Nådiga Lundtan #120

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Peter Sunde Co-creator of The Pirate Bay


Champions League, museums, and lots more!

#120 #120

Tandem 2015

“Most studentesque event Lund has to offer”



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Philip Wrangberg

Axel Schennings

Julia Borrebaeck Art Director

Head of Advertising

Head of Advertising

Hannes Jägerstedt

Robert Waszkiewicz

Nerea Vallejo

Josefine von Uthmann

Laila Bjöörn

Linnéa Elfving

Ludwig Appelblad

Anton Karlsson

Sebastian Hoefinger

Kate Hertler








Miro Beric


Argjent Veliu





Other Contributors: Julius Schmidt

Reach the editorial staff at lundtan@lundaekonomerna.se and annons.lundtan@lundakeonomerna.se Nådiga Lundtan is a magazine by and for students at Lund University School of Economics and Management. All work is done voluntarily since we are a part of a non-profit organization. We strive for relevance and high quality in everything we do, and we aim to be Sweden’s top union magazine for economic and management students. The statements in the magazine are only to be considered as views of LundaEkonomerna if specified.

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Previous editors Indiana J, Pula, Sarah B, Love, leylis, Kahn, jpk, elinmelin, Klarin, Joey, Caol, JoFo, Mandy, a.non, amhed, lima, MaJo, MaSa, KoOl, EAger, LiAn, MarEng, PetA, AnGus, SoL, JoS, FvH, KARLA,

Editor-in-Chief & Publisher Editor Advertising Address

Nådiga Lundtan, LundaEkonomerna Skånelängan, Tunavägen 37 223 63 Lund Tel: 046-222 00 90



Philip Wrangberg, 073 593 69 45 Axel Schennings, 070 750 79 35 Argjent Veliu

Printed by

Exaktaprinting AB, Lund


A. Doumenjou


Please contact us if you find any errors.

Available online issuu.com/lundtan


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Editorial 5 7

Content Why Employers Should Hire Students with International Experience

8 Is Time Running Out for Airbus and Boeing? An Inconvenient Icon 12 Oikos Lund 16 18 5 Movies that take you Worldwide 21 The Inspector’s Page

22 Alumni: Max Alterot LundaEkonom Out and About 24 International Week Belgium 28 The Master Committee 30

Tandem 32

35 President and Vice President

Nådiga Lundtan #120 March 2015 Utgivning The magazine is released six times a year with about 3300 issues and is distributed, free of charge, to all members of LundaEkonomerna. About 150 copies are sent to various companies and other student unions.

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Editorial orldwide is not only the beginning of the abbreviation coined by Tim Bernes-Lee (the founder of the Worldwideweb), but also the theme for this issue of N책diga Lundtan.

My main goal for the magazine during my tenure as Editor-in-Chief is to increase its accessibility to not only students and staff who attend LUSEM, but also to past students, students on exchange, and really anyone who is interested in reading about LundaEkonomerna and the topics we cover. To do this, there are a couple of barriers the magazine as a whole has to overcome. The first is the language barrier. Most student union magazines which are published in Sweden are, unsurprisingly, completely in Swedish. This seems odd since in this day and age, not only do most Swedish students speak and understand English to a near perfect degree, but also since our universities host thousands of international students every year. LUSEM alone welcomes around 600 international students each semester. My goal is therefore to work towards a magazine completely in English, catering to our wonderfully diverse students. The second is the geographic barrier. This has actually already been overcome as each issue of the magazine is published online at issuu. com/lundtan. This allows you, whether you are an alumni, a student abroad, or anyone else, to read the magazine even if it is not sent to your home address. This information has escaped many which is why I invite you all to visit (and maybe even bookmark) issuu.com/lundtan if you would like to read past issues or keep up with new ones! Regarding this issue of N책diga Lundtan we have the pleasure to present a report from the Studentafton featuring Peter Sunde, the co-founder of the notorious torrent site The Pirate Bay, on page 12. We also dive into the increasingly competitive aircraft manufacturing industry on page 7. If you are a Masters student you may want to turn to page 30 where we interview, Max Bengtsson, the president of the Master Committee. Finally, get to know all about the massive event that is Tandem, which will be held this spring, on page 32. I wish you a pleasant read, wherever you are in the world!

Philip Wrangberg, Editor-in-Chief

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Why Employers Should Hire Students with International Experience


s spring approaches, I find myself pouring through job postings, editing my CV, and tapping into my network for career opportunities in my home country of the United States. In doing so, I have begun to think about the value of my experiences from travelling and living abroad during my studies, and how I can turn these experiences into beneficial selling points for my future employers (I call it: Reasons why you should hire me). The numerous benefits of international experiences are not only extremely positive for students who experience them, but also for future employers and colleagues. International experiences in this case can mean any experience where a student is challenged to immerse themselves into a new culture and environment, either through living, working, or travelling abroad. Here are five benefits students gain from international exposure and how these skills can benefit the employers who hire them.

Problem-Solving Skills When living or travelling abroad, problems undoubtedly arise frequently. The ability to handle these problems with grace and effectiveness is an essential skill which students may learn in these new environments and can certainly be of great importance to their future employers as well. Solving problems abroad involves analysing a situation, weighing options, and developing a strategy. When a manager faces a difficult business problem, such as an unhappy client or an underperforming strategy, they need an employee who can step in and think quickly to handle these problems - exactly what a student can learn abroad.

The Ability to Thrive in Uncertainty Any traveller knows that plans can change in an instant - trains are missed, hostels are overbooked, and one can find themselves in a stressful and confusing situation. Constant exposure to these types of experiences can make one more comfortable in the unknown and help them remain calm in a new environment. Repeatedly stepping outside of one’s comfort zone can make them better at doing so, and can often transcend into their professional lives as well. As many management fields encounter frequent if not daily changes in an original plan, employers should embrace this quality in their employees, as they may be better equipped to embrace change than those without this transformative experience.

Communication Skills Communication skills in a work environment can mean a wealth of different things, from the ability to effectively convey information to fellow employees to a knowledge and use of soft skills. Travelling and living abroad gives students all of these and more. The ability to share a message with someone from a different background, an awareness of nonverbal cues, and even the mastery of social media to learn information about a place or share updates with loved ones. Perhaps the most important of communication skills derived from international experience is the development of the ability to communicate clearly and concisely. For example, if time or vocabulary is limited, a traveller must be able to share a message in the most effective way, and international experiences can give them this ability. Employers can benefit greatly from this knowledge of and experience with communication methods.

