Javea grapevine issue no 171 2014

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July 2014

Issue No. 171

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Wow - what a month! After a soft launch with a special show version at Olympia’s Over 50’s Show in London, the new mag Lanzarote Grapevine launched last week - Issue 1 is on www.lanzarotegrapevine.com. What has been brilliant about this is that we have extended the reach of Javea Grapevine as a result - with an advert for our Javea magazine in every new Grapevine as they roll out across Spain. Grapevine magazines are about the communities in which they are based - but sometimes it is nice to know that we are not alone in some of the issues we face - or the pleasures and interests we share.

For many of us whether or not there are any other Grapevines in other areas will not make any difference the Javea Grapevine has evolved to around 106 pages and the content is all about Javea, so nothing has changed here. For the businesses based here who rely on customers outside of Javea for their main income - events, the hotels, the bars and restaurants, the car hire people and the leisure and sports activity suppliers, we hope that our expansion will have a positive impact. The more people who know how interesting and unique Javea is, the more jobs will be created in the town for the benefit of everyone who lives here. So when I had finally stopped eating at the International Food Festival I had barely taken a breath, when the

Same Community Values Same Ethos Just a different Look

Moors invaded and the port erupted to raucus cries and the festivals began again. What is not to love about a town and a people who really understand how to put on a show and have fun at the same time. Everywhere I have been since the sun finally came out for the Summer I have seen happy people and smiling faces. It hasn’t been good for everyone, though, sometimes the customers have come too late for the businesses that needed them and we have lost good friends already this summer, but there are also a lot of new faces, new people who want to grow into and with the community. So to those who have left we bid a sad and regretful farewell, but I hope you will still visit us both through the magazine and in person. To our new visitors we say welcome. Gaile, Editor@grapevinespain.com

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Hello Grapevine friends,

José Chulvi Mayor of Jávea

The hot summer weather has arrived in full force in Xàbia, but we are fortunate in being able to cool down on our wonderful beaches and coves, which these days we share with so many tourists from all over the world.

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I enjoyed my 6 days of annual holidays (the only days I take in the whole year). But already since my return, I’m very busy, involved in the day to day routine of work. Many meetings, appointments, and dealing with the increase in problems which arise during the summertime, etc

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...But, as always, with the great satisfaction which comes from trying to resolve everything I can. I have also made ​​ several trips to Alicante where, in my role as your MP in the Provincial Government, I’ve been making great efforts, and negotiating the implementation of a number of improvements which will benefit our town and people. For example the provisional roundabout at the Avenida del Pla, (the one with the olive tree in the centre) will be entirely paid for by the Alicante Government at a cost of 240,000€. I have also managed to obtain a grant of 120,000 € to carry out major improvements to Pinosol Park (one of the most iconic parks in our town). This will result in a completely renovated leisure area for the residents of Xàbia to enjoy. The work related to the complete refurbishment of the Central Cinema continues apace. After carrying out the study of the acoustics, archaeological investigations and other scheduled works, I personally submitted the documents to the Alicante Provincial Government. The project is now in the final draft stage and now the bidding phase for the work will take place.

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Once the contract is awarded for all the renovations, I believe the works will start some time in October. We will then have a marvellous venue for cultural activities and films for the benefit of all the citizens of XĂ bia. I hope and wish that you all have a great month of August and that you enjoy it with your families and friends. See you soon Your mayor

JosĂŠ Chulvi

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Updates from XD

Cleaning Team for rural roads The Councillor responsible for the Agriculture Department of Javea Town Council, Juan Luis Cardona, today introduced the new cleaning team which will be devoted specifically over the coming months to clean agricultural roads. These three workers (two laborers and a foreman) have been recruited through a plan of social collaboration with Servef, and are people who are presently receiving unemployment benefit. The Council will supplement their benefit to the same salary as forestry employees, which is a good example or formula for economic recruitment. As has been explained in his statement, these three workers will be responsible during one year for the cleaning of agricultural township roads in such areas as Pla, Les Valls, Barranqueres, les Comunes and les Cansalades, among others. They will also ​be doing some work in areas to prevent the potential catastrophic effects of bad weather, such as cleaning drainage gullies. Juan Luis Cardona has stressed that such roads have been in need of cleaning and clearing for several years. The specific program that had been organised for this has only been able to clean 30% of the planned work. Complaints about the state of these roads, as well as problems for traffic

circulation or visibility at intersections and exits have been passed on to the Town Council by the Agricultural Department Head, and the Council will now coordinate with him to perform this work in the areas of greatest need. The three workers have been selected by Servef from the registered unemployed people of Jávea. The program also has the support of Creama Jávea.

Documento Consultivo We are continuing to hold meetings with many urbanisations to explain the municipal management and how residents can be involved in the PGOU Plan (General Urban Zoning Plan). We are collecting proposals and opinions on the model of city that the residents want. Further information, cartography and plans can be viewed in the chapel of Santa Ana (Technical Office) The Consultative Document is also available on the Council’s website. http:www.ajxabia.com. Documento Consultivo For more information or to clarify any questions that you may have about what is happening in Town, please visit the Help Desk in the Office of Citizen Services (Avenida Amanecer number 2) Or contact Lanos by email llanos.lopez@ajxabia.org

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Before I die, I want to...

The “Before I die I want to” project starts in Jávea on 30 July. The event involves the installation of a slate 4 meters long and 2 meters high with the above sentence written on one side in English and the other in Spanish. The goal is for people to write what they would like to do before they die, that is, to stop and reflect on what they do with their lives and what they would actually do. The initiative comes from a group of seven friends coaching in a group called “the dream factory” in 2011. This global campaign from the USA inspired a young woman who wants to foster communication with her community beyond mere hello. She suffered the loss of a loved one, and for her this joined the two elements, communication and death - “we have to be aware that it is a fact that is there and we should live this life doing what inspires you from within”.

Photo: Jordi Vilanova, Juan Luis Cardona and Empar Bolufer Marián and Vilanova Jordi Martínez were the representatives of the project held for the first time in Valencia. Both coaches have said that this type of activity helps people to rethink what they are doing with their lives and to regain their challenges and dreams and goals. The Department of Culture, led by Empar Bolufer and the Department of Economic Development, led by Juan Luis Cardona, are the departments that will support this project in Jávea. The slate will be on Avenida Jaume I from 30 July until 8 September to end the celebrations of the fiestas del Loreto de Aduanas. Everyone is invited to join in on the project and share their dreams and aspirations - some may help others to reach theirs. llanos.lopez@ajxabia.org

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Asociación de jubilados Amanecer plan a great Five Day Trip

The Amanecer Retiree association of Javea organises a trip to the Catalan Pyrenees and the French Cerdanya Valley Nuria The event is from 28 September to 3 October and is priced at 279 euros The six-day tour stops at the Pyrenees, Mont Louis, Andorra, Llivia, Nuria Valley, Puig Cerda, Cambrils or La Seu d’Urgell. The event, which includes five nights in a three star full board, guide service and various excursions, is priced at 279 euros. Registrations can be made on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 to 12 am at the headquarters of the association in the Social Center, until all the seats are filled. Those interested can also get more info on the phone 965 792 398.

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Minors Travelling out of Spain without their parents or legal guardians

Any child resident in Spain, under the age of 18, who is travelling out of Spain without a parent or legal guardian needs an AUTORIZACIÓN PARA SALIDA DE MENORES AL EXTRANJERO.

Admittedly many many non-Spanish ( & Spanish) children will have left the country without one of these, but airport security can, & often does, ask to see this permission form, and can prevent the child from travelling if they don’t have it. Not every child will be asked to show the form, but in my opinion, since it’s a simple procedure & also free, better safe than sorry! The AUTORIZACIÓN PARA SALIDA DE MENORES AL EXTRANJERO is valid for 30 days, so you need to arrange it less than 30 days before the child leaves. It will have the date of travel & date of return on it.

by Lynn Cobb

The AUTORIZACIÓN PARA SALIDA DE MENORES AL EXTRANJERO is available from the Guardia Civil. You need to take the passports of the child & the parents - both parents need to sign the authorisation. If there is only one parent, you have to prove that, either with the death certificate of a parent who has died, or official documentation that the lone parent is the legal guardian.

This documentation might have to be ‘officially translated’, so it might be worth checking with the Guardia in advance to see if this is the case. If the adult with whom they are travelling is available to go to the Guardia, that helps, but it isn’t essential because the forms are available to download & print for completion at home – so even if one parent or the accompanying adult isn’t in Spain at the time of application, the forms can be completed & sent to Spain, or even scanned & e-mailed. Photocopies of passports are also required, though some Guardia offices will make the photocopies for you. The form is available at the Guardia office, but here it is for download. h t t p s : / / w w w. g u a r d i a c i v i l . e s / documentos/pdfs/autorizacion_ menor_extranjero/formulario_ autori zaci on_sal i da_menores_ extranjero_V2.pdf © Lynn Cobb 2014

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is an online guide with a difference through which we hope to encourage residents and visitors alike to enjoy Jávea’s many delights and to help unlock some of its secrets


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Over the last year, you will have often seen the copyright comment on many of our featured photo articles Foto: Fay Hughes (www.javeamigos.com) Quietly working in the background of Javeamigos.com, Fay has worked, tirelessly, to produce stunning photo albums on life in Javea.

Foto Focus: Fay Hughes (www.javeamigos.com)

No event ever goes by without a photographic insight into the people, the atmospehere and the town. All most of us will see will be a modest link like this “For more information on this fiesta, follow this link: http://www. javeamigos.com/dir_fiesta/pages/fiesta_moros.htm — in Jávea.” It goes without saying that Mike’s meticulously researched insights and and Fay’s photos have made javeamigos.com a major resource for information on Javea - but for once I would like to turn the camera round and talk about Fay and her photography. The first thing that I asked Fay was -

When did you start taking photos? I first picked up the camera aged about 5, my Dad’s black n white Kodak camera, the results were mostly lopsided or blurry

Did you take a photography course? I was given a Russian made SLR film camera from unclaimed lost property while working in a London Hotel and enrolled in an evening class to learn how to use it.

See a selection of Fay’s photos available for sale as cards, prints and more on www.redbubble.com

Unfortunately because I wax working shifts I couldn’t complete the course but learnt enough to get the bug and bought myself a Canon SLR film camera with birthday money the following year.

Jesús de la Rocha from Fila Jalufos and Fay Hughes Smith taken in July 2014 during ’Moors and Christians’ (foto:Mike Smith)

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The camera and all the lenses, filters etc were stolen while staying in a villa here in Javea on holiday. I then purchased a Panasonic digital camera with some nifty features while being a compact it still catered for my needs (especially as a travel camera) until I could save up and buy another SLR

Do you have a favourite camera that you like to use? I now use a Nikon D3100 for most of my photography

Above (Paula Minguez Zamora) and over the next few pages are a few more of my current favourites from the Javeamigos Facebook Page. For Fay’s latest photos of the Moors and Christian’s Fiesta in Javea Port - see more on Fay and Mike’s Facebook page - https://www.facebook. com/Javeamigos

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Fay, Do you have a website where people can buy prints of your photos? I have a profile on the artist site Redbubble through which people can purchase prints, postcards etc also I have a Zazzle account. I find it hard to update at the moment though as we only have one computer in the house and that is Mike’s domain... I hope to get back onto a PC soon then I can dedicate more time to keeping those up to date with new images. The link to the site is here: www.redbubble.com/people/ fayinspain

A small selection from Fay’s best-selling photos follows

Down by the Sea, or Wish you were here, I have sold as postcards, greeting’s cards, fridge magnets and poster prints. This one I also use as a profile or banner on my fb page White Coast Photgraphy by Fay Hughes

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Montgo through the blossom taken a few years ago on Valentine’s day has been sold as greetings cards, postcards, Framed and canvas prints, bags & fridge magnets.

