Nottingham's Local Transport Plan 2011 - 2026

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ambitious ambitious Help shape Nottingham City Council

for the people of Nottingham Nottingham City Council

for the people of Nottingham

Nottingham’s transport

With plans to transform our railway station into a transport hub, an extended world class tram system, and a fantastic bus network that has two award winning bus operators, Nottingham is one of the leading cities in the UK for public transport. The Campaign for Better Transport ranked Nottingham as the least car dependent city in the UK, and for the second year running Nottingham City Council has been named Bus Authority of the Year at the 2010 UK Bus Awards. Artist’s impression of inside southern concourse for Nottingham Train Station

Public transport is important to us as it affects our everyday life, and with a likely future increase in demand, we need to plan ahead.

This leaflet tells you about our Local Transport Plan from 2011 - 2026. We need your views so that we can better deliver the transport improvements you want to see. You can read the whole plan online at:, or see the next page for a brief glimpse at the main aims of the plan. Then please take the time to fill in our short survey online at the address above or tear off the form at the end of this leaflet and return it to us at the freepost address.

Help shape Nottingham’s transport

Why is the Local Transport Plan important? Although funding is limited at the moment, it is essential we continue to invest in our public transport system if our economy is to continue to grow and we are to do more to improve the environment.

Overcoming our transport challenges To continue to create jobs and help Nottingham thrive we need to: n


n n

develop better transport links to help attract more employers to Nottingham, keep tackling congestion on our existing road and rail networks, reduce the impact of transport on the environment and, make sure that floods and harsh winters do not severely disrupt our transport networks.

It is hoped that this plan will also encourage more people to walk and cycle which will help improve their health, and improve road safety. We want to involve local people more in the decisions about what our transport priorities should be. You can have your say on what improvements are needed locally.

What do we want to achieve?

Planned major improvements: n





Our transport improvements will benefit all of Nottingham’s citizens, businesses and visitors by: n n

increasing walking, cycling and public transport use,


increasing access to jobs and services,


reducing carbon emissions,


improving local neighbourhoods and streets,


increasing road safety and,


reducing congestion on our roads.



The Government announced its support for two more tram lines to the south and south west of the city. The multi-million pound redevelopment of Nottingham’s Railway Station is going ahead, which will link rail, tram, buses, taxis and walking and cycling connections. The Linkbus network, which carries 6 million passengers a year, will continue to be developed. The UK’s first Workplace Parking Levy Scheme will be introduced from April 2012. Roads will be safer thanks to 29,000 street lights being replaced with more efficient lights to create a safer place at night. Ongoing talks with Central Government about widening of the A453 trunk road. Improvements to the Midland Mainline will be completed by 2014. The East Midlands is to be served by a new national High Speed Rail network.

For more information visit or call 0115

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The Local Transport Plan suggests spending money in four main areas: Please rate each one on how important they are to you on a scale of 1 (Not important) to 5 (Very important)





Not important

1. Improve our existing transport system n Maintain our roads and pavements n Use better drainage and new surfacing to help reduce water run-off n Include new transport links in flood defence schemes

2. Neighbourhood improvements

5 Very important

1 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 2 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 3 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 4 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

n Deliver transport and regeneration improvements to local areas n Introduce more 20mph zones across the city

3. Greener travel options n Improve walking and cycling routes n Provide cycle parking and cycle training support n Improve journey planning and joint ticketing

4. Making the most of our road network n Better managing roadworks n Improve links to the Eastside and Southside regeneration areas of the city n Promote the use of cleaner fuel engines on all types of public transport n Provide electric charging points at key locations for electric vehicles

Help shape Nottingham’s transport

Have your say We would very much welcome your feedback on our local transport plan proposals. We have highlighted four key areas for investment. Do you agree that these are the priority areas? If not, please suggest which other transport improvements we should be spending money on. We are especially keen to know how you think we can make transport better for you in the future.

Name: Address:


Email address: Optional: To help us monitor how effective our Equal Opportunities policies are, we would appreciate it if you would answer these optional questions below: 1. Are you?



2. Which age group do you belong to? Under 16 16-24 25-34


3. Do you have a long standing illness, disability or infirmity?

45-59 Yes




4. Which ethnic group do you consider you belong to (tick one box only) White Black Asian Mixed Chinese Other, please specify

For more information visit or call 0115

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Returning your completed survey Once you have completed the survey, simply fold the pages back together, fold in half so the address is facing up, fasten with adhesive tape and post. It’s freepost so you won’t need a stamp. Alternatively you can fill the survey in online at All surveys must be returned to us by 24th January 2011. Once we’ve got your feedback, the plan will be finalised during February and published on 1st April 2011.


FREEPOST RSKY-LESR-SCCJ Nottingham City Council Transport Strategy Loxley House Station Street Nottingham NG2 3NG

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