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Texas’ Largest Hunting and Fishing Newspaper Since 2004

April 22, 2022

Volume 18, Issue 17

Catfish spawn picking up By Nate Skinner

For Lone Star Outdoor News

Danielle Barton caught this 52-pound catfish while fishing on Lake Waco with her husband and guide, Jason Barton. Photo by Jason Barton.

Spawning activity for catfish is on the rise across several major reservoirs, as heavy blues and channel cats move up into the shallows along flats, banks and creek mouths. Smaller catfish are still holding out in deeper water. A variety of baits from cut bait and whole shad to cheese bait

have been producing hookups. Chris Thompson recently went fishing for cats on Eagle Mountain Lake, where he said the fish have begun to move into the shallows. “My wife and I tried fishing some deeper holes, but didn’t have much action,” Thompson said. “We made a move to a shallow flat with lots of timber and started getting bites. I landed two

catfish in the 22-inch range that were full of eggs.” Thompson said they were using shrimp for bait. “There also seems to be a lot of catfish around the dam right now,” he said. On Lake Conroe, guide Darrell Taylor said there are plenty of catfish from 2 to 5 pounds hanging out in 20 feet of water near creek channel ledges and holes. “Shad are starting to

move up around the bulkheads and some fish are starting to follow them up shallow as well,” Taylor said. “On days following cold fronts though, you can almost bet that the fish will be out deeper.” Occasionally, Taylor has been seeing fish anywhere from 15 to 40 pounds mixed in with the eating-sized cats his anglers have been catching. Please turn to page 9

Toms still baffling hunters By Nate Skinner

warded with success. The birds within northern locales are still in large flocks, while they have started splitting up in regions to the south. North Zone turkey hunter Shannon Scott harvested a double-bearded gobbler with her bow while hunting in the Panhandle near Mobeetie. “This was my first multibearded turkey, and I had no idea that he had a second beard until after I recovered him,” Scott said. Scott got out to her spot early before daylight and set up a pop-up blind along a travel route she felt like the birds had been using quite a bit after leaving their roosts.

For Lone Star Outdoor News Spring turkey season is in full swing; however, range conditions seem to be running a little behind, according to many hunters. The drought being experienced in many areas has slowed the timing of the typical springtime green up, and the turkeys seem to be running late along with the vegetation across Texas pastures. Many hunters are reporting they are still seeing a lot of receptive hens that don’t act as if they’ve already been bred, so the gobblers seem to be “henned-up.” Those who have exercised patience have been re-

While turkey hunters are seeing lots of jakes, mature toms have been difficult to bring in. Photo by Nate Skinner, for Lone Star Outdoor News.

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By Craig Nyhus

Some saltwater anglers call it the spring migration of menhaden. Whatever it is, the redfish and speckled trout get excited. In summer, the tiny baitfish, also called pogies, drift in after the adults have spawned offshore. But some sub-adults come into the jetty areas, so the early push of the prized prey is larger fish, about 5 inches. “When there are menhaden around, fish can’t get their minds

on anything else,” said Rockport guide Brian Holden. “Especially the redfish — they won’t hit anything else.” The oily fish, used for things like chicken feed, fish oil supplements and even some medicines when caught commercially, can gather in huge groups that are easy to spot. Just watch the water and look for slicks. “This time of year, the slicks are bigger and more prolific,” Holden said. “The menhaden have a higher concentration of oil. Last week, I saw an acre of menhaden

that were 2 feet thick.” Holden looks near the channels for small islands where the current peels off for concentrations of the fish. Others target areas where deeper water pulls close to shallow structure. “The redfish swarm them,” he said. When using menhaden for bait, ask for the slang term at the bait stand — shad. “A live one has to be real fresh,” he said. Holden buys his from a bait stand where the boat comes in at

Photo from NOAA

night, and the menhaden are put on ice on top of a cardboard box. “It keeps the oil from washing off,” he said. “If they don’t make a little slick on the water when you drop them in, you won’t catch anything on them.” When using lures, Holden said there are a few keys. “Menhaden are always slashing Please turn to page 15


Time Sensitive Material • Deliver ASAP

Lone Star Outdoor News

Freshwater Fishing Report . Page 10 Game Warden Blotter . . . . Page 12 Heroes . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14 Saltwater Fishing Report . . Page 15 Sun, Moon & Tides . . . . . Page 16 Datebook . . . . . . . . . Page 18 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . Page 18



Find the menhaden, find the fish



Checking teeth (P. 4)

Sharks at night (P. 8)

Researchers study method of aging deer.

Day starts with catching bait.

Searching for fellowship (P. 4)

Spots on bass (P. 8)

New friends gather for adventures.

Skin condition may be a virus.

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April 22, 2022

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April 22, 2022

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April 22, 2022

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After work turkey double By Tony Vindell

For Lone Star Outdoor News When told two flocks of turkeys were seen by the camp during a recent early morning, a Primera resident waited impatiently to get off work so he could go out and try to bag a gobbler. After all, the spring turkey season was approaching its second week and hunter Antonio Vindell had not seen a bird. “Get ready,” he told his wife, Stephanie, as soon as he got home shortly after 5:30 on April 5. “We are going to the ranch.” Once at the family ranch, located about 30 minutes from their house, Vindell heard toms gobbling their hearts out. Vindell grabbed his two decoys, ran toward the east side of the camp and picked a spot along the fence about 150 yards from where he parked his truck. “I put out the decoys and sat by a mesquite tree,” he said. “I could hardly see the road because of the grass in front of me.” As he kept using his mouth call, making hen yelp, cluck and purr sounds, he could hear the gobblers responding. At about 7:15 p.m., he spotted three birds coming toward him across a field and in between mesquite and huisache trees. The turkeys then took a detour toward the east but reappeared from under a barbed wire gate and headed toward the decoys as Vindell was sitting no more than 15 yards away. “I could see the gobblers’ heads,” he said. “They were blue with bright red.” He then took a shot at one of the birds and it immediately dropped to the ground as the other two kept moving around the flapping bird. He took another shot at a second tom, which ran toward the west along the fence line.

After getting a report of flocks of turkeys on the ranch, Primera resident Antonio Vindell bagged two toms on an after work hunt. Photo by Tony Vindell, for Lone Star Outdoor News.

Vindell looked for the second bird but couldn’t see it, and then went to pick up the downed gobbler and headed to camp. Once there, his wife told him she saw a turkey go over the trees between where he came from and the camp.

He dropped the bird, went back and got into the brush looking for something — just in case. And lo and behold, he found the second bird about 100 yards from the fence line. “I was proud carrying my first turkey behind me,” he said. “But

two turkeys? That was insane.” Vindell said he had been getting nervous about the turkey season. On opening day, the toms were gobbling but not responding to calls. His friend, David Hoffman, had bagged three toms near

Social media connects outdoor enthusiasts By Robert Sloan

For Lone Star Outdoor News Nicole Deleon grew up in La Porte and never really did get into fishing and hunting. Until one day she went on a hunt with some friends and one of them showed up with a bow. “I picked up that bow and made one shot with an arrow and I was hooked,” she said. “I was pretty young at the time, but from then on I knew that being in the outdoors was going to be my passion.” Now, at 32 years old, Deleon loves to duck and goose hunt. When those seasons end, she’ll pick up a favorite rod and reel and head to the coast where she can catch reds and trout. But there is a hitch – finding friends who were

also into hunting and fishing. “I didn’t have any girlfriends that liked to hunt and fish,” Deleon said. “Not a whole lot of girls have the time and money to make a lot of trips.I love to hunt and fish, and to just be outdoors. You don’t always have to kill something to have a good time. I want to live it every single day. But the cost can hold you back.” In the search for fellowship in the outdoors, Deleon began to connect with other female outdoor enthusiasts via social media. “We began communicating and came up with the idea of hunting and fishing as a group,” Deleon said. When we first started traveling together, we were mostly into hunting ducks on the bays.

Gonzalz and Cotulla, giving him hope. The spring Rio Grande Turkey season will continue through May 1 in Texas’ South Zone and May 15 in the North Zone.

Accuracy of tooth wear for aging deer By Craig Nyhus

Lone Star Outdoor News

within our budgets,” said Deleon, who is in the food delivery business. “Most of us don’t have a ton of money. We try to keep it simple, like finding affordable trips with guides that could put us on ducks and geese.” A favorite trip took place this waterfowl hunting season.

Most deer hunters have seen it. After a deer is taken, someone on the lease opens its mouth and sticks a finger in to rub the teeth. The person then looks up and says something like, “He’s four.” Assessing a deer’s age by rubbing the molars along the back side of the deer’s mouth is an old technique, and many deer leases have plastic replicas to help get the feel of Photo by Lili Keys, teeth at certain ages. Lone Star Outdoor News. But is it accurate? Researchers at the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute examined the issue, which was presented at the recent Deer Research Meeting by Dr. Randy DeYoung, in a talk titled “Techniques for Aging Deer Based on Tooth Wear Aren’t Aging Well.” “The technique was developed in the 1940s,” DeYoung said. “It follows the patterns of deer replacing baby teeth (at two years of age) with adult teeth, and then estimates the age by the amount the teeth are ground down by chewing. We teach it to our students.”

