosen One; listen to Him!” Luke 9:35

GRANT & EMILY STRUGNELL | LESOTHO Pray for safe flying for Grant in the mountainous regions of Lesotho. Pray for continued peace and provision for the Strugnell family.

“Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.’” Lamentations 3:22-24

What a joy and privilege it is to live knowing that the Father has new things to speak to us each day. 2020 saw the increase in people watching the news or YouTube clips, listening to podcasts, sermons or radio stations. More people spent more time on social media or other online platforms than ever before. Old or young, numbers of people flocked to hear something that would make them feel in control. Information is a great gift to us. We have extensive access to new sermons, worship sessions, prayer meetings and Bible studies from Christian communities around the world. All these resources can be edifying in such wonderful ways. This “secondhand” knowledge from online resources is powerful; time spent alone in the secret place with the Lord is vital. Our Father has the perfect information, in the perfect quantity for each individual. He delivers it to us in such unique and specific ways. His gifts, His mercies, His wisdom, His knowledge, His words are new and perfectly packaged for each person, every single day. When He speaks, the fruit is good and abundant. We never leave His presence feeling fearful or hopeless. It would be such a terrible shame if during this precious time that we have, we are distracted from what God is saying and doing. His voice is the only voice that carries perfect truth and it’s the only voice that can lead us into hope. We cannot gain control that 2020 made us feel we lacked by researching and researching. The only steady foundation that will keep us stable is Jesus. We’ve never truly had the steering wheel. Only Jesus is in control. And the most incredible news, the news that should be playing through our minds and hearts in times when fear wants to take hold, is that He has given us all authority. Authority is different to control. I’m currently in my eighth month of pregnancy and my husband and I cannot stop talking about how grateful we are for this precious reward. The new life growing each minute is a great reminder of the hopeful future God has for each of us. There are many new gifts that the Father has for the body of Christ. In 2021, let us firmly fix our eyes and ears on our only truth, hope and peace, Jesus Christ, and let Him lead us to the new journeys He has ordained for us to walk through, for His glory and His purposes. Devotion provided by Gabriella Szabo

VOL.4 NO.1 2021


PRAY FOR OUR PROGRAMMES MAF serves in several countries around the world with the vision of taking Christ’s love into the most remote places on earth. CHAD

Praise God for the exciting stories that have come from flights – from saving a chimpanzee to delivering solar panels for Bible translation.

Pray for the team in Chad as the government puts measures in place to address the increasing number of COVID-19 cases.





Praise God that, despite COVID-19, the team is still able to do medevacs for the communities in need. Pray for ongoing strength.

Pray for the people impacted by the rise in COVID-19 cases and the challenges with that. Pray for the recent restructure.

Give thanks! We’ve been able to re-start the link from Kampala to Bunia. Pray for the Uganda and EDRC teams - they serve our partners on this route.

Praise God for new partnerships and exciting stories. Pray for the recent medical safaris that have started up again.





Pray for the safety and protection over all the staff and that God will provide for this year’s needs.

Praise God for the ongoing training that has taken place and how God is developing people for His purposes.

Pray for the changes that many of the missionaries are going through this year. Pray for God’s peace to be with them.





Praise God for the communities being served. Pray for protection with the recent dangers of Cyclone Eloise.

Praise God that we have filled the role of experienced mission pilot in Bangladesh. Pray for the remaining vacancy.

RO’s: Resourcing Offices across the globe.

Praise God for partnerships with other organisations in the area. Pray for those affected by recent floods and cholera outbreak.

Pray for our new country director in Timor-Leste, and his family, as he settles into this new role.


“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17


Pray for prospective students trying to sort out the extra paperwork required due to COVID-19 to be able to train.




A number of aircraft in Uganda are currently undergoing routine maintenance. Pray for the hangar team as they work hard to get them back in the air!

Praise God for the decrease in COVID-19 cases. Pray for the protection of the MAF SA office staff and the safety of their families.





VOL.4 NO.1 2021

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