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CONTRIBUTORS Cameron Mitchell Mark B. Spencer J. Bey Dame Jay Christopher Sams Ali D. Mitchell Rashawnda Moultrie Mark Bender Azim Lateef C. E. Dawkins Allie Dow



Avocado Garden Salad This beautiful salad is easy to fix, delicious and impressive to serve. Preparation time: 20 minutes or less

6 cups mixed salad greens 3 medium ripe tomatoes, cut into ¾inch cubes 5 green onions, chopped 1 small cucumber, partially peeled and cut into ¾-inch cubes 3 tablespoons lemon juice, divided ⅓ teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon of coarsely ground black pepper ½ teaspoon salt 1 large ripe California avocado, peeled Thoroughly mix bite-sized salad greens, tomatoes, onions, and cucumber in a large serving bowl. Toss with 2 tablespoons lemon juice, garlic powder, black pepper and salt. Peel and cut avocado in half. Remove pit and slice into thin wedges, about ⅛-inch thick. Arrange slices on top of salad like a starburst. Brush remaining lemon juice and serve immediately. Serves: 6 2 Cups of Fruits and Vegetables per Serving Fruit and/or Veggie Colors: Green, Yellow, Red Nutrition Information per Serving: calories: 81, total fat: 4.8g, saturated fat: 0.7g, % of calories from fat: 47%, % of calories from saturated fat: 7%, protein: 3g, carbohydrates: 10g, cholesterol: 0mg, dietary fiber: 5g, sodium: 216mg Each serving provides: An excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin C and folate, and a good source of potassium and fiber. Recipe courtesy of Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH). All PBH endorsed recipes meet nutrition standards that maintain fruits and vegetables as healthy foods.


Mom was right, you should eat more veggies - here's how you do it (BPT) - The majority of Americans say they've been trying to eat more fruits and vegetables over the past year, according to a poll by the International Food Information Council Foundation. And, with good reason; eating plenty of vegetables and fruits can help ward off heart disease and stroke, control blood pressure and prevent some types of cancer, according to Harvard School of Public Health. How many servings of vegetables do we need to eat? The USDA recommends between two to three cups for most adults (more if you exercise more than 30 minutes per day) and between one to two and a half cups for kids. It may seem overwhelming to try to pack that many veggies into everyone's daily meals, but there are actually a lot of fun, easy and delicious ways for the whole family to eat more vegetables. Let's start with breakfast. Veggies may not be top of mind at this time of day, but it's easy to sneak some into your first meal and get lots of nutrients to kick start your day. If you are a warm breakfast type of person, try adding spinach, peppers and tomatoes to your eggs in the morning, or make it easy and flavorful by adding salsa into a serving of scrambled eggs or on top of an omelet. If you're a breakfast on the go type, throw some kale, spinach, celery or cucumber, along with fruits like berries and bananas, into a smoothie and take it with you. For snacks, cut carrots and celery into sticks ahead of time and store them in the fridge for easy munching. Then, when you get hungry pour a few tablespoons of a delicious ranch dressing, like OPA by Litehouse Greek-style yogurt dressing, which is light on the calories and fat, has zero sugar, and is gluten-free, into a small bowl and dip the carrot and celery sticks, or even tomatoes on toothpicks. You can also try baking kale or sliced beets mixed with olive oil and spices on cooking sheets until they are crispy for a tasty and healthy take on traditional chips. For lunch or dinner, beat the cold by pureeing butternut squash, cauliflower or broccoli for a warm soup. Or, make a mason jar salad that tastes as good as it looks, with this recipe:

