Love Your Leftovers - Chapter 12 Preview

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Chapter 12

Rice I challenge you to make the exact amount of rice you need for a meal. I think it’s impossible. You either fall short or have leftovers. It’s some unwritten physical rule of the kitchen that the rice in the pot will expand or contract to make sure you never have the perfect amount you need. To solve this problem, I just cook a bunch of it, because more is better than not enough. This is especially true when dealing with a food like rice that keeps well and can be used in dozens of different ways. It’s one of the most consumed foods on the planet for a reason. The problem with rice is actually cooking it. Many people think it’s a pain in the butt. That’s why there’s a whole market of contraptions and gadgets that revolve around cooking rice. Don’t worry. You don’t need any of that fancy equipment to properly cook rice. After all, I can guarantee you that the nice Andean lady who cooks perfect rice and sells it out of a cart in Peru doesn’t have a Rice Maker MAX 5000. She has a pot, rice, and water. That’s all she needs, and it’s all you need. The method I describe in this chapter for cooking rice, which is essentially boiling and steaming it, is one of my favorite cooking techniques in this entire book. If you master it (it isn’t hard), then you can cook almost any rice and never be left with a pot of mush or a burned, blackened pot. And you can give your Rice Maker MAX 5000 to one of your rice-loving friends. Actually, scratch that. Just give them a copy of this book with this chapter earmarked.

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Love Your Leftovers

The Perfect Rice Method Cooking rice according to the directions on packaging is one of the most frustrating things in the kitchen. They always give you directions to measure out precise amounts of water and rice and cook it for a very specific amount of time. When I used to try to follow these instructions, I always wound up in two boats. Boat A would result in a big pot of mush. Boat B would lead to burned rice stuck to a pan. It seemed almost impossible to get right. That method is just plain stupid. The truth is you can cook rice just like you cook pasta. You don’t need specific measurements or exact timing. And you definitely don’t need a fancy piece of equipment. The method below works with almost any kind of rice: short grain to long grain, white rice or brown rice. The only kind of rice it won’t work with is any sort of pre-cooked, dried rice. So it won’t work with instant rice. Servings: Depends on the rice used; read package information | Prep Time: Depends on the rice used; read package information

1 pound rice (you can cook less, but it makes sense to cook a large batch) Water Pinch of salt (optional)


Add rice to a large pot. Fill pot with cold water and swirl rice in the water to rinse it well. Carefully pour out most of the cold water (it’s okay if you lose some rice) and re-rinse the rice. Keep rinsing until the water is mostly clear. This will probably take three or four rinses, depending on the rice you are using.

2. Once your rice is clean, fill the pot with hot water. There should be at least a few inches of water above the rice line. I always use at least a 4-quart pot and add water until it covers the rice by 4 to 5 inches. Add a pinch of salt (if you’re using it). Stir the rice to separate the grains in the water, cover, and place over high heat. 3. Once the water starts to simmer, remove lid or it will probably boil over. Turn down heat to medium-high. 4. As the rice boils, spoon out a few grains every 5 minutes or so and taste it. Keep cooking until the rice is almost cooked through. It should have a very tiny bite to it. In pasta terms it would be al dente. If ever the water looks murky or starts to get thick, add more water to keep the grains moving.

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Rice 5. As soon as the rice is almost cooked to the right texture (see below for some guidelines), drain the rice using a wire mesh colander that the rice can’t fit through. If you are using quickercooking rice like short-grained white rice, be sure to drain off as much water as possible or you’ll run the risk of overcooking the rice later. 6. Once you’ve drained off most of the water, pour the rice back into the hot pan immediately. Return the pan to the stove, cover, and cook on low heat for 30 seconds just to reheat the pan. 7. Turn off heat and let the rice steam, covered, for 8 minutes. 8. Uncover rice and fluff well with a fork to separate grains. Serve immediately or cool and store for later.

