bilibo,abc puslespil,Malebog,Undervisningsmateriale- ABCLeg

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bilibo,abc puslespil,Malebog,Undervisningsmateriale- ABCLeg Author : Thomsen Lucas

Sensory Toys – The Six Sense Stimulator Childhood is full of playing and enjoying life and toys acts as the catalyst for this enjoyment. Children love to play with toys as they are their best friend in their initial years of growing and understanding their surrounding. Being a mother or father you always keep in mind of buying your kid the best toys for children which he will love the most and eventually you end up buying a toy which meet his fancy only for a couple of days then you again buy him or her another toy and the cycle continues. Have you ever thought of buying your child a toy which will develop his sensory organs while playing with it? If NO, then think now. Among the huge variety of Toys for Children, sensory toys are those toys which helps your child develop his sensory organs while its interaction.

According to scientific research, a child learns faster in the early age and the major development of the brain and senses takes place at the initial stage. Development of sensory organs is very essential as he or she is going to understand the world based on his or her senses. A child spends the maximum hours in a day playing with the toys, so if you replace the ordinary toys with Sensory toys (in Danish Sansestimulerende Legetøj) then while playing with them he will learn the vital elements of the senses. With the gaining popularity of multi sensory learning process the need of sensory teaching materials are increasing day by day. Multi sensory Toys for children (in Danish legetøj til børn) includes fine motor, oral motor, puzzles, different types of writing instruments etc. The most common type of sensory toy is the rubber ball which helps a child to develop the sense of touch. Then there is a different type of teaching materials like multi coloured board, which helps a child to identify different colours and shades. For improving the writing skills there are zig zag patterns available. Then there are wooden shapes available to make a child familiar with alphabets and numbers. As sensory toys helps to develop all the six senses in a child therefore, these teaching materials are used by doctors and therapists to treat children with sensory problem.

Perception and imagination are the two basic things which a child needs to develop with his growing years and the foundation for this is laid at the younger age. This foundation is possible when you take home a couple of sensory toys to help your child play and learn.

Educational Toys For Children We all know that Toys for Children are only for fun but there are some kinds of toys, which help a child, learn educational skills while playing with them. These toys fall under the genre of Educational toys. Educational toys are such toys that help a child to develop special skills and educational values while they are busy playing with them. The key difference between Educational toys (in Danish pædagogisk legetøj) and other type of toys is that these toys are specially made keeping in mind a child’s developmental factor while interacting with the toy. Due to the fast-paced life parents can hardly spend long hours with their child and so nowadays, they are choosing more and more Educational toys to assist their child in their growing years.

There are thousands of toys for children available in the market to choose from ranging from Blocks, puzzles, memory games and even electronic toys. Choosing the right kind of toy is the sole responsibility of the parents as no one knows better than them about their child’s need. The first thing which you need to know is that where to find these Educational toys. So, to start with you can head to any museum and look for the gift shop, where you will find ample number of Educational toys from board games to animal replicas. You can also visit numerous online stores who sell toys for children as they are great recourses for Educational toys. Beside that you can also look for musical instruments for children as they will not only keep your child happy but will help them learn musical lessons as well.

After you know where to look or educational toys now you should evaluate which toy to buy for your child. To start with look for those toys for children (in Danish legetøj til børn) which are pre examined and recommended by medical experts, as they are more authentic and effective. For infants and babies you can buy bright coloured shapes, cloth alphabets and blocks as they encourage them to crawl and other physical movements. Then if your child has reached the toddler stage then go for puzzles, toys and games which excite his analytical skills. For older children you can buy internet and computer learning games which stimulates their brain development and also expands their imaginative skills. So, without giving a second thought buy an educational toy for your child to make playing a learning process.

Use Of Developmental Toys As Teaching Materials Toys are the best friend for a child in his growing years. They are like their most cherished treasures, which they hate to part with. Being a mother or father, you always try hard to provide them the best toys available in the market. Among the plethora of toys, there are some toys, which hold in them some important qualities for the effective mental and physical development of your child. These genres of toys are known as Developmental toys, which can be a great teaching material for your kid. In the initial years, a child learns a lot from what he sees and feels in his surroundings. Therefore, any kinds of books and pictures will not be so much attractive to them than these Developmental toys. During the growing years, a child passes through some phases and their mental and physical development takes place accordingly. Each phase of years has its own requirement and therefore you should choose the right Developmental toys (in Danish udviklende legetøj) for each one of them. To ease up your confusion lets discuss the different types of developmental toys, which can be effective Teaching Materials according to age groups. The first age group starts from infant up to toddlers. In this age, your child goes through a dramatic developmental phase, with crawling, grasping, climbing and even running. In this age colourful toys, which, moves or make noise easily grasps their attention. Therefore, it is very essential to provide them with toys that make noise or music.

