The Spring Fashion Issue

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Spring Fashion

March/April 2013

luri & wilma ‘oPrint edition #1

Printed in Washington, DC on recycled paper.

A well-dressed


woman, even though her purse is painfully empty, can conquer the world.� -Louise Brooks




Editor’s letter


Smart girl reads


Gody’s Lady’s Book


Polyester 101

Stitch by stitch



Spring fashion essentials


Beauty baby!


Rosewater DIY


Gal on the up

World Girl

47 51

Spring trends in sketches


A vintage tea party


Ciao Nina DIY


Tea it up in DC

Tea party essentials

70 77

Tea treats, the food!


1 ingredient, 3 ways


Earth Day guide

Printable seasonal produce calendar

89 93

How to host a canning party

One-step upcycles


She has the ability to see the whole picture and work her way backwards to understand the parts. Budget and business lady extraordinaire. She believes in giving back and is driven by success. Loves being organized and is emotionally involved with work projects. Pays attention to the details and may miss the forest for staring at the trees. Left brained.


She is a random and abstract thinker. Often late and prefers fantasy to reality. Entertains the idea of simply being a socialite and loves art. Prefers that all situations are to her liking. Could live her life on the front row of fashion. Right brained.

The Green Team

Charlie Heck Editor-in-Chief

Julie Smolinski Production Coordinator

Anika Rich Beauty Editor

Beth Barrett Fashion/Style Editor

Mandy Pellegrin DIY Expert

Chris McLaurin Food Editor

Amber Paranick Contributor

Megan Paranick Food Contributor

Emily Hilliard Food Contributor

Natalia Laptchenkova Hair/Makeup Stylist

Roy Moody Director of Photography & Design

The lovely interns Raessa Belnaviz Bruna Siloto Briana Bullock Amanda Michelle Goldchain Taniera Reid Britt Nelson Jordan Brunson



Much love to: Jasmine Smith Manicurist

Claudia Barrios Sevilla Makeup/Hair Assistant

Miss Pixie & her wonderful staff

Amina Ahmad Model

Liz Calka Model

Nafessa Kassim Model

Jennifer Tsai Model Shanna Gidwani Goodwill of Greater Washington

Greer Gabor Model Tolga Erbatur & The Codmother

Desislava Viktorova Lipova Model Katerina & Cathy Meeps

Editor’s Letter:

Some say print is dead, some say online publications are the greenest around, some of those people are right and most of them do not work on publications. Ladies and gents how fantastic does it feel to hold something in your hands? To flip page upon page of something you believe in? I can say it feels better than anything I’ve ever perused on a screen. Not to say that I’m not stinkin’ proud of every issue we’ve published online, I am!! We wouldn’t have our first print issue if it wasn’t for those many issues before. With support from a hard working team, people in the District and beyond, I give you luri & wilma’s first print edition, the online version. Wanna see it in print, grab your copy here or at these DC shops! Get green this spring with vintage essentials to work, play and happy hour in. Smart girls? We’ve got a ton of them. Meet Rachel Pfeffer, she’s our gal on the up, and she makes very pretty things. Smart reading material, a history lesson on the sewing machine and the first woman magazine, check! And darling, a vintage tea party, complete with scrumptious treats by Chris McLaurin. A canning party by Emily, your seasonal produce calendar for 2013 and one-step upcycled DIYs by Mandy are just a few features in this year’s Earth Day Guide, flip to the back for that! Thank you Roy, Julie, Beth, Chris, Anika and Mandy for your dedication and all the goodness in our first printed issue! Let’s print another!



a.d.o (anjelika Dreams Organic) Wish Scarf

Jasper Zaum Organic laptop bag

Eco 2.0 by MODO

Blackbird Tees Custom Monogram Cardigan

olsenHaus Future



And the editors dig on:

Rachel Pfeffer Designs Anne Holman Jewelry Persimmon & Robin Egg Blue Antique Glass Necklace

Chocolate and Steel Paper Airplane Studs


Kay Em Kay Sleeveless Party Dress in Bright Plum


Dig on upcycled DIY?

Flip to the Earth Guide on page 93

Smart girl reads...

For this edition of Smart Girl Reads, librarian Amber Paranick shares with us her book suggestions for some spring fashion reading. sew step by step. BY ALISON SMITH Recommended for the novice and experienced sewer alike, Smith (of the Alison Victoria School of Sewing in England) breaks down the concepts of garment construction by providing easy-to-follow visuals in this instructional manual. steal her style: iconic fashion looks and how to get their look. BY SARAH KENNEDY Yes, we’re all smart, independent women. But, sometimes you have to admit, a little part of you wants to be Brigitte Bardot or Joan Jett. Or, if you’re like me, (a child raised in the 1980s), you want to be Madonna. Kennedy gives us her advice on simulating 25 of the twentieth century’s most iconic women (along with some modern-day women who resemble them). From first lady fashion (a la Jackie O) to the mod-1960s look given to us by British model Twiggy, to the natural look credited to actress Lauren Hutton, Kennedy covers them all. overdressed: the shockingly high cost of cheap fashion. BY ELIZABETH L. CLINE Throughout the past few decades, in order to keep up with rising demand in clothing, retailers have stepped up clothing production to compete with falling prices of their contemporaries. As a result, we’re all consuming more cheaply made fashion, and it’s costing us more than we think. Cline offers us a crucial look inside the ways in which “fast” fashion is harming us, the economy and the environment. vogue natural health & beauty. BY BRONWEN MEREDITH. If you happen to get your hands on this rare find, published in the early 1980s, you’ll find simple ways to bring out your natural, beautiful glow through yoga postures, a clean diet and DIY beauty tips. eco colour: botanical dyes for beautiful textiles. BY INDIA FLINT. Yes, you can create beautiful dyes from blackberries. In her book, Flint offers alternatives to harmful synthetic dyes by using plants and minerals found in nature.


