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of developing our students` writing skills in Romanian, English and French.


The idea for this

Our goal is to teach our students to believe

online magazine came in

in themselves and follow their aspirations, to



identify their strengths and weaknesses, to be

organised to develop the

resilient and never give up. What is more, they





should be able to use their material and non-

framework which are the core of our Erasmus

material resources wisely, to manage time

project – „European Creative Hackathon to

effectively and ask for help when needed. Another

Transform Us”. We already have a traditional

aim is to develop their leadership skills, to be able

magazine, but, in order to develop the digital

to take action, communicate clearly their ideas in

skills of our students, we thought it would be a

an assertive way without imposing their opinions

good idea to have an online magazine which we

but having arguments to support them and

can share easily with students, parents, teachers,

persuade others of their validity.

social media and authorities, this being an

There are many other competences that

efficient way of promoting our school and to keep

can and will be developed within this project and

a closer connection with the other factors which

our aim is to help our students and ourselves to

need to be involved in the educational system if

improve and become more creative, more

we want to improve it and make it appropriate for

responsible, more flexible to change, to develop

the society we live in.

active listening and emotional intelligence.

The students involved in the project had to think of different names for the magazine as well as to design its cover. The name and cover you can see in this first issue are the results of these activities. Another assignment was to write short articles or poems to be published. This magazine will be for all our students and teachers and even parents if they want to write something as our aim is to keep this through the years as a different way

Cristina Mihaela Tronaru

Also, the fun was our little trip. We made sure that our colourful laughter was present, but within the tolerance of

Impressions In the week of 7-11



Finally, we believe that this unique

Erasmus+ project European

experience has led us to get to know ourselves


better and improve our relationships with others.







transform us mobilities was organized in Italy, and we were lucky to participate in the meeting

Cârstea Andreea-Maria


Frateș Laura Maria

We believe that this experience has led us to overcome our fear of expressing ourselves freely in front of a crowd, because during the workshops, the leader, helped by his team, had to share with others all the steps they went through in order to reach the final result. The workshops were carefully chosen to develop certain features. For example, in order to focus on our creativity, we had to take part in a culinary contest, and we were able to test our originality and creativity in a fun way. Of course, teamwork accompanied every workshop. Each group consisted of a Romanian, a Portuguese, an Italian, and the Spaniards having a somewhat numerical advantage over the other nationalities, they were two in each team. We believe that everyone we meet has contributed to our personal development and self - discovery. I learned from everyone, whether they were teenagers or adults.

Dobre Marius-Cristian Pavel Alexandru Florian


A new project of our school, a new beginning… this time, our partners are, besides the Spanish from the Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria Cella Vinaria, our wonderful friends from the anterior project,






d’Istruzione Superiore ‘NOBLE-AMUNDSEN’ – LAURO and the Portuguese from Escola Secundária com 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico de Felgueiras. It was the beginning of March, when the first snowdrop came to light to herald the coming of spring, the most anticipated season. The first flowers appeared, imperturbable, while in our hearts the conflict in Ukraine cast a shadow of disappointment that, after a pandemic that took so many lives, the world cannot breathe relieved that all evil has passed. In this amalgam of white, black and green at the beginning of spring, the visit to Italy was announced as a much desired event, like a beautiful dream that our group, consisting of two teachers and four students, two girls and two boys, would have.We already knew, Tatiana Bălan and I, that we would represent our high school in Italy, along with the two students from the 8th grade, Cârstea Andreea and Frateș Laura, a student from the 9th grade, Dobre Marius, and one from the 10th grade, Pavel Alexandru. On March 5, our wait came to an end, because we headed to Italy and, that same evening, we arrived in Naples, the wellknown Italian metropolis. Our plane landed at Capodichino Airport, which is at about 7 km from the central station. From the airport to the city we traveled with the