This one is a favourite of mine, taken from La Falzia mirador, I had to wait for the mist to clear a bit before being able to see the island, then I noticed the boat...

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Controversial, though the Matador has been a big seller on Zazzle

I love this one simply because it is no longer possible to see as there has been lots of renovation work on the molins

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Hi Everyone! Summer is back! The time for relaxing, sharing time with friends, enjoying the sun, beaches and swimming-pools is back. And also the heat that threats our computer systems, and as every year for this season, I’d like to give some tips on how to ensure that they survive happily until the temperatures return to the ideal functioning ones. Computers (both, laptops and desktops) contain a lot of parts, almost all of which create heat when your computer is running. Some parts, like the CPU and graphics card, can get so hot you could cook on them! In a properly configured desktop computer, much of this heat is moved out of the computer’s case by several fans. If your computer isn’t removing the hot air fast enough, the temperature can get so hot that you risk serious damage to your PC. Needless to say, keeping your computer cool should be a priority throughout the summer season. The easiest thing you can do to help keep your computer cool is to give it a little breathing room by removing any obstacles to air flow by ensuring there’s nothing sitting right against any side of the computer, especially the back. Most of the hot air flows out of the back end of the computer case. There should be open space on either side and the back should be completely open and unobstructed.

by JPG

If your computer is hidden away inside a desk, make sure the door isn’t closed all the time. Cool air enters from the front and sometimes

from the sides of the case. If the door is closed all day, hot air tends to recycle inside the desk, getting hotter and hotter the longer the computer is running. If the area you’re running your computer in just too hot or too dirty, your only option is to move the computer. A cooler and cleaner area of the same room might be fine, but you may have to consider moving the computer somewhere else entirely, at least until the cool weather comes back. The fans inside your computer are there to keep it cool. Did you know what slows a fan down and then eventually makes it stop? Dirt, in the form of dust, pet hair, etc. Especially in humid weathers like the one we have here on the coast. It all finds a way into your computer and much of it gets stuck in the several fans and this makes the temperature rise, which also affects the thermal paste that ensures the correct heat dissipation of the processor. One of the most effective ways to cool your PC is to clean the internal fans. There might be fans on top the CPU, inside the power supply, and usually on the front and/or back of the case. Also, being the CPU probably the most expensive and sensitive part of your computer, it’s a good idea to upgrade its fan. Unless you’ve replaced your CPU fan already, the one that’s in your computer now is probably a bottom of the line fan that cools your processor just enough to keep it working properly, and that’s assuming it’s running at full speed.

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Also, in case you don’t have two case fans, one to move cool air into the PC and another to move warm air out of the PC, I recommend to have them installed. This is also a great way to keep a computer cool, as it ensures a proper air flow current inside the computer. These last tasks are might cause some internal damages if aren’t done correctly, so I highly recommend that you call for professional help for this. It’s possibly the best spent amount that you can invest on the maintenance and longevity increase of your computers. Most of the above explained applies not only for desktops, but also and especially for laptops. They normally have just one fan that cools both, the processor and the graphics card, so the perfect cleaning state and optimal thermal paste texture are mandatory to. Please pop over our website, which has just been upgraded and would appreciate your comments about its new look. Thanks in advance for this Here is the URL : asistencia.com


Well, that is all for now. Please find our contact details on our advert in this edition; in case you have any questions or queries, we can assure a quick and professional reply. If these queries are of general benefit, we will post the reply on further editions of the Grapevine so they can be for everybody’s benefit. Also, please visit our Facebook page, where we will try to keep you all posted on latest news about computers and

the world around them. Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/pages/ JPG-Asistencia/121514197877746 Back to work till the next post! Until then, keep clicking!!

grapevine@jpg-asistencia.com www.jpg-asistencia.com Tel:

+34 644 46 41 49

The JPG team

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Lynn Cobb


Learn Aprender www.learn-aprender.blogspot.com.es www.facebook.com/LearnAprender Years ago, when I was first learning Spanish, I took a phone call from the school where my then 5 & 8 year old children attended. The school secretary said ‘A Jessica no le encuentra bien’ . Now, I knew that the verb ENCONTRAR meant ‘to find’…. so I thought they’d lost my daughter!! Then he said ‘tiene fiebre’ & I stopped panicking!! …..we went to collect her. ENCONTRAR – means to meet or to find – but there’s a ‘reflexive’ version ENCONTRARSE – reflexive verbs are best described as something you do to yourself – so what the secretary was really saying was ‘Jessica doesn’t find hereslf well’ – she didn’t feel well!

¿Qué te pasa? ¿Qué te duele? The doctor or pharmacist might ask you either of these – what’s wrong? where does it hurt? A friend might say Tienes mala cara… literally ‘you have a bad face’ – you don’t look well! If you just don’t feel too good, you would say No me encuentro bien - I don’t feel well; if you have a headache, say Me duele la cabeza, or you have a sore throat – tengo dolor de la garganta. If you have a cold, say tengo un resfriado. Tengo fiebre – I have a fever. Estoy constipado/estoy constipada doesn’t mean what you think it does – you really want to say estoy estreñido/ estoy estreñida . Constipado means congested (in the nose/head)... estoy estreñido means what you thought constipado meant! Diarrea , however, is what it seems….and so much easier to spell in Spanish!

More about reflexive verbs another time – but here’s some useful vocabulary & phrases for going to the doctor or farmacia. Remember that pharmacists in Spain can often prescribe for simple ailments, do blood & urine tests, check your blood pressure & cholestorol among other things.

Lynn Cobb

If they feel that whatever ails you is beyond their remit the will send you to the doctor, of course.

Estoy regular might mean that you are ‘regular’ (not estreñido ).. but it also means that you feel OK; Estoy fatal doesn’t mean that you’re dead nor dying, but maybe you feel that bad! A visit to the dentist might make you feel nervioso (nervous), or maybe you would say tengo miedo

… I’m scared. Or perhaps you might be mareado - dizzy. It’s summer, & there are lots flying bugs around – if you get a mozzie bite, or are stung by something else, you might say me pica, which could mean that it itches….and you might also say it if you eat something spicy (think picante). Something you won’t be saying at this time of year is tengo frío - I’m cold, though you’ll hear a lot of people saying tengo calor – I’m hot!

He’d probably be saying tengo mucho sed – I’m very thirsty! If he was hungry it would be tengo hambre! So what might you be given for your ailments? For a sore throat you’ll probably have some kind of pastilla yes that’s pastille, if you’re constipada you might be asked if you would like tabletas, comprimidos, or ‘espray’ - that’s tablets….and they really do say ‘espray’ for ‘spray’…… although they spell it as we do. For bites or a rash you’ll be given a crema - cream – but don’t ask for crema in your coffee …… that’s nata For a headache you might take paracetamol – however if you say it the English way they might not know what you want – you need to pronounce it the Spanish way paracetamol For anyone coming to Spain for a long holiday & needing regular medication it’s now possible to get a special prescription for use in other EU countries. As of October 2013, you have been able to ask your usual doctor for a cross-border

prescription which can be presented at a farmacia in Spain. They will ask for ID so make sure that you have your EHIC & passport with you. For a bit of fun I thought you might like to label this body! All of the names of various body parts are below…but in no particular order - some might seem obvious – but some are nothing like you’d expect! el talón la espalda el pie la pierna la cabeza la nariz la boca los dedos la rodilla el hombro el codo la espinilla el tobillo el ojo el muslo el cuello el pecho el brazo la mano la cadera la muñeca el estómago la oreja/el oído el ombligo la barbilla los dedos de pie

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Female Shelter since 21.12.2009 Alsatian Mix, DOB. 15.12.2008 56 cm

Asociaci贸n Protectora de Animales de San Antonio Tel: 807 429 454 / 966 463 976 www.apasa.eu / apasa.javea@gmail.com A.P.A.S.A.

Cif: G-53334454 Reg. No. 6692 Cami de les Sorts s/n, Perrera Municipal de Javea Apartado de Correos 577, 03730 Javea (Alicante)

Sabadell , Calle Pla 55, 03730 Javea IBAN / BIC: ES 2600811045900001042507 / BSAB ESBB

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Shelter since May 2013

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Male Shelter since 2.12.2009 Schnauzer Mix DOB 15.12.2008 56 cm


Male Shelter since 06.07.2009 Alsatian Mix DOB 15.03.2009 58 cm

Apasa was founded 15 yrs ago by a group of Spanish, English and Germans. It started from humble beginnings: a few concrete kennels and no fencing, but over the years it has grown so much and we now have upwards of 200 dogs, we also have quarantine kennels for when new or sick dogs are bought in. We work with the town hall and the police in collecting dogs that have been lost or abandoned. We need the support of our members and all the fundraising events to keep us going. Thank you to everyone for your continued support.

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Save thousands against used car showooms SANDYCOASTAL is a specialist used car dealer based in Jåvea on the Costa Blanca, Spain. We offer a first class service and highly competitive pricing on all our second hand cars, vans and motorcycles. SANDYCOASTAL also buys used cars for cash, or trade your second hand vehicle in part exchange. With 25 years main dealer experience behind us, you can be confident you’re talking to the professionals.

Call Gary 0034 622431788 OR VISIT SANDYCOASTAL.COM

Sarah Farrell is a journalist and managing director of the online travel guide www.mydestination.com/alicante

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Out and About in Jรกvea with Gaile Griffin Peers

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De l’11 al 15 d’Agost Inscripcions del 21 de Juliol al 7 d’Agost a l’Oficina d’Atenció a la Ciutadania Hector Vidal

Pere Ribes

-HORARI DE LES ACTIVITATS: De dilluns a divendres de 9:30-13:30 h (Tots els dies hi haurá un monitor de 9:00-14:00h per poder deixar i arreplar els xiquets) -INSTAL·LACIONS: Trinquet Municipal de Benissa i Pavelló esportiu “Palau Sant Pere” -PREU: 45 € inscripció (Assegurança accidents esportius inclosa) -EDATS: Nasctus des del 1999-2006 -ADREÇAT A: Xiquets/etes i joves -MÁXIM Nº D’INSCRITS: 30 alumnes -PERSONAL: 3 monitors titolats (Carlos Cabrera, Hector Vidal i Pere Ribes) -Hi haurá material esportiu per a desenvolupar les unitats didáctiques -El campus es realitzará amb una inscripció mínima de 12 alumnes

-TELÉFONS D’INFORMACIÓ: 606915079 – 652040339 -- 965733392

Organitza: Regidoria d’esportsAjuntament de Benissa

Col·labora: Club de pilota futur Benissa

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42 Tons of Textile to Humana

Humana collected 42 tons of textile in Javea in the first half of 2014 This separate collection of used clothing and footwear is able to reduce the emission of 133 tons of CO2 in the city. The proceeds from textile management programs are intended for protection of the environment, development cooperation and social assistance Humana. Humana People to People Foundation, a non-governmental development organization (NGO) since 1987 promotes environmental protection and carries out cooperation programs in Africa, Latin America and Asia as well as Social Help Spain thanks to the resources obtained from the management of used textiles, collected 41,932 pounds of used clothing and shoes in Javea throughout the first half of 2014.

