Alumni Magazine 2011-12

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The 2011-12 Edition of the LSU Department of Geology & Geophysics Alumni Magazine

Alumni Magazine

CONTENTS 3 Letter from the Chair 4 Student News 6 AAPG Student Chapter 10 Field Camp 12 Faculty Spotlight 14 Faculty Updates 18 Faculty Recognition 20 Alumni News & Giving 22 Donor Spotlight

Tower drive entry to Howe-Russell-Kniffen Hall

Students take part in an interdisciplinary course site visit at Chenier Caminada

ON THE COVER: Students explore the Icelandic terrain during the department’s international field trip in August

Special Announcement!

CONTRIBUTORS: LSU Geology & Geophysics Faculty, Staff, and Students College of Science Development Team


DESIGNERS: Chris Henry & Josh Garland EDITORS: Chris Henry Carol Wicks Information is correct at press time. Check for updates. The LSU Geology & Geophysics Newsletter is published in August of each year and reflects news and events occurring between July 1, 2011, and June 30, 2012. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole without permission is prohibited.


The Department of Geology & Geophysics will begin producing an E-newsletter . Please send an updated e-mail address to to make sure that you receive this wonderful new outlet to keep you informed.

LETTER FROM THE CHAIR Greetings, Alumni and Friends! The faculty, staff, and students from geology & geophysics hope you had a good year and a very pleasant summer. We also hope that you enjoy catching up on news from us as you read this newsletter. We have certainly had a busy year. In January 2012, Dr. Peter Clift joined the department as the holder of the McCord Chair in petroleum geology. Starting August 2012, Dr. Achim Herrmann and Dr. Tiffany Roberts have also joined the department! We have included short articles about Peter, Achim, and Tiffany so you can get to know them better. In addition, the main office staff welcomed new members Sonja Scott and Chris Henry. Field Camp was full of excitement this summer. Enrollment was at capacity. The wildfires in Colorado caused no concerns at camp, yet we fielded many questions and e-mail messages from concerned parents. We did have a van destroyed by a fire on camp property–there were no students, faculty, or staff injured–but the van is a total loss. An article about field camp is included in this newsletter and more details are provided there. As I write this, the fall 2012 semester is right around the corner. There will be 48 graduate students (20 PhDs and 28 MS students) in the department. We look forward to welcoming the new students into the program. We will not know our exact undergraduate enrollment until the semester actually starts. However, during academic year 2010-11, there were approximately 110 undergraduate majors and for fall 2012, enrollment in sedimentology (a required course for all G&G majors) is 42 students! As the fall starts, we are looking forward to the Rock Star Lagniappe Poster Competition, fall recruiting, arrival of new students, and the increased activity on campus during the fall! As always, please call or e-mail me if you have questions!

Carol Wicks, Chair


S TUDENT N EWS G&G HAS ROCK STARS! Over 30 students participated in the 3rd Annual Rock Star Poster Competition. In conjunction with the contest was special guest Clint Willson for the Wilbert Lecture Series. Congratulations to Kate Griener (1st Prize), Laura Coquereau (2nd Prize), and Kathryn DenommÊ e (3rd Prize), as they are the winners of the competition. The contest was held on November 19, 2011, and hosted over 25 posters. This event is held specifically to celebrate the research being conducted by the department’s undergraduate and graduate students. Several industry judges came in to judge each poster individually, including Kelly Poret from Chevron and Angela Thomas from Shell. The other judges consisted of LSU Associate Professor of Computer Science, Bijaya Karki and LSU Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Clint Willson. First, second, and third prizes received a scholarship sponsored by ExxonMobil. The Rock Star Poster Competition is a great way for graduate students to gain experience with making and presenting research posters. It also increases the scientific discourse among students. Students design creative and innovative posters that effectively present their work, which is helpful for all graduate students to see. The Rock Star Poster Competition prepares students for presenting at conferences and meetings and helps students feel comfortable answering questions and talking about our research in a constructive and friendly environment.


LSU IBA Team Presents in Houston The 2012 Imperial Barrel Award Program took place March 29-30, 2012, in Houston, Texas, with over 10 participating schools. This year, Taylor Berlin, Sydney Bowles, Hunter Berch, Scott Tipple, and Matt Freeman composed the LSU Team. “The IBA competition gave us a good simulation of what working in the petroleum industry will be like, and taught us how to work as a team for a common goal.” -Taylor Berlin

“The IBA Competition was a great way to get hands-on learning with real, industry data sets. The geotechnical aspect of IBA was great. I learned all sorts of new information that I hadn’t been introduced to before in classwork. Additionally, teamwork and data management was a significant part of the IBA Competition. Team members worked on specific parts of the projects, but all team members were extremely knowledgeable to everyone else’s part. Everyone worked together to get our presentation looking and sounding as best as we could. This experience was so great, for the reasons listed above, but also because it has already provided me with significant contacts at many companies within the industry. We knew it was worth it when several industry representatives came up to us following our presentation because they were excited to talk to us and wanted us to have their contact information. I will now have this experience on my resume, which will be a great talking point in the future. I suggest all those considering IBA to do so. It has already paid dividends.” -Scott Tipple

LSU IBA Team: Taylor Berlin, Sydney Bowles, Hunter Berch, Scott Tipple, Matt Freeman


AAPG S tudent C hapter Dear Alumni, As outgoing president of the LSU AAPG Student Chapter, I would like to inform you of the successful 2011-12 academic year. The beginning of the semester started off really well. Our chapter applied for and received a scholarship from the AAPG for three PetroEd courses for the entire graduate student population. These courses included Basic Principles of Petroleum, Introduction to Well Control, and Oil Well Drilling. These courses were quite expensive, and our graduate students received these courses at no charge. These were excellent supplementary online courses that our students used often. We thank the AAPG and PetroEd for that opportunity. During the fall semester, our student chapter attended the AAPG-SEG Student Expo in Houston, Texas. There, students signed full-time and internship offers from Anadarko, Chesapeake, ConocoPhillips, and MicroSeismic. Additionally, during the fall recruiting season, students signed with companies such as BP, Cabot, Chevron, Devon, ExxonMobil, and Marathon Oil. Students also signed full-time offers with Apache, Chevron, Encana, Devon, and Newfield from previous internships. Needless to say, this has been a wonderful year for students getting job offers, and it speaks to the quality of students our department is producing! Also during the fall semester, Marathon Oil donated funds for the LSU AAPG Student Chapter T-shirts. Again, we thank Marathon Oil.

and Dean Chergotis. This course was an excellent opportunity to learn from senior BP geophysicists. This course was a condensed version of BP’s course for new hires. We would like to thank Chris and Dean again for such an incredible opportunity for our students. During the spring semester, several students competed in the 2012 AAPG Imperial Barrel Award competition. These students were Hunter Berch, Taylor Berlin, Sydney Bowles, Matthew Freeman, and I. Hunter performed the volumetric calculations and economic assessment. He was also the team leader. Taylor outlined the regional geology. Sydney performed the geophysical interpretations. Matthew completed the petrophysical interpretation, and I executed the petroleum systems analysis. On March 30, we presented in front of panel of five geotechnical judges. Although, LSU did not place in the top three, we still received lofty praise from many audience members, including industry representatives and past judges. However, we did have the best petrophysical interpretation of all teams in the GCAGS Section.

