MD-Paedigree Newsletter | Issue 4-5

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MD-Paedigree | Issue 4-5





WWW. Md-pa edigree .eu

Medicine:Transformed Personalised healthcare for future adults

SPECIAL INSERT Enhanced consent: a vision for patient data and data management

SCENARIO: Clinical Impact of Cardiomyopathy Models

FOCUS: How does Microbiota work?

Big Data and You: How can your data affect your treatment


MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


n the last year Md-Paedigree has been rapidly

segment, establishing key outcomes and parameters for each

approaching it’s expected, highly ambitious out-

model validation. Now it’s time to bring these processes to

comes. With greater data availability, modelling

bear and demonstrate models’ reliability and usability in routine

activities have made substantial progress and

clinical environments. While we yet don’t know how, or if, each

most models are now sufficiently mature to offer a full demon-

system will be applicable in clinical practice, it is fundamental

stration of their intended features. Thanks to concerted efforts

to demonstrate to the EC that all our efforts are headed toward

by all partners in recent months, the core objective of a fully

the implementation of usable tools that address actual clinical

integrated platform is now taking shape. An

needs, with a realistic commercial potential.

example of that was showcased during the

Remarkable progress has been made by

last MD-Paedigree’s Internal Review as the

the genetics and metagenomics study that

integrated workflow running on a single user

achieved important results, operationally

interface that allows users to run CaseRea-

in terms of samples’ analysis and scientifi-

soner as well as the Case-based Retrieval

cally, producing new, impactful insights into

on unstructured discharge summaries. And

links between pathological phenotypes and

speaking of Internal Reviews, we wish to ex-

metagenomics compositions as we explain

tend a special thanks to our Reviewers, for

further in this newsletter. MD-Paedigree’s

their insightful questions, keen attention and

Annual Review is planned for the 12th of

productive comments on our work. During the next Annual Review, we’ll focus on demonstrating that data, analytics tools and models are further integrated, with the goal of a

May in Brussels and it is our Prof. Bruno Dallapiccola C h i e f S c i e n t i f i c O ff i c e r o f t h e O s p e d a l e P e d i a t r i c o B a m b i n o G e s ù R e s e a rc h D i v i s i o n M D - P a e d i g re e P ro j e c t C o o rd i n a t o r

unified and seamless user ex-

intention to further build on positive previous reviews. To this end our goal is to demonstrate that data, analytics tools and models are to a great extent already integrat-

perience for all platform stake-holders. Another main focus will

ed and for the remaining part are moving quickly toward full

be on bringing the current anonymization pipeline to a real-

integration with the infostructure and that we have a solid plan

time, fully automated process, which is a prerequisite for the

to deploy all our components into a unified solution. On a final

implementation of the “privacy-by-design” approach set out at

note I wish to remind that the Final Conference of MD-Paed-

the project’s inception. Based on this, we decided to include

igree is scheduled for February 2017 in Rome, where a large

a special supplement to this newletter, covering the discussion

number of associations, external experts, clinicians and EC

paper “Enhanced Consent: a vision for Patient Data Protec-

representatives are expected to attend. My recommendations

tion and Data Management”, presented at the ICT’15 event by

for this important event are to put the conference’s focus on

Md-Paedigree’s Project Manager, Prof. Edwin Morley-Fletcher,

the technical results and implemented tools, user-friendliness

that fosters the rich debate on Data Protection Regulation. Vali-

and acceptability testing; the impact on clinical practice and

dation will be a very significant area of work. Correspondent

newly-defined clinical workflows and, finally, the exploitability

methodologies have been refined and specified in each clinical

of project’s results. MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter




Third Annual Meeting in Rome

6 |

Third Biannual Meeting in Crete

7 |

2nd Training Session

7 |

Workshop on Clinical Data Management and Sustainability, Amsterdam

7 |

Box: Alberto Martini is the New Scientific Director of IGG

8 |

WOHIT-HIMSS’15 – Ehealth week Riga

8 |

ICT 2015 Lisbon

9 |

Bio-Techno-Practice Workshop on In Silico Medicine: Philosophical Foundations And Biomedical Applications

10 |

Project website

11 |

Project Videos

12 |

RDA Alliance: A ‘Health Data’ Research Group Foundations And Biomedical Applications


Clinical use of MD-Paedigree: Cardiomyopathies

14 |

Clinical impact assessment scenario

Modelling 15 |

Haemodynamic Modelling of the Heart

17 |

Development of a scaling method and Adaptation of the existing musculoskeletal model in motion analysis

18 |

The application of computational anatomy to fat quantification and biomarker extraction


p. 3

p. 6

p. 13

p. 15

p. 20

20 |

Similarity Search Functionalities of ATHENA’s DCV tool

22 |

High Performance Computing in Scientific Applications Employing massively parallel processors for speeding-up

computer intensive algorithms

24 |

Case Reasoner


MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter

MD-Paedigree MD-Paedigree | Issue 4-5 WWW. Md-pa edigree .eu


p. 25

25 |

MD-Paedigree’s Genetic and Metagenomic Analysis Study

26 |

Microbiota and Microbiome: an introduction

27 |

GUT Health

28 |

Press release (OPBG): Microbiota: scientists discover bacteria that cause obesity and fatty liver disease

30 |

Hereditary Cardiomyopathies: Why Genetic Testing matters?

31 |

Book Review Gut: The inside story of our body’s most under-rated organ

Enhanced Consent: a vision for Patient Data Protection and Data Management

p. 32

Discussion paper drafted by Edwin Morley-Fletcher, Lynkeus - ICT2015 Networking Session

Other Dissemination Activities

p. 46


p. 48

48 |

AEPC 2016: Cardioproof’s Final Conference

48 |

MD-Paedigree’s Final Conference

49 |

Scientific publications

51 |

International Conferences & Events


p. 52

MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


PROJECT NEWS Third Annual Meeting in Rome MD-Paedigree’s Third Annual Meet-

requirements (more in the next page).

sues, highlight solutions and new re-

ing was held in Rome on the 15th,16th

Moreover the business model was pre-

search opportunities and consolidate

and 17th of February 2016. The Meet-

sented to different partners/stakehold-

Consortium’s interoperativeness and

ing hosted the 2nd Training event that

ers, to validate key concepts and as-

collaborative spirit.

included two hands-on training ses-

sumptions and glean feedback. Further-

sions on user-facing software, aiming

more thanks to the high participation of

Thanks to all of those who participated

to familiarise physicians with the MD-

all the consortium the three days were

and see you in Leuven!

Paedigree platform and further refine

fully dedicated to discuss relevant is-

Third Biannual Meeting in Crete The MD-Paedigree consortium attended the third biannual meeting, kindly hosted by ATHENA, on the 1st and 2nd of October 2015, in Crete (Greece). The meeting was divided in parallel sessions, for each of the project’s subgroups: Coordination & Management, Cardiomyopathies & Obesity, JIA, Neurologic & neuromuscular diseases (NND), Infostructure. Parallel sessions were enriched by user-testing and validation of the platform and the meeting was concluded by a productive brainstorming on goals and preliminary plans for the final conference in 2017.


MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter

Project News

2nd Training Session The third annual meeting was also

service (CBR), CasiReview and Case

summaries, etc. to be queried using

a concrete occasion to hold MD-



Paedigree’s second ‘hands-on’ Training

a high level of commitment during

engine that can cope with multiple data

Session. A number of refined tools

the training sessions and gave useful

types and determine similarity using a



suggestions and feedback to help the

range of data-appropriate algorithms.

the end-users, which could navigate

developers refine the tools for both


the key features of the tools, from



more precise, relevant and clinically

basic operations of the platform to its

The expected outcome of this ongoing

meaningful results from the types

file sharing functionalities, through

process will be a robustly integrated

of data that they handle routinely in



tool accessible through a single user

clinical practice

featured tools were data curation and

interface, allowing diverse datasets,

validation (DCV), case based retrieval

such as imaging, clinical, discharge
















2 n d Tr a i n i n g s e s s i o n i n R o m e

Workshop on Clinical Data Management and Sustainability, Amsterdam The VPH Institute, sponsored by MD-Paedigree, P-medicine and VPH-Share, has organised a workshop on Clinical Data Management and Sustainability held in Amsterdam on March 1718th 2015. The two and a half days were dedicated to a variety of topics from regulatory issues and legal frameworks of data management to long-term market sustainability and chances for exploitation.

Alberto Martini is the New Scientific Director of IGG On the 11th of January 2016, the Board of Directors of the Istituto Giannina Gaslini in Genoa, named Prof. Alberto Martini, a worldwide authority on child rheumathic diseases, the new Scientific Director of the paediatric hospital. Professor Martini is renown for his scientific and managerial competence and is held great esteem by the international scientific community. The MD-Paedigree Consortium wishes Prof. Martini all the best in this new endeavour, congratulations!

MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


Project News

WOHIT-HIMSS’15 – Ehealth week Riga A few months later, on 11th-13th May 2015, MD-Paedigree attended the e-health week 2015 in Riga (Latvia), where a presentation of the Project as a ‘Big Data Infostructure for Paediatrics’ was given at the Speaker’s Corner. The e-health week programme featured multiple topics and initiatives relevant to MD-Paedigreee such as helping address healthcare challenges, empowering patients through eHealth services, as well as better privacy and data protection and cost effectiveness of health IT solutions.

ICT 2015 Lisbon In the same period, the consortium

Consent: a vision for Patient Data Pro-

personal sensitive data. The booth was

successfully submitted a proposal for

tection and Data Management” (includ-

eventually retained by the EC and was

a joint booth (together with its cognate

ed in the current issue) was presented.

offered an excellent position, next to

project CARDIOPROOF and Géant) at

The discussion paper, drafted by Edwin

the EC central circular booth.Within

the ICT2015 event, which took place

Morley-Fletcher of Lynkeus, focused

the booth, MD-Paedigree shared a

in Lisbon (Portugal) on 20th-22nd Oc-

on patients’ privacy and new forms of

screen running all day long project-

tober 2015. During the ICT2015 event,

consent and on the latest technologi-

related videos

a discussion paper entitled “Enhanced

cal solutions to ensure the security of


MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter

Project News

Bio-Techno-Practice Workshop on In Silico Medicine: Philosophical Foundations And Biomedical Applications On June 3rd, Md-Paedigree partners from

Annamaria Carusi, Ludovica Durst, M a rc o V i c e c o n t i , E d w i n F l e t c h e r, Miles MacLeod, Marta Bertolaso, Viola S c h i a ff o n a t i , M a t t e o C e r r i , E m a n u e l e S e r re l l i @ B i o - Te c h n o - P r a c t i c e I n S i l i c o M e d i c i n e Wo r k s h o p , B a rc e l o n a



overcome the limitations of in vitro

Sheffield attended a Philosophy of

and in vivo experimental models

Science Workshop organised by the

used to represent human biological



systems, as well as also the limits

collaboration with the IESE Business

on our cognitive capacities to store,

School of the University of Navarra,

analyse and represent the enormous



information needed to reliably and

premises ( The

accurately capture system complexity

aim of the workshop was to “reflect

and variability”. The workshop was



chaired by Prof Marta Bertolaso, from

of in silico modelling and on the

the Campus Bio-Medico, Rome, and was

various implications of its biomedical

the occasion of a series of presentations


and of a lively and very interesting






the “promises of in silico modelling to







clinical trials”, taking into account


s h o w c a s i n g M D - P a e d i g re e ’s i n f o s t r u c t u re to EC Commissioner Moedas

O u r b o o t h r u n n i n g p ro j e c t re l a t e d v i d e o s

E d w i n M o r l e y - F l e t c h e r h o l d i n g a p re s e n t a t i o n o n Patient Data during the Networking Session

MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


Project News

Project website



updated with latest news and events about the Project. Through the website’s public area, you can learn more about MD-Paedigree





infographics and partner information, read or download our newsletters or watch our newly pusblished short explanatory videos of our research areas. The Project website is designed to raise awareness and to promote contents, discussion and suggestions. If you are part of a scientific community (e.g., EGEE, VPH), a parent or patients Association or you simply want to learn more about our research, please fill in the contact request directly from the front page of our web portal, we’ll be happy to hear from you!


MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter

Project News

Project Videos Six video clips were produced for

from almost all the institutions of the

public. All the project videos are now

each Project Area (Cardiomyopathies,

Consortium generously took part in

available on Md-paedigree’s YouTube



the creation of the video clips in order


and Genetics) aiming to present in a



to give a broad view of the project

project’s website at the following link:

concise and comprehensive manner the

as a whole. The videos are intended

project’s areas of study by prominent

to explain the Project study to a

MD-Paedigree researchers. Partners

non-expert as well as to a specialist





MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


Project News

RDA Alliance: A ‘Health Data’ Research Group challenges, interdisciplinary research needs and potential roadmaps. Futuristic expectations about reaching a “singularity threshold” precisely in healthcare may still have a long way to go, yet ‘Health Data’ certainly represents a major concern in the current Data Regulation debate. Health Data Analytics infact underpin the revolution




and disease treatment that modern IT promises to deliver. Data analytics applications are thus needed to convert these data to biomedical knowledge, knowledge discovery and data mining

I a n n i s I a c o v i d i s g i v i n g a p a r t o f t h e P re s e n t a t i o n i n To k y o , J a p a n .

(KDD), which can deliver a number of things, such as massive volumes of Following two successful events at the

moral issues such as “What is the right

uncertain, streaming heterogeneous

RDA Plenary 6 in Paris in September

use of the data? What is their misuse?”

biomedical data to curate, validate

2015, MD-Paedigree partners Lynkeus

must be undertaken.


and Athena RC attended the 7th RDA

During the Working Group presentation

points of view and under different

Plenary Meeting, held on February

three core values were identidied and

assumptions, as well as to include or

29th to March 3rd, 2016, in Tokyo,

addressed: i) The need for open access

exclude dimensions, combine different







to data for research purposes (where

modalities and incorporate existing

the role of Big Data in Healthcare

long term availability is a crucial issue;

knowledge and previous beliefs while

was given proposing the creation of a

ii) The need to develop a vibrant Data

preserving the privacy of the patients

dedicated ‘Health Data’ Interest Group.