Storytelling and Charisma Making a good impression - to peers, bosses, clients, and more - is always important, but especially early in one’s career. One way to do this is through relating to people through stories and experiences. International experiences give people the tools to tell stories and strengthen their charisma, both of which can be instrumental in situations such as client pitches and business retreats. When an employer hires a student with global experience, they will hire someone who knows how to tell stories, relive experiences, and relate to others with different backgrounds.

A Thirst for Adventure When students elect to spend time abroad, either through studying in a new city, participating in a global volunteer program, or through other experiences, it demonstrates their willingness and desire for adventure and new challenges. Employers should want peers who are thirsty for new challenges and eager to try something new, regardless if they could fail. Many ideas can stem from an employee challenging the status quo, trying something new, or simply taking a risk. These qualities are merely several of the benefits that can result from spending time outside of one’s home country. Employers can find these qualities and more in students with this international background. Conversely, students can use these experiences as a selling point, a way to prove their competence, abilities, and to say something about themselves beyond a CV or LinkedIn profile.

Text: Kate Hertler

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Is Time Running Out for Airbus and Boeing?


When Boeing merged with McDonnell Douglas in 1997 the aviation industry was left with only two major competitors in aircraft manufacturing. However, the cat-and-mouse game that has long characterized the airline industry may now be shifting its shape.

uring the 90’s there were really only two contenders in the aircraft manufacturing industry. The American company Boeing, and the European counterpart Airbus. During those years the fight to build the largest passenger aircraft was well underway. Boeing had for a long time lead that competition with its 747 jumbo jet, which they introduced back in 1970. However, after Airbus introduced the A380 (pictured above) in 2007 not many would argue who won that fight. The full double decker giant by Airbus outnumbered the 747 (with the classic two story hump at the front) in both range and size. This concluded the prestigious battle for producing the world’s largest passenger plane. As a result Boeing scrapped the idea of a full double-decker and developed a third generation of the 747 instead.

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Even though Airbus was widely celebrated for their feat in aircraft manufacturing, there are only a small number of airlines with the client base to profitably fly the A380. The size of the plane limits it to airlines with one giant hub where all flights originate from and terminate at such as Air France (Paris), Emirates (Dubai) and Singapore Airlines. The super jumbo also suits airlines with a large clientele of high-earners, many of whom are willing to pay extra for luxurious first- and business class seats. A few years later, in 2009, Boeing launched the 787-Dreamliner. It was never meant to be a direct competitor to the A380, but the fuel-efficient (more so than its predecessor) wide-body jet with room for 240-420 passengers, depending on

Photo: S. Ognier

The End of An Era? configuration and model, definitely allows a wider range of airlines to use it. Companies like Delta and American Airlines, who operate through several hubs on both major international and domestic routes do, by the look of their fleets and current orders, find planes in these sizes more compelling. Boeing has received over 1000 orders up until today despite experiencing several technical difficulties with both the fuel tank and batteries. The battle of the wide-body jets will continue. In December 2014 Qatar Airways received the world’s first delivery of the Airbus A350, which is thought to be a direct competitor to the 787. Airbus has received 780 A350-orders, which might indicate an increased demand for point-to-point flights. This trend may suit passengers who prefer more expensive direct flights over cheaper detours.

There are signs that the Boeing-Airbus-dominance might soon come to an end. The Brazilian conglomerate Embraer has had a similar battle with the Canadian Bombardier Aerospace in the regional aircraft market. Both of them are still doing well, meeting the demands for smaller planes rather than the larger commercial models that Boeing and Airbus are focused on. However, both manufacturers will soon enter the market of medium range jets with their own equivalents to the Boeing 737 and Airbus A320-family. Later this year the Bombardier CS-series will enter service. The largest one, the CS300, will be able to hold up to 160 passengers. Embraer has scheduled to introduce the new E-jet E2 family in 2018 and has already received 270 orders. Out of three different types of aircraft, the largest will have a capacity of 144 passengers.

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Photo: Fred Lancelot Photo: Pascal Pigeyre In Russia and China, even more contenders are on the rise. In 2011, the first Sukhoi Superjet was delivered by the Russian government-owned UAC (United Aircraft Corporation). Although many of the components were made by American and European suppliers, the lower purchase cost as well as claimed lower operating costs might push the Russian aircraft industry into a new era. Aeroflot, the Russian flagship carrier, has during the last ten years had a fleet mainly consisting of Boeing and Airbus planes. Today it includes 16 Sukhoi Superjets, with at least ten more to come. While Sukhoi is supposed to compete in the 50-100 passenger market, the upcoming UAC-project called Irkut MC-21, is as the Chinese manufacturer Comac, going down the same road as Embraer and Bombardier. In 2017, both of them will deliver their first mid-range jets. Comac is just like UAC state owned and has had a close cooperation with Bombardier; definitely an indicator of their desire to break up the duopoly of Airbus and Boeing in the midrange market. Aeroflot has made a massive

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order of 50 MC-21 aircrafts, which might display that some of their A320’s are on their way out. Still, both UAC and Comac have a long way to go before they can compete with the international giants. The frosty relation between Russia and the Western world nowadays is certainly not going to make it easier to outrival any of the two. Though, with a good safety record and a cost effective production model, Airbus and Boeing will probably not be as dominant as today. Low-cost carrier Ryanair has actually been working closely with Comac on their upcoming 200-seater. Even though the Irish airline does not have the best reputation, an order from them might be the first vital step for the eastern manufacturers to receive real attention from the European and American airlines. For now it still looks as though Boeing and Airbus will remain on top, but they will have to tread lightly. In the future neither of them will afford the troubles Boeing experienced with the Dreamliner. The Boeing-Airbus era might end sooner than we think.