A Note on Cooking Time

Obviously, different rice varieties will require different cooking times using this boiling method. But the only step that changes in the preparation method is the amount of time you allow the rice to boil. I hesitate to give specific times for cooking different rice grains because it depends on a lot of variables like pot size and amount of rice you are cooking. You should just get into the habit of tasting it every few minutes until you get a general cooking time down for the variety of rice you cook most. That said, I’ll try to give some guidelines. Most white rice varieties will take 5 to 12 minutes of boiling to reach the right texture. Short grain white rice is the fastest and only needs to boil for few minutes. Long grain white rice or similar varieties like jasmine rice takes longer and will usually need to boil for around 10 to 12 minutes. Brown rice and other heartier rice varieties like wild rice are different beasts entirely. They will take at least 15 to 20 minutes and possibly longer. Don’t even bother tasting these varieties until they’ve boiled for at least 10 minutes. Again, regardless of the variety, instant rice will not work with this method. It’s already cooked and dehydrated, so cooking it again using this boiling method will turn it to mush.

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Love Your Leftovers

Storing the Rice

Unless you run a Chinese food restaurant in your spare time, you probably won’t be able to finish a pound of rice in one sitting. The important thing to remember about storing rice is to always make sure it cools off first. You should never store rice hot, as it will collect condensation and become soggy. You can keep cooked rice in the fridge for up to a week without any problems. Occasionally rice will get dry when it’s stored. If that happens to your rice, you can microwave it with a few tablespoons of water or a knob of butter and it will come back to life. If you want to store your rice for the long term, you can wrap up individual portions of rice (3⁄4 cup is my portion size) in plastic wrap. Add the rice to the center of a square of plastic and then twist the ends to form an airtight pouch. Freeze these individual servings in a freezer-safe bag and they will keep for months. When you need a few portions of rice, unwrap and remove them from the plastic wrap. Microwave rice with about a tablespoon of water per 3⁄4 cup rice on high in 30-second bursts until the rice is hot and ready to serve.

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Love Your Leftovers

Breakfast Congee This is one of my favorite things to make with leftover rice from Chinese take-out food. The recipe works best with starchy short or medium grain white rice, so leftover take-out rice is perfect. I have no idea why this sort of breakfast hasn’t really caught on in America. It’s delicious, almost like savory oatmeal, and is a surefire cure for any hangover you can throw at it. Servings: 2 | Prep Time: 10 minutes | Total Time: 40 minutes

3 cups water


To start the congee, add the water, stock, and cooked rice to a

1 cup chicken stock

medium pot with a pinch of salt. Bring the mixture to a boil over

11⁄2 cups cooked white rice

medium heat and then reduce the heat to medium-low.

Salt and pepper

2. Simmer the rice, uncovered, for 30 minutes. Stir it occasionally.

1 teaspoon neutral oil (canola or vegetable oil)

You can prep your other ingredients while the congee cooks.

4 ounces ham slices


2 eggs, soft-boiled or fried

The rice should thicken and almost dissolve in the liquid as it cooks. The final congee should be very thick, almost like runny

3. While the rice cooks, add a drizzle of oil to a skillet over

Fresh cilantro, garnish

medium heat and sear a few pieces of ham for a few minutes

Chopped scallions, garnish

per side.

Sriracha chili sauce

4. To soft-boil your eggs: Bring about 1⁄2 inch of water to a simmer in a heavy pot with a lid over high heat. Once simmering, take your large or extra large eggs straight from the fridge and gently place them in the simmering water. The water won’t cover the eggs. That’s okay. 5. Cover the pot with a lid and set a timer for exactly 6 minutes 30 seconds. It’s very important that the pot is over high heat because the goal is to return the water to a simmer as soon as possible. 6. When they have steamed for that exact amount of time, immediately move the pot to the sink and rinse the eggs with very cold water for 30 seconds.

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Rice 7. Peel the eggs carefully, starting at the wide end of the egg. Slightly older eggs will be easier to peel. If peeling eggs is the bane of your existence, you can also just fry the eggs in a bit of butter or oil. 8. Once the congee is thick, season it well with salt and pepper. Ladle the congee into two bowls and top each bowl with some of the ham, an egg, fresh cilantro, scallions, and a drizzle of chili sauce.

