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Capital Stewardship Campaign


MUSIC AND WORSHIP ARTS The Grow Generosity Capital Stewardship Campaign Created by Lionel Venable ISLE OF PATMOS BAPTIST CHURCH | 1200 Isle of Patmos Place NE Washington, DC 20018

The Vision and Mission of the Music and Worship Arts Ministry of Isle of Patmos Baptist Church “Inspiring and demonstrating an infectious passion for the presence of God. Worshipping in spirit and truth; creatively expressing our heart to God through music and arts; and by committing to a lifestyle of worship and service to God both inside and outside of Isle of Patmos’s facilities.” We are dedicated to providing culturally relevant, high-quality worship through music and the arts. As we engage expressions of worship, our focal mission is to inspire the entire ministry to lead lifestyles of worship. Education: teaching the elements of Biblical worship, the indigenous planning of worship, and the skills of the craft of worship through the development and presentation of biblically based curriculums. Performance: using excellence in the presentation and worshipful performance of the arts in the venue of the public forum to encourage the believer and to acquaint the unbeliever with the majesty and glory of the God of the universe. Connection: building healthy and lasting relationships within and connecting to partnerships with local community development organizations.

Vision Inspiring Generosity, promoting growth realizing expansion to better serve our community Mission Engaging individuals and families within Isle of Patmos Baptist Church and supporters toward a greater capacity of generosity; increasing our impact on the community through music and arts. AS AN ORGANIZATION WE ARE COMMITTED TO: -Being Biblically accountable -Promoting community and unity -Understanding the power to and in growth -Providing ministry gifts the opportunity to develop -Developing potential worship leaders, soloist, choir masters, artists etc. -Building healthy relationship for cooperative internal infrastructure

NURTURE A BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW The real battle facing the church is the one being waged against Christian culture. Stewardship attitudes directly correlate to non-monetary issues such as authority, serving, and sacrifice. Hearts either reflect Biblical principles and priorities, or they do not. Our behavior and actions reveal where we stand. The enemy of our souls (1 Pet 5:8) will work to keep ministries from gaining resources they need to accomplish the work to which God has called them. A number of economic factors and distractions can divert potential church giving. Church leaders must become more convicted than ever to proactively promote and discover funding for the work of Christ. Those blessed with resources are able to (Luke 12:48) maximize their church’s ministry opportunities. Money is by no means the “be all/end all” of ministry; at the same time, churches ability to expand its scope depends on this critical ingredient. When we fail to properly engage Christians to release funds for the Kingdom, we fail to grow their whole-hearted devotion for God.

1. Stewardship Education Emphasis  4-week education phase with focus on faithful stewardship  All-age family applications with focus on stewardship of time, talent and possessions/finances  Assign a Campaign Counselor for congregation and leaders 2. Project Feasibility  Feasibility Study (discovers overall level of project enthusiasm and vision commitment 3. Pre-Campaign Planning  Leadership visioning workshop (in order to prepare lay leadership for the upcoming project)  Initial church-wide vision presentation (Necessary preparation and planning in order to garner the necessary church understanding and support) 4. Capital Stewardship Campaign Over and above giving focus  For the development and expansion of the music and worship arts ministry and the establishment of The Conservatory; the Community School of Music & Arts @ Isle of Patmos.

5. Mid-Campaign Re-Commitment Emphasis Engage new members  Motivate people who have finished pledge and want to give an additional gift  Energize those who could not give originally  Reaffirm the intent of those who originally pledged

6. Planned Giving Campaigns Two Options  Legacy Giving campaign (3-5 year pledges)  Planned Giving campaign (immediate)

CAPITAL CAMPAIGN OVERVIEW What is a Capital Campaign? • A program wherein God’s people come together in financial sacrifice to provide funds for a capital project. • A time of spiritual growth and faith building that stirs the heart and spirit. • A careful process that results in a 3-year giving commitment, normally raising between 1 and 3 times the church’s current annual receipts in tithes and offerings.