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A group of women met on social media and now go on several hunts and fishing trips each year. Photo from Nicole Deleon.

Then it branched off into goose and crane hunts.” These days, Deleon and her group book trips with fishing and hunting guides across Texas and into other states like Florida, South Carolina and New Mexico. “We don’t make a lot of trips, but when we do, we try to keep them


LoneOStar Outdoor News

First nilgai on LSONF hunt with East Foundation By James Powell

For Lone Star Outdoor News Buying raffle tickets for a good cause can pay off. Kenneth Hamill won his first hunt for nilgai antelope at the Lone Star Outdoor News Foundation’s Wild Game Supper, donated by the East Foundation. Hamill, of Dallas, joined the East Foundation’s James Powell and Trey Dyer for an eventful hunt April 4-5. Despite hot and dry conditions in the middle of the persistent drought Kenneth Hamill won a hunt with the East Foundation at the Lone Star Outin South Texas, Hamill door News Foundation’s Wild Game Supper, and bagged this nilgai at the and his foundation guides Santa Rosa Ranch. Photo by James Powell, for Lone Star Outdoor News. were able to connect with a young, beautiful nilgai bull after a 700-yard-stalk through classic brush country. Shooting hastily off shotting sticks, Hamill connected on a100-yard shot with a Ruger M77 chambered in 7mm Remington Magnum loaded with Winchester 150 grain Ballistic Silvertip bullets. “I was excited for the chance to hunt nilgai in South Texas, and the hunt was a great opportunity to spend some time on a beautiful ranch and harvest meat to share with my family,” Hamill said. Last October, the East Foundation donated the guided nilgai hunt on the Santa Rosa ranch, near Riviera, to LSONF at its 2021 Wild Game Supper, which was held to raise funds to provide hunting and fishing experiences for those who have the passion but lack the opportunity. Nilgai, an exotic but now common large mammal species in South Texas, are plentiful on two of the East Foundation’s six ranches, and the Foundation is currently conducting research on the interactions between nilgai, white-tailed deer and cattle on native Texas rangelands. Nilgai are also a carrier and transmitter of the cattle fever tick, which presents a risk to cattle herds in portions of South Texas. For more information on the East Foundation and its work promoting the advancement of land stewardship through ranching, science and education, visit eastfoundation.net.

Calling silent toms Continued from page 1

“The birds pitched down from the trees, and slowly made their way toward my decoys,” she said. “I actually got to watch the gobbler I ended up arrowing come all the way in from over 1,000 yards away. He even stopped to breed a hen before he got within shooting range.” The gobbler was accompanied by 12 hens and another tom, and came straight into her strutter and hen decoy pair. “Both toms in the group came in strutting, and when the bird that had my attention got to 20 yards, I drew my bow and sent an arrow,” Scott said. According to Scott, this spring is different from previous seasons in the Panhandle. “We really aren’t seeing the numbers of turkeys on the properties where we hunt like we usually do,” she explained. “Gobbling activity has really been hit or miss, and I just think they are not in their typical patterns due to the drought. The longbeards definitely won’t venture too far from their hens right now. Most of them seem to be moving into their regular springtime haunts much later than normal.” Kevin Whiteley, of Bones & Beards Outfitter and Guide Services, said the turkeys in the Shamrock area are still congregated in pretty large flocks. “We are seeing a ton of jakes in big groups, and almost all of the mature gobblers are with flocks of hens,” he said. “The amount of gobbling the toms are doing has been very sporadic. Some days they are loud as can be, and other days they won’t make a peep.” Whiteley said all of his hunters have had success so far this spring, they have just had to work for it. “More than likely, you’re not going to just get out there, hit a call, and have one come running to you right now,” he said. “Getting aggressive with the hens and calling them in has worked well. Trying to find

a gobbler later in the day instead of right off of the roost that isn’t ‘henned-up’ is also a good approach.” Menard County hunter Ed Mutch said the gobblers on his lease have been pretty quiet. “They gobbled quite a bit when the North Zone season opened, but the second week of the season, they pretty much shut off,” he explained. “I think most of the hens finally became receptive, and that many haven’t been bred yet, because I was seeing a lot of toms with groups of hens that wouldn’t respond to any calls.” Mutch was able to get in front of a group of turkeys during a midmorning hunt and harvested two mature longbeards. “They had several hens with them, and I just happened to set up in the direction that they were traveling,” he said. James Meissner has been hunting in Wilson County near La Vernia where the best action has occurred during the mid to late morning hours. “The gobblers have been pretty tightlipped when coming off of the roost at sunrise,” Meissner said. “Most of the gobbling activity that I’ve experienced has been from around 9:30 a.m. until noon. I’ve been able to call in a couple of mature birds during some mid to late morning hunts, and I have seen plenty of jakes.” South Texas-based Texas Parks and Wildlife Department wildlife biologist Blaise Korzekwa said the range conditions in the southern portion of the state have significantly impacted the birds springtime behaviors. “There is just no consistency to when and how often they are gobbling, and it seems that they are definitely not on track with their breeding activity when compared to previous years,” he said. “Most properties in South Texas are extremely dry, so the birds are patterning completely different from how they normally do.”

April 22, 2022

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April 22, 2022

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no maintenance wood-grain

Aging deer



Continued from page 4

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The study used deer on the King Ranch and examined more than 7,000 deer harvested from 2000-2014. The age was estimated by tooth wear and by Cementum Annuli (CA), a technique in which the tooth is extracted, sent to a lab, and “growth rings” are counted at the root of the tooth. In comparing the estimates based on tooth wear to the CA method, researchers found some variation, but the estimates were within one year of each other more than 70 percent of the time. DeYoung said this makes sense, since there are so many variables. “We looked at the effect of clay soils versus sandy soils and the difference between a soft diet (including pelleted feed) versus a rough diet,” he said. How accurate were the two techniques when the age of the deer was known? Using information on 134 known-age deer from a study called the Buck Capture Project, teeth from deer older than two years when harvested were examined by six trained observers, and teeth were sent for CA aging at two labs. The results of tooth wear examination were correct between 43 and 51 percent of the time, but 87 percent of the estimates were within one year of the actual age. The CA results from the labs were correct 60 to 62 percent of the time, and 93 percent were within one year. “The tooth wear examinations had a tendency to overage young deer and underage older deer,” DeYoung said. “The CA method was better for older deer. Both techniques are good for management, as

they get within plus or minus 1 year most of the time.” At the ranch, often the reply after the tooth wear test, is “He’s either 3 or 4.” DeYoung provided a tip based on the results of the study to improve accuracy. “If it’s a younger deer, go with the smaller number,” he said. “For an older deer, go with the higher number.” Researcher also looked at some of the variables, including the effect of sandy soils, thinking the grit may increase tooth wear. “There wasn’t much of a difference,” DeYoung said. “With ruminants like deer, it probably was washed off before the food was brought up to chew.” What about supplemental feeding? “It didn’t have much influence,” DeYoung said. “Deer still eat native forage.” Other variables do have an impact, though. “There was a lot of variation from the right to left side on the same deer,” DeYoung said. “Like humans, they chew mostly on one side. And some deer just have better teeth than others.” With old deer, relying on tooth wear tends to go out the window. “The variation is magnified in older deer,” DeYoung said. “With real old deer, people were aging at 6-7 and some of the deer were 8-10 and a few were 12.” As a management tool, aging by tooth wear is helpful, DeYoung said, even though you might be off by a year. “And after you shoot, it doesn’t matter what the teeth say,” he said. “He’s as old as he’s gonna get.”

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Texas Banded Bird Challenge

EARLY BIRD entries

April 1-July 15 Open to all hunters with a Texas hunting license to harvest a Eurasian Collared Dove with a TDHA band on its leg. Every band reported provides data for the TDHA Eurasian Collared Dove research project.




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April 22, 2022

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April 22, 2022

LoneOStar Outdoor News



Spots on bass may be from virus By Lili Keys

Lone Star Outdoor News

Fisheries biologists believe ink-like spots on bass may have been caused by viruses. Photo from Inland Fisheries.

Have you ever caught a bass with ink-like spots? Many anglers saw the social media posts from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department asking the question and asking anglers to let them know if they catch one, and where. Allan Jones told Lone Star Outdoor News he has caught bass with spots in Little Elm and Frisco ponds; Mark McGuire posted a photo of a bass with spots; and David Ricks said he’s caught “hundreds of bass with those same spots” at Bell Street Lake in San Angelo. What are the biologists looking for?

