April / May 2023 Open Door Publication

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THE OPEN DOOR The Magazine of the Lymington United Reformed Church The inaugural meeting of the Boarder’s Club APRIL/ MAY 2023

Our Open Door Vision Statement……

“Our vision is to be a church with an Open Door for all people to come in and for us to reach out, responding to the needs of the community and spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ.”


Spring has at last sprung – I can hardly believe that we are now a quarter of the way through the year. Was it really four months ago that we were planning Christmas services and the events that took place on the forecourt? And here we are now, well into spring. We’ve seen the crocuses in our Church lawn, the daffodils waving in our gardens and amazing carpets of snowdrops heralding its arrival.

We are now well into the season of Lent as we begin our preparations for Easter, the oldest and most important Christian Festival, celebrating the death and coming to life again of our Lord Jesus Christ. For Christians, the dawn of Easter Sunday, with its message of new life, is the high point of the Christian year.

Lent is the time to open the doors of our hearts a little wider and understand our Lord a little deeper, so that when Good Friday and eventually Easter comes, we have an opportunity to receive the grace of God. Lent is also an opportunity to contemplate what our Lord did for us on the Cross – and it wasn’t pretty. But ultimately, the purpose of Lent does not stop at sadness and despair – it points us to the hope of Resurrection and the day when every tear will be dried.

On April 2nd we shall celebrate Palm Sunday, the day we remember and celebrate the day Jesus entered triumphantly into Jerusalem as Saviour and King. Palm branches and cloaks were laid out before Him as He rode into Jerusalem on


a donkey. The crowds shouted “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” (Matt 21:7 – 9) How quickly those crowds turned when just five days later they shouted “Crucify Him!”.

How are we preparing to remember Jesus’ death and resurrection, when He rose triumphant from the grave, claiming victory over death? Because He lives, so can you and I, through simple faith in Him. God provided Himself the sacrifice. Thanks to Him, you and I have the hope of eternal life with Him.

See from His head, His hands, His feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down! Did e’er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown?

Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were a present far too small; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all.


It’s April already and we’re now a quarter of the way through 2023 – where has the year gone! The gardens are looking colourful, with the waving daffodils.


We are once again in vacancy – Richard preached his last service on 19th February. By the time you read this, he and Virginia should have moved to their new home. They were with us for only a short while, but in that time he made a big impact on us here in the URC and in the wider community. They will be missed, but we wish them well in whatever lies ahead.

Rev’d Clare Downing, who has been our Moderator for the past 12 years, is also moving on. She is taking up the role as Moderator in the North Western Synod. Clare has been very supportive to us over the years, especially during our periods of vacancy. She has also preached on many occasions, the last time on October 30th – we wish her well in her new position. We’ve contacted Synod to ask ‘what happens next’? for us. We’ve been assured that we’ve not been forgotten and Mary Thomas and Peter Clark, both part of the Synod’s Pastoral Team, will be visiting the elders in the not too distant future.

Easter is our main focus this month, with the Lent course continuing on Sundays at 3.45 in St Thomas Church. Our Palm Sunday service on April 9th, will be led by Mrs Mary Ann Jardine. On Maundy Thursday, at 7.00 pm we will come for our Tenebrae communion service, led by Mrs Chris Brown. This is an incredibly moving service as we reflect quietly on the Last Supper and Jesus’ arrest, sharing bread and wine by candlelight.

We shall gather, as usual, on Good Friday 7th April at 10.30 am, when the Christians Together in Lymington and Pennington join


together to worship and to remember Jesus’ death on the cross. This service will be on our forecourt, weather permitting, and will be led by Mrs Helen Farquharson from the Baptist Church. The Salvation Army band will be accompanying the singing. If wet, the service will be in the sanctuary. Rain or shine, coffee/tea and hot cross buns will be served in the hall afterwards. A chance for all the people from the churches in CTLP to meet together and enjoy a time of fellowship.

On Easter Sunday, we meet again at 10.30 am for our celebration of Easter Day, including a special Easter communion, led by Mrs Chris Brown. We hope that you will be able to commit to attend all three of our special Easter services so that you can be part of the whole story. If we walk with Jesus through His suffering, His Gethsemane agony and His death on the cross, we can truly celebrate His resurrection, conquering death for evil.

The Boarders Group meets on the first Sunday of the month after coffee. It would be good to see some more people joining in for board games and jigsaws. Please remember to bring your lunch. You can be sure of good company, and an enjoyable afternoon. If you plan on joining them, please add your name to the list in the hall, or tell Dave, Pete or Andrea.

The next Church meeting is on Sunday, April 16th, after a ‘bring your own lunch’. Church meetings are a very important part of Church life, where you get the chance to have your say and find out what’s going on!


Our Fellowship and Fundraising team is planning a world famous United Warblers concert and cream tea on Friday April 21st.Come along and support them. There are lots of plans for events in the offing, keep your ears and eyes open. And, of course, we expect to be re-opening the Garden Café in a few weeks. No date has been decided for this, but we’ll let you know!

