Utbildning för säljchefer, säljare och säljteam i social selling

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Utbildning för säljare & säljteam i Social Selling WSI WebAnalys Lead Generation info@wsiwebanalys.se wsiwebanalys.se wsiworld.com

• WSI Social Selling Mastery Course • http://www.wsiworld.com/our-services/social/wsi-social-selling-mastery-course

Vår utbildning i Social Selling

• WSI Social Selling Mastery Course • http://www.wsiworld.com/our-services/social/wsi-social-selling-mastery-course

Vår utbildning i Social Selling

• WSI Social Selling Mastery Course • http://www.wsiworld.com/our-services/social/wsi-social-selling-mastery-course

Vår utbildning i Social Selling

• WSI Social Selling Mastery Course • http://www.wsiworld.com/our-services/social/wsi-social-selling-mastery-course

Vår utbildning i Social Selling

• WSI Social Selling Mastery Course • http://www.wsiworld.com/our-services/social/wsi-social-selling-mastery-course

Vår utbildning i Social Selling

• WSI Social Selling Mastery Course • http://www.wsiworld.com/our-services/social/wsi-social-selling-mastery-course

Vår utbildning i Social Selling

• WSI Social Selling Mastery Course • http://www.wsiworld.com/our-services/social/wsi-social-selling-mastery-course

Våra utbildare och experter i Social Selling PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND •

More than 15 Years B2B Sales and Marketing Experience in some of the largest corporations in Canada

BA from University of Toronto and MBA from Heriot-Watt University, with a focus on international business

Why I believe in social selling: Sales teams are all struggling with prospecting but don’t know why! Sales works in a product-centric vacuum. It is our job to educate your sales team on how the social world has changed and why you need to change or become obsolete.

Sharon Herrnstein, Toronto, Canada

Våra utbildare och experter i Social Selling PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND • Over 30 years experience in the ICT sector • Over 12 years of Digital Marketing expertise • Business Advisor with ibd Business Advice and the Institute for Independent Business

Why I believe in social selling:

- Increasingly the best sales reps are not just present on the social channels they are positioning themselves as thought leaders. As the popularity of inbound marketing increases companies will have to create more valuable content for their buyer personas and distribute that effectively to their target audience, social selling is a key enabler of this.

David Duncan, London, UK

Våra utbildare och experter i Social Selling PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND • Over 30 years experience in Sales & Marketing, Including 8 years of Digital Marketing • International Speaker & Trainer • Fellow of the Institute of Sales & Marketing Management

Why I believe in social selling: -

I believed in using LinkedIn since before there was “social selling”!


Potential buyers do their due diligence online finding out; who you are, what you do, and what your online reputation is. Get social selling right and the phone will ring, get it wrong and you’re out of the game before you even knew there was a game!

Rob Thomas Bristol, UK

Våra utbildare och experter i Social Selling PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND • • •

A few years (OK, decades) in software development, population scale healthcare systems Consulting group executive Change junkie - since pony cars were new

Why I believe in social selling: • Continuing the connection revolution (our “Global Village”) • Helping business adapt to changes in behaviour and information sources

Peter Fieger, Victoria, Canada

Våra utbildare och experter i Social Selling PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND • Over 30 yrs experience in Sales & Marketing, including 10 yrs of Digital Marketing • International Speaker & Trainer • Masters Degree in Information Technology

Why I believe in social selling: -

The sales cycle has changed to the buying cycle & now the buyer controls the process 75% of decision makers turn to social media as part of their purchase research Engaging in social selling will build your reputation, brand and trust, giving you more opportunities to develop your business It will become an important part of business going forward

Francois Muscat, Johannesburg, South Africa

Kontakta oss för mer info PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND • Certified Digital Marketing Consultant • Speaker & Trainer • MBA in Marketing

Why I believe in social selling: -

Mer info? Kontakta oss på WSI WebAnalys Tel. 070-276 2688 info@wsiwebanalys.se

Shorten your sales cycle Time efficient and very successful Meet your sales goals with the right tools, right strategy and the “know-how”

Madelene Wadelius, Gävle/Stockholm, Sweden Certified in Social Selling & Adaptive SEO


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