Separate collection is an effective tool for waste management, the proof is that the reuse and recycling of textiles that residents have placed in the points authorized for that purpose has avoided the emission of 133 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere (Source : Waste Management Options and Climate Change: Final Report European Commission, DG Environment). Textile Recycling helps protect the environment by reducing waste generated in part by the public, giving a second life to a garment that otherwise would go to a treatment center for waste incineration. Más información Departamento de Comunicación Suso López Tel: 93.840.21.82/ 606.76.84.99 suso.lopez@humana-spain.org Rubén González Tel: 91.432.07.34/ 650.36.80.79 ruben.gonzalez@humana-spain.org http://www.humana-spain.org/

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On Saturday July 12th the Squash League presentations were made at the Club de Tenis - 24 players participated. The league is played in phases, starting with a first group stage, in which the 24 players were placed in three groups of eight. After five months of competition, these were the winners of the various trophies: Winner: José Antonio García Runners-up: Jordi Catala Third place: José Juan Penalver Consolation Champion: Santiago Zubizarreta Runners-up: Javier Figueira Champion wooden spoon: Javier Bautista The dinner was attended by Councilman Sport MI Town Hall of Javea, Juan Luis Cardona, who also took part in the competition and presented the corresponding trophy.

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in case you missed it !

Behind the scenes at the Moors and Christians

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DRYCLEAN • WASH • DRY • IRON Domestic & Commercial. From 1 sheet to a 100 sheets or more!

Clothes, duvets, bed covers, blankets, pillows, cushions, cushion covers, sofa covers, sun loungers, curtains etc

Tel: 96 647 1594 info@lavanderiajavea.com 9 to 6 Monday to Friday & 9 to 1 on Saturdays

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The Town Centre Late Night Shopping was a great success

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Asociación Protectora de Animales de San Antonio

Trip to / Ausflug nach / viaje a:


5 6

on s r e p ro a p t: n / n o e on pers plem lag: s r e or up usch al: p s u r p n so r-Z ivid pe

3 €

er me ind p le lzim nto 5 g n Si inze me €13 E ple su

4 nights in Seville & 1 night in Córdoba 4 Übernachtungen in Sevilla & 1 Nacht in Córdoba 4 noches en Sevilla y 1 noche en Córdoba

12 - 17 OCTOBER 12 - 17 OKTOBER 12 -17 DE OCTUBRE


Visits to: Seville / Córdoba / Jerez / Carmona / Cádiz

For reservations / Für Reservationen / Reservar:

Sue: 965 741 668

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At the beginning of July 70 children took part in the Town’s 11th Football Camp

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1. There is at least a third of a lipstick remaining inside the holder when you think it’s finished. Use toothpicks to transfer it to a small cream pot and apply with a lip brush. 2. Take photo’s of family heirlooms and write their history on the back. Small ornaments and jewellery can be photographed in groups. 3. Hang washing inside out on the line to prevent fading in the sun. 4. If wasps are a nuisance in the swimming pool, spray some harmless WD 40 on the water. The wasps drown because the surface tension is broken. Remove them with a net before swimming in case any are still alive. 5. Use an A - Z address book to keep a record of books you’ve read. File under author’s surname.

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Shopping by the Sea in Jávea Port

As part of Javea Grapevine’s rolling programme, supporting businesses in Jávea, we thought we would start a new feature looking at some of the different shops and businesses across the three parts of the town. I must emphasise, the businesses that we select are not paying to be featured in the magazine - they are selected because we think that they are offering something special for the community - either because they are attracting visitors to come into town,

or because we believe that they are a feature for visitors who have already made the trip.

more special than the restaurants and shops that line the sea front.

This month we decided to wander around the Port. You can see some of the photos I took in the Out and About section.

There is an extra flavour to shopping when I can browse for seasonal tops, skirts and dresses (and accessories) while drinking in the amazing sea views through the shop windows.

Having fortified myself with my favourite Café Latte at l’Esquina, I started to stroll down the Sea Front. As you can see I didn’t get far! I cannot think of anything that makes Javea

Friendly and helpfiul staff too, which makes ‘Patchouli Ibiza’ a welcome addition to the pedestrian parade of restaurants, jewellers and shops. Gaile

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A lot of changes have been affecting some of our popular Jávea & Local Businesses over the last month, with Facebook changing various business profiles into pages. So if you use Facebook and some of your favourite businesses are now missing from your list of friends here are some useful links. Updates on Nicola Franklin’s High Street Heaven Boutique can be found here https://www.facebook. com/HighStreetHeavenBoutique Liz Yardley’s beautiful Hibiscus Cakes are featured on https:// www.facebook.com/pages/Hibiscus-Cakes/275889369168467

Jon Worby - Sat and PC Guy is on https://www.facebook.com/satandpcguy

Jenny Gilbert is now using https:// www.facebook.com/jennyscleaninginspain

If any one is missing the Gata Siesta Group, you will be pleased to know that they have a Siesta Group Page which can be found at https://www.facebook.com/ SiestaGroupCostaBlanca

Carl Escolme in addition to Karma Concept on https://www.facebook. com/karmaconceptjavea has also

All of their largest stock arrivals and offers etc are posted regularly on there so people can keep up to date with their news.

got https://www.facebook.com/chefdirecta If you have recently set up a new page or changed your profile to one, please email me with the details to editor@grapevinespain.com and I will add you into next month’s Facebook update. If you are new to Facebook some useful information groups for businesses using personal profiles include:

Mike Smith, of course has always had www.javeamigos.com - his new FB page is https://www.facebook. com/javeamigos.guide

Tele. 0034 966 726891 www.siestagroup.com

His normal FB Page is https://www. facebook.com/Javeamigos - hopefully they will soon be merged into one super page soon

Darren Calvert has now got https:// www.facebook.com/MacFixEU and can be contacted through the page.

https://www.facebook.com/groups/JaveaGrapevine/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/MarinaAltaBusinessClub/

Useful Selling Groups and info exchange include https://www.facebook.com/groups/jaspas/

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Bringing Business Together in and around Jávea, Dénia and across Spain

As promised in the last issue, we launched Lanzerote Grapevine at the beginning of July. The pre-launch issue, with some special articles for the exhibition, went to the Olympia Over 50s Show in London at the beginning of the month. The following week, Lanzarote Grapevine number 1 was launched online and is now available across the Lanzarote Community. You can see it here on www.lanzarotegrapevine.com In August we are hoping to launch in Fuengirola as well, which will open up the possibilty of syndicated advertising for our members and for our business readers. Obviously this will mean that the scope of Marina Alta Business Club is expanding.

We are working with our sister club LABC (Lanzarote Business Club) in the Canaries and with some very interesting common interest groups and businesses across Spain. As my focus is the Jávea Grapevine Magazine, my home, we have opted to bring in a new part time Business Accounts Manager, Ems Hope, who is based in the UK & Dénia Montgo. This will give me more time for the promotion and publishing side of the club which, in turn, is a platform for promoting members’ businesses, their services and shows off their skills and expertise. Over the next few months we will be looking to work with partners across Spain. To find out more contact Gaile

on manager@mabc.biz or ring 966 461 913

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Jávea Events

EVENTOS EN XÀBIA The port, church and streets Thematic walks through the port and the town run up until 16/09/2014 , 19:00 contact the Tourist Office for details Rutas y Excursiones 6 € Duración: 1h. 30min. Inscripción en Oficinas de Turismo de Xàbia. Precio adultos 6€, niños 3€.

José Manuel Merello Artist Del 20/06/2014 al 23/07/2014 Exposiciones

Artesanía de autor Handicraft and Artisan products nightly until 15/09/2014 , 19:00

Bio Goodies Paintings equilibrar los hemisferios del cerebro. Del 01/07/2014 al 30/09/2014 Exposiciones

Ajedrez Viviente XVIII Edición. Se representará la obra “DE LA ESCLAVITUD A ELVIS (It’s Only Rock... 26/07/2014 , 22:30 Ocio En 1996, con motivo del I Centenario de las Fiestas Patronales de Aduanas del Mar, en el Puerto de Xàbia (Alicante), el Club de Ajedrez Xàbia propuso a la Comissió de Festes Mare de Déu de Loreto, organizar un ajedrez viviente en el... Cine vora la mar CINECLASSIC: GREASE.(USA, 110’ – Musical). No recomendada para menores de 7 años. ... 29/07/2014 , 22:00 Cines Gratis

Una ráfaga de viento Artista: Jens Bommezij. Artesano: Tiziana ISO2 (Joyería Italiana). Del 03/07/2014 al 26/07/2014 Exposiciones

Street Music Xàbia Històrica ambientada con música al aire libre todos los fines de semana del verano... Weekends until 07/09/2014 , 20:00 Otros

Els Lambert i Xàbia 1920 -2014 Els "Lambert" son una familia de gran tradición artística que viven en Xàbia desde el año... Open until 21/09/2014 Exposiciones Casa del Cable Centre d'Art Ca Lambert Museu Arqueològic Fundació Cirne

Cala Tangó + Reserva Marina Ruta de senderismo. Excursion – please check for dates and to book thorugh the Tourist Office 20/08/2014 , 19:00 Rutas y Excursiones 5 € Duración 1h. 30min. Inscripción previa necesaria en Oficinas de Turismo, telf.: 96 579 43 56 / 96 579 07 36.

XXIX "Música a l'estiu" El curso esta dirigido a todos aquellos alumnos de escuelas superiores del mundo y de las... Del 21/07/2014 al 27/07/2014 , 22:30 Conciertos Gratis 25 de julio Concierto de Profesores II. Obras de Mozart y Brahms 26 de julio Concierto de Estudiantes I 27 de julio Concierto de... The village by night Saturday 16th August and Monday 25th @ 10.00pm Prior registration required in Tourism Office Tel.: 96 579 43 56 / 96 579 0736 Prices: adults 6€, children 3€ .Rutas y Excursiones Duración 1h.30min.

Le XIXème siècle et le raisin sec Ruta temática en lengua francesa.

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Jávea Events

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Jávea by Night Starting at 10pm on Sat 16th August and Monday 25th again at @ 10.00pm The Tourist Office are running guided Tours of Medieval Javea. These photos are from the July walk. All the commentary is in English other walks in different languages are also planned. Prior registration is required via the Tourism Office Tel.: 96 579 43 56 / 96 579 0736 Prices: adults 6€, children 3€

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MABS A Hair Raising Event The Councillor for Social Welfare Javea, Tere Bisquert, attended a charity event in Sofia’s restaurant organised by MABS, a group supporting cancer patients. The owner was the star of a major initiative to cut hair to send to England where it is made into wigs for sick children.

The group also organised a raffle and other activities raised 1,500 euros for palliative care for patients. The mayor has shown support for Mabs and congratulated them for their important work in support of cancer patients.

