2018-01 NOCO Style Magazine

Page 58

NOCO | Wellness


Your sister wants to lose weight. Your boss wants to quit smoking. Your cousin wants to get out of debt and repair his bad credit. Sound familiar? It should. They’re the same unmet goals from last year. And the year before.

By Sue Ann Highland, PhDc


hat would happen if you broke away from the pack of standard “lose,” “quit” and “fix,” and instead opted to improve something you’re going to use for the rest of your life? Here are seven concrete examples of things you can do to improve your brain over the course of the year. Plus, boosting your brain may positively impact your life in ways that would likely have been harder if you had set them as goals.


1. START EXERCISING. Research now shows that even light to moderate aerobic exercise improves oxygen consumption, which helps the brain to function better. In the elderly, aerobic exercise—such as walking, bicycling or yoga—has actually been found to

reduce brain cell loss. We have beautiful walking paths and trails in Northern Colorado, so take advantage of some great outdoor space. Hiking Devil’s Backbone is always a treat! Bonus benefits: You’ll likely meet new people and lose weight. 2. READ MORE. A 2016 study from Yale University School of Public Health has found that reading books may extend your lifespan by up to Continued on page 60


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