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Five things they don't teach you in school about how to secure your financial future { BPT) - Anyone over a certain age has heard about the "the three Rs" of education arithmetic. The thinking is that if you graduate from school knowing reading, writing and how to read, write and solve basic math problems, you'll have the fundamentals for a successful life. But these days much more is required, especially when it comes to making sure you have the financial resources to take care of yourself and your family. Here are five things they generally don't teach you in school but that everyone should learn. 1. Paying off debt. Recent statistics from the Federal Reserve show the average American household owes between $7,123 and $15,270 in credit card debt, and $32,258 in student loan debt. The Federal Trade Commission reports that many people face a financial crisis at some point in their life, whether due to illness, loss of a job or overspending. Regardless of what got you into trouble, getting out of debt is one of the most important things you can do to ensure a solid financial future. The FTC says an important first step is to create a household budget, making sure the amount you take in each month is greater than your expenses. Once expenses are under control, use extra cash to pay down credit card debt as quickly as possible, starting with those cards that have the highest interest rates. You may also want to consider credit counseling or debt management services, but be sure to do your homework to avoid scams. 2. Negotiating a salary increase. Companies are planning moderate salary increases of 2.9 percent for their salaried nonmanagement employees in 2014, according to a survey of 910 U.S. companies by global professional services company Towers Watson. Employees shouldn't sit back and expect a pay increase, however - especially if their performance has been outstanding and their responsibilities have increased - they should ask for it. When asking for a raise, experts recommend arming yourself with facts about your company's financial performance and the salaries of others in comparable positions. And when you do request a pay increase, don't say it's because you need the money; instead focus on the value you bring to the company, such as increased profits or the acquisition of new clients.


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3. Buying a house. With debts under control and a decent salary, many people start thinking about buying a home. Mortgage rates remain near all-time lows, so it's still a good time to buy a house, but home ownership may not be for everyone. One of the first things you should consider is how long you plan to stay in the house. Because of the up-front costs of purchasing a home, including closing costs and real estate agent fees, you may lose money if your home value doesn't increase enough to cover those costs by the time you sell. Many experts advise planning to stay in your house for at least three to five years, but a mortgage calculator can help you run the numbers. You should also consider other expenses like insurance, taxes, association fees and maintenance. And if you do decide to buy, remember mortgages vary greatly, so shop around to get the best deal. 4. Saving for the future. Whether it's for a house, a car, child's college education, or your own retirement, saving for the future can seem daunting if not impossible, but experts say it's easier than you might think. It starts with creating a household budget so you can see where your money goes and eliminate unnecessary expenditures. Next is to adopt a mindset of "paying yourself first" - commit to setting aside a certain amount in savings each month and treat that as you would any other household bill that must be paid. Finally, start saving as early as possible to take advantage of compound interest. 5. Protecting your assets. Even if you're debt-free, earn a good income and are diligent about saving for the future, few people could absorb the cost of a catastrophic event like a major illness or accident. That's where insurance comes in. Insurance allows you to drive a car knowing that the cost of repairs or medical care will be covered in the event of a crash; own a home knowing that it can be repaired or replaced if it's damaged or destroyed; and even get peace of mind knowing that your family will be taken care if something happens to you. "Insurance is a critical part of any financial plan because without it, you could lose everything you've worked so hard for with just one catastrophic incident," says Rick Burt, executive vice president of products, Erie Insurance. While car insurance and homeowners insurance are often mandatory, Burt recommends consumers also consider personal umbrella insurance and life insurance. "A personal umbrella policy gives you an added layer of protection beyond your auto and homeowners insurance in the event that you are sued due to an accident. And life insurance is essential if your family depends on you financially - whether you're the primary breadwinner or the person who takes care of things at home." For more information, visit www.erieinsurance.com.

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Our Interview with WES” “MAMA Mother o f Pimp C

What do you want the world to know? I was C’s mother, I am C’s mother will always be C’s mother. I would like for reporters to be reminded that he has three children and these things are very hurtful. It always perturbs me when I hear something about C on a TV show or radio show and they give him all these accolades and then say he died of a drug overdose. He did not die of a drug overdose according to the coroner I spoke to after his death. The coroner told me there was not enough of anything in his body, no drug in his body to kill him and I will definitely always never conceive that there was. What do you have to say to all the media faces? I just ask you please check your facts before you say things like that. I don’t have a problem with truth, but I do have a problem with scandalous allegations and things you don’t really know about.Fact is he is gone. A little over 5 years, but that wound is still as deep as it ever was. What’s next with UGK? There is a legend album that is in the make. Spice 1, I’m so thankful and so proud of him for picking up this torch. My grandson lil c, debuts in ugk (lowercase letters) and will be featured on the album. Several of the old UGK Posse as C called them affectionately. There other big names that will surprise you. What can we expect from the True Legends album? Most close to my heart are those people who have mad love for C. A lot of major artist that still quote him all the time in his music. That warms mama’s heart. There is Seventeen who was his first round draft pick and Hezeleo, who was also close to C. What can you tell us about the project? It will be a quality project and very representative of C, he was a perfectionist. I’m not a music person C did not get his talent from me, I can just run my mouth, and boy was he ever good at that.


