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State University of New York State College of Optometry ​over the past few years social media has exploded and become a source for entertainment news and even job opportunities with the expansion of social media there has been a rapid increase in the amount of users who go online and post content daily as a result of this the rise of social media influencers has spread across media platforms although there is research conducted on social media influencers there's a gap of information about their direct impact on followers in order to gather information for my research I interviewed students from John Carroll University to weigh in and discuss their opinion on social media influencers from three different social media platforms YouTube Twitter and Instagram the specific research questions I am aiming to unveil answers to are in the eyes of a student what qualities make a social-media influencer successful what are the positive and negative impacts that social media influencers have on students and how do students view their relationship with social media influencers I would have to say Instagram Twitter big big-time Twitter like when that whole net neutrality thing was happening and we might have to pay for Twitter I like would seriously pay a stupid amount of money for Twitter I love it I would say YouTube I definitely use Twitter the most out of all three Instagram I follow Billy Joel John Bruce Bruce Bruce Springsteen love Bruce Springsteen I'll so far a bar at time theater yet I love seeing like what's happening in the Cleveland area like I that's how I've kind of got to know Cleveland a song people like Stephanie Sheldon who's the founder of the Cleveland fleet and people that have come from like the Cleveland flea I felt like a bunch of people that used that creative platform to sell their products I also follow like different people who in the music scene so it's like it didn't like find out when like new albums are coming out and stuff like that okay I am a big fan of like the fitness tutorials I don't know why cuz I never use them but or like Ashley Graham she's like a plussize model I really like her inspiration myself of course I follow a lot of parody accounts love funny parody counts so KB is one of them it kind of just relates to a lame high school or college kid which I really relate to a lot now this is a news network they really like partial sports thoughts of a dog is how I love to wake up in the morning look at those sir didi Gregorius in the Bronx pinstripes I would don't you have a job yeah but she's just so funny was the best man I love National Geographic I also follow a lot of rappers um I love me go and logic and chance the rapper and gez um girls no job we were what uniformity of course and I felt like different musicians and like Oh Sophia Bush she's an actor she was in one tree hill fun fact my friend got blocked by Sophia Bush in high school she responded to her tweets and Sophia Bush is like I'm done Ellen is funny she like pulls up like just average shows to like sing or dance or something and I like that and then Jake Paul I like love to hate him I like hate watch them like they're just the worst and they're just like so many things that are wrong with like teens these days and I've watched that and just made it specific social media influencers give me the opportunity to engage in an area in which I feel comfortable and that being baseball and the Yankees and there's an outlet for my suppressed stressful times during school good vibes good pictures good captions funny caption of funny captions they're all industry leaders and what they're doing and they also a lot of good things to say and they all have some sort of they're all CEOs and they're all CEO activists which i think is really cool I feel like there's two categories of social media influencers like the famous people and then like the local celebrities so famous people just you know have this like cuteness about them where it's kind of like unattainable you know you're watching like the Kardashians feel me like vacation in Fiji and you're like oh my god girl I would do the same thing if I had a few million dollars like it's so fun to look at you know oh yeah totally and then there's like the local celebrities who are downtown you know like eating that brew nuts or something and you're like really and then you go there and you're like oh my god I'm just like these people you know speed dating website comedy yeah comedy huge hotness eye follows that guy from good dance moves I follow a lot of dance accounts and so you know I study them and break them out at the side you know absolutely the head fits on my head right now social media influence are having to tweet it out and made the purchase and I'm real happy [Music] I'm sure somehow at 3 a.m. I was up late and someone's like buy this product I probably brought some thoughts and Kim Kardashian Limbaugh's or something just because I thought oh this is a good idea that would look nice well my new trend is buying these teeth whitening solutions that I keep seeing advertised by these random models so potentially I suppose oh yeah like I follow the guys from touching base or a small-time podcast things I wear like clothes you know I mean a lot of things a lot of my false then exchange take gonna take my oh I actually bought something today so before what posted for our body electric one time Miley Cyrus posted the picture of Fifty Shades of Grey and my dad asked me like following today I mean from borders see what's going in the bookstore citing books I wanted to read so I told him I