During the winter break, several student chapter members participated in a basic seismic interpretation short course offered by BP’s Dr. Chris Travis Scott Tipple poses next to his poster at the AAPG Conference in Long Beach, CA 6

So, kudos to Matthew. Speaking from personal experience, IBA is a phenomenal exercise that improves one’s teamwork, data management, work flow design, and geotechnical abilities. Dr. Jeff Nunn was our academic advisor. Additionally, Drs. Erik Scott and Chris Travis, as well as Jamie Lawrence, served as our industry advisors. Thank you again to these individuals. Most recently, several students attended the 2012 AAPG Convention and Exhibition in Long Beach, California. These students were Clint Edrington, Jeff Fabre, Kate Griener, Kevin Jensen, Carlos Santos, and I. We presented posters of our research during the SEPM Student Poster Presentations. All poster presenters received funding from SEPM for their travels.

AAPG Members attend a Newfield Presentation

Also recently, the student chapter had its annual crawfish boil, which was funded by Devon. The crawfish boil was enormously successful with students, faculty, and Mark Durkee (Devon representative) in attendance. Hunter organized everything tremendously, and Jake cooked some great crawfish. I’d like to thank them again for their efforts and Devon for their support of our student chapter. The crawfish boil is a great way to unwind at the end of the academic year and eat some Louisiana seafood. I know future years will enjoy continued success with the crawfish boil.

Throughout the year, our chapter was the beneficiary of companies like BP, Chevron, DrillingInfo, Marathon Oil, and Newfield that came to our department and gave technical talks. These were always appreciated by the students, and I would like to thank those companies again. Since this academic year is quickly coming to a close, elections have been held for next year’s LSU AAPG Student Chapter officers. I would like to introduce Hunter Berch (president), Logan Kirst (vice president), Marielle Ausburn (treasurer), Ashley Howell (secretary), and Marie Thomas/ Kate Griener (social chair) as the 2012-13 officers. I know that this new class of officers will do a tremendous job, and I look forward to hearing about their successes. Again, I would to thank those persons and companies that have supported our department, student chapter, and students over this past year. I hope that your support will continue in the future. Best Regards,

Scott Tipple


Geology Club By Libby Ingram 2011-12 Geology Club President Geology Club has participated in many exciting events these past two semesters. Staying true to the commitment to educational outreach, field experience and social fellowship, our members have been around the community and beyond. In the fall, LSU sponsored events Super Science Saturday and Ocean Commotion were great venues to teach elementary, middle, and high school students about a variety of geology topics, such as groundwater flow and basic mineralogy knowledge and minerals found in our daily lives, a presentation created by Secretary Lindsay Prothro. Over the winter break, a group of members led a workshop for a local girls’ program at Louisiana Art and Science Museum in Baton Rouge incorporating geology into the art hanging in the museum. We have continued to participate in external outreach events, such as BREC’s Rockin’ in the Swamp. On April 28, we volunteered with the state Science Olympiad competition hosted by LSU Geology alumnus Stephanie Welch.

Students pose during a trip to the Great Smoky Mountains

In order to help members make more informed decisions about their futures, we have hosted several guest speakers at our meetings. Department head Dr. Carol Wicks was the first of these special guests leading an open discussion on preparing for graduate schools. Dr. Jeffery Hanor and his graduate student Callie Anderson gave an interesting geochemical perspective when lecturing on the salinization of the Baton Rouge aquifer. These events have made a busy year for the members of Geology Club at LSU! We will continue to participate in these events and more next fall! In the future, Geology Club will expand its outreach by contacting local schools for educational days. Networking with professional societies like the National Groundwater Association and the Baton Rouge Geological Society are also to become priority.

Visiting the Houston Museum of Natural Science

Through various socials, meetings and field trips, undergraduates have been able to form bonds with peers in their classes and around the department. Field trip coordinator Austin Bennett created several events such as day trips to Tunica Hills, Louisiana, and Red Bluff, Mississippi. Longer trips included the Texas weekend where members explored the Houston Gem and Mineral Museum’s vast collections and the week long camping trip to the Great Smoky Mountains over winter break. 8

Volunteering at the Louisiana Arts & Science Museum



Honors Convocation

Halliburton Field Camp Brandon Thibodeaux, Michael Ruiz, David Pipkin, Cory Treloar, Ross Mayet, Ryan Clarke Harriet Belchic Field Camp Lindsay Prothro Rock Star Poster Kathryn Denommée, Laura Coquereau, Kathryn Griener John O’Keefe Barry Austin Bennett, Lindsay Prothro, David Rau Geology General Scholarship Gregory Keller, Edward Lo Ben Stanley Field Camp Austin Bennett Billy & Ann Harrison Field Camp Shane Cone Marathon GeoDE Undergraduate Elizabeth Ingram, Eleanor Smith, Kavin Watanachariya, Nicholas Rayneri, Hilary Daniels Marathon Geology & Geophysics Tiia Carraway, James Crane, Eric Hart Sid & Peggy Bonner Austin Bennett Adam Sturlese Memorial Sara Ates Patrick F. Taylor Lindsay Prothro

Ed Lo, Austin Bennet, Lindsay Prothro, and Dr. Brooks Ellwood

More than 50 students and faculty were honored for their outstanding achievements during the College of Science’s annual Dean Arthur R. Choppin Honors Convocation, held April 24, at the LSU Faculty Club. Associate Dean of Academic Services John Lynn presided over the event and presented awards to students and faculty in each of the College of Science’s six academic departments. This year’s awards to Geology students included Dr. Tao Sun, Distinguished Dissertation Award; David Rau, Outstanding Sophomore; Lindsay Prothro, Outstanding Junior; Austin Bennett, Outstanding Senior; and Edward Lo, Outstanding Undergraduate Research.

Candace Hays & Ronnie Johnson Kolawole Bello New Orleans Geological Society Isis Fukai, Phillip Bergeron, Lindsay Prothro, Shane Cone


Field Camp


LSU’s Geology Field Camp enjoyed its 84th consecutive year at our camp outside of Colorado Springs, Colorado, in 2012. We had the most people that there have been at camp in many years. Our growing population of undergraduates allowed us to fill the camp this year. We had 36 seniors, 14 freshmen, two instructors, and seven TAs living at camp this summer.

Farewell Dan! After three years Dan Kelley will relinquish his duties as field camp director and faculty member at LSU. We wish him the best of luck as he begins a new chapter at Bowling Green State University.

As many of you know, Colorado Springs was an exciting place to be this summer. The Waldo Canyon Fire burned to the west of the city while we were at camp. I received well wishes and notes of concern from many LSU Geology alumni as they saw this devastating fire on TV. Fortunately, it did not threaten the LSU property or our students. We remained at a safe distance from the fire throughout its duration. All of the spreading that it did moved to the north and northwest–away from us. The fire did however take a couple of our planned field sites off of the table and some improvising with the schedule had to be done.

