Nådiga Lundtan #121

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20 th Anniversary Edition





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Philip Wrangberg

Axel Schennings

Julia Borrebaeck Art Director

Head of Advertising

Hannes Jägerstedt

Robert Waszkiewicz

Nerea Vallejo

Josefine von Uthmann

Laila Bjöörn

Linnéa Elfving

Ludwig Appelblad

Anton Karlsson

Sebastian Hoefinger

Kate Hertler








Miro Beric


Argjent Veliu

Head of Advertising





Other Contributors: Joakim Carlsson

Reach the editorial staff at lundtan@lundaekonomerna.se and annons.lundtan@lundakeonomerna.se Nådiga Lundtan is a magazine by and for students at Lund University School of Economics and Management. All work is done voluntarily since we are a part of a non-profit organization. We strive for relevance and high quality in everything we do, and we aim to be Sweden’s top union magazine for economic and management students. The statements in the magazine are only to be considered as views of LundaEkonomerna if specified.

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Previous editors Indiana J, Pula, Sarah B, Love, leylis, Kahn, jpk, elinmelin, Klarin, Joey, Caol, JoFo, Mandy, a.non, amhed, lima, MaJo, MaSa, KoOl, EAger, LiAn, MarEng, PetA, AnGus, SoL, JoS, FvH, KARLA,

Editor-in-Chief & Publisher Editor Advertising

Philip Wrangberg, 073 593 69 45 Axel Schennings, 070 750 79 35 Argjent Veliu


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Nådiga Lundtan, LundaEkonomerna Skånelängan, Tunavägen 37 223 63 Lund Tel: 046-222 00 90

Exaktaprinting AB, Lund

Webpage www.lundaekonomerna.se/nadiga-lundtan

Corrections Please contact us if you find any errors.

Available online at issuu.com/lundtan


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Editorial 5 Fighting Ebola 7


10 Cross-cultural Beer Exchange

12 Anna Kinberg Batra


One Man’s Journey to Fight Corruption in the U.S.

5 Movies that Celebrate their 20 th Anniversary 20 Comedy Corner 21 LundaEkonomernas 20 th Anniversary 22

The Inspector’s Page 29 30 Alumni: Jens Lundén LundaEkonom Out and About 32 36 The International Committee 37 WILMA 39 President and Vice President

Nådiga Lundtan #121 April 2015 Publication The magazine is released six times a year with about 3300 issues and is distributed, free of charge, to all members of LundaEkonomerna. About 150 copies are sent to various companies and other student unions.

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Editorial undaEkonomerna and Nådiga Lundtan turn 20 this year which is why the theme for this issue is Journeys. The union’s anniversary is a big part of this issue and I hope you find it enjoyable to look back on the unions history. Before we dig into that though, and all the other great content we have to offer this time, I would like to share with you the journey of Joe Hill, a Swedish emigrant, travelling to the U.S. during the early 1900’s.

Joel Emmanuel Hägglund was born in Gävle, Sweden, in 1879. After the death of both his parents he and his brother decided to emigrate to America in 1902. He worked various jobs, learning English on the way, and managed to travel all over the U.S., from New York to San Francisco. He was probably one of the few swedes that experienced the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. Shortly after arriving, he decided to change his name to Joe Hill as he found that the locals had trouble pronouncing his birth name. Joe Hill, as he now was called, joined the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) around 1910 when working on the docks in San Pedro, California. He rose in the organisation, and travelled all over the country to promote the cause through speeches, banners, and songs. Music was a large part of Hill’s life. He was known for his political and satirical songs and he would be an inspiration for many future folk songs and artists. On January 14th, 1914, a man named John Morrison was killed in a grocery store near Salt Lake City, Utah. Around the same time and place, Joe Hill had an argument with his brother resulting in a gunshot wound. Hill sought out a doctor for medical attention. The visit resulted in a police arrest under the pretence that Hill had killed Morrison. After a long trial, and major protests from political figures, he was charged with the murder of Morrison. On November 19th, 1915, Joe Hill was executed by a firing squad. What follows below is his last will, which was eventually also made into a song. My will is easy to decide, For there is nothing to divide. My kin don’t need to fuss and moan, “Moss does not cling to rolling stone”. My body? Oh, if I could choose, I would to ashes reduce, And let the merry breezes blow, My dust to where some flowers grow. Perhaps some fading flower then Would come to life and bloom again. This is my last and final will. Good luck to all of you, Joe Hill.

With that, I would like to present Nådiga Lundtan #121. We interview Dr. Hans Norrgren on page 7 where he tells us about his experience in West Africa during the Ebola outbreak. We also meet Anna Kinberg Batra and Lawrence Lessig on pages 12 and 16 respectively. Finally, I encourage you all to turn to page 22 where you can learn more about LundaEkonomernas first 20 years as the best union in Lund!

Philip Wrangberg, Editor-in-Chief

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Audit Practise

En casedag med PwC Populärvetenskapliga teorier säger att du måste träna 10 000 timmar för att bli riktigt bra. Där ligger den magiska gränsen oavsett om det handlar om bongotrummor eller revision. Övning ger färdighet och vill du bli en riktigt bra revisor gäller det att du börjar i tid. Därför brukar vi genomföra något vi kallar Audit Practise. Under en dag på vårt kontor får du med vägledning av våra medarbetare arbeta med ett revisionscase hämtat från vår vardag. Det tar ungefär 8 timmar, sedan har du 9 992 timmar kvar i din jakt på att bli en revisor i världsklass! Vi bjuder på mat och fika hela dagen! När: 26 maj kl. 8.30-17 Var: Vårt kontor på Anna Lindhs Plats 4 i Malmö Ansökan: Via mejl till julia.bussenius@se.pwc.com Ansökan ska innehålla CV och kort presentation. Sök senast den 17 maj och besked om deltagande lämnas senast den 20 maj. Frågor: Mejla julia.bussenius@se.pwc.com

Fighting Ebola The Ebola outbreak in West Africa shook the world in 2014. Doctors, nurses, coordinators, and medical laboratory scientists from all over the world journeyed to help the suffering people of Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia. Both domestic and international personnel risked their lives and prevented what could have been a global disaster. One of them was Dr. Hans Norrgren, physician and associate professor at Sk책ne University Hospital in Lund.

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he ebola outbreak has caused the death of more than 10,000 people and infected another 14,000, according to the WHO, since the first noted cases in March 2014. Last June, Dr Bart Janssens, the Director of Operations of Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) went as far as calling the epidemic out of control. Major news channels were reporting about the harsh conditions and minimal resources in the affected countries. I met with Dr. Norrgren to discuss his role during the epidemic. ”In the beginning the number of cases was still low but I spoke with my wife about going there already in the summer. When fall came and things were starting to get worse they pleaded on the news every night about the need for doctors to sign up. Money had already been sent by the [Swedish] government but it seemed like nobody signed up and I felt like I could not sit with my arms crossed.” Hans lived in Guinea-Bissau for three years during the 90’s working with a HIV- project and is specialized in infectious diseases. He is still in charge of the project and has visited the region regularly since.