Cynthia Fox, a biologist in the Dallas-Fort Worth Inland Fisheries department, said fish with these blotches have been reported since the 1980s. “They assumed it was stress related and maybe even from sun exposure,” she said. “But scientists with the USGS (United States Geological Survey) Fisheries Research Branch noticed the condition was becoming more prevalent where it was first observed in smallmouth bass in a river in Pennsylvania.” Skin samples were taken, and in 2020, scientists determined all of the fish that had the spots had some member of a particular virus family.

Then, bass from tanks at Bass Pro Shops in Michigan began getting the spots. “They found a different virus within the same family,” Fox said. So far, most of the sampling has come from Vermont, Pennsylvania and Michigan. “The USGS is trying to get information from other states to see where the condition is,” Fox said. “So far, there are no reports of it from waters west of Texas.” Fox said her email box has been filled with responses, reports and photos of fish with what has been called “Blotchy Bass Syndrome.” “Texas anglers are fantas-

tic,” she said. “They realize we aren’t trying to steal their fishing spots. We just want to make sure we have a handle on it and learn how and why it spreads.” When biologists sample lakes this year, they will have Q-tip-like swabs to collect samples from fish with the spots. But not to worry when you catch one, the fish with spots are safe to eat (if cooked properly). If you catch a bass with spots, TPWD is asking anglers to snap a photo and report the location to cynthia.fox@tpwd. texas.gov.

Catching bait by day, sharks by night By Nate Skinner

For Lone Star Outdoor News

Jarred Norris caught and released this 6-foot, 11-inch sandbar shark while fishing the beachfront along PINS overnight. Photo by J.C. Norris.

When he’s not brewing beer for Southerleigh Brewing Company in San Antonio, J.C. Norris can probably be found on one of our Texas beaches, chasing fish in the surf. During his latest outing with his brother and some buddies, they were able to land seven sharks stretching to 6 feet in length or longer while fishing on the beachfront near Port Aransas and along the Padre Island National Seashore. “Every single shark we caught came from a bait that was casted out into the surf from the first and second gut,” Norris said. “Not once did we have to kayak baits any farther out. These fish were in close.” Norris said everything along the beachfront is starting to kick off with water temperatures approaching 68 to 70 degrees. “Jackfish have showed back up in schools, and I just had a feeling that things were getting right, and sure enough, our efforts paid off.” During their trip, Norris and his crew focused on catching fish that could be used for shark bait during the daytime hours. “We basically just cruised the beach

looking for signs of life,” he said. “Any stretch that was holding a concentration of baitfish became a potential hotspot. We landed several jackfish on a variety of flies and lures, and we also caught some pompano on shrimp. There were even a few redfish in the mix.” The group used pompano heads and cut jackfish for bait. “We caught blacktip sharks, sandbar sharks and one bull shark,” Norris said. “Four of our sharks came on cut jackfish.” Throughout their trip, Norris said they covered more than 50 miles of beachfront to locate and catch shark bait during the daytime hours, and then target sharks at night. “We found two concentrations of jackfish and they were both 50 miles down the beach from one another,” he said. “The sharks were caught in both of these areas.” The outgoing tide at night was key to the group’s success, and Norris said all of their action came as the tide was falling. “The tide was coming in during the daytime which definitely made for a better jackfish and pompano bite,” Norris said. All of the sharks were landed on 8-foot, 1,000-pound monofilament leaders with a large circle hook. Norris feels he gets Please turn to page 15

Rustic camp attracts unconventional anglers By Robert Sloan

For Lone Star Outdoor News Bill’s Landing on the upper end of Toledo Bend has been a fishing jewel for decades. That’s for one big reason — the deeper water on the upper end of this sprawling lake holds lots of blue and channel cats, with a good number

of ops (yellow cats) mixed in. Charlie and Rhonda Shively have owned and operated Bill’s Landing for 37 years. And during that time they have noticed that the catfishing remains as good as ever. The business, located just outside Shelbyville, is known for hosting fishermen who travel from many different

states. Many bring the entire family to spend a few days at the location with on-thewater RV sites, cabins, a play area for kids and a campground. Most aren’t there for the big bass reputation of the lake. Some come for the crappie. Most, though, are there for the big catfish. And the

fishing methods they use are age-old — but not necessarily conventional. Trotlines are a favorite method of fishing on the lake’s north end, along with jug lines and stump lines. “Just tie a line on a stump with a hook about 5 to 6 feet deep,” Shively said. “Bait it up with a live bream and you Please turn to page 15

Trotlines, stump lines and other methods are used to bag big catfish at Toledo Bend Reservoir for customers staying at Bill’s Landing. Photo from Charlie Shively.


LoneOStar Outdoor News

April 22, 2022

Spawning cats Continued from page 1

“We are catching a lot more channel cats than blue cats,” he said. “My own Catfish Killer cheese bait has been working well.” When targeting larger, trophy sized cats, Taylor has been using cut shad and cut perch. In Central Texas, guide Jason Barton, has been targeting trophy catfish on Lake Waco and Lake Belton where wind-blown banks and shallow flats have been producing. “Most of these fish are in the 20- to 40-pound range and they are concentrating Anglers are bringing in trophy-sized cats in the shallows, like this fish in areas with water depths caught and released on Lake Lewisville with guide Steve Schiele. Photo by Steve Schiele. of 8 feet of water or less,” and more each day. Barton said. “The fish are up “The cats are starting to stack up near the shallow eating everything else that is up shallow spawning right now, like crappie.” mouths of creeks in about 2 feet of water, When targeting the banks, Barton has and the bite is getting pretty hot and heavy been anchoring up. While focusing on in the shallows,” the guide said. “We are shallow flats when the wind is light, he has catching fish up to 40 pounds consistently been pulling planer boards using Santee and some of them are feeding so aggressively that they are jumping out of the waCooper rigs instead of anchoring. “One thing that I’ve been doing when ter after they strike a bait.” The fish have been coming through I’ve been pulling boards is using one rod with a Livingston Lure Pro Sizzle that has these areas in waves. “When they bite, we are having 3 or 4 had the hooks removed or a Livingston Lure Bullet,” he explained. “These lures rods hook up at one time,” Schiele said. emit vibrations and lights through the wa- “It’s a lot of fun right now. We are catching ter column that help attract all species of about 20-25 fish each day.” Cut perch and whole shad have been the predatory fish, including catfish. Then the best baits. catfish will eat one of the baited lines.” Keith Rahn has been fishing for catfish Barton has been catching mostly blue cats with the occasional yellow catfish on Twin Buttes Reservoir near the dam, where he has been finding blue cats up to mixed in. “Silt flats near main creek channels and 15 pounds while fishing with chicken liver. “Twin Buttes is loaded with catfish and tributaries have held the most fish,” Barton the bite just keeps on getting better with said. On Lake Lewisville, Steve Schiele said each week,” he said. large catfish are moving up shallow more

CHECKMATE WITH THE TK110 EWG WORM HOOK Available in 1/0 - 5/0 For Bass

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April 22, 2022

LoneOStar Outdoor News


TEXAS FRESHWATER FISHING REPORT ALAN HENRY: Water clear; 62 degrees; 5.28’ low. Largemouth bass are good on finesse worms, swimbaits and spinner jigs. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Catfish are slow. AMISTAD: Water clear; 66-69 degrees; 52.94’ low. Largemouth bass are fair to good near edges of hydrilla on Texas-rigged craws. Channel and blue catfish are good on punch bait, stink bait and cut bait. ARLINGTON: Water lightly stained; 68 degrees; 1.22’ low. Largemouth bass are fair on crankbaits, jerkbaits and spinner baits along the grasslines. Crappie are fair on jigs and minnows. ARROWHEAD: Water lightly stained; 62 degrees; 2.80’ low. Largemouth bass are fair on soft plastics. Blue and channel catfish are fair in deeper water drifting with fresh cut shad. ATHENS: Water clear; 65-70 degrees; 0.40’ high. Largemouth bass are good on beds on jigs and crawimitations lures. Crappie are good on small jigs. AUSTIN: Water clear; 66 degrees; 0.56’ low. Largemouth bass are good in the canals on wacky worms and small paddle tail swimbaits. On Lady Bird Lake, bass are good on top-waters and hollow-bodied frogs. BASTROP: Water clear; 68 degrees. Largemouth bass are good on 4-5-inch worms, shallow crankbaits and Carolina-rigged plastics. BELTON: Water lightly stained; 65 degrees; 3.70’ low. Largemouth bass are fair on finesse worms. White bass are good on spinner baits. Crappie are fair on hand-tied jigs. BENBROOK: Water lightly stained; 66 degrees; 5.17’ low. Largemouth bass are fair on finesse worms. Crappie are fair on minnows and jigs. White bass are fair around the mouths of creeks and main lake humps and points on slabs. Catfish are good on cut bait. BOB SANDLIN: Water clear; 65 degrees; 0.64’ low. Crappie are good on minnows or jigs. Catfish are good on cut bait. BRAUNIG: Water stained; 72 degrees. Largemouth bass are fair to good on dark colored soft plastics and spinner baits. Red drum are good on crawfish and live perch, and trolling dark colored soft plastics and crankbaits. Catfish are good on cheese bait, minnows and worms. BROWNWOOD: Water stained; 62-65 degrees; 2.61’ low. Largemouth bass are good on jigs, crankbaits and spinner baits. Crappie are good on Lit’l Fishies. White bass are excellent on

