Childreach International

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Fundraising Pack Reaching Out to Vulnerable Children Around the World... We need your donation NOW! Call - 0208 223 7066

Reaching Out to Vulnerable Children Around the World... Welcome to the Childreach International Fundraising Pack! Firstly, let me say Thank You on behalf of all the children, youths and families we work with. The fact that you’re reading this pack means that you’ve decided to help raise funds for Childreach International, and that’s fantastic!

Childreach International was founded in 2004 with the objective of helping communities in developing countries to start projects that would enable future generations to escape the poverty trap and lead more fulfilling lives. The founding trustees of Childreach International had a vision; to build an organisation where innovation and cooperative working are encouraged; delivering grass roots initiatives that cost little but have a huge impact on the lives of the children and their families; raising awareness in the West about the realities of child poverty and fostering links between communities around the world. Today, we continue to strive towards those goals, and each and every one of us can play a part in bringing an end to child poverty. We’re very pleased that you have decided to join us in our work and we look forward to supporting you all the way! Fundraising can be a challenge but ultimately very rewarding (as well as being lots of fun!) We wish you the best of luck with your fundraising and remember, you’re changing children’s lives!!!

Dan Quille Fundraising and Communications Manager

Child Reach International

Where Your Money Goes... India


We work with local partners in several states around India, promoting children’s rights and encouraging families to educate their children so that they will be able to pull themselves out of poverty. Our main focus is on educating children, particularly girls, who come from the poorest families and are less likely to attend school.

Childreach International has been working in Tanzania for almost 5 years and in that time we have helped to set-up a pioneering youth training scheme, improved school facilities for thousands of young children and supported an innovative school IT programme, which was commended by the Tanzanian government.

What a donation could buy in India:

What a donation could buy in Tanzania:

£1 buys 8 membership scarves for participation in a child run children’s collective called Balsena. This collective allows children to work together to solve social problems they face at home, school or in their communities through monthly meetings, programs, activities and celebrations.

£1.50 will buy 4 boxes of white chalk for a chalk board in a Vocational Training Centre in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania

£40 can buy much needed medicine for 10 children for a whole year as part of the Delhi Council for Child Welfare. Outreach day-care programs are provided for children with mental illness, supplying educational courses and a home for those orphans who were rejected because of their illness. £120 buys uniform for 10 children for one year. Thanks to this funding, Childreach can provide free education and healthcare for 200 children over a period of four months. £200 will buy stationery for 200 children for four months. To ensure Childreach can give free education the students need writing equipment and other classroom tools! £600 feeds 100 children for four months. The funding for this most basic of needs goes to the Delhi Council for Child Welfare. Monitored by Childreach, the money then goes towards providing healthy and nutritious meals for children with mental illness. £2000 pays a teacher’s salary for an entire year. Our free education programme needs qualified teachers but as the programme doesn’t have the means to provide this, Childreach International funds the salaries.

Pakistan Our work in Pakistan is focused around working with children who are disabled, displaced or orphans. We are working with local partners to provide education, healthcare and treatment to the country’s most powerless children.

Nepal Since the end of the civil war in Nepal, we have been working with community groups, health centres and schools to provide improved basic services to the country’s most vulnerable children.

Ghana Ghana is Childreach International’s newest addition. Our work there centres on support for rural schools in the impoverished north of the country, using a network of local volunteers.

