December 2011

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Granada High School

December 2011

Volume 7, Issue 3

Texting for new video production equipment By Lizzy McNaney Staff Writer The time remaining: 9 days. 22 hours. 40 minutes. The “Power a Bright Future” is counting down the time we have to make a difference for our school. You may have heard of this organization on the morning announcements, from your teachers or even from links posted on Facebook. But many do not know what this organization can do for our school. The “Power a Bright Future” organization has partnered up with the Clorox Company to provide a $50,000 grant to the school with the most texted votes. Each school submits why they need the money and how it would benefit their school the most. Our school is working to help our Photo Video Studio, which is a popular elective for many students at Granada. Junior Austin West, a video production student,

says that he “enjoys how much the program offers to us students.” He added, “We have access to great equipment and software, making the experience much greater than I thought it would be. Mr. P.W. does an excellent job at teaching the basics, then leading us more into the more advanced techniques for filming and editing.” The video production studio hopes to create a daily broadcast of announcements to students, faculty, parents, and the community. Mr. Pickering-Walters, head of the Video Productions Department explains that the first-ever studio broadcasting class, starting second trimester, would benefit from the grant the most. The class would produce “video announcements on Wednesdays because we have homeroom and audio announcements Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and that will be pre-

recorded in the studio so that the sound will be really nice.” These improved audio announcements will not only sound nicer but feature music and other sound effects. “Plus,” Pickering-Walters explains, “we’ll then be able to podcast it so that we can put it on a site and people can listen to it after the fact.” The department already has some of the equipment needed in order to make this vision come alive such as their three studio cameras, teleprompters, green screen, news desk, and editing equipment. But there’s still a lot more needed. Although the condition of the current equipment is fairly good, the department is constantly striving towards bigger and better. This means they need equipment such as wires, light stands, hardware, and backdrops, the piece PickeringWalters is most excited for. Also, the grant doesn’t have

Photo by Drew Scharnitzke

Students text to try and win the Clorox grant of $50,000. This money would aid the video production class with new equipment. any restrictions on what to use it for. “With a lot of grants you can only use it for a particular thing but this one is just $50,000 so we have a lot more flexibility.” With the deadline of December 9th quickly approaching, Granada High has some competition.

Out of 244 competitors, Granada is only in 10th place. But P.W. remains optimistic. “The biggest thing to do is just texting and voting online,” he says. Visit powerabrightfuture. com or text “Clorox2766” to 44144 to vote.

Local occupy protests yet to come up with solution By Allie Davis Editor-in-Chief Many who have been aware of what has been going on outside of their own personal lives might have noticed a bit of protesting going on, the kind of protests that have often turned into chaos. These protests, better known as “Occupy Wall Street,” have created a controversy over what is within a protester’s legal right and what is simply counter-productive. Now nationwide and global the Occupy movement has been spreading quickly. From large cities such as Manhattan, to cities no one has even heard of like Marfa, Texas, and Puyallup, Washington, much of the country has been occupied. The protesters have even occupied locally in Oakland, San Jose and San Francisco.

Recently, they also expanded onto the UC Berkeley campus. The protests began in New York in September and have continued to boom. Honors social science teacher Mrs. Brickwedel said many of her students deal with current events in class and the movement has been a discussed topic. She said, “A lot of [the students] are confused about what the protesters are actually protesting. I think they are also a little disappointed because it has also turned violent.” Brickwedel added that the protesters can express themselves, “As long as they don’t cross the line of… destroying property.” Pretty soon, our little town could have its version of the protests, “Occupy Livermore,” downtown out in front of the Carnegie Building. At this point, anything can happen. The protests have focused on

social and economic inequality, high unemployment, greed, corruption, and the powerful influence of corporations, especially financial ones, on the government. The protestors’ slogan, “We are 99%,” refers to the growing difference in wealth

in the U.S. between the wealthiest 1% and the rest of the population. While the protestors’ behavior might be frustrating to many, there is a law that gives them the full legal right to be there: the first amendment. In this particular instance, the freedom of speech

Occupy Wall Street demonstrators protest against the wealthiest 1% of the population. Protests have expanded throughout the nation, including Bay Area cities such as Oakland and San Jose.

has been a blessing and a curse; it is undeniable and fundamental, but it is also open to interpretation. Senior Kaitlynn Newby said, “I agree with the movement because any [convention] that tries to help the middle or lower class gets struck down as an act of socialism, so it’s unfair.” Senior Jasmine McDonald said, “I agree with it because the working class’ money gets taken away and the only people benefitting are the rich people.” While hopes of accomplishing a shift in the economic system are high for protesters, police forces and many local merchants in the downtown area who have lost business due to the protests, are frustrated with trying to come up with a peaceful solution. Brickwedel does see one silver lining. “[It has] given the youth a chance to see what it’s like to voice an opinion.”



TV reality shows “Toddlers and Tiaras” and “Dance Moms” damage younger generation


Black Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Cold winter weather brings exciting locations for ski resorts and snowboarding destinations

iPhone 4S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Graduating Early . . . . . . . . . . 9 Visit the Pomegranate page on Facebook!



Is greed ruining the spirit of the holiday season? By Jeff Katen Staff Writer Holidays are a time for relaxation, for getting past our differences and coming together as a family to celebrate life. Just the slightest wisp of winter nostalgia comes around and thoughts of giving, sharing, kindness, and relaxation immediately follow. So why is it that the precursor to the holiday season, Black Friday, completely contradicts this whole universally understood meaning? Not only do we let it work against the holiday spirit, we let it completely eliminate morals that keep us humane on every other day. Black Friday is the Friday directly after Thanksgiving, the day when everyone’s mind seems to convert from the family gathering-mood to the “We need to buy Christmas gifts now” mood. It’s also the day when every store’s prices are marked down to unimaginable deals; no other day has sales like these. But this does not justify the murderous levels some

customers stoop to every year. According to, a Walmart in Long Island, New York, has seen the worst of Black Friday’s misfortune. The website explains the tragic death of one of the employees, a 34-year-old man who was just trying to stop the customers from entering the store before it actually opened. The only excuses the customers could offer up were, “I was in line since Thursday night! For 20 dollars off a PS3.” This greed aside, Black Friday has further downsides. Because the day starts at midnight and the lines start forming before, it overlaps Thanksgiving, taking away from the holiday that is the most family-oriented of all. In kindergarten, we learn about holiday spirit. It’s really one of the easier concepts for children to understand. So why can’t adults comprehend it? Pushing someone out of the way to get the last pair of shoes is not the best way to set a good example for your five-year-old. If you type the words, “Black Friday stampede” into

YouTube, you will immediately face hundreds of results filmed by bystanders and security cameras. Each year, a couple dozen more are added, and the scary thing is, there is always a bystander ready with his camera. It’s almost as if the stampedes have become a part of what defines the nationwide phenomenon that is a 17-state state-holiday. And every year, the people let it happen. We just watch, almost cheering the brutality on, as we ourselves let the excitement for holidays take advantage of us. People need to understand the redundancy behind this greed that is controlling them. There is no point in giving gifts if you have to utilize selfishness to obtain them in the first place. Black Friday should be a time where we ease our way into the holiday season, and even if there are sales, customers should act civilly. At the very least, Black Friday participants need to understand that their greed and actions have consequences that are in no way justified.