Value industry in health and iii) the

whose data is being analyzed.

The underlying motivation stems from

need to strike the appropriate balance

The value of biomedical big data

the fact itself that there are no RDA

between individual privacy concerns in

repositories coupled with analytics is

groups working on the complexities

the healthcare setting and for research

yet to be exploited: MD-Paedigree and

of health data, and that issues such as

purposes and innovation, which can

it’s cognate Project, Cardioproof, aim

privacy, security and ethical issues are

overall greatly benefit the patient

to foster these topics, standing at the

indeed specific to health data.


forefront of their implementation.

The outcomes of the presentation

The IG will be aiming at triggering

showed that there is a strong need to

strong initiatives under various aspects

strike the right balance between the

of research: Data access and protection,

rights of people and the rights of data. It

personalized medicine, data literacy in

is therefore paramount to disseminate

healthcare, patient data repositories, in

and discuss openly and publicly these

silico drug development, clinical trials

issues and inform patients about the

and policy making. The latter should

need of data sharing along with its

infact represent the interests of the

benefits and its practices. Within the

data-based healthcare community to

growing field of personalised medicine,

policy makers in order to identify the

which aims to perform patient-specific

challenges and potential roadmaps

simulations and predictions, such topics


are infact pivotal, and philosophical and





MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


common and




WORKFLOWS, SCENARIOS AND VALIDATION Clinical use of MD-Paedigree: Cardiomyopathies In today’s clinical practice, cardiac pathophysiology information is derived at different times, in different locations, and from different diagnostic modalities and thus dispersed across formats, perspectives and intended uses. The aggregation and management of data is therefore a time-consuming and error-prone process on which, nevertheless clinical outcomes depend. By enhancing existing disease models and bringing predictive power at the point of care, MD-Paedigree is taking a major step towards personalised paediatric care, offering a broad range of prediction and simulation tools to support physicians and clinical researchers in their daily work. Based on diagnostic data-driven models, patient-specific simulations and a scalable patient information repository, MD-Paedigree has the potential to in fact impact the way clinical decisions are made, like in the following clinical applications scenario.


onathan is a 12 years old boy who presented at OPBG

two-chamber and four-chamber view) to generate a fully per-

hospital with chest pain. He had no family history of car-

sonalised anatomical model of the heart for the patient, MD-

diac disease and was not taking any medication at that

Paedigree’s allowed Jonathan’s physician to simulate predict-

point. He denied dyspnea at rest, but admitted some fatigue

able clinical scenarios in the medium term and based on those

during mild exercise. Heart rate was 92 bpm and blood pres-

refining clinical decision making.

sure was 70/115 mmhg. 3D echocardiography showed a dilated left ventricle with left ventricular hypertrophy. Systolic func-

Specifically, electromechanical and haemodynamic models

tion was normal, left ventricular filling pressure was increased.

of the heart helped doctors understand Jonathan’s specific

Patient-specific heart morphology was obtained from short-ax-

mechanism of muscle dysfunction, by integrating information

is cine-magnetic resonance images (MRI), showing evidence of

on muscle fibrosis and systolic mechanics, and predict the

mildly reduced ejection fraction, mild diffuse fibrosis of the car-

impact of alternative therapies in reducing mitral regurgitation,

diac muscle and dilated left ventricle. The mitral annular plane

filling pressure and thus relieving symptoms. Jonathan’s treat-

was dilated with mitral insufficiency caused by leaflet tethering,

ment was personalised based on simulations of cardiac mor-

leading his doctor to a first diagnosis of myocarditis. A detailed

phology and function, integrating information on heart geom-

echocardiography 3 months later showed evidence of mark-

etry, ejection fraction, relaxation, ventricular inter-dependence,

edly increased trabeculae of the left ventricular apical and lat-

valve function and cardiac workload. His response to drugs

eral walls, possibly suggesting the presence of left ventricular

was in line with what the MD-Paedigree system predicted,


therefore further helping physicians in the selection of the most effective treatment at the first onset of symptoms..

The clinical case presented peculiar diagnostic challenges due to the initial stage of the disease and the unclear aetiology, prompting the use a model-driven, clinical simulation instrument. Thanks to the MD-Paedigree model, Jonathan’s physician was able to analyze surface meshes of the left endocardium, left outflow tract, left epicardium, right endocardium, right outflow tract and right inflow tract, reconstructing therefore key features of the patient’s heart anatomy. Using robust 3D echo sequences and MRI data (time-resolved short axis stack, MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


Workflows, Scenarios and Validation

Clinical impact assessment scenario


irtual Physiological Human technologies are unprec-


edented in the sense that they enable a leap towards

avoided, quality of life

more predictive, personalised, integrative and efficient

of patients, etc. Other



healthcare provision. The standard methods of Health Technol-

benefits may in-

ogy Assessment (HTA) were developed to address a technolo-

clude reduced pe-

gy’s incremental value in healthcare and are therefore not suit-

riod of bed-rest at

able to evaluate the kind of progress VPH technologies would

home for patients,

bring about. In order for a VPH-focused meaningful evaluation

reduced readmis-

to become possible, the current concept of HTA needs to be

sion rates due to

reconsidered and adapted.

the avoidance of complications and side effects, fewer drugs

Rainer Thiel

Ph.D. M.A. Communication and Te c h n o l o g y R e s e a rc h , E m p i r i c a

to take, less care to be provided by community nurses, famWorkpackage 19 (Exploitation, HTA, and Medical Device Con-

ily carers and neighbours, fewer side-effects experienced, etc.

formity) deals precisely with this challenge, preparing an appropriate analytical framework and laying the groundwork for

With the case study of cardiomyopathy, together with WP2, we

exploring market access as well as health system and business

developed a care pathway as a tool to link up cost and out-

opportunities. The overall goal is to contribute from a socio-

come indicators to a proposed simple Markov chain model.

economic and commercial perspective towards making mod-

The Markov model will be used as the basis of the cost calcu-

els and simulations readily available at the points of care and

lation and model to enable quantification of health impact as-

to researchers.

sessment of the new technologies within MD Paedigree. In order to estimate the gains resulting from the new technologies,

Reaching an HTA approach amendable towards the specific

we collected the cost and conditions probability data within the

requirements of the VPH modelling and computer aided medi-

existing standard care pathway. This helps the quantification of

cine context involves first an analysis of core HTA methodologi-

standard care scenarios impact and allows comparison with

cal challenges. This contributes to establishing a better defined

the new care pathway within MD Paedigree.

terminological framework for generic HTA work and also explores the role of HTA in the policy making and implementation.

To estimate the costs of the clinical pathways, the exact costs

One of the identified challenges consists in the fact that stand-

of the technologies used in each pathway are needed as well

ard HTA usually concerns itself with more or less proven tech-

as the percentages of the risk patients that go through each

nologies and compares them with already matured and widely

pathway. The percentages (or probabilities) of patients moving

diffused ones. This poses a problem in the swiftly changing

from one pathways to the other and ultimately receiving treat-

technological environment of VPH. The complete life cycle of

ment, moreover, form the basic assumption behind the overall

a new and modified technology, across all its development

cost-benefit analysis.

stages, also referred to as Technology Readiness Levels (TRL); needs to be incorporated into HTA.

The plans for the next year will be feed the model with more robust data and expand it accordingly, thereby ultimately to il-

The final goal of the planned impact assessment is to estimate

lustrate how the transformation of bio-computational modelling

a high-level generic benefit-cost scenario for exploring the

and VPH technologies into a future patient flow will supplement

clinical and socio-economic impact of MD-Paedigree applica-

and improve the current management the specific diseases

tions. In order to render the scenarios to be developed useful

targeted by MD-Paedigree. The goal behind this clinical and

and reasonably realistic, it will be necessary to provide at least

socio-economic assessment perspective is to facilitate the

rough estimates of their potential socio-economic impact, and

testing of clinical application scenarios for bio-computational

in particular their clinical benefits. Clinical impact and health-re-

models and deliver support tools as well as empirical evidence

lated outcomes may refer to factors and variables such as: pri-

for health system actors and decision makers, exploitation

mary and secondary endpoints of medical and clinical trials, for

planning and business modelling.

example, changes in mortality (death rate) or morbidity (disease rate), length of stay in hospital, visits to physicians/outpatient


MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter

MODELLING Haemodynamic Modelling of the Heart


n important objective of MD-Paedigree

In our context a reduced order model that works

is to create patient-specific multiscale

with volume-averaged variables would be called a

and multiphysics models of the whole

0D model, one that works with area-averaged vari-

heart, both healthy and affected by

ables would be called a 1D model, and


so on. In MD-Paedigree we built a num-

the ic


by and



integrating haemodynambiomechani-

cal and electrophysiological models.

Mihalef Viorel

ber of such haemodynamic models, with

PhD. Imaging and Computer Vision, Siemens AG

A multiscale/multi-physics virtual heart

increasing complexity: a 0D standalone model of the cardiac and adjacent vessel flow, a 0D model of the cardiac and

model would allow integration of various medical data, so that,

adjacent vessel flow fully coupled with the 3D biomechanical

as more data is accumulated over time, the model evolves

model of the heart, and a 3D+time computational fluid dynam-

from an “averaged” to a “detailed”, individualized model. Such

ics (CFD) model that is driven by boundary conditions pro-

patient-specific models are expected to augment existing clini-

vided by the biomechanical heart model.

cal tools by enabling the assessment of post-treatment outcomes even prior to the intervention, and therefore help clini-

We are now close to the final modeling goal, which seeks to

cal decision making.

maximize the flexibility of our model by fully coupling the blood flow and biomechanics at the 3D level. Exciting achievements

Blood flow and cardiac wall and valves motion are tightly con-

along our path are the successful tests of the robustness of

nected, through so-called momentum exchange. Blood flow

our models, and of their capability to model cardiac patholo-

can be impacted by, but also trigger and influence various

gies like valvular regurgitation or stenosis, as well as their ca-

cardiac pathologies, like for instance paediatric cardiomyopa-

pacity to match medical imaging data.

thy. For this reason, blood flow can reveal important details associated to the severity of disease. Such haemodynamic information can be captured by complete (or “full order”) three-dimensional (3D) models that quantify the blood velocity and pressure variables everywhere inside the cardiovascular region of interest, or by so-called “reduced order” models,

F i g u r e 1 I m a g i n g d a t a i s i n t e g r a t e d f ro m m u l t i p l e n o n - i n v a s i v e s o u rc e s t o b u i l d t h e c o m p l e t e c a rd i a c a n a t o m y. F ro m l e f t t o r i g h t : T T E d a t a a n d e x t r a c t e d v a l v e s , C i n e - M R I d a t a a n d e x t r a c t e d c a rd i a c w a l l s , c o m p l e t e c a rd i a c m o d e l i n t e g r a t i n g v a l v e s a n d walls over time.

which work with averages of those haemodynamic variables.

MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter



Model personalization

are just two examples of the process through which medical

Models are governed by a set of parameters, often related to

imaging data informs our haemodynamics models.

a biophysical property of the organ (e.g. stiffness). Standard parameters are available in the literature, derived from ex-vivo

Model testing and validation

or animal experimental studies. They thus represent a generic

Initial verification of the reduced order haemodynamics cou-

organ, and have limited impact at the time of treating a patient.

pled with the biomechanical model of the heart (Figure 2) show

Day-to-day clinical applications require personalized models,

its ability to capture both mitral and aortic stenosis and regur-

whose parameters are fitted such that the output of the model

gitation (Figure 2).

matches the current clinical observations. Clinical data used for personalization can come from multi-

F i g u r e 3 F l o w s t re a m l i n e s i n s i d e t h e s e g m e n t e d c a rd i a c re g i o n , b a s e d o n t h e P C - M R I d a t a .

ple, complementary sources: standard clinical measurements like heart beat or cuff blood pressure, Trans-Thoracic (TTE) or trans-esophageal (TEE) echocardiography images for valve information, Cine MRI images for ventricular wall information and tissue substrate, 3D+time Phase-Contrast MRI (PC-MRI) images for blood velocity information. Personalization of the anatomy is done by building a geometric model of the heart which integrates the TTE-based dynamic valve model and the Cine MRI-based dynamic ventricle model (Figure 1). The reconstructed moving anatomy is subsequently used by the full order model to constrain the 3D haemodynamics, with the endocardial walls pushing or pulling the blood through the openings created by the valves. On the other hand, the same moving anatomy provides the temporal variation of the ventricular volume over time, which is the information perfectly fitted to personalize the reduced order 0D blood flow model. These The 3D CFD model has been used to perform the first valiFigure 2 The left image shows a schematic of our coupled biomechanical model and whole body c i rc u l a t i o n . T h e r i g h t i m a g e s s h o w t h e re s p o n s e o f our system to inducing valvular pathologies. The h e a l t h y - v a l v e s P V l o o p i s d i s p l a y e d i n g r a y, a n d t h e p a t h o l o g i c a l c o n d i t i o n s P V l o o p s a re o v e r l a y e d i n pink.

dations versus 3D+time PC-MRI data measured by clinicians from Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesu. The cardiac segmentation was used to mask the 3D PC-MRI velocity vectors (Figure 3), which were then compared with the CFD computed vectors. For the comparison we defined a “flow-aware” regional map, which is a 7-segment intra-cardiac map designed to better capture the “slingshot” dynamics of the cardiac blood


MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


flow. Initial validation results show a promising match of the 3D PC-MRI and 3D CFD region-averaged velocities, especially during systole (Figure 4). Conclusion We have provided a small picture of how integration of multi-modality medical imaging data allows the generation of a holistic heart model. This model in turn helps estimate cardiac haemodynamics even when only limited or no such imaging data is available. As future work, a comprehensive evaluation of haemodynamics-based features will determine their usefulness to facilitate further patient stratification and inform future treatment. If successful, this technology will also impact the clinical decisions for dilated cardiac myopathies, resulting in better diagnosis and therapy for the

F i g u r e 4 L e f t s i d e , t o p : " f l o w - a w a re " 7 - s e g m e n t re g i o n a l m a p o n t o w h i c h f l o w i s a v e r a g e d a n d c o m p a re d . L e f t , b o t t o m : Ve l o c i t y v e c t o r a v e r a g e s f ro m C F D ( re d a r ro w s ) a n d P C - M R I ( w h i t e a r ro w s ) a t p e a k s y s t o l e . R i g h t t o p : m a g n i t u d e c u r v e s o f t h e re g i o n - a v e r a g e d C F D a n d P C - M R I v e c t o r s . R i g h t b o t t o m : m a g n i t u d e ( i n d e g re e s ) o f t h e a n g l e b e t w e e n t h e re g i o n - a v e r a g e d v e c t o r s . T h e a b s c i s s a re p re s e n t s t h e 7 segments.

young patients

Development of a scaling method and Adaptation of the existing musculoskeletal model in motion analysis Musculo-skeletal

To obtain reliable outcomes in the paediatric population, one



of the most important parameters which need to be specified

often-used tool in

or made patient-specific, is the length of the model segments,

motion analysis to

in other words to scale the model to the patient’s length.

study the contri-

Motekforce Link’s Human Body Model (HBM), which is used in

bution of different

MD-Paedigree, is based on a generic model, using measures

muscles to move-

obtained from cadaver studies of adults. Based on theoretical

ment patterns in

and practical influences of the different model parameters on

clinical rehabilita-

the model output a novel scaling method was developed to

tion. Using these models in clinical gait analysis offers methods

make the Human Body Model more accurate and applicable

to diagnose, plan and evaluate various interventions in neuro-

for the pathological paediatric population.