Text: Ludwig Appelblad

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An Inconvenient Icon The auditorium of AF-borgen is vibrant with anticipation. Soon Peter Sunde, co-creator of The Pirate Bay, will enter the stage accompanied by a fierce round of applause. To some a martyr since he disobeyed ethics and was punished by law, to others an annoying rebel who could inspire to great misdoings. It all started with kids being kids. In an attempt to impress their friends, young people of the late 80’s and early 90’s virtually met on what is known as the Demo scene. Here, they shared different kinds of art made through programming software trying to outdo one another by writing the best code. It could be videos, effects, music, hacked games, and so on. Though controversial now, when the movement started, users had less than some thought about the possible moral hazard of sharing files they, or other people, had made. It was just fun. ”I was probably one of the first who grew up with the Internet. I think it was because of all the possibilities that it offered. The possibilities are more interesting than what you actually do, nobody actually does anything important with the internet, we just look at cute cats.”

Peter says his way into piracy went through the Demo scene. There, he met others who also cracked and shared games with each other. ”People who reviewed games for magazines also removed the copy protection and shared them. They understood that the most important aspect of the internet was the possibility to share information. There was no discussion about right or wrong, you just did it. It was not until people started questioning the moral of it that the piracy movement was born. For instance, the Swedish anti-piracy bureau is older than the piracy bureau. When the anti-piracy bureau was made, people found it amusing to copy the name and remix it, making the piracy bureau; it is a reaction more than an action.” The political aspect of piracy has been a quite recent addition to Peter’s agenda. As mentioned, it was all fun and games at first, a hobby like any other. But one day, Peter came across an anti-piracy campaign in which Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jackie Chan rode motorcycles on a car wreck infested highway proclaiming: when you buy pirated movies and music, you support criminals. Now these criminals are counterfeiting other things like electronics and medicines.

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been paid for by the taxpayers and should therefore be free to access by any citizen. Of course, there will be a transaction cost to access the information, but the actual product, the research, should be free. What if a person was to download the database with all the publicly funded research, and share it free of charge. Would that be illegal? The ridiculousness of that quote speaks for itself, but for Peter the tonality of the anti-piracy community questioned his entire way of living. ”During my childhood I copied things. I learned English through copying, everything I now work with, I have learned through copying. I would not have had these opportunities otherwise. I felt it strange being told by some of the richest people in the world that what I was doing was wrong when it felt so right to me. I had an epiphany, what they were saying was wrong.” Peter does not distinguish between hacktivists and activists, the internet is such an integrated part of modern society that separating the two is like separating protest activists and signature-gathering activists, it is all just a means to an end. But people usually define hacktivists as the ones proclaiming information wants to be free. The internet is a giant library, where all people should have access to all information; for free. It is a nice thought, but naturally, all do not agree.

Peter Sunde does not believe in copyright. After all, research and art alike is built upon other people’s research and art, which in turn is built on other people and so on. But if the only people who can access the public’s culture are the ones who can afford to, will the culture not become very elitist and closed up? Whoever has the misfortune of not being able to afford to take part in culture, may in turn not make their own, depriving the society of their potential contribution to the public culture. And so, Peter believes the culture should be free of charge to the entire world. The creators should be compensated, but by the public, equally. ”You consume information in order to make information (this being culture where the goal is to influence society, not culture as in pure entertainment). This, however, does not mean one should not be able to make a living, but what you make should be accessible to everyone. So that means it has to be funded collectively. But that means there cannot be some “protection” where some people

”When people hear me speak, they hear what they want to hear and what they want The Pirate Bay to symbolize to them.” The question at hand, and the question Peter has largely dedicated his life to, is the issue of copyright. Though clear to some, there are grey areas. For instance, if a scientist is paid by the state to conduct research resulting in a new finding, and that finding is published online on a database, is it public property or the property of whoever owns the database? The actual science has already

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are not allowed access due to lack of funds. I do not oppose people making a living off of cultural expression, but I oppose the cash grab mentality as it is inapplicable with the free cultural access.” These arguments carry a strong scent of socialism. This is because Peter is an outspoken socialist, a word defined by the Swedish National Encyclopedia as an ideology

where the person has faith in the group, collective, and possibly the state’s ability to solve political and economic issues. This makes sense considering the former quote, the collective supplies the individual with what the individual needs and in turn, the individual supplies the collective with whatever he or she can contribute with; again a nice thought. The socialist ideology is thusly based on faith in human kind; we do what we do in order to contribute to the common good rather than for personal gain. So naturally, I would have to assume that Peter has faith in people, the collective, human kind. But that is not consistent with what he seemed to express during the evening. An audience member asks him: do you believe in our world? ”No. I think we use the world too ego centrically. We might have to share a bit more, not only information but resources. I believe we should take more responsibility. Our world is becoming more individualistic with less collective responsibility, we just want, and we do not give. The world we live in now, with racists in European governments, I do not have much faith in.” I believe this to be the biggest problem for the piracy community and the socialist thought alike; it is a giant paradox. On the one hand, makers of culture like music and film should be compensated for their work, but I do not want to pay. We should have a system where makers of culture are compensated by the government and their creations are made available to the public for free. That would however be a huge hassle to get through and it is probably not going to happen. I believe, deep down, people are good and can act genuinely altruistic, but people

are assholes, who always have a personal incentive to do good. Communism is a nice thought, communism does not work. Instead, piracy is just one of those things that exists, and will continue to do so, no matter the moral or legal no-no’s. Just like alcohol is illegal for minors, piracy is illegal. And parents will try to stop their teens from drinking, some rigorously, others more loosely, but many teens will have a drink either way. Most teens accept, or even condone, the drinking age but break it anyway, not because they are querulants, but because they are human; walking paradoxes. And most people agree that there should be laws protecting cultural creators, but many people still commit piracy. This is why Peter Sunde is such a complicated front runner for

”Angry young men in privileged homes that possess technical power that they try to find a cause for. They are pretty much bullies who feel bullied and are out for revenge. Sometimes for better sometimes for worse.” Even fans of The Pirate Bay, his very own following, are not actually supporters. At least not according to Peter; he himself was actually positive towards the closing of the site in late 2014. He believed the site had become corrupted and drifted away from its original purpose. ”When people hear me speak, they hear what they want to hear and what they want The Pirate Bay to symbolize to them.” When people leave the auditorium, it is with an anti-climactic feeling. We had hoped to see our

of it. But instead, Peter is against Spotify and the centralization of cultural distribution that it stands for, he says we are worse off now than before. An audience member asks him “so, what should we do, what is the next step in the piracy movement?” ”Well, cannot you answer that? People have been asking me for so long, now it is time for another person to answer it.” While The Pirate Bay has been a huge contributor to online freedom and has sparked people’s questioning of ownership, justice, and power, the political Pirate Bay has run its course. Though I feel we Swedes should be proud of The Pirate Bay for moving society into a new era of sharing, the paradoxical morals and solutions it now represents through Peter is just the