“I felt that I had gained so much from previous projects in West Africa that I had to give them something in return. My wife understood even though she did not really like the idea and my kids were not that happy either. But in the end they felt it was alright that I left.” Even though the situation was getting increasingly intense, several preparatory steps had to be taken before travelling to Monrovia, the capital of Liberia, the city Hans had been assigned. The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) had been ordered by the government to help start an Ebola treatment centre. Together with four other doctors, ten nurses, and the rest of the staff consisting of pharmacists, logistic- and IT-personnel, waste experts, and other kind of professionals, the plan was to employ local staff and start running the newly built centre. ”Before we headed off to Liberia we all went through training in Sweden to be fully prepared for the situation. During that period the reported cases actually started to drop in Liberia. In November when it was time for us to go, MSB were a bit doubtful if it really was necessary to deploy us in Liberia since the situation was much worse in Sierra Leone. After talking to WHO they anyway decided that it was best to go to Liberia since there was a risk that the number of cases would increase again.” After a mandatory WHO-led two-week course on Ebola they were transferred to the southern parts of Liberia instead due to the overcapacity in Monrovia. The rescue centre was not completely

finished though, which meant that Hans and his colleagues had time to practice and see how the work was done at a local facility. “In the end these learning sessions at the nearby centre turned out to be very helpful when two nurses and I had to go to Sierra Leone instead. The need for medical staff was great there.” While they were beginning to gain control over the disease in Liberia, the situation was getting much worse in Sierra Leone. Hans was met with tough conditions when arriving in Freetown just one month after coming to Monrovia. “The situation in Sierra Leone was completely different. There were many more patients with new ones arriving to the various centres every day. When we started working at one of the Ebola centres in Freetown there was only one doctor and 70 patients. He was also in charge of all the administrative work which meant that he never really got a chance to visit any of the patients. Until we came, the nurses had done all the work with the patients on their own. Many of them were inexperienced and they had no medical records.” Compared to the slow start in Liberia one month before, they could now start right away setting up medical records and medication lists that made it easier to overlook the different patients’ needs. When Hans came to Freetown on December 26 th, the number of reported cases almost peaked and the mortality rate was high. The centre had room for 95 patients and 640 employees. Out of the 640, 140 were nurses and more than 300 were responsible for cleaning and sanitizing. “Even though it was tough and the mortality rate was high, it is horrendous when you look back and think about the conditions there, in the end my experience was positive. Everybody who worked there did their best and we felt like we could contribute a lot. In the beginning I had to stay in the protective

gear for almost three hours at a time since there were so many patients. It was 30 degrees Celsius outside and after those hours you were completely drenched in sweat. As time passed you could notice that things were getting better. Less people were coming to the centres and the mortality rate did also decrease while we were there.” After one month in Sierra Leone Hans Norrgren arrived back home in Sweden. Since there had been a few controversies with doctors and nurses who had travelled by plane across USA, going to Broadway shows, and later showing symptoms of Ebola causing panic all over the world, he did not visit his family for another three weeks (the incubation period for Ebola). ”Since it was winter when I came home, a time when it is quite common to catch a cold or get fever, I went to our summer cabin and spent three weeks there all by myself. I did not want to risk my family being quarantined if I would have shown any symptoms that could be mistaken for Ebola.” Hans recalls the often extreme conditions. “One time there was a woman who came to us with her two children. All three of them had Ebola and she lost both of her children.” However, at times even the darkest of tragedies could turn into heart-warming stories. ”In the bed next to hers there was a woman with her six month old baby. She died, but the child survived and the woman who had lost her two children was later allowed to take care of the orphan. It is horrific but at the same time incredible how things can work out. It is an absurd story, but it was fantastic to see her with the child.”

Text: Ludwig Appelblad Photo: Hans Norrgren

Cross-cultural Beer Exchange Many of us have experienced a semester or two abroad and know that some of the most memorable moments involve beer. What if we would turn this around, and put cross-border breweries in collaboration with each other and instead send the beer on an exchange program? If you prefer craft beers over the average Eurolager, this idea can open a whole new world for you. in the hipster meat district of downtown Copenhagen. In this particular case the For some years now the demand for craft exchange of beer culture goes so far as to beers in Sweden has been rising steadily. having special water treating equipment at Anyone can start a microbrewery these the new pub to turn Copenhagen’s public days and styles from North America are water mineral content into exactly that of especially trending among start-up enthusi- Munster, Indiana. Thus, the more exclusive asts. Numerous beer festivals, local and re- and special the circumstances of the beer gional, are attended by both amateurs and brewed, the more attractive it becomes to professionals, increasing the knowledge of beer connoisseurs. consumers and the reach of the breweries. As an individual you can come a long With so many breweries popping up, many way in finding new beer cultures too, for see opportunities in starting collaborations example by becoming a beer trader. Even or exchanges of beers and breweries. Many though Systembolaget has a considerable of these collaborations are the result of and variable beer collection, the real enta trend that is focused on craft beer from husiasts have seen it all and always want the US, of which one example is the joint the beers that no one else has. This is the brews made by St Erik’s and Samuel Adams purpose of trading, to get to those really (Transatlantic Series). Such collaborations special, local, and exclusive brews that are seen as opportunities to diversify, speci- only have been made once, on a small scale, alize, and touch upon new beer cultures and and that cannot be exported. The more you tastes. In Skåne we are lucky to have the know about beer, the better you know what beer Mecca Copenhagen close-by where col- you want specifically. laborative breweries and festivals abound. Only recently has Mikkeller plunged into a collaboration with Indiana-based Three Floyds to open up a new barbeque-beer pub

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How beer trading works, simplified: you start, check if the countries you 1. Before want to trade between have specific import

and/or tax regulations so you can hold up your end of the deal by sending beer there. In Sweden you can receive a gift consisting of alcohol from other countries but you have to pay tax. it is time to get into contact with other 2. Now beer enthusiasts, preferably in places you

know you want local beer from. This is easily facilitated through online forums and applications, however, one should carefully choose among these as scams do occur. Inform exactly what you are looking for and also notify what you have to offer. Familiarize yourself with the specific beer trading language and its abbreviations in order to keep up with what these savvy connoisseurs are talking about. send your beers. Packaging is crucial 3 . Next, so lots of bubble wrap plastic is required.

Remember that the package may only weigh up to twenty kilograms and again, consider national import regulations.

Lastly, make sure you nurture your new

4. trading relations and provide a review where

applicable. Building a network can become very fruitful and if not, you move on to another trade. We can definitely use this form of exchange to learn from and dip into new cultures, even creating global networks. The logistics are there, the small-scale grassroot services using the Internet are there, and of course the demand for beer is also always there. Using this new form of crosscultural communication we can trade our way to new local tastes. Will your next beer be from Systembolaget or from an obscure but innovative brewery, directly imported through a trade?

Text: Linnéa Elfving

© 2015 KPMG AB, Sweden.

Sök: Audit Academy Nyfiken på en karriär inom revision? Välj rätt väg. KPMG Audit Academy är ett praktikprogram där du parallellt med dina studier får en inblick i revisorsyrkets alla delar. Du får ingå i ett revisionsteam och redan från start delta på våra kunduppdrag hos internationella och stora nationella företag. Inom programmet får du ta del av seminarier och workshops inom området revision, men även inom andra områdensom ledarskap och presentationsteknik. Missa inte möjligheten till unik branschkunskap och yrkeserfarenhet, ledarskapsutveckling och ett nätverk som kan påverka hela din karriär. Välkommen till KPMG och all framtid i världen. Läs mer och ansök senast 19 april på kpmg.se/auditacademy

Anna Kinberg Batra

Photo: Vilhelm Borelius

to facilitate this process in order for Sweden to stay competitive in the global market.