Twelve rules for the holidays By Zinnia Ayon Staff Writer

Holiday Do’s:

Holiday Don’ts:

1. Be thankful for what you have

1. Don’t cut in lines

2. Feel that holiday spirit

2. Don’t leave the price tags on gifts

3. Volunteer whenever possible

3. Don’t drive while you clip coupons

4. Santa loves a safe driver so please take your time and be one

4. Don’t push your way through the stores

5. Make memories 6. Make a New Year’s resolution 7. Find a good hiding spot for presents 8. Visit the family 9. Send your holiday cards on time 10. Take it easy on the holiday cookies 11. Put an extra marshmallow in your hot chocolate 12. Count down the final seconds of 2011 with the people you love

5. Don’t make fruitcake 6. Don’t forget to enjoy the holiday 7. Don’t leave your holiday lights on until July 8. Don’t wear ugly holiday sweaters 9. Don’t dress your dog up 10. Don’t forget to leave milk and cookies for Santa 11. Don’t forget to water your tree 12. Don’t be a scrooge

Who’s the next generation diva: parents or their children? By Allie Davis Editor-in-Chief Whether people are willing to audition and sing horribly in front of millions of fans on “American Idol” or eat a living grotesque creature on “Survivor,” everyone seeks those 15 minutes of fame— including toddlers. However, the question has

been: “How far are people willing to go to be on television?” A YWCA report said, “The issue is not new, but the extent to which it is invading the lives of younger girls…is an increasing problem.” Featured on TLC and Lifetime, “Toddlers and Tiaras” and “Dance Moms” paint the perfect picture of how young girls, as early as the age of two, have been forced

Pomegranate Staff Editor-in-Chief Allie Davis

Editorial Staff Heather LeCon Sam Leeper Devon Sisneros Roxanna Utpadel

Staff Writers Zinnia Ayon, Madison Bernstein, Brandon Clutter, Sarah Hepburn, Jeff Katen, Katherine M. Klem, Jack Kovacich, Lizzy McNaney, Allie Parker, Alison Pierson, Noah Prill, Drew Scharnitzke, Brooke Yarrington

to conform to an over-the-top, gaudy, pageant lifestyle. Girls who haven’t even reached the kindergarten level of education are already spray-tanning, having professional manicures and massages, having fake teeth and even receiving Botox injections. A recent scandal occurred on “Toddlers and Tiaras” where a mother actually dressed her child as Julia Roberts from “Pretty Woman.” This raised heads and audiences were shocked. In the mother’s defense, the hooker costume was supposed to be “funny.” The mother, Wendy Dickey, explained to TMZ, “I’m raising my child just as well as any mother does … I take my kid to church every week … at least I’m not forcing them into sports and getting my child injured like some parents.” Regardless of whether viewers found it comical that a four-year-old was dressed as a prostitute, the idea that a mother and daughter would go to such lengths to be viewed on television is beyond understandable. Most parents also don’t force their children into playing sports; they are old enough to make their choices about whether they want to play sports or not. In the long run, a mother will do more damage to her child when she convinces her daughter she


On “Toddlers and Tiaras,” girls as young as two compete against one another. The girl above dresses as Julia Roberts from the movie “Pretty Woman.” isn’t pretty enough or good enough to do anything else besides enter pageant contests. According to the NDP Group, 8-12 year-old girls spend $40 million a year on makeup and beauty products. A New York clinical social worker told PEOPLE magazine that, “Little girls are supposed to play with dolls, not be dolls.” However, the little princesses aren’t entirely at fault; bantering, babbling mothers such as the ones on “Dance Moms” don’t keep the show civil either. Foul-mouthed

women who are supposed to be setting an example for their daughters are actually divas themselves. In many ways, the dance instructor and the mothers are more competitive than their daughters: the actual competitors. Women and, in this case, girls barely at the age of ten conform to what society today thinks we should look like or dress like. But shows like “Toddlers and Tiaras” and “Dance Moms” have become the laughing stock of this genre and teach girls how to become high maintenance, selfish “princesses.”



News from social media cannot be trusted By Noah Prill Staff Writer The explosive popularity of social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, has many teenagers spending most of their time on a select few websites. Rather than actively searching out news, many learn of current events through their friends’ “statuses” and stop there. If this is the only way someone learns all that is happening in the world, they’re surely going to be misinformed. Like many others, junior Albert Yeh learned that Osama Bin Laden had been killed through Facebook. When asked if he gets a lot of news through Facebook, Yeh said, “Not usually, but it depends on what is being posted.” But Yeh doesn’t only get news from social media. He said, “I also check CNN and Time magazine from time to time.” The huge breaking news stories are obviously what most people are going to learn about through social media, such as Bin Laden’s death, or news of an earthquake in a nearby area. But when the validity of information

is reliant on the individual, not everything one reads on Facebook should be taken seriously. Most of what people are posting is what they hear from others, and that isn’t enough to make their news credible. Even if the necessary information is correct, it may be spun in a way

to make someone perceive the news in a different light. For example, someone posts the news about Bin Laden’s death, but incorrectly says that he was killed in Iraq, when in actuality, he was killed in Pakistan. That piece of information is crucial to what actually happened, and when it

Photo by Noah Prill

Junior Chad Smylie, who would never accept social networking’s methods of bringing news as legitimate, reads the newspaper (in addition to watching news programs at night) in an attempt to properly grasp current events.

is changed, an important part of the story is lost. This kind of alteration of a news story is what is dangerous about receiving news from social media. Not everyone relies on social media for current events though. Junior Chad Smylie said, “I watch 60 minutes, CBS and other legitimate news shows. I would never stoop low enough to actually listen to what others have to say on Facebook and take it as fact. I care too much about the legitimacy of my news.” Not everyone has the same high principles that Smylie does when it comes to the credibility of their news. Some still only glance at newspapers, and don’t bother with more than that. But to properly get a grasp of current events, one must visit websites other than what they’re used to, leaving the comfort of Facebook and Twitter. Junior Zach Fleckner felt a bit differently about his news. Rather than question the legitimacy of social media, Fleckner embraces it. When asked how he got his news, Fleckner said, “I only get my news from Facebook, and

sometimes Twitter if I’m feeling adventurous. Any other form of information is just a lot less fun to me, and if something isn’t fun then I won’t come anywhere near it.” When asked whether or not he thought social media was reliable, Fleckner said, “It’s the only reliable source of information. My Facebook friends and twitter followers are the only ones I can trust.” Fleckner’s attitude about social media is dangerous. The fact that he is taking the word of his friends and followers as more legitimate than actual news source is evidence that some just don’t care about the accuracy of information. The reporting of high school students is surely not as accurate as someone from say, CNN. While your friends may alert you to something important that’s happened in the world, their word isn’t as credible as a legitimate news source. If something piques your interest, be sure to pursue it via an actual news organization, and be careful of misinformation. Social media may be fun, but it isn’t a reliable source of news.

our brains are more or less “programmed” not to look at our parents as real human beings who deserve the same treatment as everyone else. It’s our duty to get past this initial blindness and realize that they are people just like us, and, if we ever want to truly grow up, we have to fight to treat them the right way. In the end, there is a sort of neutrality in the division of fault among both sides of the battle. When asked about the subject, a student who wished to remain anonymous explained, “Well, I guess I can see why [my mom] can get so upset with me. I’m sassy and I talk back but she is just as sassy to me!”

On one side, the parents need to get over the past; nonviolence is part of the new age for a reason. Instead, they should try to look into teenage psychology more in order to better understand where their kids are coming from. The anonymous student commented that “If my mom understood I was just a regular teenager, then she wouldn’t freak out on me all the time.” On the other side, teenagers just need to get past that mental blindness resulting from growing up. If we can treat our parents better and with more respect, the battle will be one step closer to its end, and that’s just what our world needs.