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Ginger Pineapple Fried Rice The key to making a good fried rice dish, like many dishes, is to make sure you have all your chopping and prep done before you even heat the pan. The whole meal cooks in almost no time, and if you turn your back on your hot skillet or wok, the dish will burn. So take your time chopping and mincing and then focus on cooking the ingredients over very high heat as quickly as possible. You’ll be well rewarded. Servings: 4 | Prep Time: 30 minutes | Total Time: 45 minutes


For this fried rice, be sure to take your time dicing the

4 cloves garlic, minced

vegetables and pineapple. Make sure to mince the garlic, ginger,


and shallot finely. For the pineapple, cut off the ends, then stand

⁄4 cup minced fresh ginger ⁄3 cup minced shallot

it on its end and cut the rind off around the edges. Next, cut


it in quarters and remove the light-yellow core, which is a bit

11⁄2 cups diced fresh pineapple

tough to chew. Then dice the flesh into ⁄2-inch cubes. 1

2 tablespoons soy sauce

2. Whisk together the soy sauce, fish sauce, rice wine vinegar, and red pepper flakes in a small bowl.

1 tablespoon fish sauce 1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar

3. Whisk eggs well in another small bowl.


4. In a large wok or skillet, add oil over high heat. Once hot, add

4 large eggs

⁄2–1 teaspoon red pepper flakes

the pineapple and cook until pineapple starts to caramelize


slightly, about 5 minutes.

4–5 cups cooked rice (long grain white rice is best)

5. Add ginger, shallot, and garlic to the pan and cook for another 1

⁄4 cup vegetable oil

1 cup frozen peas, thawed

to 2 minutes, stirring constantly. 6. Add sauce to the pan followed by cooked rice. Toss everything

Fresh cilantro, garnish

together and cook for 30 seconds. 7. Make a well in the center of the pan and pour eggs in the center. Note: You can use Let sit for 30 seconds and then stir everything together. canned pineapple in a pinch. Just drain it well

8. Finally, add peas and toss to heat through and combine flavors.

so there isn’t a lot of liquid on the pineapple.

9. Garnish with red pepper flakes and fresh cilantro. Serve immediately with extra soy sauce.

Fresh is definitely best though.

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Love Your Leftovers

Rice-Stuffed Red Peppers You could use any pepper for this dish obviously, but I think red peppers have the best flavor when cooked. Most people will cut the stem off the top of the peppers to stuff them, but then it’s hard to get them to stay upright when baking. Instead, slice off the side of each pepper and let them lie naturally on their sides. Servings: 6 (5 if you have super-large red peppers) | Prep Time: 20 minutes | Total Time: 1 hour

6 red peppers


Preheat oven to 350°F.

2 tablespoons olive oil 1 cup diced white onion

2. Sit red peppers upright and slice off one side. Clean out each

2 cloves garlic, minced

pepper, removing the guts and seeds. Save the pepper slices for

1 Serrano pepper, minced

a salad!

2 teaspoons paprika 1 (28-ounce) can diced tomatoes

3. In a medium pot, add olive oil over medium heat. Once hot, add the onions, garlic, and Serrano pepper and cook until the veggies are soft, about 5 minutes.

2 cups cooked rice Salt and pepper 1 cup shredded Pepper Jack cheese ⁄2 cup grated Parmesan cheese, garnish

4. Add paprika and cook for a minute. Then add diced tomatoes and cook the mixture for 10 to 15 minutes, mashing the tomatoes to break them down as it cooks.


Fresh parsley, garnish

5. Once the tomato sauce thickens slightly, stir in cooked rice and remove the pot from the heat. Be careful not to cook the sauce once you add the cooked rice or the rice will turn to mush. 6. Season the mixture with salt and pepper and stir in shredded cheese, which should melt from the heat of the sauce. Don’t worry if the mixture looks slightly runny at this point. It will firm up more as it bakes in the peppers. 7. Once the filling has cooled for a minute or two, spoon some into each pepper, filling each pepper to the top. 8. Bake peppers on an ungreased baking sheet until the peppers are cooked, but still a bit firm, 30 to 35 minutes. 9. Remove peppers from oven, garnish with grated Parmesan cheese and fresh parsley, and serve immediately.

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Love Your Leftovers

Minted Rice Salad This is a nice, light salad that pairs well with a ton of dishes. If you happen to be a lamb fan, try it with some seared lamb chops. Personally, I love this salad as a lunch salad. It’s surprisingly filling. And yes, you better believe I squirt a good amount of Sriracha on top if I’m eating it for lunch. Servings: 4 as a side or starter | Prep Time: 15 minutes | Total Time: 15 minutes

Dressing: ⁄4 cup minced shallot



For dressing: Whisk together the dressing ingredients in a small bowl.