”I had an epiphany, what they were saying was wrong.” the piracy movement. He does not have an air-tight political manifesto with always-true assumptions and empirical facts which, seen through a political theory, leads to some conclusions upon which we can base concrete change. He is a medially untrained, politically unbound product of a personal political conviction and impulses, just like the rest of us non-politicians. Calling him a spokesperson for hacktivism is ultimately quite pointless, not only because partaking in a person’s personal political conviction is somewhat difficult, but also because hacktivists are as heterogeneous as activists are.

icon and his thought out plan for how to morally and legally deal with the piracy issue. Instead, there was just this guy who liked making and sharing files in the 90’s and who helped set up a site to do it better in the 00’s, and was convicted and sentenced to jail in the 10’s. I went to the seminar longing for an idea on how the piracy movement is to move forward. How innovations like Spotify and other streaming solutions have helped and how proud he was to be a part

political conviction of one man. The Pirate Bay brought the cat out of the bag, but the next innovation in cultural distribution and online freedom cannot be downloaded with a magnet link from The Pirate Bay.

Text: Julius Schmidt Photo: Filippa Keerberg

Peter says he often received long letters from people with farfetched conspiracy theories and plenty of copies of the Orwell classic 1984 during his time in prison. He also says supporters of Julian Assange and Wikileaks often give him a hard time as he does not believe Assange’s version of the controversy surrounding his famed stay in Sweden. The hacktivist collective Anonymous are seen by Peter as:

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Photo: Oikos

Oikos Lund – a new chapter on sustainability management

At the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Switzerland earlier this year, it was established that the main threats to businesses is not war or other political turmoil, but in fact climate change accompanied by the scarcity of resources. How should companies then tackle these major issues? I spoke with two board members of oikos, an international student organization that works to raise awareness of and provide tools for sustainability management.


ikos international was founded in 1987 by Swiss students and now has over 40 local ‘chapters’ in the world. Theresa Zöckler, Master’s in Mangement student at LUSEM, is founder and president of the Lund chapter. She was inspired by her home university, Leuphana in Lüneborg, which is one of the leading institutes in sustainability research and where sustainability is a core principle of the university values.

Steven Koener, communication manager of oikos Lund, says the application process for starting the new chapter was pretty intense.

What is your organization all about?

”Of course anyone can start a chapter, but you have to show you have certain standards in order to be accepted by the international organization. Our biggest support in this process was the chapter in Copenhagen, which has been active for a while now and we are still in constant contact with them.”

”The aim of oikos Lund is to empower future managers to tackle the pressing sustainability challenges by raising awareness on an academic level.”

All chapters and their members have the possibility to interact on an international level by participating in lab sessions in the autumn or spring

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sustainability organizations within other faculties, there is a gap to be filled here at the business school. Compared to the existing organizations, we wish to be less ideological and worldlier by being critical and practical.” Steven points out that oikos collaborates both with the university as well as private organizations.

meetings. This gives everyone the opportunity to exchange ideas with other members or supporters and take these learnings to their home chapters. At the same time, Lund is also in a regional collaboration with eight European chapters that call on a monthly basis to report on impact made. What is the purpose of this collaboration? ”These global and regional meetings, consisting of workshops and projects, encourage an exchange of ideas. Our regional chapters are more academic and try to push sustainability into the university curricula, while for example African and Indian chapters are more concerned with activating people to join in local solutions to sustainable problems, like plastic bottle collection or biking to school.”

”We could not be here without the university. We are 100% academic. However, our aim is to establish an external network with the local private sector to raise awareness by inviting for example CSR professionals to give seminars and workshops. We already have the international support from our umbrella organization, so for the near future we want to get some real work done. Think globally, act locally; that is how we will make a difference.” According to Steven, the seriousness of oikos’ ambitions does not bring down the overall atmosphere among the board and its members. ”We always have fun at our meetings and everyone is nice and friendly. As we said, anyone can join our organization if you are passionate about making an impact through raising sustainability awareness. And we are not exclusively international! In fact the first chapter set up outside of Switzerland was in Stockholm in 1998, but it faded once the members graduated. This is why we are always looking for new enthusiastic members to be able to make oikos’ impact in Sweden lasting.”

” Think globally, act locally; that is how we will make a difference

Steven adds, ”At the end of the day, all the chapters help each other out and that is why the global communications between all oikos members is so important. Being involved in a local chapter also provides the opportunity to engage in a learning circle, which focus on specific topics such as leadership, finance, or energy. These circles can develop ideas for new projects that can be launched locally.” What does your network look like and who are you targeting here in Lund?

The international network comprising of more than a thousand people thus provides a framework for what the new oikos chapter will do here at LUSEM. What is clear is that oikos will help us students recognize and tackle the sustainability challenges we will face as leaders of tomorrow.

Text: Linnéa Elfving

”For now here in Lund we are focusing on students at LUSEM and organizing awareness events for them. Our ultimate goal is to implement sustainability on a more general and deeper level into the curricula of various programs. This is why we are working on setting up an advisory board which should consist of professors, alumni, and other university representatives. Even though there are

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5 Movies

that take you Worldwide The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Directed by and starring Ben Stiller, the remake of Walter Mitty takes you on a beautiful journey leaving the tame city life to the exquisite landscapes of Iceland. Also starring Kristen Wiig and Sean Penn.

Into the Wild The true story of Alexander Supertramp takes you on a mental and physical expedition across North America ultimately setting up camp in Alaska. Directed by Sean Penn and starring Emile Hirsch in one of the best performances of his career.

The Darjeeling Limited Wes Anderson reunites with Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody, and Jason Schwartzman in his adventure/comedy/drama from 2007. The three brothers set out to try and find their mother who has retired somewhere in India.