A Moderate Evening

The great hall was teeming with excitement, which was hardly surprising. Anna Kinberg Batra, or AKB as her colleagues like to call her, is new on the job as party leader for Moderaterna (the main opposition party in Sweden). Since she was just recently elected this was an excellent opportunity to familiarize with her persona and agenda. Of course, the fact that she could become Sweden’s first female prime minister, next election, might have contributed to the excitement of the audience as well. The structure of the lecture was quite new in this context. Kinberg Batra was interviewed by a panel of students with different views and they were led by the experienced moderator, Jan Wifstrand. However, before the panel begun, she had some words of wisdom to share with us. First and foremost she wanted us to enjoy our time as students and take advantage of all possibilities associated with it. Kinberg Batra was once a student herself, although in Stockholm. What she learned during those years was to try new things and to not be afraid of failing. ”I would not be where I am today if I would have done everything right from the beginning, nailed all exams on the first try and rushed through my education. I took some extra years to work and try new things beside my studies. Use this time to try the unexpected things!” Secondly, she encouraged us to be innovative and act like entrepreneurs. The jobs of tomorrow are created by students of today, not politicians. The politician’s job is

”Ericsson has both started and stopped producing cell phones here in Lund during my life time. Today, other businesses have opened up that did not exist back then and I cannot say what jobs will emerge here in Lund 2018, 2020, and 2030. If a politician makes that claim they have probably regulated too much, or guessed wrong. These jobs will come from you!” Finally, she encouraged us to protect the tolerance and openness we have, because that has not always been the case. ”Today, almost 76 years ago in this very room, there was a large protest against the university employing ten Jewish doctors. Lund has quite a shady history in that regard, but as I am a positive person, I hope those times are far behind us. The openness and tolerance of our society is challenged. We have grown up to love these values and are accustomed to equal rights and freedom of speech. Consider, when you walk the corridors of this building that it was less than 100 years ago the protest took place. You students have the future in your hands and I ask of you to make sure that this dark history will not be repeated!” The biggest question of all might be whether or not she will choose a different path than her predecessor, the previous Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt. The Moderate party has not had this opportunity for over a decade, so this is their chance to reshape the political landscape. Fredrik Reinfeldt was largely a centrist politician, and transformed his party into the centre-right position of today, much like David Cameron did with the Conservative Party of the United Kingdom. He attempted to make peace with the powerful unions for example by not deregulating labor laws. This night was Kinberg Batra’s chance to answer if this strategy was to continue.

at handling the questions. Often making remarks that she did not accept the premise of the question, or gave more vague answers like we are looking at it, or we have a commission working on new policies on this subject. All in all, no grand revelations or new announcements were given. This does not necessarily mean that all policies will remain the same, but much of her rhetoric was similar to that of Reinfeldt. This could very well be a deliberate choice, which would indicate that she is treading down his centre-right path. Only the future can tell.

One on one

After the evening I had the opportunity to sit down with Kinberg Batra and ask her some more specific questions. The following is an excerpt from our talk. There is a debate among some of the right wing opinion-makers whether or not Sweden needs to introduce tuition fees for higher learning in order to have competitive universities. Would you agree with their notion? ”I do not think we should have tuition fees because of social reasons. It is one of our strengths that anyone regardless of their background can get a university degree. I think higher education in Sweden needs both depth and width. It is good that more people than ever study at a university in Sweden and it is favorable that we have front edge competence like ESS in Lund! The Swedish government should be responsible financially. Our last term in office, we made large scale investments for research in higher education.” The budget surplus goal, överskottsmålet, has been questioned by many experts lately. They argues that

So what was her answer? Well, I seriously doubt that even the sharpest of minds could answer that after this evening. Being media trained, she proved herself to be formidable

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important investments are neglected in order to achieve it. Is it your opinion that we should keep the surplus goal? ”I am surprised that the government so unilaterally opens up for questioning the surplus goal. We have had an agreement across the aisles ever since the crisis during the 90’s. Back then, we were the one to doubt the surplus goal. It is a very fragile reform so we cannot take it, and the security it gives us, for granted. It is risky to loosen it up, should yet another crisis occur. We have had good and wide agreements concerning the budget procedure and that must be the way forward.” How do you want to change the housing policies? ”I want to make more land available and loosen up the regulations. That, along with better competition will boost the rate of housing constructions. For example, in Lund we have tried to make a lot of land available for construction, but we have been blocked by The Green Party (Mil-

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jöpartiet), a very popular party in Lund. We cannot create more student housing if we do not make any land available. You cannot be pro-student if you are hindering construction of student housing.” How should we prevent terrorism? ”We should refuse to do anything but standing up for openness and tolerance all the time. I have been asked if anyone can say what they want. My conclusion must be that, as freedom of speech is precious to us, we must protect it even when it is questioned. Our convictions are not tested if we are just talking about topics that do not stir debate. This is my principal stand. We must fight violence and terrorism when it emerges, have high reprimands, increase resources to faith communities and their preventative work. One thing we are currently doing is making the rules regarding passports more strict for those who are about to go and fight in Syria.” Recently your party entered an accordance with the government called Decemberöverenskommelsen

in order to keep them afloat and avert a re-election. Is that not a walkover? ”Not at all! I am in charge of the opposition, and I like to both say that and show it. ”Decemberöverenskommelsen” consolidates the way Sweden is usually governed, namely that the relative biggest coalition governs. It has been this way for decades. What happened, the second of December last year, was that the Sweden Democrats hijacked and broke the process and thereby forcing a governmental crisis. We have, even before the election, encouraged the left wing to make a similar agreement with us. It is important that we make different alternatives available. If you look at the Netherlands for example, no major reforms pass as it is governed by large coalitions, leaving the opposition role to small extremist parties.”

Text: Anton Karlsson

Fotograf: Håkan Målbäck

Har du växtkraft? Frigör den hos oss.

Lina Gustafsson Auktoriserad revisor

Ansvar skapar växtkraft

Våra medarbetare får stort eget ansvar, vilket skapar växtkraft. Kraft att utveckla våra kunders, de dynamiska ägarledda företagens, affärer. Men också kraft att driva på sin egen utveckling och hjälpa kollegor att växa. Vi arbetar i en företagskultur där vi tar ansvar, stöttar varandra och samarbetar i team. Låter det som en plats där du skulle trivas och växa? Välkommen till oss!

grantthornton.se/student Facebook: Grant Thornton Sverige Karriär

One Man’s Journey to Fight Corruption in the U.S. T

he American political landscape is often depicted as an ever-shifting realm of power, money, and influence [see: House of Cards]. Unfortunately, this landscape is also plagued with corruption, which was the topic of the Studentafton lecture I attended on March 17 th. I expected the speaker, Harvard Law School Professor Lawrence Lessig, to have an extremely harsh and critical perspective on this topic, as he also serves as the School’s Director of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics. Lessig was critical in his discussion about both the failure of the American Government to uphold equality as well as the bleak ramifications of this corruption. However, he also expressed hope, at some points very emotionally, which left myself and the audience both compelled and yearning for a bit of hope as well. Lessig began his lecture in front of a crowded University Building Auditorium on the evening of the 17 th by asking the audience to imagine themselves in 1920’s El Paso,

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Texas. The story he presented was of a physician in El Paso named Lawrence Nixon who, because he was black, was repeatedly prevented from voting because of his race. The American South at this time was grossly unequal, and among the vast inequalities black Americans faced was voting discrimination. Lessig compared this inequality to the United States’ present day method of funding congressional campaigns, which one would hope to have improved in the 90 years since Lawrence Nixon was denied voting rights. This comparison by Lessig set the tone for his description of campaigns and corruption in presentday America. As it currently stands, the first stage of U.S. Congressional campaigns is privately funded, and candidates, including those already serving and running for reelection, dedicate up to 30-70% of their time to fundraising. Lessig described the motto of campaigners to be, always lean to the green, a witty yet revealing truth about

how American campaigns are run. Truly a charismatic and enthusiastic speaker, Lessig continued his talk by showing the audience statistic after shocking statistic; that only a fraction of 1% of the U.S. population funds the majority of campaigns, that 5.4 million Americans supported campaigns in 2014 but the top 100 contributors donated as much as the bottom 4.75 million contributors, and that on average 0.02% of the population ends up actually influencing these campaigns through their enormous financial contributions. “What we have is a democracy responsible to the funders only.” Lessig then argued, as he showed the audience an eye-opening graph of the strong correlation between the amount of interest group support versus the probability something will be passed through congress. The more money these groups, which represent the interests of a select few funders or corporations, donate, the more likely a member of congress is to vote on