crankbaits and swimbaits. BUCHANAN: Water lightly stained; 64 degrees; 5.00’ low. Crappie are good on chartreuse jigs. White bass are good on slabs. CADDO: Water stained; 67 degrees; 1.44’ high. Largemouth bass are slow to fair on flukes and wacky worms. CALAVERAS: Water stained; 71 degrees. Red drum are good on shrimp, crawfish, perch and tilapia. Channel and blue catfish are good on cheese bait, minnows and worms. CANYON: Water lightly stained; 58-60 degrees; 1.36’ low. Largemouth bass are good on finesse worms and small swimbaits. White bass and striped bass are fair on small swimbaits, topwaters, jigging spoons and live bait. Crappie are slow. CEDAR CREEK: Water lightly stained; 62-67 degrees; 1.61’ low. Largemouth bass are good on Texas rigs and buzzbaits. Crappie are excellent under docks and on brush on jigs and minnows. White bass and hybrids are excellent on silver slabs. Catfish are good on live or cut shad. CHOKE CANYON: Water stained; 69 degrees; 19.75’ low. Largemouth bass are good near grass and hydrilla on spinnerbaits and lipless crankbaits. White bass are fair on live bait and jigging spoons. Crappie are fair to good on live bait. CONROE: Water slightly stained; 68 degrees; 0.09’ low. Largemouth bass are good on creature baits, Texas rigs and lipless crankbaits. Hybrid striped bass are good on a hellbender and a pet spoon. Catfish are fair to good on liver, shrimp and catfish bubblegum. COOPER: Water lightly stained; 62 degrees; 4.25’ low. Blue catfish are good on fresh cut bait. Channel catfish are slow. CORPUS CHRISTI: Water lightly stained; 65 degrees; 4.59’ low. Largemouth bass are good on lipless crankbaits and jigs. White bass are good on jigs and spoons. Crappie are fair on minnows and jigs. Catfish are good on worms, soap baits, shad and perch. EAGLE MOUNTAIN: Water normally stained; 66 degrees; 3.20’ low. Largemouth bass are fair on crankbaits. White bass are good on shiners and roadrunners. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Blue catfish are good drifting cut bait. FALCON: Water stained;

70 degrees; 41.64’ low. Largemouth bass are good on chatterbaits, creature baits and spinner baits. Crappie are good on minnows. Catfish are good on cut bait. FAYETTE: Water lightly stained; 65 degrees. Largemouth bass are good on shallow crankbaits and water dogs. Catfish are good on punch bait. FORK: Water stained; 61-68 degrees; 6.12’ low. Largemouth bass are good on chatterbaits, spinner baits and shad square-billed crankbaits. Crappie are good on jigs or minnows under corks. GRANBURY: Water lightly stained; 65 degrees; 0.35’ low. Striped bass are slow. GRANGER: Water lightly stained; 65 degrees; 0.49’ high. Largemouth bass are good on red shad power worms. Crappie are good on hand tied jigs. White bass are fair on spoons and lipless crankbaits. Blue catfish are very good on shad. GRAPEVINE: Water lightly stained; 62 degrees; 0.27’ low. White bass are good on swimbaits. HOUSTON COUNTY: Water stained; 62 degrees; 0.20’ high. Largemouth bass are good on crankbaits and spinner baits. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Catfish are good on cut and prepared baits. HUBBARD CREEK: Water stained; 62 degrees; 3.33’ low. White bass are good on slabs or silver jigging spoons. Catfish are good on cut bait. JOE POOL: Water lightly stained; 59 degrees; 1.95’ low. Largemouth bass are good on windblown points on squarebills, dropshots and Carolina rigs. Crappie are good on minnows. LAKE O’ THE PINES: Water lightly stained; 58 degrees; 0.60’ high. Crappie are excellent on minnows. Catfish are good on cheese bait. White bass are excellent north of the 259 bridge on small spinner baits. LAVON: Water lightly stained; 55-58 degrees; 0.36’ low. White bass and hybrids are good upstream on rooster tails and small jigs. LBJ: Water lightly stained; 60 degrees; 0.70’ low. Crappie are good on chartreuse jigs. LEWISVILLE: Water lightly stained; 56 degrees; 0.47’ low. White bass are fair on slabs and live bait. Crappie are fair on minnows and jigs. Catfish are good bite drifting cut shad or chicken breasts. LIMESTONE: Water clear;

65 degrees; 0.04’ high. Largemouth bass are good on chatterbaits, spinner baits and Texas rigs. Crappie are good on minnows. White bass are good on silver jigging spoons. LIVINGSTON: Water stained; 65 degrees; 0.24’ low. White bass are good on slabs. Catfish are good on cut shad. MARTIN CREEK: Water lightly stained; 64 degrees; 0.07’ high. Largemouth bass are good on Texas rigs, swimbaits and crankbaits. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Catfish are fair on punch bait and liver. MEDINA: Water lightly stained; 58 degrees; 53.04’ low. Largemouth bass are fair on chatterbaits and crankbaits. White bass are good on spoons. Catfish are good on cut bait. MEREDITH: Water stained; 50-53 degrees; 52.39’ low. Largemouth bass are fair on minnow and jigs. Catfish are good on minnows, nightcrawlers and shrimp. Walleye are good on minnows, grubs and artificials. MILLERS CREEK: Water stained; 61 degrees; 2.48’ low. Largemouth bass are good on creature baits and crankbaits. Crappie are fair on jigs and minnows. Catfish are good on cut shad and prepared baits. NACONICHE: Water clear to stained; 67 degrees. Largemouth bass are good on red lizards, craws and creature baits. Catfish are slow. NASWORTHY: Water murky; 67 degrees. 0.66’ low. Largemouth bass are good flipping soft plastics. Crappie are good on black and chartreuse jigs and minnows. Catfish are fair on cut bait. NAVARRO MILLS: Water stained; 58 degrees; 1.70’ low. Largemouth bass are fair on crankbaits. Crappie are good on blue/white jigs and minnows. Catfish are good on cut shad and trotlines. O.H. IVIE: Water clear; 60-63 degrees; 17.28’ low. Largemouth bass are good shallow on soft plastics. Crappie are slow. Catfish are good on prepared baits, live bait and cut bait. OAK CREEK: Water lightly stained; 64-65 degrees; 6.50’ low. Largemouth bass are fair to good on plastic worms and spinner baits. Crappie are good at night on minnows. White bass are fair on slabs. PALESTINE: Water lightly stained; 68 degrees; 0.16’ high. Largemouth bass are good on beds on swimbaits. Crappie are good on

minnows and jigs. White bass are slow. Catfish are good on nightcrawlers. POSSUM KINGDOM: Water lightly stained; 60-65 degrees; 1.82’ low. Striped bass are good on live bait. White bass are fair to good on chartreuse and white slabs. Catfish are fair on cut shad. RAVEN: Water slightly stained; 72 degrees; 3.00’ low. Catfish are good on live bluegill. Largemouth bass are fair on top waters and tubes. Crappie are good on minnows. Catfish are good on live bluegill. RAY HUBBARD: Water lightly stained; 61-65 degrees; 0.38’ low. White bass are good 3 inch jigs and slabs. Crappie are fair on jigs and minnows. RAY ROBERTS: Water lightly stained; 57 degrees; 0.42 feet low. Largemouth bass are fair to good on spinner baits and swimbait. Crappie are good on jigs and minnows. White bass are fair on slabs. Blue and channel catfish are fair on cut bait and punch bait. RICHLAND CHAMBERS: Water clear; 50-56 degrees; 2.24’ low. Crappie are slow. White bass are slow. Catfish are fair on punch bait. SAM RAYBURN: Water stained; 70 degrees; 1.70’ low. Largemouth bass are good on beds with flukes and craws. Crappie are good on jigs and shiners under a cork. Catfish are good on cut bait and prepared baits. SOMERVILLE: Water stained; 62 degrees; 1.08’ high. Largemouth bass are good on craw jigs and crankbaits. Crappie are good on minnows and most jig colors. White bass are slow. Catfish are good on shad, liver and punch bait. SPENCE: Water stained; 66 degrees. 39.62’ low. Largemouth bass are good in shallow vegetation on crankbaits and soft plastics. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Channel catfish are fair on live and cut bait. STILLHOUSE HOLLOW: Water lightly stained; 69 degrees; 3.83’ low. White bass are fair trolling small, shadimitating crankbaits. SULPHUR SPRINGS: Water lightly stained; 65 degrees; 3.73’ low. Largemouth bass are fair on crankbaits and flukes. Crappie are fair on jigs and minnows. Catfish are fair on punch bait and cut bait. TAWAKONI: Water lightly stained; 61 degrees; 1.66’ low. Largemouth bass are