Hundraåringen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann Directed by Felix Herngren and starring Robert Gustafsson as the hundred year-old is probably the most global movie on this list. We follow Allan Karlsson’s life following his escape from an old folk’s home to flashbacks of many major historical events.

Kon-Tiki The second true story on this list follows the explorer, Thor Heyerdal’s epic voyage across the Pacific on a wooden raft in 1947. Nominated for an Academy Award in the foreign-film category, this Norwegian film is definitely a beauty. Directed by Joachim Rönning and Espen Sandberg.

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Text: Philip Wrangberg

Fotograf: Håkan Målbäck

Vardagstristess? Inte idag heller.

Alvaro Rodriguez Auktoriserad redovisningskonsult

Jobba med entreprenörer och utmanas varje dag. Påverkar ett företags kundfokus arbetet? Definitivt. Hos oss arbetar du med dynamiska entreprenörsföretag. Det innebär stort eget ansvar och ständigt nya frågeställningar. Du behöver gilla variation och snabba förändringar, för det kommer du att få. Välkommen till en utvecklande och utmanande vardag.

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Once in Bangalore

nce in Bangalore, I had left my colleagues at the hotel to go out on the town just to be able to say I had been out. I ended up somewhere off-off MG Road and went in to this shady, dark, and totally quiet place where there was only one other guest and an old school bow-tied bartender. I ordered a beer and the other guy caught my Swedish accent, and asked where in Sweden I came from. Turns out the guy was a professor too, and had had a Swedish supervisor at UCLA. And. He had been to Lund a couple of weeks earlier to visit our Economics Department. “Can you bring some papers to Klas?” he asked as he opened up his briefcase. Small world.

The lightness by which we move around and constantly see proof of a world that is more accessible than ever, sometimes makes me think of

Photo: Jennifer Annvik

I had another similar experience a couple of years ago. We were at Hangzhou train station waiting for the train to Shanghai. I was trying, in vain, to approach a guard to ask about something. This Japanese woman standing next to us knew a bit of Chinese and tried to help out. So it just happened that we started to chat about nothing. When the train came we said good-bye and boarded. I flew to Tokyo some days later. Got to Tokyo Station, which is quite busy by Swedish standards, and I was totally lost in translation. Went to the information desk to ask for directions and while there, someone was tapping my shoulder. And lo and behold! There she was, that woman from Hangzhou station. “Hello again, do you need help?” I sure did and was grateful that the microscopic, miniscule, Lilliputian probabilities were on my side. Small world.

my great great grandfather. To him, the world was wide all right. Three of his kids left Småland, Sweden, in 1912 and settled in Los Angeles. They sent letters but they did not come home and no one came to visit them – until the late 30’s when their old man got over, thanks to a month-long journey, including getting out of the woods and up on the main road, via Gothenburg, Southampton, New York City (halfway there!) and then across the US. I do not think he ran into anyone he had ever heard of. His expanded circle of acquaintances must have included only a couple of hundred folks, tops, from the village back home.

He stayed in LA for a year, and then went home again, knowing full well he would never see his sons again. For us in the wealthy and enlightened world, travelling is almost a hygiene factor today. Technology, language, common references and of course the low fairs, certainly trigger travelling (despite environmental concerns). The world is getting denser and the enlightenment dimension of journeying is diminishing in favour of rest and recreation – numbing if you like. And in that sense I am entirely candidean: All that is very well. But let us cultivate our garden.

Text: Thomas Kalling

The Inspector’s Page

Name: Max Alterot Program: Master of Science in Management Accounting and Control Graduation year: 2014 Current city: Lund Current work: Management Consultant at EY Advisory Services Past involvement with LundaEkonomerna: President of the Board 2012/13 N책diga Lundtan | 22

Alumni What did your student life look like? ”A nice combination of studies and extracurricular activities such as LundaEkonomerna (obviously), and a part time job. In addition to the union I also had the extreme fortune of experiencing the Lundakarneval during my last year. My first engagement with the union was in the Corporate Relations Committee as a company contact person and then it just went on from there. I did a round at a nation as well, mainly working behind the bar or in the kitchen. That was good fun as well but nowhere near LundaEkonomerna.” How did the road from graduation to your first job look like? ”It was not exactly crystal clear from the beginning; when I started in Lund I barely had a clue what I wanted to do after graduation. It was hard enough wrapping your head around all that was going on in Lund! In the end, I think career fairs and other corporate events helped a lot when deciding both what kind of job I wanted and where I wanted to work.” How has your involvement in the union helped you in your professional career? ”Potential employers often value experiences from student organizations, but I think the greatest benefit is how it also helps you grow as a person and a professional. You learn surprisingly much and gain experiences that are extremely valuable in the real world. I also think that a lot of what I learnt benefited me greatly during the process of actually getting a job; all the tests, interviews, and cases you sometimes have to do. The opportunities it provides in terms of networking does not hurt either!”


Max Alterot

What is your favorite memory from LundaEkonomerna? ”Wow that is a difficult question, all my years in the union were great, although sometimes hard as well. It is strange when you start a full time post in the union and your hobby suddenly becomes your job as my predecessor once told me. But anyway, the year with the board was probably one of the best, most fun and most rewarding experiences of my life! It was amazing in so many ways and I think I learned more during that year than all other semesters combined. It was also a lot of fun.” What do you work with now? ”Now I am a management consultant at EY Advisory Services, based in the Malmö office. I am a part of the Finance & Performance Management competence area, which means that we primarily work with issues close to the CFO agenda. Such as finance operations, finance transformations etc. EY is a very global organization so even though I am based in Malmö I have already had the chance to travel quite a lot, both for client work but also for courses and get-togethers.” What does the future hold? ”Hopefully I will be moving to Malmö soon, Lund is great, but when you are not a student anymore it loses some of its most obvious advantages. I have also heard rumors about an anniversary celebration of some sort in the not so distant future…”

Text: PhilipWrangberg

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Photo: Max Alterot

Country: England | City: Manchester | University: University of Manchester

LundaEkonom Out and About �How does it feel? Are you excited? Nervous?� Those were just some of the questions I was asked the last couple of weeks before I travelled to Manchester. To be completely honest, I did not really think about it that much. I was quite busy right then with a major group assignment, and I wanted to fully focus on school before leaving. However, time flew by and suddenly there were only a few days left...