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Social Services Javea receives a donation of 500 euros to fight against gender violence MEJ becomes mediator of a couple who have already helped the social work of the municipality with 2,500 euros Departments of Social Services and Equality of the City of Javea received a donation of 500 euros to be allocated to support women victims of gender violence. The gift has come through the Business Women of JĂĄvea (MEJ), who have become mediators between the municipality and a Norwegian couple who prefer to contribute their charitable work. It is the third donation to social services, which in recent months has received â‚Ź 2,500 from these residents. The Councillor for Social Welfare, Tere Bisquert, has clarified that these funds are distributed on the advice of the technical department and Counseling Centre, especially in direct aid to women in distress from abuse. These funds, said the the Councillor, represent a vital aid in emergencies where the Town would not otherwise be able to respond quickly enough.

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Cllr Bisquert has thanked these benefactors and received two other donations few months ago from them for 1,000 euros each. This helps Social Services to work with the Red Cross in the fight against gender violence, an aspect in which they are focussing support From the Department of ​​Equality, Eugenia Bolufer, said that each week new cases of violence against women occur in Jávea and has advised anyone who suffers from or is aware of violence to seek advice from the Social Welfare Centre. “Our help is free and confidential” stressed the Department, who have also made clear that information passed to them does not mean being to be forced to file a complaint. This step is advisable only when the victim is ready. The Department of Equality is also working on prevention and education to adolescents, the main tools to fight this social evil.

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Putting it all together

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Tony and Corinne - www.signshopjavea.com

The Sign Shop, Jávea is next to Sparta Gym in the Arenal info@signshopjavea.com Telephone 96 579 0710

90 | The Grapevine Issue 171 2014

News From Agenda 21

Spain’s protected areas for Marine birds multiplied by 20 - New protection area off the Cabo de la Nao declared. The Spanish Government has declared 39 new marine ZEPAs (Zona de Especial Protección para las Aves - special protection zones for birds). Surface: 2681,10 km. Description: Large Marine area located opposite the Cabo de la Nao in the Ibiza channel . Runs parallel to the coast between Cullera and Alicante and its closest point to land is the Cabo de la Nao 3 km to the west. It is an area of high productivity, suitable for spawning stocks of small pelagic fish. It represents one of the main feeding areas of the balearic shearwater (Puffinus mauretanicus), during the breeding season. It is also the second most important feeding area for the European storm petrel (Hydrobates pelagicus) while reproducing in the Spanish Mediterranean. Audouin’s Gull (Larus audouinii) also appears in significant numbers in the breeding season, as well as Cory’s shearwater (Calonectris diomedea). The Balearic Shearwater is equally common in the area during the autumn and winter months. From XAD, El País and Declaración de ZEPA marinas Remodeling of the water pumping station to save money The remodeling of the Adsubia-Cabanes pumping station will enable AMJASA to to reduce its energy costs by 50%.The investment has cost 233,666 euros and will be recovered within 2 years by the cost savings. In addition CO2 emissions will be reduced by 300 tonnes per annum, and the noise from the pumping station significantly reduced.

Compiled by Christine Betterton - Jones Follow Agenda 21 on agenda21-xabia.wikidot.com

The Mayor of Benitatxell, Josep Femenia was present at the inauguration as Xàbia supplies water to the neighbouring town. From Chulvi Facebook and XAD: La remo.. Fire breaks out on the Cumbre del Sol A fire broke out on the Cumbre del Sol on the afternoon of Wednesday 23rd July. It raged for several hours the damage is still being assessed.

Souvenirs of the Lambert exhibition The Fundación Cirne has produced a collection of 10 postcards featuring the drawings of André Lambert depicting Jávea at the beginning of the 20th Century. These are on sale in the three areas housing a large exhibition on the Lambert family (Casa del Cable, Casa de Tena and Museu de Xàbia), and tourist offices, for 5 Euros. People who buy these or a copy of the catalogue of the exhibition will receive as a little gift ( from Amjasa) a facsimile of the article, an “epistle” which Lambert’s son wrote for the cultural journal “Janus”. The original was written in latin, but has been translated into Castilian and Valenciano. It contains his relections on Jávea, its history, geography, culture and peoples. etc. from Press Release and Xàbia al Día..Amjasa edita.. The Town Hall has uploaded a video of Lambert in his home in Portitxol in 1958 - created by Jakob Stucki There are two more videos of 1958 Jávea on the MesXabia playlist: on the next two pages Inside the San Antonio lighthouse Given the controversial proposal to convert the San Antonio Lighthouse into a hotel (see item, July 2nd below) . Xabia resident Santi Thevenet (tvnet.es) persuaded the lighthouse keeper to open the doors so he could make a short video. Here it is:

h t t p : / / v i m e o . com/100784212

Xàbia presses for outpatients station at the Arenal for the summer Mayor Chulvi has noted that the Marina Salud company (which runs Denia hospital and regional health care) has a shortage of staff during the summer, with only 18% of the staff on holiday covered, despite the huge influx of visitors to this area. He

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demanded that sufficient resources should be made available for basic health care, via the provision of sufficient staff, and the setting up of a summer outpatients station at the Arenal. The mayor complained that the Valencian government “…says that tourism is the main source of revenue in the region and yet is not aware that safety is one of the factors weighed up when choosing a holiday destination’. Calpe and Denia have beach-side summer clinics, yet Xàbia which provides a lot of the revenue for Marina Salud, does not. From Las Provincias and XAD: Chulvi se reune.. Only 1 company bids for Canal de la Fontana managment The Valencia Government has received only one bid for the management of the Canal de la Fontana. The name of the company has not been disclosed, since the bid must follow the same procedure as if there had been 20. i.e. checking that the documentation is correct and the bid correctly valued. The end of the process is scheduled for the end of the summer, so we should know the name of the successful bidding company in September. From XAD: The neighborhood that could become a global example of revival A project designed by two Spanish architects has won a UN competition to create sustainable solutions for mass urban housing. “Recooperation”, presented by María García and Gonzalo Navarrete of architectural firm Improvistos is a project to revitalize the run-down Orba neighborhood in Alfafar…Improvisto’s project is based on the principle of cohousing, an approach that is popular in Scandinavia, where communities consist of private homes with shared facilities, and where residents play an active role in how the community is designed and managed…Most

local residents seem to be largely unaware of the proposals to revitalize their neighborhood. Local media have hardly covered the UN-Habitat prize, and the local town hall has yet to comment officially. For full story see: El País in English Emergency exit Granadella cleared Xàbia’s Environmental protection brigade has cleared the Calle Pic Tort, Granadella. This road was previously signed as a dead end, but in fact it leads to the urbanisation above. Though the surface is not perfect, it serves as an emergency exit from Granadella. The Brigade - comprised of 15 previously unemployed people, is scheduled to clear 102,015 linear metres of roadside, barrancos and water courses throughout the municipality in maintenance and fire prevention measures - a particularly important function in this extrmemly dry year. This brigade will work until September 30th, then another brigade of 15 will work until the end of the year. From XAD. El Ayuntamiento... Happy Jávea Javea joins other towns in having a “Happy” video with Pharrelll Williams music. Jávea’s video is directed and edited by Alexandra Iglesias, and a selection of happy Javea folk around Jávea ! Opposite Enjoy ! Xàbia launches new website Xàbia Town Hall has launched a new website which can be accessed from PC, tablet and phone. Each department can update its own info and the site shares its calendar with the Tourism department. People can even print receipts for municipal taxes and print info for tax returne. The site is, as before: http://www. ajxabia.org/ Next, the virtual office will be developed

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Working towards a sustainable development

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Eating Out with John Deacon

PLEASE TELL US ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCES - IT HELPS EVERYONE Sensible comments and up-dating of information etc. are always very welcome at : gastro@campobello-javea.es © 2013 J.G. DEACON

BOOKING: Good restaurants are busy; best to book. Prices are only a rough guide. * = A MICHELIN STAR “f.” means when closed (fermé) tlj (tous les jours) = 7/7 = everyday


ONE OF JÁVEA’s HIDDEN GEMS ! LA CALETA Restaurante LA CALETA : Avda. Ultramar 114, Jávea. Great FISH restaurant. Facing the sea at Arenal, take the coastal road to the right not quite all the way to the end (Cala Blanca) - be sure to keep the sea on your left at all times - and you will find the restaurant on the left side, over a white wall and situated right on the rocks by the water. Does one need to say more of such a beautiful location ? Well ..... excellent fish - good service - reasonable prices BUT you must book (at weekend at least 24 hours in advance). Plenty of shade and NO MUZAK just listen to the sea !!

96 647 1337 Open 24/7 March until the end September 10:30 - 23:00h kitchen open 12:00-16:00h & 19:30 - 22:45h

The PARADOR OF JÁVEA OVERLOOKING THE BAY OF JÁVEA ENGLISH SUNDAY ROAST ENJOY A TRADITIONAL ENGLISH SUNDAY ROAST EVERY SUNDAY AT 13:30h The menu consists of a choice of different roasts, roast & mashed potatoes, a selection of vegetables, “gravy” (with mint, apple sauce & horseradish where appropriate) and a ½ bottle of wine, water, dessert and coffee or tea < €25 >. We tried it and are still impressed. TEAS WILL RESUME ON THURSDAY : SEPTEMBER 4th ENGLISH TEA at the JÁVEA PARADOR We celebrate that these superb teas have become such a popular and well established feature of Jávea life and if you haven’t yet been – don’t hesitate ! The hotel offers perfectly made tea (incl. Earl Grey) as well as cucumber sandwiches, delicious scones (with clotted cream and red jam) and carrot & walnut cake and a glass of Cava to finish. A delight. Yes, readers .... this is a triumph and all for €11. Because the teas have been so successful it remains essential to book [96 579 0200]. Make up a small group - and book early. Click for a List of newly starred Michelin restaurants in Spain and Portugal VERY TOP OF THE CLASS - for all true Gastronauts ! JÁVEA : Restaurante BONAMB November 2013 saw this superb Dutchowned restaurant win a Michelin star. BRAVO ! But have you been yet ? Situated on the Tarraula roundabout at the end of Cabanes and the beginning of the Benitachell/ Golf Club Road BonAmb offers a sophisticated and comfortable interior and beautifully laid out gardens and terraces and truly the best cuisine in Jávea. This award confirms that this most important gastronomic investment in Jávea has been recognised by the professionals and – as we have said before - really puts Jávea “on the gastro-map” completing the triangle of world-class restaurants formed by Quique Dacosta (Denia) and Casa Pepa (Ondara). Reports from serious gastronauts are consistently full of praise. Look out for their Azpilicueta (Rioja), Crianza 2009 – a delight. Booking strongly recommended. Menus are currently : Emma at €35 (4 dishes, weekdays only) Flavours of the Montgó €60 Mediterranean landscape €75 f.Sunday p.m & Monday.Tel : 96 508 4440 / E-mail: Reservations reservas@bonamb.com / Website: http://bonamb.com/index.html


[ between €14 - €20 : full details in text ]

Many restaurants are now producing menusdel-día of such outstanding quality that we thought it best to recognise their achievement in listing them here. Fuller details in the main text.

Amarre 152 - Masena - El Rancho - Parador (€33) - Piri-Piri - La Plaza Los Remos - La Renda - Sofia’s (Thurs. only) - Tosca - Ca’Pepe (Moraira)


The ENGLISH LANGUAGE MOVIES are now on Tues., Wed., Thurs. and Friday and the special dinner menu offer at La Renda continues.