Godey’s Lady’s Book

A Reflection of the Past:

By Amber Paranick

An Original Fashion Magazine for Smart Gals.

Throughout the publication’s almost 70-year history, Godey’s Lady’s Book (published from 1837-1898) truly was an original magazine for smart women.

Godey’s Lady’s Book was purposefully written to appeal to a female audience, and more importantly, it defined middle-class women’s roles in the 19th century. Under the direction of its publisher, Louis Godey, and its editor, Sarah Josepha Hale, the title (which was the result of the merger of the Ladies’ Magazine and the Lady’s Book in 1837) included biographical sketches, tips for improving health and hygiene, poetry, recipes, engravings and piano music. Though Hale was not necessarily interested in the world of fashion and thus left this section to the capable hands of the magazine’s fashion editor, each issue featured a hand-colored fashion plate made from highly advanced, state of the art photographic processes of the day. An original Girl on the Up, Hale realized the ability she had and used her influence as magazine editor to promote smart, social issues she believed in, such as women’s equality, education for women, and missionary and philanthropic work. Hale designed the magazine to include both style and substance; and often featured short stories, poems, and essays by 19th century literary women such as Harriet Beecher Stowe and Eliza Leslie and leading male writers Edgar Allen Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. A feminist publication in its own right, the magazine rarely listed patterns and tips for men’s clothing.


Polyester 101: by Julie Smolinski

Despite the connotations of disco suits and its bad rap as a cheap material, polyester certainly hasn’t faded with time (let alone the 70s). Check your closet and we guarantee it’s chock full of the stuff. It is one of the most widely used fibers, accounting for 70 percent of all synthetic fiber production, and the market for polyester is expected to reach 39.3 million tons by 2015. That’s a whole lotta poly! With the material’s pervasiveness and its popularity in the clothing industry, we’re here to deliver the 411 so that your next shopping trip is a little more informed and hopefully, a little more green.

It’s durable, easy to care for, wrinkleresistant and less likely to pill than clothing made from natural fibers. And while early forms of polyester were heavy and itchy, developments in fiber technology have allowed for polyester clothing that is much more soft and lightweight.

And believe it or not, polyester has its fair share of eco-friendly perks. That it can be worn many times before washing and air dries easily means it requires considerably less resources than natural fibers. And while people don’t think of recycling polyester the way they would a plastic bottle, it’s totally possible. That’s right, polyester is recyclable and can be reprocessed to a “near-virgin or virgin-like quality.” The chemical company Teijin in Japan has developed a closed-loop system for recycling polyester. Here, the fabric What Is It: In the context of fashion and clothing, polyester is broken down to its original molecular state so it can be refers to fabric made from polyethylene terephthalate remade to have the same level of quality as before. The (PET), a type of polymer resin that is used to make American company, Patagonia, also has a notable program plastics. If PET looks familiar, you’re spot on; it’s the same that uses post-consumer plastic bottles to create polyester stuff used to make water bottles. fibers. Where It Came From: The first polyester fabric was patented in 1941 by John Rex Whinfield and James Tennant Dickson of the Calico Printer’s Association of Manchester, England. Whinfield and Dickson developed polyester using research done by Wallace Carothers in the early 1920s. For some decades, chemists had been working to create a manmade fabric that could match the quality and feel of natural silk. While Carothers put his research on polyester aside to develop nylon in the 1930s and 1940s, Whinfield and Dickson used his early findings to create Terylene, the first polyester fabric. How It’s Made: Polyester fiber is made when an alcohol and acid are combined at high temperatures in a process called polymerization. The resulting molten is formed into long ribbons, which are then dried and then cut into fragments. These fragments are melted and put in a large metal container called a spinneret. The spinneret contains small holes through which the melted fragments are forced to form strands. These strands are stretched and elongated to become the fibers that are the basis of polyester fabric.


The Good: Polyester was advertised as miracle fiber during its heyday in the 50s and 60s, and in some ways it’s pretty close to being one.

The Bad: On a practical level, polyester is not the easiest to remove stains from. And while the fabric is much more lightweight than it used to be, it is not necessarily the most breathable fabric on the market. Polyester also has a number of issues glaring from an ecological standpoint. The worst - it’s made from petroleum, a nonrenewable resource. Additionally, the extreme heating and cooling involved in manufacturing polyester make it a huge energy-sucker. And while the fabric’s durability makes it great for long-term use, it also creates a huge problems when it comes to disposal. Polyester garments are non-biodegradable, a fact which is made worse when you consider how often people discard clothing. On average, Americans throw away 68 pounds of clothes per person per year, and clothing and textiles make up 5 percent of the garbage in landfills. It doesn’t take long to realize how much of our polyester duds are being thrown away only to clog up the dump. So do we give up on polyester? Not yet; despite its environmental and practical shortcomings, polyester has the potential to be one of the most sustainable fabrics we have. But until then, it might be best to hold back from buying polyester clothes off the rack.

A little history lesson...

Stitch by stitch A brief history of the modern sewing machine by Amber Paranick


“We must make our lives as we sew, --stitch by stitch.” -Ibid 1300s: iron needles are used to facilitate the art of hand sewing. Prior to this, sewing was traditionally done with needles made of bone (later, metal). 1831: 1,000 enraged French tailor burn down a garment factory owned by the inventor of the first functional sewing machine, Barthelemy Thimonnier, over fear of unemployment. 1755: Brit Charles Frederick Wiesenthal obtains British patent no. 791, and attempts to produce a mechanical device for sewing with a new needle design.

