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Max Cherman

As the photographer John Berger states, the quality of photography is that “its primary raw materials are light and time”. And this is what Max does in creating his photographic stories and atmosphere. Even in his picture Любование (Lubovanie), the light is once again the protagonist, which highlights the girl’s gaze in the dark background. The girl is placed in front of a beamer that projects light blue waves. The photographer explains the poetic coincidence about how “Lubov” is both the name of the model and also a Russian word that means “Love”, and from there “Lubovanie” is the derived verb that means to watch, to admire, to enjoy. And maybe is what Max, through his light composition, wants to encourage the viewer’s eyes to do: a contemplation that leads the viewer to wonder what the girl, with her loving and ecstatic expression, is looking at.

“Where light and shadow fall on your subject that is the essence of expression and art through photography.” (Scott Bourne)

Art Curator Cecilia Terenzoni

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