£6 will buy enough paper for a Vocational Training Centre for 3 Months. £30 pays a part time English or Math’s teacher for a MONTH £45 Can build a playground for primary school children in Mahida, Tanzania. £65 buys enough rice to feed a Vocational Training Centre for 3 months – an integral part of the Tanzanian diet! £350 covers the costs of a part time Math’s or English teacher for an entire YEAR! Childreach International believes that every child deserves both literacy and numeracy. £500 can buy 165 Math’s and English text books for a secondary school! A valuable resource for all children. £800 supplies an entire village with clean drinking water: Boreholes can be drilled and a new pump installed; this money will not only provide the pump but cover the costs of local labor and installation. The pump will ensure that all children have access to clean, safe drinking water close to their homes (many children currently miss a great deal of their school day as they have to walk for many miles to get clean water!). £1,700 buys 60 carpentry tools to kit out a Childreach International Vocational Training Centre. These tools range from bench saws to drill machines… ultimately teaching an under privileged child a skill – giving them a trade and job for life! £5,400 provides a new toilet block for primary school children: The average size of a primary school in rural Tanzania is between 400-500 pupils. Many schools are still without sanitation - imagine the smell! By providing new toilet blocks the children are able to learn in a healthier and safer environment.

Uganda Disabled children in many developing countries are not given the same opportunities as able-bodied children in Uganda Childreach International is piloting a scheme to try to change this. Working with locals we are raising the profile of disabled children’s rights and providing them with care and support.

Child Reach International

Putting the FUN in Fundraising... Fundraising Events are a fantastic way to raise money whilst having a great

There’s no magic formula when it comes to running a successful fundraising event, but planning carefully will considerably increase your chances of success.

time! If you have a fundraising target that you’re working towards then an event can get you off to a flying start – a good event will not only raise lots of money, it will help raise the profile of what you’re trying to achieve and also publicise the work of Childreach International.

The recipe for a successful fundraising event... Plan... There’s no magic formula when it comes to running a successful fundraising event, but planning carefully will considerably increase your chances of success. Try to arrange things well in advance, as peoples’ diaries often get booked up weeks or even months ahead!

Publicise... No one will come to your event if they don’t know it’s happening! Get the word out well in advance! Think about who you want to come and how you can invite them. Remember, more creative ways of inviting people mean they’re more likely to come! If your event is something a bit special then contact your local radio and TV stations and see if they would like to run a feature on it.

Persuade... (and sometimes plead!) Organising a fundraising event can be a time consuming process. It can be made a whole lot easier if you can convince some friends and/or family to form a fundraising committee. In addition to helping with the actual event you’ll find that everyone on the committee can help sell tickets for the event!

Hints and Tips Does your employer support good causes? If so, you could speak to your manager about how you could fundraise in the workplace and possibly get your fundraising total matched by your employer. When approaching friends for sponsorship don’t forget to get a generous amount from the first person on the sponsorship form! This will encourage subsequent sponsors to be generous as well!

Child Reach International

A to Z of Fundraising Ideas A Auction of promises, Abseil, Aerob-a-thon, Ask 10 friends to raise £100 B Bring and buy sale, Bike ride, BBQ, Bingo, Bungee jumping, Bake sale, Bouncy Castle, C Car wash, Carol singing, Casino Night, Craft sale, Concert, Coffee morning, Car-boot sale, Cheese and Wine Evening D Dog walking, Dress down days, Dart tournament, Disco, Dinner Dance, Donkey Derby,

O Obstacle races, Open garden evening P Picnics for teddies, Pet Show, Panel game, Penalty shoot-out, Pub-crawls (get yourself into fancy dress and go from pub to pub ... but make sure you have the landlords permission first!), Posters advertising your challenge (once you’ve made a poster with all your details on and fundraising target, put one up in every leisure centre, doctors surgery, sports club and dentist you can find in your town) Q Quiz Night

E Easter egg hunt, Egg and spoon races, Eighties night, Employer’s matched funding scheme, Enigma (mystery party-trip to another city!)

RR ace Night, Raffle, Recipe book, Rock ‘n’ Roll event, Raffle a Day off Work competition (check with HR), Radio publicity

F Fancy dress event, Face painting, Fishing competition, Fashion show, Football match/tournament, Food hamper raffle, Fun run, Film Show,

S Sponsor activity (silence, swim, bike ride, walk, abstain from bad habit or favourite snack…the list is endless) Supermarket bag-pack (Marks and Spencer generally gives the best results), Salsa night, Scrabble tournament, Street collection, Swap roles with your Boss, Sport’s day, Skill auction, Step back in Time (Go back to the 80s, 70s or 60s by coming to work in clothes that defined these colourful decades. Perhaps you were a new romantic or a flower child. Everyone pays £2 to take part), Smarties tubes (hand out free packets and ask colleagues and friends to fill them with loose change ... make sure you collect the tubes on a regular basis and give out more!)