Frans Steenbrink

P T, P h . D , A p p l i e d R e s e a rc h m a n a g e r, M o t e k f o rc e L i n k


logical and neuromuscular diseases. Enhancement of musculo-skeletal models to improve clinical services is an on-going

In wp11 Siemens, Sheffield, TU Delft and Motek Medical have

topic of research and has continuously led to more accurate

collaborated to create patient-specific HBM models from MRI

and realistic models.

data sets. Segmented MRI data was processed into modelling parameters which can be used to create patient-specific

To better match the (pathological) morphology of a specific pa-

OpenSIM models. These OpenSIM models can subsequently

tient or patient group, model parameter specification is intro-

be processed using a motion-file to generate a patient-specific

duced. This means that a certain model parameter is adapted

HBM model. The pipeline to develop patient-specific models

according to a patient specific recording, which would offer

was agreed upon between the various partners and tested us-

better insight in a patient’s pathological gait to improve treat-

ing data sets of typically developing children and children with

ment strategies.

a neurological or neuromuscular disease. MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter



F i g u r e 1 M o d e l i n g p i p e - l i n e t o c re a t e p a t i e n t s p e c i f i c m u s c u l o - s k e l e t a l m o d e l f ro m M R I a n d clinical gait analysis data

The application of computational anatomy to fat quantification and biomarker extraction Fraunhofer is represented in two workpackes within

more robust and generic algorithmic solutions. The

the MD-Paedigree project. In WP 9, which concerns

first step was to automate the process of analyzing

the modelling of cardiovascular risk in the obese

fat in the liver. Approaches based on learned shape

child and adolescent, the automated

and/or appearance information are very

quantification of body fat distributions is researched. The body mass index (BMI) is still the primary measure to rate the degree of obesity for clinical diagnostics and studies. However, a drawback of this

successful for segmentation in general and for liver segmentation in CT datasets

Klaus Dreschler,

D r- I n g H e a d o f D e p a r t m e n t , Fraunhofer IGD

Anqi Wang,

M.Sc., Fraunhofer IGD

in particular. Such a method has been developed for liver segmentation in MR datasets, which is now successfully used

simple measure is that it only estimates

to quantify liver fat.

the general adiposity of a subject, but not the indi-

Subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) consists of fat

vidual fat distribution within the body. It has been

deposits beneath the skin and is clearly visible in

shown that the visceral adipose tissue (VAT) highly

the fat images that we got from our clinical partners.

correlates with cardio vascular diseases (CVD). But

However, simple thresholding would also include

also subjects with normal BMI might suffer CVD due

visceral fat and other tissues within the threshold

to fat accumulation in other parts of the body, for example in

range. We obtained promising results using a ray-based meth-

organs. Manual delineation of different anatomical structures

od that scans the preprocessed whole-body fat-fraction MR

in 3D data is very time consuming, especially for large amount

image from different directions to detect the inside of the body.

of data. Therefore, it is highly desirable to automate this task.

However, this is current work in progress and we are excited to

The basis for fat quantification is the acquisition of fat & water

finish with this part of WP 9. Figure 1 shows preliminary seg-

separated MR images, where two different protocols are used

mentation results (red: Subcutaneous fat, Green: Internal fat,

by the clinical partners: T2* IDEAL and a Dixon sequence. Al-

Yellow: Liver).

though two different protocols will require more work on the image processing side, it gives us the opportunity to develop 18

MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


F i g u re 1 : S e g m e n t a t i o n re s u l t s w h i c h a re u s e d f o r fat quantification.

In order to stage the disease progression of the enrolled JIA patients, within WP 10 “Modelling and simulation for JIA�, we aim at extracting relevant biomarkers such as the volume of

to differentiate between inflamed tissue and imaging artifacts

inflamed synovial tissue. A processing pipeline consisting of

we use a knowledge-based approach. Since synovial mem-

two main steps has been constructed to automatically detect

brane is the soft tissue found between the joint capsule and the

inflamed synovial volume. During the first step, all foot bones

joint cavity, the inflammatory tissue has to be in the proximity

are segmented in a dataset. The second processing step con-

of the detected joints. The remaining regions are morphologi-

sists of several sub-procedures. The binary bone segmentation

cally processed and the voxels are grouped into components

images are converted to 3D meshes. Using these meshes, the

based on pixel connectivity. Each of the connected regions is

MRI dataset of an ankle is then classified into regions of inter-

checked for size and proximity to one of the previously detect-

est. In the images acquired after the injection of the contrast

ed joints. Regions with a size of less than a certain threshold

medium (postCM, Figure 1 left), inflamed regions are clearly

are discarded as scatter, and so are regions which do not in-

visible due to their high intensity values. By detecting regions

tersect with one of the joints. The segmentation result is shown

with extraordinarily high intensity values, potential candidates

in Figure 1 right. In past research, evidence has shown that the

for inflamed synovial tissue are obtained. These are detected

volume of synovial inflammation may be used as a predictor of

using an adapted version of multilevel thresholding (Figure 1

erosive damage and a relevant marker of disease activity.

middle). The next task is then to filter out those that represent

With the aforementioned modelling activities, Fraunhofer seeks

other structures with similar intensities; these may be tubular

to push the boundaries of current state of the art methods and

structures like vessels or tendons, or just imaging artifacts. The

aims to provide new and innovative solutions to assist clinicians

tubular structures are detected using an approach based on

in their daily practice.

the eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix of the image. In order

Fig. 1: Original postCM image (left), intermediate re s u l t ( m i d d l e ) , s e g m e n t a t i o n re s u l t ( r i g h t )

MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


INFOSTRUCTURE Similarity Search Functionalities of ATHENA’s DCV tool Identification



Several well-established Machine Learn-

ing (ML) techniques and algorithms have

among samples, where we want to

been implemented on top of ATHENA’s

find similar patients based on specific

EXAREME (ex ADP/madIS) data flow


processing system and integrated with the Data Curation and Validation (DCV) tool following the same architecture.

• Orfeas Aidonopoulos

R & D e n g i n e e r, A t h e n a R C

Some of these methods can be used









similarities and correlations among the predictor variables.

for the identification of similar patterns/ samples/patients/trials in order to gain information about their

Identification of similarities among samples

structural relationships​.

Cluster analysis is used to explore datasets for hidden patterns or similar groups of data. Clustering algorithms form groupings

Particularly, extending DCV’s functionalities with a knowledge

or clusters in such a way that data within a cluster have a higher

discovery tab the user can now address two kinds of problems:

measure of similarity than data in any other cluster.

F i g u re 1 : D B S C A N o n i r i s d a t a s e t . T h i s a l g o r i t h m v i e w s c l u s t e r s a s a re a s o f h i g h d e n s i t y s e p a r a t e d b y a re a s o f l o w d e n s i t y. H e re i n , c l u s t e r i n g b a s e d o n s e p a l f e a t u re s a n d s a m p l e s a s s i g n e d i n t o 3 c l u s t e r s . C o re s a m p l e s a re d e p i c t e d b y b i g g e r c i rc l e s , w h i l e o u t l i e r s a re g ro u p e d i n c l u s t e r - 1 .


MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


The measure of similarity on which the clusters are modeled

ours indicate cluster membership, bigger circles the core sam-

can be defined by metrics like Euclidean distance. In Figure 1

ples in each cluster (samples that belong in areas of high den-

one can observe the interface of DCV’s clustering tab (example

sity), and misgrouped samples (outliers) belong to ‘cluster: -1’.

on Iris data set). The user selects an algorithm (in this exam-

Currently, four clustering algorithms have been implemented

ple, DBSCAN has been selected), and the corresponding pa-

in the ‘extended-DCV’ tool: k-means, DBSCAN, Affinity Propa-

rameters and features (columns) based on which the algorithm

gation and Mean Shift. The following comparison table shows

groups the samples together. DBSCAN identified three clusters

which parameters the user can change, the most appropriate

and some samples that cannot be grouped in any cluster: col-

use-case, and the metric used by each method.






number of clusters

General purpose, not too many clusters, flat (Euclidean) geometry

distances between points


number of core samples, threshold distance

Very large number of samples, uneven cluster size, non-flat geometry

distances between points

Mean Shift

bandwidth of data

Many clusters, uneven cluster size, non-flat geometry

distances between points

Affinity Propagation

damping factor, sample preference

Many clusters, uneven cluster size, non-flat geometry

graph distance

Identification of similarities among features The reduction of the input space infers similarities and correla-

The current version of DCV doesn’t provide correlation scores

tions among the predictor variables, something with high sig-

among features or any other results, but these have been al-

nificance in clinical applications. Thus, dimensionality reduction

ready scheduled for a future version. However, as illustrated

techniques are usually used to identify correlated or very similar

bellow, these techniques tend to reduce the number of dimen-

features and visualize them in a new space. With DCV’s exten-

sions and simultaneously cluster samples in groups. We tested

sions, the user can project her/his data into a two-dimensional

DCV on the Iris flower data set and, as one can easily see,

space and group similar variables together, avoiding problems

PCA and SVD separates samples in two groups; a few outliers

like overfitting at the same time. We implemented on DCV three

can also be detected. t-SNE tends to separate them in three

techniques for dimensionality reduction: Principal Component

clusters, something very informative as this corresponds to the

Analysis (PCA) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), which

three kinds of flowers found in the Iris data.

are two very similar methods, and t-SNE.

F i g u re 2 : P r i n c i p a l C o m p o n e n t A n a l y s i s . O r t h o g o n a l p ro j e c t i o n o f t h e I r i s d a t a o n a 2 - d i m e n s i o n a l s p a c e .

MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter



High Performance Computing in Scientific Applications Employing massively parallel processors for speeding-up: computer intensive algorithms

Parallel computing is driven by one of

in the region of interest is marked as be-

the three following goals: solve a given

ing either inside (fluid) or outside (solid) of

problem in less time, solve more com-

the domain, a procedure which is called

plex problems within a given amount of

voxelixation. In FSI computations, since

time, and achieve better solutions for a given problem and a given amount of

the geometry (arterial wall, ventricular Lucian Mihai Itu,

time. Thus, parallel computing is pri-

R e s e a rc h e r a t Tr a n s i l v a n i a University

marily motivated by increased speed!

Cosmin Ioan Nita

Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) are dedicated processors, designed originally as graphic accelerators. Since CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) was introduced in 2006 by NVIDIA as a graphic application pro-

the type of a location (fluid/solid) may also change in time, the voxelization needs to

P h D s t u d e n t a t t h e Tr a n s i l v a n i a U n i v e r s i t y o f B r a s o v.

Anamaria Vizitiu,

R e s e a rc h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t Engineer – Siemens, UTBV

Constantin Suciu,

wall, etc.) is changing in time, and hence

be run repeatedly. In case a CPU-based implementation is used, the voxelization leads to an increase of the execution time by 50%, when compared to a rigid-wall hemodynamic computation.

Head of Department Corporate Te c h n o l o g y, S i e m e n s , U T B V

Two GPU-based implementations of the voxelization algorithm have been consid-

gramming interface (API), the GPU has

ered. The first one is the classic method

been used increasingly in various areas

which was initially implemented on the

of scientific computations due to its su-

CPU and which is based on bounding

perior parallel performance and energy

boxes. The disadvantage of its GPU based

efficiency. When a GPU is programmed

implementation is that multiple threads

through CUDA, it is viewed as a com-

access the same memory location. This

pute device, which is able to run thousands of threads in par-

requires a synchronization operation, which in turn reduces

allel by launching a kernel (a function, written in C language,

parallelism and performance. Furthermore, since each thread

which is executed by the threads on the GPU). GPU based

processes a different number of locations, some threads have

applications are run in a CPU-GPU tandem manner, whereas

to wait for others to finish their operations. The second im-

the CPU, usually called host, launches the main application,

plementation employs a method based on separating planes,

and allocates and initializes the data.

which identifies apriori the locations processed by each thread, and elliminates the need for synchronization.