Mid 19th century: Virginia farmer James Edward Allen Gibbs partners with Charles Willcox to introduce a chain-stitch, single-thread machine. The Willcox & Gibbs machine is still in use today. 1861- 1865: The sewing machine proves its value during the American Civil War as it’s used to outfit the Union army. 750,000: The number of machines manufactured in the United States during the Civil War.

1790: the year British cabinet maker Thomas Saint is issued British Patent no. 1764 for a machine for sewing. Later attempts to build a functional machine based off of Mr. Saint’s did not work and the jury is still out on whether or not he actually built his own design.

10,000: The number of machines turned out by Singer’s Kilblowie plant in Scotland per week in 1898.

1819: Elias Howe, the man attributed with making the first successful sewing machine, is born. His invention of a machine equipped with a lock-stitch mechanism allows for 250 stitches per minute.

1890-1925: Due to the availability of cheap machines and ready-made clothing in stores, the sewing machine fad is over and the machine virtually disappears from view in the homes of American society.

1850’s: Isaac Singer invents the up and down motion mechanism, and combines this with Allen Wilson’s rotary hook shuttle to design a machine that allows for continuous and curved stitching, making it possible to sew on any part of a garment. His machine, priced at the steep price of $100, is released onto the market.

1933: Singer’s “Featherweight” model is introduced at the Chicago’s World Fair.

1850’s: garment workers finally accept the sewing machine as means for more efficient, labor-saving assembly and clothing production grows exponentially. Sewing machines for household use are advertised in newspapers and popular magazines of the time.

4358: The number of machine name brands listed under “20th-century American sewing machines” in Grace Rogers Cooper’s 1976 book: The Sewing Machine--its Invention and Development.

1854: Howe wins various lawsuits that claim other manufacturers stole his ideas and begins to accrue shares in the profits of his own invention. $2 million: the figure reportedly earned by Howe during the years 1854- 1867. 1850’s: Louis Godey, publisher of Godey’s Lady’s Book magazine considers the machine to be indispensable, “Next to the plough, the sewing machine is humanity’s most blessed instrument” published in an 1856 issue.

Early twentieth century: Electrically powered machines are widely used.

2.5 million: The number of Singer featherweight sewing machines manufactured from 1933 to 1964 in factories in New Jersey, Scotland and Canada.

1980’s: Through advances in sewing machine technology (such as computerized machines), the appliance starts to reappear in homes across the US. 2010’s: Sewing machine manufacturing company Brother obtains the license to provide the contestants of Project Runway with machines to create runway fashion designs. Based on the success of the show, the company releases a limited-edition line for home-use by aspiring designers.


Spring fashion Get the vintage look. 22

Photography by Roy Moody Styling by Beth Barrett Hair & Makeup by Natalia L.


Weekend play.

Vintage tan crochet crop vest from Treasury paired with pastel plaid pants from Junction.

Red Engine Jeans in magenta, paired with vintage pink lace top from Meeps. Vintage clutch, hand-painted by DC artist Elizabeth Graeber, sold at Ginger Root Design.


Work it out.


Opposite page: Top left: linen navy vintage skirt from Junction, white silk vintage blouse from Meeps, color blocked clutch from Fabric Paper Glue.

Happy hour.

Top right: Floral suit jacket, hot pink silk blouse, cobalt blue skirt, gold floral vintage necklace, white and blue vintage fan earrings from Junction. Bottom right: Magenta, silk ruffle vintage dress and purple vintage blazer from Junction. Handmade polymer necklace from Xyla, sold at Ginger Root Design.

Pastel pink lace vintage dress from Meeps, vintage necklace from Junction.







Weekend Baby blue cocktail dress from Treasury.

olsenHaus Put a bow on it

Fabric Paper Glue Color Block Clutch

olsenHaus Future

Fabric Paper Glue Stripped Clutch

olsenHaus Nirvana

Elizabeth Graeber hand-painted clutch

sold at Ginger Root Design

Xyla Sold at Ginger Root Design

Ciao Nina Tassel Earrings

YB Green Recycled Glass Earrings


Spring beauty baby!

by Anika Rich

The spring fashion runways don’t only set the tone for the season’s fashion, but for beauty trends too! Here are a few to look out for when the weather breaks! Glowing Skin That fresh-off-the-beach tan is the look you should be going for this spring. Warm tones in your eye shadow, bronzer and blush can help you achieve it. Try brown, gold and nude colors, and any color with warm undertones (think fiery colors and earth tones). Make sure your skin is moisturized well for sexy, glistening skin.

Bold Liner Black eyeliner is all the rage on the runways this season. For an everyday look, we won’t need to be as dramatic. Using a dark liner on your top and bottom lids will make the whites of your eyes pop instantly.

Bright Lips Stand-out lips will be a staple this spring. Matte red lips were the choice for this season’s supermodels, but feel free to play around with pinks, fuchsias and plums. Greens and Blues Shades of green and blue are right on trend for the spring. Why not add a little pop to your look by using a blue eyeliner or green eye shadow? Experiment with these colors in ways that work for you.