And so on to May….. On the weekend of 20th/21st May we are to be visited by Kevin Crook and Tim Cosby. Kevin is head of MAF in the Community ( MAF is Mission Aviation Fellowship, a Christian organisation that delivers food, medicines, any sort of relief to areas that can only be reached by plane) and will be bringing a plane and flight simulator onto our forecourt for all to see and have a go on. On Sunday 21st both Tim and Kevin will be leading our worship. Should be a good weekend.

Another plea from our editor, Wyn, for news /articles/ photographs or anything of interest to go into our magazine! And a reminder from our Centre Manager, Andrew, to please check with him the availability of rooms before organising any meetings/events! Thank you.

Think that’s it – may we go in peace, go in joy and go in love.

Margaret 7



The Open Door Café, every morning except Wednesday, from 10 a.m.


Note: There will be no elders’ prayer time in the vestry at 10.15 on a Sunday. The Prayer Group meets on Wednesday at 10.00 at Church.


15th MAY 2023

Free Wi Fi connection to the internet available in the Open Door Cafe, balcony, main hall and cottage meeting room areas. Just ask for the required passwords!


2nd: 10.30 a.m.

for Palm Sunday led by Mary Ann Jardine 6th: 19.30 a.m.

for Maundy Thursday 7th: 10.30 a.m.

for Good Friday led by CTLP 9th

10.30 a.m. Worship for Easter Sunday led by Mrs Christine Brown 16th

10.30 a.m. Worship led by Mrs Thelma Roberts

a.m. Worship led by Rev’d Paul O’Connor

Worship led by Mr Gerwyn Davies

10.30 a.m.

7th: 10.30 a.m.

14th: 10.30 a.m.

21st: 10.30 a.m.

28h : 10.30 a.m.

Worship led by Mary Ann Jardine

Worship led by Mrs Christine Brown

Worship led by a MAF Speaker

Worship for Pentecost led by Rev’d Paul O’Connor


The United Warblers singing group is open to all and to everyone who likes to sing (or make a noise!) whatever the ability is.

We meet fortnightly in the main hall starting at 10am and finishing about 11.30am.

We don't claim to be Choristers but we are good enough! So, if you enjoy a sing, chat and a laugh - non serious, come along and give it a go! You have nothing to loose except perhaps your sanity!!!!!!

The Open Door Cafe is open for refreshments at the same time. Further information contact Kate Noon on T. 01590 677436.



Please note that as from April 29th Linda Lee will no longer be Lymington Hospital Chaplain. She is retiring after 14 years in the post. She thanks everyone for their prayerful support over the years and asks that you pray for her as she makes this significant change in her life.


Our small band of volunteers have been working hard this Spring, when the weather has permitted, to tidy the garden and make it ready for when the garden cafe reopens after Easter.

We have noticed that we now have a few gaps in the flower beds. The rose garden especially could do with three more rose bushes. So we are asking for donations so that we can purchase suitable plants. You may wish to donate in memory of a loved one. If you are interested please discuss with Anne Gaines or John Wiseman.

Another exciting development is a project to have part of the garden available for All Ability Access. As a starting point the Dementia Group who meet in the Church Hall have received a donation to make a Dementia Friendly Garden and already three raised flower beds have been erected in the lower part of


the garden. The next stage is the planting a range of sensory plants. These will include those with bright colours, different scents and ones you can touch and feel.

If you feel you can assist with this contact me.


From Fran Cooke we have an article on the local wild life which your editor hopes will grow into a regular series.


One of my favourite hobbies is watching and identifying bugs and bees, probably not everyone's favourite hobby? However now that Spring is on its way perhaps some of you have noticed the Dark Edged Bee-fly (Bombylius major) enjoying itself in your garden? II likes low growing flowers, particularly Primroses, Pulmonaria & Bugle. They fly around the garden often in small groups making a loud buzzing noise and trailing their long legs behind.

We rarely get the opportunity to see them settle so that we can have a good look. However last summer I was sitting at a table reading a book on my 'book-cushion' when, to my delight, a Bee-fly took a liking to my cushion and came for a long chat. It had its knees in a kneeling position and its long proboscis tucked underneath. I have been trying to see one of these


properly for a number of years - lucky me it obviously thought I was friendly!

All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful, The Lord God made them all:


From Ann Simmons comes notice that her address from the 3rd April will be:

Flat 3, Parish Court, Emsworth Road, Lymington SO41 9BS

Her telephone number remains 01590 670522



The first meeting of the Boarders took place after church on 5th March 2023. We took our own sandwiches but soup and light refreshments were provided. Following a very nice time of chat and laughter, lunch was finished, and it was time for the games to begin!

Sylvia started a jigsaw, with the challenge of finishing it before the afternoon ended. She began showing much determination and quietly got on with it. Backgammon and Snakes and Ladders were first on the agenda! Everyone seemed to have slightly different rules for the Snakes and Ladders, so discussion ensued as to what rules were going to be followed, and who was going to win. It was agreed this was important but with much laughter and frivolity nobody could agree what the rules should be!