Both sides of conflict at fault in battle between teens and parents By Jeff Katen Staff Writer

An eternal battle rages across the modern world, ongoing only because neither side has ever fully understood the other. It is the war between teenagers and their parents. One day, I noticed my dad reading a book with a peculiar title, “Get Out of My Life, but First Could You Drive Me and Cheryl to the Mall?” I quickly came to the conclusion that it was a book meant for teaching parents about the psychology of their teenagers. For irony’s sake only, I picked up the book, written by Anthony E. Wolf, and started

reading the first few pages, expecting it to be demeaning and condemnatory towards teenagers. However, I soon realized that it was actually a great representation of how I feel about my parents, and it offered great advice about good ways for them to deal with the many hardships involved with raising teens. After this read, I have found it much easier to organize my thoughts on the subject. The main problem with the battle is that neither side possesses the knowledge to see the other’s point of view. The parents of our generation are actually the first parents to raise their teenagers in a time

where physical punishment is completely unacceptable. This has caused the teenagers of our age to be more outspoken and more willing to stand up to their parents, which, in turn, causes the parents to be confused as to why (and frustrated that) their children seem to have significantly less respect than the parents’ teen selves. In reality, the modern, nonviolent approach to parenting is really an overall system improvement with a few unforeseen drawbacks that can be fixed through the teaching of teenage psychology to parents. Now, the reality that we teenagers must accept is that

Matador on the Street:What is your favorite thing about winter? Madison Bernstein Staff Writer

“I love bundling up in my boots, scarves, sweaters and jackets.” -Anna Hutchinson, junior

“The snowboarding season.” -Austin Hoggatt, sophomore

“The cute clothes, hot tubbing and all of the warm blankets while watching TV.” -Alyssa Gonzalez, freshman


“Wearing warm clothes, the sales and spending time with the family.” -Jonathan Enriquez, senior

“Holidays that are stacked one upon the other... You spend time with family, and Christmas is a wonderful, loving, warm time of year.” -Mrs. Mancuso, teacher



December Movie Review “London Boulevard” directed by William Monahan By Allie Parker Staff Writer

december Music Review “The SMiLE Sessions” by the Beach Boys of which is a purely vocal arrangement while the latter Staff Writer is a burst of doo-wop glory. Few albums have been as There are three central pieces anticipated, discussed or delayed on the album (appropriate, as much as the Beach Boys’ because the album was written SMiLE. Originally planned to in three suites), the first of which be released in the late 60s, the is “Heroes and Villains.” “Child album was abandoned by creator is the Father of the Man” appears Brian Wilson due to opposition later and is reprised multiple from the rest of the band as well times. “Good Vibrations” (called as personal and financial issues. the Beach Boys’ magnum opus Finally, in 2011, the Beach and one of their most famous Boys decided to remaster songs) closes the album, and all of the original recordings it couldn’t end any better. as well as studio outtakes Nearly every song here tells and package them into “The a story, and nearly every song SMiLE Sessions.” And after 37 contains some form of evidence years of speculation and hype, of Brian Wilson’s degrading the album doesn’t let down. mental state, adding a hint of The 19 songs are insanely grandiose audacity that the ambitious, even by today’s album wouldn’t prosper without. standards, let alone those of the The songs contain strange 60s. It was written as a follow noises, dozens of different up to the album “Pet Sounds,” instruments that layer and flesh and it truly sounds like it: more out the sound and instrumental inventive in every way, it passages between most songs. proves the Beach Boys were As evident in the studio far more than just a rock band outtakes present on the second making simple, catchy songs. disc, an impressive amount Brian Wilson said the album of material was cut out or was written as a “teenage left behind in the 37-year gap symphony to God.” Written as between original recording and a musical journey across the remastering. It also contains the United States--first focusing on backing vocals of some songs, pilgrims at Plymouth Rock and the brilliance of which are working its way to Hawaii by easy to overlook when they’re the end--SMiLE is a cohesive heard with the instruments. celebration of America’s origins. If this album had been Van Dyke Parks, the lyricist released 37 years ago when for the album, creates poetic all of the Beach Boys had still vignettes of different times been alive and Brian Wilson and places, utilizing wordplay, could have completely fulfilled nursery rhymes, different his vision, it would have languages and interesting without a doubt been regarded recurring themes on the songs to as one of the greatest, if not get the point across in the best the greatest album of all time. way possible, especially when It does not sound dated or coupled with Brian Wilson’s incomplete, but ultimately, it audacious arrangements is a collection of takes from and the Beach Boys’ near an unfinished album, so it perfect vocal harmonies. can’t be called perfect when The album begins with there could have been an even two short songs, “Gee” better version. Even then, this and “Our Prayer,” the first album is absolutely fantastic.

By Jack Kovacich

While she is primarily known for her role as a pirate’s wife, Keira Knightley changes her image to play a retired actress in the drama “London Boulevard.” Alongside Knightley are Colin Farrell, Ana Friel and Ben Chaplin who create a brilliant cast for the movie. In the directorial debut of William Monahan, Knightley plays a retired actress, Charlotte, in need of a body guard, Mitch (Colin Farrell) who has just been released from prison and is trying to keep out of his crime-filled past. While working together, Mitch and Charlotte fall in love, all while trying to keep Mitch from being tempted to go back to the troubled lifestyle that put him in prison. Unfortunately, Monahan was too caught up in the joys of having his first movie produced as a director; his previous occupation was as a screenwriter. He may have bitten off more than he can chew with this film. While the overall story line was brilliantly thought out and executed nicely, there are many subplots that are unnecessary. Most of these subplots are never finished, leaving useless loose ends, and they distract from the main plot of the film. In turn, the subplots become the main focus of the movie and when not finished, leave movie-goers wanting more. By choosing to have the London underground gang portrayed as the crime group in his film, Monahan became too focused on portraying them the

correct way and, in fact, became cliché. He ended up pulling every gang-related style point out of the book. There was an overload associated with the gang, which should not have been the focal point of the film. Only the most forgiving London crime movie fans will find much to enjoy beyond the potentially brilliant cast and overall plot scheme. Even loyal movie fans of Keira Knightley might become bored with the nonsense subplots and gang clichés. Although, the movie is only 104 minutes, which is normally seen as a short movie, with all the distractions present and growing as the time clicks away,

the 104 minutes actually seem twice as long as they really are. If Monahan were to take out all of the subplots that had nothing to do with the original plot or the ones with no end, this movie might be worth an Oscar or two. Although the script needs some work, the soundtrack is one of the best in a while. It has a collection of retro and pop music, and it includes an array of 60’s British pop and enough of it to keep the viewers engaged in the music rather than the film. A great cast and potential script are unfortunately overlooked by the useless loose ends, long run time and old crime clichés, but the film is slightly redeemed by the fantastic film soundtrack.

Editor’s Choice: Quick Picks

Angry Birds: addicting app

Campo di Bocce: restaurant & courts

The Shins: pop-rock band

Let’s be real— Nowadays, there is an app for everything. But one app in particular has remained on the chart for Best iPhone Apps since it first came out: Angry Birds. As popular as the Facebook or Twitter application, the idea of Angry Birds is to use the principles of physics to slingshot the “angry birds” and obliterate ugly pigs. The challenge isn’t so much the game as it is to be able to stop playing once you’ve started.