The senior class enjoyed a variety of exercises this year. The first two weeks of camp were spent as usual building a stratigraphic column and a geologic map on the camp property. The third week was spent mapping at Twin Mountain near Canon City, Colorado. In this field area, we ran into the joint Field Camp of the University of Georgia and the University of South Carolina leading to nearly 100 SEC geologists mapping on one mountain for a couple of days. During week four, the seniors camped at Golden Gate Canyon State Park while mapping the metamorphic rocks in the park. We were also fortunate to drive to the top of Pike’s Peak the day before the fire started and the Pike’s Peak Highway was closed for the rest of the time we were there. During week five, the students endured temperatures as high as 105 to describe in detail the stratigraphy of the Dakota Formation in order to conduct a regional correlation exercise. We beat the heat on the last day of the week due to the generosity of the Department of Geology at the Colorado School of Mines. 10

The Waldo Canyon Fire started on June 23 roughly four miles northwest of Colorado Springs. The fire burned for 18 days engulfing almost 30 square miles. It caused 32,000 residents to evacuate their homes of which 346 were destroyed. It is now being called the most destructive fire in Colorado history causing an estimated $352 million in damage.

They allowed us to use their core examination lab to log core of the Dakota Formation to supplement our exercise. This was the first of hopefully many years of collaboration between our program and this university. Week six led to the students being split into two groups. One group was led by Dr. Brooks Ellwood in a study of the GSSP in Pueblo, Colorado, while I led the other group to use digital mapping to analyze various issues on the LSU property with the help of the GIS lab at Pike’s Peak Community College. Our freshmen had an amazing summer as usual. This year’s program included two field trips: one to the Grand Canyon and one to Yellowstone National Park. This mix of geology and petroleum engineering students will arrive at LSU this fall with an excellent working background knowledge in geology. I met with the architects of the Larson Group of Colorado Springs a few times this summer to finalize the plans for renovation to all of our student cabins. This work will be done this fall and will provide next summer’s students with wonderfully updated cabins, while maintaining the historic feel of our camp. This summer included some trying circumstances such as our creek (and, therefore, our water supply) drying up, and one of our vans catching on fire. However, all of the staff once again worked together to achieved our goal of providing our students with an unparalleled learning experience in an amazing setting. Sincerely, The remains of van #7



Huiming Bao Focuses on his Students There have been many exciting research fronts in the past semester year, which actually makes it really difficult to focus on just any one. Therefore, student’s “push” often becomes the main reason I find myself working on a particular topic. Tao Sun’s exciting work on TGIIF (Thermal gradient induced isotope fractionation) has resulted in two papers being published in RCM and this discovery was highlighted in Science as an “Editor’s Choice”. Justin Hayles’s leading effort in exploring ceria’s oxygen isotope behavior in non-isothermal heating and cooling processes has been delivering unexpected results and kept the whole group captivated all semester year. Bryan Killingsworth’s work on Mississippi river sulfate has been a product in good shape and he is passing the torch to an incoming graduate student, Dustin Boyd. Bryan is now moving to sulfate in the Neoproterozoic world in southern China where he, Justin, and I went for a three-week field trip in collaboration with colleagues in the Chinese Academy of Sciences last

December (see photo). Changjie Liu’s work on pyrite nodules commonly occurring near the top of a glacial diamictite has resulted in more questions than answers. For myself, I have written up a desert nitrate story in northwestern China and published it in Geology and a Neoproterozoic story of Western Australia now in press in Precambrian Research. A recent field trip to central China has resulted in the discovery of one of the oldest and perhaps the best preserved paleosol profile. Meanwhile, I find myself increasingly attracted to the kinetic theory of stable isotope fractionation processes. Tao Sun received his PhD degree and Changjie Liu received his Master’s degree at the end of 2011. Teaching upperlevel “Stable isotope geochemistry” and intro-level “Earth system history” has continued to be a source of joy. Recently, I have co-organized the Sixth International Conference on Isotopomers in Washington, D.C. The conference was a great venue for in-depth discussion and for making new friends. LSU “isotopologues” had a great showcase and reunion in D.C.

Peter Clift Joins the Department Dr. Clift joined the department as the Charles T. McCord Professor of Petroleum Geology in January 2012. He earned his B.A. and M.A. in Geology at the University of Oxford and continued to the University of Edinburgh for his Ph.D. He brings with him a global perspective having worked in the United Kingdom, Germany, China, and throughout the United States. Since arriving in Baton Rouge, he has been busy setting up his laboratory and starting to recruit graduate students to work on the subjects of sediment transport and sediment supply in major river basins particularly in Asia but also considering the Mississippi River. His research focuses on what controls sediment flux into major delta systems and how this may be modulated on different time scales. In particular, how runoff and precipitation may play important roles in controlling that process in forming the stratigraphy of continental margins. His goal is to better understand the speed of sediment transport and the degree of buffering in floodplains and fluvial terraces between source and sink. Dr. Peter Clift


Gary Byerly Takes on New Challenges needs to find ways to grow its graduate programs if it is to improve its stature as a national university. In the coming years I hope to examine how successful our past graduates are in their current careers, and better understand the needs of future LSU graduate students to successfully compete in the global marketplace. Last year I was elected a Fellow of the Geological Society of America and a Fellow of the Geological Society of South Africa. This year I was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Barberton Mountains Cross Section

Darrell Henry: Tourmaline, Yellowstone, and Active Learning Tourmaline, Yellowstone, and active learning were the operative words for efforts by Darrell Henry and his students (Celina Will and Erin Walden) over the last year. Henry’s long-time research endeavors involving tourmaline continue to move in very productive and interesting directions. Since the beginning of 2011, Henry has authored or co-authored 7 published tourmaline articles and 5 tourmaline presentations on topics ranging from tourmaline nomenclature to applications of tourmaline chemistry in igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. The work on the ancient rocks (2.8 billion years and older) of the northern part of Yellowstone National Park (YNP) is an NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) program that involved LSU, Montana State University and University of Florida. During the summer, 24 undergraduate geoscience students from across the US gathered in Bozeman, MT together with David Mogk (MSU) and Darrell Henry to embark on field studies that included reconnaissance mapping of all major units, contacts, and structures, and follow-on detailed mapping or sampling in areas of particular interest. The roughly 400 samples collected were processed by the REU students for follow-up petrologic, geochemical and geochronological analyses that were completed by them at a variety of labs. Of particular significance is that it is now known that 2.8 billion year old granitic plutons extend from northern YNP

to the eastern Beartooth Mtns (MT), locally intruding a series of turbidites, and represent a continuous cross-section of the middle-to-upper levels of the continental crust from 2.8 billion years ago. The active learning part of Henry’s efforts involve a research project initiated by the Science Education Resource Center (SERC) in which 12 members of a research team calibrated their approach and protocols for observing how well geoscience classes incorporated active learning – a strategy know to enhance student learning. Roughly 100 different classroom observations were made at a variety of types of institutions and in a range of undergraduate classes. The results of the investigation point to strategies to become a more effective teacher.