n Saltwater reports Page 15 good in shallows on small crankbaits and flukes. White bass and hybrids are fair on slab spoons. Crappie are good on jigs and minnows. Blue catfish are good on fresh cut shad. TEXANA: Water stained; 67 degrees; 0.65’ low. Crappie are fair on minnows. Catfish are good on liver, perch, cut bait and juglines. TEXOMA: Water lightly stained; 55 degrees; 1.72’ low. Striped bass are good on Alabama rigs and swimbaits. TOLEDO BEND: Water stained; 64 degrees; 1.86’ low. Largemouth bass are good on popping frogs, buzzbaits, spinner baits and lizards. Catfish are good on slip cork rigs in with shrimp, chicken livers and garlic weenies. TRAVIS: Water stained; 65 degrees; 22.59’ low. Largemouth bass are good on lizards, craw worms and finesse worms. White bass are good on small swimbaits and little slab spoons. TYLER: Water lightly stained; 60 degrees; 0.16’ high. Largemouth bass are good on trick worms and crankbaits. Crappie are fair on live minnows and jigs. Catfish are good on stink bait. WACO: Water stained; 68-70 degrees; 5.08’ low. Largemouth bass are fair on soft plastics. Crappie are good on hand-tied jigs. Catfish are good on cut bait. WALTER E. LONG: Water clear; 64 degrees. Largemouth bass are good on small swimbaits, finesse worms and crankbaits. WHITNEY: Water lightly stained; 65 degrees; 2.41’ low. Striped bass are good on live bait, swimbaits and umbrella rigs. WORTH: Water normally stained; 66 degrees; 1.92’ low. Largemouth bass are fair on crankbaits and finesse worms. White bass are good on shiners and roadrunners. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Catfish are good on cut shad and cut bait. WRIGHT PATMAN: Water lightly stained; 65 degrees; 5.86’ high. Crappie are good on jigs and minnows. Catfish are fair on prepared baits and cut bait. —TPWD

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Improving your ranch —

with help

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A Place to Shoot San Antonio, 210-628-1888 Abilene Indoor Gun Range Abilene, 325-698-4224 Able Ammo Huntsville, 936-295-5786 AJC Sports Clute, 979-265-4867 Ally Outdoors Midland, 972-332-3700 Alpine Shooting Range Ft Worth, 817-478-6613 Americana Arms, LLC Beeville, 361-362-3673 Apache Rifle Works Comfort, 830-995-3894 Athena Gun Club Houston, 713-461-5900 Boyert Shooting Center Katy, 281-693-4867 Buck & Doe’s Mercantile, LLC San Antonio, 830-980-3637


Burdett & Son Outdoor Advntr College Station, 979-695-2807 C.A.C Tactical South Lake, 888-211-8191 Caroline Colt Company LLC Abilene, 325-232-7501 Caroline Colt Company LLC Abilene, 325-232-7501 Carroll’s Gun Shop Whaton, 979-532-3175 Carter’s Country #2 Houston, 713-461-1844 Carter’s Country #3 Pasadena, 713-475-2222 Carter’s Country #4 Houston, 281-879-1466 CDNN Sports Abilene, 800-588-9500 Champion Firearms College Station, 979-693-9948 Collectors Firearms Houston, 713-781-5812

Danny's, Inc. McAllen, 956-687-4692 Defender Outdoors, LLC Aubrey, 817-935-8377 DFW Gun Range Dallas, 214-630-4866 Dury's Gun Shop San Antonio, 210-533-5431 Fun Guns Waco, 254-755-0080 Glick Twins Pharr, 956-787-429 Grabagun.com Coppell, 972-552-7246 Guard/Defend Firearms Beaumont, 409-201-9468 Guns Warehouse LLC Cedar Park, 512-986-7330 Hoss Arms New Braunfels, 830-609-8891 Jess Briley Manufacturing Houston, 713-932-6995


John Doe Investigations, LLC Lewisville, 214-773-0129 Kirkpatrick Gun & Ammo Laredo, 956-723-6338 Marksmen Firearms One, LLC Mansfield, 817-453-8680 McBride's Guns Austin, 512-472-3532 Misson Ridge Range & Academy San Antonio, 210-504-9000 Mister Guns LLC Plano, 214-901-7429 Modern Pawn & Guns Corpus Christi, 361-993-9390 Nagel's Gun Shop, Inc. San Antonio, 210-342-5420 Nardis Gun Club San Antonio, 210-369-9199 Omaha Outdoors Rosenberg, 713-703-4648 Past & Blast Antiques & Firearms Whitesboro, 903-564-5444

Lone Star Outdoor News

Primary Arms Houston, 713-344-9600 Ranger Firearms of Texas Inc. San Antonio, 210-822-4867 Ray's Hardware & Sporting Goods Dallas, 214-747-7916 Red’s Indoor Range - North Pflugerville, 512-251-1022 RifleGear.com Plano, 949-292-7678 SK Arms Midland, 432-704-5127 Sharp Shooters Knife & Gun Inc Lubbock, 806-791-1231 Southwestern Firearms, Inc. Midlothian, 972-617-7056 Sportsman's Finest Austin, 512-263-1888 Sportsman Outfitters Longview, 903-759-0638 Spring Guns & Ammo Spring, 832-299-1950

Superior Outfitters Tyler, 903-592-4006 Superior Outfitters Longview, 903-212-2200 Texas Gun Club Stafford, 832-539-7000 Texas Gun Expierence Grapevine, 817-285-5664 Texas Gun Shop San Angelo, 325-949-0020 The Arms Room Dickinson, 832-226-3248 Weby Corp Arlington, 800-851-9329 Xtreme Guns & Ammo Richmond, 832-363-3783 VISIT WWW.HK-USA.COM



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DHUNTING O VDATES E 2022-23 SEASON Regular SEASON | north zone


Sept. 1 - Nov. 13 & Dec. 17 - Jan. 1

Sept. 2-4 & Sept. 9-11 Special shooting hours: noon to sunset

Regular SEASON | central zone Sept. 1 - Oct. 30 & Dec. 17 - Jan. 15

regular SEASON | south zone Sept. 14 - Oct. 30 & Dec. 17 - Jan. 22


Lone Star Outdoor News, ISSN 2162-8300, a publication of Lone Star Outdoor News, LLC, publishes twice a month. A mailed subscription is $35 for 24 issues. Newsstand copies are $3, in certain markets copies are free, one per person. Copyright 2022 with all rights reserved. Reproduction and/or use of any photographic or written material without written permission by the publisher is prohibited. Subscribers may send address changes to: Lone Star Outdoor News, P.O. Box 551695, Dallas, TX 75355 or email them to news@lonestaroutdoornews.com.



Lone Star Outdoor News









TURN YOUR DREAMS INTO REALITY Ranch owners are known for having dreams of the perfect place to pursue their passions. When it comes to outdoor passions, Freedom Environmental Solutions can help landowners achieve their goals. On both existing and new ranches, a complete evaluation of the goals and what it takes to achieve them can be just what the doctor ordered. Is your dream to improve the existing habitat on your property and see the results in bigger and better deer? An evaluation can help. Michael Embrey is a wildlife and consulting biologist specializing in white-tailed deer management. “I come in and evaluate the existing program,” Embrey said. “Then, we can implement new ideas. With new ranchers — and there are a lot of them these days — it’s more about educating the owner on how to achieve their goals.” Sometimes, new ideas include clearing underbrush, removing invasive plants and planting hardwoods or native grasses. And it’s not just the native wildlife that benefits. “They also can significantly improve their property value,” Embrey said. “And sometimes the changes recommended are more affordable than people think.” Freedom Environmental Solutions also specializes in water and fisheries management, helping to improve overall quality of ponds and lakes and building new lakes for trophy bass or family enjoyment. Company director Dane Holmes has managed more than 5,000 acres of trophy fisheries across Texas and Louisiana, including the design and construction of 1,000 acres of new trophy fisheries. With offices in Dallas and Flint, Freedom Environmental Solutions uses sound ecological practices to help develop your property to reach your goal — turning your dreams into reality.