Campo di Bocce is the place to go if you’re looking to have fun or craving some fine Italian food. It’s only $10 for an hour and a half of bocce ball. While playing on either an indoor or outdoor court, you can order some delicious pizza right to you, or sit down and be waited on. The menu has authentic Italian dishes and the prices are fairly reasonable. Play a game of bocce ball and try the tiramisu; it’s really good.

The Shins are a pop-rock group from Australia. They’ve been around for nearly a decade now, and are regarded as one of the best alternative bands in the world. No one sounds quite like them, or even similar, and their song “New Slang” won Alternative Song of the Year in 2006. They plan on releasing their fourth album in 2012 and will be playing at the Outside Lands Festival in San Francisco on August 12.

-Allie Davis

-Heather LeCon

-Sam Leeper



Features Editor

Sports Editor



Romance novel falls Multi-talented student, actress short of expectations hopes to impact drama program By Devon Sisneros News Editor What can be said about Nicolas Sparks’ newest book, “The Best of Me,” that can’t be guessed just by knowing the author? Not much, to be completely honest. With the exception of a few twists, this latest tear-jerker seems like a Frankenstein monster composed of past successes. The story begins with Dawson Cole, an oil rig engineer on a leave of absence after a traumatic explosion at work. He receives a call from an attorney, who tells him an old friend, Tuck Hostetler, has passed away and requested that Dawson return to his old home of Oriental, North Carolina, to deal with his estate. In a series of flashbacks, the readers are caught up on Dawson’s old life in Oriental, everything from the bad

reputation of the Cole family to the forbidden romance between him and Amanda Collier, a girl from a well respected background. Dawson and Amanda fell in love as seniors in high school and spent nearly every day of the year together. In the flashback, Dawson decides that, although Amanda is his true love, he must let her go because he knows he can’t give her the life she deserves. Amanda leaves for college in the fall, and their separation is further complicated as Dawson is found guilty of manslaughter after an accident on a slippery turn late at night. Years later, the two are reunited after the death of Tuck, who was the man that took Dawson in after he ran away from home. A passionate weekend between the two lovers was exactly what is to be expected from this author, even though Amanda had three children and an alcoholic husband back home. After the couple is separated for a second time, the plot twists as some secondary characters fight for their lives in several confusing chapters. The only surprising elements of the story are those scenes where the reader is not sure who is going to make it out alive, but the story quickly becomes predictable again. The plot took a few chapters to build up, but the satisfying ending somewhat made up for that. Overall, the book is a good read if you aren’t expecting new ideas.

By Katherine M. Klem Staff Writer “I have been singing since I could talk,” said senior Danielle Pierce. She can act, too. Pierce is an accomplished singer and actress who has been in approximately 20 productions, including those she has participated in at this school, as well as at the Bankhead Theater. She has been taking voice lessons and acting since the age of ten, and her work has paid off. Last year, she directed the spring show, “Our Town,” as well as performed in the Granada Idol morning show. Although she said that “singing is definitely more of my comfort zone,” Pierce doesn’t think she can choose a favorite between music and theater. Hence, it comes as no surprise when she said that her favorite type of music to sing is musical theatre. Stage fright isn’t a problem: “Performing is what I love to do,” she said, “so there is never a reason for me to feel anxious about it.” Pierce has been in a range of productions at this school, but she says that her favorite of all her high school career is “My Son is Crazy…But Promising!” This play was staged last year. After directing “Our Town,” she said she has a new perspective on what goes into a show. “It was great for me as an actor to realize how much responsibility a director has,

December Crossword

16. Side of a city street 17. Tree product 18. ____ and now 19. South by east, abbr. 21. Awkwardly; how eggs are dropped 23. 5:15 on a compass 26. American sign language, abbr. 28. Gossiper 29. Teamwork shot in basketball 32. To get caught, e.g. a fishing line on the bottom 33. Spring flower 34. Large Oklahoma City 36. Dueling sword 37. Spread; ____ about 38. Sunburn relief 42. Architectural cornerstone of a brick wall 43. Notice of payment 44. Despise 46. What prayers often seek 49. __ con carne Answers on page 9 51. Recent dial-up internet possible 52. Digit of the foot By Jeff Katen 10. To pose a question 53. Small airport for Staff Writer 13. Oral history of culture and helicopters traditions 57. Boxer Muhammad ACROSS 14. Common orchard fruit 59. Hawkeye on M*A*S*H* 1. Knots used to make oil 60. Inducing replication; e.g. 5. Mechanical boxes that make 15. Looney Tunes Company videos or infections


and made me appreciate all of the hard work that Mr. Watts puts into our shows!” she said, referring to the drama teacher. Watts himself says that Pierce has “always been a lot of fun to work with,” adding that he thought she did a “very good job” as student director for that production. Theater adds an extra level of business to the already crazy life of the high schooler, but Pierce said “it’s really helped” in learning to prioritize, plan, and organize. She had been on the swim team, but wasn’t last

year because of “Our Town.” Now that her last year of high school is a third of the way gone, the senior must focus on the future. She has applied to 14 colleges, and is hoping to major in Musical Theatre. “My top choices are Carnegie Mellon University, The Boston Conservatory, and The University of the Arts,” she said. Pierce said she hopes to have made a difference in the drama program here, adding, “I would like to leave knowing that I have really done some great performances here and inspired other people to give drama a try!”

Photo by Katherine M. Klem

Senior Danielle Pierce has been dedicated to acting and singing since she was a little girl. Not only has she performed in many school productions, but has also acted at the Bankhead Theater.

62. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70.

Fossil fuel; used in older barbecues Tiny hole in skin Highly skilled Side; outermost part Pigpen Suspicious, wary

71. Document of ownership DOWN 1. Tender loving care, abbr. 2. Note of debt 3. Mess up 4. Southeast by south abbr. 5. To a greater extent or degree 6. Bullfight cheer 7. Compact method for transporting data 8. Diabolic 9. List of meals 10. Sore 11. Extract a metal fromits ore 12. East African country on ` the equator 15. A sailor’s workplace (2 wds.) 20. Inlet of the ocean 22. Asian bird 23. Discount 24. Event attributed to banana peels 25. World’s largest fashion magazine

27. 30. 31. 32. 35. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 44. 45. 47. 48. 49. 50. 54. 55. 56. 58. 61. 63. 64. 65.

Public gambling involving drawing numbers Cyclops has one Jewish holiday South southwest, abbr. Russian ruler Vladimir Take to court Music store downtown Livermore, ____ Music Happy tune Another word for oil, usually for cooking Otherwise; in addition Brand of cotton-tipped stick Lizzie in Lizzie Mcguire Type of roof or skirt (2 wds.) Property, real estate Pointed tool; Leather piercer Dries lips out Slave of Sparta Squished circle Sit on something that transports you An aspen is one of these Chilled Month after Mar. Lyrical verse; poem of praise Years of existence Guided