This past year saw two new graduate students begin working with Dr. Byerly in the Barberton Mountains of South Africa. Nick Decker and he worked there in the summer of 2011, and Corey Shircliff worked there with him this summer. Both had success with identifying and working key areas, collected nice suites of samples, and all (faculty, students, and rocks) made it back safely to LSU. Nick’s work will help us understand the transition from plume-tectonics to plate-tectonics in the early Archean, and Corey’s work should help us understand the nature of organic matter, microfossils, and the diversity of life at 3.4 billion years ago. Our map of the Barberton Mountains has been accepted for publication by the Geological Society of America. This monumental effort took Don Lowe and me the better parts of our careers, and involved over two dozen students from LSU and Stanford. Come by my office in David Boyd to see it. This year was my first one in South Africa that did not involve work on the map. Don and I continue to work on documenting the flux of large asteroidal impactors during the mid-Archean, and we are now up to eight distinct layers, most representing impacts larger than anything seen on Earth in the last two billion years. Yes, I have another office. Beginning January of this year I became Dean of the Graduate School. This represented a challenge I could not turn down. LSU is at a crossroads and

Faculty Phil Bart

In the past year, I have dedicated my energy toward my research. I submitted three papers. These have all been accepted and I consider the work to be very significant new research avenues for myself and students. I submitted a fourth first-author research paper with a graduate student in December 2011. I have also participated in two research publications as a co-author and these are now accepted. My group was able to isolate in situ forams from a grounding-zone wedge in Ross Sea. Radiocarbon dates from these forams constrain the date at which grounded ice of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet last occupied the middle continental shelf. The data demonstrate that grounded ice retreated from this sector of Ross Sea much earlier than previously believed. The data is highly consistent with results land-based and ice core investigations which heretofore were difficult to reconcile with marine data. We were also able to demonstrate that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet advanced to the outer shelf only three times during the past 700 ka based on diatom biochronostratigraphic data integrated with seismic data. We proposed the Overdeepening Hypothesis which states that the Antarctic shelves were overdeepened in the early Pliocene and have since been prone to voluminous warm water intrusion. These intrusions have keep the ice sheet in a perpetual interglacial configuration. We infer that overdeepening was an important emergence event that may have significantly altered global thermohaline circulation during and since the early Pliocene global warmth. We were able to demonstrate a new technique to estimate the duration of ice-sheet grounding events based on a detailed analysis of seismic data integrated with a modern estimate of flux. The strategy should provide the community with the opportunity to determine the duration of other grounding events, i.e., pauses in the overall retreat of grounded ice. The outcome is significant because it permits us for the first time to ponder the duration of the modern grounding event (or stability) in the context of the duration of pre-modern grounding events. I submitted two new grants to NSF and although they were not funded, I feel that these chances are good for this year’s submission. I continue to be the principal investigator for an IODP grant which is a long-term commitment that takes years to mature through the system. I feel good about the probability for success on these avenues I’ve graduated two M.S. students and am advising two MS students this year. One of the students, Bolu Owolana, is a minority student with a non-geology background and I was proud of the progress he made learning much about geology and research through our mentor-mentee relationship. In particular, 14

I have been able to publish materials with two of my last three M.S. students. I am also developing a partnership with Sam Bentley to quantify flood plain aggradation rates in the Baton Rouge area that I hope will become a new research avenue for me.

Sam Bentley

The 2012-13 academic year was a busy time for Dr. Sam Bentley, who came on board as the Billy and Ann Harrison Chair in Sedimentary Geology in January 2011. Dr. Bentley became Graduate Advisor for the department, and also brought in five new graduate students to the program: PhD students Kathryn Denommee, Jillian Banks, and Marie Thomas (Jillian and Marie are co-supervised with Sophie Warny), and MS students Ashley Howell and Jeff Fabre. All five students are doing well. In particular, Jeff, who completed his MS in May 2012, authored a manuscript (presently under journal review) on sediment delivery to Lake Pontchartrain from the Mississippi during the 2011 Mississippi Flood, highlighting potential for Mississippi sediment to be used in coastal restoration. Jeff’s work was supported by a May 2011 NSF grant to Dr. Bentley. As well, Kathryn, who is studying muddy sediment transport processes on continental shelves, has been awarded student grants from AAPG, SEPM, GCAGS, and GSA to support her research. Dr. Bentley’s activities across the LSU campus have been directed at strengthening support for the broad and excellent group of coastal scientists working in coastal restoration at LSU. In early 2012, he was asked by Vice Chancellor Tom Klei, Office of Research and Economic Development, to chair a working group to establish a new multi-college coastal science and engineering institute at LSU, hopefully with a formal announcement in Fall 2012. Dr. Bentley also led a campuswide proposal to NSF’s Integrative Research, Education, and Training program, (IGERT), entitled “IGERT-Sustainable Deltaic Coasts.” Regardless of whether the proposal is funded or not (we should hear in early 2013), ideas in the proposal will be used to enhance PhD education at LSU in the study of deltaic coastlines worldwide, threatened by challenges similar to those of the shrinking Mississippi Delta.

UPDATES Barb Dutrow

Dutrow and her students (Philip Bergeron and Isis Fukai and their field assistants) continued field research during the summer high in the wilderness of the Sawtooth Mountains, Idaho. Camping at 9,500' elevation near a cirque lake provides an ideal home base for mapping and collecting samples of metamorphic rocks in this remote area. Due to the unusually high snow fall, the lake remained largely frozen and many of the rocks covered at the end of July! Rocks of the Sawtooths occupy a crucial location between Precambrian basement terranes that make up the North American craton. This research aims to constrain the age and conditions of metamorphism and if these metasupracrustal rocks are remnants of the Selway basement terrane. When in the office, research continues on 4D computational modeling of heat and mass transport to understand the formation and evolution of metamorphic mineral textures and assemblages, and on the crystal chemistry of several rock-forming minerals including tourmaline. With her use of innovative teaching methods, she was honored to be the keynote speaker for an NSFsponsored workshop on Teaching Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. Bringing active learning and societal relevance into the classroom transforms student’s views of traditional topics and creates enthusiasm. Societal relevance of geoscience continued in an unexpected encounter with a Louisiana Representative. She had the opportunity to discuss with him the need for science funding and other societally relevant geologic issues such as rare earth elements. This interaction was invited for publication in EOS, the weekly newsletter of AGU. Additional local outreach included an interview with a New Orleans radio station on rare-earth elements and their strategic importance to technology. She was one of only three scientists invited to present a scientific lecture at the First Annual Dallas Mineral Symposium. Her work with professional societies continues as the Chair of the Executive Committee for Elements magazine, a joint publication of 17 international mineralogic, petrologic, and geochemical societies from around the world. She also serves as a councilor for the Geological Society of America.

Brooks Ellwood

During the fall semester we collected samples from the Woodford Shale across the Devonian Carboniferous boundary in Oklahoma with PhD student Jacob Grosskopf and MS student Ryan Ellis (this is his MS project), and collected samples in Germany (Upper Devonian) and Slovenia (PermoTriassic boundary) with MS student Tiia Carraway (this is her

MS project). We also looked at and collected some samples from the Eocene-Oligocene boundary GSSP in Italy as part of a long-term project in the SE US where we are working on Eocene-Oligocene boundary sections in Mississippi, Alabama and Florida. This ties into work we are doing in Florissant Fossil Beds National Monumnet in Colorado. This summer we traveled a bit. Visited Capulin Volcano National Monument, Florissant Fossil Beds N.M., Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, Great Basin N.P., and Arches N.P, doing research on revising my National Parks book. Also did research (measurements or sample collecting) in Great Basin N.P., Nevada, Florissant Fossil Beds N.M., Colorado (with student Lindsay Prothro - her senior thesis project), at the Drumian (Middle Cambrian) GSSP (Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point) in the Drum Mountains, Utah, and at the Katian (Middle Ordovician) GSSP, Oklahoma with PhD student Tom Schramm.

Juan Lorenzo


This year four of Juan’s MS students have graduated and gone to work in the private and public sector (Erin Elliott-at BOEMRE, David Smolkin--Devon Energy, Jason Hicks--MicroSeismic Inc., and Shannon Chollett--Newfield Explo.