CINEMA JAYAN - special offer (dinner

+ cinema ticket on Tues - Wed - Thurs – Friday at 18:45h for only €14.50) : The excellent Restaurante LA RENDA is right beside the Cinema Jayan and offers a preperformance menu del día including your cinema ticket for €14.50 (which means a meal will cost you €8 !). This beautifully appointed restaurant offers some some serious, adventurous and very creative cuisine. To take up this offer you must book. Tel: 96 579.3763 / f. Monday / E-mail: larenda.javea@gmail.com N.B. To find out what film is showing, go to : http://www. cinejayan.com/ click “English version”.

IN A CLASS OF THEIR OWN (from €35+ per head)

Restaurante LA BOHÈME (Jávea, Arenal beach front) : This restaurant is now the best of the French styled/owner restaurants on the Arenal beach front (Los Remos de la Nao & La Perla are two others). Fine tapas, superb steaks. Menu del dia €15.95. Consistently excellent reports throughout the summer but comments say this is an expensive place (revealed, perhaps, by the excellent refurbishment). Parador end of Arenal promenade. Tel : 96 579.1600 / open daily. / http://www.javeacompany. com/javeacompany/boheme/index.html Restaurante LE GOURMAND : Carretera Jesús Pobre 202. It is over a year since Le Gourmand moved to their new premises and it has very clearly established itself in the affections of the community as one of the very best restaurants in the area. We have organised two group lunches

there – a success with everyone ! Away from the Arenal beach they now flourish and are admired amongst serious eaters. Booking essential ! For summer there is a large (mostly muzak-free) covered area in the garden. Gastronauts should note they have occasional jazz evenings. Menu-deldía €17.50. Ask to go on their mailing list. Tel: 96 628.9686 / f. Monday / E-mail : legourmand.javea@gmail.com Restaurante MASENA (Jávea) : Go to the end of Cami Cabanes road (behind Barclays) and immediately left onto the Benitachell (Golf Club) road. Beautifully appointed Belgian-owned restaurant with a stylish air of quasi-Mexican decoration. Menu-del-dia €17 (but not Sundays). Good meat a speciality, notably Châteaubriand and steak cooked on hot stone. They are always busy so must book! Muzak always turned down on request. Tel : 96 579.3764 / f. Tues Web : http://www. restaurantcostablanca.com/restaurantes/ Alicante/Javea-Xabia/Masena/ Sister restaurant to Masena (above) :MASENA at <VALL de CAVALL> (Gata) : Their sister restaurant is situate in beautiful open countryside, with spectacular mountain views, attached to the riding centre; off the N332 outside Gata. Heading southwards out of Gata, close to the northern entrance to the gorge, take the last turn, where the buildings end, down to the left. Also with pool. Menu del dia €17 (but not Sundays). Tel : 96 505.8475 / f. Mon http://vall-de-cavall. com/seitespa.htm (click on gastronomia) Restaurante LA PLAZA No.6 : (in the “triangular square” (sic) opp. Humpty Dumpty). All-year-round successful and delightful German-owned establishment offering excellent international cuisine (which can even include an excellent Wiener schnitzel !). A favourite with residents and in tranquil surroundings. Menu del dia €12 (midday) & €19.50 evenings. Kitchen open till 23:30h. Beware : live music one evening a week (Thurs). Tel: 96 646 2314 /f. Monday / / www.laplaza6.com / E-mail: oliver@laplaza6.net Restaurante (Hotel) EL RODAT (Jávea) We hear that this restaurant has been closed.

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Top of the Class €35 + Top Menu del Dias €14 - 20

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Excellent €25 - 30 Tapas

Restaurante SOFIA’S : Avda. del Pla 20, Jávea. Really delicious and excellently prepared food. Muzak now tamed ! The Menu-del-día is one of the best, cost/quality, that we know (currently Euros 14.50h with a glass of wine - but available Thursday lunch only). High standards pervade all their dishes and the restaurant is beautifully appointed. Easy parking.Tel: 96 646.2903 / Open 19:00 - 22:30h / f. Sun/Mon www.sofiasrestaurantspain.com Restaurante TOSCA (Arenal beach, on the bridge overlooking the creek and close to Jávea Parador); Creative cooking. Approx. €35.00. Excellent Menu-del-día €17.90. Muzak here can be irritating (they say they play it to cover the noise from the kitchen !). BYO is a good idea but “corkage” is charged at an outrageous €9! 96 579.3145 / f. Monday midday / Web: http://www. buscorestaurantes.com/restaurante/ Restaurante-Tosca-105829-0.html EXCELLENT (c. €25-30 per head) Restaurante CALIMA : Jávea port, Avda. de la Marina Española - pedestrianized seafront. Next to Piri-Piri and recently refurbished. Imaginative and sometimes rewardingly experimental. Jazz (live) on Thurs. (shared with Piri-Piri). Menu del dia €11.95 (Mon-Sat) but Sun. €13. Tel : 96 579 4821 / open daily. Email: restaurantecalima@gmail.com www. restaurante-calima.com Restaurante CHEZ ANGEL (Jávea Arenal - close to Humpty Dumpty on right after Arenal traffic lights). Brasserie style. Excellent meat - absolutely the best Châteaubriand in the area (with Masena at No. 2 !). Wonderful Cous-Cous. Serves copious vegetables. Note special daily offers listed outside. Menus del dia c.€16.00 & €25.00. Tel : 96 579.2723 / f. Tues [ no web site found ] Restaurante LA COCINA : leaving Jávea port towards the old town - on the corner of the last of row of shops before petrol station. This restaurant is acclaimed all over the Jávea community. The food is truly excellent, well presented and served with charm and showing flair. Adventurous regional Spanish & international cuisine. The wine list is fascinating and very honestly priced; it is also a challege but do not be intimidated as you will receive good advice if needed ! Quality wines also available by the glass. Open evenings ……. *** ….. BUT they …. “are now open for lunch on Thursdays and Fridays from 12:30h until 15:00h offering a fixed price menu for €15.95 alongside the usual menu. We have put together a set lunch menu and to enable us to monitor numbers we would appreciate it if you could make a reservation if you decide to come along”. Please call/

e-mail them for details in advance of your visit. Better ask to go on their mailing list. Tel: 96 579.5140 (f. Sunday & Monday) / Web: www.lacocinajavea.com / E-mail : info@lacocinajavea.com TO BE NOTED : This restaurant offers a wide range (recently and interestingly extended) of its main dishes deep-frozen at about €5 each to be taken home. We’ve had several so far – marvellous – often essential when you don’t feel like cooking ! TAPAS – JÁVEA OLD TOWN IBERIA GASTRO BAR, C/ de San Buenaventura 9 (off town hall square, Jávea). Tapas of a very high quality indeed (chef did a stretch at the Savoy, London). Portions designed for two so choice of 3 tapii makes a meal ! Try their “Other tortilla” for a delicious surprise. Good reports continue to be received. Cost 20-30€ per person. English spoken. Muzak inside is variable but controlled. Tel: 96 599 6716 / E-mail: www.iberiagastrobar.com / info@ iberiagastrojavea.com Open Mon-Sat 13:30–15:30h & 19:30–22:30h (Sat. to 23:00h) Restaurante NESFOR : Cta. Cabo de la Nao-Pla 25. Re-opened by the same family after 14 years, this restaurant has immediately impressed. A lunch visit (we ate à la carte) proved excellent. New parking area at the back. Tel: 96 646 3872 / E-mail: reservas@restaurantenesfor.com / Web : www.restaurantenesfor.com Restaurante LA PERLA de JÁVEA (Arenal beach front, right hand side). Menu-del-día €17 (but from Tues-Friday only). Some very good reports have been reaching us. Tel : 96 647 0772 / open daily / Web : www. laperladejavea.com Restaurante EL RANCHO : Cta. Cabo de la Nao (between the German clinic & Saladar Supermarket). A young British couple (Simon & Danielle) have taken over El Rancho and, with their French chef, have re-established this landmark restaurant on the gastro-circuit of Jávea. Well appointed and in delightful surroundings – especially the delightful terrace/ gardens. Sunday lunch recommended. Reports are good to excellent. Menu-deldía (€13.95 & €22). We think you need to book ! Good parking either side of main road. Tel: 96 577.1126 / f. Sunday p.m. & Monday. E-mail: elranchojavea@hotmail. com / Web : (under construction ?) Restaurante LOS REMOS de la NÃO (Jávea, Arenal beach front) : French owned and was probably the best of all the Arenal beach restaurants. There are now reports of improved standards. Lies at the extreme right hand end of the bay on the edge of

the large car park overlooking the beach. Fish a speciality. Great views. Menu del día €18. Best to book. Tel : 96 647.0776 / f. Tues. www.losremoslanao.com

worthwhile restaurant for the residents of Montgó. Superb meat is their speciality. Best to book. Tel: 96 646.1338 / www. pizzeriapepa.com

Restaurante LA RENDA : Cristo del Mar, Jávea Port, right beside the Cinema Jayan. Beautifully appointed restaurant with some serious, adventurous and very creative cuisine - we even found sweetbreads on the menu. Menu del día €12.50. Live music on Friday. Muzak turned off on request. Tel: 96 579.3763 / E-mail: larenda. javea@gmail.com www.larenda.es N.B. This restaurant offers a bargain pre-cinema special menu from 18:45h (Tues-Fri) at €14.50 which includes your cinema ticket !

Restaurante LUNGO MARE (Jávea, Arenal beach front): Italian restaurant - beware large portions (some can be shared !) and, also, the muzak can be bad ! Often fairly full so best to try to book. In spite of hot competition next door recent reports have not been as good as previously ! Tel : 96 647.1196 / open daily http://www. verema.com/restaurantes/46085-lungomare-javeaç

FAMILY RESTAURANTS / GOOD & RELIABLE (Euros 20 - 35 per head)

Restaurante AUSTRIACO has been sold and a new Italian restaurant has taken its place - see under LA TAGLIATELLA. AUSTRIACO Bakery (Jávea; Arenal beach front). This excellent bakery continues to offer their superb bread/croissants & gâteaux from 07:00h daily. (also served at their café. Tel : 96 647.1004 / open daily / Another source of very excellent bread is the (expensively-priced muzak-infested) Saladar Supermarket. Also visit Le Parisien coffee bar (next to the Deutsche Bank) and the British Bakery opposite. Restaurante AZORIN : Jávea Port (in street behind Napoli). Superb fish (especially sole) /chicken & chips. Menu del dia €9. Kids love it. Tel : 96 579.4495 / f. Sat. Restaurante BACCHUS (Jávea): Wonderful quality, Swiss owned. Cook your own (superb) steak on stone. PinosolCansalades road. Must book. Menus-del-día from €15 (W/ends €18). Tel : 96 647.3096 / f. Mon. / http://www.infocostablanca.com/ bacchus/first%20en.htm Restaurante L’ÉCHALOTTE : Jávea Costa Nova, beside the tennis club just before the La Guardia cross roads. International cuisine of excellent quality with covered terrace behind. Good parking. Tel: 96 647.3364 / [ no web site ] Restaurante EL GAUCHO (formerly Las Brisias on the Jesús Pobre road). This restaurant has gained many plaudits under the management of the excellent Pizzeria Pepa (at Arenal) and offers an especially