It was proposed that a committee be formed consisting of everyone present in order to decide, but no one could agree who the Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary should be so that proposal was vetoed. We needed to go to the Elders for advice. So we did. The Elder thought about it before she made the difficult decision confidentially, and the game commenced. The decision was accepted, as you would expect, by everyone present and the game was won by Chris!

Following this trauma, the game of Uno followed. Several people had never played this and following an intensive training session, we played many ‘hands’. It was agreed that we could probably risk not going to the Elders with this game, and we would just see what happened. Throughout the afternoon much fun, laughter, fellowship and time was spent together….. and Sylvia finished the jigsaw.


It was agreed that a lovely afternoon was enjoyed. Anyone and everyone can join us for the next meeting on Sunday 2nd April 2023 following morning worship. For more information, speak with Chris (Brown), Andrea & Dave (Best), or Pete (Midd). We look forward to seeing you next time.



I'm writing to you because you've been faithful supporters of Christian Aid. Because you're the kind of community who responds to the call to alleviate suffering.

As Chief Operating Officer, I've overseen Christian Aid's finances for 20 years, and I continue to be so grateful for churches like yours, whose gifts are supporting millions of people around the world to break free from poverty.

Especially over this past year, when we've all experienced the rising cost of living, you've responded generously. Your church has helped address some of the world's greatest current needs, such as supporting those affected by the war in Ukraine. I couldn't be more thankful for your kindness.


Unfortunately, Christian Aid has been impacted by the cost of living crisis. The funding we raised last year for projects across the globe is simply not enough.

Christian Aid is facing a financial shortfall, This gap puts the most vulnerable people at risk. Without your help, they may not get the support they desperately need to survive.

Together, we must ensure this doesn't happen. That's why I hope you'll understand why I'm turning to you now. Will your church help us raise funds, so we can continue our urgent lifesaving projects around the world?

Please send your church's gift to the following address:

Christian Aid

Shortfall Appeal

P0 Box 100

London SE1 7RT



We met, we married, a long time ago; We worked for long hours, wages were low; No telly, no radio, no bath - times were hard, Just a cold water tap, and a walk up the yard.

No holidays abroad, no carpets on floors, We had coal on the fire - and we never locked doors Our children arrived, no 'PILL' in those days And we brought them up without 'STATE AIDS'.

No Valium, no drugs, no LSD

We cured our pains with a good cup of tea, If you were sick you were treated at once. No fill in a form and "COME BACK IN SIX MONTHS"

No vandals, no muggings - there was nowt to rob In fact we were rich with a couple of BOB

People were happier in those far-off days, Kinder and caring in so many ways, Milkman and paper boys used to whistle and sing, And a night at the flicks was our one mad fling

0h we all had our share of troubles and strife, But we just had to face it - "THAT'S LIFE" But now we are old and look back through the years We don't think of the bad times, the troubles and tears.



Received from Gerry, Ed.




COMMUNION ELDERS: Judith and Barbara


2nd Margaret Clark David Bywater

9th David Bywater Lizbeth Eason

16th Jenny Henderson Judith Baker

23rd Barbara Waite Margaret Clark

30th Chris Brown Keith Holmes


2nd Anne Gaines and Judith Baker DB/GC

9th Lizbeth Eason and Fran Cooke WD/MC

16th Janice Perkins and Kate Noon DW/MC

23rd Liz Griffiths and Barbara Waite DB/GC

30th Andrea and Dave Best WD/MC

18 Ed. Ed.





7th Richard Mallory Pat Weaver

14th John Wiseman Jenny Henderson

21st Judith Baker Wyn Davies

28th Margaret Clark Peter Middleton


7th Pat Weaver and Anne Simmons DW/MC

14th Gill Wiseman and Peter Middleton DB/GC

21st Anne Gaines and Judith Baker WD/MC

28th Lizbeth Eason and Fran Cooke DW/MC



01425 613860

Whilst every care is taken to ensure information within the advertisements and posters on display in the magazine is accurate, Lymington URC does not accept any liability to any party for any errors or omissions.

Lymington URC does not officially endorse the advertising material included on any external organisations’ adverts/posters.


If you wish to advertise in The Open Door magazine (6 issues per year), please contact the Lymington URC for more details. Competitive rates, both mono and colour adverts accommodated in quarter, half and full page sizes!”

PLEASE NOTE: This magazine is printed on paper from renewable sources out of our concern for the environment.



Minister: Vacancy

ChurchSecretary: MargaretClark.Tel01590676306


MagazineEditor: WynDavies.Tel01425616384


Children&Familiescontact: childrenfamiliesurclym@btinternet.com

Churchwebsite: http://www.lymurc.org.uk/ Tel01590676306






CentreManager: AndrewCollins.Tel01590676306

(As the Centre Manager is not in on Mondays the Church Office is closed that day).

NOTE! The Church Office is open to callers in person: Tuesday - Friday 9.30am to 12 noon. (The church office is upstairs in the cottage. If the church/hall doors are locked during the office open times, please proceed to the cottage).

BasicsBankwebsite: http://www.basicsbank.org.uk/ Tel 01590610008



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