Juan Lorenzo is a PI with professors in the Petroleum Engineering Department on two new research endeavors. One project involves seismic monitoring of hydraulic fracture experiments and is funded by the Louisiana Board of Regent Industrial Ties Subprogram. A second project, currently supported by SEPCO, studies the influence of saturation on seismic velocities using a physical seismic modeling sand tank in the Howe-Russell Geoscience Complex. A manuscript on the first results of this work will appear in “Computers and Geosciences”. Each project funds a graduate student (Chennv Fan, for M.S., Jie Shen, for Ph.D.). Another of Dr. Lorenzo’s students, Ali Al Dhamen, (for M.S.) studies the causes on shallow faulting in the Gulf Coast (0-500 m), and James Crane (for Ph.D.) conducts seismic field experiments to determine physical properties of natural soils beneath New Orleans levees. Field work on the geophysical monitoring of levees is funded by South-East Louisiana Flood Protection Authorities-West and East. Student scholarships for the work are supported by New Orleans Geological Society, Inc. and Memorial Foundation, Southeastern Geophysical Society and American Petroleum Institute Delta Chapter. Juan was invited in March of 2012 to present his work on geophysical monitoring of flood protection systems to the California Department of Water Resources in Sacramento. 15

Faculty Jeff Nunn

Over the last couple of years, my students and I have worked on various gas shale plays. Will Torsch and I have worked on pressure generation and natural hydrofracture of the Haynesville in North Louisiana. We have found that the most likely time for the Haynesville to have hydrofractured was during the mid-Cretaceous when uplift and erosion occurred at the same time as maximum hydrocarbon generation. Results of this research were presented at the Houston Geological Society, AAPG annual meeting, and AAPG Geoscience Technology Workshop. Another student, Frank Morgan, will be working with Haynesville core from a well in East Texas to map fractures in 3D and correlate them to mineralogy (variations in clay, carbonate content). Austin Cardneaux and Zach Hendershott have been working on the Eagle Ford in South Texas. Austin mapped the Oil/ Immature boundary in the Maverick basin using well logs and geohistory modeling. He presented his work at the Houston Geological Society. Zach is just finishing up his thesis on the Hawkville Trough. Hunter Berch will be working on the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale this coming year and hopes to acquire core data either in Mississippi or Louisiana. I continue to work with Jeff Hanor on mapping the distribution of pore pressure, temperature, and pore water salinity in the Gulf of Mexico. We had a jointly advised student, Laurie Richards, who has mapped salinity plumes moving off the crest of Bay Marchand salt dome along corridors created by radial faults. My student, Jake Daugherty (with advise from Jeff Hanor), looked at pore water salinity estimated from logs in a field in the Mississippi Canyon region. Jake was also able to calibrate his log estimates with core measurements. A new area of research is Cook Inlet in Alaska. I had two students, Andrew Sampson and Eric Hart, worked with well data and 3D seismic donated by Marathon. Michael Thoma plans to do a thesis on shallow gas in the region. Andrew used seismic amplitude analysis to determine why some wells were more productive than others. Eric studied how the thermal regime might impact biogenic gas production in the region. Finally, Matt Freeman is working correlating coal layers and thermal regime in the western Arkoma basin. I continue to teach in the Honors College. I was very pleased to be named the Pereboom Professor of Science in the Honors College. I also have stated to do Service Learning in my honors classes. Freshman honors college students develop a lesson plan on a historic volcanic eruption or recent earthquake (e.g., Haiti or Japan) and teach in 8th grade Earth Science classes in East Baton Rouge Parish. Finally, as part of a grant from the Louisiana Broad of Regents, Barb Dutrow and I co-taught a class on Geothermal Resources this past spring semester. 16

Sophie Warny

Dr. Warny’s research group keeps growing and is now composed of four fantastic PhD students: Kate Griener, Marie Thomas, Shannon Ferguson, and Jill Bambricks. Shannon and Jill will both begin their palynological doctoral research this Fall. Kate and Marie are supported by the Marathon GeoDE program. Marie studies sedimentary systems offshore Papua New Guinea, a project in collaboration with Dr. Sam Bentley at LSU and Dr. Andre Droxler at Rice. Kate’s research focus is ground-breaking. She couples isotopic and palynological analysis to better quantify past hydrological and climate changes. Her first results have been submitted for publication to the journal EPSL. Kate and Marie both won two of the five awards given by the American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists in 2012. Another accomplishment was that Kate Griener and Dr. Warny’s palynomorph SEM photographs were selected as the cover of the PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Science) magazine last academic year, and another SEM picture was selected this summer to be part of a new permanent exhibit at the California Academy of Science in San Francisco. Dr. Warny’s group is also composed of three master’s students: Breigh Rainey Rhodes, Steve Babcock, and Isil Yildiz. Breigh and Steve are teachers at the LSU University Lab School. Their goal in pursuing a Master’s in Natural Science is to improve their ability to teach K-12 science content. Our newest student, Isil, comes to LSU from Turkey. Last year was a great year for Warny’s graduating students. Kevin Jensen, who conducted a biostratigraphic study of the Eocene/Oligocene boundary at St. Stephen Quarry in Alabama, was hired by Chevron and moved to Pittsburgh. Carlos Santos and Sandra Garzon, who conducted palynostratigraphic analyses of upper Cretaceous formations in the Middle Magdalena Valley Basin, in Colombia, were both hired by BP. Before graduating, Sandra and her committee members submitted a research paper that was published this summer in the journal Palynology. Carlos was hired after competing with a pool of international students as a biostratigrapher at the BP office in London, U.K. As a new venture, Drs. Bart and Warny hosted Laura Coquereau, a French intern last year. Laura worked tirelessly on some Antarctic sediments and was able to produce a work that was accepted as a “honor” thesis at the famed Sorbonne’s Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris. The 2012-13 academic year has also started on a high note; Dr. Warny’s research has been published in the August 2012 issue of Nature Geoscience. The paper by Dr. Sarah Feakins (USC in Los Angeles), Dr. Warny and Dr. J.E. Lee (NASA), titled “Hydrologic cycling over Antarctica during the middle Miocene warming” combined the strengths of the three co-authors; organic geochemistry, palynology, and modeling.


This year PhD students Dennis Donaldson, Dian He, and Hongjiao Yu completed their third year in the Structure / Tectonics group at LSU, and we welcomed new PhD student Cindy Colón. In research news, we’re continuing work on the evolution of a suture zone in East Tibet – a gaggle of undergraduate students are continuing to contribute components to this work. Three papers were published in 2011: two in Earth and Planetary Science Letters, and one with the (dubious?) distinction of being the longest paper published in Geosphere’s (admittedly brief) history. We anticipate similar output this year. Also, we were awarded a $125K grant from the Louisiana Board of Regents Research and Development Program to investigate the evolution of the South Tibet detachment – an important and curious Himalayan structure - in NW India and SE Tibet. Currently, Dian and Hongjiao are pursuing their second summer internships with Shell in Houston, Cindy is preparing InSAR interferograms of the Kuqa salt structures, and Dennis and I are currently in NW India – investigating two Himalayan questions related to our new grant. Plate Tectonics (GEOL 4066) was offered in the Fall. This year I altered it to be a Communications-Intensive course. In practice, this meant replacing the term paper with a Wikipedia page – each of the ten students created their own. Some of these were wildly successful: they were posted on the Wikipedia main page in the “Did you know?” section, and racked up thousands of hits. We also inaugurated a field trip to the southern

Appalachian orogeny in this class, making observations from the complexly deformed, high-grade interior in the Carolinas to the foreland fold-thrust belt in eastern Tennessee. Structural Geology (GEOL 3071) was taken by over 40 students in the Spring semester, almost all of whom participated in a week of structural observations and field mapping in Big Bend National Park. This was my 4th year leading this trip, and these students achieved the best learning outcomes yet. About 85% of them succeeded in the final exercise, an independent field mapping test.