popular Alibus to stay in a chic hotel in Piazza Garibaldi, where there were the train station and many hotels, but also immigrants and street people, imposing buildings or scorched walls. The next morning we started wandering through the narrow streets, with laundry hanging on the ropes between the balconies of the neighboring blocks. The historic center had buildings on which the time skate had its mark, with laundry on balconies and unstuck garbage. People walk among stalls with souvenirs, clothes, fruits, sweets, terraces crammed on a street where there were even scooters or motorcycles. They all give the charm of the city, its originality, because in Naples you avoid the means of transport, you deafen the horns, nobody follows the traffic rules, pizza and pasta are incredibly good, but also garbage almost anywhere. Naples is dominated by Mount Vesuvius, which welcomes you as soon as you get to the region, like Goliath. We couldn’t see it up close, but we always had it before our eyes, as a frightening symbol, about which we would learn more the next days, listening to testimonies from Pompei. Napoli can’t help but fascinate you, because it’s like life: Beautiful and ugly, it intrigues you, but it also attracts you! On Sunday, March 5, the Italian partners took us from Naples and we were accommodated in Nola, at the hotel, I Gigli, where we were welcomed with hospitality. On Monday, March 7, 2022, the first meeting with our guests took place. The students from the School of music welcomed us by singing the national anthems specific to all the countries participating in the project. The official greetings of the director, Prof. Manzo Maria Grazia, mayors, families, students and delegates of local associations followed in the courtyard of the Noble Museum in Lauro, where the offices of the city hall are located. By noon we visited the Museum “Umberto Nobile”, learning many interesting things about the personality that gives the name of the school, then we went to the Castle Lancellotti in Lauro. In the afternoon we visited the music School in Lauro, where there were workshops, construction of towers made from LEGO pieces. The next day, Tuesday, March 8, we were received by the teachers and students of the Hotel & catering School, at Marzano di Nola. The activities had a specific character, the workshop involving students to cook using the ingredients chosen by each team. Lunch was served at the school, everyone appreciating the resulting products, both in taste and in presentation. Towards noon, we traveled to Avellino, where we were welcomed with great warmth by the representatives of the local administration. Then we visited the main monuments of Avellino.

On Wednesday, March 9, we were welcomed by the teachers and students of the Scientific High School in Mugnano del Cardinal, where a number of other workshop activities were carried out. The highlight was the burial of the time capsule, to be dug up by future generations. Toward the afternoon, we were received by the teachers and students from the professional School of Economics in Avella and then we visited the Roman amphitheater Avella and MIA (Immersive Archaeological Museum). In the evening there was a wonderful event: The festive dinner at the Hotel & catering School in Marzano. On Thursday, March 10, we started from the early hours of the morning to the well-known city of Pompei to visit the archaeological ruins, World Heritage since 1997. In the tour that lasted over 2 hours, we learned a lot of curiosities from a wonderful lady, a professional guide who told us in English about the lifestyle and the habits of the inhabitants of the city. Toward noon, we went at a farm in Avella called “Il Moera.” We tasted the local products, made of tomatoes, hazelnuts,







On Friday, March 11, we went again to Marzano di Nola for workshop activities and to say goodbye to our welcoming guests. From noon and until evening we visited the wonderful resort of Salerno on the Tyrrhenian Sea. We returned to Naples on a short ride before we left. The meeting in Italy with the students and teachers in the project will remain unforgettable: We met some wonderful people, and the memories of the schools near the volcano Vesuvius and the walking on the cliff of Salerno will certainly remain unique. Prof. Magda Buzea


skill and something that should not be overlooked. It’s never too late to work on your

Being able to communicate effectively is

communication skills and by doing so, you may

perhaps the most important of all life skills. It is

well find that you improve your quality of life.

what enables us to pass information to other

Communication skills are needed in almost all

people, and to understand what is said to us. You

aspects of life:

only have to watch a baby listening intently to its

Professionally, if you are applying for jobs or

mother and trying to repeat the sounds that she

looking for a promotion with your current

makes to understand how fundamental is the

employer, you will almost certainly need to

urge to communicate.

demonstrate good communication skills.