2200 ± Ac, Recreation, Hunting & Cattle Ranch, 30 miles N.W. of McAlester, OK near Dustin. 11 miles south of Interstate 40. Runs 200 mother cows. 50% open pastures, 50% hardwood timber. Numerous ponds, rural water. Trophy whitetail deer, wild turkey, and wild hogs. Excellent Fences. $2,475 per acre. 1030 ± Ac, Cattle Ranch, Velma, OK. Runs 200-250 cow pair. 80% open. 1400 sq. ft. brick house. 3 sets of metal working pens, 5 barns. Several water wells, 2 spring fed live creeks, numerous ponds, rolling hills with beautiful Pecan bottoms. Cross-fenced into numerous pastures. Excellent access. Whitetail deer, wild turkey, and some wild hogs. $2,995 per acre. 420 ± Ac. Cattle & Recreation Ranch, N.W. of Mt. Vernon, TX. 85% open improved pastures and some woods. Runs 130-140 cow pairs. Excellent whitetail deer hunting and wild hogs. Access from County road. $3,675 per acre. 290 ± Ac. Cattle & Hunting Ranch, 4 miles S.E. of Velma, OK. is 90% open with excellent grasses for grazing and hay production. Small cabin, 1 set of working pens. 4 ponds, water in every pasture. Will run 125 cows and calves. Whitetail deer, wild turkey, and a few hogs. $3,295 per acre. 273 ± Ac, TX Hunting & Recreation Ranch, 8 miles N.W. of Mt. Vernon, TX. White Oak Creek bottom, mature timber, duck sloughs, White Oak Creek runs through the ranch. Whitetail deer, wild hogs, water fowl, squirrels and great fishing. $2,275/acre. 210 ± Ac. with Lodge, Duncan, OK. 4 BR/4 bath lodge would make a beautiful residence. 2 BR/1 bath rustic cabin, barn and barn/shop with lean-to, holding pens and working chutes. 6 acre lake, creek and two ponds.$1,495,000.

622 ± Acre Ozark Mountains Hunting & Recreation Ranch Stilwell, Adair County, Oklahoma This turnkey Ozark Mountains hunting & recreation ranch is a perfect mountain getaway. Accommodations for wounded warriors and special needs hunters. Covered in trees, rocks, cliffs, caves, ponds, waterfalls, and several springs. Lodge with outdoor cooking pavilion, 3 homes, 3 cabins, travel trailer, shop, tractor shed, gun range, and much more. Vehicles, shooting blinds, ladder stands, corn feeders, protein feeders, game cleaning station, and skeet throwing machine, and more are included. Complete equipment list is on our website. Trophy whitetail deer, wild turkey, hogs, black bear, and fishing. $2,298,290 REAL ESTATE ANNUAL 2022

166 ± Ac. Hunting Ranch for Sale, Sequoyah County, OK. Located in the Brushy Mountains, 20 miles N.W. of Van Buren, AR. Good access, mature hardwoods and pines. Numerous open places for food plots. Electricity available nearby. Beautiful rock creek, major elevation changes. Whitetail deer, eastern wild turkey, black bear, wild hogs. $415,850. 106 ± Ac. Oklahoma Recreation Land or Investment Property, Sulphur, OK. Hugs the boundaries of the Chickasaw National Recreation Area and overlooks the 2,350 acre Lake of the Arbuckles. 40x70 shop with 24x30 carport, 16x34 apartment, and 12x24 insulated add-on. 3+ acre lake, 2 creeks and a pond. Wild Turkey, deer, and hogs. $3,750,000.

Lone Star Outdoor News


Boone Pickens’ Mesa Vista Ranch 64,672± acres | $170,000,000


Roberts County, Texas


The Mesa Vista Ranch represents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to acquire a vast and pristine recreational ranch with virtually unlimited potential at a substantially reduced price of $170,000,000. The ranch, developed by the late T. Boone Pickens, hosts incredible habitat, wildlife, facilities, improvements, and natural resources. Boone spent nearly 50 years transforming this Texas Panhandle Ranch into a wildlife paradise with spectacular water features and improvements. The ranch is basically “turnkey,” including all rolling stock, equipment, pick-up trucks, hunting vehicles, farming equipment, furnishings, bird dogs, etcetera. Until now, the entire 64,672± acre ranch was available for purchase as a single offering. With the price reduction we are also announcing that the 15,708± acres representing the “East Side - Mesa Vista Ranch” is now available for purchase separately for $20,000,000.

East Division ~ Boone Pickens’ Mesa Vista Ranch 15,708.06± acres | $20,000,000


Roberts County, Texas

The trustees of the Boone Pickens’ Mesa Vista Ranch have agreed to offer the east 15,708± acres at $1,275 per acre. This productive section of the Mesa Vista Ranch is located on the east side of Highway 70 directly across the highway from the main division and include the impressive man-made creek, known as Boone’s Creek. The Canadian River forms most of the northern boundary of the property and provides almost 10 miles of fertile sandy bottomland with some sections approaching 1 mile in width. The East Division of the Mesa Vista Ranch is, without question, one of the most unique and diverse properties found in the Texas Panhandle. Elevations range from around 2,400 feet in the river bottom to approximately 2,900 feet on the south end of the ranch, offering a wide diversity of views, vegetation, and terrain. The ranch has an outstanding white tail deer population, impressive mule deer, antelope, feral hogs, aoudad, quail, and exceptional migratory waterfowl.

chassmiddleton.com | (806) 763.5331


Texas | New Mexico | Oklahoma | Colorado | Kansas


Lone Star Outdoor News

Jayhawk Creek Ranch

TX Pacific Land Trust Ranch

2,310.95± acres | $10,500,000 | Mitchell County, Texas

20,335± acres | $9,150,750 | Culberson County, Texas

The Jayhawk Creek Ranch is one of the finest hunting properties in the area with first-class accommodations, world-class whitetail deer, unsurpassed live water, and an outstanding herd of exotics that features over 33 species of animals. The terrain is very diverse with many areas that overlook the rough and scenic Colorado River Valley. The ranch features over 3 miles of both sides of the flowing Colorado River and 2.3 miles of live water in Jayhawk Creek. Turnkey operation with all furnishings, equipment, and animals. $4,545 per acre.

A semi-remote property located in central Culberson County about 40 miles northeast of Van Horn, Texas. Fenced and cross fenced into five main pastures with a centrally located set of pens. Adequately watered with water wells tied to an extensive pipeline system throughout the ranch. 4,800 acres with state classified minerals. Conservation Easement was placed on the ranch in 1999. $450 per acre.

Burt Ranch

Brazos Bend Ranch

313± acres | $6,260,000 | Hill County, Texas

3,060± acres | $4,482,900 | Kent County, Texas

The Burt Ranch is a beautiful property very centrally located in a vibrant, fastgrowing area just south of the DFW Metroplex. The topography is rolling with scattered Oak Trees through the middle of the ranch. The entire ranch is in Coastal Bermuda pastures and has been fenced and cross fenced to provide maximum carrying capacity with ample water. Each fenced pasture is set up with at least one very nice tank/pond. $20,000 per acre.

The Brazos Bend Ranch offers an abundance of wildlife, varied terrain features, a sculpted and manicured brush canopy, live water and subsurface water. The Salt Fork of the Brazos River flows through or along 1.5 miles of the southern portion of the ranch. Well manicured for wildlife such as deer, turkey, quail and seasonal migratory birds. Fenced and cross fenced into ten pastures and traps. Highway access. $1,465 per acre.

Hedrick-Rustlers Creek Ranch

Bar E Ranch

3,210± acres | $3,531,000 | Hall County, Texas

160± acres | $3,500,000 | Hamilton County, Texas

A diverse recreational and livestock ranch with an outstanding variety of terrain features. The northern portion of the ranch is a mix of native grass, improved grass, and cultivation. To the south, the terrain becomes rolling and broken native pasture with draws, seasonal creeks, and shallow draws. Well watered with three wells and seasonal waters holes in the extensive creek bottoms. Mule deer and whitetail deer are common on the ranch, as well as turkey, wild boar, quail, and dove. $1,100 per acre.

The Bar E Ranch is located in the fast growing area southwest of the DallasFort Worth Metroplex. The terrain is rolling coastal fields and native pastures with hardwood trees along the border and scattered throughout the ranch. Improvements include a 3 bedroom house, dog kennels, and 3 barns of various sizes. Well watered with 3 nice ponds of 5 acres, 4 acres, and 1 acre in size. Deer, hogs, and turkey are common. In season duck hunting is great on the ponds within the ranch. $21,875 per acre.

