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M n Y

M.n.Y is a self-taught photographer, who since started to photography at september 2008 and began to obsessively capture the light and shade of day-to-day life around Hong Kong. While he is not concerned with making abstract photographs as such, he is absorbed by the abstract element in ordinary things. This has resulted in carefully composed images made up of strong lines and vibrant, contrasting colours; which he calls “patterns” of the city. Of course in a city like Hong Kong, nothing is far from the specter of human presence. And it is in the traces of human contact that the inanimate things in Mandy’s photos almost seem to speak. These may take the form of a disused pair of workman’s gloves, or a paint stain on a street corner. Even the actual people depicted in his photographs have a haunting and ephemeral quality about them, who in concert with their ever-changing surroundings, appear and disappear like so many ghostly apparitions.