The next age group is the preschoolers. In this age, your child will have an inclination towards some realistic details. Your child will thoroughly enjoy playing with puppets, building blocks and constructions. You can also provide puzzles and mathematical games, racing cars, activity groups etc, as they are excellent Teaching Materials (in Danish Undervisningsmateriale).

Beside mental development, there is equal importance for physical development as well. As your child, reach the preschool age bar you can give him or her gross motor toys, which helps them to strengthen their large muscles of the body, like trains, a toy lawn mower, shopping carts etc, so that they can push and pull very easily, which in turn helps to strengthen their lower body movement and co ordination. After gross motor toys, you can also opt for fine motor toys, which help in building the small muscles preferably the hands. Therefore, now you know the benefit of Developmental Toys and their role of Teaching Materials for your child in his growing years.

Play and learn; Together In A Great Combination Accepted Worldwide. Learning is a must to develop your mind. Kids hate that the most. Now a child can’t be devoid of knowledge. If he has it, then it should be used and nourished when he is in his childhood. That is the time period for a human being to grasp the most amounts of information and tricky wits in them. The wisdom got in the age between 7 and 15 is the most efficient ones and tough to erase from mind if they are deep borne with good understanding. In today’s world the kids are more exposed to playing games on computers and play stations. This no doubt only helps the kid to sharpen his skills of confidence and wit but at the same time he is depriving from the studies and not able to spend time for that. Not because he does not want to but because it seems a bore for them. No kid loves studying but it is our job to present them the daily study data in the form of a play and learn routine. The teachers can get innovations in the learning process for enhancing the study process. Like for instance online market has been very helpful for these, you can have books-grammar books of different volumes availed. Here these resource books contain material for a wide variety of games to be played in the English classrooms. They have traditional ‘noughts and crosses’ games as a like and other sections also have sentence building activities where they have to do this in a group competition. This seems to be a fun atmosphere in the classroom and likewise students can also realize their weak points while competing with their own counterparts. The play and learn (in Danish leg og lær) experience so far has a great deal of takers.

Parents and teachers are actively looking forward for such ideas and implementing them with their kids. Humanistic and effective approach involves the students in thinking and action. Students fighting from reading problems also can develop their skills by learning online. They can be dealt with love and care. The parents and teachers need to understand this. It can be dyslexia- the commonest reading problem (in Danish læseproblemer) found in kids. This has easy but time consuming remedy like the kid needs to get practiced with the reading and writing thing daily. He has to be encouraged instead of disparaging him from the world. The solution for every problem in the world is known but the biggest solution lies in the way you handle your problems.

Bilibo – The Best Puzzle For Children Being a caring mom or dad you keep no stone unturned to provide the best toys and amusement stuffs to your child but to your surprise, your child very soon loose interest in that toy. This is the basic behavioral trait of kids in the initial years. Toys and puzzles are the best friend of any child in

his or her growing years. They not only keep them engaged but also help in their brain development. To ease the tension of the parents, the toy manufacture companies have come up with a range of amusing puzzles for children called Bilibo. They claim these puzzles for children to be the best in the market, which will catch the attention of the kids to the fullest. To every ones surprise, their claim has been validated by the amount of growing popularity of Bilibo among kids. Swiss designer Alex Hochstrasser first produced it in the year 2001, after numerous sessions of discussions with child development experts.

Then let us talk elaborately about the toy. Bilibo is a shell shaped, hardwearing, non-toxic and recyclable polyethylene material puzzles for children, which, is non-breakable and nondestructible. This toy comes in two different sizes namely big, small, and available in different colours as well to attract the attention of the children. The bigger one is about 16 inches in both length and width and in 9 inches in height. Due to its bigger size, children can easily sit and spin on it, can wear it as a helmet, can also fill it with snow, sand and even water. The smaller ones comes as more handy to kids, they can take it while bathing and swimming, as it is waterproof and floats on water, it gives great pleasure to kids playing with it.

Due to its multipurpose nature, it gives enough room for children to expand their imagination and use it according to their choice and mood. For the uniqueness of the toy, Bilibo got many International awards, like, Swiss Product Design Award in 2002, Spiel Gut in Germany award, and UK Good Toy Awards in 2006 as Toy of the Year for being by far the best puzzles for children (in Danish puslespil til børn). The driving force behind making this puzzles for children was to

stimulate their sensory organs and help in their over all development. Therefore, all you mom and dad out there, stop pouring over electronic games and other sci-fi paying stuffs and bring a box of Bilibo as your child’s best friend in his growing years.

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