Carol Wicks

Dr. Wicks continues to integrate studies of ecology, geochemistry, and fluid flow in carbonate basins. This past year, Scott Tipple graduated with his MS degree. My research group now includes two PhD candidates, Ben Maas and Randy Paylor, two Master students, Ally Suding and James Ayrer, and one undergraduate major, Ed Lo. Ben is focusing his research efforts on the groundwater geochemistry. Ben was a TA at field camp this past summer. Randy is continuing his studies of sediment transport processes in sediment-depleted and sediment-rich cave streams. Ally and James are still selecting their topics. Ed has finished his second NSF-funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates – the first one at Georgia Tech and the second at Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory.

New Faculty Members Achim Herrmann

Tiffany Roberts

Dr. Achim Herrmann comes to the Department of Geology and Geophysics from Arizona State University where he served as a Honors Faculty Fellow. He studied Geology & Paleontology in Germany where he earned his Vordiplom from Universität Tübingen and Diplom form Universität Heidelberg. His Ph.D. was earned in Geosciences from Pennsylvania State University. His research interests involve biogeosciences and environmental geochemistry. Dr. Herrmann is an Assistant Professor and teaches “Special Topics in Geology: Carbonate Depositional Systems”. In the Spring he will teach “Evolution of the Biosphere.”

Dr. Tiffany Roberts graduated with her B.S. in Environmental Science and M.S. and Ph.D. in Geology at the University of South Florida. Her primary research interests are coastal geomorphology and sedimentology, investigating natural and anthropogenic influences on beach and barrier island morphology. She is actively involved with American Shore and Beach Preservation Association. Dr. Roberts is the Instructor for Physical Geology (GEOL 1001) and Earth Materials (GEOL 3200), as well as Course Coordinator for Physical Geology Labs (1601), Historical Geology Labs (1602), and the Earth Materials Labs (3200). 17

Faculty Publications Peng, Yongbo*, Bao, Huiming, Zhou, Chuanming, and Yuan, Xunlai, 2011, 17O-depleted barite from two Marinoan cap dolostone sections, South China, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 305, 21-31. Kohl, I. E.* and Bao, Huiming, 2011, Triple-Oxygen-Isotope Determination of Molecular Oxygen Incorporation in Sulfate Produced during Abiotic Pyrite Oxidation (pH = 2-11), Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75, 1785-1798. Sun, Tao* and Bao, Huiming, 2011, Thermal-Gradient Induced NonMass-Dependent Isotope Fractionation. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 25, 765-773. Bing Shen, Shuhai Xiao, Huiming Bao, Alan J. Kaufman, Chuanming Zhou, and Xunlai Yuan, 2011, Carbon, sulfur, and oxygen isotope evidence for a strong depth gradient and oceanic oxidation after the Ediacaran Hankalchough glaciation, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75, 1357-1373. Sun, Tao* and Bao, Huiming, 2011, Non-mass-dependent 17O anomalies generated by a superimposed thermal gradient on a rarefied O2 gas in a closed system. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 25, 20-24; DOI: 10.1002/rcm.4825. Li, S.J., Wang, S.J., Bao, H.M., Miao, B.K., Liu, S., Coulson, I.M., Li, X.Y., Li, Y., 2011. The Antarctic achondrite, Grove Mountains 021663: An olivine-rich winonaite. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 46, 13291344. Bart, P.J., Sjunneskog C., Chow, J.M., 2011. Piston-core based biostratigraphic constraints on Pleistocene oscillations of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet in western Ross Sea between North Basin and AND-1B drill site, Marine Geology, 289, 86-99. Keen, T.R., Slingerland, R., Bentley, S.J., Furukawa, Y., Teague, W.J., and Dykes, J.D., 2012, Sediment transport on continental shelves: storm bed formation and preservation in heterogeneous sediments. In: Li, M., Sherwood, C., and Hill, P., eds., Continental Shelf Sedimentation, IAS Special Publication 44, p. 295-310. Huelse, P., and Bentley, S.J., 2012, A Pb-210 sediment budget and granulometric proxy record of sediment fluxes in a sub-Arctic deltaic system: the Great Whale River, SE-Hudson Bay, Canada. Accepted with revisions March 2012, Coastal, Estuarine, and Shelf Science. Denommee, K., Bentley, S.J., and Droxler, A.W., submitted March 2012, Continuous, Sub-Annual 1200-Y Sedimentary Record of Tropical Cyclone Occurrence from the Light House Atoll Blue Hole (Belize): Cyclone Frequency Linked to Sea Surface Temperature Variability of the Atlantic Warm Pool. Submitted to Nature Geoscience. Bentley, S.J., and Kahlmeyer, E., 2012, Patterns and mechanisms of fluvial sediment flux and accumulation in two sub-arctic fjords: Nachvak and Saglek fjords, Nunatsiavut, Canada. Submitted to Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences December 2011. Bentley, S.J., and Nittrouer, C.A., Accepted 2012, Marine Geology, Accumulation and intense bioturbation of carbonate muds along a platform margin: Dry Tortugas, Florida. Marine Geology. Bentley, S.J., Kemp, P., Freeman, A., Willson, C., Cable, J., 2012, Sediment Diversions for Conservation of the Mississippi Delta. In: Day and Kemp, eds., Restoration of the Mississippi Delta: Science, Engineering, and Policy.