Is a Capital Campaign Biblical? YES! The biblical basis & historical precedent for what today we call a capital campaign is found in: – Moses building the tent of the tabernacle. • Exodus Chapters 25, 35, & 36 – David preparing to build the temple. • 1 Chronicles 29:2-9 – The rebuilding of the temple and Jerusalem’s walls. • Ezra, Nehemiah & Haggai

Goals of a Biblical Capital Campaign • To provide understanding that a kingdom need exists and how God provides for kingdom needs to be met through His people. • To clearly communicate the intellectual facts, emotional excitement, and spiritual wisdom to the church congregation. • To facilitate spiritual growth through preaching, teaching, & prayer. • To see God’s promises with respect to giving, worked out in the lives of your congregation.

Goals of a Biblical Capital Campaign • To communicate biblical stewardship in a clear and compelling manner. • To encourage the transformation of intellectual knowledge into faith in action. • To ask people to respond according to how they believe God has called them to respond in faith. • To bring glory to God.

Major Components • Compelling Vision –“Inspiring Generosity, promoting growth realizing expansion to better serve our community” –Mission Engaging individuals and families within Isle of Patmos Church and supporters toward a greater capacity of generosity; increasing our impact on the community through music and arts.

• Clear Communication –Your communication must be clear, concise, compelling, and consistent. –Clear communications brings understanding, answers questions, and promotes excitement and unity.

–It is important to use multiple channels of communication over a fixed period of time to insure the message is fully communicated.

• Biblical Instruction –Identifying special bible study’s to teach on generosity. –Identifying Sunday morning services that can be themed at generosity. –Developing events where there is light food and innovative instruction on generosity.

• Prayer and Fasting –Ultimately, it is not fancy words or attractive communication materials that will make your campaign a success, it is the movement of the Holy Spirit in people's lives exhorting them to make the appropriate faith response. –By teaching biblical stewardship principles and bathing the campaign in prayer, our will is brought into alignment with God's desire.

• Modeling by Leaders –People will not follow where leaders do not lead. –See the example of King David in 1 Chronicles 29:2-9. –Church staff, capital campaign team members, and others need to give their testimony and model stewardship principles.

• Sacrifice –The more of the congregation sacrificing to be involved in the various aspects of your campaign, the more likely your campaign will be successful. –Sacrifice produces ownership, ownership produces responsibility, and responsibility spurs financial support.

• Follow-up –Engaging all pledgers and donors in gratitude for their contributions. –Collect all donations. –Keep a consistent (non-asking) communication with donors.

A Multi-Faceted Approach Spiritual-Rational-Emotional A successful campaign must address all three aspects of man Appeal to Potential Large Major Donors – God has gifted some with greater financial ability. Each should be encouraged to give according to that ability. – Those in the church with extraordinary ability to gives should be encouraged to do so through one-on-one vision sharing and person to person appeals. – Failure to properly approach potential major donors will reduce your campaign, often by 30% or more.

Capital Campaign – 5 Phases I. Planning & Recruiting 3 weeks – In this phase a general timeline is established, a director and executive committee members are considered and recruited based on job descriptions and gifting. Recruitment of workers for the various task begins during this phase.

II. Equipping & Preparation 4 weeks – With the recruitment for workers for the teams is completed, training for the capital campaign committee is accomplished, and much of the “behind the scenes” background work is accomplished.

III. Public Phase 4 weeks – The goals of this phase are to clearly communicate the need, clearly teach and model stewardship, and for everyone to prayerfully consider how the Lord would have them contribute to the campaign.

IV. Receiving Commitments 4 weeks • Phase 4 -Wrap-up Phase – This phase will last from 1 to 3 weeks depending on size of congregation and method of collecting pledges. – The major goals are: to have a celebration Sunday to give thanks and glory to God, collect any remaining pledges, provide a final total to the church, send thank you letters, and to acknowledge and thank workers.

V. Collection & Follow-up Typically 4-6 weeks – This phase consists of the tasks of collecting the gifts pledged, providing regular statements to members for pledges received, making regular reports to the congregation on pledge receipts, and integrating new members into the program. – Periodic statements and events to “keep it fresh” are planned for next year’s campaign.

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