wanted to because I didn't know what it was about and then he had does have you down for a doc [Music] oh no yes I can just say that right now people I check if people follow these instagramers like these low-key instagramers we get lots of legs and I'll take their captions and I'll get like maybe like 1/16 of the likes but like I mean it fills my life I am a yes I steal every quote that they have that's good I try to make it into my own and sometimes I trying to mimic what they're doing definitely dancing the dance moves out in the social media a lot of hinter got to be unique though gotta be a loop as gross as this is I have talked like Donald Trump tweets sometimes like I'll like be like Oh terrible test so much homework to do sad or something like that see I don't get it because I could post a big funny I'll get like one like and then someone else post something funny they get 7000 so I don't understand it yeah let's go follow this blog see no one does right she has the best captions he's those all the time because I'm a salty one I saw that eating with Lindsey has gone to all these places around Cleveland so I'm like I'm going there so you in Thank You Hank Lindsay went there so I went there I think a lot of things from barstool sports for sure like you know dumb stuff I guess guy humor sports I think there's a concern to parts of social social media influencers so the major ones are people that have either done something really funny or stupid it made it big and sort of our going off that and that's how they're doing it like the yodeling kid I think he has over hundreds of thousands of people following him now on Twitter so something like that can make you a social-media influencer but I also think a lot of the people that are my follower or that people I follow whether it's stuff they retweet or like a lot that sort of influences all the stuff that comes on my timeline so all the stuff that they do and how constantly they do it affects my humor in the way that I reacted to propose someone that helps you to think in a different way and challenges you to like go out and explore a different perspective or someone that like other people have mentioned makes you laugh or just like kind of give you that like release I think so like responding to the comment Instagram or like when you're deeming them always responding there also sort of like I think having a good camera makes your pictures look better than people want to follow you I think they have to kind of post outrageous things like that nobody else would post a trendsetter for sure I feel like they have to have like a nice look to their social media too I think they all understand how to use like the new digital age and how strong media can be in influence their followers of their companies and what they're doing and they also use it as a social justice platform in a way and they can you know show how socially conscious their brands are which a lot of people resonate with on a different interpersonal channel rather than face-to-face it'd be nice if you're not nice funny is good a good meme gets me good so like if they post me and they just have to like put in an effort you know like make sure their pictures are good what's the best pictures but also like having fun and for showing a personality like nobody wants to see somebody just like me fake so they you know tell me things that I should be liking so then I change what I like to what they like so that I can become more like them and be a better social-media influencer myself so I think that's just all positive you know I'd say positively cuz I laugh at them all day like it's like the best comedy you can find like funny movies don't even compare to the type of stuff I see on Twitter up to positively I think that I mean it's always it's you know fun stuff that in your life watching videos or like funny post that Instagram Twitter tweets yeah I like people that like post real content my life so it's like relatable and they actually make me laugh out loud I feel like I was positively influenced especially about like the travel accounts because like especially this one that I follow it's all the like how to travel the world for cheap and like how you can like do it like very easily so I feel like I've been taking pointers and I'm gonna do it so I'd say so I got a lot have like a recipe inspiration it's wrong I get diabetes advice now well if it's not Wilfred Brimley on Twitter all the influences that I follow only positively influenced me because I just keep getting better and better every day because of my social media presence I would probably never let them like walk by me without taking the chance to talk to them like if it's somebody I really love like Jim Carrey or out below like I'm going up and just where Ellen like I'm just like fawning over them if I walked up to Tom Brokaw who in my opinion is a social media influence influencer although I've seen his tweets and he he doesn't really do it right I think he thinks it's like a text and like it's very it's very weird following he's great followed but if I walked up to him which I had done before and asked for a picture he'll say well you couldn't do it if we're walking to see it was hits now we talked if and I would do that and he would take the picture but he would just be so mad about it and it would be very clear in the picture and I'd be over the noon happy about it I saw sir didi Gregorius walking down the street I would go right up to him I would shake his hand congratulate him on the season he had last year and asked him to hopefully do it for us again this year I wanted up graphic designers that I follow he was there he's gay and so I just think oh my god like I've been following him for months I was like he's here do I say something to embarrass myself you know I just was like um is your name Dan and he's like yeah I'm like I probably went to Instagram I think your feet is so nice it looks like yes lunchtime say oh my god thank you like so it's so nice to know that you like like myself I was like yeah like I just yeah that's great and like I like panics is like well enjoy Britney Spears night and like walked away I met Stephanie Sheldon out of who's like summer I fellas but she's like I guess she's definitely a big

influencer within the Cleveland market definitely be like a little nervous but I think I would regret it if I did in the bird song so I would describe a social-media influencer as somebody that through their posts or through the content of their post encourages people to I'm like kind of emulate the way that they live their lives for positively or nope for better for worse yeah someone who has the power to influence others to make a decision or engage I feel like a social-media influencer is someone who uses their social media to put out some form of content that's like funny or entertaining or just gets people interested and then they might be able to influence them to behave a certain way by a certain thing believe a certain thing my friends and I would define that as someone who gets at least a million retweets a year it doesn't have to be on one tweet it can be a couple there's something that just fell for this guy I think it's funny too because people are laughing about things or talking about things or making things that are happening across the country totally different states so if you were to find yourself down south on the west coast like there's similar humorous earth like similar conversations because it's all of us Olivia I believe a social-media influencer is someone that provides an outlet whether it be laughter sadness or just good content to a person who is going about their everyday life the social-media influencer is definitely someone who can invoke you to do something that they want so whether that's retweet a message or have some sort of you know feeling that they want you to pack on they could get you to do that so for example if it's you know take action against this issue and they say that this something they want to do and you go and do the same thing then you're supporting their cause and they've kind of influenced you whether you were for social media or against it there is no denying the fact that social media has impacted the way society operates today through platforms like YouTube Twitter and Instagram audiences have developed connections with influencers through research it is evident that social media influencers have in fact suitably impacted their consumers and formed strong relationships with their followers these influencers have been most successful when they are authentic confident and interactive with their content social media influencers are on the rise and seemingly going nowhere anytime soon cause you're out folks New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS).

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