Make Your Own Rose Water

Sweet-smelling rose water can be used as a gentle astringent, a setting spray for makeup, makeup remover, a facial toner (to balance dry or oily skin or soothe acne prone skin) and a million other beautiful things. Here’s how to make your own:

Here’s what you need: 2 cups spring or distilled water 1 cup rose petals (best to use freshly picked roses or from a local florist) Heat-resistant glass bowl Cheesecloth Jar or container to keep 1 tablespoon vodka (optional, for preservation) Putting it together: Take fully bloomed roses and pull off the petals. Pull enough to pack one cup in a measuring cup. To make sure the petals (and your rose water) is free of pesticides, rinse the petals thoroughly and gently in cool water. Place the rose petals in the glass bowl Boil 2 cups of water, and pour the hot water over the petals in the bowl Cover the bowl with a pot lid or ceramic plate and allow the petals to steep for 30 minutes Take the jar or container you will keep your rose water in and cover the mouth of it with cheesecloth Pour the petals and water over the cheesecloth. Discard the petals and close the container and store in the refrigerator. Rosewater should last about ten days in the refrigerator. Adding a teaspoon of vodka will extend the freshness of the rose water for three to four weeks.




Gal on the Up by Charlie Heck


Rachel Pfeffer

Rachel Pfeffer Designs & Stitchtagram Sparkly jeweler extraordinaire, one half of the booming biz Stitchtagram and just flat out lovely lady, Rachel Pfeffer was bitten by the entrepreneurial bug in 8th grade. Born into a family of jewelers, Rachel’s first endeavors were far from sparkly things. First, in 8th grade she joined Etsy and launched Lucky Duct, handbags made out of duct tape. “I made purses out of duct tape before it was cool to make purses out of duct tape,” Rachel said. It was Her father is a jeweler, her uncle is one too! But she her first endeavor into small biz and got her through didn’t get “bitten by the bug” till after college. the majority of college. She started her last “real job” at the Boston Museum of Science. “I worked in the design challenges department, teaching kids. I soon realized I didn’t like getting up early, or commuting or even science, so I started making jewelry in my living room,” said Rachel.

Now that wasn’t her only pre-college-graduate business venture. After Lucky Duct she began to feel the tinkering bug. “Bullet Buddies came next. I took bullet shells and made people out of them and hung them on necklaces and key chains,” said Rachel. Then, it was on to Feff’s Freezer, an ice cream shop during one summer in college. “I got all my friends, opened a shop for a summer, we broke even and that was that,” she said.


Born in Western Massachusetts and now a DC resident, Rachel graduated from Brandeis University with a degree in fine arts, minor in creative writing.

And since 2009, Rachel Pfeffer Designs has been her main gig. With an international fan base, her jewelry is fun and sparkly or simple and chic. From an amethyst cocktail ring that doubles as a dagger to a bicycle or DC flag necklace, she has every ladies aesthetic covered.


But that’s not all, she’s one half of the uber successful Stitchtagram. The other half is her graphic designin’ brother. “He called me one day and asked if I knew how to make pillows and I said what about tote bags? So I bought a sewing machine and spent a summer designing tote bags. Then I thought, no one is going to want tote bags,” said Rachel. They decided on throw pillows and Stitchtagram was born. For the first 6 months, she made the pillows in her apartment, alongside her famous jewelry line. “Then I wised up and had Bits of Thread (a local DC sewing shop) make them.” Now you can get your Instagram photos on purses, those infamous tote bags and soon your makeup bag. “I like working from home more than anything. No commute, on my own schedule and have complete control over every aspect. But then I hate working from home, being my own boss and having full responsibility. That’s why I love Stitchtagram, some one else to share the blame with,” said Rachel. Whether it’s her awesome jewelry or the super duo behind Stitchtagram, Rachel’s soon to become a household


World Girl by Michelle Goldchain


Catalina Lemaitre

“I think many of us don’t realize that every time we make a purchase we are making a choice about what kind of world we want to live in.”

Swirling orange peel roses, resined and dried – weaved metalwork, curved and gold-plated in bronze – glass and hand-painted seeds and nuts – hand-crafted and natural, Calamarie is universal, beautiful and one-of-a-kind. Calamarie accessories are hand-crafted by dozens of artisans across the country of Columbia. Each accessory is made from recycled materials, and a percentage of every purchase supports educational and arts programs for children as well as various causes around the world. Calamarie was founded in 2009 by Catalina Lemaitre. “Calamarie was named in honor of the indigenous people who lived in my hometown of Cartagena, Colombia prior to the Spanish conquest. The designs pay homage to the culture, arts and crafts of the indigenous communities across Colombia as well as to the inventiveness and creativity of modern day artisan’s art,” said Catalina. She founded it during a time in her life which she described as leading a dual life – that of a federal employee by day and an artist at night. Describing herself as an economist by training, Lemaitre’s background in public diplomacy and economic development for the U.S. State Department was the catalyst for Calamarie.

With Calamarie, her business combines what she is most passionate about: economic development, empowerment, art and preserving traditional art forms.

“The company operates on the premise of shepherding global artisans into emerging markets. We develop long-term relationships with these artisans/small entrepreneurs and are committed to supporting them in their growth all while promoting fair trade and making it easier for our customers to shop responsibly.” Through purchases made to Calamarie, the Columbian artisans are greatly and positively influenced, especially as the creation of the traditional craftwork is the sole income for many of the women artisans, said Catalina.

“I go to Colombia three times a year to work with the artisans to develop new designs and to oversee production. Our socially responsible agenda also extends to collaboration with foundations that promote healthy communities. A percentage of our sales benefit a range of social justice causes worldwide, among them Fundacion Ipauratu, a small foundation in the coast of Colombia that benefits indigenous mothers and their children and the Center for Mind Body Medicine in Washington, D.C.,” she said. Catalina said, “I think many of us don’t realize that every time we make a purchase we are making a choice about what kind of world we want to live in. The things we have has a tremendous impact on the planet and are connected to the real people who make them.” “When I founded Calamarie, I wanted to be very thoughtful about every decision and make it easy for the consumer to be able to know the history of their purchase, to know that it was made consciously, to feel good about investing in something that was made with our environment and the people who make the Calamarie collections in mind,” said Catalina. “Calamarie has surpassed my wildest dreams and from day one was driven not only by me — but by the many women that believed in it and nurtured it. It is these women that wear our pieces with pride and joy who make it all possible and who keep taking us to new and unexpected places,” said Catalina.





