Fuelled by Prayer

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VOL.2 NO.3 2019 C O M PA S S C R E AT I V E S T U D I O I N C 201-3228 south service rd

title: client:

burlington, on L7N 3H8



d e s i g n e r (s):



MAF LOGO 2012 - CMYK Mission Aviat ion Fellowship June 2012 Jason Bouwman



CMYK COLOURS C: 100 M: 57 Y: 0 K: 40 C: 5 M: 100 Y: 71 K: 22 C: 0 M: 1 Y: 0 K: 51




VOL.2 NO.3 2019 C O M PA S S C R E AT I V E S T U D I O I N C


201- 3228 so u th servi c e rd


b u rli n gto n , o n L 7N 3H8


w w w. c o mp assc reati ve. c a

d e s i g n e r (s):

PRAY FOR OUR MISSIONARIES Families from South Africa are working in third-world countries across the globe, to bring the love of Christ to the isolated.


BRAD & MICHELLE VENTER | PNG | Pray for the safety of the Venters as there have been some incidents of crime. Pray that Michelle would continue to be a blessing and support to the ladies in the team and to the women they minister to.

MARK & LORRAINE LIPRINI | DISASTER RESPONSE Mark recently had a knee operation. Please pray for healing and for Mark to regain full mobility in his knee. Pray for peace to reign as he rests and for a blessing over the whole family during this season that they are in.

I walked past a dad dropping his son off at school the other day. As he watched his son run through the gates, he shouted in a deep, eastern-European accent “I love you with my life!” There was no hesitation, no hint of embarrassment – just pure, uninhibited love for his son. I’ve seen him a couple of times since. This morning I saw him grab his son’s hands, bending down and looking him square in the face he told him “I love you more than life itself.” What a beautiful picture of fatherhood! This man never allows his son to walk away without him knowing that he is loved. And if he forgets to say it, he unashamedly shouts it from the rooftops! Imagine the confidence with which this boy walks into school, head held high, knowing that his father loves him. This boy will never, in a million years, doubt his dad’s love for him. And so it is with God. He sends us off into our day speaking those words over us: “I love you with my life”. He catches up with us throughout each day, sending blessings:

TOBIAS MEYER | SOUTH SUDAN Thankfully the unrest in South Sudan has not affected our missionaries. Please continue to pray for stability in this region. Praise God that South Sudan has been exempted from paying landing and taking off fees for the next five years.

GRANT & EMILY STRUGNELL | LESOTHO Pray for the Strugnell’s as they go through another cold Lesotho winter and for them to be able to juggle the many responsibilities they both have in their individual jobs. Pray for Emily as she drives to the children’s home, most times alone, for protection on the roads and for travelling mercies.

KIRSTEIN & AMELIA COMBRINK | TANZANIA Praise God for a home assignment that went well. They are back in Tanzania and settling back into their busy schedules. Pray for protection over Kirstein as he flies a lot and pray that he would be the light to the many people that he ministers to when he transports them. Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe. Proverbs 29:25 NIV My son, give me your heart and let your eyes delight in my ways. Proverbs 23:26 NIV For through wisdom your days will be many, and years will be added to your life. Proverbs 9:11 NIV

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A word of encouragement? “I love you with my life” A financial breakthrough? “I love you with my life” A beautiful sunset? “I love you with my life”

He walks with us through trials, comforts us in loss, and celebrates with us in times of rejoicing – all the while speaking those words over us, “I love you with my life”. If we can learn to see God’s love for us in all things, then we will hear this mantra throughout each day. Whispered, shouted, maybe even sung – “I love you with my life”. Listen out for it today. How does it change the way you walk? “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” 1 John 3:1 Written by Emily Davies, Editor & Writer at MAF International in Ashford, UK.


MAF LOGO 2012 - CMYK Mi ssi o n Avi at i o n Fello w sh i p Ju n e 2012 Jaso n Bo u w man

CMYK COLOURS C: 100 M: 57 Y: 0 K: 40 C: 5 M: 100 Y: 71 K: 22 C: 0 M: 1 Y: 0 K: 51

VOL.2 NO.3 2019 C O M PA S S C R E AT I V E S T U D I O I N C 201-3228 south service rd

title: client:

burlington, on L7N 3H8



d e s i g n e r (s):




MAF LOGO 2012 - CMYK Mission Aviat ion Fellowship June 2012 Jason Bouwman

PRAY FOR OUR PROGRAMMES MAF serves in several countries around the world with the vision of taking Christ’s love into the most remote places on earth. MOZAMBIQUE

Continue praying for recovery in Mozambique following Cyclone Idai and Cyclone Kenneth.


Paise God that He has a perfect plan for all the Masaai that we meet and get to share the good news of the Gospel with.


Many of their staff are traveling for their annual leave over the coming months. Lift up all MAF teams who are short-staffed.


Thank God for the work of CRMF in providing basic computer training to local people. *Restricted Access Countries


Pray for the engineering team in Chad as they prepare to carry out inspections on the aircraft.


The Kenya team are down to two pilots, pray for wisdom in booking flights and serving our customers.


Pray for staff to feel encouraged and hopeful that what they are doing will produce great fruit.


Pray that qualified applicants will come forward for the role of MAFI Maintenance Training Manager based in Mareeba.


Praise God that South Sudan has been exempted from paying landing and taking-off fees for the next five years.


MAF partners with local church leaders to facilitate Christian rallies across the Yolngu homelands. Pray for impact.


Give thanks for the logistics team and pray that the outstanding NGO renewals are granted quickly.


Pray for the people of Benama, Madagascar, as they recently received a visit from the Madagascar Medical Safari.



Pray for the PNG team and the wife of a fellow missionary who died recently in a hiking accident.

Pray for our partner in Myanmar, Health & Hope, who are rolling out a new education programme in Lailenpi.



Pray for the ebola outbreak in the DRC which has now been declared by WHO as a public health emergency.

Praise God that we have been able to arrange the placement of a Hangar Construction Supervisor for Liberia.


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VOL.2 NO.3 2019 C O M PA S S C R E AT I V E S T U D I O I N C 201- 3228 so u th servi c e rd

title: client:

b u rli n gto n , o n L 7N 3H8


w w w. c o mp assc reati ve. c a

d e s i g n e r (s):

Be part of something bigger and transform lives. It is true, working with MAF is an adventure. www.mafsa.co.za

This is Mel Laird, an MAF pilot based in Armhem Land. She took pride in wearing her special pink epaulettes in support of raising breast cancer awareness.

MAF LOGO 2012 - CMYK Mi ssi o n Avi at i o n Fello w sh i p Ju n e 2012 Jaso n Bo u w man

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