Mission Aviation Fellowship 2012 Impact Report

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or people living in isolated areas, Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) signifies that help is on the way–creating access to God’s Word and life-sustaining resources. Help for life-threatening emergencies brings hope to desperate situations. Help for indigenous Church leadership means discipleship and increased faith. Help to reach the unreached means that the light of Jesus breaks through the darkness. And truly, your faithful partnership makes all the difference in this life-giving ministry. Pages and pages could not contain every ounce of impact your gifts and prayers have accomplished in 2012. But consider the following summary of highlights and be encouraged!

MED ICAL highlights

• MAF brought medicines to eastern DRC, working with Medair to supply mission hospitals and clinics fighting deadly outbreaks of malaria and Ebola. • Dozens of babies were delivered safely; burn victims, stroke victims, and many others survived thanks to MAF medical evacuation flights and the Lord watching over them. • The lives of seven girls were saved after they were critically injured by a runaway driver in the village of Thaba-Tseka, Lesotho. Three pilots prayed over their precious passengers that day; God answered and provided seven miracles. Three months later, Nteboheleng, the most critical of the group, was the last one to return home by MAF plane.

Thank you so much for bringing us the medicines yesterday. We have seen a lot of malaria in all the clinics, and most were about to run out of supply, so it came at a good time. – Ellen Stamhuis, Project Manager, Medair

EVA N G EL ISM highlights

MAF supported five SIL International projects in Mozambique, three of which completed New Testaments last year––the Makonde, Kimwani, and Sena translations. In eastern DRC, progress was made on 10 translations.

• MAF floatplanes began serving four hard-to-reach areas of Papua, Indonesia, in order to speed the work of Indonesian evangelists laboring to reach the lost. • The MAF chaplain in Lesotho shared Christ with countless passengers and helped them on their journey to know God. • Thousands viewed the “JESUS” film as it was shared in remote villages throughout eastern and western DRC, Lesotho, Mozambique, and Mali, and many people heard about Jesus for the first time.



30,246 (NM)


89,521 (NM)

Western DRC 35,758 (NM)

CHU RCH SUPPORT highlights

• MAF supported and encouraged isolated pastors, making it possible for them to stay in difficult areas, often amidst persecution. •

The Kikongo Pastoral School, DRC, received MAF flights for a high-quality leadership training to equip future church leaders in the Bandundu and Bas-Congo regions.

MAF staff conducted oral strategies workshops in Sierra Leone, Costa Rica, Mexico, and the U.S., training Christian workers to share the Bible through storytelling methods.

• Estante, a cutting-edge mobile app, developed by MAFLearning Technologies, was released to a select group of pastors in a “closed” Middle Eastern country, allowing them to safely carry and share a whole digital library of Christian resources. •

Nearly 600 missionaries and national Church workers around the world use MAF’s secure email and web browsing services. FLIGHTS SUPPORTING THE CHURCH DRC

402 flights

Kalimantan 565 flights


If we had to wait for roads to be built, we would have missed the best opportunity to take the Gospel to the remote groups of Papua.

–Paul and Jeannie Burkhart, missionaries with Christian and Missionary Alliance in Papua, Indonesia, since 1968

1,173 flights

COMMU N I T Y DE VE LOPM E NT highlights

• MAF donated flights to Samaritan’s Purse for delivery of shoe boxes for their Operation Christmas Child campaign. • Several short-term teams received MAF flights to and from Jacmel, Haiti, to work with the Children’s Hope orphanage. •

In Central Asia, MAF began service to a new highaltitude airstrip that will bring development projects and aid to nearly 2,500 people struggling to survive.

MAF refurbished a building and constructed a flight simulator to use in a new flight school that the ministry opened in anarea with no other in-country training option.

• In Kalimantan, Indonesia, MAF flights supported those constructing schools, hydroelectric projects, and drinking water systems for remote villages.


Community Development

Flights worldwide

20 1 2 BY T HE NUMBE R S



organizations served, including Samaritan’s Purse, Cru, and Wycliffe Bible Translators

countries of operation



Countries with restricted access to western missionaries

new airstrips, including some that were hand-dug by villagers using picks and shovels in order to help MAF begin service to new areas

total nautical miles flown


Around the World

2012 was full of opportunities for MAF to share the Gospel of Jesus with the most isolated people groups on earth. These numbers represent MAF-US’s activity this year.


pounds of cargo delivered

passengers transported




years of travel time saved


terms of ministry service saved

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Mission Aviation Fellowship The MAF PO BOX 47 Nampa, ID 83653-0047

1-800-FLYS-MAF (359-7623) email: MAF-US@maf.org www.maf.org

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