How did ugk come to light? It was really kinda weird, C grew up with a young lady in the neighborhood who has a son that is talented. She came to me and asked me to help her lil boy. He was about 10. I ahd my grandson, they were 6 months apart, with Cory (my grandson) being the oldest. She was them rap together. I had my doubts, C always said he had talents, encouraging me to have but he wanted him to succeed, he didn’t want him to be a lil somebody… My mind was not quite set on the idea. They performed together, they were kinda cute, strangely enough, at a Snoop concert in Beaumont texas, they just came alive. After a very intimate and beautiful wonderful conversation with Snoop, I made the decision to let them hook up and they would be underground kidz, If anybody was responsible for getting those kids together, I would have to say it would be Snoop. I’m a critic, I was one of C’s greatest critics, he would say hey mama hold up u talkin to a Pimp, and I would say so I’m the Pimps mama, you need to go back and fix that. What was something of C’s legacy you keep going, besides music? Babies that are locked down, children that are incarcerated, I’m 66, so all of y’all are babies to me… “commissary is necessary”. I get it they’re locked up, If they did wrong, ok, they are paying for it…ok, we get it. Try to put a lil money on their books, I suggest, when you go out, drink one less drink and save that money and at the end of the month put that on somebody’s books and I guarantee you will light up somebody’s life. What does that mean to you Be Real Everyday And Deliver? Be real means being truthful, it means to be if you are very talented person and you are doing something, I’m going to tell you that if you are untalented unfortunately I’m going to tell you that too. Everybody is not a performer everybody is not a singer, everybody is just not an entertainer, maybe if you like that field you need to get into it on another level. Everyday we should be able to at the end of the day say you have done something useful.


Adrienne "Blessed" Dow Weight: 105 pounds

Height: 5'7" Shoe Size: 7 Dress Size: 2 Measurements: 32/24/36




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Where are you from?

How do you know what to produce?

Nawfside of Houston, Texas

I try to film what the people wanna see, and always film what counts.

Where can we find you?

You can find me all over the globe. I travel all through Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Cali, through the south, midwest & west coast. When did you get your break? I got my break when I started investing into my own company Agonylife Filmz & Slab Soldierz Muzik. When you under someone else, you go by there rules and you move how they move. When you start investing in yourself that’s how you win, being your own boss. I have a distribution deal with my music and dvd’s nationwide, in Best Buy, FYE, Hastings + im in the mom & pop record stores. Agonylife Filmz Documentary Movies, with never before seen footage, how did that come about? Footage was easy, I know everyone from BossHogg Outlawz, Swisha House, Screwed Up Click & other artist. When I first started mobbin with my music, me and my Slab Soldierz team always kept a camera with us. If we were mobbin with Slim Thug to a show we would film the concert. In the process of filming you got different activities going on, so we would film behide the scenes, giving the fans never before seen footage. Having a camera you capture everything like the behide the scenes of the brand new Agonylife "Boss Status" movie. Our in the year 98 with Lil Mario and Slim Thug as teenagers rapping at a show, when they both were new members of the Legendary Swisha House also Paul Wall & Chamillionaire when they were called the Sleep Walkerz before they became members of the Swisha House, that was footage I filmed back in the day the year i started Agonylife Filmz in 1998....... Everyone is looking to shine on camera to rep what they have going on.