1 clove garlic, minced 3 tablespoons extravirgin olive oil 1 tablespoon honey 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar 1 tablespoon lemon juice

2. Stir together rice with vegetables and mint in a large bowl. If your rice is very dry and crispy, I recommend microwaving it on high for 30 seconds with 2 tablespoons water to soften it. 3. Pour dressing over salad and stir well. 4. Serve immediately or store in the fridge. The salad will keep fine for a few days.

1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil Pinch of black pepper 4 cups cooked rice 1 cup diced cucumbers 1 cup frozen edamame or peas, thawed 1 cup chopped radish (about 6 radishes) 3 tablespoons minced fresh mint

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Chicken and Rice Soup I wrote this recipe as a stand-alone recipe, but it pairs perfectly with the Roast Chicken chapter in this book. If you happen to have some shredded chicken and chicken stock left over from that chapter, this is a must-make, especially on a cold day. It’s really flavorful, healthy, and warming. Of course, you don’t need to have those things to make the recipe. It’s plenty good with store-bought stock and freshly cooked chicken. Servings: 4–6 | Prep Time: 15 minutes | Total Time: 40 minutes


heat and add chicken. Reduce heat to medium, cover the

1 pound chicken breasts, poached and shredded

pot, and poach until chicken is cooked through, about 15

1 tablespoon olive oil

minutes. Drain, let chicken cool briefly, and shred chicken meat.

1 cup diced white onion (about 1 medium onion)

Bring a medium pot of water to a simmer over medium-high

Alternatively, you can use shredded chicken from the Roast Chicken chapter.

2 stalks celery, minced

2. In a large pot, add olive oil over medium heat. Stir in onions, celery, carrots, and garlic and season with a pinch of salt. Cook

1 medium carrot, sliced into half rounds

until onions turn translucent, about 5 minutes. Be careful not to

1 clove garlic, minced

burn garlic.

Salt and pepper 1 quart chicken stock

flakes and bring to a simmer. Simmer for 5 to 10 minutes so

⁄4 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)

flavors can combine.

1 small lemon, juice only

3. Add shredded chicken, chicken stock, and optional red pepper


2 cups cooked rice

4. Add lemon juice and cooked rice and stir together. Once you add rice, don’t simmer for too long or the rice will turn mushy. 5. Season soup with salt and pepper, garnish with freshly chopped parsley, and serve immediately with lots of crusty bread or crackers!

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Freshly chopped parsley, garnish

Love Your Leftovers

Tomato Basil Arancini Arancini, stuffed and fried rice balls, are traditionally made with leftover risotto, but there’s no rule I’ve read that says you have to make them with risotto. I make them with all kinds of leftover rice. The key is to make sure that your rice is sticky enough to hold together, which might require adding a bit of extra liquid to it. Servings: 12–14 large arancini | Prep Time: 30 minutes | Total Time: 45 minutes

3 cups cooked rice (medium grain works well) ⁄2 cup sun-dried tomatoes from oil (about a 7-ounce jar)


If your rice is very dry out of the fridge and has a crunchy texture, microwave it for 30 seconds with two tablespoons of water to loosen it up and make it easier to shape.


1 cup lightly packed minced fresh basil 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes ⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt


1 tablespoon oil from sun-dried tomatoes 3–4 ounces manchego or other semi-hard cheese 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon each salt and pepper

2. Chop sun-dried tomatoes very finely and stir into cooked rice. Add minced basil, red pepper flakes, salt, and 1 tablespoon oil from the sun-dried tomato jar. 3. Cube cheese into 1⁄4-inch cubes. You need one cube for each rice ball, so judge accordingly. 4. Scoop out 1⁄4 cup of the rice mixture into your hand and stick a cube of cheese right in the center of the rice. Use your hands to shape the rice around the cube of cheese and pack it into a tight ball. Set the finished ball on a baking sheet and repeat until the rice mixture is gone. 5. In three bowls, mix the flour plus a big pinch of salt and pepper

3 large eggs, whisked

in one bowl, the eggs in a second bowl, and the bread crumbs

11⁄2 cups bread crumbs

in the third.

2 quarts vegetable or canola oil for frying

6. Working with one ball at a time, roll the ball in the flour, then in the egg mixture, then in the bread crumbs. Use your hands to

Note: If your rice

make sure the bread crumbs are packed on nicely and return

doesn’t stick together

the ball to the baking sheet. Repeat with all the rice balls.

and is still too dry, add another tablespoon or two of the oil from

7. Heat the oil to 350°F in a large, sturdy pot. Please, use a deepfry thermometer to make sure you don’t overheat the oil.

the sun-dried tomatoes plus 1 tablespoon

8. Working in two or three batches, depending on the size of your

all-­purpose flour, which

pot, fry the rice balls for 4 to 5 minutes until they are golden

should make it sticky.


