Empowerment Module

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The systemic constella“...Constellation Work can help a person see the relevance of life from a different perspective. As we witness and experience the expanded perspective, redirection and resolutions of long standing issues unfold. The experience provides us with the opportunity to move toward healing, wholeness and peace; collectively and individually...”

Carolyn Zahner 2008

Circle discussions They are a great way of exchanging informal ideas and finding new approaches to old problems, the practice consist in open conversation in a “round table” without a table. Although the Circle Discussion is designed to exchange ideas, it needs a host or leader who takes responsibility for setup and manage the dynamic. It is a space for volunteer manifestation in the discussion. Power and Responsibility bring each other In everything we do, we either progress or regress. With great power comes great responsibility, but the reverse is true for with great responsibility comes great power. Responsibility is power. Taking responsibility is taking control. When you take responsibility, you gain power. When you do not take responsibility, you are giving away your power to something or someone else. To become more responsible is to grow. All growth is progress.

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