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Lux Cash Says you are the ‘Epitoome of Grind’, what do you say to that? I’m the King Of The Grind, thats the title the streets gave me. Nobody can accept that or take that title but me Agonylife Boss Status. I earned that, I went from trappin to rappin. I came from the streets, straight out the hood hustling. I went to the pen, came back home and had to start back over from scratch. I had to switch up my hustle, so I started trappin with this muzik on a million dollar grind. How did you get the name Agonylife? When I was locked up. Everybody on the yard was repping different areas of Texas. And we were out in the yard rapping & freestyling, they was like man you on that agony life you spittin straight from the heart. It was hard but it was talking bout getting money straight grindin. When I came home, I ended up on my potnaz Casino Mobb first album & hookin up with BossHogg Outlawz / Rayface & Slim Thug and featured on some of there mixtapes. they gave me the undergound blueprint, so i started my own click Slab Soldierz. Over 10 years later im still on the grind & now its AGONYLIFE- BOSS STATUS young street millionaire in the flesh. What is Slab Soldierz Purple Lean & Slab Soldierz Lemonade Lean Dranks? A lady on the southwest side of Houston asked if I wanted to invest in my own sodas, I was like yeah, anytime someone comes to me about making power moves thats real I’m down with it. so immediately she got me hooked up with this company. I started investing into my own sodas and hitting the streets, I got Slab Sodas in stores in Houston Tx, San Antonio Tx, Abilene Tx, Little Rock Ark and Florida + other cities & states.

With over 40,000 bottles sold independent. They sell out wherever I go. (the drinks are for kids & adults) What do you instill in your kids?

GOD & Family First!!!!!!! look out for each other, my middle son Trey Money has his own snap back cap line “Alwayz Stay Fly" (Young Fly and Fresh) along with a t- shirt line & Hoodies. My daughter has a t-shirt line + hoodies “Pretty Girl Fly" (Young Fly and Sassy) I just started their own clothing line and they’re doing real good. Right now I’m the pilot, but they help promote the clothing lines. We have there apparel in stores in and out of town. my oldest son is mashing on the basketball court at age 15 standing 6'6 tall ranked # 112 in texas. My youngest son Tramond the Don i think is going to follow in his daddy foot steps with the music. At age 4 Tramond is alwayz singing & rapping. For me it’s family first. If you are a fan of my music, that’s what I preach. What's new with you? I have a new movie "Boss Status" directed by me Agonylife & co-directed by Koo Films that I'm currently working on. also my clothing line Slab Soldierz Block Wear / Heart of a Hustler; tees for men & women, hoodies, beanies, caps & lettermen jackets + Slab Soldierz #1 independent air freshener How did you get support and participation on the Boss Status movie?

What is the plot? The storyline is pretty interesting; Im Boss Status in the movie. One of the hood bosses in the city along with other hood bosses like J-Dawg / Bosshogg Outlawz, Juan Gotti / Dope House Rds, A3 / Teflon City, Big Love, Hezeleo / Ugk Rds. The film is about Money, Murder & Mayhem, Loyalty & Betrayal. with hustlers, jackers, pretty & sexy women, strip clubs, custom slabs and a story line with a love interest & drama....... It's an Independent boss movie. How long have you been filming your movie? We been filming for three weeks with three off days. We have been on it daily. It should be completed by the end of next month. What else do you anticipate shooting? "Boss Status" the mini movie series Me & Koo Films the co-director have the gutta part of the "boss status" motion picture movie complete, We have to finish the love interest scenes in the movie, then its done. AND THE BEST IDEAL I CAME UP WITH FOR THIS PROJECT WAS TO PUT OUT THE "BOSS STATUS" MINI MOVIE SERIES FIRST, TO PROMOTE THE "BOSS STATUS" MOTION PICTURE MOVIE AS A BONUS GIVEAWAY WITH THE NEW AGONYLIFE STREET ALBUM 2 DISC SET.......

I Called out the Streets of Houston for support and they showed up, i have to salute to everyone thats been mobbin with us on this project.