Then, the buffers are transferred to the global memory of the GPU and the CPU calls the kernel which performs the compu-

For a typical ventricular geometry the classic method lead to an

tations on the GPU. Finally, results are copied back to the CPU,

execution time of 23.5 seconds on the CPU and of 0.234 sec-

which performs post-processing tasks.

onds on the GPU. With the separating planes, the GPU based

Due to its very efficient performance-cost ratio, and its widespread availability, the GPU is currently the most used massively parallel processor. In the following we will focus on two specific applications for which the GPU-based implementation has allowed to significantly reduce the execution time. The first application is used in the cardiomyopathies disease group and has allowed to significantly speed-up fluid-structure interaction (FSI) hemodynamic computations. Each location 22

MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


implementation required only 0.0214 seconds, thus leading to

the GPU-based implementation varies between 170x and 190x

an overall speed-up of more than 1000x! With this approach

compared to the single-core implementation and between 24x

FSI computations can be performed almost as fast as rigid-

and 28x compared to the multi-core implementation. This ap-

wall computations, i.e. the overhead of the voxelization step

plication was developed in collaboration with Siemens AG.

becomes negligible. This application was developed in collaboration with Siemens AG and Siemens Corporation.

Other GPU-based applications which have been developed in collaboration with various project partners are: optimized com-

The second application is used in the modelling of the cardio-

putation of stencil based algorithms, single-GPU and multi-

vascular risk in obese children and adolescents: a GPU-based

GPU solution of very large systems of sparse linear equations

implementation of a random forest classifier has been devel-

using the preconditioned conjugate gradient method and the

oped. Random forest (RF) is an ensemble classifier consisting

geometric multigrid method, information retrieval based on

of decision trees that combines two sources of randomness

Bloom filters, latent semantic analysis, and texture analysis us-

to generate base decision trees: bootstrapping instances for

ing steerable Riesz wavelets.

each tree and considering a random subset of features at each node. Similar to other machine learning techniques, it is composed of a training and a testing phase. Since the training is performed offline, its execution time is not critical. Hence, we have focused on the acceleration of the testing phase: in most of the cases this phase is performed online and the execution time is critical. An interesting aspect of the GPU-based implementation of the RF classifier is the storage format of the decision trees: the data structures describing the RF are mapped to a 2-D texture array which is stored in the GPU texture memory. These texture arrays are read-only, and, since they are cached, the performance of reading operations is improved. Both single-core and multi-core implementations have been considered for the CPU and the speed-up provided by

Fluid node becomes solid node when geometry is updated

To p : m e s h re p re s e n t i n g l e f t v e n t r i c l e a n d a n d l e f t ventricle outflow tract Bottom: voxelized left ventricle and left ventricle outflow tract

MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter



Case Reasoner Big data and machine learning are cur-

rithms that underpin these elements is

rently seen as the most disruptive technol-

crucial for delivering an effective sys-

ogies for the years to come. Indeed, our

tem. In the context of MD-Paedigree,

world generates yearly a massive amount

data characterizing patients is acquired

of data that potentially contains highly val-

and/or extracted from multiple sources

uable information. This is especially true in the domain of healthcare, where by mining huge collections of patient data, new correlations, factors, biomarkers or drugs can

Olivier Pauly

P h . D . , R e s e a rc h s c i e n t i s t a t S i e m e n s H e a l t h c a re , M e d i c a l I m a g i n g Te c h n o l o g i e s , Erlangen, Germany

be discovered to enhance the diagnostic

of very different types of information such as MR imaging, haemodynamic measurements, and clinical and family history. Modelling similarity of cases using such disparate data types is very

tools and treatments of tomorrow. To unlock information buried

challenging for a number of reasons, including wide differences

in huge collections of patient data, the team at Siemens devel-

in data dimensionality, differences in predictive information con-

ops a case-based reasoning solution called CaseReasoner. In

tent in the various sources, and different scales or structures

a nutshell, CaseReasoner is a flexible data analytics and infer-

for different data types. To address this challenge, the team at

ence web tool that relies on a search engine. Given a query pa-

Siemens proposes an approach based on deep learning, which

tient, it permits to retrieve the most similar cases from a patient

can be seen as a form of non-linear dimensionality reduction.

collection and to perform inference based on their attached

Indeed, the original multi-modal patient data is encoded into a

information. For instance, one can predict for a new incom-

compact signature that has better properties in terms of scale,

ing patient the outcome of a particular therapy by aggregating

distribution and sparseness than the raw dataset for analysis.

therapy outcomes observed on the most similar patients.

Once plugged into the search engine of CaseReasoner, the compact nature of these signatures allows us to perform much

Search engines such as the one at the heart of CaseReasoner

faster and more reliable retrieval than when using original raw

consist of two main elements that define how the system rep-

data. CaseReasoner has the potential to support early iden-

resents data content of each case and how it derives similarity

tification and therapy selection in the different disease areas

measures between those cases. Careful design of the algo-

addressed by the MD-Paedigree consortium.

C a s e R e a s o n e r S c re e n s h o t : " P a t i e n t s l i k e m i n e "


MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter

GENETICS AND METAGENOMICS FOCUS MD-Paedigree’s Genetic and Metagenomic Analysis Study D-Paedigree is looking into three major areas

A critical point of this effort is the ability to compute and share

of interest in genetic research. The first is the

results from hundreds of thousands of data points in a clinically

highly heterogeneous and multifactorial (i.e.

meaningful way. Our research has succeeded in solving the

mendelian) disease cluster of Cardiomyopa-

information complexity challenge thanks to the computational

thies through the use of next generation sequencing. Fiftysix

tool developed by Md-Paedigree which made possible to dis-

genes are being tested to find classes of patients based on

cover complex relationships and hidden trends in the raw data.

genotype/phenotype correlations.

This is an important acheivement thanks to which we hope to


find more interesting correlations in the following months of the The second area focuses on obese children, in particular to


those with cardiovascular risk. Currently, tens of gene variations are being investigated which are known to be related in some way with obesity and with its complications. The final objective here is to find useful markers to predict risk of cardiovascular disease in obese patients.

The The line of research is potentially the most original as it deals with the emergent field of gut microbiota analysis.

Gut microbiota consists of all the microbes colonising human intestine which we carry starting few hours after birth and for the rest of our lives. About 1.3 kg of bacteria populate our intestine, serving very important functions in immune response and gene expression modulation. Data have been collected from a large cohort of patients and subsequent analysis has confirmed previous findings from other studies of genetic differences in the composition of phyla species of bacteria in target patients. More interestingly this study has drawn attention to results coming from the gut microbiota analysis in children affected by juvenile idiopathic arthritis. There is no recorded study of this disease at the gut microbiota level and what was found is that there are some major changes of the composition of bacteria from the baseline to the remission phase of the disease. MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


Microbiota and Microbiome: an introduction


he human body contains over 10 times more

that the gut microbiome performs numerous important bio-

microbial cells than human cells and each hu-

chemical functions for the host, and disorders of the micro-

man body along with intestinal and other mi-

biome are associated with many and diverse human disease

crobiota forms a complex ecosystem the parts


of which interactively performs a variety of biological processes. The human gut is a lush microbial ecosystem containing

Synergic meta-omics or "systems biology"-based approaches

about 100 trillion microorganisms, whose collective genome,

are now able to describe the gut microbiome at a detailed ge-

the microbiome, contains 100-fold more genes than the entire

netic and functional level, providing new insights into its im-

human genome. This has led some researchers to regard the

portance in human health by mapping microbiome variability

human body as a ‘superorganism’ in regard to its indigenous

among individuals and populations. This has established the

microbes, and refer to the composite genome as the human

importance of the gut microbiome in the disease pathogenesis

‘metagenome’. In this perspective sequencing the microbiome

of obesity and cardiovascular diseases, and in intestinal condi-

can be viewed as a logical albeit ambitious expansion of the

tions, such as inflammatory bowel disease. Thus, understand-

human genome project.

ing microbiome activity is essential to the development of future personalized strategies of healthcare, as well as potentially

The colonic microbiome is among the most densely populated microbial habitats on Earth. Recent studies have suggested


MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter

providing new targets for drug development.

GUT Health


icrobiotas live in all over

preliminary analyses, we then developed

and inside our body, the

several technological tools, driven by re-

major component resid-

quirements from clinicians, integrated in

ing in the intestinal canal.

the overall platform following a ‘big data’

This ecosystem plays a crucial role in our immunitary response to environmental stimuli, modulated by multiple factors (e.g., diet, exposomes) and with a di-

Lorenza Putignani

Head of Parasitology and Metagenomcis Units Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù

rect and indirect effect on our health. At

paradigm for the description of genomes and metabolites. This approach allowed to

translate complex data arrays into

microbiota maps that integrate clinical, genomic and metabolome data.

birth, neonates start evolving the gut microbiota (also called “programming phase”) which, depending on type of feeding

These maps are being used to assist in the interpretation of

(mother vs artificial), defines the future health status of the baby

how the microbiota modulates clinical features. By interacting

and in the following few months brings his gut ecosystem close

closely with clinicians we have been able to accurately identify

to the one he will carry as an adult. Factors affecting the initial

key targets in the modulation process. For instance, we have

composition are many, and all very important as each con-

proven the possibility to improve microbiota’s compositions in

cur to the final profile which varies from the physiological (i.e.,

diseases using prebiotics or tailored diets, in such a way that

healthy microbiota) to the diseased microbiota.

allows to revert altered microbiota into physiological ones. Having defined some of these altered microbiota (a.k.a dysbiosis)

During the MD-Paedigree Project we have focused on different

we have designed and tested a variety of tools that are able to

kinds of diseases such as obesity and juvenile idiopathic arthri-

restitute the microbiota to an eubiosis state.

tis in paediatric subjects. We started with bench-work to map all the bacterial genomes in healthy phenotypes.

This approach is becoming strategic in the care and manage-

All these “meta-genomes” depict the whole microbiotic space

ment of multiple diseases, providing new lab-based diagnostic

clustered in ‘profiles’ of the microbiota. This made possible to

instruments and alternative clinical pathways under the frame-

observe different profiles in relation to healthy phenotypes and

work of ’System’s Medicine’, which is poised to become the

see what differences marked various diseases. Based on these

future paradigm of patient care.

MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


Press Release (OPBG):

Microbiota: scientists discover bacteria that cause obesity and fatty liver disease


study conducted at the Bambino Gesù Hospital, recently published on Hepatology, describes for the first time a model of microbiota associated to these pathologies openinig new

clinical pathways to personalised probiotics. A new discovery has been made in the study of gut microbiota, the community of commensal microorganisms (a few billion, mostly composed by bacteria) who live in our digestive system and which were once known as Gut flora. The mechanisms which regulate their interaction with the human DNA and the surrounding environment are the root cause of various simple and complex diseases. A study of the Bmabino Gesù Hospital has described for the

The study made possible to trace In further detail two mod-

first time in international litterature a model of the mi-

els of microbiota corresponding to just as much profiles: the

crobiota associated to fatty liver and obesity. Clinicians

first, associated to onset fatty liver, is characterised by reduc-

and researchers at the hospital have discovered that within the

tion of the Oscillospira microbial genre and to the increase of a

gut of children suffering from obesity and and fatty liver there

specific molecule (2-butanone); the second instead is associ-

are some families of bacteria that are too abundant (Rumi-

ated to a more advanced stage of the disease (steatohepati-

nococcus and Dorea) when compared to those that inhabit a

tis), which is identifiable from the elevated number of microbial

healthy subject, while others are too scarce (Oscillospira). The

genres Ruminococcus e Dorea. The study was made possible

association between the alterations of the gut flora and obese

thanks to an original approach developed from the research-

subjects opens an entirely new way to create and prescribe

ers of the human microbiome unit together with those from the

personalised probiotics, with all the annexed advantages

hepatic research unit. The method consisted of integrating a

both in tems of health and in terms of social costs. The study

very large amount of data produced by second generation se-

has been recently published on the scientific journal Hepatol-

quencing platforms (i.e., Next Generation Sequencing) and the


mass spectrometry platforms of the Bambino Gesù Hospital’s labs. From the integration of these “big data” it was possible to


produce the first model of functional microbiota associated to


paediatric cases suffering from fatty liver and obesity.

In healthy subjects, the bacteria poulation that forms the gut microbiota show a very diversified environment. On the con-


trary, in all obese patients with fatty liver, some bacterial spe-

The study conducted by the Bambino Gesù Hospital shows

cies result particularly abundant (Ruminococcus and Dorea),

that the complete characterisation of the microbiota associated

while others (Oscillospira) are eccessively scarce if compared

to fatty liver will allow to select ad hoc probiotics for obese chil-

to a healthy subject. Hence, different imbalances are present

dren with steatosis, thus enabling the rebalancing of the organ

in it’s composition.

and a recovery to healthy weight. The choice and the associa-


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Science mag’s Special Issue: Gut Microbiota at Work On April 29, 2016 Science mag delivered a new issue with a special focus on Microbiota Analysis (just as us!). The special issue is available online and for free download (personal, non-commercial use only) at the magazines

tion of the active bacteria selected to fight such pathologies cannot disregard the personalised study of the gut microbiota profiles. Recent data on health expenditure show infact an increase in the number of prescriptions of the so-called “integrators”. To date, in Italy, those prescriptions count up to 6,6% of the total prescriptions given by specialists. At the first place are probiotics (12,6%) followed by products for the joints (8,9%) and ophtalmics (8,2%). Within the prescribers of probiotics, first of all are the paediatricians (73%), followed by gastroenterologists (9,8%)*. A calculation of the economic turnover correlated to probiotics estimated that in 2016 $42 billion will be spent globally.**

mental in the growing child, when the foundations to “prepare” the healthy state during all the following phases of life, from

“Studies on gut microbiota are fundamental in paediatrics to

childhood to adulthood and senescence, are being laid.”

highlight the correlation between microbial and metabolic profiles and the main pathoogies correlated to gastrointestinal al-

“From the study two highly relevant facts have emerged, espe-

terations – explains Lorenza Putignani, responsible for the

cially for paediatricians – added Valerio Nobili, respinsible for

Parasitology Unit of the Bambino Gesù Hospital – this opens a

the hepatic-metabolic diseases Unit of the Hospital – first of all

new path for systems medicine, enabling to highlight the role of

to have a healthy liver one must have a healthy gut, hence pop-

the microbial communities at the onset and in the progression

ulated by “friendly” bacteria. The second patency is that there

of the pathologies, an aspect which is considered to be funda-

is a necessity for a more scientific and “updated” prescription of probiotics for children. Infact from this work, stemming from the experience of the highly advanced technologies implemented at the Bambino Gesù Hospital, the strategic relevance of the role of probiotics in obesity and in the fatty liver has been confermed, but also and foremost the necessity to discover new and associations and formulations of bacteria to fight such pathologies. In parallel, the uselessness of the promiscuous existent formualtions has also been confirmed.”