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Rice 9. Remove arancini to a plate lined with paper towels to drain for a few minutes and then serve immediately. 10. You can keep cooked arancini warm in a 250째F oven while you fry the other batches.

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Love Your Leftovers

Tex-Mex Variation If you want to try something different, I sometimes make these arancini with more of a Tex-Mex spin on them. 2 tablespoons olive oil ⁄2 small red onion, minced



In a medium pan over medium heat, add oil followed by red onion. Cook until the onion is soft, about 4 minutes.

3 cups cooked rice (medium grain works well)

2. Add rice, tomatoes, and chiles to the pot and cook for a few

1 (15-ounce) can diced tomatoes

3. Remove from heat and let cool until you can work with the rice

1 (4-ounce) can diced green chiles ⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt


1 teaspoon red pepper flakes 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 avocado, diced 2 tablespoons cilantro (optional)

minutes. Add salt, red pepper flakes, and cumin.

mixture. If the mixture is very wet, press down on the rice with a few paper towels to draw out some of the liquid. Try forming a ball out of the rice to make sure it is sticky, but not too wet. 4. Add in avocado and cilantro (if you’re using it) once the rice is relatively cool. 5. Continue with the arancini recipe using Pepper Jack cheese in place of manchego cheese.

3–4 ounces Pepper Jack cheese 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon kosher salt 1 teaspoon black pepper 3 large eggs, whisked 11⁄2 cups bread crumbs 2 quarts vegetable or canola oil for frying

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Arroz Mixto I debated long and hard about whether or not to include this recipe in this book, even though it’s one of my favorite things to do with leftover rice. I thought about not including it because it doesn’t look like a sexy recipe. But then I slapped some sense into myself and remembered that this book isn’t about foo-foo dishes. It’s about delicious dishes. This is a traditional South American plate. You’ll find some riff on it in almost every market in South America. It’s sometimes served with fried potatoes as well, but I think they are kind of overkill unless you happen to live in the high Andes. Servings: 2 | Prep Time: 10 minutes | Total Time: 20 minutes


Add cooked rice to a microwave-safe bowl with butter and a

2 cups cooked rice

pinch of salt and pepper. Microwave on high for 90 seconds to

1 tablespoon unsalted butter

reheat rice.

Salt and pepper

2. In a medium skillet, cook sausages with a drizzle of oil over medium heat until they are nicely browned on all sides and cooked through. For this meal, I actually like starting with fully cooked chicken sausages, but you could use any sausage.

2 sausages (I prefer chicken for my version) 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 2 large eggs

3. Once the sausage is done cooking (about 10 to 15 minutes),

1 avocado, sliced

remove it from the pan and add another drizzle of oil. Crack in


two eggs and fry them for about 90 seconds. Then flip and fry


for another 15 seconds so they are soft-cooked. 4. Divide rice between two plates. Top rice with chopped-up sausage, the fried egg, sliced avocado, a spoonful of salsa, cucumber slices, banana peppers, scallions, and cilantro. 5. Season the dish with crushed red pepper flakes, salt, and pepper and serve immediately.

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⁄4 cup spicy salsa ⁄2 cup sliced cucumber

Pickled banana peppers Chopped scallions Fresh cilantro Red pepper flakes

Love Your Leftovers

Broccoli Cheddar Casserole This recipe reminds me a lot of a casserole that I used to eat as a child. I believe that the dish I had as a child was made with broccoli soup, so this version is a bit different and has nice big pieces of broccoli throughout the casserole. It’s super cheesy and filling though. If you want to get your kids to eat their broccoli, this is one way to do it. Servings: 4–6 | Prep Time: 30 minutes | Total Time: 1 hour

9–10 ounces (about 3 cups) chopped broccoli florets 1 cup heavy cream


Preheat oven to 400°F.

2. Butter or lightly grease a large 21⁄2-quart baking dish. (If you use a standard 8 x 8-inch baking dish, you might have some


⁄2 cup milk

casserole left over, as an 8 x 8-inch dish will hold roughly 2

1 cup chicken stock

quarts. It will work even if you don’t have the exact size I used.)