...and then I got nervous, I can tell you that! Am I trying to frighten you off ? Definitely not! Being nervous the last days before setting up a new life somewhere else is completely normal and part of the process. Once I got to Manchester things fell into place very smoothly. The first day was an introduction with all the other exchange business students, which was an excellent way to get to know the people I was going to spend the semester with. I quickly found out that there are three other exchange students from Sweden here:

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one from Uppsala University and two from Stockholm University. On that day the international society also introduced themselves. They organize pub crawls, sporting events, trips around the UK, and other activities in the city for those who want to stay in Manchester. Manchester is mostly about two things: its universities with 83 000 students all in all, and its two football teams. I have already had the chance to watch both Manchester United and Manchester

it. The tickets are around 40-50 pounds, which is reasonable given that the clubs are some of the biggest in Europe.

City play live at their respective stadiums, which is something I absolutely recommend. United play at Old Trafford, which is one of the biggest stadiums in England with 76 000 seats. I saw them a few weeks ago when they played against Leicester City in the Premier League. The match ended 3-1 for Man United so I got to see some goals, which was terrific. I was also at the Etihad Stadium, the home ground of Manchester City, to watch their Champions League game against FC Barcelona. That was an amazing experience. Two top teams competing in the biggest professional football club tournament in the world: it does not get any better than that. The match ended 1-2 in favor of Barcelona and had everything: four goals, one being disallowed, a red card, and a missed penalty. That was definitely value for my money. It is possible to get tickets for both of the clubs if you plan a little in advance. If you want to attend a game and need help with getting tickets let me know and I can tell you how to do

I went to Liverpool a few weeks ago together with a group of other exchange students. We chose to travel by bus since it was only six pounds for a return ticket, while still only taking us 45 minutes to get there. Compared to Sweden, travelling does not take very long and is not overly expensive since England is a relatively small country. During that day trip we visited the Beatles museum, went into the cathedral, and had a few pints at a cozy pub in the city centre. Another advantage compared to Sweden is that universities in England have a three week long Easter break. During that time we are planning on travelling to Scotland and experience its wonderful landscape as well as spend some days in London to see all of its tourist attractions. Now, you may wonder if I ever go to school. Of course I do! School over here is quite different compared to Sweden. Firstly, all the courses run at the same time. This requires you to plan your studies a little differently in order to make it work. Secondly, all the courses are (of course) in English, which is a little more time consuming than Swedish courses. The reading takes longer and sometimes you may have to do some research in order to understand all the things the teacher is saying. Thirdly, you are expected to be more active during class and seminars than in Sweden. The teachers want all students to be involved and you have to be well prepared before the seminars in

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more since I am only staying here for a few months. The kitchen is okay, not the cleanest one but that is probably what it is like in most student halls. You can cook simple dishes and that is really all that matters. The area that I am staying at is called Whitworth Park and seems quite similar to the other student accommodations. However, there is one big difference compared to the other dorms, which is that Whitworth Park is very close to school. I can walk to the business buildings in five minutes, which saves me a lot of time compared to some of the others that have to take the bus for 20 minutes every day. order to answer the questions. Teaching holds a high level overall and the students are quite ambitious. This might sound discouraging but do not get me wrong: it is a great school with excellent teaching, and the requirements are reasonable and attainable. This is the first time I live in a corridor so that is a new experience as well. My room only has a bed, a desk, and a closet but on the other hand I do not need anything

Finally, I just want to recommend all of you to go on an exchange if you get the opportunity. After two years at Lund University I felt that I needed a fresh start somewhere else with new challenges and that is exactly what I have had so far. A new school with interesting courses, a new city in an exciting country with many places to visit and a beautiful countryside, world class football every week, and many new friends from different countries. I could not ask for more.

Text & Photo: Johan Enarsson

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The past month with the

Corporate Relations Committee 20/1

22/1 10/2

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International Week Belgium


A Week Gone by so Fast

I just spent 10 riveting days in Belgium experiencing a range of emotions all he International Weeks from excitement to exhaustion. are the not-so well-

known but increasingly well-liked events that take place throughout the study year in many notable student cities in Europe, the Near East, and Asia. During February, the Belgium International Week took place in the small college town of Louvain-la-Neuve, a 50-something year-old planned city founded especially for the Catholic University of Louvain. Upon arrival, one thing became apparent: the Belgian weather conditions are fairly similar to good old Lund, and so the rainy and drizzling atmosphere felt just like home somehow. The week started off with a relaxing evening amongst the travelling group, then still just a sea of unfamiliar faces. Though, after some introductions and cold beers, it was much easier to befriend all the strangers. During the

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next couple of days the group molded together nicely, and the at first timid participants now seemed as good friends. On the Friday, the whole group of organizers and international guests headed to southern Belgium, the sleepier and rural side of what is known as Wallonia. The short trip was followed by The Cottage Stay, an integral part of many IWs as the close quarters provide an excellent opportunity to further strengthen the friendship ties. Here, the international dinner takes place. I was able to taste a range of cultural dishes, all from a painfully spicy dish from China to country specific drinks.

entrepreneurial focus. The trip to Nestup, a local governmentfunded incubator, turned out to be the most interesting field trip during the whole week. However, a visit to a beer brewery in Brussels and having a look at how the finest and thinnest Belgian chocolate is made in a traditional bakery in Wauvre might even have been the more memorable (and tasty) milestones of this tenday-adventure. Other highlights of the week were fancy dinners, dorm-party-crawls and the traditional university Naturally, International Weeks ball, which concluded the last are not only about culinary day of the week. highlights. We also visited the beautiful old cities of Namur, An International Week is Bruges, Gent and, of course, always a memorable experience Brussels. At a company visit for everyone involved. Besides in Louvain-la-Neuve, we found the fact that the IW-concept out that the region also has an probably stands for the cheapest way to travel and broaden your horizon as a student, some of the participants even build long-lasting friendships.

The concept of the International Week is about 20 years old. Student unions organize a week full of cultural, business, and social activities. Sweden, by the way, is the top-runner amongst international weeks: every year, there are IWs taking place in Lund, Uppsala, and Gothenburg. The next Lund IW takes place between the 13 th-19 th of April.