Bedroom Eyes

Globe Trotter


Laces, satins , and aerie see through fabri cs usually u sed for lingerie are trending this spring. Chann el your inner “boho-chic gy psy� in a chif fon maxi skirt, lac e top, feather earrings and a head tie.


Bring on br ight and neo n tones for the sea son! This look was inspired by a vintage pa ir of cobalt blue chino pants paired with a neon color-bloc ked bodysuit s traight out the 80s.


Mix exotic pri nts and patte rns from all over the world this upcoming sea son! Be a “fa shion explorer� wit h wide leg pan ts, floppy sun ha ts, and lots a nd lots of bold fabrics!


A tea party, darling!


Photography by Roy Moody Styling by Beth Barrett Hair & Makeup by Natalia L. Nails by Jasmine Smith





by Nina O’Neil

Perfect for summer concerts, afternoon tea and weekend wineries, this easy See & Do is done in 2 simple steps and for under $10. What you will need: -1/2 inch wide headbands (fabric covered is more comfortable and easier to work with than molded plastic but either will work) -Hot glue gun -”Silk” flowers (The total width of these flowers next to each other should be 10 inches) Step1: There are endless choices for flowers and pretty much any craft store carries them. The vast majority of your options have blooms that will pop off of the stem (saving you lots of time). I suggest picking one of these.

Pop the blooms off of your stems and begin to lay them out in the order you would like them on your headband. When you are happy with the 10 inches or so row of flowers, you are ready to move on. Step 2: Plug in your hot glue gun and get ready to create! Let’s start with the middle flower (or flowers if you end up with an even number of blooms). Apply a dab of glue to the bottom of your flower and strongly press it to your headband. It is crucial on this step to be patient and hold it there for a little while (15-30 seconds) until it dries. If you like how it looks, continue to attach the other flowers alternating sides so you can keep your crown even and adjust along the way.

Photography by Roy Moody

See & Do

Pro tip: DO NOT try on your headband until the glue is completely dry! Ta-Da! Enjoy the compliments.

ciao, Nina


Or Simply Buy








Lemon Pound Cake

The food by Chris McLaurin


Pecan Muffins

Ingredients for 12 muffins: 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup cream 1 tbsp. baking powder 1/2 cup brown sugar 1 pinch salt 8 tbsp. butter 1 egg 1 cup pecans Putting It All Together:

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Mix dry ingredients.


Chop pecans in food processor or by hand until you have pea-sized pieces. Melt butter. Once slightly cooled mix with cream and egg. Add liquid mixture to dry ingredients and gently mix. Just before mixture is fully homogenized add pecans and mix just until everything comes together (do not overmix). Spray and flour muffin molds or use sprayed muffin liners. Fill molds 2/3 of the way to the top and back for 15-20 minutes rotating halfway through cooking. When done, a spatula inserted into the center of a muffin should come out clean.

Blueberry Scones

Ingredients for 32 bite-sized scones: Mix lightly until mixture resembles coarse corn meal. 2 cups all-purpose flour 5 tbsp. butter Add cream and mix until just incorporated. 3 tbsp. sugar 1 pinch salt Flour work surface and roll dough to 1/3� 1 cup cream thickness. Cut out individual scones using 1� 1 pint blueberries scalloped cookie cutter. Place scones on parchment lined backing sheet. Putting It All Together: Make small indentation to the center of each Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Place scone. Place one blueberry into each indentation. butter in freezer. Bake for 8-10 minutes until light and fluffy. Mix dry ingredients. Once butter is frozen grate into dry ingredients.


Brown Sugar & Apricot Corn Cakes

Ingredients for 36 mini cakes: 1 cup fine ground corn meal 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 tbsp. baking powder 1/2 cup brown sugar 1 pinch salt 2 eggs 1 cup milk 8 tbsp. butter 1 12 oz. can apricots 2/3 cup heavy cream Putting It All Together: Preheat oven to 325 degrees.


Allow remaining 4 tbsp. of melted butter to cool slightly and mix with milk and eggs. Add this mixture to the dry ingredients and stir until just combined. Drain and chop apricots in food processor or by hand and fold in. Add remaining 1/4 cup brown sugar to bowl with reserved butter and stir. Divide equally amongst mini cake molds. Spoon batter into molds and bake for 8-10 minutes turning half way through baking. A skewer inserted into the middle of a cake should come out clean when cakes are finished baking.

Mix corn meal, flour, baking powder Once cool remove from cake tin and set upside down. and salt, with 1/4 cup brown sugar. The brown sugar/butter mixture should have formed a slight crust on the bottom of each cake. Melt butter. Pour half of melted To serve, whisk cream to stiff peaks and add a dollop to butter into bowl and set aside. each cake.

Pimento Cheese Bites

Ingredients for 24 bites:

Putting It All Together:

6 slices marbled rye sandwich bread olive oil 1 European cucumber 1/2 cup sharp cheddar cheese (grated) 1/2 cup Monterrey Jack cheese (grated) 1/2 cup cream cheese 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1/2 cup roasted red peppers 2 garlic cloves salt and pepper

Slice cucumber into 1/4� coins. Using a circular cookie cutter, cut four circles out of each slice of bread. The circles should be the same size as the cucumber slices. For the pimento cheese, dice the roasted peppers and mince the garlic. Mix peppers and garlic with cheeses and mayo. Season with salt and pepper. Brush bread circles with olive oil and sautÊ in pan until golden brown on both sides. To assemble, place one cucumber coin onto each piece of toast. Top with pimento cheese. To finish, brown top of cheese with handheld torch or broiler.