Communication, at its simplest, is the act of


transferring information from one place to

skills are needed

another. It may be vocally (using voice), written

to speak

(using printed or digital media such as books,


magazines, websites or emails), visually (using

with a wide

logos, maps, charts or graphs) or non-verbally

variety of people

(using body language, gestures and the tone and

whilst maintaining good eye contact,

pitch of voice).

demonstrate a varied vocabulary and tailor your

In practice, it is

language to your audience, listen effectively,

often a

present your ideas appropriately, write clearly

combination of

and concisely, and work well in a group. Many

several of these.

of these are essential skills that most employers

The Importance of Good Communication


Skills. Developing your communication skills

In your personal life, good communication skills

can help all aspects of your life, from your

can improve your personal relationships by

professional life to social gatherings and

helping you to understand others, and to be

everything in between.


The ability to communicate information accurately, clearly and as intended, is a vital life

Alexa Dovanca

Positive motivation and perseverance skills can help students approach challenges in life with an optimistic mindset and remain hopeful even when their circumstances are difficult. Explore and practise strategies that build on students' strengths. Be careful not to present these skills as the solution to oppression and other systemic issues. Instead, talk about the role of motivation and perseverance in collective action to remove barriers within the classroom, school and educational system. Tips: STAY FOCUSED AND DON'T GIVE UP! Be determined to turn ideas into action and satisfy your need to achieve. Be patient and keep trying to achieve your long - term individual or group aims. Be resilient under pressure, adversity, and difficult situations. I am driven by the thing that is good for me and my team. I am motivated by value for myself and temporary failure. I can anticipate the feeling of achieving my goals and this motivates me. I can control my own behaviour to stay driven and achieve the benefits of turning ideas into action. I see tasks as challenging. I am motivated by creative tasks. I can set challenges to motivate myself. I am willing to put effort in and use resources to overcome challenges and achieve my (or my team’s) goals. I can reflect on the social incentives associated with having a sense of initiative and creating value for myself and others. I can tell the difference between personal and external factors that motivate me or others when creating value. I drive my effort by using my desire for achievement and belief in my ability to achieve. I can use strategies to stay motivated (for example, set goals, monitor performance and evaluate my progress). I can coach others to stay motivated, encouraging them to commit to what they want to achieve. I can create the right climate to motivate my team (for example, by celebrating successes, by learning from failures and by encouraging innovative ways to tackle problems). I can use strategies to keep my team motivated and focused on creating value.

I can design effective ways to attract talented people and keep them motivated. I consider all outcomes as temporary solutions appropriate to their time and context, and so am motivated to make sure they develop in a continuous cycle of improvement and innovation. I can reward initiative, effort, and achievement appropriately within my team and organization. BE RESILIENT DON’T GIVE UP

We all desire to be able to motivate ourselves and the ones around us and we hope to improve day by day. Mihai Fabian Moise

By Munteanu Robert

Cyberbullying is very common these days because almost everyone owns a smartphone and has internet access. Anyone






internet and people can react to that post using the comments section of the app.

If these 2 things do not work, you can always tell an adult or even the police if they start threatening you!

Of course, some people are kind and tell you

NEVER accept Cyberbullying and

encouraging things, but haters can appear too!

ALWAYS do something about it.

There are 2 categories of haters: people who tell you that your post is bad and they do not like it, and bullies. They usually tell you terrible things such as “end your life” or “do not post ever again”. You might be a victim of cyberbullying and you do not like it, so what can you do about it? Well, you can block them online or report them, so they get banned from the app.

By Teodora Stoica The initiative is a new plan or process to achieve something or solve a problem. In general, the initiative is taken by a bold person, very confident and with great potential who wants to achieve their goal. When we decide that we need to take the initiative, we need to be very sure of this choice because the regrets may occur and sometimes, we make the wrong decision without thinking too much about the consequences. For example, for a shyer person, taking the initiative can be the solution for a new change and they can become bolder and they can have more confidence in themselves and in talking to those around them. This subject is very controversial because for some people taking the initiative and being bold is totally wrong and they expect everything to be normal and the things come naturally without them doing anything. On the other hand, a lot of people have been fortunate enough to succeed in life and have a career because the courage to take the initiative and being a bold person who is brave and who is not afraid of having an opinion and tell it in public in front of people. In my opinion, if you want to succeed in life, you need to take the initiative and you need to be natural, just the way you are in everyday life because people will appreciate you for being honest. I am a bold person and I always try to be natural, and taking the initiative has helped me a lot over time and fulfilling a purpose made me confident in my choices without regrets. In conclusion, taking the initiative is a very important thing which can help you to solve some trust or communication issues.