*source: IMS medical audit 2014 **source: Marketsandmarkets MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


Hereditary Cardiomyopathies: Why Genetic Testing matters?

Ilena Limura

H e a d o f C a rd i o m y o p a t h i e s Service – BMR Genomics

Barbara Sioniati

Biologist, co-founder and CEO of BMR Genomics


enetic testing helps clinicians to better identify

tations in different genes and effective analysis of all disease-

the disease etiology and allows appropriate

genes by traditional approaches is not feasible in a diagnostic

mutation(s) analysis for proband’s family mem-

setting. By the simultaneous analysis of 56 genes, CardioGen-


ica service represents a valuable tool for mutation screening in patients affected with hereditary cardiomyopathies, with re-

CardioGenica is a service developed by BMR Genomics within

duced time and costs. The MD-Paedigree project has allowed

the European project FP7- MD-Paedigree and in collaboration

to validate the protocol and the data analysis pipeline underly-

with Alessandra Rampazzo, associate professor of human ge-

ing the CardioGenica service for application in the molecular

netics at the University of Padua. By the use of next generation

diagnosis of inherited cardiomyopathies.

DNA sequencing (NGS) technologies, CardioGenica allows to analyse at the same time 56 genes involved in the main forms of hereditary cardiomyopathies, in order to identify disease-


causing mutations. For patient who have a clinical diagnosis or suspicion of hereditary cardiomyopathy, CardioGenica provides the genetic data analysed and interpreted by an expert geneticist, starting from a saliva sample. Hereditary cardiomyopathies are a frequent cause of sudden cardiac death, often as first manifestation of the disease, in particular in young people and athletes under 35 years of age. Sudden death may be prevented by timely detection and intervention, however early diagnosis of these disorders is often very difficult due to the absence of clinical signs and symptoms in the early stages of the disorder and the high variability in the disease expression. When properly inter-


BMR Genomics


Why to perform the genetic test? Genetic testing helps clinicians to better identify the disease etiology and allows appropriate mutation(s) analysis for proband’s family members. The specific field in genetic studies of heart muscle (cardiomyopathy) and conduction system abnormalities is highly heterogenous. In symptomatic individuals, genetic analysis aims to:

• Confirm a clinical suspicion; • Establish the diagnosis at an early stage of the disease, espec ially in cases where the phenotype can not meet all diagnostic criteria;

preted, genetic testing helps clinicians to better characterize

• Perform a differential diagnosis in patients with borderline phenotype;

the disease and allows diagnosis confirmation, early identifica-

• Optimise preventive strategies and therapeutic approaches.

tion of asymptomatic carriers, and interpretation of borderline clinical phenotypes. Genetic testing can provide a definitive answer, if the symptoms


In asymptomatic individuals at high risk of sudden death, such as athletes with positive family history of cardiomyopathy, genetic testing can be adopted as a preventive measure, contributing to early identify carriers of pathogenic mutations.


CardioGenica service, developed by BMR Genomics within the FP-7 MD-Paedigree project, aims to analyse 56 genes involved in the main types of hereditary cardiomyopathies, by the use of next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies. In terms of diagnostic performance, the high genetic heterogeneity and overlap of hereditary cardiomyopathies, along with double, triple or compound heterozygosity, makes the genetic analysis of such disorders with traditional methods a time-consuming, expensive and inconclusive process. NGS technologies have revolutionised the genetic testing approach, enhancing its potential. BMR Genomics offers a complete range of services, from production to interpretation of the genetic data, allowing the access to a wider genetic profiling, with reduced time and costs.


Fields of application Our panel allows the analysis of 56 genes involved in a wide spectrum of phenotypes of heart muscle and conduction system abnormalities: • Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) • Arrhythmogenic right ventricular Cardiomyopathy (ARVC) • Brugada Syndrome (BgS) • Long QT Syndrome (LQT) • Short QT Syndrome (SQT) • Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia (CPVT)

• Left Ventricular Non Compaction (LVNC)


What do we offer

are not enough for a diagnosis and determine the cause of the

The CardioGenica service includes:

cardiomyopathy. It can also be useful when making decisions

• Genomic DNA extraction;

for clinical care. If the genetic cause of a patient is known, it

• Bioinformatic analysis;

is possible to test relatives in order to identify those at risk of

• Validation of the clinically relevant variants, by Sanger sequencing

• Genetic counseling; • NGS DNA Sequencing; • Variant annotation and filtering, using the proprietary software 'SNP-shot';


• Genetic report with characterisation of the validated variants

developing the disease. Only family members with a mutation should undergo appropriate clinical monitoring or alter their lifestyle. Hereditary cardiomyopathies can be explained by mu30

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BMR Genomics

Book Review:

Gut: The inside story of our body’s most under-rated organ

Giulia Enders


Scribe Publications

recent publishing sensation “Gut” the inside story of our body's most underrated organ by Giulia Enders makes a good case showing that

Some (mainly paediatric) bibliographical references

our gastrointestinal tract is not only our body's most under-appreciated organ, but also "the brain's most im-

Gut microbiota: next frontier in understanding

portant adviser". A 25-year-old doctoral student at Goethe Uni-

human health and development of

versity in Frankfurt, Giulia Enders was first noticed in 2012 by

biotherapeutics Prakash

winning the first prize at the Science Slam with a 10 minute lec-

S, Rodes L, Coussa-Charley M, Tomaro-Duchesneau

ture that went viral on YouTube, prompting a publisher to com-

C. Biologics 2011; 5: 71-86.

mission her. Appropriately called Darm Mit Charme ("Intestine with Charm") in it’s original German title, the book has now sold

Prebiotics and probiotics; modifying and

more than 1.3 million copies worldwide and is distributed in over

mining the microbiota

18 countries. Enders thinks that beyond our brain and our heart,

Eamonn M.M. Quigley, Pharmacological Research

we should equally be grateful to the complex achievements of

61, 3, March 2010, Pages 213-218 Nutraceuticals and

our intestine, without discarding it as little more than a tube that

Functional Foods

produces "small brown heaps and farting noises". The Good Gut: Taking Control of Your Weight, The author argues that if only we can thought differently about

Your Mood, and Your Long Term Health

our gut by understanding its role beyond basic digestion, we

April 21, 2015, Justin Sonnenburg (Author), Erica

might be much more appreciative and kinder to it. Thanks to the

Sonnenburg (Author), Andrew Weil (Foreword). The

author’s gift for metaphor and her vivacious explanations of our

Sonnenburg Lab, Stanford Press.

digestive system, the reader is driven deeper and deeper into the human gastrointestinal tract. Starting from the mouth, the

The microbiome and obesity: Is obesity linked

book brings us on a tour de force of our gastrintestinal system,

to our gut flora?

by breaking a series of taboos along the way and ending on how

Franklin Tsai and Walter J. Coyle (2009) CURRENT

things work ‘at the very bottom’.


Darm mit Charme can be seen as a practical guide on our gut

Gut microbiota: Changes throughout the

physiology to improve our lives, how the nervous system of the

lifespan from infancy to elderly

gut affects our mood, issuing in the meanwhile valuable lifestyle

O'Toole PW, Claesso MJ. Int Dairy J 2010; 20:281-91

and nutritional tips on how to apply the physiology of our intestine to our daily lives: the best position to defecate when sitting on our “marble thrones”, getting complete protein intake on a vegetarian diet, strategies for reducing unneccessary attacks

While making us giggle this book also instills in the reader a pro-

of vomiting, constipation, bad breath and finally a medical field

found sense of appreciation for the everyday miracles that our

guide to our faeces, accompanied all along by quirky illustrations

body performs silently to protect us, helping us to live a little

of her sister (graphic designer Jill Enders).

healthier and happier lifes. MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter

Enhanced Consent: a vision for Patient Data Protection and Data Management Discussion paper drafted by Edwin Morley-Fletcher, Lynkeus - ICT2015 Networking Session

→ Semantically advanced digital repositories → Stratifying patient cohorts: Patient like mine

→ Empowering citizens through Health Data Cooperatives

→ Social media for “Patients exactly like us”

→ Data donation and data inheritance

→ Who are the data owners?

→ Informed, dynamic and enhanced consent


MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter

→ Patient stratification

→ Secure Multiparty Computation

→ The challenges of scalability and anonymization

→ Homomorphic Encryption

→ HIPAA and FedEHR

→ Securing universal verified access

→ Differential privacy

→ The block-chain system

MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


Enhanced Consent: a vision for Patient Data Protection and Data Management

Discussion paper drafted by Edwin Morley-Fletcher, Lynkeus (ICT 2015 Netwroking Session) Big Data Healthcare at ICT’13

which has meanwhile unrolled, and of some key technological developments which are now available.

Two years ago, at ICT’13 in Vilnius, we introduced a successful networking session on Big Data Healthcare after having, beforehand, circulated a “discussion paper” (“Big Data Healthcare” 1, followed in 2014 by a subsequent article on “Healthy Data?” 2) where some issues had been raised.

We had stated, then, that three political, academic and business issues were – and in fact still are – at the core of the debate: the need to ensure that EU citizens’ data are adequately protected, the need for open access to data for research purposes, and the need for Europe to develop a vibrant data analytics industry, capable of investing a growing amount of resources into the break-through innovations in healthcare that the appropriate utilisation of Big Data promises to deliver.

The speedy adoption of an updated legal and ethical framework that we had then advocated is still pending in the trilogue3 between the European Commission, the European Parliament and the European Council. We have deemed that this is, therefore, the right time for coming back on some issues, taking stock of the discussion

Semantically advanced digital repositories


The discussion paper proposed in Vilnius can be found on 2 The paper was published on the Horizon 2020 Projects portal and on the Digital agenda, see: and 3 The basis for the trilogue has been the Commission's Data Protection Regulation proposal of January 2012, the Parliament legislative resolution of 12 March 2014 and the General Approach of the Council adopted on 15 June 2015.

In order to reap this growing value – we had added – there will be the need not only for clinicians and researchers to acquire Big Data analytics skills and services, but also to develop data repositories which adhere to international standards for the preservation of data, set common storage protocols and metadata, protect the integrity of data, establish rules for different levels of access and define common rules that facilitate the aggregation of datasets and improve interoperability.


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some of its initial features. This early success has encouraged us to go further and to try now to better explicit the vision, which lies behind the MD-Paedigree repository that we are committed to develop, and which constitutes also the basic Infostructure used by another EU-funded project, Cardioproof.

between researchers and clinicians to allow for data intensive pathophysiological diagnoses.

We are persuaded that repositories such as MDPaedigree’s can play a special role in “testing” the prior knowledge of clinicians, who identify the data features deemed to be key for specifying a patient’s treatment, versus the correlations that big data crunching may highlight, possibly leading to further knowledge discovery. Indeed – we had said in Vilnius – by statistically and semantically reasoning on the data, existing pathophysiological patterns may be revealed and inputted as a first step in a fractional factorial and model driven research process supporting physicians in their iterative and interactive quest to discovering new knowledge. Stratifying patient cohorts: “patient like mine” There were two main goals that we identified, and that have been the drivers of our activity. A first goal has been to provide model-driven patientspecific predictions and simulations, and consequent optimised personalised clinical workflows, to allow for advanced similarity search among patients, such that clinicians can find “the patient like mine”, and to get support through risk stratification and outcome analysis. Eventually – we had said – it is hoped that specific pathophysiological patterns (“disease signatures”) can be detected, refined and made available to other clinicians and researchers in the form of pattern libraries. These pattern libraries, identifying homogenous groupings among patients and model similarities, shall be shared

Social media for “patients exactly like us” A second, allied, goal had been identified in the potential to revolutionise health communications by making it possible, on the basis of our semantically advanced repository, to use social media among patients aware of sharing highly similar conditions (“patients exactly like us”), empowering them to bridge the gap with the clinicians, especially in the case of paediatric patients and their parents. We are now in the position of being able to provide a more in depth understanding of what are the legal, regulatory, and technical preconditions which can best facilitate attaining such goals. Who are the data owners? The issue of the ownership of health data (the rights of patients to their data, or “the data subject's legitimate interests”), to avoid others use these data in a supposedly anonymised form, usually without the patients’ knowledge or consent, to earn profits without letting patients participate in the wealth generated from adding their respective data to large repositories, had already been highlighted, and attention had been drawn to Anne Philips’ Whose Bodies, Whose property? book (2013), which advocated introducing “a levy on the proceeds of research to be returned, either as assistance to the specific group suffering from the disease, or to the wider community”. We had thought, in fact, that the right of data subjects “to be forgotten” would imply, de facto, some sort of ownership of data relating to them, and therefore the right to eventually donate or

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sell them. Even though we had been aware that customarily, when it comes to data relating to individual subjects, the preferred model for the advancement of scientific research has not been to allow intellectual property (IP) rights deriving from raw datasets, so that IP rights seemed more likely to be attached to the analytic work performed on the data, in the same way as current IP law covers arrangement of facts, but not the facts themselves. Possibly, as implied by the remark from the European Data Protection Supervisor, that “data have value only if accompanied by a means of extracting knowledge”4. The debate which has ensued in the last two years has, however, highlighted a growing concern “not only to find a shared home for personal health data but also to give individuals the right to own them”5. According to Kish and Topol, citizens should in fact safely store and manage all their health data (medical, m-health, genome etc.) in some sort of “individual accounts”, which we will further return to in this paper. Kish and Topol think that the time is ripe for starting to talk “about creating a health data resource in a much broader and more universal context, controlled by the individuals who supply the data”6. To this end they have introduced the term UnPatient7 to characterise a new model of data ownership. This term is meant to have a double meaning: on the one hand, the customary condition of “the patient subjected to medical paternalism and information asymmetries”8; the other hand, the idea that “it has taken far too long to become free to use our 4

Preliminary Opinion of the European Data Protection Supervisor, Privacy and competitiveness in the age of big data: The interplay between data protection, competition law and consumer protection in the Digital Economy, March 2014. 5 Leonard Kish and Eric Topol, Unpatients—why patients should own their medical data, “Nature Biotechnology”, 33, September 2015, p. 921. 6 Cit, p. 924. 7 8 Ibid.