Restaurante MEZQUIDA : Main road from Jávea old town towards Arenal, on right side, just before the SuperCor/Iceland roundabout but after Sol-Mar offices. Pleasant terrace and good ambience. Very popular Spanish ‘family’ restaurant. Serves the best Arroz negro (a delicious rice and squid dish) that we know of. Superb meat. Mostly muzak-free. Menu-del-día €16. Tel : 96 579.3620 / open daily / E-mail: rtemezquidaxabia@hotmail.com www. restaurantemezquida.com/ Restaurante MINTT RUSTICA (Jávea - Cami Cabanes). Take road to right of Barclays, right at roundabout; it’s along on the left after the first burmp. Formerly La Rustica and now under new management. Tel : 96 577.0855 / Open 7/7. Restaurante MONTGÓ : 2-3kms along Jávea -Jesús Pobre road (on left, with large stone tablet outside). Amazing choice/ value/ quantity/quality & well presented. Excellent fish ‘n’ chips (with Azorin in the puerto). Menu-del-día €11.50. We remind readers of the slightly more up-market ALMENDROS restaurant (slow service) on the opposite side of the road and for which there have, quite recently, been some good reports. Tel : 96 579.5020 / f. Thurs. Restaurante / bar PERI-PERA: Jávea puerto – Avda. De Los Fueros 1 We are sorry to report that this restaurant/bar has closed. Restaurante PIRI-PIRI Excellent imaginative (copious) ‘tapas’. Widely praised and popular with residents. On the port’s pedestrianised sea-front, leading from the bridge. Arrive early for lunch, but best to book. Excellent Menus-del-día €11.50 (w/ends €14.50). Charming host & very professional - one of our favourites.

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Family €20 - 30

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Shares jazz with neighbour Colima on Thurs. Tel : 96 579.4745 / barpiripiri@ hotmail.com f. Sun.pm & Mon.

Arenal Beach Bars Etc Eastern Cuisine

Restaurante PIZZERIA PEPA (Jávea: Arenal beach front, nr. middle). Spanish; excellent value, swift service. Pizza takeaway. VERY efficient, popular with good atmosphere; muzak low; must book ! Menudel-día €16. The best quick-service “family” restaurant at the beach. But beware when ordering water : Bottle arrived at the table opened and was charged at €2.90 - both unacceptable. Tel : 96 579.2572 / open daily http://www.pizzeriapepa.com Restaurante LA TAGLIATELLA : (Jávea, Arenal beach front) : Another elegant looking Italian restaurant, close to Lungo Mare, but with dark 19thC décor. Reports (4) have commented upon poor service and high prices. We await a change to this situation. Tel: 96 647.2984 / www. latagliatella.es / 7/7 ARENAL BEACH BREAKFASTS – COFFEE BARS & BAKERIES : BREAKFAST at Jávea’s Arenal beach: For those looking for a breakfast of some quality on the sea front – especially what is known as a “Full English” - we recommend the Champagne Bar and Black Beluga. LE PARISIEN (Horno y pasteleria artesanal) Next to Deutsche Bank (or opposite Humpty Dumpty) at Jávea’s Arenal: French coffee bar with superb bakery & patisserie – everything here is to be praised. Stylish and clean and delicious snacks. Horrible muzak. Open 08:30 – 19:00 (Sundays till 14:00h). 96 579.1466 / www.elparisien.com

EASTERN RESTAURANTS (Jávea) : INDIAN RESTAURANTS Restaurante MADRE INDIA : Another quality Indian at Arenal beach (in the middle outside of the road that runs right around the beach area). Takeaway facility and Wi-Fi. Noisy, but with appropriate(!) muzak and TV. Not clear if this is a change of ownership as well. Comments welcome. Open 7/7. Tel: 96 646.3768 NEPALESE RESTAURANTS

Being largely ignorant of Indian cuisine we have wondered why these next three restaurants are talked about over and above all other (Indian? style) restaurants and two are listed at Trip Advisor higher than the other Indian restaurants. We can only assume it must be the Nepalese influence ! Go and try them.

Restaurante BUDDHA PALACE : Arenal - opposite Banca March. Always a most enjoyable experience and the “bush telegraph” tells us that this is the place to go! 96 579 2894 buddhapalace1@gmail. com / Open: tlj

Restaurante GURKHA PALACE : Avda. Jaime 1, No.8 in Jávea port. Fine food with good ambience. Take away service. Menus del dia : €9.50 & €11.99 A la carte €20-30. Tel: 96 579. 3331 / f. Tues.midday. Restaurante EVEREST SPICE (previously Riu Rau) (Costa Nova): Another Nepalese restaurant with charming décor; top of road up from Saladar to Costa Nova Panorama just after hairpin bend on the road towards La Guardia and Granadella (just after the closed kindergarten). Pleasant atmosphere. One good report so far. 96 577.0230 / INDONESIAN TAPINDO (& “Take-Away”) : In the last row of shops on the right side as you leave Arenal shopping area towards Mercadona. Produces excellent Indonesian food (especially Bami Goreng & Nasi Goreng). All sorts of combinations can be served to take home although there are facilities for eating on their terrace. Ideal for the hungry Tel: 96 646.4191 / f.Sun.

CHINESE Restaurante < The WOK BUFFET > : Jávea, at the Barclays roundabout. Very good. Recently refurbished and now with an extensive choice of shellfish included in their bargain price. Eat all you like for Euros 9.95 (special price for kids under 7). Go early (12:30h for lunch, 19:30h for dinner) when the huge spread is at its best. Attentive service. No muzak. A bit of a “canteen” ambience but this is a great quality “fill-up” if you are hungry and feeding hordes of kids. 96 579.7016 / daily 12-24h.

OTHER Bar/Restaurante LAS OLAS : HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED ...... why there are always so many cars outside the Bar LAS OLAS (on the Cabo de la Nao road, on the right, half way between Barclays and the Ferreteria PLA48) ? Well, go discover it for yourselves. Here is, indeed, a real surprise. A huge range of really good, copious tapas far cheaper than the Arenal beach front ! The size of the portions means this is perhaps 50% of the cost of the beach establishments ? Be careful how much you order - you may not be able to finish. Ideal for hungry kids ! Clean tables, good service, bi-lingual menu. TV inside but mostly quiet outside. Tel: 96 577.0175

FISH (from Euros 25.00 per head) :

Restaurante AMARRE 152 (Jávea) : literally “Mooring 152”, tranquil situation by the bobbing boats at the very head of the mooring creek that goes inland from the Parador. Menus del dia €18 & 20 (fish).

Excellent for rice/fish dishes. A recent visit showed them on top form. Tel : 96 579.0629 / f. Monday http://www.verema. com/restaurantes/36008-amarre-152xabia-javea Restaurante LA CANTINA DE JAVEA : Situate right in front of the fishing fleet of Jávea’s port (on the ground floor right around the back – left side - of the one storey building by the fishing boats). Clientele is almost all Spanish. They are often very busy so you must go early (say 12:30h). Very good prices. Their fish menus consist of the catches of the day. They are serving all day long (and even after the cinema). Tel: 96 579 2190 / open tlj : 7/7. Restaurante SUR At the beautiful Granadella creek (down off the Cabo de la Nao and the No.1 beach of the Marina Alta); certainly the best fish restaurant in Jávea (they own their own boat!). Our absolute favourite for fish and a beautiful location. Sensational puds ! Highly rated in Spain’s Gastronomía Guide. Best to book. Tel : 96 577.1612 / July/Aug daily 10-23h / otherwise open lunch only (closed mid-Dec - end Feb). http://www. restaurantesur.com/ RESTAURANT OF THE MONTH – A truly exceptional item : Restaurante LES FOUGES (and delicatessen & retail fish shop) : Cami Paellero 3, Moraira. See our introduction this month. Restaurante MENA : Wonderful position on the rocks at the end of the Las Rotas road (go over Jávea / Montgó to Denia Rd, hard right at bottom roundabout). It was expensive with bad muzak. It also used to be xenophobic but we hear it’s under new management so certainly worth a try…. or drive on a little further and there’s another good restaurant on the right. Tel : 96 578.0943 / f. evenings / http://mena. restaurantesok.com/aquiok/detallrest. jsp?id=547&prov=Alicante AND ANOTHER EXCEPTIONAL (FISH) ITEM ! Outside the Ermita supermarket (by the little church on the Jávea to Jesús Pobre road) at 10:00h on a Saturday morning is to be found an enterprising Dutchman (Arjen) who is selling fresh martjes, smoked eel, roll-mops, smoked mackerel, buckling (a herring smoked whole – as opposed to kippers which are smoked flat), smoked trout and potted shrimps ……. AND (only to order) fresh/frozen HERRINGS (mostly

with their roes – and at €1.25 each). When did you last enjoy a fresh herring ? Surely the most marvellous of fishes ? Orders to : 667 997300 (every Sat. morning from 10:00h) or argentocorazon@gmail.com [ and inside this supermarket, at Xavi’s excellent meat counter, can be found the very best STILTON in the area ]. Arjen is in MORAIRA on Thursdays 10 - 14h at Tabaira – Palco. INCODNITO < Fish ‘n’ Chips > : Jávea, Arenal beach, on main car park. It is not usual for such an establishment to find its way onto this list but it has proved to be very reliable with both fresh fish and chips of excellent quality. Tel : 96 577.0068 / f. Sunday. PLEASE TELL US ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCES - IT HELPS EVERYONE NOISE ANNOYS : Your editor/complier interviewed. RTN headline on subject of noise (and most especially the scourge of muzak in restaurants and shops) : www.roundtownnews.com/rtn-newsflash/ item/44154-noise-annoys.html “Tranquillity lubricates the soul, muzak destroys it” (Spike Milligan) “Like a loathsome monster, muzak spreads its tentacles wider and wider” (John Humphrys, BBC Radio 4) Pipedown: Campaign for Freedom from Piped Music < www.pipedown.info > Of all the modern phenomena, the most monstrous and ominous, the most manifestly rotting with disease, the most grimly prophetic of destruction, the most clearly and unmistakenly inspired by evil spirits, the most instantly and awfully overshadowed by the wrath of heaven, the most near to madness and moral chaos, the most vivid with devilry and despair, is the practice of having to listen to music while eating a meal in a restaurant. From: Avowals and Denials (1935), G. K. Chesterton [Courtesy Musicians’ Benevolent Fund magazine] BOOKING: Good restaurants are busy; best to book. f. = fermé = Day closed (if known)

E & O E : 2014-0720 © 2014 J.G. DEACON

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Fish and More

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Stage one of Iceland, Jávea’s new refit is complete, with the return of the café anticipated in early August. We will be popping back next month to see how the alterations look when they are finished, but so far it looks very good with lots of offers on in time for the Summer Party season.

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Al-Anon Support Group The Al-Anon group for friends or relatives of alcoholics to share their experiences. No membership fee. 96 646 3689.