We are currently casting ladies only through e-mail at slabsoldierz@gmail.com


Who is in charge of direction and production? Agonylife the Executive Producer & Director of the "Boss Status" movie with the help of my Co-Director & Editor Koo Rod / Koo Films "The realest thing is i am not evening using a written script for the movie, i told koo that i wanted to freestyle my first movie without a script. So we have been freestyling every scene on the movie set as we have been filming, & right now we are at the end of the movie with about 90 min. complete, with a real story line & movie that we freestyled without a script" WHO ARE SOME OF THE ARTIST YOU HAVE RECORDED MUSIC WITH? AS TEENAGERS ME & THE HOMIE ZRO THE KING OF THE GHETTO, RECORDED A ENTIRE ALBUM AS A GROUP CALLED NICKEL PLATED NUTTS BACK IN 1992. I SALUTE TO ZRO FOR MAKING EVERY TRACK ON THAT PROJECT, THE ALBUM NEVER CAME OUT DO TO THE LABEL. THOW YOU CAN CHECK OUT Z-RO & AGONYLIFE "TRAPPIN WITH THIS MUZIK" CD HOSTED BY Z-RO, WHERE ON THE LAST TRACK HE GIVES YOU IN SIGHT ON OUR GRIND BACK IN 1992 TO WHERE WE ARE TODAY BEING SELF MADE & SELF PAID BOSSES. I ALSO HAVE ALOT OF MUSIC RECORDED WITH SLIM THUG, JDAWG, H.A.W.K/SUC, SWISHA HOUSE, BOSSHOGG OUTLAWZ, A3/TEFLON CITY, CHALIE BOY, 5TH WARD BOYZ, TRINITY GARDEN CARTEL, K.B/STREET MILITARY & THE STREETZ OF H-TOWN.





A REAL B MOMENT: CHECK OUT THE NEW R&B SENSATION The newest R&B sensation to hit the industry is, Témi (Pronounced TayMe.) He brings the old school sound with a new age feel. Témi is hitting the scene solo with his hit new single, "Brick By Brick." Témi is on a mission of falling in love with music all over again and taking you on a musical roller coaster from where it and he started. His single, "Brick By Brick" will set the tone of his story.Expect his EP sometime this 2014, "Intro II A New Beginning." Témi wants to share his story and walk you through yours. His solo journey has just begun, but his talented past and bright future will keep him on your radar for many years to come. CHECK OUT THE SINGLE BRICK BY BRICK WITH ME NOW!

Rated B: Brick By Brick


BREAD: How did your collab with Slim Thug, Summertime come about? Z-RO: We been working together the last 6 years since 06. Pimp C said he wanted to see me and Slim more together on the hip hop scene being proactive about the beef being squashed. Associates was recorded first and from there we decided to do a whole album. Slim Thug reps the Northside Z-ro Represent the Southside… Mo City to be exact, there you have it. We Crossed together like a bra strap in the back. BREAD: What is up with Z-ro Lately? Z-RO: Everythings going on with me right now. Ima keep it 1000. I just hired a publicist Lisa Jackson, I gotta salute her and take my hat off to her, she’s working her ass off and I appreciate that. Besides Lisa, I never had a publicist before. I’ve had lawyers and cases, that’s some bullshit but I admit it. Working with her, she’s giving me the interviews and the press that I really need for my career. I just hired my man Heavy Manager/ booking agent, whatever Z-ro needs.com I take my hat off to him to him. Beats and productions salute to Beanz n Kornbread and Mr Lee. I just knocked out a mixtape with Mr. Lee. If you got 17 trillion people in the world, its 17 trillion mutherfuckers tryna write songs. If you can be heard and actually be noticed out of those 17 trillion people, you gotta love that! BREAD: How does it make you feel to be a part of SUC history? Z-RO: This is a hard ass game. The game aint over yet. It’s a lot of thunderstorms and, hurricanes. Its day by day. As I look back in my start and all the shit I had to do to get to get me here. I claim that part of history. That’s my shit, Hell Yea I am proud of my struggles. I just didn’t wake up and mutherfucker handed me success. I had to chase the shit and when I caught it I had to beat that shit down. Like stay here don’t go nowhere, follow me. The blood sweat and tears that went into it. Ive lost ppl during this journey Screw, Big Hawk, Big Moe, Big Melo, my nigga Pimp C. BREAD: How do you cope with losing people? Z-RO: Its called life, life is bittersweet,In the bible it tells us Jesus told us, it’s not gonna be easy, they gon beat you spit on you, murder you, but you gotta keep goin on. Without goin on.. wtf u got to look forward to? Nothin? Im proud of myself. Bcuz my struggle gave birth to my hustle. I started with 30 ppl now I look around its like 8 mufukkas, but that’s life, life gon beat you down, steal friends from you. U gon wake up one morning, and life gon be done stole you. That’s the process and this is the process of life.