Lawrence Lessig their behalfs. It is a system which is weighed very favorably for those funders and interest groups who can make enormous donations to campaigns and unfavorably for the average American who cannot spare these donations. Lessig then contrasted this graph with another chart that showed almost zero correlation between voter preference and the probability of legislation being passed. “When the preferences of economic elites and the stands of organized interest groups are controlled for, the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact on public policy.” At this point, Lessig had spent about 15 minutes describing the rampant inequality that plagues the U.S. election systems. He then argued that income growth discrepancies in the U.S. are directly correlated to government policy changes that favor the wealthy because of how the campaigns are funded. And here is where he got me, an American who is neither part of the 1% nor a close follower of politics: Lessig showed evidence that my country, a country that boasts it is the Land of the Free, allows a system that favors the wealthy on such an extreme basis that it worsens income inequality year after year. As I let that sink in, Lessig took it another step further, and hit the nail on the head with why this corruption is so dangerous. When we think of corrupt nations, he explained, we tend to think of developing nations with tyran-

Photo: Laila Bjöörn Nådiga Lundtan | 17

nous leaders and rampant crime, but this is what Lessig calls quid pro quo corruption; the idea of I help you if you help me sort of exchanges where bribery and other destructive actions occur. It is corruption based on individuals. What the United States experiences is different but arguably more harmful. The U.S. Government has corruption of an entity and of a process that is supposed to contribute to equality but is instead further dividing the nation. “Entity corruption is talking about the system, it is talking about deviation within the system from its design or its plan.” This deviation, Lessig claims, is from the Founding Fathers’ original design of the U.S. Government

that occurs because they have not done anything substantial about it. He addressed this misconception as he showed research findings that proved over 95% of Americans polled are very concerned with this issue, but less than 10% believe that anything about it will actually change. It is resignation, not apathy; it is a lack of hope to think change could ever occur. And here, upon the declaration that what exists is a lack of hope, is where Lessig’s tone shifted, from analytical to emotional.

they had hope for change. What differs, argued Lessig, is the identity of the victim of this current corruption. 50 years ago, black Americans were the victims, that is undoubtedly true. Now, as this inequality corrupting the entity of the U.S. Government causes new problems, it is a dif-

“I may not win, but when I check out I will know I did everything I possibly could.” for being for the people, “not the rich more than the poor.” And this sort of corruption can have a greater impact than the actions of a corrupt individual. “The consequences,” says Lessig, “are much more destructive.” At this point the audience, myself included, began to wonder what Americans could possibly do to fix this corruption. Lessig echoed this concern, adding that some may believe that Americans must not care about the malfeasance

“What motivates people to step up and do something about it?” he asked. With this question, Lessig returned the audience back to the inequality black Americans faced in the early 20th century and connected it to one pertinent event in American history: the Civil Rights Movement march from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery, Alabama over 50 years ago, on behalf of equality for all Americans. The marchers were inspired to step up and, despite the violent oppression they faced from their country’s police force and citizens, marched because they recognized the inequality, because they were fed up with its ramifications, and because

ferent group that will feel these consequences. “The truth is, I think the critical group to be understood as victims are...those whose dreams have been cancelled.” It is the kids of America who will feel the full impact of this corruption. “The victim here is the youth, the people who do not vote, who cannot vote, who are so incredibly cynical about the system that they just tune out. They are the victims of this inequality.” Finally, after almost 40 minutes of statistics, argumentation, and the simple presentation of facts to support the notion that the U.S. Government is indeed corrupt, Lessig offered his hope for the fu-

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ture. He pointed out the existence of other anti-corruption movements starting all over the world, which can hopefully inspire similar movements to begin elsewhere, including the United States. “Even if it has different causes in these different democracies, we should understand these movements as part of the same movement, a movement that demands the respect of equality that equal citizens are entitled to have.” As he closed his presentation, Lessig cited Sweden as “an exception to corruption,” and addressed the country’s role in the fight against it. “You have an incredible opportunity to help us. You help us by being critical, by calling us on the failure of us to live up to our ideals. To help us see how what we have done is a failure; a failure of democracy.” Lessig is hopeful that nations such

as Sweden can serve as examples to right the wrongs experienced in other countries around the world. With a few minutes left for question and answer time, Lessig opened the floor to the audience and took questions regarding elections and his thoughts on progress towards stopping corruption. The most poignant moment came when an audience member asked Lessig, “What motivates you?” Lessig paused, then answered, “Aaron Swartz.” Swartz was a mentee of Lessig’s, a twenty-something computer genius who was also a strong advocate for internet freedom. Swartz was arrested in 2011 for downloading academic journals with the intent of making them available to the public. After spending the subsequent two years fighting his charges in court only to face 35 years in prison, he took his own life in early 2013. Lessig wants to continue this fight against corruption, for Swartz, for equality, and the future; he is

aware of the long journey ahead of him, but holds onto the hope that his hard work may bring progress. “I may not win, but when I check out I will know I did everything I possibly could.” Lessig’s talk was an almost overwhelming look into the corruption plaguing one of the world’s most powerful entities. But the message I took away was not to be angry about the problem and resentful towards its existence, but to remain hopeful and to take on this and other important challenges, no matter the odds. It is important that individuals challenge the status quo to fight for equality and work towards bettering something they love. “Whether it is possible or not is not the issue,” Lessig mused during his final remarks about his fight against corruption in the country he loves. “When you love something, the odds do not matter.”

Text: Kate Hertler

“always lean to the green”

5 Movies

that Celebrate their 20 th Anniversary The Usual Suspects Bryan Singer presents Kevin Spacey with one of the best and most memorable roles of his career in The Usual Suspects. The film provides the audience with a thrilling and thought-provoking conclusion in the hunt for the villain, Keyser Söze. Even after 20 years, this movie stands the test of time and still provides new generations with a mind-boggling finale.

Se7en Spacey’s second movie on this list proves that ’95 was a great year for not only the actor himself, but also a great year for villains. David Fincher offers the audience a thrilling ride with lead men Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt in their search for the serial killer terrorizing the town.

Toy Story The one that started it all, the first computer-animated feature film. In 1995 John Lasseter introduced the world to the lovable characters of Woody and Buzz voiced by Tom Hanks and Tim Allen. Inspiring a generation, Andy’s toys set out on a journey full of adventure, friendships, and wonder.

Braveheart Mel Gibson both directs and leads in this period classic telling the tale of William Wallace and Scotland’s fight for independence. What serves as perhaps one of Gibson’s most memorable roles also garnered 5 Academy Awards as well as creating possibly the most recognizable speech in the history of movies.

Babe Not many would dare to make a movie starring a pig as the main character, but Chris Noonan did so and succeeded. Babe and the rest of the farm animals deliver a heartfelt tale of hope with the message of no matter who or what you are there is no stopping you from fulfilling your dreams. Babe remains as one of the top animal movies in picture history.

Nådiga Lundtan | 20

Text: Philip Wrangberg

I would like to thank everyone for not showing up today!

