'Staying Human in the Digital World'- eTwinning project 2019/2020 France Greece Netherlands Poland

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eTwinning Project 2019/2020

France Greece Netherlands Poland

Staying Human in the Digital Age

‘For the times they are a-changin' (Bob Dylon) In this project we are focusing on technological and digital innovation, which is developing at lightning speeds. It seems that life is unimaginable without computers, the internet and smart devices, but experts claim this is just the beginning. As a consequence, Artificial Intelligence, robotics and other developer technological advancements have been changing the way we live and work, and the way we interact with each other. With our project, we wanted to point out that the biggest challenge for us, humans, is to adapt to these changes. One thing is for sure: it is necessary to embrace the technology in order to survive, and to find methods to keep the life balance.

The project concentrated on the given key issues:

- Big technological changes lurking around the corner of the near future -Influence of the Digital Technologies on us - Skills and methods needed in order to survive in the digital age - Staying human and living a purposeful life in the digital world

Magazine Index: 1. Warm-up self-expression: Blackout poetry 2: Post-research analysis : reports on Artificial Inteligence and vision of future with digital technologies 3. Covid and ‘digital prison’ guide: Students’ advice on staying sane’ 3. Future Digital vision: Research key ideas on technology

. WARM-UP SELF-EXPRESSION: Blackout poety Examples:

2. Post-research analysis Artificial Inteligence and vision of future with digital Technologies Examples:

3. COVID AND ‘DIGITAL PRISON’ GUIDE: Students’ advice on staying sane Chosen Examples:

FUTURE DIGITAL LIFE : Research key Vision of future


TEAM 2 Heathcare/Healthy life

TEAM 3 Education

TEAM 4 Innovation/Technology

In the future we will be able to work on gesture control. This looks like magic from „Harry Potter�. In this video is better explained: https://youtu.be/_mGwJh4da5w

Quantum computer is the strongest computer on the earth. It may help in development of ai. Quantum computers could spur the development of new breakthroughs in science, medications to save lives, machine learning methods to diagnose illnesses sooner, materials to make more efficient devices and structures, financial strategies to live well in retirement, and algorithms to quickly direct resources such as ambulances. Today, real quantum processors are used by researchers from all over the world to test out algorithms for applications in a variety of fields. But it was only a few decades ago that quantum computing was a purely theoretical subject.

TEAM 5 Food

Conclusions in a form of a story  

2020, food catastrophe, food poisoning, unhealthy fast food. It is a total disaster, so we decided to go to the future. When we got there we decided to go to the restaurant because we were very hungry. While we were trying a lot of new dishes we saw two men. One of them was a scientist. We found out that they just left the laboratory and we decided to approach them and ask for help. We explained them the whole story. It took a long time to make them believe, we were actually saying the truth. They were very shocked and they took us to the laboratory. The laboratory was hidden in the mountains. It was so amazing. We entered into a big room and there was a lot of test- tubes, powders and many other things. After making sure we were completely prepared, they took us to their workplace. We were sitting at the table explaining them what exactly happened. They were in awe, but they stayed calm, they got up and walked over to some other tables. Then they started doing something with the equipment, and after a few hours they finally finished. They gave us a few boxes with syringes, all of them had blue substance inside. We didn’t know how much we needed, they said we could come back if it was not enough. We thanked them and asked a few questions about how food and medicine had changed over the last 10 years. https://www.sciencefocus.com/future-technology/the-future-of-food-what-welleat-in-2028/ They agreed. we made to the hospital as fast as we could. We gave the medicine to everyone who was sick.

TEAM 6 Transportation/Travel

-In future all our ordered thinks will be delivered by flying -every single car or truck or płatne will be hydrogen-powered -Travel time will only be significantly reduced -Trains will only be underwater and made of glass -There will be a teleporter that will enable quick travel -Electric automatic buses without drivers will go on a electricity-loaded lane -Delivery of small packages will be made through drones -Airports will be in small towns too -There Will be water tunnels for transport We think that should help "our Earth" to get out of "sick", that sickness is pollutions from rubbish and ofc from exhaust. https://www.hydrogeneurope.eu/hydrogen-cars https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D Em1rtbZbJ3U&ved=2ahUKEwjPzcP_6eLpAhX7VBUIHcrFAcQQt9IBMBN6BAgMEDw&usg=AOvV aw1vfLiyajeXfv_t-gCJ6DqQ

In the future travel and transport will be advanced. I think that a lot of trains and busses will work with magnets like in the link down below. Cars and other vehicles that use gasoline will not use gasoline anymore but water, I think that very soon they will invent cars that can be powered by water. Drones will also be very important in the future. https://youtu.be/J9b0J29OzAU

TEAM 7 Environment

1. The global energy consumption of digital media grows by 9 percent per year, according to The Shift Project, a French carbon transition think tank. 2. Globally, video streaming emits as much CO2 as Spain (over 300 Mt per year), a new Shift Project report has found. 3. Protecting the world’s forests means ensuring land—in the right places—is protected or restored as well as healthy, providing people and wildlife what they need to survive, like clean air and water, food and jobs. 4. From the high seas to the depths of the world’s most dense forests, technology can transform how we identify, measure, track and value the many services and resources nature provides us with. 5. LINK:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YoGUYTg3k8

Because of the coronavirus, the air gets a bit cleaner and the world improves a little. This is because people have been forced to stay home, this causes flights to be cancelled and people don't use their cars that often. China had a decrease of air pollution by 25% because of the virus. We have only 10 years to tackle the climate crisis according to the UN, this is the decade we have to step up and be better. More countries have been trying to do that by introducing laws that will help the environment.

The coronavirus surely helped for the environment but we have to do better to save the planet.

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