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Five-Minute Activities for Young Learners Follow-up • You could conduct a class survey about weekend activities. The class could then rank their own weekend activities from the least healthy to the healthiest. The results could be recorded in a graph. • You could ask the children to make suggestions about how to include more healthy activities in their own lifestyle.

5.10 Our feelings Level Language focus Skills focus Thinking focus Teaching approach Interaction Preparation

** Verb to be + a complement + when Speaking Giving examples Promote creativity – accept errors Group work, suitable for large classes Write the six feeling words on the board, along with the group questions and sentence stems. See Box 102.

Procedure 1 The children will be familiar with some of the feelings on the board, such as happy, sad, afraid and sorry. However, you may need to talk to them about feeling quiet, i.e. peaceful or reflective, and feeling strong, i.e. brave or determined. 2 Divide the class into groups with six children in each group. Allocate one of the feeling words to each child in the group. If you cannot divide your class evenly into groups of six, then allow two children to work together. For less confident learners, give them the simpler words like sad or happy and challenge your more able learners with quiet and strong. 3 Give the children a few minutes to think about circumstances when they have had these feelings. 4 Everyone in the group then takes a turn to tell the others about when they have had these feelings. For example, the group says to one member When are you sad? The response could be I am sad when I see hungry children on TV. 5 Continue until everyone in the group has had a turn to speak.


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