Shrimp Crustini with Sweet Chutney

Ingredients for 24 Crustini: one French baguette 24 large shrimp olive oil 1 medium red onion 1 cup golden raisins 1/2 cup pine nuts 2 tbsp. sugar 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar 1/2 tsp. chili flake Putting It All Together: Peel and devain shrimp.


Over high heat, saute shrimp in olive oil until cooked through and slightly browned.

Remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature. Season with salt. Toast pine nuts until lightly browned. Small dice onion and saute in olive oil. Once lightly browned add toasted pine nuts, raisins and chili flake. Add sugar. Once sugar has begun to caramelize deglaze pan with vinegar. Saute for an additional minute. Season with salt. Remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature. Slice baguette. Brush slices with olive oil and toast. To assemble, divide chutney between toasted baguette slices and top with shrimp.

1 ingredient/ 3 ways radishes

By Chris McLaurin

Radishes are a great springtime treat. They have a crunchy, peppery bite and are a staple at farmers markets across the country. These three simple preparations will definitely have you eating your share this season.

For starters, try pairing radishes with another spring classic - snap peas. Simply slice a handful of radishes paper thin and mix with halved snap peas. Toss with olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper and enjoy. Tasty, healthy, and ready in less than five minutes.


A classic combination brings radishes together with butter. A high quality butter and cold radishes form a great chip and dip combo. To add an extra dimension, try making an anchovy compound butter: Allow 1 stick of unsalted butter to come to room temperature. Chop and mash 1 tin of salt cured anchovies until a paste has formed. Mix anchovy paste with butter and a couple grinds of freshly cracked black pepper. Serve the butter at room temperature for an easier time dipping.

As an extra flare for salads or as just a snack between meals, pickled radishes are great. For one bunch of radishes make the following: Mix 1 cup water, 1 cup sugar, and 1 cup champagne vinegar with 1/2 tbsp. mustard seeds, 1/2 tbsp. fennel seeds, 1/2 tsp. chili flake and 1/2 tsp salt. Bring this mixture to a boil. Quarter radishes. Remove boiling pickling liquid from heat and pour over radishes. Allow to come to room temperature before putting in the refrigerator. These pickles will last several weeks. Or, you can flip to the Earth Day Guide and learn how to can goodies like these. They’ll last through the fall.

An Earth Day Guide...

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtfully committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. --Margaret Mead

10 ways to live a greener lifestyle by Briana Bullock

1. You can help save the planet just in the kitchen alone. For those with a sink full of dishes, who refuse to stand and wash them, the dishwasher often becomes your best friend. If that’s the case, skip the rinse when loading the dishwasher and save up to 20 gallons of water. 2. Replace all that paper and plastic with reusable materials, check out our recommendations --> 3. Think smart and change all of the bulbs in the house to energy-saving bulbs; they can be purchased for cheap at hardware stores. Energy-saving bulbs not only bring down your electric bill but they also last longer. 4. Another alternative for you and your boo can be a romantic night with no electric lights or lamps. Light a candle, cuddle up with honey or, if flying solo, pop open a good book. 5. With all the spring cleaning you’ll be doing this month, I’m sure you’ll come across plenty of clothes in your closet that you haven’t worn in years. When you get rid of those clothes, don’t throw them out. There are plenty of “save the planet” clothing bins that you can a give your clothes to. Visit to find locations. 6. In addition, do some spring shopping to replace those old clothes with eco-friendly or vintage clothing. Eco-friendly clothing is better-made, constructed under better conditions, is better on your skin than harsh fabrics, and has a longer livelihood than your regular old clothing. 7. Save time and get romantic with your mate by sharing the shower. Whether locked down or single, make sure to stick to showers for your cleaning routine. Most people think that baths save more water than a shower, when really, showers reduce water consumption as well as the energy used to heat the water. 8. We’ve all heard about brushing without running the water, but we should also turn off the faucet when shaving. Shave those legs using a cup of water instead. This can be resourceful since you can take the water anywhere. For example, you don’t have to stop watching your favorites shows to shave. Take the cup of water, a towel and plastic bin into the living room and you can do both at the same time! 9. Instead of using those non-recyclable cups at your job or favorite coffee joint, bring your own! Bringing your own mug not only reduces the use of those “fancy” paper cups, but at select coffee cafes, you can score a discount on your morning cup of joe or tea. Check your local coffee houses to see if they’ll give you a discount for your effort to save the planet.


10. Many of us feel like we have to keep up with the newest technology (myself included) when it comes to our cell phones; if you’re like me, you’ve got to have it! But what do you do with all those old cell phones that are sooo last season? Take them to a local cell phone recycling bin. Phones that are just taking up space and collecting dust in your home can be donated to many programs working on great causes, and some programs or online services will even reimburse you for your old and outdated devices.

You can keep your Swiffer, just ditch the pads & switch to these reusable ones, made from fabric scraps. Earthfriendly 4 U on Etsy.

Each utensil holder is handmade of stainless steel with a bamboo plywood base. It will last forever but if you decided you did not want it you could easily recycle it. Hammer It Out on Etsy.

Ditch that plastic sandwich bag & opt for a food safe, insulated, reusable one! Love For Earth on Etsy.

So you replaced your plastic shopping bags but what about those green produce bags? Make the switch to TrashN2Tees. They are a machine washable, sustainable alternative produce bag for grocery shopping or a trip to the local farmers market. Made from reclaimed t-shirts.