So, you are the president. But how many people are working in the committee, and what are your main activities? ”I would say we are about 8 or 9 people.” … And the activities? Fredrik pauses for a second to think, and says that it is mostly about keeping operations running smoothly; “that money keeps coming in to the committee, and create added value for the members.” That sounds a bit unspecific to me, so I try from a different angle. But, when do you have meetings? ”Naturally, we do not have any meetings. However, a newsletter, together with the membership fee invoice, is sent out to the members annually.” Newsletter? ”Yes, it is basically the union’s balance sheet.” The sun is shining in Lundagård. Spring time. Ancient buildings that are the foundation of Lund University are more beautiful than ever before as I am strolling across the cobbled streets leading up to AF-borgen. I have arranged an interview with Fredrik Nilsson, president and founder of the Asocial Committee of LundaEkonomerna. Fredrik is tall and well dressed, with a big smile on his face as he approaches me, carrying a heavy briefcase in his left hand. Firm handshake. Impressive posture. Fredrik orders two cups of steaming hot coffee. The interview may begin.

The Asocial Committee was founded two years ago, and has according to Fredrik “rapidly become a success.” There are no activities being organized during the semesters and members do not know each other, which is the whole idea of the committee. ”Members play an important role in our committee, and it is fun to see that the hard work of the staff has given results.”

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself ?

I ask Fredrik if I can speak with some of the other members of the committee, but he tells me he does not know them.

”I am in my last year of my bachelor in Business Administration. Originally, I come from Ekerö, Stockholm, and I am 22 years old.”

How do you recruite new members? Say a novice wants to join the Asocial Committee. How do they go about things to make that happen?

For a long time, I have been curious about the Asocial Committee since many people do not seem to know what it is. The committee is listed under Social activities on LundaEkonomerna’s web site, but for contact information, there is only a number for a postal box at Lund Central station. Nothing else. It was a miracle I could get in touch with Fredrik. Similar to a private detective, I had to stake out the postal box for several days until he came by to check the incoming correspondence, and I could schedule this interview.

”That is very simple. They just send a letter with their current adress to our postal box, and then the invoice will be sent to them by our finance department.”

Why did you start the Asocial Committee? ”To be honest, I quickly got tired of the student life. Working behind the bar or cooking lunch at the nations was not really my cup of tea. It was too much of everything, but at the same time I wanted to do something. And it felt important to include volountary work on my resumé.”

Which is another part of the committee that is also run by Fredrik. Okay, thank you Fredrik. Now we know a little bit more about the Asocial Committee.

Text: Axel Schennings Illustration: Joakim Carlsson

Nådiga Lundtan | 21

LundaEkonomernas 20th Anniversary

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LundaEkonomernas 20th Anniversary

A Flash from the Past

of the members established itself as a reliable union that many people think is nice to be a part of. In 1996, some of the committees were professional whilst others were quite the opposite. Just blue-eyed amateurs. I believe that the level between committees is more even now.” Looking into the future, how do you want LundaEkonomerna to develop? ”The union should aspire to be a network connecting people even after graduation. It will be important to work with the alumni operation. Having a well-structured network when applying for jobs is important today, and will continue to be so.” Can you describe the partying atmosphere in 1995?

Photo: Josefine von Uthmann In connection with LundaEkonomerna celebrating 20 years as a student union, Nådiga Lundtan thought it to be interesting to hear from someone who was involved back then. I got in touch with an ideal example of that kind of person: Ulf Bingsgård, former treasurer working full-time in the board in 1996. I was greatly impressed by Ulf ’s commitment to the different positions he has held in the union, nations, and postuniversity. It was comforting to hear that the student life does not necessarily end after graduation. We met up in AF-Borgen on a cloudy day in midMarch. I bought us each a cup of coffee and my first question was given: How was the union back then? ”The student union of the entire Lund University still existed up until 1995, when students asked the board of the university to divide it into eight smaller departments organized after respective faculty. LundaEkonomerna was founded.” Before that there were in fact three different economic clubs to be active in, so the creation of LundaEkonomerna made it easier for everyone. He describes the first year as somewhat chaotic, to describe it mildly. The union had to grow into a professional organisation, and focus lay on building a solid ground economically. The board started for example to discuss partner companies supporting the union. How was Nådiga Lundtan at the time? ”I think it was started at the same period of time. It seemed like one of the committees that had the most fun together, especially during the layout-weeks when they were all hanging out at Skånis.” In which ways do you think LundaEkonomerna has changed since it was first started? ”I would say that it is more of a professional organisation now. LundaEkonomerna has through the hard work

”From my point of view, not having partied for a while, it seems like students nowadays are a bit more proper. Maybe people were drinking recklessly to a greater extent. But it was probably the same, and you still have the same big events, such as the Winter Ball and the GA-Ball.” Ulf was more involved in the student life than most people will ever be. Apart from being treasurer in LundaEkonomerna, he also worked as Sexmästare at Sydskånska Nationen, and sat in their Seniors college. I imagine it might be emotionally difficult to leave Lund after studying, with the hectic but fun lifestyle that it offers. Then again, Ulf has not left completely. What do you do now? Are you still part of the student life of some sort? ”Since 2005, I have been president in the top board (member since 1996 when representing LundaEkonomerna) of Akademiska Föreningen. We meet five times per year, and then we set the budget and choose representatives for the different committees. Now I am an opposition counselor for Moderaterna in the city council of Trelleborg and before that I was the Municipal Commissioner of Trelleborg.” I bet his years working in different boards in a diverse set of roles, has not hurt his career in politics. Maybe that is the next step for everyone involved in unions and nations. Ulf said earlier in our interview that when he first started studying, he wanted to get the graduation done quickly and not get overly-engaged in student life. Strange how life turns out, right? Ulf ’s story just goes to show that it is almost impossible to choose what you want to work with from the beginning. He just followed what he thought was fun and that led him to a career in politics. He could not have seen that coming before maybe graduation.

Text: Axel Schennings

Nådiga Lundtan | 24


The future of our beloved union building is uncertain. Plans for EC4 are underway and when that project eventually takes off much indicates that Skånis, or Skånelängan, will have to be torn down to make way for the new additions. Though the future of Skånis looks bleak, the history of the building is rich and fruitful. Well, it may have been. As it turns out, not many people know of the buildings history prior to our predecessor moving in back in 1988. The construction of Holger Crafoords Economic Centre began in the 1980’s and it is also around that time in which an earlier form of LundaEkonomerna, then called EFSIL, settled in the yellow building. Gösta Wijk, who was the Prefect of the Business Faculty at the time, remembers the building. “The house was there when we started building EC1. The discussion at the time was whether we should tear it down or if it could be used in some other way”. It is safe to say that saving the building was the right choice. Since then, Skånis has been a place of laughs, hard work, and the building of friendships. I am sure we will all be moved to see it brought down after such splendid service. What Gösta could tell me however was that long before students took over the building it was occupied by a gardener, who owned a gardening facility on the nearby lands. He also informed me that the surrounding buildings, today owned by Akademiska Hus, were part of a glove factory. But that is where the flow of information stops. The current owners, Statens Fastighetsverk, loosely translated as the States Property Board, have been secretive regarding the buil-

dings origins. When was it built? What was it for? Who lived there? These are all questions I would like to know the answer to, but ones that the owners are hesitant to provide. I can only assume that this secrecy, similar to the level of Area 51, can only mean that Skånis is, or at least has been, part of a grand scheme worthy of unveiling. Note that other buildings the government organisation owns are various castles around Sweden as well as Swedish Embassies around the world. This certainly links Skånis to either the royal crowd or the diplomatic sphere. Was it actually the Battle of Skånis, and not Waterloo, which historians would have you believe, that brought down Napoleon’s rule? Is it really the Treaty of Skånis rather than Versailles? Was the moon landing staged on the second floor? Did Bill Clinton not have sexual relations with that woman in the meeting room? The fantasy of Lost might as well be the reality of Skånis. To further this whole mystery a strange occurrence took place one dark night, not long ago. A ghostly elderly couple knocked on the door. They claimed to have lived in Skånis long ago and went on showing me where their old bedroom used to be and other nostalgic memories. Then they left and never returned. Their visit only deepened my confusion regarding the background of our yellow union building. And as it turns out, no one even remembers them visiting. Gösta, the prefect during the 80’s, recalled a similar visit at that time when I spoke to him. “An elderly couple you say? Yes, that sounds familiar. Did they visit this year? That is impossible, they passed away just after we finished building EC1…”