I am (A poem about myself) By Raluca Mihai

I am (A poem about myself) By Loredana Paulescu

I am like a psychologist

I think I am a stupid person

Because I always help others

For things I did in past

And like a ghost because

I don’t know if they are good or bad

Nobody sees me and my problems.

But everyone says I'm bad

I am like a church

I am a type of person

Because everyone comes to me to find relief

That nobody understands

And like a cemetery because

If they think that

They visit me only to complain.

I will prove them wrong

I think I m a happy person And I always make people laugh But in my head, I am the person I don’t even understand.

Năstăsoiu Bianca Andreea

Dor de el… Ciocea Roberta-Andreea

Mi-e dor de ziua în care,

Degeaba te ridici,

Eram doar eu și o oarecare

Dacă nu știi cum e să pici!

Și nu exista noi doi

Degeaba inimile au un vis,

Și nu ne iubeam amândoi,

Dacă nu pot spune tot ce au de zis!

Atunci de nu te-aș fi întâlnit Acum nu aș mai fi suferit,

Inimile n-au putere,

Dar acum timpul a trecut

N-au putere să mai spere!

Nu mă pot întoarce în trecut,

Degeaba ai bani în buzunare,

Am iubit, am suferit

Dacă nu cunoști adevărata valoare!

Au trecut și am zâmbit, Știu că orice s-ar întâmpla

Nu e nimeni să îți spună

Viața mea va continua.

Dacă-i soare sau furtună, Fiindcă, vezi, în suflet, E greu să maschezi un zâmbet. Degeaba primești, Dacă nu știi să oferi! Degeaba zâmbești, Dacă nu știi să greșești! Tu, copile, învață să zâmbești, Să visezi și să citești! Cum să pătrunzi în jocul lor, În al fluturilor zbor.

Nistor Ema

Mareș Paul

E mult mai simplu așa Să sufăr...

A-nceput că într-o poveste,

Nici nu mai știu cine ești,

Totul bine și frumos.

O persoană diferită.

Și acum nu știu ce este,

Obișnuiai să-mi vorbești,

Parcă nu te recunosc. Tu ființă părăsită...

Și suferința să-ți aparțină Căci te-am avut, dar n-am știut Și pentru asta... Doar eu sunt de vină Să plângi în lipsa mea Cum n-ai plâns niciodată Deși, vezi bine... Că te iubesc și nu e timp pentru iubire Nu te aștept, nici nu te vreau, Dar în umbra ta, tot stau Deși, am lăsat în trecut Urmele... Îmi pun o întrebare Mai tresari când îmi auzi numele?

Erai chiar tot ce doream, O persoană ca niciuna.

Încă sper să vezi și-acum,

Parcă știai ce gândeam,

Prin ce m-ai făcut să trec.

Doar tu îmi colorai lumea.

Nu cred că-ți pasă oricum, Aș vrea doar să pot să plec.

Asta a fost la început, O vreme de mult apusă.

Parcă ai vorbi cu mine,

Nu știu cum ai dispărut,

Însă când te plictisești.

Și iubirea mi-a fost smulsă.

Hai te rog, nu mă mai ține, Sufletul mi-l amăgești!

Am făcut tot ce am putut, Inima ți-am dat în dar.

Să mă vezi așa îți place?

Cu ce-am greșit n-am știut.

Cum îmi plâng acum de milă.

Totul a fost în zadar.

Simt că-n inima am ace, Și că nu mai e stabilă.

Sufletul ți s-a răcit, Nu mai eram eu cu tine,

Noaptea mă cuprinde-n brațe,

Gândul meu s-a zăpăcit,

Plânsetul îmi e portiță,

Eram eu singur cu mine?

Luna parcă-i mai aproape, Însă nu mai am voință...

Spune-mi doar ce pot să fac, Să fie că înainte.

Și încerc să-mi exprim dorul,

Orice să îți fac pe plac,

Sau durerea ce o simt.

Spune-mi câteva cuvinte.

Aș vrea doar să îmi iau zborul, Să opresc să mă mai mint.

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