More information: www.iw-co.org www.lundaekonomerna.se/lund-international-week

Text & Photo: Sebastian Hoefinger

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The Master Committee The Master Committee is an organization within LundaEkonomerna that caters to students enrolled in a Master’s programme, and it is currently running on its second year. The committee has in the past mostly organized social events, such as after work twice a month, and sittings every now and then. President Max Bengtsson who developed the committee, from an idea that originally was someone else’s, into what it is today is looking to expand the organization starting from now. I met up with Max to talk a bit about the Master Committee, and the upcoming Graduation Gala that they are hosting in May this semester. Hey Max! Tell me about the Committee, what do you guys do? ”The committee is supposed to be a platform for Master students to socialize, and do activities outside of their field of studies. Many students come to Lund to do their Master’s degree, not having studied here before, and the activities that we arrange can be a great way to meet other people that are in the same situation as themselves.” What kind of regular events do you organize? ”After work, Alumni nights, sittings, among other things.” Max talks vastly about how the seven people working in the committee want to cooperate even further with other committees in LundaEkonomerna, striving to arrange for example career events specifically directed toward Masters students. To go from being merely a sexmästeri, to becoming something of a student union within the student union. The Master Committee is probably not that familiar to every student studying at LUSEM, but organizing the Graduation Gala will hopefully result in more attention for the committee. Tell me about the Graduation Gala! ”The gala will take place on the 30 th of May in AF-Borgen, and it celebrates those who are graduating, although everyone is allowed to attend. It will include a three-course dinner, live music from LundaEkonomernas own band, and speeches from relevant people.” Max describes it as something similar to the Winter Ball. The dress code is black-tie and it is

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an international event. He continues by informing me that they will recruit about ten to twelve staffers that will work with hosting the gala. Further information about this can be found on their Facebook page: Master Project - Lundaekonomerna. That sounds super exciting! Hopefully we will hear a lot more about the Master Committee and the Graduation Gala.

Text: Axel Schennings

Graduating Master Students at LUSEM

Save the date May 30th!

Do not miss this opportunity to get a grand end to your studies Get more information

on facebook!

WHEN The 30th of May

N책diga Lundtan | 31 INFO www.lundaekonomerna.se

Put on your best sports gear and your happy face, because this year something extraordinary will happen! The annual Tandem is just around the corner and it will most certainly be, according to reliable sources, absolutely amazing and awesome. We decided to ask our esteemed Tandem Generals, Petter Berg and Sofie Molin, to give us a more thorough briefing on this strange phenomena called Tandem.

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Tandem What exactly is Tandem? ”Tandem is a tradition that goes way back. It all started out with some folks bicycling from Gothenburg to Lund in order to attend Lundakarnevalen. Eventually, other people took after and the event grew ever larger. It is perhaps the most studentesque thing Lund has to offer and your Lund-experience will not be complete until you have participated yourself ! The tickets are limited and the demand is high, so you better not take any chances on getting a ticket! This event only occurs once every year (except every fourth year when Lund host Lundakarnevalen instead).” How does it work? ”More specifically, Tandem is a competition between all nations in Lund and the student unions. That is what makes the whole thing so beautiful. It is perhaps the only event that brings the whole university together in a spirited competition. Every team has their own party bus which will take them to the epicenter of the event, namely Götaplatsen in Gothenburg. There we will party for hours and prepare for the final showdown. From there, each team will steer their own tandem-bicycle all the way back to Lund. Each team member will take turn whilst the others cheer for them and party on the buss, as only two can man the tandem at the same time.” The fastest team will win a price, even though there might be other prices for the team with best costumes and the team that is most enthusiastic! We are confident that we can win all of them. Most importantly, however, tandem is about making new friends. So in the end we are all winners. How does one secure a ticket? ”One does not only simply secure a ticket to Tandem, it must be earned! There will be a weeding, of sorts, but don’t you worry, it will be fun! It is there to make sure that only the most enthusiastic is elected to the team. The process is easy. On 28 th of March we will publish a picture on Facebook under Sociala utskottet (make sure to like us on Facebook!). This picture will give you clues to the location of where we will sell the tickets. The first people to uncover the clues will be rewarded with an opportunity to buy a ticket”

What is included in a ticket? ”Far more than just the trip! For example, a lot will happen just during the queue the 28 th of March. Even though we will not have an ordinary queue like the nations or student unions, as the location is secret until we open up shops, we’ll still have a symbolic queue for a while, just too fire you up! We will play some games and teach you how to cheer! We are also planning on having a pre-Tandem dinner with some spinning workout! The trip and all preparations will surely be a memory for life for all of us. Some participants may even find their soulmate, judging from previous years!” Why are you in charge, and what are your responsibilities? ”The answer is simple! We have worked with each other before, and we complement each other perfectly. Among other things, we have been mentors during the Novice Day. We were chosen because we know how to have fun whilst sober! Having fun whilst being sober is the key, as we are not allowed to drink since we are in charge of your security. We are also responsible for the dinner, organize the queue (and games associated with it), find sponsors, fix the technical issues and hire a buss! On that note, we can happily inform you that we have secured the best buss driver there is! His name is Johnny and he is driven us before. He is both wise and chill. This is bound to be a success!” So happy hunting the 28 th of March! Maybe you will be the one to claim a ticket?