G Guessing games (height, weight, name of baby, teddies birthday, number of sweets in the jar etc) Garden party, Garage Sale, Golf day, Gala supper H Hundred metres of coins, Head shaving I It’s a Knockout Contest, International Food evening, In lieu of Xmas or Birthday cards/presents J Juggling contest/display, Job-swap for the day, Jumble sale K Knobbly knees contest, Karaoke L Lock up your Boss (they raise their bail to get out), Leg waxing (for men!) Line dance M Musical event, Mystery tour, Murder mystery evening N Non-uniform day (worth applying to your old secondary school as well)

T Three-legged races, Talent contest, Table Tennis Tournament, Treasure Hunt, Tombola, Team challenges, Take over a Restaurant for the Night U Under the sea theme party, Un-wanted goods sale, UV face painting/selling glow sticks (works well on a Friday night with the ‘club going’ public) V Vintage car rally, Valentine or Vampire ball W Welly-boot throwing, Wacky hat contest, Winetasting evening, Winner leaves early, Who’s the baby (Get everyone to bring in a photo of themselves as babies, then charge people £2 to guess their identities) X Xmas party, X-factor singing contest Y Yoyo competition, Yellow themed nights, Your own idea! Z Zany accessories day

Child Reach International

Fundraising Online If you are taking part in one of the

Click on ‘Create a Fundraising Page’

Childreach International challenge

Click on the ‘Create Your Page’ button and enter the details of the event you’re taking part in. You will then be asked to choose your event from a list generated by Just Giving (if you cannot find your event, use the link box on the right-hand side of page to manually input its name).

events then visit where you can set up set your own sponsorship page and collect donations online from friends, family, suppliers and customers around the world. They can sponsor you securely, quickly and easily with credit or debit cards.

Follow the instructions to build your page; it takes just a few minutes Once you have set up your page, email your personal web address to all your friends, family and colleagues, sit back and relax! (Make sure to make some follow up phone calls to remind them they have not yet sponsored you) You can call Just Giving free on 0800 028 6183 or email if you have any queries. Enter the Just Giving website in your web browser:

Once you have chosen your event you will be asked which charity you would like to raise money for. Simply enter Childreach International and then click on the Childreach International logo when it appears. If you already have a Just Giving account you can enter your email address and password. If not, input your email address and click to continue. Follow the onscreen instructions to finish setting-up your Just Giving page. Let everyone know that you’ve set up your Just Giving page. Remember to get people who can Gift Aid to click the correct box, because the government will add extra 25% with no cost to the donor, which Childreach International will benefit from! Once you have set up your page it is worth sending an email around to all of your friends/family/colleagues and request that they all donate something small (i.e. the price of a pint of beer for instance). If you email 50 or more people and everyone donates, you could be making over £150 from very little effort!

Child Reach International

Getting publicity/writing a press release

Whether you are having a coffee morning in the local hall or taking part in a FutureBuilding project, don’t forget to let people know! Here are some tips

Make sure the following ingredients are present: Who – This is probably you. If the newspaper you are writing to is a local paper, make sure you let them know that you live within the area of distribution

on raising awareness through the local

Where – the location of the event

press, radio and television:

What – Details of the event:- is it a social event, a bike ride, a run. How many people are participating or if it’s challenge event, what is the distance and remember to include that this event might be part of bigger story e.g. a FutureBuilding project is part of a wider programme of work

Local papers are often keen to feature stories of interest to local people but remember you MUST catch the editor’s eye! Your press release needs to be written in a journalistic style and require little work from newspaper staff to make it into a printable story.

