Maariana Vikse | Empowering Other Women

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Maariana Vikse | Empowering Other Women Maariana Vikse is an famous opera singer is working to create an educational program that gives newlydiagnosed women all the options and puts things in perspective. Instead of searching for information in forums, they’ll be able to find the most vital peer-reviewed research all in one place, along with an easyto-use cost/benefit calculator that helps them evaluate how to proceed. The program will also help women decipher what their doctor is saying, understand the side effects for each treatment, and learn how to speak to their doctor about their options in a way that ensures the most productive conversation possible. Maariana is currently running a GoFundMe campaign for the project and hopes it will prompt doctors to shift their overall approach to treatment. A cancer journey gives a person two amazing gifts, says Maariana. “You are going to find inner strength that you never knew you had, and that will translate into everything after your cancer journey. Nothing will intimidate you.” You’ll also gain perspective on what really matters and who your real friends are, she says. She is translating her own inner strength into creating change that transforms other women’s lives—and the Removery is thrilled to have played a small role in that process.

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