Local Club Directory

Arsenal Costa Blanca Supporters Club, meets every match day at Cheers Bar, Javea Port under the archway. club matches are shown live. All made welcome, young or old. Any further information, e-mail, Bob at arsenalcostablanca@gmail.com ARNAAP - Association of Royal Navy, Army and Air Force Personnel. If you enjoy lunching in congenial company join us. It is not essential to be Ex-Service, just like minded. Call Susan 966 404650, shollister@ hotmail.com Art Centre Association - Javea Subjects Restoration of Porcelain. Mondays - Antique Valuations in aid of HELP Monday Mornings Join any time. Visit us, we can fax, E-mail or post info and map or more details tel: Lorely Griffiths, Javea 96 647 20 49. artcentrejavea@yahoo.com Facebook Page www. facebook.com/ArtJavea Art Clubs for Oils, Watercolurs, Pastels, Acrylic now meet in Javea at ArtyFacts, Denia, Cumbre del Sol & Benimeli. Call Lesley Clark 96 579 4462 or email lesleyclarkjavea@gmail.com Backgammon Club We meet on Mondays at the Grand Cafe residential Toscamar at 20.00. For more information please call Steve on 96 647 1708 or 635 377 335. Benitachell Christian Fellowship Sun. 11am in the Arts Museum Tel David Newman 650738638 Ray Davies 96 649 4036

Expatriate Ostomates of Spain EOS Contact Cynthia on 96 646 0063. Javea Book Circle We meet on alternate Tuesdays at 19.30 for 19.45 at the Centro Social, behind the Centro de Salud Contact Eleanor Joy on 96 647 2876 Javea Bridge Club Avd de Paris 2. www. javeabridgeclub.com or call Margaret on 96 579 3413. Javea Computer Club (More than just Computers) www.javeacomputerclub.org JCC meets every Mon/Tues and Thurs morning from 09.30 until 12.30. (Check our Web Site for how to find us) Something of interest for everybody; whatever your ability or knowledge. We’ve been teaching beginners for over 25 years and cover - ‘connecting your PC to your TV’, ‘Smartphones’, ‘Apple devices’ (iPads, iPhones, Apple Macs), various ‘Special Interest Groups’...e.g. Video Editing, Genealogy (even Hand Made Cards). Pop in look around and ask for Morris. Javea Grapevine Group interact with The Grapevine, its readers, contributors and friends on Facebook - add your photos, club and event news for the next issue, via the Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/ JaveaGrapevine/ or through www.grapevinespain.com Javea Green Bowls Club - Inn on the Green - www.bowlinginspain.com/clubs/IndClubs/ JaveaGreen.htm Javea International Civic Society Enquiries to Jeni Jackson Phillips 96 579 0470, 619 270 493.

Club Nautico, Javea Yacht Club www.cnjavea.net

Javea International Magic Club For more information please call - 627 046 897 or 96 579 2808.

Conservatives Abroad Jávea (JCA) website www.javeaconservatives.org meets socially 6 to 7 times a year contact secretary@ javeaconservatives.org

Javea International Tennis Club (JITC) is based at the idyllic setting of the La Sella Tennis Complex near Pedreguer on the Costa Blanca. www.javeatennis.net

Crochet & Soft Yarn Club Meets fortnightly in a private house in Javea. Contact lesleyclarkjavea@gmail.com or phone 96 579 4462.

Javea Netball Club Playing Wednesdays, 20.00 - 21.30 at L’Ancora Playa Tennis club. contact Anita on 96 647 2169 or 660 782 165.

Costa Blanca Anglo Spanish Association Furthering knowledge & understanding of Spain; history, culture and institutions. New members welcome. Visit www.anglospanish. org or email secretary09@anglospanish.org Costa Blanca Astronomical Soc. Meets on first Tuesday of every month at 4 p.m. in Montgó Visitors Centre in Dénia. For details and directions call Ed Morley on 96 574 4612 or cbastronomy@gmail.com Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir rehearse every Tuesday 7-9pm, at Bar Mediterraneo, Teulada. New members always welcome, no experience necessary. Come along and give us a try! Tel: Mike Evans 965744577 or go to our web site: www.costablancamalevoicechoir.wikidot.com Crib Club every Thurs 8pm at Bombers Bar in the Port Costa Blanca Yachting Assoc.The CBYA welcomes all boat owners; We meet every week, please our for details & location of the meeting website www.cbya.org.

Javea Public Lending Library Borrow books in English from Javea Public Lending Library, FREE! The English section is open every Tues and Sat morning 10.00 - 12.00. Javea Public Library, Calle Mayor 9, Javea Pueblo, old town. Contact Alma Dorndorf on 96 646 3262 or 636898162 Javea School of Bridge and Social Club Edifico 80, Avenida Tamarits. Tel 96 649 1539. Javea U3A - 1,155 members, new members always welcome. Anyone interested in joining can turn up at the monthly general meeting at the Parador Hotel at 10am on the last Wednesday of the month. www.u3ajavea.org Jávea Welsh Society - meets in Jávea for more info see our Facebook Page www. facebook.com/pages/Javea-Welsh-Society/553465378018197 Javea Whist Club meets every Monday and Thursday (7.45 for 8 p.m.) at L’Ancora Playa, Arenal to play progressive partner whist. All players welcome particularly at the Thursday session when the numbers are lower.

Labour International welcomes new supporters. Monthly meetings in Javea. Social events around the Costa Blanca. Contact Lorraine 679231412 or www.labintspain.org. uk Los Leones - Lions Club meets every second Tuesday of each month at 19:30 clock (only men) in our club rooms at the hotel “El RODAT” in Jávea (Urbanizaction “Tosalet”). At every 4th Thursday of the month will be held an event with ladies and guests each at 19:30 clock. http://www.lionsjavea.com/ MABC - Marina Alta Business Club meets in in and around Jávea & Denia All nationalities welcome. Business Dinners conducted in English www.mabc.biz - Contact Gaile on 96 646 1913, email manager@mabc.biz MABS Cancer Support Group Jacqui 96 579 4083 or 686 305 006 Brenda 678 843 666 or for Valencia area Cynthia 652 835 063 Kirsten 646 865 308 Rian 619 876 062 www. mabscancersupport.org Montgó Vegetarians - delicious meals out in Javea and surrounding areas, special menus created just for us, all welcome don’t have to be veggie! https://www.facebook.com/montgovegetarians Montgó Residents´Association (APMJ) Asociación Propietarios Montgó Jávea meets monthly throughout the year - multilingual local residents with homes along the slopes of the Montgó - includes access to Neighbourhood watch information http:// www.montgoresidents.com/ Mujeres Emprendedoras De Jávea Javea Business Women - meets in Javea for lively business networking! www.facebook.com/ Mujeres.Emprendedoras.de.Javea New Country Line Dancers - Jávea Classes: Intermediate - Wed 11.30 - 12.30 at L’Ancora, Beginners - Thurs 7.00 - 8.00 at the Dance Cafe Toscamar, Intermediate - Thurs 8.00 - 9.30 at the Dance Cafe 96 647 0632 Patchwork/Quilters Group meet Wednesday 10.00 - 13.00 at the Centre Public Formacio e Persones Adultos in Javea, Calle Ramon Llido, Javea. Contact Debbie on 96 579 0086 Peña Javeamigos The international supporter’s club and now the primary source of info for CD Javea. For more details, see www.javeamigos.com Royal Air Force Association. The North Costa Blanca Branch meets at Los Arcos Restaurante, Pedreguer (N332, west side) on the second Monday of each month at 12:00 to 13:00, followed by lunch. We have nearly 140 members, who enjoy friendship, help and support with RAFA; and we always look for new members who have, or have not, served in the RAF. For more information, www.rafa-ncb.org or call 966 430 215 Royal Naval Association, Costa Blanca North - Regular events, monthly, including the annual and special Trafalgar Night event contact haydn.gunningham@gmail.com for more info Scottish Country Dancing To book and for Enquiries please call 96 645 6881. Stamp Collectors /Philatelists /Postcards

meets - 2nd & 4th Monday every month 10.00. For more details please call Derek Guyett on 96 579 5499 or Dave Anderson on 96 647 6034

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Stress Busting Yoga Club in Javea Yoga for beginners. We meet Tuesday at a house on the Jesus Pobre Road. For more infomation call Maria Palomar on 96 646 0851. Club de Tenis - includes a Veterans Team for the over 40s http://www.clubtenisjavea. com/clubtenisjavea/ Toscamar Tennis Friends - Join us for a friendly game of tennis on Mondays and Wednesdays 10.00 - 12.00 at Ciudad Toscamar, Javea. Just turn up or ring Christine on 96 649 3900 The Firs Nursery Mother & Toddler Group Every Monday from 14.00 - 15.30. Children aged from 18 months to school age. Call 96 647 2929 for more information. The Javea Branch of the Royal British Legion meets every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month at Scallops. 11.00am for coffee etc, before our meetings. You don’t have to have been in the services to join the Legion, anyone can join or come along. We have a great social programme thoughout the year, so come and join us, you will be most welcome. Chat to Pam and Roger. The Javea Players produce 5 plays a year at Gata theatre and in their own Studio theatre. Cine evenings & socials. New members welcome, contact Gerald on membership.jp@ gmail.com or 96 647 2876 www.javeaplayers.com Taoist Tai Chi Society of Javea Beginners welcome anytime Mon and Wed 11.30 at Danza Ronda Sur (near paint shop in old town) Info 649 161 290. UFO Discussion/Research Group Meets first Friday of every month at 10.00 for 10.30 in the Social Services Centre Javea. President, Jeanine El Khouri. 965795148 Christine Newton 618111376. ufojavea@gmail. com Facebook www.facebook.com/UFOandWorldMysteries Wall Hangings and Rug Making Club We meet every other Tuesday in Javea from 09.30 - 12.00. Contact Amanda on 639 987 301 or email amrug@telefonica.net Women in Business Club Monthly Business Meetings open to all members and non members, but you must be a WOMAN 3RD MONDAY OF THE MONTH JAVEA - L’Ancora Tennis Club from 2pm to 4pm Location: L’Ancora Tennis Club Xabia Rugby Club formally Javea Bulls. Our 1st Team plays rugby in the Valencia 2nd division with a multi cultural mix of players and a wide range of ages! We are proud of our Junior section which has continued to grow and is now producing some good players for the future. www. javearugbyclub.com

If you have changes to make, or have a club you would like to add to this list please email editor@grapevinespain.com or use the Contact Form on www.grapevinespain.com

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For your free information pack call Carol now on 649123238 or visit www.stopsmokinginspain.com

If you are serving, have served or are the dependant or carer of someone who has served in the UK’s Armed Forces, then you may be eligible for help. The Royal British Legion can offer financial aid in an urgent crisis, help homeless ex-Service people get back on their feet, advise on compensation claims, offer careers advice for those looking to make a fresh start after leaving the Forces, arrange home or hospital visits and much more. Please contact our District Welfare Officer on 676 451 780 to see if she can help you. Or if you would like to help others please visit here

The Royal British Legion Javea - BR 3457 Meets every 2nd and 4th Tues in Scallops Restaurant, Arenal, JĂĄvea at 11 a.m. Chairman Mr Roger Dawes Secretary Mrs Jacky Cleary