3 tablespoons olive oil ⁄2 medium onion, diced


3. In a medium pot, bring water to a simmer and salt it with about

3 cloves garlic, minced

a tablespoon of kosher salt. Once simmering, add broccoli

⁄4 teaspoon cayenne pepper (optional)

florets and cook for 60 seconds. Drain florets and rinse with

⁄2 teaspoon red pepper flakes

Set broccoli florets aside for later. I like my broccoli to be in big



cold water to stop cooking. They should be slightly crunchy still. chunks, but you can also dice into smaller bites.

Salt and pepper 3 tablespoons flour

Note: You can use frozen broccoli. Just thaw it in the microwave and

8 ounces (about 2 packed cups) grated cheddar cheese

skip this step.

4. In a medium pot, combine cream, milk, and stock over medium-

3 cups cooked rice

low heat and warm the mixture until it’s steaming, but not

⁄3 cup slivered almonds

simmering. Keep it warm over low heat until needed.


5. In a second, larger pot, add oil over medium heat followed by diced onion and garlic. Cook until soft, about 4 minutes. Add cayenne (if you’re using it), red pepper flakes, and a pinch of salt and pepper to the pot. Stir to combine. 6. Add flour to the pot and use a whisk to stir the flour into the oil, forming a roux. Cook the roux until it is a light tan color, about 4 to 5 minutes.

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Rice 7. Slowly ladle in the warm cream mixture. Whisk constantly as you add the hot liquid to the roux base. It should thicken immediately. Continue to add liquid to the pot until it is all combined. Whisk well and bring to a slight simmer. The mixture should be the consistency of thin gravy. If it is very thin, simmer for a minute or two to thicken it. 8. Add grated cheese and stir until cheese is melted. 9. Stir in broccoli and rice. Taste the mixture and season with salt and pepper. 10. Add casserole mixture to prepared baking dish. Bake for 15 minutes. 11. Add slivered almonds to the top of the dish and bake for another 15 minutes. 12. Remove casserole and let cool for a few minutes before serving.

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Love Your Leftovers

Coconut Rice Pudding Rice can be surprisingly delicious in dessert. I especially like it because I don’t like super-sweet desserts. I like my desserts to have good flavors and creamy textures, but I’m rarely looking for something nutso sweet. While this pudding would be very sweet on its own, the rice actually cuts some of the sweetness and makes it work. Servings: 6 | Prep Time: 30 minutes | Total Time: 45 minutes plus 4 hours chilling

1 cup shredded, unsweetened coconut flakes 2 large eggs


In a dry skillet, toast coconut over low heat until it’s lightly browned, about 6 to 8 minutes, depending on your coconut and pan. Stir the coconut regularly to make sure it toasts evenly, and don’t turn your back on this as it will burn. If you have large

2 large egg yolks

shreds of coconut, crush them into smaller bits with your hands

1 cup sugar, divided

after it cools.

1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 tablespoon vanilla extract

2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the eggs, yolks, 1⁄2 cup sugar, cornstarch, and vanilla. Set aside.

11⁄2 cups milk 1 cup coconut milk

3. In a medium-large pot, add milk and coconut milk with salt.

⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt

Bring to almost a simmer over medium-low heat, stirring

2 cups cooked rice

frequently to make sure the milk doesn’t scald.


⁄4 cup heavy whipping cream


4. When milk is steaming and almost at a simmer, remove it from the heat and slowly pour half of it into the egg mixture, whisking constantly while you add it. Once half of the hot milk is whisked into egg mixture, pour that mixture back into the pot with the rest of the hot milk. Continue to whisk. 5. Continue to stir mixture over low heat. Let the mixture thicken over low heat for 3 to 4 minutes, stirring constantly. At this point it helps to switch from a whisk to a flat spatula while stirring. 6. Stir in rice and continue to simmer on low until the mixture is very thick, about 5 minutes. 7. Stir in heavy cream and three-quarters of the toasted coconut.

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Rice 8. Remove from heat and pour pudding mixture into ramekins. You can either use small single-serving ramekins or just pour the mixture into a large 21â „2-quart dish. Either way, sprinkle the rest of the toasted coconut on top of the pudding. 9. Let the pudding cool at room temperature for 20 minutes, then cover with plastic wrap and transfer to the fridge to chill completely. Serve chilled.

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