Marlin stands tall with students By Alison Pierson Staff Writer After just three years at this school, Ms. Marlin has made a name for herself as a dedicated and patient teacher who is easy to relate to. Not a day goes by when she doesn’t have students come by her classroom just to visit. Currently teaching AP Statistics and Advanced Algebra, she devotes countless hours outside of the school day to be available, enabling her students to succeed. Ms. Marlin went to college at the University of the Pacific, which she says, ironically, “is not near the Pacific Ocean.” One of her goals as a teacher is to “grow the AP stats course” and come up with different games and activities to mix up the everyday typical lectures. Ms. Marlin says math has a bad reputation in that sense, and she strives to create a learning environment that is fun but still incorporates the lessons needed. Ms. Marlin has been involved with many of the activities that go on during the school year, but her

favorite memory is “the Fantastic Four performance two years ago when me, Mr. Hahn, Mr. Avilla and Mrs. Nonn performed ‘Pants on the Ground.’” In addition to her teaching career, Ms. Marlin carries a full load of activities. She is one of the senior class advisors, coaches girls volleyball, goes back to school a few nights a week to get her administrative credential and is planning

playing volleyball, swimming, shopping, which she says she is “really good at,” and spending time with family and friends. One of the most unique things about Ms. Marlin is her stature. Standing at only 5’2,” she says, “I often get mistaken as a student.” While this frequently happens, she says that once it stops happening, she will actually be sad because she will feel like she has gotten old. Another fun fact about Ms. Marlin is that she loves watching “The Amazing Race.” One of her goals is to be a contestant on the show, with Mr. Avilla as her partner. She even found a way to make the game math-related to help her students study. Ms. Marlin wouldn’t trade her job for anything despite its high demand for her time and dedication. She says, “[My advice] is to find a job that you really love because as teachers, you don’t make that much money, so you should love it.” Ms. Marlin clearly devotes every part of herself to her job, yet she says it’s her students that are the reason that she loves it so much. “I love what I do,” she said.

“She is a great teacher. She makes every day fun, exciting and different and is always there for her kids.” - Mr. Avilla

Photo by Alison Pierson

Ms. Marlin proudly displays the 18-inch height difference between her and Mr. Hahn.


her wedding with Mr. Avilla. Despite all of these commitments outside of school, she never ceases to make herself available for students if they need help before or after school, or even during lunch. Mr. Avilla says, “She is a great teacher. She makes every day fun, exciting and different and is always there for her kids.” Outside of her busy schedule, Ms. Marlin enjoys



Photo of the Month

Flavor of Fashion

“Day with a City Kid” by Mitchell Mylius

Photo subject: Kyle McFadden Taken: San Francisco near Coit Tower Photo technique: Fast shutter speed

By Madison Bernstein Staff Writer

When you walk through the student parking lot, you can see that many cars express a student’s personality. This month, we feature senior Natasha Storti’s “BUG.”

Jazmine Zepeda, freshman

Tyler Downs, senior

Shirt: Styles For Less, $20 Jeans: GUESS, $65

Flannel: Kohl’s, $20

Shoes: UGGS, $100

To see more photos by Mitchell or to book a photo shoot, visit MEM Photography on Facebook.

Cars with Character

By Heather LeCon Features Editor

Pants: Ballistics, $30 Watch: Expedition, $80

Bracelets: My own

Shoes: Nike Air Jordans, $80

Necklace: Juicy Couture, $80

Pirates Hat: Plato’s Closet, $20

Her Style: “Comfortable yet fashionable.”

His Style: “Hip hop.”

1. What is the make 5. What type of reaction 8. Do you plan to make and model of your car? do you get with the car? any modifications? 1999 stick shift VW Bug The best reactions are Not now! Why modify a when I drive by and hear car that’s been chosen 2. Why does your car people say white one and because of it’s character have character? punch each other 9. What is your favorite Because it’s cute, aspect of your car? 6. What is the longest classic, cool and missing trip you have taken in a hubcap The flower holder is this car? great for my pinwheel. 3. What is your best When I went to Mt. It’s more spacious than memory regarding this Diablo with Jacqueline people think car? Summers, where we Singing “Get Low” had to go into complete 10. What is your least favorite aspect of your with Bobby Shull with survivor mode car? synchronized dance 7. If you could drive this moves car anywhere, where The CD player is in the trunk. I’m not sure who 4. Have you ever gotten would you go? thought that was a good in an accident? Disneyland. I think it design I collided with a curb would fit nicely there once. I lost a hubcap because my antennae topper is a stagecoach that day




Chili cook-off raises funds By Brooke Yarrington Staff Writer

Photo by Ange-Elise Venet

Students pick up leaves during Campus Beautification Day 4.

The first ever LivermoreGranada Chili Cook-Off was held Thursday, November 10th before the varsity football game on the Livermore High blacktop. All proceeds from the event, which will likely become an annual one, will benefit Team KC, an organization that was set up to honor Korrine Croghan, who passed away in 2008. Team KC donates the money it raises to help other families

who are dealing with diseases. According to Dana Croghan, Korrine’s mother, proceeds from this year’s cook-off will be donated to the family of social science teacher Mrs. Newkirk, who is currently dealing with a serious illness. Cooks from both schools, as well as from around the city, competed in the event. Awards were given out for “2011 Best Overall Chili,” “Best Presentation” and “Most Unique.” Some Granada entries included “summer chili” from

Mrs. Rangan and Ms. Schmidt. “It has a secret ingredient from the Caribbean,” said Mrs. Rangan. “It’s for Mrs. Newkirk, our dear friend and coworker. We miss her and want her back.” Senior Kristina Blum described the chili that the leadership class entered: “Our leadership class made it for Mrs. Newkirk. We named it bull’s fart because that is what she wanted.” And as Mrs. Bailey, mother of junior Kelsey Bailey said about her old family recipe, “There is nothing better than chili.”

Students volunteer for clean sweep of campus By Jack Kovacich Staff Writer Students and teachers worked together several weeks ago to clean up the school on Campus Beautification Day 4. Roughly 150 people showed up for the event, which according to math and FIT teacher Mr. Hahn “went very well.” Most of the participants were freshmen who had come to fulfill their FIT class’ community service requirement, said Hahn. Other students participated as well, some to log community service for their college applications or churches and some came just to help out the community. FIT students that showed up were required to work at least 1-2 hours, and some stayed even longer to make

sure all tasks were complete. Mr. Hahn said students pulled weeds, sanitized and mopped both gyms, painted safety poles, cleaned windows, picked up garbage, cleaned desks in almost every room on campus, dusted cobwebs in the overhangs of every building on campus, planted daffodils, cleaned windows and removed old fliers, among other things. Tasks were accomplished in several teams led by adults, which, according to Hahn, “were done rather quickly and the students and adults did a great job.” Staff members plan to hold another Campus Beautification Day in the spring where students and teachers will again be working together, this time focused more on painting and general pick-up around campus.

Photo by Brooke Yarrington

Senior leadership students (from left to right) Brandon Mori, Kristina Blum, Jaimeson Cortez and Jennifer Guan cooked up some chili for Team KC and Mrs. Newkirk.

iPhone 4S: upgrade worthy? By Heather LeCon Features Editor People always want the latest and greatest gadget; so when the iPhone 4S came out, everyone rushed to make their next purchase. Though for those who already have the iPhone 4, is it really worth the upgrade? Apple is constantly finding new ways to improve their products. It’s basically a continuous cycle of remastering the original iPhone. They started with the iPhone 3G and that turned into the iPhone 4, which had many distinct changes. “The iPhone 4s looks exactly like its predecessor,” according to The iPhone 4S does have some cool new features; it has an A5 dual-core processor, and an 8MP camera compared to a 5MP camera on the iPhone 4. This means the quality of your photo is almost twice as good. The iPhone 4S also has Siri: The Intelligent Assistant. Siri lets you ask your phone any question and it will have an answer. The biggest change between the iPhone 4 and the iPhone 4S


The iPhone 4S includes new software and a new processor and camera.