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medical data as we see fit and to own it”9. Without connecting to their medical data – add Kish and Topol – “people are unnecessarily being hurt and dying”10. Accordingly, they urgently seek “to promote ownership of one’s medical data as a civil right and as a pivotal strategy to further digitize medicine, providing a new resource to potentially help every individual who willingly participates”11. Previously, some type of data ownership suggestion had come already from the World Innovation Summit for Health (WISH) report, where it had been posited that patients “should form coalitions aimed at having their data handled by common trustee organisations”12: such “data management co-operatives” would take care of safely storing and managing all health data “in individual accounts”13. The citizens adhering to these cooperatives would not only have access to them from anywhere anytime, but they would also be able to share subsets of their data, or all of them, with doctors, friends or biomedical and pharmaceutical research. Empowering the citizens through Health Data Cooperatives In an analogous vein, in 2015 the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), titled Shaping Europe’s Vision for Personalised Medicine, completed by the PerMed consortium for the European Commission, has suggested starting Health Data Cooperatives (HDCs) to


Ibid. Ibid. 11 Ibid. 12 A. Pentland, T.G. Reid, and T. Heibeck (eds.), Revolutionizing medicine and Public Health, Report of the Big Data and Health Working Group, The World Innovation Summit for Health (WISH), Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development (QF), 2013. 13 Ibid. 10

facilitate “a growing involvement of patient and citizen interests”, as well as an “increased role of patient advocacy and support groups”, and a “rise in health literacy of patients and citizens”14. These trends – they posited – are likely to change the way that Healthcare clients and providers interact in the future, requiring the “definition of new responsibilities and financial models”.15 According to PerMed, “the construction of national or regional citizen-owned and citizencontrolled health data cooperatives, in which citizens and patients can securely store, manage and share their data, will […] not only make these data more readily available, it will force data out of the incompatible data silos of national healthcare systems and so improve interoperability. Such a cooperative system represents a possible way for citizens to obtain the true value from the secondary use of their data for their own health and that of society. The cooperatives would compete in the personal data market to maximise the scientific and economic value of the data that citizens have agreed to share for the cooperative’s members. Personal and economic benefits for cooperative members by the control of their personal data could be the new driver for the implementation of a more effective data-driven personalised healthcare system”16. Data donation and data inheritance The awareness of the personal and social significance of anonymised individual patient and personal data for preventative and predictive purposes in healthcare, and of the implied data ownership issue, had prompted us to also take into account what we had called in Vilnius a 14

PerMed, Shaping Europe’s Vision for Personalised Medicine, Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda funded by the European Commission (, June 2015, p. 9. 15 Ibid. 16 PerMed., cit., p. 12.

“tocquevillian approach”, namely the remark, by Alexis de Tocqueville, that the laws on inheritance “ought to be placed at the head of all political institutions, for they exercise an incredible influence”17. The data ownership principle could in fact also lead to promoting “data donation” policies, and “data inheritance” mechanisms. The latter could also be conceived of as being automatically applied after a certain period would elapse from the data subject’s time of death, unless they would have explicitly opted-out prior to death. This suggestion had come in Vilnius with the specification that a different treatment should, however, be considered for the parts of these data whose public availability could have detrimental consequences for the relatives of the deceased, such as genetic information. New technological developments, and enhanced privacy security mechanism, may now overcome such proviso, as we shall soon see. With regard more generally to “digital legacy”, an ICT 2015 Discussion Group has very recently remarked that “digital assets […] are part of legacy of the deceased and should be available and transferable to heirs or other persons authorised by the deceased”. In consideration of the fact that “transferability of digital assets in case of death has not been completely regulated by law yet and there is no existing unified legal system within the European Union”, one participant in the Discussion Group, Paweł Szulewski, has advocated that the EU “should prepare a European framework and guidelines in the area of transferability of digital assets”18.


A. de Tocqueville, De la démocratie en Amerique, Vol. I, ch. 3, 1833. 18 See also: P. Szulewski, Transferability of Digital Assets in Case of Death,

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With regard more specifically to data donation in healthcare, in a position paper issued in 2014, the European oncology community has suggested that “patients should have the right to ‘donate’ their data and tissues to health research, as well as to retain access to the tissue and data donated, hence ensuring their ability to obtain relevant information related to his/her condition; they should also have the right to deny their consent and withdraw it at any time”19. Regulation – they added – should “avoid the notion of a ‘specific’ consent, which would result in researchers needing to obtain continuous patient re-consent every time new research is carried out”. The process should be a ‘one-time’ consent, which means that “patients will be informed that their data/tissues will be used for future research, and they will be informed about the conditions under which their data and tissues will be stored, making the protection safeguards a part of their consent”. The same position paper also highlights that in the fields of public health and epidemiological research, based on population disease registers, “a derogation from the obligation of any form of consent is essential”20.

According to the proposed EU regulatory framework, data usage always implies a preliminary personal consent, and “the data subject’s consent means any freely given specific, informed and explicit indication of his or her wishes by which the data subject, either by a statement or by a clear affirmative action,

Tagungsband IRIS 2015 (LexisNexis Best Paper Award at the International Legal Informatics Symposium 2015 in Salzburg). 19 Risks of the new EU Data protection regulation: an ESMO position paper endorsed by the European oncology community, “Annals of Oncology”, 25, 2014, pp. 1458–1461. 20 Ibid.


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However, the forthcoming European Data Protection Regulation (EDPR) also specifies that “personal data may be stored for longer periods insofar as the data will be processed solely for historical, statistical or scientific research purposes in accordance with the rules and conditions of Article 83 and if a periodic review is carried out to assess the necessity to continue the storage”22. We consider this statement as particularly important, since it is the basis for allowing the availability of data for long-term research, and for Open Science, as necessary under the assumption that knowledge discovery is “an iterative, longterm process”23, and not a one-off endeavour. As the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) has stated in his recent Opinion 3/2015, “researchers and archivists should be able to store data for as long as needed”24, subject to safeguards “preventing personal information being used against the interest of the individual, paying particular attention to the rules governing sensitive information concerning health”25. Dynamic consent

Informed consent

signifies agreement to personal data relating to them being processed”21.

In a publication following the work developed within the UK-funded Ensuring Consent and


European Commission's Data Protection Regulation proposal, Ch. I: General Provisions, Art. 4: Definitions. 22 EDPR proposal, cit. Ch. II: Principles, Art. 5: Principles relating to personal data processing, letter (c). 23 J. Kaye, E.A. Whitley, D. Lund, M. Morrison, H. Teare and K. Melham, Dynamic consent: a patient interface for twenty-first century research networks, “European Journal of Human Genetics”, 2014, pp. 1–6. 24 G. Buttarelli, Europe’s big opportunity: EDPS recommendations on the EU’s options for data protection reform, Opinion 3/2015, Brussels, 28 July 2015. 25 Ibid.

Revocation (EnCoRe) project26, some authors have, however, expressed their fear that the socalled “broad consent” may not remain a lawful option for research. Furthermore, deeming that “collection of one-off consent for research can often occur at a stressful time for the person concerned, such as before treatment or surgery”27, they have looked for ways to remove this pressure and allow participants “to return to their decisions and review their consent preferences in their own time”28. These stimulating authors fear, in fact, that “many of the traditional protections used in research such as anonymisation, coding, and pseudonymisation, are increasingly tested or rendered ineffectual by advanced data collection”29, and that, consequently, “the potential that individuals can be identified either directly or indirectly from the data”30 may eventually end up by reasserting the need to “invoke the requirement for explicit consent under data protection and privacy law”31. They seem, in reality, to have anticipated a statement by the EDPS: “Individuals should be able to exercise more effectively their rights with regard to any information which is able to identify or single them out, even if the information is considered ‘pseudonymised’32. These concerns have led Jane Kaye and her coauthors to propose a “dynamic consent” 26 The EnCoRe project was funded by the Technology

Strategy Board, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, and the Economic and Social Research Council. It unrolled from June 2008 to April 2012, and was developed in the context of three biobanks: the Oxford Radcliffe Biobank, the Oxford Musculoskeletal Biobank, and the Oxford Biobank. 27 J. Kaye et al, Dynamic consent, cit., p. 5. 28 Ibid. 29 Cit., p. 2. 30 Ibid. 31 Ibid. 32 G. Buttarelli, Europe’s big opportunity, cit.

approach, whereby, “rather than being restricted to the opportunity only to give broad consent to the use of their samples and data, individuals could provide different types of consent depending upon the kind of study”33. These consent preferences would “travel securely with their samples or data so that third parties know the scope of the consent that applies”, and a secure consent interface, tailored to individuals’ needs, would “allow participants to change their consent preferences reliably”34. Dynamic consent would meet “the highest international ethical and legal standards for consent in a world where data protection laws are in flux”35. It would not be meant, therefore, to be “a replacement for existing models such as broad consent, but rather a facilitation tool to improve how that consent is obtained, understood and acted upon”36. Given an ‘opt in’ and ‘opt out’ approach to choice, a participant would still be enabled to “choose to give a broad consent and not receive updates and so on, but if at some future point they [would] wish to become more engaged they [would] have the option to do so”37. Enhanced Consent In 2013, our Vilnius “discussion paper” had proposed the inclusion of a concept of enhanced consent, whereby the data subject would have been specifically able to exclude certain data usage whilst allowing data utilisation for the benefit of, for example, healthcare research, alongside maintaining and ensuring that consent can be withdrawn and data completely deleted. In the same paper we also posited that Big Data allow for “long-tail medicine” drugs with enhanced personalised information content,


Ibid. Ibid. 35 Ibid. 36 Cit. p. 5. 37 Cit. p. 3. 34

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based on customized algorithms tackling the individual disease conditions. The complex nature of any disease – we had added – is arrived at by a multitude of pathways, influenced by genome, metagenome and environmental exposures: thus, no single intervention or set of interventions applied in a blanket fashion to the population would be able to adequately tackle it. Whereas, only personalised interventions, resulting from a big data focus on the disparate underlying genotypic and phenotypic drivers of the disease would offer a possible solution and provide appropriate decision support to the clinicians. It has been pursuing such a goal that MDPaedigree and Cardioproof have progressed, sharing the belief that a way to enhance consent is to make it understood by the data subject that he/she will be enabled to get the best preventative information on his/her condition over the course of time. Patient stratification This approach is being tackled, specifically within MD-Paedigree, by the Siemens CaseReasoner, which is a tool for applying similarity search machine-learning on all the data in the repository, eventually stratifying all included data subjects into ever more personalised clusters or cohorts of patients, with specially similar characteristics. CaseReasoner is complemented by HES-SO’s BiTeM case-based retrieval system38, which supports clinicians in identifying similar patients on the basis of automated text analytics, applied in the first place to hospital discharge summaries. MD-Paedigree’s and Cardioproof’s common Infostructure has the ambition of providing an innovative marketplace where big health data, patient-specific modelling, stratification, and further associated services, will be able to converge, bringing together data subjects, clinical 38


MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter

centres, biomedical research and industry, making personalised medicine get closer to reality. The incentive of a personal return A way to make this succeed depends, in our view, also on the capacity of guaranteeing some secure and practical personal return for all those who will be willing to contribute with their data, for instance by: 1. making it easier for patients to access further clinical opinions (if this is what they need) having at hand all their data; 2. ensuring that, by regularly checking the information accrued on their personal stratification or “disease signature”, they will be able to follow any future knowledge discovery regarding their condition; 3. empowering them with specially designed social media for appropriately getting in touch, if so they wish, with similar data subjects, equally willing to be contacted.