‘Tis the season to eat local!

by Megan Paranick

We know that eating fruits and vegetables are healthy for our bodies, right? Let’s take it one step further and say that by eating seasonal fruits and vegetables, we’re not only improving our health, but we are also helping the environment. Eating seasonal produce limits greenhouse crops that are expensive in energy and money, and decreases burdensome shipping costs that are left to the farmer. You will even find that these foods simply taste better.

Here’s a calendar for the local East Coast seasonal shopper, like yourself! To be even more “local,” join a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) to get the best of the produce in season and to further support your local farmers. We think that tastes pretty sweet!

Cut it out, hang it up & shop seasonal all year long!



Celebrate Earth Day by Jordan Brunson

This year for Earth Day, The District provides all who want to celebrate with a plethora of events and festivals that educate attendees in eco-friendly living, live entertainment, and delicious food.

On April 20, 2013, from 8:30am-3pm, Anacostia Watershed promotes the celebration of Earth Day through cleaning up of our local streams that have been neglected for years.

Earth Day on the National Mall promises to “Mobilize The Earth and demand a sustainable future.” This day-long event, sponsored by Earth Day Network, features music, celebrity speakers, and great food. Earth Day on the National Mall is completely free.

On April 20th, from 11am-3pm is Earth Day at the National Zoo. Free to the public, spend the day doing fun and creative eco-friendly crafts and learn more about easy, everyday tasks that contribute to a more environmentally friendly life.

Earth Month 2013 at Union Station includes hands on, eco-friendly experiences that serve to raise awareness of important environmental issues and promote sustainability.

Earth Day at Tudor Place on April 21, celebrates this national holiday at this remarkable house and garden in Georgetown with child-friendly activities. Games, a scavenger hunt, painting flower pots and planting them with seeds from the memorable garden. Environmentally friendly refreshments will be provided. Admission: Member Child- $5, Non-Member Child- $8, Accompanying Adult. -$5.

Potomac Watershed Cleanup is on April 6, from 9am-12pm. Families from all over can join together to remove trash and debris from over 276 sites along the Potomac River in DC, Maryland, and Virginia.

Meanwhile in other cities across America, earth conscious citizens are celebrating Earth Day the best way they know how.


New York City is starting off the festivities on April 19th with the Green Festival. This local favorite takes place at Javits Center North and celebrates Earth Day this year with eco-fashion exhibitions, organic and vegan food courts, and a Green Marketplace that integrates products and services from local and national green businesses and non-profit organizations. Earth Day New York, located inside Grand Central Terminal, provides an interesting mixture of exhibits, innovations, speakers, art, and music that unites the city for environmental change.

Chicago is also offering Friends of the Parks, a city wide parks and preservation clean-up. Volunteers from all over gather to pick of trash ad debris from the surrounding parks.

Earth Day San Francisco is an annual festival that serves to generate more attention towards the efforts to better our world. This year’s festival invites speakers, organizations, non-profit community leaders, musicians and empowered youth to educate and excite the community into pursuing effective environmentally friendly lifestyles.

In the southern quarters of the country, Atlanta is celebrating Georgia’s 17th Annual Earth Day Party on April 25, 2013. Attendees are sure to enjoy music, dancing, and great food.

Set in the heart of Chicago, the yearly 5k for Earth Day is a family-friendly, nice paced run around earth’s natural environment.

WorldFest, Los Angeles favorite green music festival will be held at Woodley Park in Lake Balboa, CA. Attendees will be granted a beautiful day full of music, educational speakers, environmental forums, animal welfare organizations, and an eco-friendly food court.

New Orleans Earth Day Festival & Green Business Expo on April 21st invites all who wish to better the earth to participate in green scavenger hunts, art and fashion showcases, local food provided by fan favorites and live music from some of New Orleans most popular bands.

Can it out!

How to Host Your Own Canning and Pickling Party Photos & copy by Emily Hilliard Canning and pickling your own food has recently enjoyed a comeback among young people— and for good reason. Home food preservation has multiple ecological and financial benefits— it allows for you to eat locally throughout the year, reduces waste and cost of packaging and shipping of pre-packaged foods, and brings awareness to food seasonality in your region. It also is a way of connecting with food traditions of the past and is the perfect activity to enjoy with friends. And oh yeah, homemade pickles and jams are delicious! Spring is a particularly exciting time to be canning and pickling, as so many new crops are popping up at farms and gardens in and around the city. Though you’ll want to consult an expert for proper food preservation techniques like The Ball Blue Book of Preserving, The National Center for Home Food Preservation or the FDA, here’s everything else you need to host your own pickle and canning party this season.

Invite a few friends. Going in with pals

allows you to buy produce in bulk and pool your recipe and equipment resources. A canning party of 3-4 people is a good number, depending on the size of your kitchen. You won’t be too crowded and you can divide tasks and reduce your labor. You can also have company and make jokes while you’re chopping veggies and sterilizing jars.

Decide on what to make. Consult

websites and books for recipes. The blogs Food in Jars and Punk Domestics are wonderful resources. For pickling books, I recommend Sandor Katz’s Wild Fermentation or The Art of Fermentation, and for jams, chutneys, and other delights, check out The River Cottage Preserves Handbook by Pam Corbin. Once you have a few options in mind, meet up with your friends at the farmers’ market or look what’s in your CSA share and see what produce looks particularly enticing.


Gather your supplies.