is iOS 5. With the iOS 5 you can now iMessage. According to, “iMessage works well. Getting unlimited free MMS and SMS with anyone else using iOS 5 is a nice feature.” Even though the iPhone 4S has iOS 5, anyone with the iPhone 4 can simply plug their phone into their computer and upgrade to iOS 5 for free. You get all the same features included with iOS 5, such as iMessage, a new notification

widget, and the ability to edit photos right from your phone. Another reason why you might not want to upgrade to the iPhone 4S is the lack of battery life. Due to all the new changes on the iPhone 4S, like the dual-core processor and Siri, battery life dies a lot faster than on the iPhone 4. Never owning an iPhone before, junior John McIntyre recently just purchased the iPhone 4S. He said “It’s worth the upgrade because the camera is a lot better and Siri is really cool.” It makes sense that he bought the new phone since he previously didn’t own an older version, but for people who do have the iPhone 4S, going out and buying Apple’s most recent iPhone may not necessarily be the smartest thing to do. If you’re just looking to buy a new phone, or dying to have an iPhone for your network, then choosing the iPhone 4S would probably be the way to go. However, if you already own an iPhone 4, then upgrading may not be worth the money, and you may want to keep your iPhone 4 and just upgrade it to iOS 5 if you haven’t already.



Rewards, regrets, reality of early graduation By Drew Scharnitzke Staff Writer A disease is slowly spreading through the top end of the upperclassmen. No one knows how soon they will be hit, but everyone knows that this sickness is inevitable. Senioritis plagues the school, which causes some seniors to talk about leaving prematurely, but few students actually end up passing to the other side. Most seniors look forward to graduation. For four years, the goal of graduation is anticipated. For many, June still seems far away. However, for others, the wait is nearly over. Graduating early is not commonplace; however, every year, several seniors choose to leave their high school experience early. Some move away, while others stay in town and work full time. A portion starts a term at Las Positas and what seems to be the rest just want to get out of the habitual pattern of high school. Senior Jordyn Wright planned to be finished with

high school at the end of the first trimester. Wright plans to move to Los Angeles within the year, and she is taking the time to prepare for such a change. Her plans catch the interest of many. This non-conventional way of wrapping up high school seems fun and adventurous, but it isn’t all fun and games, as it may seem. In regards to her decision, Wright suggests to other students to not “graduate early unless you know you have something to do immediately with all of the time you'll have, or else you'll regret missing out on senior year activities,” such as Senior Ball, the Disneyland trip, and other events preceding graduation. Graduating early requires a senior to complete in a short 12-week trimester what most seniors have an entire year to finish. Forms to turn in, papers to sign, and a feeling of a gradual closure can become a frenzy of paperwork and an abrupt halt to the daily grind of high school. With a trimester full of general education requirements and tying loose ends on electives,

what seems like a fun-filled trimester is actually quite stressful. The pressure to finish

off with a bang lingers over the head of the early graduate. The difficulty lies not only within a stressful term, but sometimes with a term that is hard to manage. Since not many students graduate early, the ones who

take this path have the potential difficulty to put his or her nose to the grindstone. Many seniors who have all three trimesters of classes have more leeway and free time. Early graduates feel the difference. Instead of three relatively easy classes, he or she takes on the load of five. However, when one is sure that he or she wants to graduate early, there are many things that can work in his or her favor. Nick Scharnitzke, who graduated in 2010, finished his high school career after the second trimester of his senior year. He does not regret missing senior activities. Then again, he also had a job to fill his time during the day when he would have previously been in school. For every student, graduating early can have its benefits and downfalls. Another issue with graduating early is school funding. Public schools are paid based on attendance of students. Every day, the sum of money is different depending on who is present. When students graduate early, that is equivalent to one student

being absent every day for one to two trimesters. The Livermore Valley Joint Unified School Ditrict loses money for every student who graduates early. Obviously, the district would not look lightly on a larger number of students graduating early. Graduating early might seem like an adventure, but to get to the point of graduation, there is much stress, planning, and squaring away of things to do. Futherermore, leaving school early also makes it hard to take part in events However, for those students who have a plan to move on to the next thing, have the credit requirements, and don’t mind a stressful term, graduating early is a good way to get into the next stage of life one step ahead of everyone else. This huge decision needs to be thought through thoroughly, however. Not only do you need to make sure you have something productive to do with your newfound free time, but you also need to determine if you are ready to depart from social groups, teachers and class activities.

Annual “Race to the Flagpole” filled with Granada students By Noah Prill Staff Writer Many of Granada’s cross country runners placed well this year in the annual “Race to the Flagpole,” a fundraising event that takes place in downtown Livermore. The race is a onemile walk/run that benefits the Livermore-Granada Boosters Scholarship Fund for seniorathletes from both schools. The event, which is open to all ages and abilities, is divided by age groups. In the 15-18 year age group, Granada’s cross country team had several runners place in the top ten. Steven Wang, Tyler Neabeack, Jacob Torres, Thomas

Tsunemoto and Kevin Girardelli were among the Granada boys with the fastest times. Senior Laura Franklin, who finished first in the women’s event, said that she saw the race as a good opportunity to continue racing while she prepares for upcoming meets. When asked why she came, senior Dalaney Anderson said, “I came to support the school.” For the second straight year, Granada won for having the most participants of any of the Livermore schools. Granada runners could have done ever better had not many of the varsity team been at NCS that day. However, the JV runners stepped up to the plate.

At the end of the race, the top winners of each division were awarded trophies. Other participants who raced well took home medals. Steven Wang didn’t get a trophy, but he did come in third. After the race, he also received a goodie bag, which he said, “Brightened his life with a free Carls Jr. promotion.” Not every student who participated ran the race, as was the case of junior Albert Yeh. He stood watch on a corner, alerting incoming runners of where to go and ensuring their safety. He was also waving an American flag to show his patriotism. He said he was “Keeping America’s pride.” The race to the flagpole is a worthwhile fundraiser. It


supports Livermore-Granada Boosters, it’s only a mile and it doesn’t take very much time out of your day. You should definitely think about participating next

year, as this year’s race was a lot of fun for everyone there. Entry fees were $10-20 depending upon age and when you registered for the race.

Photo by Noah Prill

Students line up in hopes of a good race. For the second year in a row, Granada won for having the most participants.



Winter brings endless options for skiing destinations and out of people lying helplessly deep into the snow, you’re Staff Writer probably on the wrong slope. If you’re a skier/ snowboarder, If you’re holding on for your dear you know the feeling when your life and don’t know how to get up heart skips a beat as you get off without being run over, you should the very first chairlift of the first obviously take a lesson from an day of the season. The adrenaline instructor in a safe learning area.
 rushes through you as you speed If you are searching for a down the mountain with every resort that’s family friendly, I turn and stride. And when you highly recommend Bear Valley. “I reach that bright neon sign that go to Bear Valley” says Clayton reads “SLOW,” you can’t help Bueno, “Because it’s where all but wait to get back in line for my friends go and it’s usually the lift and do it all over again. open during storms. They also just Waking up bright and early opened 400 acres.” From personal to catch the slopes is a tradition experience, it has the perfect for many of us. Or it’s calling terrain for practice. The wide ahead months before to rent a spaced slopes give all skiers the room in a condo right on slopes spaced needed to avoid collisions.
 like my family and I do. But Perhaps a bunny slope for some, they just haven’t isn’t what you’re looking for. found that resort that suits them.
 You crave the “Experts only” Let’s be honest, you know slopes of dome. If that’s you, when you don’t belong to a certain I guarantee you’ll absolutely slope. If you’re flying straight love “The Wall” in Kirkwood.
 down the mountain, carving in Kirkwood is most known