Your press release needs to be written in a journalistic style and require little work from newspaper staff.

When – Include the date of the event Why – Don’t forget to let the newspaper know that you’re raising money to help Childreach International support disadvantaged children around the world.

Background Information for editors: Childreach International funds health and educational projects in many of the world’s poorest countries, helping very vulnerable children to have a better start in life. Childreach International believes every child has the right to a good education, quality health care and a secure, loving environment.

Child Reach International

Legal and Safety reminders Raffles


Small raffles are a great way of raising funds for Childreach International but remember that you must sell the tickets and announce the result during the event that you are holding. Cash prizes are not allowed.

Always ensure that children at the event are supervised Never allow children under 16 to collect money unless being accompanied by an adult.

If the raffle isn’t just one event and you intend to sell tickets to the general public then you will need to obtain permission from your local council. For more information please get in touch with your local council or with the Gaming Board of Great Britain.

There are some fundraising activities for which you will need to have a licence, including the following: Music and dancing Sale of alcohol Extended hours Provision of food and drink Copyright and royalties for drama or film shows Collecting money or selling goods in a public place When corresponding with your local authority let them know that the event is aid of Childreach International and you can quote the Charity Register Number 1106490. Many venues will already have the necessary licences, but it’s worth double-checking beforehand.

Venue Are there adequate parking facilities? Make sure that the fire exits are clearly marked and that they are not obstructed. Do not exceed the safety capacity of the venue Ensure that the venue has suitable sound, video and lighting facilities, if you require them. Please try to make sure that disabled people are able to access the facility without difficulty.


Always keep money in a lockable box. Never put your personal safety in jeopardy if a thief attempts to steal money. If carrying money always try and have someone you know to accompany you.


What to do in an emergency

Have you made sure you have adequate emergency/ first aid procedures in place in advance? Do the police or fire brigade need to be notified of your event? Do you need a qualified first aider or will a first aid box be sufficient? Familiarise yourself with the location of the fire extinguishers and first aid boxes.

Things to Remember

Where is your event taking place? Do you have the permission of the venue owner? All your fundraising materials need to contain the phrase “In aid of Childreach International”. Keep the costs low. Childreach International prides itself on keeping operating costs to a bare minimum. Before holding a fundraising event make sure you have calculated costs and income and that you have are sure your costs are reasonable. If in doubt about any legal issue regarding your fundraising activities please call us on 0208 2237066

Child Reach International

Sponsorship and Gift Aid Declaration Form

Registered Charity no. 1106490 Please support.............................................. and give generously ChildReach International works with communities in the Global South, helping them to give their children the start in life that they deserve. The projects we support are often innovative grass-roots initiatives that offer a sustainable solution to grass-roots poverty and are led by local people. Your generous donation will help ensure that we can continue our vital work.

UK Taxpayers: We, who have given our names and home addresses below, and who have ticked the box entitled ‘Gift Aid’ want ChildReach International to reclaim tax on the donation detailed below, given on the date shown. We understand that each of us must pay income tax or capital gains tax equal to the tax reclaimed by the charity on the donation.

Full Name

Home Address House number, street name and postcode Essential

Amount Pledged

Child Reach International

Amount Given

Date Given

Gift Aid (✓)

Sponsorship and Gift Aid Declaration Form UK Taxpayers: We, who have given our names and home addresses below, and who have ticked the box entitled ‘Gift Aid’ want ChildReach International to reclaim tax on the donation detailed below, given on the date shown. We understand that each of us must pay income tax or capital gains tax equal to the tax reclaimed by the charity on the donation.