What are some memories that keep you going? I wake up, look at my phone 430 still to this day every morning Pimp C used to call me and be like fussin at me bout some shit. Other times he’ll call me like we need to get in the lab. Fuck an idle moment every hour every second use it on rap. I'm here, i'm lonely like mufukka not lonely in a sense of companionship. But the team I started wit is not the team ima finish with. It'll fuck u up sometimes. Like who is he? Who are they, who is she? Idk them mufukkas. We working together. You aint come out the playground wit me I know u planning to fuck over me. Thas why my attitude is so fucked up. What else can u do tho? Who are you signed to? KING OF THE GHETTO ENT- I'm no longer with rap a lot. Rap A Lot shit is over with. Ima be honest I broadcasted my release on social networks twitter, facebook youtube etc. I been away from rap a lot for a year now june 11, 2011 CEO RIGHT HERE. What separated you from Rap A Lot? Contract was over with. A lot of artists on labels they don’t make the full direction of their term ofpaperwork. Forturnately I did.A couple mfers I started with, we started rapping together so like… 2012, these same individuals They got jobs and shit. Aint talking down but. How did you come about the I Hate You Video? I hate you video was shot in jail. When you got special mail in jail they will get you out ur cell and take you to the mail office. One evening sitting in the day room, watching some hoe ass shit like Maury Povich or something, they called me up for mail call, went to the mail room, I think it was 6 rap magz, fan mail and big ass manila envelope. When you in jail u get a big ass manila envelope it means somebody something legal. I thought it was one of those. I walk back to the cell and open it up. It was a video contract like an offer. Letter said we gon come in …ima give yall some real game. Ive never told this story. The paper work said. The tv channel Tx live stock show and rodeo access tv. I'm like that’s a long ass channel name. I never heard of that channel before. Im reading it(the letter). They're like we gon come conduct an interview on you next week. During the interview you may have to perform your latest single. At the bottom if it’s a green light sign ur name. Next week I had to get a hair cut, fresh white tee. Jails in texas they don’t give a fuck about u. A month no shower no change of clothes, shit like that. I was ready, came to the interview. I aint recognize nobody face. I know this one lil Indian dude. This nigga don’t work for no live stock radio tv, this nigga shoot videos. It’s a set up.The dude had a conversation asked me three qs, I answered em. He asked if I minded performing for fans at home. I'm like I don’t know the song by heart. I would have to hear it first, bought out headphones, listened to it once or twice..said action, and we started doing the song. This nigga said hold up, there was a problem with the camera lets do it again, this time we do it in a different location. Shooting a video on the cool. Mutherfuckers at jail thought it was an interview. Two weeks later, the video came out. Aint gon lie, all officers that let me do it got fired.


I’ve been told so many times that love is a complicated thing that constantly needs work and communication to grow, and that simplifying these feelings could inevitably be their downfall. But I don’t believe that, and nor should anyone else. Love is not complicated, and love is the basis of the most important relationships in your life. Love is easy; you either do or you don’t, you have the possibility or the inability. Make up your mind! I can say that honestly, love has never been tough for me. Entering into a relationship where my other half is an ocean (and a few countries) apart, has a completely different culture, never expected to be with someone like me….. that is tough but it’s not complicated. I could have been with someone else, someone close by, someone American and black, but then I would have never known this amazing great guy that I want to spend my life with. And that guy loves me, regardless of all these obstacles in our way. He could have chosen any other girl in the world and he still chose me. It was never complicated. Complicated is the lazy person’s way of saying difficult or dysfunctional. Yes, there are difficulties, and sometimes you have to question if it is all worth it, but for me, the answer was always an uncomplicated yes. When one chapter of your life ends poorly, another chapter begins in an unexpectedly hopeful way. My story is very long already and I’m only in the first 1/3rd now, but I have the choice of making it powerful and fantastic, or lame and depressing. Which would you choose? To make it difficult and miserable because you told yourself it’s too complicated to be easy and happy, or to just give all you have and go with the best attitude you can muster? I hope you choose the latter because it’s the choice I made, and so far, the best choice I’ve made in life. So no, love isn’t complicated- the world is and love just makes it a whole lot simpler. By, Allie Dow