By Zinnia Ayon

for this run and its great terrain challenges. On a cloudy, windy, icy day, it can make you wish you had never even got on the lift. But if you go on a sunny fresh powdered early afternoon, you’ll have the time of your life. Depending on the snow that day, you can actually begin the run by free falling about twenty feet down. Imagine that. If you seek nightlife, Tahoe is the place for you. Tahoe’s most populated resorts are Northstar, Squaw Valley, Alpine Meadows, and Heavenly. But, of course, Tahoe has much more to offer besides these.
 Northstar is best known for its parks and pipes and is actually ranked third in overall resorts. Also, on their website, w w w. n o r t h s t a r a t t a h o e . c o m , lists it as having quite a few snowboard championships.
 Squaw Valley is a fair tie with Alpine Meadows. According to, they are both known for their welcoming hospitality. The diversity and superiority can’t be beat.
 When push comes to shove, you’re bound to find a resort that suits you out of the 28 here in California alone. Whether it be skiing or snowboarding, your

heart will still pound with a thrill every time you carve the run. No matter where you are, you’ll still hold your breath the moment your board clips a corner at a wrong angle. Sadly, no matter how great of a slope you’re on, you will always feel pain when you fall.

Niners surprise fans with best season in over a decade By Sam Leeper Sports Editor At 9-2, the 49ers are sitting pretty in the NFC West. After a solid victory over the Giants in week 10, the 49ers now have a virtually insurmountable lead in the division with seven weeks left in the season. They’ve done it without a star quarterback, or big name players, but with solid line play and conservative play calling. The 49ers run the ball first, then pass, and their defense is ranked first in the NFL in rush defense. They also haven’t given up 100 yards

on the ground to an opponent in 30 consecutive games. Frank Gore has carried the load offensively, rushing for at least 100 yards in five consecutive games this season. And with the added support of rookie Kendall Hunter, Gore has been able to stay fresh through long grinding games. What’s a running game without a line? Nothing. The 49ers offensive line has improved eons from last year. What was once a passive disorganized bunch has transformed into a vicious blocking machine. Alex Smith, who is in serious contention for

Comeback Player of the Year, has more time to pass than ever and is passing well.

His blooming into a leader was brought about entirely by new

coach Jim Harbaugh. Harbaugh is the frontrunner in the race for Coach of the Year, and there is no debate that he has been the driving force behind this stunning rebirth in San Francisco. Harbaugh has instilled a new mentality in SF, and his players have bought in completely. From day one, Smith knew he had the starting job, and he has not disappointed with a 10:2 touchdown/interception ratio. Rookie production has been

at a premium for the 49ers. Along with Hunter, rookie linebacker Aldon Smith has led San Francisco in sacks and is also a frontrunner in the Defensive Rookie of the Year race. Additions to the defense have been huge for the 49ers as Donte Whitner and, another rookie, Chris Culliver have bolstered the Niner secondary tenfold. They have something good brewing in San Francisco. Whether it’s Jim Harbaugh’s doing or just divine intervention, Niner fans are happy to be rooting for a relevant team for the first time in almost a decade.

Hard work, dedication pay off for Daly

By Brandon Clutter Staff Writer

Photo by Brandon Clutter

Varsity captain McKenna Daly will be attending Concordia University in the fall after earning an academic scholarship.

Upon entering the gym, you can hear the sound of shoes squeaking on the gym floor and the continuous pounding of the basketball dribbling against the ground. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a girl who stands out from the rest: she is the tallest girl on the team and she’s playing extremely well. McKenna Daly is a center for the girls varsity basketball team and is in her last season in the black and gold uniform. As a senior for the team, she has had three previous years of playing her absolute best against everyone. Daly said, “My goals for the season are to reach personal records and my goal for our 2011-2012 team is to make it the furthest our school has ever made it before.” Daly’s teams have made it to NCS two out of the three years, and she said, “I don’t plan


on settling for any less this year.” Daly has been playing for a long time, and she doesn’t plan to stop. After high school and in the fall of 2012, Daly will be attending Concordia University in Portland, Oregon, on a basketball and academic scholarship. Regarding this, Daly said, “All my hard work has paid off and my dream of playing college basketball has finally been made possible.” Everyone must face the time when they have to say goodbye to everyone and everything they know. This year, it’s that time for Daly, and it won’t be easy. She said, “The biggest struggle I will have to overcome this season is saying goodbye to the team and coaching staff after four amazing years.” One of the reasons Daly will have a hard time saying goodbye will be the teammates she will miss. “What I look for in my teammate is a strong and willing person,” Daly said, and

added, “She must be someone who is always positive and motivational, and someone who gives 110 percent all the time.” The road to getting here was not at all easy for Daly. She has had a great deal to overcome, but she said, “The biggest struggle I have had to overcome to get me where I am today was my ankle injury sophomore year.” Basketball is Daly’s dream, and there are many things that she likes about the sport she plays. Daly said, “What I like most about basketball is that it is a team sport and because of that, there is always someone there to help motivate and help you get better.” One thing that seems to have been helping Daly through life are the lessons she has learned through playing basketball. Daly said, “I like that through playing and being coached by different coaches, I have learned a lot of life lessons that I can apply to my everyday life.”



Water polo captains work well Athletes add to fame with reality television together, help team to NCS By Allie Parker Staff Writer

As captains, Garcia and Hughes are responsible for keeping the games and practices under control. According to Garcia, “Some games can get heated and emotions come into play, but we all need to ignore that. [We] just play the game and it’s our job to enforce that.” Hughes added, “We are also responsible for talking to the referees before the game.” It is the captains’ jobs to keep their players’ heads in the game and to focus on nothing other than playing their hearts out. This season, the girls water polo team has clearly had a more united front with one goal in mind: make it to NCS while having fun with great friends. The team has achieved that goal and spectators say that this year’s team is the most unified that it has ever been. “The team looks as though they have been playing together for a very long time, and I think it helped them get to NCS this year,” said spectator, senior Jennifer Plantenga.

Both captains agree that this year’s varsity members create more of a family that plays together rather than a normal team. “Everyone has their niche in the team: we have our baby because she’s the youngest, we have the biggest and strongest, we have the aggressor, and we definitely have multiple players that will have your back when you need it-just like a family,” Garcia said. Although it is not possible to win without talent, both captains have helped bond their team into a family through the intense three hour practices a day, helping them to a better record than in previous years and make it to NCS in a stronger position. “I am so proud of my team and excited that we made it to NCS for the second year in a row,” said Hughes. Even though they ended up losing their NCS game against Foothill, both Garcia and Hughes still agree that “Nothing will ever take away the bonds made while playing water polo.”