Text: Philip Wrangberg

Photo: Josefine von Uthmann Nådiga Lundtan | 25

LundaEkonomernas 20th Anniversary

Lundtan Covers ’95

NĂĽdiga Lundtan | 26

The Evolution of With ever growing fascination I sat on the top floor of Skånis, browsing through old editions of Nådiga Lundtan, the magazine you are now holding in your hands. I was searching for material to be used in this edition for the 20 year celebration, but instead I found a piece of modern history depicted in front of my eyes, and I became amazed. The quality. The dedication. Twenty years have passed since the first piece was released in 1995; some of the magazines are older than my little sister. But the substance is timeless. I smiled at the references they made to major events and places that are still so familiar to all of us. Like the Novisch-week, the GA-ball, and Hercules Bar. I found myself not being able to grasp the fact that everything that happens in Lund, has happened before and will continue to do so. What we do with our time during our studies will not echo in eternity, because in three to five years from now everyone we know will be replaced. Someone will sit where I sit today and edit Nådiga Lundtan, with the same groundbreaking ideas on how to attract more readers. Student life can be looked upon as a symbol for our own individual time on earth. We are here for a short period of time, for a blink of an eye. If we screw up an issue of the magazine, it does not really matter. That is comforting! In the early issues of Nådiga Lundtan, they included a really well-made re-occurring comic strip called Affe Apa drawn by a person named Thomas Pålsson. A creative genius, I take from what I have seen in Lundtan. I am serious. His texts and drawings are incredible, in every possible way. They deserve medals and royal praising. I tried googling his name, but got depressingly little result. I do not know what he has done afterwards, but I hope he kept on writing and drawing.

Another fascinating discovery I made was when I compared the themes then to now. In past issues, in fact until about 2005, themes were very different compared to today’s Lundtan standards. Issue #15 in 1997, had the theme: Sex. Issue #120 in 2015, had: Worldwide. On page 20 in issue #5 in 1995, there is an article called Get hot with Lundtan, and it gives suggestions on how to become attractive. Three examples are: 1. Surgical procedures. 2. Drink (as in alcohol) yourself pretty. 3. Be rich. The motto of Nådiga Lundtan back then was kind of amusing:

Be rich and handsome, rather than ugly and poor. Those were different times, clearly, but what is noticeable is the incredible effort and dedication Thomas Pålsson and his colleagues put in to the magazine. I try to compare it to nowadays. Did they have more time back then? Did they drink less and therefore spent less time hungover? No, more likely the opposite, from what I have heard. They were a lot more people in the editorial, which possibly made them more productive, article-wise. The collective imagination and creativeness were perhaps bigger, or… must obviously have been bigger. I do not say that Lundtan today is bad, it is not. I am proud of what we accomplish with limited resources. Though, I think we could do so much more if more people were to join us. Be a proper editorial. You do not need to be a writer. Let us bring in illustrationists, cartoonists, joke writers, what ever. The concept of newspapers and magazines is something we ought to cherish. The printed word, and so on. Do not go gentle into that good night without Nådiga Lundtan.

Text: Axel Schennings

Excerpt from Affe Apa på Bal, Nådiga Lundtan #5 Nådiga Lundtan | 27



Journey vs. Destination

n a previous issue, I wrote about travelling and how easy it is, nowadays, to get around in this world. I would like to continue on that, and expand on the eternal quasi-problem of journey-versus-destination and which of these offers the most, well, joy and happiness. The fine literature is undecided on this matter. We have, for example, Karin Boye, the prominent Swedish poet, who is clearly on the journey side, evident not least in her iconic piece In Motion: “it is the way that is the labour’s worth”. In the other corner we have for instance Voltaire, who is clearly into destination: enough talk, let us work. Ish.

Photo: Jennifer Annvik

While the romantic idea of journeying is perhaps the more popular, many, like yours truly, are leaning towards destination, not least for practical reasons; travelling, in itself, results in different kinds of friction, related to cultural, technical, economic and environmental ramifications. And the very act of getting from one place to another is often uncomfortable, so it does make sense that travelling is related etymologically to travailler, as in labouring. But we are in favour of destination for logical reasons too: you are always here right now. You cannot be in two places at the same time, no matter how fast you are... You are always at a destination, even if you are sipping a drink and looking out an airplane window. So, with that perspective, journeys are but series of destinations. Here. And. Now. Situations. And you better make the most out of it. The journey concept works from a distance, before and after, when we dream them up and when we reminisce. When we are on it, however, at destinations and in situations, we are busy doing good, solving problems, enjoying ourselves and achieving whatever objectives we might have. Some of us prefer destinations and situations – as many different ones as possible, preferably.

So anyway, having said that, I would like to draw your attention to one particular series of situations, which is a fantastic journey. Time flies and LundaEkonomerna is turning 20 this year. If we include their predecessors, EFSIL and FLIE, they are more than 50 years. So perhaps it is time to reminisce and get nostalgic and think of The Journey from nothing to what we are today: the greatest student union there is. That is for sure worth celebrating. But it is even more proper to celebrate all the individual efforts made over time. I am thinking of the big events, and also all the less extravagant things that our people do, to secure and drive the quality of

being a student at LUSEM. Signing up a partner company, arranging case competitions, helping teachers and directors of studies to develop and improve courses, managing the different parties, and all the other amazing things you do – these are all instances displaying determination converted into achievements. Seeing it as a journey probably makes sense, but it is the acts of individuals and groups, the remarkable events and deciding situations that make a difference. Get in there and be part of as many as you can. Happy birthday!

Text: Thomas Kalling

The Inspector’s Page

Photo: Jens Lundén

Nådiga Lundtan | 30

Alumni Name: Jens Lundén Program: Bachelor of Science in Business and Marketing Graduation year: January 2015 Current city: Los Angeles, CA, USA Current work: Internship at the Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce in L.A. Past involvement with LundaEkonomerna: Head of Communications & board member, part of the Marketing Group, Barmästare in Sexmästeriet What did your student life look like? ”Since the main reason for me to move to Lund was that I wanted to experience a university town, becoming involved in the student life came naturally. I started off working for one of the nations but moved more and more towards the union as it, to me, made more sense. Aside from constantly trying to have other things going on beside school, the rest of the time was spent, well, having way too much fun.” How did the road from graduation to your first job look like? ”I wrote my thesis just this last fall and handed it in January 15 th. By then I had already gotten this internship at the Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce in Los Angeles. I was actually supposed to start in the beginning of January but was able to postpone it a couple of weeks due to my thesis. However, the day after I handed it in, I was on an airplane heading to California. So to be quite honest, being in the middle of jobhunting, thesis-writing, a visa process, moving out of my apartment and having to emotionally cope with the fact that Lund-life would soon be over, I actually never had a chance to really think about it. All of the thoughts regarding “what am I doing?”, “is an internship in L.A. the best option?”, “should I not get my master’s degree first?” were given no time. I just realised I had forgotten about all of them when I had worked my first few days here in L.A. Luckily it worked out, and I do not have a single regret.”

