Dance Till The Stars Come Down From The

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truth. He radiates godliness. He becomes evidence that god exists. This is your name: Swami Bhajan. Bhajan means singing in the praise of god. That is going to be your path. Praise the Lord. Praise the beauty that surrounds us all, but of which we are unaware. Praise the sunrise, the sunset, the stars, the clouds, the trees, the people, because these are all manifestations of god. Become a song of praise. Look with the eyes of praise. Drop being critical. Being critical is the sure way of missing all that is significant. Be creative, don't be critical. And one can be creative only if one knows how to praise. Out of that very praise creativity arises. You start sharing your being. And when you see the beauty, the splendor of existence, you would like to make it a little more beautiful, just a little more. That's how creativity is. It is an effort to make life a little more beautiful, just a little more. That's how creativity is born. It is an effort to make life a little more beautiful, to bring a little smile, a little laughter, a little joy, a little love into existence, to leave existence a little better than you found it. That's what creativity is all about -- helping, contributing to beautifying existence. And that is true worship. But the critical person only complains, he only finds what is wrong. If you take him to the rose bush he will count the thorns, he will overlook the flowers. And when he has counted thousands of thorns and has become wounded on his hands... It is natural, it is bound to happen when you count thorns, you will be wounded. Then he is very angry, he is in a rage. Now he cannot see flowers. Even if you say that they are there he will say "It is impossible. How amongst thousands of thorns can flowers be born? It is impossible, it is illogical. How out of so many thorns can beautiful roses be born? You must be imagining it." He will say, "You must be fantasizing." And it is very difficult to prove that there are flowers, very difficult to prove that there is beauty, very difficult to prove, almost impossible, that there is love, that there is god. A sannyasin lives the life of creativity but not of criticism. He is not negative, he is not searching for some faults. Whatsoever you search you will find. If you search for faults you will find millions. If you search for flowers you will find millions. It depends on you. If you want to live surrounded by thoughts, search for them; if you want to live surrounded by flowers, search for them. And when you are surrounded by flowers sooner or later you will become a flower. There is a synchronicity: when you are surrounded by all that is beautiful, something inside you starts responding, something transpires between you and that which surrounds you.

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