Mammadaba 2012(2) (English)

Page 19

Come and enjoy genuine outdoor recreation!

In spring winds “It is April. Fir seeds fall to spring winds,” wrote Latvian poet Imants Ziedonis. Indeed, this is the month when winds are set free from their winter slumber by Mother Nature, so that they can let off some steam. This is where it all begins! Nature awakens. Every brook breaks free from its chains of ice and rushes to the sea. Small and fuzzy willowcatkins gather strength from out of nowhere to discard their winter garb. The air is full of aromas, making heads dizzy and hearts yearn for long walks in search of the places, where the grass grows green and flowers bloom. There is an urge to postpone all urgent tasks and head out to unfamiliar locales. Mother Nature is rich. She invites one and all to take wild forest trails, breathe in forest scents and take a look at a swamp covered in cranberry blossoms. This time, Mother Nature offers romantic walks in fairytale-shrouded castles and parks, encouraging stopping by the Oak of Love in Remte Park, the Zaļenieki Nature Park, where yellow-stars-of-Bethlehem sprout their first buds, and the Gārsene Castle, where anemones bloom along the banks of the Dienvidsusēja River.

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10/2/12 12:24 PM

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