Lake Wales Main Street Newsletter

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BEN·E·FAC·TOR /benə,faktər/

noun A person or organization who confers a benefit; kindly helper. One who gives aid, especially financial aid.

Lake Wales Main Street is very fortunate to have 9 fantastic organizations committed to Main Street and recognize the success of downtown has an impact on the community as a whole.




The Benefactor Program helped fund the downtown design strategy and will provide the opportunity to consider large scale projects which will make a noticeable impact for downtown Lake Wales.

As a Benefactor your company will be recognized as a leader and applauded for the role you play in supporting the community. Your return on investment is found in the marketing opportunities but perhaps the biggest return is a vibrant downtown serving as the economic engine for the entire community.

We hope more companies will seriously consider becoming a Lake Wales Main Street Benefactor.

If you’re contemplating this investment please contact Karen Thompson for more information!

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