The challenges of scalability and anonymization The necessary preconditions are, however, the assurance that the model-driven digital repository under construction will prove to be an easily accessible, collaborative, secure, and scalable platform, and that there will be the guarantee of providing the best possible level of data subjects’ privacy. Which is not at all a trivial task, given the triple requirement of: a) making use of all type of highly sensitive data, for providing the most advanced stratification and patient-specific modelling, b) allowing the data to be recurrently available for further update and potential future knowledge discovery, c) combining full anonymization with the possibility for the data subject to access his/her data for second opinions, as well

as for stratification cluster awareness, and for optional interaction with very similar patients, not to mention exerting the “right to be forgotten”. Already in Vilnius we had been aware that the demands for informed consent and deidentification implied the implementation of appropriate counteracting measures to prevent deductive disclosure, i.e. the ability to re-identify data based on some inferences either by aggregating more data or by querying the available dataset. A simple and effective approach – we had remarked then – could consist of setting a minimal threshold on query engines so that queries returning less than a minimum number of cases would not inform the user on the real count (K-anonymity). An additional approach consisted of devising an algorithm and an interface allowing to inject random noise into datasets in order to prevent the possibility of re-identification whilst still producing accurate answers to the research queries. These are all areas where significant progress has been attained, and further levels of even stronger anonymization can now be applied, having recourse to a variety of alternative solutions. HIPAA and FedEHR Such developments allow to go significantly beyond the American Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), according to which de-identified health information is not Personal Health Information (PHI), and thus is not protected by the Privacy Rule.

employers, or household members have been removed, and “the covered entity [has] no actual knowledge that the remaining information could be used alone or in combination with other information to identify the individual who is the subject of the information”40. To reach a comparable level of prior deidentification for making data queries available on the cloud, MD-Paedigree makes use of ad hoc tools especially developed within the Infostructure. Data protection procedures for privacy, security, and storage, are provided by the gNὑbila’s FedEHR product41, made up from 10 software modules, each of which addresses functional requirements in the field of data protection and confidentiality. On top of this, MD-Paedigree also provides an automated preliminary Data Curation tool for outlier detection, developed by Athena RC42. Differential privacy As already mentioned, a further level of “privacyby-design” de-identification can be based on the injection of random noise, with the effect of eventually producing “synthetic data sets” which are sufficiently scrambled and muddied to make them no more identifiable. This approach is also called “differential privacy,” meaning that a query on a database is “differentially private if the contribution of an individual in the database can only marginally influence the query result”43. More precisely, the contribution of each single


Ibid. 42 43 F. Eigner, A. Kate, M. Maffei, F. Pampaloni, and I. Pryvalov, Achieving Optimal Utility for Distributed Differential Privacy Using Secure Multiparty Computation, in: P. Laud and L. Kamm (eds.), Applications of Secure Multiparty Computation, IOS Press, 2015, p. 82. 41

According to HIPAA, data are de-identified when all 18 elements39 that could be used to identify the individual or the individual's relatives, 39

These elements are enumerated in the HIPAA Privacy Rule:

MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


entry to the query result is bounded by a small constant factor, even if all remaining entries are known. “A deterministic query can be made differentially private by perturbing the result with a certain amount of noise. The amount of noise can depend on the query itself, and a variety of perturbation algorithms have been proposed for different queries and datatypes (e.g. numerical and non-numerical data, buckets, histograms, graphs)”44. Secure Multiparty Computation A different approach can be based on further developments of a methodology, already invented in the late ‘70s, and called “secret sharing”, based on the principle of breaking down each value to several pieces. This has evolved into the Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC) approach, where parties provide their inputs to a cryptographic protocol that is used to compute a pre-agreed function in such a manner that nothing that a party sees during the protocol can be deduced from the party’s inputs and outputs. This way sensitive data can be safely collected, stored, and analysed, and their aggregated result can be published, without compromising the privacy of the data owner. Input data never leave the hands of the owner, only the final results of the computation are shared with the partners. An EU-funded Future and Emerging Technology project, led by the Estonian company Cybernetica, has aimed at employing Usable and Efficient Secure Multiparty Computation (UaESMC)45, and one important subsequent outcome has been a remarkable book, just published in 201546. As practical exploitation, Cybernetica now offers a commercial tool, Sharemind47, which operates as 44

Ibid. 46 P. Laud and L. Kamm (eds.), Applications of Secure Multiparty Computation, cit. 47 45


MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter

a virtual machine for privacy-preserving data processing, relying on share computing techniques48. Homomorphic Encryption An, as yet, ultimate level of de-identification can be based on Homomorhic Encryption, i.e. the methodology which allows computations on encrypted data without decrypting them, which can be, of course, extremely interesting for otherwise always identifiable data, such as, for instance, all genetic and metagenomic data. Also Jane Kaye and the other co-authors advocating “dynamic consent” have referred to this approach, remarking that “homomorphic encryption provides new, privacy-enhancing, technical capabilities allowing the processing of sensitive information”49, never decrypting “identifiable information but still [being] able to generate analytical results from the encrypted data”50. While the statement by the Cloud Security Alliance, that “strong encryption with key management is one of the core mechanisms that Cloud Computing systems should use to protect data”51, had become a common place, fully homomorphic encryption52 long appeared as a mirage, since it was until recently making it too


D. Bogdanov, L. Kamm, S. Laur, P. PruulmannVengerfeldt, R. Talviste, J. Willemson, Privacypreserving statistical data analysis on federated databases, APF 2014, Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Privacy Forum 2014, Springer 2014, pp. 30-55. 49 J. Kaye et al., Dynamic Consent, cit., p. 3. 50 Ibid. 51 CSA, Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing, V. 2.1, December 2009, p. 60. 52 C. Gentry, A fully homomorphic encryption scheme, PhD thesis, Stanford University, 2009; Id., Fully homomorphic encryption using ideal lattices, in: M. Mitzenmacher (ed.), , 41st Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, Bethesda, Maryland, May 1-June 2, 2009, ACM Press, pp. 169–178. Craig Gentry.

slow by supporting all functions within a single scheme. Systems like CryptDB53, followed by HELib54, have been showing, however, that, by using a variety of specialised algorithms for different encryption schemes, it becomes possible to perform a series of different computations with the encrypted results in real time. This approach can have powerful consequences for MD-Paedigree’s similarity search and stratification tools like CaseReasoner, allowing to make secure and anonymised use of all type of sensitive data. Further developments like Mylar55 enable users of a cloud application to also share data with one another, probably fraying the way for what MDPaedigree has called the “patients exactly like us” functionality, to run in parallel with the “patients like mine” functionality, referring to clinicians interested in getting decision support based on outcomes analyses. In fact, Mylar is a system allowing the server to perform keyword search over encrypted documents, even when the documents are encrypted with different keys, and the users to share keys and data securely, also in the presence of an active adversary. Finally, Mylar ensures that the client-side application code is authentic, even if the server is malicious56.


R.A. Popa, C.M.S. Redfield, N. Zeldovich, and H. Balakrishnan, CryptDB: Protecting Confidentiality with Encrypted Query Processing, Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP), Cascais, Portugal, October 2011; R.A. Popa, N. Zeldovich, and H. Balakrishnan, Guidelines for Using the CryptDB System Securely, Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2015/979. 54 HELib 55 56 R.A. Popa, E. Stark, J. Helfer, S. Valdez, N. Zeldovich, M.F. Kaashoek, and H. Balakrishnan, Building web th applications on top of encrypted data using Mylar, 11

Securing universal verified access These latest cryptographic developments show, on one hand, that the kind of technology that seems to be most needed would be a protocol that does not rely on anyone trusting anyone else, and yet guarantees appropriate information accountability, determining through computational monitoring how the data are used and whether a specific use of data complies with laws and regulations. Analogously, it would be necessary to complement homomorphic encryption by a functional certification service, providing a kind of mediator having the task of accepting or rejecting queries from users. The Infostructure would need to check a digital certificate to ensure that the user has the right to issue a particular query before carrying it out on the database. On the other hand, Kish and Topol advocate, as ideal digital ownership system, a data network, which “would foster better trust in the accuracy of data; connect people to facilitate enhanced sharing, anonymity and security; create a single system of exchange, standard methods of exchange and better metadata to assess the value of a piece of information; and finally enable ways for all involved to benefit from sharing so as to maximize sharing and value”57. Ultimately – they say – “once the infrastructure is built with clients and nodes for such a data network, transferring secure health data could be as easy as sending an e-mail is today”58. The block-chain system The block-chain system, i.e. Bitcoin’s underlying technology, seems to Kish and Topol as a way for solving such an apparent contradiction, and enabling digital property on a global platform. USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, 2014. 57 L.J. Kish and E.J. Topol, Unpatients, cit., p. 923. 58 Ibid.

MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


Bitcoins– they specify - are “bits of digital property (‘coins’ are a ledger of transactions, a shared database of who owns what at a given point in time). Ownership is enabled by network consensus […] Its digital ownership model creates a shared, agreed-upon record of data. Using and repurposing of the block-chain, wallets and ‘proof of work’ components are already being adapted for multiple forms of data that are beginning to look like a global, distributed data ownership store. A worldwide health data graph enabled by health data ownership may not be far behind”59. They envisage the creation of a new global infrastructure for data, “accessible through Bitcoin wallet addresses, or something like them”60, which would have “the potential to provide a universal patient identification mechanism”61, separating personal information from health data “as each data element can exist and be trusted independently”62.

requires, for the first two Ps, that the citizens be enabled to know to what cluster (“disease signature”) do they belong to, as well as what degree of knowledge has been acquired on that specific condition, and to be informed when further knowledge discovery will be attained. The third P requires that clinicians and patients can both request or purchase patient-specific modelling for personalised simulation and prediction. The fourth P requires that patients can get to know each other (if so they wish) and learn from each other’s experience, while also jointly exerting a stakeholder role in fostering further targeted research by providing they data and letting them be available for a long term for Open Science discoveries.

The banking system example Probably, simpler systems may already start to be applied, even before reaching high levels of integral encryption of all health data. The banking system may serve as concrete example. Universal online access to home-banking functionalities is currently based on personal identification numbers (PIN) and on one-time passwords (OTP). If this system is sufficient for safely transferring money, something similar should be enough for moving appropriately anonymised health data, even while a fully encrypted solution is still under way. The famous 4p-medicine (personalised, preventative, predictive, and participatory) 59

Ibid. Ibid. 61 L.J. Kish and E.J. Topol, Unpatients, cit., p. 924. 62 Ibid. 60


MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter

Informed consent

Data donation patient like mine

Data Protection

Social media Data inheritance patients like us

Dynamic consent

Who owns data?

Patient stratification


MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


Other Dissemination Activities TYPE OF ACTIVITY (workshop, conference, publication, etc.)






(JA Hauser, V Muthurangu, A Taylor, JA Steeden, A Jones. Redistribution of organ specific blood flow in response to food ingestion measured by RR-interval averaged golden-angle spiral phase contrast MRI. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 18 (S1), 1-2)

February 4-7th, 2015

Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) / EuroCMR Meeting, Nice, France.



Health promotion in young age. Practical prevention of cardiometabolic abnormalities. Lesson from the Origin study to the MD Paedigree project.

March 20 th-21st 2015

Semmelweis University, 2nd Dept. of Paediatrics, Budapest. Hungary.

Medical students, physicians and in particular pediatricians

Conference (MIE 2015)

Applying machine learning to gait analysis data for disease identification

May 27th-29 th, 2015

Madrid (ES)


Propagation of Myocardial Fibre Architecture Uncertainty on Electromechanical Model Parameter Estimation: A Case Study. (R Molléro, D Neumann, MM Rohé, M Datar, H Lombaert, N Ayache, D Comaniciu, O Ecabert, M Chinali, G Rinelli, X Pennec, M Sermesant, and T Mansi.)

June 25th-27th, 2015

Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart, LNCS., 8th International Conference, FIMH 2015, Maastricht, The Netherlands


Conference abstract

Iain Hannah, Erica Montefiori, Luca Modenese, Marco Viceconti and Claudia Mazzà. Repeatability of operator dependent input in a patient-specific musculoskeletal model of the ankle. Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB2016), 2016.

July 10 th -13th, 2016


Researchers and clinical professionals with interest in Biomechanics.


Luca Modenese, Daniele Ascani, Claudia Mazzà, Marco Viceconti. A reproducible procedure for creating subject specific models of the lower limb. Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB2016), 2016.

July 10 th -13th, 2016


Researchers and clinical professionals with interest in Biomechanics.

Conference abstract

Joe A. I. Prinold, Claudia Mazzà, Stefan Wesarg, Roberto Di Marco, Pieter van Dijkhuizen, Laura Tanturri De Horatio, Clara Malattia, Marco Viceconti and MDPAEDIGREE Consortium. A patient-specific musculoskeletal modelling pipeline applied to phalangeal loading conditions in gait. 25th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, 2015.

July 12th -16 th, 2015


Researchers and clinical professionals with interest in Biomechanics.


MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


Researchers and clinical professionals with interest in Biomechanics

July 12th -16 th, 2015


Researchers and clinical professionals with interest in Biomechanics.


Descriptive and Intuitive PopulationBased Cardiac Motion Analysis via Sparsity Constrained Tensor Decomposition. (K Mcleod, M Sermesant, P Beerbaum, and X Pennec)

October 2015

MICCAI 2015 Conference, Munich, Germany



Combination of Polyaffine Transformations and Supervised Learning for the Automatic Diagnosis of LV Infarct. (MM Rohé, N Duchateau, M Sermesant, and X Pennec)

October 9 th 2015

STACOM, Conference MICCAI 2015, Munich Germany



A Non-parametric Statistical Shape Model for Assessment of the Surgically Repaired Aortic Arch in Coarctation of the Aorta: How Normal is Abnormal?. (JL Bruse, K Mcleod, G Biglino, HN Ntsinjana, C Capelli, TY Hsia, M Sermesant, X Pennec, A Taylor, and S Schievano)

October 9 th 2015

STACOM, Conference MICCAI 2015, Munich Germany



ICT 2015 Innovate, Connect, Transform

October 20 th-22nd, 2015

Lisbon (PT)



J Hauser, A Taylor, A Jones. Obesity is Associated with an Exaggerated Postprandial Pro-atherosclerotic Response to High-energy Food in Children. Circulation 132 (Suppl 3), A19647-A19647

November, 2015

American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Orlando, Florida



Challenges of Big Data

November 10 th-11th 2015

Roma (IT)



J Hauser, A Taylor, A Jones. Höherer Blutdruck ist bei Jugendlichen mit einem Anstieg vaskulär-inflammatorischer Marker im Blut nach Aufnahme kalorienreicher Nahrung assoziiert. The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon. 64 (S 02): OP177.

February, 2016

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Kardiologie Conference in Leipzig


Conference (PDP 2016)

Accelerated Texture Analysis Using Steerable Riesz Wavelets

February 17th-19 th, 2016

Heraklion (GR)


Conference Keynote

Claudia Mazzà, Keynote Lecture – Measurement technologies. 25th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, 2015

July 12th -16 th, 2015

Conference abstract

Roberto Di Marco, Stefano Rossi, Vitomir Racic, Paolo Cappa and Claudia Mazzà. A comparison between four foot model protocols: the effect of walking on a treadmill. 25th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, 2015.

MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


NEXT INITIATIVES AEPC 2016: Cardioproof’s Final Conference treatment blood flows, providing the cardiologists with key information for






provide a trial in order to explore and evaluate the impact of the application Since




software technologies and human-

of in silico models in the clinical



computer interaction techniques into

decision-making process. During the



decision support and treatment planning

trial, through a computerized random-

annual meetings and creating a network

systems in congenital heart diseases.








of specialists who are committed to the

cardiologists are randomly allocated

practice and advancement of Congenital

into two separate groups. Each group

Cardiology. On June 2016, the 50th

is then provided with one set of

Annual Meeting of the AEPC will

imaging data, either the limited dataset

cover the topics of Cardiology, Health,


Paediatrics, Paediatric Cardiology as


well as Congenital Cardiology. Nearly






among the others, will join the event.



currently recommended by clinical



practice guidelines) or the image-




based modelling dataset (strengthening










by additional simulation modelling

blood flow profiles in patients with

parameters.). Thus, it is possible to

CARDIOPROOF is an EU funded proof-



check whether the two groups come

of-concept project focused on the

individual patient data, this tool models

with different treatment decisions, due

frontiers of VPH and it aims to achieve


to the information made available by

the development and integration of

the impact that stenting has on post-




MD-Paedigree’s Final Conference The final conference of MD-Paedigree will be held in February 2017 in Rome. Partners will provide complete presentations of the technical and clinical achievements within the project, focusing particularly on the validation and clinical usability of project’s outcomes. A large number of associations, external experts, clinicians and EC representatives will be invited, providing the occasion for a public presentation of MD-Paedigree’s results and to showcase demo’s of it’s mature and validated technologies.


MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter



the image-based modelling dataset.

Scientific publications Following is a list of scientific publications by Md-Paedigree partners which have been approved for publishing:

Noninvasive hemodynamic assessment, treatment out-

Reviewer acknowledgement 2015. Martini A, Spencer C.

come prediction and follow-up of aortic coarctation

Pediatr Rheumatol Online J. 2016 Feb 1

from MR imaging. Ralovich K, Itu L, Vitanovski D, Sharma P, Ionasec R, Mihalef V, Krawtschuk W, Zheng Y, Everett A, Pon-

Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis as Risk and Premorbid Factors

giglione G, Leonardi B, Ringel R, Navab N, Heimann T, Coman-

of IBD and IBS Along the Childhood-Adulthood Transi-

iciu D. Med Phys. 2015 May

tion. Putignani L1, Del Chierico F, Vernocchi P, Cicala M, Cucchiara S, Dallapiccola B; Dysbiotrack Study Group, Inflamm

Applying machine learning to gait analysis data for dis-

Bowel Dis. 2016 Feb;22

ease identification. Joyseeree R, Abou Sabha R, Mueller H. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015.

Relations between muscle endurance and subjectively reported fatigue, walking capacity, and participation in

A Patient-Specific Foot Model for the Estimate of Ankle

mildly affected adolescents with cerebral palsy. Eken

Joint Forces in Patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthri-

MM, Houdijk H, Doorenbosch CA, Kiezebrink FE, van Benne-

tis. Prinold JA, Mazzà C, Di Marco R, Hannah I, Malattia C,

kom CA, Harlaar J, Dallmeijer AJ. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2016

Magni-Manzoni S, Petrarca M, Ronchetti AB, Tanturri de Ho-

Feb 24.

ratio L, van Dijkhuizen EH, Wesarg S, Viceconti M; MD-PAEDIGREE Consortium. Ann Biomed Eng. 2016 Jan

Energy Balance-Related Behaviors, Perinatal, Sociodemographic, and Parental Risk Factors Associated with

Comprehensive Assessment of the Global and Regional

Obesity in Italian Preschoolers. Shashaj B, Graziani MP,

Vascular Responses to Food Ingestion in Humans Using

Contoli B, Ciuffo C, Cives C, Facciolini S, Rigoni ML, Spaterna

Novel Rapid MRI. JA Hauser, V Muthurangu, JA Steeden, AM

S, Taucci M, Raponi M, Manco M. J Am Coll Nutr. 2016 Mar 2

Taylor, A Jones. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. Jan 2016 10.1152/

Autoimmune disease-associated gene expression is re-


duced by BET-inhibition. Peeters JG, Vervoort SJ, Mijnheer G, de Roock S, Vastert SJ, Nieuwenhuis EE, van Wijk F, Pr-

Delineating the application of ultrasound in detecting

akken BJ, Mokry M, van Loosdregt Genom Data. 2015 Nov

synovial abnormalities of subtalar joint in juvenile idi-

7;7:14-7. doi: 10.1016/j.gdata.2015.11.004. eCollection 2016

opathic arthritis. Lanni S, Bovis F, Ravelli A, Viola S, Mag-


naguagno F, Pistorio A, Magnano GM, Martini A, Malattia C.

Disease activity accounts for long-term efficacy of IL-1

Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2016 Jan 27

blockers in pyogenic sterile arthritis pyoderma gangrenosum and severe acne syndrome. Omenetti A, Carta

Expert consensus on dynamics of laboratory tests for

S, Caorsi R, Finetti M, Marotto D, Lattanzi B, Jorini M, Delfino

diagnosis of macrophage activation syndrome compli-

L, Penco F, Picco P, Buoncompagni A, Martini A, Rubartelli A,

cating systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis. A.Martini et

Gattorno M. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2016 Mar 17

al. RMD Open. 2016 Jan 19;2(1):e000161. doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2015-000161. eCollection 2016.

2016 Classification Criteria for Macrophage Activation Syndrome Complicating Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic

Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis as Risk and Premorbid Factors

Arthritis: A European League Against Rheumatism/

of IBD and IBS Along the Childhood-Adulthood Transi-

American College of Rheumatology/Paediatric Rheu-

tion. Putignani L , Del Chierico F, Vernocchi P, Cicala M, Cuc-

matology International Trials Organisation Collaborative

chiara S, Dallapiccola B; Dysbiotrack Study Group, Inflamm

Initiative. A. Martini et al. Ann Rheum Dis. 2016 Mar


Bowel Dis. 2016 Feb;22

MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


Gut microbiota profiling of pediatric NAFLD and obese

2015, Madrid, Spain, 2015.

patients unveiled by an integrated meta-omics based approach. Del Chierico F, Nobili V, Vernocchi P, Russo A, De

Combination of Polyaffine Transformations and Super-

Stefanis C, Gnani D, Furlanello C, Zandonà A, Paci P, Capuani

vised Learning for the Automatic Diagnosis of LV Infarct,

G, Dallapiccola B, Miccheli A, Alisi A, Putignani L. Hepatology.

Marc-Michel Rohé , Nicolas Duchateau, Maxime Sermesant,

2016 Mar 29

Xavier Pennec. Proc of STACOM 2015 (Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart. Imaging and Modelling

A Patient-Specific Foot Model for the Estimate of Ankle

Challenges), LNCS Vol 9534, pp. 190-198, January 2016.

Joint Forces in Patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. Prinold, J. I., Mazzà, C., Di Marco, R., Hannah, I., Malattia,

A Non-parametric Statistical Shape Model for Assess-

C., Magni-Manzoni, S., Petrarca, M., Ronchetti, A., Tanturri de

ment of the Surgically Repaired Aortic Arch in Coarcta-

Horatio, L., van Dijkhuizen, E. H. P., Wesarg, S. and Viceconti,

tion of the Aorta: How Normal is Abnormal? JL Bruse, K

M., 2016. Annals of biomedical engineering 44, 247-257.

Mcleod, G Biglino, HN Ntsinjana, C Capelli, TY Hsia, M Sermesant, X Pennec, A Taylor, and S Schievano. Proc of STACOM

Accelerated Visual Concept Detection Using Steerable

2015 (Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the

Riesz Wavelets, Anamaria Vizitiu, Lucian Itu, Ranveer Joy-

Heart. Imaging and Modelling Challenges), LNCS Vol 9534, pp.

seeree, Adrien Depeursinge, Henning Müller and Constantin

21-29, January 2016

Suciu, GPU-, Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, Heraklion, Greece, 2016.

Descriptive and Intuitive Population-Based Cardiac Motion Analysis via Sparsity Constrained Tensor Decompo-

A Demo of Multimodal Medical Retrieval, Ranveer Joy-

sition. K Mcleod, M Sermesant, P Beerbaum, and X Pennec.

seeree, Roger Schaer, Henning Müller, Workshop on Content-

Proc of MICCAI 2015 (Medical Image Computing and Comput-

based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), Bucharest, Romania, 2016.

er-Assisted Intervention), LNCS Vol. 9351, pp 419-426, 2015.

Locating seed points for multi-organ automatic seg-

Propagation of Myocardial Fibre Architecture Uncertain-

mentation using non-rigid registration and organ anno-

ty on Electromechanical Model Parameter Estimation: A

tations, Ranveer Joyseeree, Henning Müller,, SPIE Medical

Case Study. R Molléro, D Neumann, MM Rohé, M Datar, H

Imaging, 2015.

Lombaert, N Ayache, D Comaniciu, O Ecabert, M Chinali, G Rinelli, X Pennec, M Sermesant, and T Mansi. Proc of FIMH

Identifying the pathology class of patients using only

2015 (Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart), LNCS

their gait analysis data with the aid of machine learning,

Vol. 9126, pp 448-456, 2015

Ranveer Joyseeree, Rami Abou Sabha, Henning Müller, MIE

Upcoming Scientific publications Following is a list of scientific publications by Md-Paedigree partners which have recently been approved for publishing:

·· KU Leuven/UZ Leuven and OPBG, “The effect of muscle weakness on gait in children with DMD”, Paper is expected to finished at the end of 2016/beginning of 2017.

·· KU Leuven/UZ Leuven, “Level of co-contraction does not influence net joint torques during gait or during MVIC's in children with CP and DMD”. Paper is expected to finished half-way/at the end of 2016.

·· KU Leuven/UZ Leuven and the University of Washington, “The differences in synergy complexity and structure during gait in CP and DMD children and its relationship with weakness”. Data collection is ongoing. First results in CP children expected half-way 2016. Paper expected to be finalized at the end of 2016.

·· KU Leuven/UZ Leuven, “The effect of changes in muscle morpholgy on the outcomes of a MVIC and gait kinetics in children with CP and DMD.”Data collection is ongoing. First results in CP children expected half-way 2016. Paper expected to be finalized by the end of 2016.


MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter

International Conferences & Events A list of international meetings to which MD-Paedigree partners are willing to attend:




ISMRM: 24th Annual Meeting of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

7th-13th May 2016


7th Edition of Health 2.0 Europe

10th-12th May, 2016

Barcelona, Spain

AEPC 2016 : 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology

1st-4th June, 2016

Rome, Italy

International Joint Conference on Cerebral Palsy and other Childhood-onset Disabilities: EACD 2016, ICPC, IAACD

1st -4th June, 2016

Stockholm, Sweden

ICIMTH 2016 – International Conference on Informatics, Management and Technology in Healthcare

1-3 July, 2016

Athens, Greece

EDF 2016: European Data Forum

29th -30th June, 2016

HEC/MIE 2016 : Medical Informatics Europe (MIE) & Health exploring complexity (HEC)

28thAugust-2ndSeptember, 2016

Eindhoven, the Netherlands

Munich, Germany

MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


ECAI 2016 : Biannual European Conference on Artificial Intelligence

29thAugust - 2ndSeptember, 2016

The Hague, the Netherlands

EG VCBM 2016 : the 6th Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine

7th-9th September, 2016

Bergen, Norway

ESMAC: 25th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children

26th September - 1st October, 2016

Sevilla, Andalucia, Spain

EHFG 2016 : 19th European Health Forum Gastein

28th - 30th September, 2016

Gastein, Austria

MICCAI 2016 : Conference of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention

17th-21st October, 2016

Istanbul, Turkey

European Congress on Ecardiology & Ehealth

26th-28th October 2016

Berlin, Germany

HIMSS Europe World of Health IT (WoHIT) Conference & Exhibition

21st –22nd November, 2016

Barcelona, Spain


MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter

NEWSLETTER INFO Editorial Board + Almerico Bartoli - Lynkeus + Mirko De Maldè - Lynkeus + Davide Zaccagnini - Lynkeus

Guest Authors Orfeas Aidonopoulos - Athena Research Centre Bruno Dallapiccola - Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù Klaus Dreschler - Fraunhofer IGD Lucian Mihai Itu – Transilvania University Ilena Limura – BMR Genomics Cosmin Nita - Transilvania University Olivier Pauly – Siemens Healthcare Lorenza Putignani – Ospedale Pediatrico Bambin Gesù Barbara Simoniati – BMR Genomics Frans Steenbrink – MotekForce Link Costantin Suciu - Transilvania University Rainer Thiel – Empirica Mihalef Viorel – Siemens Healthcare Anamaria Vizitiu - Transilvania University

Subscription The MD-Paedigree newsletter is published twice a year by the MD-Paedigree consortium and is distributed free of charge. All issues of the newsletter will be available on our website. For subscription to the newsletter please go to

Disclaimer The MD-Paedigree newsletter is funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme. The content of this newsletter cannot be considered as the European Commission’s official position and neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the European Commission is responsible for the use which might be made of it; its content os the sole responsibility of the MD-Paedigree project partners. Although the MD-Paedigree consortium endeavours to deliver high-quality, no guarantee can be given regarding the correctness and completeness of the content of this newsletter due to its general information character.

Contacts: Email: Twitter: @mdpaedigree Web: MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


MD-PAEDIGREE PARTNERS MD-Paedigree is an international collaboration between 22 partners across Europe from industry, academia and healthcare.

Project Coordinator:







MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter






MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter


MD-PAEDIGREE - Newsletter

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