Important facts Queue begins 28 th of March About 45 spots available Open for all students (including international!) For more information, like sociala utskottet on Facebook! Text: Anton Karlsson

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Photo: Mia Lundell

PRESIDENT Lisa Fjellström 072 322 00 33 president@lundaekonomerna.se

EEE 2015 Filip Bengtsson, 070 141 44 41 general.eee@lundaekonomerna.se

CORPORATE CHALLENGE Alexandra Wiklund, 070 783 77 03 cc@lundaekonomerna.se

ÖRESUND LINKING MINDS Marit Joten, 073 788 68 54 olm@lundaekonomerna.se

VICE PRESIDENT Felix Blanke, 072 322 00 44 v.president@lundaekonomerna.se

CASE ACADEMY caseacademy@lundaekonomerna.se

NÅDIGA LUNDTAN Philip Wrangberg, 073 593 69 45 lundtan@lundaekonomerna.se

THE MASTER PROJECT Max Bengtsson, 070 291 01 65 masterproject@lundaekonomerna.se

THE INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE Isac Winell, 070 532 92 62 intu@lundaekonomerna.se

LIGHT Marte Erland, 070 461 97 87 light@lundaekonomerna.se

THE EDUCATION COMMITTEE Emmy Larsson, 073 546 89 44 uu@lundaekonomerna.se

TREASURER Victor Håkansson, 072 322 00 55 treasurer@lundaekonomerna.se

THE CORPORATE RELATIONS COMMITTEE Daniel Granath, 072 301 02 03 nlu@lundaekonomerna.se

HEAD OF CORPORATE RELATIONS Sofie Andersson, 072 322 00 66 corp.rel@lundaekonomerna.se HEAD OF COMMUNICATIONS Linus Classon, 072 322 00 77 communications@lundaekonomerna.se HEAD OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Helena Dolfe, 073 089 63 64 international@lundaekonomerna.se

THE SOCIAL COMMITTEE Malin Mörk su@lundaekonomerna.se KPMG INTERNATIONAL CASE COMPETITION Jaqueline Morey , 073 771 25 58 case@lundaekonomerna.se

HEAD OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS Marcus B. Lindström, 070 514 74 29 social@lundaekonomerna.se HEAD OF INTERNAL RELATIONS Lovisa Ektander, 076 163 73 66 int.rel@lundaekonomerna.se HEAD OF ALUMNI Axel Walin, 073 328 59 78 alumni@lundaekonomerna.se

THE IT-PROJECT Robert Bärlin, 076 839 52 07 itp@lundaekonomerna.se

VINTERBALEN Marcus Kejzelman, 070 454 52 35 vinterbalen@lundaekonomerna.se LUND INTERNATIONAL WEEK Stina Schmiedel, 076 314 53 45 liw@lundaekonomerna.se SAMDAY Simon Liljestrand, 072 207 78 74 felixblanke@samday.nu THE MARKETING GROUP Emelie Jönsson, 070 794 45 26 mfg@lundaekonomerna.se

THE NOVICE COMMITTEE Fredrik Signäs, 073 813 17 13 novischeriet@lundaekonomerna.se

SEXMÄSTERIET Charlie Widenfors, 076 854 21 36 sexm@lundaekonomerna.se

LUND ECONOMICS STOCKHOLM TOUR Martina Huzell lest@lundaekonomerna.se

LUND EUROPEAN BUSINESS TOUR Nicole Johansson, 073 983 26 92 lebt@lundaekonomerna.se

SALES TEAM Björn Hellqvist, 070 690 05 28 st@lundaekonomerna.se WILMA Rebecca Johansson, 073 204 40 01 president.wilma@lundaekonomerna.se ENTREPRENEURSHIP COMITTEE Peter Bidewell, 076 794 71 49 entrepreneurship@lundaekonomerna.se GENERAL COUNCIL Julius Kvissberg speaker@lundaekonomerna.se NOMINATIONS COMITTEE Martin Bjarnemar, 070 146 76 24 nominations@lundaekonomerna.se

Vill du synas i Nådiga Lundtan? KONTAKTA REDAKTIONEN PÅ


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Ever since trains, airplanes, telephones, and the Internet was invented it seems as though the world becomes smaller for each passing day. Back in 1668, when the first students attended Lund University, I doubt they were dreaming about a future outside of Scania. Nowadays, in 2015, a majority of students, at least at LUSEM, leave the south for a career in Stockholm, Gothenburg or other places in Sweden. In 1668 there was no such concept as to have a global career. Even in 1968, 300 years later and only 57 years ago today, there were not many students graduating from LUSEM that were imagining a career outside of Sweden. In 2015, the reality is quite different as most students are prepared, and in some cases expect, to work in a global environment whether they want to be based in Sweden or not.


Since LundaEkonomerna’s vision is to prepare students for their future career we think it is important to provide opportunities for our members to experi-

Last spring, I was at a lecture with one of Sweden’s greatest businessmen, Percy Barnevik. He had just released his book 200 Practical Tips About Leadership. I read the book during the following summer, and was intrigued by the hands-on mentality described in it.

ideas on to how run operations, finding a best practice. A vital part of my job is then to come back to Lund and try to apply it here. U9 is a cooperation, rather than a competition, and a great way to share your ideas and thoughts with others in the same situation in order to reach the best results.

Lisa Fjellström

One of the quotes that got stuck in my head was Think global, act local. To me, this meant to try to use the same principles and strategies no matter where in the world you operate, and also to apply it in the best way possible for a given situation. As the Vice President of LundaEkonomerna, I get the privilege of meeting other unions from both Lund and the rest of Sweden. There are always differences and similarities that are discussed and comparisons that are made. LundaEkonomerna is a part of the U9 network together with the biggest business and economic student unions in Sweden. The U9 meetings provides me with Barnevik’s way of thinking. The meetings consist of discussing current topics and contributing with new

ence the world outside of Lund and Sweden. To be able to do that, we are part of the IW-network, a worldwide network of student unions that promotes cultural, economic, social, and business exchange between students from all over the world. Through the IW-network you have the possibility to apply to 22 international weeks throughout the school year. During an international week you get the opportunity to experience a new country with a different culture together with a group of people from all around the world. In each country there is one student union that is hosting and welcoming other IW-friends to their country. In April it is LundaEkonomerna’s time to host our week here in Lund, organized by the LIW-committee. Keep your eyes out for more international weeks if you are interested to experience something new and expand your network outside of Sweden!

Maybe it is time to take it one step further. To really think worldwide. What if we raise our heads even higher and look to the rest of the world? I know that student unions in Sweden are among the best run and that we should be proud of it, but that does not mean that we cannot learn from others. So how can we widen our horizon to get a broader global perspective? One way could be to get some information and intelligence from all of our brilliant members that go abroad during their exchange semester. No matter what, I will be thinking of global ideas and enjoy the local sun here in Lund this spring. Maybe that at least counts as a nice and easy start.

Vice President Felix Blanke

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Lundaekonomerna N책diga Lundtan Tunav채gen 37 223 63 Lund

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