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Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA)

BCA is a systematic process for identifying, quantifying, and comparing expected benefits and costs of a potential infrastructure project.

In support of its RAISE grant application, the Haines Borough also included a misleading benefitcost analysis (BCA) that attempted to monetize the benefits associated with the replacement of Lutak Dock. Despite grant guidance to the contrary, the Borough used 'straw man' arguments to support its claims.

"Applicants should also be careful to avoid using “straw man” baselines with unrealistic assumptions about how freight and passenger traffic would flow... in the absence of the project, particularly when alternate modes of travel are considered."..."Applicants should assume that users would choose the next best (i.e., least costly) alternative, rather than an overtly suboptimal one."

--U.S. Dept. Transportation, BCA Guidance