Get to work! Divide up tasks for the

Depending on your recipe you’ll probably want to seal your jars using a water bath (though not for lacto-fermented pickles). You can do this with a canning pot with a jar rack, or just a large stockpot. You also will probably want a funnel for getting your food into the jars, jar tongs for moving hot jars, and a magnet for securing the lids. All of these supplies are readily available as a canning kit. Don’t forget the jars themselves! You can reuse Ball jars and rings, though you’ll want to replace the lids because the seal can wear out.

recipe(s) and jar cleaning and sterilization. Don’t forget to keep yourselves fueled with snacks, beverages (alcoholic or non), and some good jams (the other kind) on the stereo.

Can it! Again, you’ll want to consult an expert like the FDA, The Ball Blue Book of Preserving, or the National Center for Home Food Preservation for proper food preservation safety and jar-sealing techniques. As a general rule, you’ll want everything to be very clean, and your jars sterilized before you place the food inside. Share your bounty and celebrate!

Once everything is finished and your jars are sealed, divide up your canning bounty with your friends. Some things, like pickles, may need a month or so to sit, so invite your friends back then for another “tasting” party once everything is ready.



Rhubarb, Vanilla & Balsamic Jam

From Punk Domestics A savory-sweet jam that makes use of the harbinger of spring—rhubarb! Yields 3 pints Ingredients 2 lbs. rhubarb, trimmed and cut into 1 inch pieces 2 cups water 3 cups sugar 1 vanilla bean, split in half & seeds removed 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar Putting it all together: In a large non-reactive pot combine rhubarb, sugar, vanilla bean seeds and water over medium heat. Bring to a boil and then carefully cook, stirring often, until the jam thickens, about 45-57 minutes. On a small very cold plate (chill in the freezer for a few minutes) add a teaspoon of the jam. Let it sit for a couple of minutes until the jam is chilled through.


Run your finger through the bit of jam to see if it holds the shape of your streak and crinkles a little on top. If this doesn’t happen, keep simmering and stirring the jam until the consistency is thick enough. Once the jam passes the cold plate test, stir in the 1/2 cup of balsamic vinegar. Mix thoroughly and bring the jam back up to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes then remove from heat. Carefully fill your hot jars leaving ½-inch headspace. Be sure to remove any bubbles using a thin spatula, chopstick, or skewer and re-adjust the headspace. Clean the rim of the jar thoroughly and apply the hot lid, then the ring. Tighten it just until it is “finger tip tight”, not too tight, but not too loose. Process the jars (half pint or pint) in a hot water bath for 10 minutes (timed after the water returns to a full boil). Make sure to consult an expert for detailed instructions. Remove jars from the water bath and place them on a clothcovered counter. Let them cool completely for 12-24 hours before testing the seals. Remove the outer ring and pick up the jar carefully by the lid to make sure it has sealed. If one of your jars didn’t seal, just keep it in the fridge for “fridge jam.”

One-Step Upcycles

Tutorials, Styling & Photography by Mandy Pellegrin

Around these parts, we’re always fans of creative and stylish reuses for thrifted finds, so in honor of Earth Month, we’re putting a whole haul of easy-to-find thrifted wares to work in beautiful new ways. And because you should be spending the next several months enjoying the emerging spring weather, each of these projects are completed in a single step.


One-Step Mini Cloches To create a sleek set of mini cloches, use multi-purpose epoxy adhesive to affix wooden beads to the center bottom of thrifted drinking glasses. Use your cloches to create tiny terrariums or to display miniature mementos.


One-Step Picnic Throw

Creating a picnic throw is as easy as hand stitching a folded ribbon to the edge of a thrifted sheet. Fold, roll, and tie a pretty bow for a picnic throw ready to welcome spring.

One-Step Recipe Board The perfect way to hide stains on a thrifted wooden cutting board? Install a screw hook, and use it as a recipe board for your home bar. BONUS: Stay tuned to the blog in the coming weeks for the free cocktail recipe card printables!


One-Step Plate Clock Use a ceramic drill bit and some water to drill a hole through the center of a pretty little thrifted plate. Combine with a clock kit, and you’ve got a new piece of decor as utilitarian as it is adorable



Where’d you get that?

Score the clothing & shop the accessories from our Spring Fashion issue:

Cover: Vintage lace dress from Meeps, headband from Ciao Sposa and flower ring from Calamarie. Page 23, 25: Amina is wearing a vintage tan crochet crop vest from Treasury paired with pastel plaid pants from Junction. Page 24-25: Amina is wearing Red Engine Jeans in Magenta, paired with a pink lace vintage top from Meeps and a vintage clutch, hand-painted by DC artist Elizabeth Graeber, sold at Ginger Root Design. Page 26: Liz is wearing a magenta, silk ruffle vintage dress and purple vintage blazer from Junction and handmade polymer necklace from Xyla, sold at Ginger Root Design. Page 28: Liz is wearing a linen navy vintage skirt from Junction, white silk vintage blouse from Meeps, color blocked clutch from Fabric Paper Glue. Top right: Floral suit jacket, hot pink silk blouse, cobalt blue skirt, gold floral vintage necklace and white and blue vintage fan earrings from Junction. Page 29: Nafessa is wearing a pastel pink lace vintage dress from Meeps, vintage necklace from Junction. Page 32: Nafessa is wearing a baby blue cocktail dress from Treasury. A tea party, darling! Page 51-59 Powder blue table, pair of pink end tables, tea cups, blue linens, flower bowels, blue mason jars and wood bench from Miss Pixies home furnishings. Plates, tea pot, yellow vintage wine glasses, candle holders and stools from Goodwill of Greater Washington. Soy candles from Handmade Habitat. White headband from Ciao Sposa, green fascinator from Ciao Nina.

Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only.

Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.

-Coco Chanel

Independently published in Washington, DC. All rights reserved.

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