Dec/Jan UW Madison Club Bulletin

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December 2016/ January 2017

UW Madison Circle K Official Club Newsletter

Table of Contents

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q  Letter From The President q  KFHN Re-Cap q  Upcoming Service Projects q  Social Segment q  DCON! q  Board Directory


Letter From The President Welcome back, everyone! I hope you all had a joyous holiday season and an outstanding winter break. Now that break is over, however, we are gearing up to take on everything that 2017 has to offer. Our club is going through some changes, the biggest being the departure of our beloved Vice President Michaela. She's heading overseas to study abroad for the semester, and we greatly thank her for all of her hard work on basically everything, ranging from heading up the Big Ten Food Fight to anything with which I needed help. We've got a lot of great things lined up for the spring semester, and we can't wait to get started with another fabulous semester of service. Visit us at the org fair on February 1, and we can't wait to see you at our kickoff meeting on February 8! Yours in Service, Isaac Buttke President, Circle K International - UW-Madison Chapter 3

Kiwanis Family Hockey Night By: Erin Idler, Capital Division Lieutenant Governor Kiwanis Family Hockey Night was a Badgers Hockey Game right here in Madison. This is a district hosted event that is open to all levels of the Kiwanis Family. This year we had approximately 50 people at the event. Prior to the game, we hosted a social event to allow the various members of the Kiwanis family in attendance to get to know each other a little better. We had music, and food, and event some Kiwanis Family and Badger trivia. Kiwanis Family Hockey Night is a wonderful event hosted every year, and if you did not have a chance to attend this year, please consider attending next year! 4

Service Project Update! Happy New Year Circle K’ers! Hope that you all had a fun and relaxing winter break and are ready to start participating in some amazing and rewarding service projects! 2016 was a great year for our club, and I firmly believe that all of our extremely dedicated members have strengthened our club and helped many people around our great city. Once the weather warms up we’ll be restarting Shelter from the Storm, by far our most popular service project. Additionally we will have service events at the Henry Vilas Zoo, a long term educational project through the ARMS organization, and many more! If anyone thinks of any service projects that they think would be interesting or fun, please feel free to let me know! We as Circle K’ers can make 2017 a much better year for not only us, but for hundreds of Madisonians who really need it! Contact me, Riley Aicher, via email ( or via telephone (2627483324). Thanks for all of your service and I look forward to many more great events over the course of the semester! 5

The Social Segment Hello my fellow Circle-K’ers, Welcome back! I hope you all had an awesome break and had time to recharge your minds/bodies/souls. I’m super excited to continue working as your Social Chair for the rest of this semester and I have some awesome ideas to get us together to socialize! However, this semester I want to focus on what you want to do for our Circle K social events. I’m going to open discussions/create polls/ post more frequently on our social media pages to get all of your input on what we should do together. These events should easy and a genuinely interesting time; I’m going to work hard to make that a reality. I do have some of my own ideas, but let’s focus on what our chapter wants to do as a whole. I’m looking forward to hearing about all of your creative ideas and getting to know all of you even more. Stay weird. Hunter Reed, Social Chair


District Convention

Yer all Wizards Circle K! Are you looking for a fun start to Spring Break? Well look no further than the Wizarding World of WUM tournament March 17th-19th. Located at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Racine, WI with free shuttle service to the Milwaukee International Airport for your post tournament travel needs. It will be a weekend filled with the House Elves best food, other Wizards from all over Wisconsin and Upper Michigan, a Yule Ball, and new subjects to study. Let Maren know if you’re interested in attending. She awaits your owl with your response to (414) 403-6062 by February 10th.






Isaac Bu(ke


(715) 573-8907


Michaela Gombar

Vice President

(262) 818-2746

Maren Hjortnaes


(414) 403-6062

Maggie Wang


(608) 422-9561

Trina La Susa

BulleQn Editor

(414) 510-8532

Eliza Godfrey

K-Family Chair

(608) 341-7257

Hunter Reed

Social Chair

(920) 373-8480

Ka(y Vang

ARH Chair

(763) 202-5382

Kayla Sorlie

MGD Chair

(715) 851-1397

Riley Aicher

Service Chair

(262) 748-3324


Erin Idler


(262) 909-5560


Thank you for reading and I hope you all had a joyous start to the new year. Trina La Susa Bulletin Editor




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