Where to look for Local Information: Whats on and Where - Mike Smith - Javeamigos - http://www.javeamigos.com/news/index_whatson.htm Jávea Ayuntamiento website link http://www.ajxabia.com/ Jávea Buses http://www.javeamigos.com/dir_holiday/pages/ Buses%202013.htm Useful phone numbers http://www. ajxabia.com/ciutat/directori Street map http://www.ajxabia.com/ ciutat/guia-de-carrers Farmacias http://www.ajxabia.com/ ciutat/farmacias Neighborhood Watch for better security through contact with neighbours nhwjavea@gmail.com or 96 579 6110. Transport http://www.ajxabia.com/ ciutat/mobilitat-i-transport British Consulate https://www.gov. uk/government/world/spain Amjasa water company on Facebook https://www.facebook. com/pages/Aguas-Municipales-de-J%C3%A1vea-SA-Amjasa/118621461633526?fref=ts Ajuntament de Xàbia on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ ajuntament.xabia?fref=ts Protección Civil Jávea-Xàbia on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/proteccioncivil.xabia?fref=ts Driving in Spain as a Resident from the UK consulate https://www.gov. uk/living-in-spain#driving-licencesin-spain The DGT http://www.dgt.es/portal/ es/la_dgt/bienvenida/

Child safety in cars http://www. seguridadvialinfantil.org/legislacion-asientos-ninos-coches/legislacion-asientos-para-ninos-en-espana-2/ Legal aid in Spain http://ec.europa. eu/civiljustice/legal_aid/legal_aid_ spa_en.htm Fiesta days http://www.seg-social. es/Internet_1/Masinformacion/CalendarioLaboral/index.htm autónomo system http://www.advoco.es/hot-topics/43-guide-to-spainsautonomo-system.html

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Free Classifieds

reporting illegal workers http:// www.empleo.gob.es/itss/web/Sala_ de_comunicaciones/Como_denunciar_ITSS.html fuel prices & petrol stations - select your fuel, input you location, and up pops a list of petrol stations and their prices http://geoportal.mityc.es/hidrocarburos/eess/?l=sl#/ location of speed cameras! Useful if you are going elsewhere... also good for latest traffic flows, and petrol stations in the area with their prices! http://mapas.race.es/ Telecoms where to complain about Telecoms companies http://www.usuariosteleco.es/Paginas/index.aspx Comparison websites banks http://www.mejorescuentascorrientes.com/ energy http://www.comparador.cne. es/ Mortgages, bank cards http://http:// www.comparador.com/ Car ins https://www.rastreator.com/ landing/s...&utm_campaign= Insurance - house, health, car, life http://www.asesorseguros.com/seguros-salud/

To add your FREE advert (text only) to the classified section you can fill in the form on www.grapevinespain. com or join the Javea Grapevine Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/JaveaGrapevine/

104 | The Grapevine Issue 171 2014


Body Beautiful

Live Entertainment

Beauty and Fashion

Irish Des http://irishdes.webs.com/ The Shamrockers http://theshamrockers.webs.com/ Sharon Crowson-Sharni Professional singer/entertainer. www.thesharnishow.com Restaurants, Cafés and Catering Mar i Vent - Bar · Café Calle Andres Lambert, 5 bajo, 03730 Javea 665109078 https://www.facebook.com Cafe Cortado - https://www.facebook.com/Cafecortadojavea GJ´s Café – Arenal


Tribus - Diner - Av Alicante 5, Benitachell / El Poble Nou de Benitatxell 672 26 43 64 Iberia: Café, Tapas & Copas Iberia Gastrobar a New Concept to eating tapas in Javea. reservas@iberiagastrobar.com or call us on 96 599 67 16. Pizzeria & Grill Bótanico ( Arenal, Jávea) Passive Entertainment Jávea Grapevine – www.grapevinespain.com www.javeagrapevine.com UKTV4U - www.uktv4u.com Live in Spain Magazine iPad and Android Magazine www.liveinspainmagazine.com Kindle Books and paperbacks U P Publications - www.uppbooks.com (includes Jávea authors) Polly’s



www. facebook.com/pages/Pollys-Bookshop-Javea/322859944483274

Maya Middlemiss http://beyondmanana.com/keeping-our-children-safe-uk-andspain/

Lenceria Susan Body Beautiful ! www.lenceriasusan.com Shop in Javea old town, in the lane between the post office and church. Something for everyone at anytime Fitness and Health Bernadine Davis Turpin - www.massagepilatesjavea.com

Chiringuito Moskito ( Montañar, Jávea) Sundays 16th and the 30th June FREE Salsa Lessons Hora/ Time: 19:00 - 21:00 Clubs & Associations and Education Clubs and Associations (also see our Club Page) Marina Alta Business Club Bringing Business Together in Spain www. mabusinessclub.com & www.mabc. biz - meets in Jávea and Denia and sponsors many projects including the Javea Grapevine Costa Women http://costawomen.ning. com @costawomen

Costa Blanca Business Association - The CBBA is a group of established businesses on The Northern Costa Blanca. For more information visit www.cbba.es Mujeres Emprendedoras De Jávea https://www.facebook.com/Mujeres. Emprendedoras.de.Javea Montgó Vegetarians - delicious meals out in Javea and surrounding areas, special menus created just for us, all welcome don’t have to be veggie! https://www.facebook.com/montgovegetarians

Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir always looking for new singers, rehearse in Teulada every Tuesday at 7.00pm...great cameraderie, a few beers and enjoy our singing, come along for a try www.costablancamalevoicechoir.wikidot.com

Javea Welsh Society - https://www.

Krazykidz - come along to Krazykidz in Javea Port www.facebook.com/ krazykidz.rentals

Costa Blanca Yacht Association www.cbya.org

Pet/house sitting, dog walking, garden care My sister in law is a very experienced house/pet sitter/ dog walker, looking for sit(s) approx Aug 21 to Oct 3. Has own car. tamasine.leadchanges@gmail.com


Art Association, Javea – Art Classes, Porcelain Restoration and more https://www.facebook.com/ArtJavea Education Howard Westcott ...education, home tuition UK exam subjects www. cbhometuition.vpweb.co.uk Lynn Cobb - learn-aprender www. learn-aprender.blogspot.com.es Mike Martin - Home tuition English classes, reading, literacy all ages, from Benitachell. Tel 660930171 stagedoor-spain@hotmail.com Homes and Gardens – cleaning, maintenance, building A D Lawton Construcciones www. adlawtonconstrucciones.com Floor-Restore - Restore Marble, Terazzo, Terrocotta,Tiles and bring them back to their former glory you can contact us on 689075125 or email floor-restore@live.com IT & Electrical Satpc Guy- Jon Worby IT & Satellite - The Sat and PC Guy - www.satandpcguy.com Sky TV Freesat and UK Satellite TV Installers For Javea Miscellaneous inc Money Matters Miscellaneous My Destination Alicante can bring your business to life with videos and 360º tours. www.mydestination.com/alicante www.facebook.com/mydestinationalicante Sarah Farrell

Childcare & Housekeeping, As a mother of 2, I am very aware of the work required in caring for children whilst running a house. Larisa Cirstoiu larisacirstoiu@yahoo.com

Written Translation Service Available – English / Spanish / Valenciano - confidential service E-mail learn-aprender @ hotmail.com for a quote - fully legal IVA invoices Money Matters Glenn Tullett https://www.facebook. com/SpainCurrency, www.infinityinternational.co.uk Fully Regulated Independent Foreign Exchange Broker. (v) John Hayward Financial Adviser Spectrum IFA http://www.financialadviceinspain.es (v) Peter Sharp Email: petersharp4u@ telefonica.net - conserve your assets Worried the Euro will fall lower or fail; avoid IHT, all legal, no risk - 96 579 3081 Arts, Crafts, Cakes & Gifts Art Association, Javea – Antiques valuations for Charity Porcelain Restoration and more https://www.facebook.com/ArtJavea Tanya Lacey Organic home-grown herbs, scented sweet peas and more. Every Sunday 3-7 Casa Vegana. Cumbre del Sol, Benitachell www. facebook.com/VeganLifeEnergy? Hibiscus Cakes for your cupcakes and celebration cakes..... https:// www.facebook.com/hibiscus.cakes? Ann Martin - CELEBRATION CAKES Delicious cup cakes, themed birthday cakes, cakes for all celebrations tel Ann on 680673871

The Grapevine Issue 171 2014| 105 |

To add your FREE advert (text only) to the classified section you can fill in the contact form on www.javeagrapevine.com or join the Javea Grapevine Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/ JaveaGrapevine/

106 | The Grapevine Issue 171 2014

Useful Telephone Numbers

With thanks to Amparo Botella for this list of contact numbers extracted from Seminal Jรกvea Magazine (has English pages) www.semanaljavea.com

The Grapevine Issue 171 2014| 107 |

Jávea Grapevine (Internet)” ISSN 2386-2823 Issue 171

966 461 913 681 001 300 manager@mabc.biz www.mabc.biz

Editor: Gaile Griffin Peers email: editor@grapevinespain.com movil: 681 001 300 www.grapevinespain.com www.facebook.com/groups/JaveaGrapevine/ Jávea

Grapevine (a.k.a. as The Grapevine Spain) is Published in Jávea, Spain by Marina Alta Business Club SL - CIF B54067996 est. 2006

Bringing Business together in Spain

Marina Alta Business Club

In accordance with the Ley 22/1987 de Noviembre, de Propiedad Intellectual (BOE no. 275) - All adverts, images and articles are copyright-protected and belong to/are the responsibility of their originators. Sources are normally clearly stated within the accompanying text Invoices/post only - no visitors without appointment: Marina Alta Business Club, Calle Badalona, Jávea, 03737 España. Advertising responsibility: All advertisements are accepted and published on the understanding of the agency and the advertiser that they are each authorised to publish the entire contents and subject matter thereof and that they have complied with all the laws, governmental rules and regulations applicable to the purchase order and the placement in and publication of such advertisement by Jávea Grapevine. Advertisers and agents represent and warrant that their advertisements, contents and subject matter are in no way false, deceptive, misleading, fraudulent, libelous or defamatory, that they do not infringe on any privacy, intellectual property, or publicity right, or constitute or encourage a criminal offense, or are abusive, prohibited, illegal or objectionable, violate any legal duty under criminal or civil law, or otherwise violate any applicable law or regulation of any kind. In consideration of the publication of advertisements, the advertisers and the agen-

cies, jointly and severally, shall unconditionally indemnify Jávea Grapevine, its parent, and their directors, officers, agents and employees from and against any and all loss, liability and expense (including reasonable legal fees) suffered or incurred by reason of any claims, proceedings or suits, including but not limited to, libel, violation of right of privacy or publicity, plagiarism, copyright infringement, fraud, negligence, or any other claims or suits based on the contents, subject matter, or publication of or otherwise on such advertisements. The liability of Jávea Grapevine for any act, error, or omission for which it may be held legally responsible shall not exceed the cost of the space ordered or occupied by the advertisement that is the basis of Jávea Grapevine’s liability. Jávea Grapevine shall not, in any event, be liable for any consequential damages, including lost income or profits. Jávea Grapevine disclaims all responsibility for errors in key numbers or the type set. Omission of insertion: Unintentional or inadvertent failure by Jávea Grapevine to print, publish or circulate advertising matter invalidates the insertion order for such matter, but shall not constitute a breach of contract or affect any earned discount. Please Note - Advertising matter may be cancelled by Jávea Grapevine at any time.

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