Mowett Ryder’s solid build 48DD -27 inch waist-50 inch DONK! Lawd hammercy Jesus talk about thoroughly thick! Is that all real?? Yeah, It’s all me back there! So you are a master of several trades in the entertainment game. How was it working with music and artists such as: Tupac? Who else have you worked with? Are you still doing any projects to date? I feel honored to have worked with the greatest. Tupac we miss you! I’m always working on something new, my fans demand new singles all the time. If you check out my You Tube page you’ll find my latest videos up. People know you from: Black Mens Magazine, Grip, Bout to Blow and Street Look Magazine and most recently Def Jam featured a poster of Mowett Ryder in the 2011 video release of “Country Shit” by Big Krit, Ludacris and Bun B. I heard of you back in 2009 when I first got to Atl, the 50 inch donk madness had everybody trippin. I’m from Tx, so ‘Everything’s bigger in TX’ was an understatement looking at you!!! I had never seen so much derrière until then!! What artists are you currently working with or anticipating working with in the future for more videos, cameos, etc? Right now I’m just working solo. I kindda like it like that, working with other artist sometimes is such a hassle, lots of paperwork and negotiations etc. I’m good like this. You also have yourself adding titles to your hat such as: producer and distributor of independent films. The first entitled “B.R.E.A.D”. Tell me a little about that? Mowett Ryder is diversified! The fans were demanding something different from me so I went all in. I Produced “B.R.E.A.D” and got the distribution and everything. In the industry today you cover all bases if you want to stay on top. You also produced a workout DVD entitled “Sweat with Mowett Ryder, which I am going to purchase ( I have to know the secret ;) ).


Where can they be found? What made you want to incorporate independent films into your schedule? You can find any work I’ve done on my website. www.50inchdonk.com . Believe me girl, it works you out!! Like I said before, you gotta constantly give the people something new. Diversity equals relevancy. What does “Chocolate Chat with Mowett Ryder consist of? I also hear that you are in negotiations to host an online television program on WAEN TV. How exciting is that? When will that be in the works? I declined the offer from WAEN. You know everything that looks good isn’t always good for you. Chocolate Chat was a great time in my life. Every week I interviewed different people and folks could call in and talk to me. It was a wild ride. But right now I had to put it on hiatus. My touring schedule made it hard for me to commit to a weekly show. What would you say to young women who may have been where you have been and are looking to excel and live up to their biggest dreams? I always tell everyone to believe in themselves, because nobody is gonna do it for you. With as much as you have going on, do you date? And if so, are you in a current relationship? I date but not too often (laughing). Guys want Mowett Ryder, the one they see in the videos and on the internet. I’m really looking for someone that wants me for me...know what I mean? Where do you see yourself in the next 3 years with all of the work and projects you have recently launched? My publicist is working on some television appearances for me, so I think in the next 3 years Mowett Ryder will be mainstream. Coming to a tv screen near you soon! Where can we find Donk University for our voluptuous derriered women? and for sexy women like myself who adore shoes, where can I pick up a hot new pair of shoes from you and your brand She Stunts shoe wear? Donk University can be found on my website. www.50inchdonk.com. I am still in the designing stage of She Stunts Shoe Wear. Be on the lookout for that soon. Message to your fans? I always want my fans to know I love them and I couldn’t do it without them. You guys mean so much to me. You really have no idea how sometimes when I’m feeling down a fan will come across my Facebook page or website and give me a great positive message and it changes my whole day! Love you guys so.......much! Muah Thank you for your time Thank you for interviewing me. REAL B




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