Bentley, S.J., Freeman, A., Willson, C., and Cable, J., 2012, Sediment availability for Mississippi Delta Restoration: Implications for Policy Makers. National Audubon Society, Paper #1, Special Series in Policy and Outreach. April 2012. Bentley, S.J., Cable, J., Willson, C., and Freeman, A., 2012, Scientific Feasiblity of Sediment Diversions for Mississippi Delta Restoration: Implications for Policy Makers. National Audubon Society, Paper #2, Special Series in Policy and Outreach. April 2012. Stiegler-Thompson, M.E., Lowe, D.R., and Byerly, G.R., 2011, Fragmentation and Dispersal of Komatiitic Pyroclasts in the 3.5-3.2 Ga Onvwerwacht Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa, Geological Society of America Bulletin. Connolly, B.D., Puchtel, I.S., Walker, R.J., Arevalo, R., Piccoli, P.M., Byerly, G.R., Robin-Popieul, C., and Arndt, N., 2011, Highly siderophile element systematics of the 3.3 Ga Weltevreden komatiites, South Africa: Implications for the early Earth history, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 311:253-263. Henry, D.J. and Dutrow, B.L. 2011. The incorporation of fluorine in tourmaline: internal crystallographic controls or external environmental influences. Canadian Mineralogist 49:41-56. Dutrow, B.L., and Henry, D.J., 2011. Tourmaline: A geologic DVD. Elements 7: 301-306. Van Hinsberg, V.J., Henry, D.J., and Dutrow, B.L., 2011. Tourmaline as a petrologic forensic mineral: A unique recorder of its geologic past. Elements 7:327-332. Van Hinsberg, V.J., Henry, D. J. and Marschall, H.R. (2011) Tourmaline: An ideal indicator of its host environment: An introduction. Canadian Mineralogist, 49, 1-16. Henry, D.J., Novรกk, M., Hawthorne, F.C., Ertl, A., Dutrow, B.L. Uher, P. and Pezzotta, F., 2011. Nomenclature of the tourmaline supergroup-minerals. American Mineralogist 96:895-913. Dutrow, B.L. 2011. Engaging with Congress: An unexpected encounter. EOS, American Geophysical Union, v. 92, no 21, 24 May 2011. Ellwood, B.B., Tomkin, J.H., El Hassani, A., Bultynck, P., Brett, C.E., Schindler, E., Feist, R., Bartholomew, A., 2011. A climate-driven model and development of a floating point time scale for the entire Middle Devonian Givetian Stage: A test using magnetostratigraphic susceptibility as a climate proxy. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 304, 85-95. Balsam, W., Ellwood, B.B., Ji, J., Williams, E.R., Long, X., El Hassani, A., 2011. Magnetic susceptibility as a proxy for rainfall: worldwide data from tropical and temperate climate, Journal of Quaternary Science Reviews, 30, 2732-2744. Algeo, T.J., Kuwahara, K., Sano, H., Bates, S., Lyons, T., Elswick, E., Hinnov, L., Ellwood, B., Moser, J., and Maynard, J.B., 2011. Spatial variation in sediment fluxes, redox conditions, and productivity in the Permian-Triassic Panthalassic Ocean, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 308, 65-83.

Faculty Publications Ellwood, B.B., Algeo, T., El Hassani, A., Tomkin, J.H., Rowe, H., 2011, Defining the Timing and Duration of the Kačák Interval within the Eifelian/Givetian Boundary GSSP, Mech Irdane, Morocco, Using Geochemical and Magnetic Susceptibility Patterns, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 304, 74-84. Font, E., Nédélee, A., Ellwood, B.B., Mirão, J., Silva, P.M.F., 2011. A New Sedimentary Benchmark for the Deccan Traps Volcanism? Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L24309, doi:10.1029/2011GL049824. McIntosh, J.C., Garven., G., Hanor, J.S. (2011) Impacts of continental glaciation on variable-density fluid flow, and solute transport in a sedimentary basin. Geofluids.11, 18-33. [Winner of the 2011 Geofluids Best Paper Award for young scientists: McIntosh.] Welch, S.E., and Hanor, J.S. (2011) Sources of elevated salinity in the Mississippi River Alluvial Aquifer, south central Louisiana. Applied Geochemistry. V. 26, p. 1446-1451. Steen, A.K., Nunn, J.A., and Hanor, J.S., (2011) Fluid flow and compartmentalization on the flank of a salt structure, offshore Louisiana: constraints from temperature, pressure, salinity, and seismic data. Geofluids. v. 11, p. 199-208.

Taleghani, A.D., Lorenzo, J.M. 2011 An alternative interpretation of microseismic events during hydraulic fracturing SPE Hydraulic fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition The Woodlands, TX Jan 24-26, 2011 Bohaty, S.M., Kulhanek, D.K., Wise, S.W., Jr., Jemison, K., Warny, S. and Sjunneskog, C., 2011. Age Assessment of Eocene–Pliocene drillcores recovered during the SHALDRIL II Expedition, Antarctic Peninsula. AGU Special Publication. doi: 10.1029/2010SP001049. Anderson, J.B., Warny, S., Askin, R.A., Wellner, J.S., Bohaty, S.M., Kirshner, A., Livsey, D.L., Simms, A.R., Smith, T.R., Ehrmann, W., Lawver, L.A., Barbeau, D., Wise, S.W., Kulhenek, D.K., Weaver, F.M., and Majewski, W., 2011. Progressive Cenozoic cooling and the demise of Antarctica’s last refugium. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. pnas.1014885108 Warny, S. and Askin, R., 2011b. Last remnants of Cenozoic vegetation and organic-walled phytoplankton in the Antarctic Peninsula’s icehouse world. AGU Special Publication. doi: 10.1029/2010SP000996.

Hanor, J.S., (2011) The Louisiana Gulf Coast – a natural laboratory for diverse groundwater studies. Ground Water. 49, 4 611-615.

Warny, S. and Askin, R., 2011a. Vegetation and organic-walled phytoplankton at the end of the Antarctic greenhouse world: A two-step cooling. AGU Special Publication. doi: 10.1029/2010SP000965.

Hanor, J.S. and Mercer, J.A. (2011) Spatial variations in the salinity of pore waters in northern deep water gulf of Mexico sediments: implications for pathways and mechanisms of solute transport. In Frontiers in Geofluids, Yardley, B., Manning, C., and Graven, G., eds. Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, UK. p. 83-93

Warny, S., 2011. Scanning electron microscope pictures of two dinoflagellate cysts. In the historical geology textbook The Changing Earth: Exploring Geology and Evolution, Edition: 6th, Est. Pub Date: 6/17/2011, Author(s): James S. Monroe and Reed Wicander, ISBN: 9780840062086, Figure 22.21c, page 593.

Arif, M., Henry, D. J. and Moon, C. (2011) Host rock characteristics and source of chromium and beryllium for emerald mineralization in the ophiolitic rocks of the Indus suture zone in Swat, NW Pakistan. Ore Geology Reviews, 39, 1-20.

Webb, A.A.G., Schmitt, A.K., He, D., Weigand, E.L., 2011, Structural and geochronological evidence for the leading edge of the Greater Himalayan Crystalline complex in the central Nepal Himalaya. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. v. 304, p. 483-495.

Ertl, A., Kolitsch, U, Dyar, M.D., Meyer, H-P. Henry, D.J., Rossman, G. R., Prem, M,, Ludwig, T., Nasdala, L., Lengauer, C.L. and Tillmanns, E. (2011) Fluor-schorl as a new tourmaline supergroup mineral species. Report accepted and published by the IMA-CNMMN.

Webb, A.A.G., Yin, A., Harrison, T.M., Célérier, J., Gehrels, G.E., Manning, C.E., Grove, M., 2011, Cenozoic tectonic history of the Himachal Himalaya (northwestern India) and its constraints on the formation mechanism of the Himalayan orogen. Geosphere. v. 7, p. 1013-1061.

Henry, D.J. Van Hinsberg, V., Marschall, H. and Dutrow, B.L. (2011) 2011: The year of the tourmaline. Elements, 7, 129. Donated additional zircon images for the textbook “Essentials of Oceanography” by Garrison (2011) Baldwin, J. and Henry, D.J. (2011) Formative Assessment: How Do We Know Our Students Are Getting It? “On the Cutting Edge – Professional Development for Geoscience Faculty” workshop on “Teaching Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry in the 21st Century”. (Minneapolis, MN). [invited talk] August 8, 2011. Henry, D.J. (2011) Communications in MPG Embedded Research. “On the Cutting Edge – Professional Development for Geoscience Faculty” workshop on “Teaching Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry in the 21st Century”. (Minneapolis, MN). [invited talk] August 9, 2011. Baldwin, J., Perkins, D.W. and Henry, D.J. (2011) Theriak-Domino. “On the Cutting Edge – Professional Development for Geoscience Faculty” workshop on “Teaching Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry in the 21st Century”. (Minneapolis, MN). [invited talk] August 10, 2011.