$2 Billion+ Total Sales since 2016

Largest Contiguous Sale in the U.S. in 2016 (535,000 acres)


Lone Star Outdoor News



15,963± Acres Maverick Co. El Indio Cage Ranch

Congratulations, you are either buying or you’ve bought a ranch. What’s next? Whether it’s deer hunting, bass fishing, dove or quail hunting or a combination of them all, the list of things to do, and often more importantly, the cost, can surprise new landowners. You need some help Gene Naquin has been a wellknown wildlife biologist, ecologist and consultant in South Texas and Mexico for 52 years, and has managed ranches focused on all types of wildlife. “People sometimes go look at a ranch, buy it, and then describe what they want to do,” Naquin said. “They are paying big money, especially now.” For those looking to buy, Naquin has an alternative. “I go to the ranch and do an assessment and prepare a report outlining what they would need to do to reach their objectives before they buy,” he said. Is the goal big deer? Irrigated fields for whitewings? Big bass in the ponds? Naquin’s assessment will help you see the big picture, whether it’s on a ranch recently purchased, one already owned and in need of help, or one you’re thinking of buying. “Buyers should be aware of what needs to be done, and the costs,” he said. “Then they can prepare a budget for what it will take or determine whether their plan is affordable and adjust accordingly.” Whether it’s water, plants, soil, dove, quail or whitetails, Wildlife and Land Management, Inc. is here to help. Contact Gene to get your plans on track.


☎ (361) 947-5181 ✉ genewlm@yahoo.com

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James River Ranch

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Lone Star Outdoor News

Improving your ranch — with help By Craig Nyhus

Lone Star Outdoor News When considering buying a ranch, prospective owners get plenty of assistance. Usually through their real estate agent, individuals can research the prices per acre in the area, recent sales, and examine things like mineral rights, pipeline easements, etc. Then, decisions are made with all the information at hand. After a deal is made and closed, property owners must consider the goals for their land. Is it a healthier deer population you desire? More trophy-sized deer or exotics? Is family enjoyment at a new, beautiful lake the main objective, or even trophy bass? Are duck-hunting ponds or dove fields for family or even corporate or commercial hunts something of interest? If so, it might be time to take the same approach as when you bought the property and get some help. Ranchers are, by nature, independent. Typically, they like to make their own decisions and do the work themselves when they can. On big projects, though, it can be best to turn to those who have been involved in these types of projects for decades. The pages of this guide are loaded with options- from outside consultants and lake builders to wildlife managers from within your real estate agency. Get involved For many, a good start is to get involved in conservation organizations in your areas of interest. There’s a wealth of knowledge and experience — and most members are more than willing to share what worked, and what didn’t, in their experiences. Use your agent’s sources Many of the ranching real estate brokerage firms do more than buy and sell properties. They often are ranch owners, too, and offer advice on what can be done. Set a budget You’ve invested in the land, but the cost of improvements may shock your system. Most consultants advise to come in with an amount you’re comfortable with. Hire an expert Once you’ve decided on the steps you would like to take to improve the property, it’s time to turn to those you can trust who can evaluate whether the goals can be reached, and at what cost. Once compared with the budget, adjustments can be made to achieve the overall goals through less expensive options, if necessary. Be patient Possibly the toughest advice is to wait for results. Habitat improvements are proven to work, but they don’t work overnight. Mother Nature is involved, as many Texans are experiencing now with drought, wildfires, and other obstacles. Down the road, it might be flooding you’re dealing with. The best plans take time to show results — and they will — maybe just not as quickly as you would like. Lone Star Outdoor News


Lone Star Outdoor News


sunrise/sunset 2022 SEPTEMBER













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7:01 7:02 7:03 7:03 7:04 7:05 7:05 7:06 7:07 7:07 7:08 7:09 7:09 7:10 7:10 7:11 7:12 7:12 7:13 7:14 7:14 7:15 7:16 7:16 7:17 7:18 7:18 7:19 7:20 7:20

7:51 7:50 7:49 7:47 7:46 7:45 7:43 7:42 7:41 7:39 7:38 7:37 7:35 7:34 7:33 7:31 7:30 7:29 7:27 7:26 7:25 7:23 7:22 7:21 7:19 7:18 7:16 7:15 7:14 7:12

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7:11 7:10 7:09 7:07 7:06 7:05 7:03 7:02 7:01 7:00 6:58 6:57 6:56 6:55 6:54 6:52 6:51 6:50 6:49 6:48 6:47 6:46 6:44 6:43 6:42 6:40 6:40 6:39 6:38 6:37 6:37

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6:36 6:35 6:34 6:33 6:32 5:31 5:31 5:30 5:29 5:28 5:28 5:27 5:27 5:26 5:25 5:25 5:24 5:24 5:23 5:23 5:23 5:22 5:22 5:22 5:21 5:21 5:21 5:21 5:20 5:20

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Times given above are for Dallas. For other locations, subtract 1 minute per 12 miles east of Dallas, and add 1 minute per 12 miles west of Dallas. The table below gives adjustments for some Texas cities. Information provided is the longitudinal distance from Dallas and the time adjustment for sunrise and sunset. Abilene / 165 miles west / + 14 minutes Alpine / 405 miles west / + 24 minutes Beaumont / 160 miles east / - 13 minutes Corpus Christi / 35 miles west / + 3 minutes Austin / 55 miles west / + 5 minutes

Del Rio / 235 miles west / + 20 minutes El Paso / 555 miles west / - 23 minutes Houston / 170 miles east / - 5 minutes Laredo / 160 miles west / + 14 minutes Lubbock / 280 miles west / + 24 minutes










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Lone Star Outdoor News

San Angelo / 215 miles west / + 18 minutes San Antonio / 95 miles west / + 8 minutes Tyler / 75 miles east / - 6 minutes

NOW’S THE TIME TO BUILD A POND The late Cap Nowlin, a farmer and rancher in Comanche County, got the heavy equipment running during a massive drought in the 1990s. “We’re going to be ready for the next one,” he said. Digging and building a pond during a time when rains are seen as a miracle may seem counterintuitive, but it can be the best time. “Drought is a good time to build a lake or pond,” said John Jones, president of Lochow Ranch Pond and Lake Management. “And it’s easy not to think about building them during the wet years.” Jones has seen an increase in pond construction in recent years. “More lakes are being built as the state becomes more developed and property sizes get smaller,” he said. Modern technology has made it attainable to add water to properties where it had never been thought possible. “With the new technologies, it’s become easier to hold water,” Jones said. “While it’s cheaper to have the soil quality that holds water, we can bring in soil from elsewhere or use

liners in the most extreme circumstances.” Almost all bodies of water on ranches are multi-purpose, Jones said. “The primary purpose is almost always agriculture related,” he said. “But there’s no reason not to check the other boxes as well — like attracting and promoting wildlife, waterfowl and creating fishing opportunities, along with the benefits of recreation and aesthetics.” When building a new water body, you’ll want to consider the entire watershed before settling on size. “I’ve noticed a dangerous trend,” Jones said. “People become selfish with the water so the water doesn’t flush through the lake. A healthy lake only pauses the water — you want to match the lake to the drainage size.” Failing to do that creates a multitude of potential problems. “Long-term, you will end up with severe water quality issues and fish kills,” Jones said. “We are seeing more fish kills because of poor water quality.” Another way to improve water quality is to go deeper.

“The pond may be deeper than you think necessary, but it will hold back weed growth and reduce maintenance costs,” Jones said. “You want to get 12 feet or greater in Texas — it costs more up front, but you’ll save later.” Lochow Ranch Pond and Lake Management and its affiliate company, Shoreline Consulting, has everything you need, from the design team of experts to the in-house heavy earth-moving equipment. “We start with your vision,” Jones said. “Then we assess the property, including the watershed, rainfall, depth and slope and whether drains need to be added. Then we add the details people desire, like a sandy beach, boat ramp or floating dock.” For more than two decades, Lochow Ranch has used its proven lake process to help with more than 6,000 water bodies in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — and they can help you turn and manage your pond into a multi-purpose slice of paradise to be enjoyed for decades to come.