Water splashing in your face, girls clawing at your every move, screams coming from all around -- water polo is not as easy as it looks. Luckily for the varsity girls team, senior captains Ariana Garcia and Emma Hughes have taken the team to new heights both in and out of the pool. This year, the girls water polo team took third in our EBAL, easily coasting to North Coast Sectionals (NCS) in the ninth position with a record of 13-10. Both, Garcia and Hughes, were chosen to be captains by an anonymous team voting system conducted by the other members of the team. Both captains bring different things to the table, making them good candidates for the captain roles. Garcia admits that water polo has not always been her passion. In fact, it wasn’t until the other captain, Hughes, convinced her to sign up two weeks before freshman year that she even knew it was a sport at her school. But ever since then, she has loved the sport. “The best part has to be the feeling I get when we win. A sense of Granada pride comes over me,” said Garcia. Hughes, who has been playing since she was in the sixth grade, said her older brother also plays. “I am really glad that my brother got me into playing this sport and that I was able to Photo by Allie Parker get Ariana into it as Seniors Ariana Garcia (left) and Emma Hughes (right) are the captains for well,” said Hughes. this season’s girls varsity water polo team.

matter what people are saying as long as they’re talking about them. Staff Writer Players like Terrell Owens Do athletes actually acquire and Chad Ochocinco have their their fame from the way they own shows revolving around play on the field or from the fans their luxurious lifestyle, money of their reality shows? It is clear and relationships. These shows that to some players, the attention are separate from their already that comes from their sports amplified football careers. fans isn’t enough. To some fans, These shows were made these players are the heroes that to flaunt their extravagant are going to lead their teams to social lives and have little to victory while to others, they’re the nothing to do with football. stars of their favorite reality show. Junior Jayson Heist doesn’t There are many ways to see the necessity for these shows. become famous in today’s society. “I don’t think they need a TV show Whether you’re a star athlete of because they get paid enough a winning team or a movie star money as it is, and we don’t need nominated to know what for best film happens in their of the year, personal lives,” your talents said Heist. “Who are known would want to and judged watch a show by the public. about [an athlete] It is anyway? [These completely men] already normal to are professional crave attention, athletes, we don’t especially if need a show all you deserve about [their] life.” it, but when is To some fans it too much? the extra publicity In today’s Former NFL wide receiver from the show society it really Terrell Owens is one of several takes away from doesn’t matter athletes to have his own reality where the athlete’s what you are television show alongside his real talent lies famous for as football career. and where the long as you focus should be. make money and are Junior Colton Jones believes, getting attention from it. “Professional athletes should Some professional athletes be admired for their athletic don’t get enough satisfaction from skill and work ethic instead being watched by millions on of their glamorous lifestyle.” ESPN. They need to involve the No matter what the goals world with everything else that is of these athletes were, the going on in their personal lives. attention they receive from these Fame can turn people into reality shows are not positive. power-hungry, attention-craving, They should stop trying to selfish showoffs. Once they get be reality stars and stick to their name out there it doesn’t what they know best; football.

By Brooke Yarrington

Raiders look promising, hope to win wide-open AFC West By Sam Leeper Sports Editor At 7-4, the Oakland Raiders have their division within reach. Currently a game in first place, the Raiders have a winning record at the midway point for the first time in ten years. After being decimated by injury, the Raiders have answered the bell triumphantly. Quarterback Jason Campbell went down with a broken

collarbone, and star running back Darren McFadden is out with a leg injury. Yet the Raiders have won with new QB Carson Palmer and backup running back Michael Bush. Palmer, who has been in the league eight years, was sitting on his couch when the Raiders called him in October. After being replaced by rookie sensation Andy Dalton in Cincinnati, Palmer looked to be at the end of the road. He struggled in his first few starts in Oakland, but looked

sensational in the Raiders huge 24-17 win over the San Diego Chargers. Coming off that performance, Palmer is hoping for a rebirth in the black-and-silver. Now with a game lead in the AFC West, the Raiders have the edge in a division where last place is a 4-5 record. The Raiders playoff hopes are now purely in their hands. The AFC West is a division where a 9-7 record could win it, and a wildcard berth seems unlikely. The journey for the Raiders is far from over. Perhaps Oakland’s biggest worry is their streaky play. This is a team that, at times, looks like a serious AFC Title contender and a premier NFL club. Like in their impressive wins over the Texans and Jets. This is also a team that can, at the same time, look like a


hopeless excuse for a football team, like in losses to the Chiefs, Broncos, and Patriots. Consistency is the name of the game for the Raiders. They don’t have to win out, but they do need to display some amount of solid play from here on out if they want to win the AFC West. This is a team with a lot of talent. An AFC West crown

really should be the goal this year, and they have themselves in a solid position to take it. It’s an important month for the Raiders. The playoffs are within reach and attainable with a few more good wins. In first, they don’t have to depend on any other team to win the division crown. There’s only a month to go, it’s Oakland’s division to lose.

the pomegranate DECEMBER 2011 Sunday



Wednesday 1

AV: Amador Valley Cal: California High CDL: Carondelet DLS: De La Salle FH: Foothill LHS: Livermore High MV: Monte Vista SRV: San Ramon Valley





-Frosh Girls Soccer vs. AV -Frosh Boys Soccer @ AV -Engineering Club Room 604 -Math Club P-24




-Art Club Room 601 -Academic Honor Society Room 304 -DECA Leadership at Lunch


-Christmas Day -Kwanzaa -Frosh Girls Basketball Tourney @ Irvington


-JV/V Girls Soccer vs. FH -JV/V Girls Soccer @ FH -Art Club Room 601 -DECA Leadership at Lunch

-Hannukah Begins



-Hip Hop Dance Club Room P10 -National Pearl Harbor Day



-Boys v Basketball Granada Tourney -Engineering Club Room 604 -Ignited Youth Room 207 -College Prep Club MM3 -Art Club in Room 601




-Girls JV Basketball Granada Tourney -Boys V Basketball Tourney @ Washington -Interact Room S-3 -GSA Room 608

-Girls JV Basketball Granada Tourney -Boys V Basketball Tourney @ Washington



-Boys V Basketball Granada Tourney -Girls V Basketball Tourney@ Modesto -Interact Room S-3 -GSA Room 608

-Boys V Basketball Granada Tourney -Frosh Girls Soccer @ FH -Frosh Boys Soccer vs. FH


-Hip Hop Dance Club P-10

-JV/V Girls Soccer @ AV -JV/V Boys Soccer vs. AV -Ignited Youth Room 201 -Art Club Room 601 -Engineering Club Room 604

-Girls Frosh Basketball Tourney @ Modesto -Interact Room S-3 -GSA Room 608





-Girls Frosh Basketball Tourney @ Modesto

24 -Christmas Eve

-Winter Solstice

winter break

-Girls Frosh Basketball Tourney @ Irvington -Girls V Basketball West Coast Jamboree

Friday 2

-Girls JV Basketball Granada Tourney -Boys V Basketball Tourney @ Washington -Ignited Youth Room 207 -Art Club Room 601

-Math Club P-24 -Engineering Club Room 604 -Red Cross Club Room S-2




-Girls Frosh Basketball Tourney @ Irvington -Girls V Basketball West Coast Jamboree


-Hannukah Ends -Girls V Basketball West Coast Jamboree



31 -New Year’s Eve

-Girls V Basketball West Coast Jamboree

Congrats to Jonathan Ochoa, ALOHA’S DRIVER OF THE MONTH!! Jonathan has won a $50 GAS CARD on ALOHA!!!

--------------------------------------Enroll NOW to reserve your spot!

$20.00 OFF

(full package)

FULL PACKAGE= Taking BOTH Drivers Ed & Behind-the-Wheel @ Aloha

- -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The ONLY completely private Behind-the-Wheel program in town! Thank you to all students past & present for your business!

Located at 1857 First St. Office enrollment hours Mon-Thurs 3:30-6:30 Classroom Drivers Ed. runs monthly On-Line Drivers Ed. available 24/7

Check out our website for more info:

(One coupon per enrollment exp 12/31/11 DMV #4146)


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