Schmidt, J., Hacker, B.R., Ratschbacher, L., Stübner, K., Stearns, M., Kylander-Clark, A., Cottle, J.M., Webb, A.A.G., Gehrels, G., Minaev, V., 2011, Cenozoic Deep Crust in the Pamir. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. v. 312, p. 411-421.71. Covington, M.D., Banwell, A.F., Gulley, J., Saar, M.O., Willis, I., and C.M. Wicks, 2011, Quantifying the effects of glacier conduit geometry and recharge on proglacial hydrograph form, Journal of Hydrology, v. 414-415, p. 59-71. Covington, M.D., Luhmann, A.J., Gabrovsek, F., and Wicks, C.M. 2011, Mechanisms of heat exchange between water and rock in karst conduits, Water Resources Research, v. 47, no. 10, dio:10.1029/2011wr010683 Covington, M.D., Doctor, D.H., King, J.N., and Wicks. C.M., 2011, Research in Karst: A model for future directions in hydrologic science? AGU Hydrology Section Newsletter, no. 7, p. 18-22


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Young Alumna Volunteers in South America Equipped with her new degree in geology, recent graduate Ann Savage was selected to participate in the WorldTeach program. She will be spending the 201213 academic year in Port Kaituma, Guyana serving the community as a science and math teacher in a local secondary school. She will be provided housing in a small country village and given a monthly stipend for her living expenses. Guyana is the poorest nation in continental South America, but despite this fact, the country places a very high value on education.


LSU Geology & Geophysics

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A lumni C ouncil Throughout the years, alumni involvement in the Department of Geology & Geophysics has been an integral part of it success. Graduates return regularly to share their knowledge, experiences, and resources with the current students and faculty. Over the past year, a number of alumni have come together to serve on the recently revived Geology Alumni Advisory Council. The members of the council meet on a regular basis with Dr. Wicks and other faculty members to discuss the status of the department including searches for open positions, the condition of the labs and field camp, and ways to support undergraduate and graduate students. The Council shares insight on department issues, and members have sponsored the Geology Boot Camp for incoming freshmen, an intern and young alumni get together in Houston,

and continue to seek opportunities to interact with faculty and students. As the Council gains a fuller understanding of the status of higher education in Louisiana and the expectations that are placed on the department in the current budgetary environment, we strive to strengthen the department and provide guidance on how to make the best use of department resources. Alumni are always invited to participate at any level in the activities of the department and to share their knowledge, experiences, and financial support. As the voice of the alumni, the council is working to continue the same tradition of excellence in training future geoscientists as we received during our time. Feel free to contact any of the members of the Alumni Council to discuss any aspect of the department.

In Memoriam

Lewis G. Nichols passed away July 21, 2012. He earned his Masters Degree from LSU in 1954 and remained a part of the Geology & Geophysics department until 1991. Lew left his mark on many students and colleagues who remember his good humor and the stability he brought to the department. He will truly be missed.

2012 Members Allen Berlin ‘79 Scott Brodie ‘82 Frank Harrison ‘50 Ronnie Johnson ‘94 Keith Jordan ‘79 James Painter ‘80 Ed Picou ‘55 Erik Scott ‘92 PhD‘97 Chester Young ‘88

50 Years Ago...

Field Camp Class of 1962

Join Us!

Annual Convention & Exhibition May 19-22, 2013 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Donor Spotlight

Candace Hays & Ronnie Johnson

How would someone describe you?

Candace would describe Ronnie as kind, generous and one who takes care of others. Ronnie describes Candace as tender hearted, loyal and very compassionate.

What do you do when you aren’t working or volunteering?

Candace’s is Paleontology, sketching fossils on Sunday afternoons. Ronnie’s is field camp, “I started undergraduate school at freshman field camp as a pre-law/criminal justice major that found geology as a new path to take in life and then finished undergraduate school at the senior camp”


“We’d like to see the department moving forward in its current direction bringing in high quality faculty to try to replace “legends” that are retiring.”

What would you tell other alumni who are thinking about contributing to the department?

We do some traveling and lots of dancing.

What’s your fondest memory from LSU?

Where would you like to see the department in the next five years?

“Contact the department to find out what the needs are and contribute in a way that is meaningful to you. We started a scholarship fund to help students with expenses related to field camp and the new GIOS program.”

What are your plans for the future?

Professionally to continue the adventure in the oil patch and personally to continue living our wonderful life together.

-Geaux Tigers!!

Thank You for Your Support! Thank you to all of our alumni and corporate partners who have given generously to the Department. Your donations are being used to address the most critical needs in the department, and we hope you continue your support.

$100,000+ Billy & Ann Harrison

$50,000 - $99,999 Chevron Marathon Oil Corporation Jay & Laura Moffitt Joe & Kim Reid

$10,000 - $49,999 Mike & Lea Ann van den Bold David J. Clark Devon Energy Corporation

Shell Oil Company Armour C. Winslow

$5,000 - $9,999 Scott & Susan Brodie Ronnie Johnson & Candace Hays Stuart & Kim Oden Arthur H. Saller

$1,000 - $4,999

Patrick F. Taylor Foundation Joanne J. Clark Brooks Ellwood ExxonMobil Corporation

Minoaks LLC Margery Altman Harman Chandler Walter O. Ford, Jr. Edward B. Picou, Jr. Mancheol Suh A.A.P.G

Imagine Resources, LLC Frank G. Cornish Michael R. Stamatedes Newfield Exploration Company George Belchic, Jr.

Up to $999 John H. Blair

Hardy & Jeanette Coon

Charles & Ruth Horne

Jarrod A. McGehee

Stacy A. Smith

Rodney Barlow & Patricia Fithian

Robert M. Danos

Karen Houters

Doug McMurry

Jody Stagg

Daniel & Tena Bonnet Andre L. Boutte Charles P. Brocato Marguerite Brown Gary Byerly & Maud Walsh Thomas W. Byrd Joseph J. Cannizzaro Hendrik D. Carleton

Gregory J. Dugas

James M. Iles

Kyle M. Metz

Larry & Peggy Stanley

Sherry L. Dunn

Barbara M. Jackson

Sally M. Murray

Kathy Vail

Michael A. Eger

Cecil C. Jemison

Richard D. Provensal

Alan M. Warren

Robert & Paula Gerdes

Robert & Jane Jemison

Martin W. Richard

Sara S. Watters

Louise Haas

Walter P. Kessinger, Jr.

Harry H. Roberts

Jerry Wermund

Edward F. Haye

David E. Kinchen

Timothy M. Ross

Recep & Barabara Yilmaz

Phillip C. Hebert

Donald & Dorothy Lantz

Gwen Rota

Richard P. Zingula

Julie L. Hill

Jonathan & Emily Marcantel

Erik & Angela Scott

Encana Oil & Gas

* We make every effort to be as accurate as possible in reporting gifts. If there is an error, please let us know. Names listed reflect donations made to G & G through the LSU Foundation from 7/1/2011 - 6/30/2012.


E235 Howe-Russell-Kniffen Geoscience Complex

Baton Rouge, LA 70803


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