Fuelled by Prayer

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VOL.2 NO.4 2019 C O M PA S S C R E AT I V E S T U D I O I N C 201-3228 south service rd

title: client:

burlington, on L7N 3H8



d e s i g n e r (s):



MAF LOGO 2012 - CMYK Mission Aviat ion Fellowship June 2012 Jason Bouwman



CMYK COLOURS C: 100 M: 57 Y: 0 K: 40 C: 5 M: 100 Y: 71 K: 22 C: 0 M: 1 Y: 0 K: 51




VOL.2 NO.4 2019 C O M PA S S C R E AT I V E S T U D I O I N C


201- 3228 so u th servi c e rd


b u rli n gto n , o n L 7N 3H8


w w w. c o mp assc reati ve. c a

d e s i g n e r (s):

PRAY FOR OUR MISSIONARIES Families from South Africa are working in third-world countries across the globe, to bring the love of Christ to the isolated.


BRAD & MICHELLE VENTER | PNG | Praise God for Brad flying the new Cessna 208 Caravan and introducing it to communities. Pray for safety in flying especially through weather. Pray for Michelle’s arms to be lifted like Moses’ arms and pray for a wonderful Christmas time for them.

MARK & LORRAINE LIPRINI | DISASTER RESPONSE Pray for Mark and Lorraine to be abundantly blessed in the season that they are in. Pray for God to open the windows of heaven and to pour out all that their hearts’ desire and more.

It is easy to sit before a problem or the detail of the issues it has brought. It is easy to focus on things that are not true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable or praiseworthy. The news seems to focus on these things. People seem to want to hear these things. But at the end of brooding, only hopelessness remains. When we consider our Father, when we sit before Him and think over His faithfulness, creatvity, power and love, we find the joy, healing and provision we need for whatever we are going through. It is a choice.

TOBIAS MEYER | SOUTH SUDAN Praise God that Tobias has been able to fly many missionaries and organisations that are enabling the isolated people of South Sudan to receive the gospel and physical help they need. Pray for Tobias to rest well among all the work.

GRANT & EMILY STRUGNELL | LESOTHO Pray for Grant and Emily to be comforted as missionaries on the field often see things that are heart-breaking. Praise God for the flights that have happened recently to save isolated people in medical emergencies.

KIRSTEIN & AMELIA COMBRINK | TANZANIA Pray for the church plant that the Combrinks are a part of, pray for hearts to be open to serve in the church community. Continue to intercede for the government there to partner well with MAF in the new airstrip development and with regards to work permits.

My son, keep my words, And treasure my commands within you. Proverbs 7:1 NKJV Happy is the man who finds wisdom, And the man who gains understanding; Proverbs 3:13 NKJV Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous; 1 Peter 3:8 NKJV

Many focus on the quality of food they take in. How many are as careful about what they are taking in through their eyes and ears? Let us choose daily to meditate on the things above, so that our hearts, our thoughts and our actions relfect the Father. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy— think about such things.” Philippians 4:6-8 “You are snared by the words of your mouth; You are taken by the words of your mouth.” Proverbs 6:2 NKJV


MAF LOGO 2012 - CMYK Mi ssi o n Avi at i o n Fello w sh i p Ju n e 2012 Jaso n Bo u w man

CMYK COLOURS C: 100 M: 57 Y: 0 K: 40 C: 5 M: 100 Y: 71 K: 22 C: 0 M: 1 Y: 0 K: 51

VOL.2 NO.4 2019 C O M PA S S C R E AT I V E S T U D I O I N C 201-3228 south service rd

title: client:

burlington, on L7N 3H8



d e s i g n e r (s):




MAF LOGO 2012 - CMYK Mission Aviat ion Fellowship June 2012 Jason Bouwman

PRAY FOR OUR PROGRAMMES MAF serves in several countries around the world with the vision of taking Christ’s love into the most remote places on earth. MOZAMBIQUE

Praise God for MAF’s Disaster Response team who have been training so that they are ready in the event of a disaster.


Pray for the Maasai to have an understanding of God’s grace and how much He loves and treasures them.


Pray for wisdom, strength and joy for the staff in the programme. Pray for a good settling in period.


MAF partners with many organisations in Kenya. Pray that they are all filled with courage to keep at their calling.


Pray for hope to rise in those who have experienced war. Intercede for their faith to be placed in Jesus.


Pray for the people of the Rhino refugee camp to to be passionate in reading and applying the word in their lives.



Pray for the women who have been abused in the Yolngu homelands to find healing in Christ and to receive from Him.

Pray for Madagascar Mission Run and the Madagascar Medical Safari. These regular shuttles are vital for the isolated people.




Pray for the Mongolia programme as they navigate government regulation changes and staff transitions.

Pray for God ordained opportunities for our missionaries to share the message of the Gospel.

Praise God for the new Cessna 208 Caravans that are now operating in the PNG programme.





Pray for the safety of the staff, especially regarding the security concerns that they are currently experiencing.

Praise God for the new volunteer dentists that have been willing to work in the Vhembe district of Limpopo.

Pray for the MAF young people who are returning to their home nations to begin university. Pray for support networks. *Restricted Access Countries

Pray for the health of our staff and their families. Access to good medical care is often difficult in the field.


Pray for the staff and partners who are busy with the airstrip development in Myanmar.


CMYK COLOURS C: 100 M: 57 Y: 0 K: 40 C: 5 M: 100 Y: 71 K: 22 C: 0 M: 1 Y: 0 K: 51




VOL.2 NO.4 2019 C O M PA S S C R E AT I V E S T U D I O I N C 201- 3228 so u th servi c e rd

title: client:

b u rli n gto n , o n L 7N 3H8


w w w. c o mp assc reati ve. c a

d e s i g n e r (s):

MAF LOGO 2012 - CMYK Mi ssi o n Avi at i o n Fello w sh i p Ju n e 2012 Jaso n Bo u w man

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