Unlock the Secrets to Business Success Through Exceptional UX/UI Design: New Presentation

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Intriguing Stats

"75% of consumers judge a brand’s credibility based on website design."Stanford Web

"80% of customers value customer experience above all in tech products." –Qualtrics

Image: Infographic showcasing these stats

Google's Emphasis on UX/UI

Highlight: Google’s “Page Experience” algorithm.

Core Web Vitals: Importance of UI/UX design & website speed.

Image: Google logo or a relevant diagram of Core Web Vitals.

What is UX Development?

Definition and description of UX

Image: Example of wireframing or a flowchart

Key Point: Focuses on the overall experience & user flow

What is UI Development?

Definition and description of UI.

Image: Screenshots of interactive elements in an app.

Key Point: Concentrates on the app's look & interaction.

The Convergence of UX and UI.

How UX/UI overlap and complement each other.

Image: Venn diagram showing UX/UI intersection.

Key Point: UX provides the structure, UI gives the visual feel.

The Convergence of UX and UI.

How UX/UI overlap and complement each other.

Image: Venn diagram showing UX/UI intersection.

Key Point: UX provides the structure, UI gives the visual feel.

Why are UX/UI Vital for Business?

Increase sales and business growth.

Engage users and build trust swiftly.

Image: Graph showing user engagement and business growth.

UI/UX for Business Growth.

Highlights the importance of user satisfaction for brand reputation.

Emphasizes the responsibility of navigating users efficiently.

Image: Rising graph or upward arrow symbolizing growth.

In Conclusion.

Key Takeaways:

UX/UI are indispensable for web

– success.

Directly impact a brand's credibility & user trust.

– Essential for standing out in a – competitive IT landscape.

Image: Collage or montage of web designs, wireframes, and UI elements

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