Full Name

Home Address House number, street name and postcode Essential

Registered Charity no. 1106490

Amount Pledged

Amount Given

Date Given

ChildReach International is a registered charity no. 1106490 ChildReach International, The Knowledge Dock, 4-6 University Way, London E16 2RD


Child Reach International

Gift Aid (✓)

Fundraiser’s Stories... Climbing Kili 4 Kids has been the most challenging and rewarding experience of my whole life! I would strongly recommend it to anyone who wants to make a real difference to children’s lives that haven’t had half of the privileges we have. The fundraising and the actual climb were a challenge, but the sense of achievement and the lovely warm feeling of knowing that you have stepped out of your comfort zone and really helped, are out of this world! It was a life-changing, soul shaking, unforgettable experience that I would happily do all over again.

Danielle F, Climb Kilimanjaro 4 Kids Participant The fundraising for the event was an amazing experience. The relief, satisfaction and excitement I felt when those final pounds came in was fantastic. These emotions paled into insignificance compared to those I experienced once I was actually in-country and seeing the huge difference that the money makes to the lives of local families.

It’s not the big things that take a lot of organising that really work – it’s the easy, low organisational things that work the best! I reckon most of my money came from just smiling lots, being confident about Childreach’s work and relating to people that the smallest donation from them adds up to something amazing! Lizi Nevins – October 2008

Previous Volunteer Fundraising Profiles... Name: Lizi Nevins Event: Climb Kilimanjaro for Kids 2008 University: Leeds Course: Medicine Age: 22 Total Raised: £2,273

Graeme H, FutureBuilding Participant Fundraising over £2000 seemed very daunting when I first signed up for the Nepal challenge event. As it turned out my fears were unfounded as I went on to raise well over the minimum sponsorship. I would advise anyone who is fundraising to start by carefully planning where the money is likely to come from, and then start fundraising as soon as possible to give yourself enough time!

Justin S, Trek Nepal Participant

Lizi and some of the Leeds 2008 group on the summit of Kilimanjaro

How She Did It: £100 – the first bit was easy, just calling up family and sending emails to relatives around Christmas! £300 – on the run up to Christmas I went to all the lectures being held for my faculty, asked the member of staff if it was ok to collect and then said a short bit about what I was doing and where the money was going. £150 – one cake sale day at the university and one Easter fair in my hometown £100 – Facebook is a great way of spreading the word about what you’re doing and getting sponsorship, really worth getting that Just Giving page set up! £100 – the Leeds Otley Run pub-crawl is infamous at the university so me and some of the other volunteers from the group got into fancy dress and went collecting (worked out as a pretty good social too!) £1500 (ish) – the power weekend!! As one of my friends was taking part as well we decided to plan out five ‘power weekends’ during the year. We’d pick a city, book in some supermarket bag-packing during Saturday and Sunday and then spend the evening crawling across the bars and pubs in town with collecting tins. A couple of weekends we also mixed it up with some cake sales, busking, face-painting and giving out glow sticks in clubs for donations.

Lizi Nevins – October 2008 Child Reach International


What to do with the money once you’ve raised it... Thank you for completing your fundraising, please collect your cash or sponsorship money as soon as possible.

By Post Don’t send cash through the post. If you receive cash or cheques made payable to yourself, please bank them and write a cheque to ‘Childreach International (UK) Ltd’ for the total amount collected. Send cheques, accompanied by the donation form (and all your sponsorship forms if it was a sponsored event) to the Childreach International address on the donation form. It would assist us greatly if you put your name and other personal details relevant to Childreach (i.e.

challenge event, company, university etc) on the back of all cheques you send, and remember without your sponsorship forms Childreach International cannot claim Gift Aid on other people’s donations. If we don’t know where a donation has come from then we can’t thank you for all your hard work and support!

Over the phone For a quick and easy way to submit your sponsorship, simply ensure that you have deposited all of the money into your own bank account and then call us on 0208 2237066. You will then need to provide us with your debit or credit card details and your payment will be processed within 1 week. You will be asked to fill out a Gift Aid Declaration Form attached and return it to Childreach International so that we can claim Gift Aid on your donation. We need your donation NOW! Call - 0208 223 7066 Childreach International is a UK registered charity number 1106490

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