How has your involvement in the union helped you in your professional career? ”Way more than I ever though whilst working for the union! My thoughts regarding LundaEkonomerna was to combine having fun and creating a good network. But the amount of skills and knowledge you acquire from it is amazing, and something that I have realised after leaving Lund. I actually know stuff and can use that to develop businesses. With that comes confidence, which also is very helpful.” What is your favorite memory from LundaEkonomerna? ”One that comes to mind was when a few of us were running late to a morning meeting. Having to go through Skånis first to grab some stuff, we opened the front door hastily only to find the entire floor and stairway covered with cups filled with water! So the committee who had borrowed Skånis the night before surely made a bad situation worse. But it was all just hilarious watching each other try to jump and balance our way past the maze of water cups.Even though we all ran a professional organization we still managed to keep the mischief and fun atmosphere alive. In that way Skånis was like a second home. ” What does the future hold? ”This internship will end in mid-July so then I am probably heading back to Sweden. I will be looking for jobs, but where that will be I have no idea. I do not prefer to look too far ahead as I know things will never turn out the way you expect them to. So for now, my future holds nothing, and therefore everything.”

Text: Philip Wrangberg

Nådiga Lundtan | 31

Living the


On the 2 nd of February three crazy business students from Lund arrived in Sydney. I lived down under in 2012, so I knew straight away that I wanted to stay in Bondi Beach.

students, up the coast to Byron Bay. A true paradise on Earth. We surfed five-six hours per day, and danced on the tables at a bar called Cheeky Monkeys every night.

Sydney is a massive city, and the University of New South Wales (UNSW) is situated far away from the beach. Therefore, you have to choose if you want to live close to the beach, and spend around 50 minutes on public transportion going to school, or the other way around. Sydney traffic is a complete nightmare, and you cannot rely on busses keeping to schedule so being on time can be a bit tricky. Though, if you are only five-ten minutes late people usually just say no worries mate.

My friend and I live close to the beach in Bondi, and we both think it is the best. Transportation to school has not been too awful, but it is not like in Lund where you just grab your bike. Sydney is infamous for being the most expensive city in the world and I do not disagree! We would not survive without CSN and our own savings. The rent for a shared room is around 1 500 kr per week, and add to that food, transport, and gym expenses. People here also tend to eat out at least two-three times a week, and all locals have their morning coffee at cafés, which gets pretty expensive after a while. To keep up an enjoyable lifestyle, you most likely need to work on the side, and fortunately it is very easy to get a café job or a part-time

Our first month here can best be described as a honeymoon. We have done so many fun things since our arrival. During the introductory period I travelled, together with other exchange

LundaEkonom Out and About Nådiga Lundtan | 32

• Country: Australia • City: Sydney • University: University of New South Wales

business job. I, for example, walked around Bondi looking for jobs, and got one the same day. When we do not surf, or go for coast runs, have bbq:s, or dance on the tables in Bondi, we actually study, and it is heaps more to read than in Lund. In Australia, you study four subjects at once, and instead of having just one final exam, you have around 15 different assignments in every

single subject. Plus a final exam in the end. UNSW sets high standards, and has many international students; over 80% are non-Australian. Many of them are here to get high distinction, which can cause trouble when they, in a group assignment, end up with an exchange student like myself, who is only abroad to surf and sunbathe. UNSW is a large university, and so is the University of Sydney. It is difficult to get the same cosy feeling as in Lund where everyone seems to know each other. The University has plenty of different activities and sports clubs, and the facilities are just amazing, especially compared to the dull economic buildings in Lund.

locals. Everyone is really easy-going, and if you are feeling stressed you can just go for a swim and calm your nerves. Sometimes it is hard to find a balance between the studies and the social life here. All the things to do and see here in Sydney will distract you from studying, and the sunny weather does not help either. But, do your best, and you will pass. Then go on all the trips and adventures because you will be filled with regret if you went to Australia, not travelling while here. I also recommend you to save money before going because of the high cost of living. Last but not least: get to know the locals! Many people come to Sydney and just hang out with Swedes! You get the opportunity to improve your english, and spend time with some of the most awesome people in the world, so why not take it?

The teachers are passionate and committed to their work, and they want students to be involved during lectures. I love UNSW. They have helped me from day one, and the other students have just been so incredibly helpful and friendly. My life down under is a dream come true. Yes, you do not have LundaEkonomerna or T-bar, but you have the opportunity to go surfing after school, spend many hours outdoors, and meet fantastic and outgoing good-looking

All I can say is: Go to Australia mates! – you will have the time of your life!

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NĂĽdiga Lundtan | 34

The past month with the

Corporate Relations Committee 11/3


The International Committee is one of LundaEkonomerna’s various social committees. I met up with the President of the committee, Isac Winell to find out more about what they do.

Tell us about the purpose of the International Committee: what are your goals? ”We want to bond international and Swedish students in a social and cultural way by connecting them, giving them opportunities to learn about each others culture while doing something exciting, fun, or just typically Swedish together. Last August, for example, we held the big Crayfish party with around 120 attendees in total which was a great feast and a good starting point for the internationals at the beginning of the semester.” What were the highlights of the last semester that you would pick in a year’s review? ”Definitely the big Crayfish party for which the tickets, by the way, sold out quickly. But also some smaller events like our Halloween Party or our gathering to bake Christmas cookies together at Skånis last December. We also organized a potluck dinner where everybody prepared something from their home country and we then shared the experience together.” So what are the main events coming up in the rest of this semester? ”Our biggest event will definitely be Jetlag; on the 23 rd of April we will organise a big sitting with a distinct networking character. We are inviting students from the School of Economics and Management, the Faculty of Law, and the School of Engineering offering them a place to get to know each other across the faculty borders and network as well. And I am guessing the tickets for that event will quickly sell out too. I encourage all of you to like LundaEkonomerna - Social on Facebook and look out for posters in school.” Which goals would you like to accomplish before the end of the year?

Photo: Josefine von Uthmann

”Our job is done well if people are getting to know each other and are connecting across borders. Even just seeing people meeting at our events, mingling, and afterwards becoming friends on Facebook is a great sign. If they keep staying in touch, it is splendid. To sum up, I would say we are happy when networking works out and everybody enjoys themselves.”

Text: Sebastian Hoefinger

The organisation’s structure is simple but extremely beneficial; WILMA finds and secures mentors and then pairs them up with two students. The group is then able to set up their own meetings and have personal time with the mentor to discuss any topic they would like, from advice on how to break into a certain industry to help with job interviews. The mentors come from multiple industries and a variety of positions, from project managers to CEO:s. So far, students have really enjoyed the opportunities provided by WILMA, which is evident in their membership; this past semester their membership grew to 55 students. I sat down with Rebecca Johansson, President, and Johanna Nilsson, Vice President, to discuss more about WILMA and the wonderful opportunities it gives LUSEM students. So, what is WILMA? ”WILMA is a mentor network organization, and we aim to bring the students of LUSEM together with successful businesswomen, mostly in the corporate world. We also work with gender equality, and want to reduce the step between school and working life. It used to be a network just for women but now it is open for everyone. WILMA started in 2002 when the situation was different than it is today – we do not think there is a reason to exclude anyone. Today is more about equality, which affects everyone.” What events are you having this semester? ”We are having a Women’s Day, (it is not only for women!) with two inspirational speakers giving two lectures. One is Amanda Lundeteg and she is from a foundation called AllBright; they do reports every year on gender equality in the corporate world in Sweden. The other events we have are only for our members but we have them every semester. They are more of network meetings where we get someone to come and speak to our members. It is more interactive, we sit down in groups and discuss different topics.” Have you found it easy to recruite mentors for the programme?

