HYSTERICA -Official Catalogue-

Page 676

Siegmund Angyal "To become immortal, a work of art must always overcome the limits of the human without worrying about common sense or logic." (Giorgio De Chirico)

In 1920 in Europe developed those that would become the most important avant-gardes for modern civilization, to the point of influencing common thinking and the very way of looking at reality. The poetic idea that the dreams and the unconscious should occupy more space in the common awareness, prompted many writers of the time to work so that a real movement, that had these themes as protagonists, was recognized. The Surrealism was born, which set itself the aim of: "Pure psychic automatism, through which we propose to express, with words or writing or in another way, the real functioning of thought. Command of thought, in the absence of any control exercised by reason, beyond any aesthetic and moral concern." as Andrè Breton wrote in the Manifesto of the movement. Representing reality through the hidden images of the unconscious is not an easy mission, but the artist's talent also lies in being able to demonstrate that what he imagines can accomplish exactly as he has it in mind. Many artists over the centuries have given us fantastic worlds and wonderful contexts, just think of the wastelands of Dalì, the metaphysical cities of De Chirico and the visual illusions of Gosalves. The artist Siegmund Angyal is not an exception in these artistic representations of his reality and gives us direct glances with his unconscious, thoughts to unravel and wooden arms that we would like to embrace as if we were also present in the painting. Siegmund's technique and style represent a revolution in the modernity of Surrealism and he succeeds in a complete and suggestive way to invite the viewer into his amazing world.

Art Curator Letizia Perrieri

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