WILMA (Women In Lund Mentoring Association) has been around since 2002, but recently became an official part of LundaEkonomerna. Although the organisation was originally intended to mentor young female students, WILMA now connects all interested students to female mentors in the Lund region. ”The mentors really want to be involved; they find the interaction with students very rewarding. We give inspiration and suggestions about what they can speak about but it is up to them to organise when they meet. We try to match the students and their interests with the mentors and the experiences of the mentors. It is about the individuals and where they are in life and what they need.” Is there anything else you want LUSEM students to know about WILMA? ”It is an excellent opportunity to network and to reduce the distance between school and working life, and to get a coach. Our mentors have so much experience to share. Every member of ours is very pleased with being a part of WILMA and appreciate the possibility of having a mentor. Getting knowledge about how it will be to enter the job market is an incredible opportunity.” If you could choose any woman, dead or alive, to be your mentor, who would it be? Rebecca: ”Hmm.. It depends, I find it hard to pick just one, but women such as Rosa Parks, Beyoncé, and Annika Falkengren inspire me because they are challenging the norms.” Johanna: ”I think I must say Hillary Clinton!”

Text: Kate Hertler

Nådiga Lundtan | 37

PRESIDENT Lisa Fjellström 072 322 00 33 president@lundaekonomerna.se

EEE 2016 Jesper Sundström, 076 800 40 01 general.eee@lundaekonomerna.se

CORPORATE CHALLENGE Alexandra Wiklund, 070 783 77 03 cc@lundaekonomerna.se

ÖRESUND LINKING MINDS Marit Joten, 073 788 68 54 olm@lundaekonomerna.se

VICE PRESIDENT Felix Blanke, 072 322 00 44 v.president@lundaekonomerna.se

CASE ACADEMY caseacademy@lundaekonomerna.se

NÅDIGA LUNDTAN Philip Wrangberg, 073 593 69 45 lundtan@lundaekonomerna.se

THE MASTER PROJECT Max Bengtsson, 070 291 01 65 masterproject@lundaekonomerna.se

THE INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE Isac Winell, 070 532 92 62 intu@lundaekonomerna.se

LIGHT Marte Erland, 070 461 97 87 light@lundaekonomerna.se

TREASURER Victor Håkansson, 072 322 00 55 treasurer@lundaekonomerna.se HEAD OF CORPORATE RELATIONS Sofie Andersson, 072 322 00 66 corp.rel@lundaekonomerna.se HEAD OF COMMUNICATIONS Linus Classon, 072 322 00 77 communications@lundaekonomerna.se HEAD OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Helena Dolfe, 073 089 63 64 international@lundaekonomerna.se HEAD OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS Marcus B. Lindström, 070 514 74 29 social@lundaekonomerna.se HEAD OF INTERNAL RELATIONS Lovisa Ektander, 076 163 73 66 int.rel@lundaekonomerna.se HEAD OF ALUMNI Axel Walin, 073 328 59 78 alumni@lundaekonomerna.se

THE EDUCATION COMMITTEE Emmy Larsson, 073 546 89 44 uu@lundaekonomerna.se THE CORPORATE RELATIONS COMMITTEE Daniel Granath, 072 301 02 03 nlu@lundaekonomerna.se THE IT-PROJECT Robert Bärlin, 076 839 52 07 itp@lundaekonomerna.se THE SOCIAL COMMITTEE Malin Mörk su@lundaekonomerna.se KPMG INTERNATIONAL CASE COMPETITION Jennifer Jönsson , 073 066 00 28 case@lundaekonomerna.se

VINTERBALEN Linnéa Noelli, 072 887 85 96 vinterbalen@lundaekonomerna.se LUND INTERNATIONAL WEEK Stina Schmiedel, 076 314 53 45 liw@lundaekonomerna.se SAMDAY Simon Liljestrand, 072 207 78 74 samday@lundaekonomerna.nu THE MARKETING GROUP Emelie Jönsson, 070 794 45 26 mfg@lundaekonomerna.se

THE NOVICE COMMITTEE Fredrik Signäs, 073 813 17 13 novischeriet@lundaekonomerna.se

SEXMÄSTERIET Charlie Widenfors, 076 854 21 36 sexm@lundaekonomerna.se

LUND ECONOMICS STOCKHOLM TOUR Martina Huzell lest@lundaekonomerna.se

LUND EUROPEAN BUSINESS TOUR Nicole Johansson, 073 983 26 92 lebt@lundaekonomerna.se

SALES TEAM Robin Malmsten, 073 089 14 77 st@lundaekonomerna.se WILMA Rebecca Johansson, 073 204 40 01 president.wilma@lundaekonomerna.se ENTREPRENEURSHIP COMITTEE Peter Bidewell, 076 794 71 49 entrepreneurship@lundaekonomerna.se GENERAL COUNCIL Julius Kvissberg speaker@lundaekonomerna.se NOMINATIONS COMITTEE Martin Bjarnemar, 070 146 76 24 nominations@lundaekonomerna.se

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Nådiga Lundtan | 38

The life journey of LundaEkonomerna started with a merge of the two program associations for business and economics students at Lund University School of Economics and Management. It was in 1995 when EFSIL, Ekonomiska Fakultetens Studenter I Lund, and FLIE, Föreningen Lunds Internationella Ekonomer, became one that LundaEkonomerna was born. During the infancy of LundaEkonomerna we had a rather immature appearance and like most children we imitated much of our parents behaviour. We inherited a number of committees and operated a similar business as EFSIL used to. At tottering legs we curiously discovered the first few years of life as a student union.

President Lisa Fjellström

Being a student is often a very significant and memorable part of your life. At least that is what they say. Live life to the fullest, you will never have as fun! is a phrase I heard over and over again as I was packing my stuff to move to what is arguably the best student city in the world, Lund.

In 2005 LundaEkonomerna turned ten years old and it was time for a change. We decided for a more mature appearance and prepared to enter the teens. As for most it is a time of

insecurity and struggling to find new friends. LundaEkonomerna was not an exception. After some hesitation we decided to recreate friendships that was ended during younger years. Those were friendships with other unions in both SFS, Sveriges Förenade Studentkårer, and LUS, Lunds Universitets Studentkårer. When the Parliament decided to abolish the compulsory student union membership we also found new friends among the other student organisations in Lund through the new collaboration Studentlund. Today, 20 years after the Big Bang, LundaEkonomerna has outgrown adolescence and is going for a more traditional look. We are happy for all the people we have met during our 20 years and we are thankful for those who have contributed to what we have grown into today. A life journey would be nothing without the people in it and we cannot wait to see who will join the ride for the next 20.

Quoting the old greek philosopher Plato: The more I learn, the more I learn how little I know. From this I draw two conclusions. 1. There will ALWAYS be questions to solve.

Lund is of course a lot about the student life. The experiences here in LundaEkonomerna are uncomparable and I do not think I can imagine how useful and fun I think it will be to look back on these years. It is the one thing that really strikes me when trying to reminisce about this short period of time, just how much I have learned.

2. I will always be able to learn something new.

But the interesting part is not how much I have learned, it is how much I want to learn. It feels like that for every question or problem that I solve, three new appear. And I really like that. I will explain why.

No matter where your journey is taking you, a good first step is to celebrate our first 20 years, of many to come, with us in May.

To me, this means that I will always be on a journey. Most of the time this is often what I want, but this also means that even when I want to step off the train I will not be able to. So the best thing to do is to always enjoy the ride.

See you there!

Vice President Felix Blanke

Nådiga Lundtan | 39

Lundaekonomerna N책diga Lundtan Tunav채gen 37 223 63 Lund

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