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New Listing: Bear Mountain Ranch - Latimer County, Oklahoma, 4,000+/- Acres REAL ESTATE ANNUAL 2022

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1:44 PM


LoneOStar Outdoor News

April 22, 2022

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April 22, 2022

LoneOStar Outdoor News


GAME WARDEN BLOTTER TOO MANY CRAPPIE DAY AFTER DAY In Wood County, a game warden received information on some nonresident fishermen who were exceeding their limit of crappie. When the warden arrived at the location, the fishermen were gone. The next day, another phone call from a local resident reported the same fishermen were at the cleaning station with more crappie. Wardens responded and discovered eight men over their limit by 144 crappie. DECOY SHOT FOUR TIMES, WON’T GO DOWN At the Big Thicket National Forest, a game warden observed a vehicle enter a hiking trail. The warden waited for the passengers to exit the vehicle so he could inspect the vehicle for any bait or clues to possible hunting violations. In the passenger seat, the warden observed a .22 long rifle along with spotlights and extra ammunition. It was decided to set up a robotic buck decoy. Once the decoy was set, wardens soon heard the vehicle approaching. Hiding in the brush, the wardens observed the vehicle stop. The passenger shot twice with a shotgun, then twice with a pistol,


DUCK BAITERS FINALLY CAUGHT An Angelina County game warden was on patrol looking for a duck hunter who the warden suspected had been baiting ducks for quite some time. The subject posted images on social media of the large number of wood ducks and gadwall he and a group of hunters killed. The warden recognized the property in the photos, and the property was known to be used for baited dove hunts. The warden discovered the subject hunting ducks on the pond along with four other individuals. After contacting four of the subjects, one of them said

striking the decoy all four times. The wardens contacted the subject, who confessed. The park ranger was contacted for additional federal charges. Charges filed include a state jail felony warrant for hunting from a vehicle and possible civil restitution to repair the mechanical decoy deer Corby. Federal charges also are pending.

he thought the pond may have been baited. The warden searched the area and confirmed the pond was baited. The subject the warden had been trying to catch rebaited the pond before leaving out another gate. He was located that afternoon. The five subjects killed 43 ducks (34 wood ducks and nine gadwall). The group was 19 wood ducks over their daily bag limit. Citations included hunting ducks over bait, using lead shot, placing bait out as an attractant and exceeding daily bag limits.

NETTING MULLET IN PROTECTED AREA An OGT complaint reported multiple suspects working gill nets in the Bishop Fiorenza Lake and Wildlife Sanctuary. The suspects departed the area before a Harris County game warden arrived but left behind their set nets and assorted supplies. Working with the local superintendent, arrangements were made to monitor the area for

further activity. A day later, the complainant reported seeing the suspects in the area again. The warden responded quickly and caught the two violators in the act of running gill nets for mullet in a protected area. Cases pending. QUICK RESPONSE SAVES STOLEN TRUCK, BOAT While patrolling in Harris County, game wardens encountered a con-

cerned individual about his stolen truck. The wardens had observed the vehicle just moments before and called the Sheriff’s office for assistance. They located the stolen vehicle and a suspicious boat at the nearby residence. The individual at the residence said the stolen truck and the Challenger bass boat had been purchased from a subject who was now in jail for another offense. Upon contacting the registered owner of the bass boat, it was discovered that the boat was stolen from a business in Harris County. The wardens communicated with the local agency who finalized the stolen boat, motor and trailer information. The boat, motor and trailer were returned to the true owner that night.



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TEXAS SALTWATER FISHING REPORT SABINE LAKE: 68 degrees. Speckled trout and redfish are fair off the ICW in the marsh and bayous on artificials and live shrimp under a popping cork. BOLIVAR: 68 degrees. Speckled trout and redfish are fair along the shoreline and at the jetties on live shrimp under a popping cork.

LoneOStar Outdoor News

PORT ARANSAS: 70 degrees. Redfish are good at the Fina Docks on shrimp. Black drum are fair on live shrimp. Flounder are good on live shrimp. CORPUS CHRISTI: 68 degrees. Speckled trout are slow. Redfish are fair on cut shad. BAFFIN BAY: 75 degrees. Speckled trout and redfish are fair on live shrimp under a popping cork. PORT MANSFIELD: 74 degrees. Redfish and speckled trout are fair to good on mullet imitations. SOUTH PADRE: 77 degrees. Speckled trout are fair drifting with shrimp and artificials. Black drum are slow. PORT ISABEL: 77 degrees. Redfish are fair on shrimp. Speckled trout are fair for drift-fishermen on live shrimp. Black drum are slow. —TPWD

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Lone Star Outdoor News, ISSN 2162-8300, a publication of Lone Star Outdoor News, LLC, publishes twice a month. A mailed subscription is $35 for 24 issues. Newsstand copies are $3, in certain markets copies are free, one per person. Copyright 2022 with all rights reserved. Reproduction and/ or use of any photographic or written material without written permission by the publisher is prohibited. Subscribers may send address changes to: Lone Star Outdoor News, P.O. Box 551695, Dallas, TX 75355 or email them to editor@ lonestaroutdoornews.com. Executive Editor

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TRINITY BAY: 72 degrees. Speckled trout are fair on live shrimp under popping corks. EAST GALVESTON BAY: 71 degrees. Speckled trout and redfish are fair for wade-fishermen along shorelines on artificials. WEST GALVESTON BAY: 72 degrees. Black drum are good on live shrimp. Speckled trout are fair for those wading with live bait. FREEPORT: 70 degrees. Speckled trout, redfish and flounder are fair on shrimp under a popping cork. EAST MATAGORDA BAY: 69 degrees. Speckled trout and redfish are fair on artificials. WEST MATAGORDA BAY: 69 degrees. Redfish are good along the shoreline on shrimp and cut mullet. PORT O’CONNOR: 69 degrees. Speckled trout are slow. Redfish are good on Spanish sardines. Black drum are good on dead shrimp. ROCKPORT: 69 degrees. Redfish are good on scented plastics, topwaters and paddle tails. Speckled trout are fair on top-waters and bass assassins. Black drum are good on dead shrimp.

April 22, 2022

C.A.L. Paddle Tail

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April 22, 2022

LoneOStar Outdoor News



Katie Lalik shot her first and second turkey on the same day while hunting in Mitchell County with her dad, Chris. Wyatt Butterfield, 14, of Euless, caught a 6.2-pound bass fishing with his grandad at their private ranch in Clay County.

Kale Jedlicka, of Hungerford, caught this 18-pound yellow cat on the Colorado River.


n Want to share hunting and fishing photos with other Lone Star Outdoor News readers? Email them with contact and caption information to editor@lonestaroutdoornews.com. High-resolution original jpegs only. Mail prints to Heroes, Lone Star Outdoor News, P.O. Box 551695, Dallas, TX 75355.

Kyle Fuhrer, of Tennessee, bagged this 197inch whitetail at Twisted Oak Ranch.

Tim McCreary took this gemsbok during spring break while hunting with Wildlife Systems.


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LoneOStar Outdoor News


April 22, 2022

Page 15

INDUSTRY Division manager at Yamaha Marine Yamaha U.S. Marine Business Unit named Susan Camp as division manager.

Blaser names shotgun director Joshua McBrayer was named the director of shotgun programs for North America with Blaser Group.

Agency for Contender Contender Boats retained TBA Outdoors as its public relations agency.

ACU Archery sold ACU Archery was sold to Eric and Karla Griggs.

Norma HQ in Georgia Norma Precision Ammunition has established its U.S. headquarters in Garden City, Georgia.

Cannedy joins TALO Wholesale buying group TALO Distributors, Inc. hired Kane Cannedy as the new executive director.

TrollPro acquired Fish Razr tackle company acquired camera housing business TrollPro.

LeGate joins Gunsite Firearms training school Gunsite Academy hired Shari LeGate as its director of marketing.

Nighttime sharks Continued from page 8

ACROSS 2) Snapper species 3) One of the grouse 4) Salmon species 7) Bailey County’s seat 10) An African antelope 12) Watch for when turkey hunting 15) Fish staging halfway down the water column 16) Trout species 19) Borden County’s seat 20) Fishing vessel that carries a crowd 23) A popular fly design 26) Safari destination 27) Duck call brand 32) West Texas reservoir (two words) 35) A dabbling duck 36) Rifle brand 37) Weed nemesis of saltwater anglers 38) Baylor’s team name 41) Water supporting both fresh and saltwater fish 42) Group of puppies 43) Shot size used by turkey hunters 44) Joints in a multi-section rod

DOWN 1) Fishing reel manufacturer 2) Good bait for speckled trout 3) Dropped antlers 4) Fishing line connector that rotates 5) Good hook for catch and release 6) One of the shorebirds 8) Hill Country river 9) Member of the Big Five 11) Bill type on a crankbait 13) A trailing fish hook 14) Gorman’s county 17) One of the cats 18) Left side of the boat 21) One of Leopold’s five tools 22) Shotshell brand 24) Fishing knot type 25) Blood-sucking bait 26) Strong alloy used in fishing lures 28) An offshore target 29) Old bass boat brand 30) Exotic species in Texas 31) The does’ alert call 33) Makes the 870 34) Part of river right below a dam 35) One of the setters 39) Good white bass river 40) Sinker type

more bites using a monofilament leader over a wire leader. “I’ve had a lot of good success landing fish in the 6- to 7-foot range with this setup,” Norris explained. “Any sharks much bigger than that would definitely test the limits of that hardware.” While targeting sharks in the surf, Norris likes to focus on points that stretch further out into the Gulf.

“This gives you easier access to deeper water, and large sharks tend to come in much closer along the beach in these areas,” he said. “Fishing when the tide is moving is key, especially when that coincides with sundown.” Norris finds it best to stay mobile during the daytime in order to load up on bait, and then set up camp at sunset to keep lines in the water all night for sharks.

Menhaden Continued from page 1

like they are having seizures,” he said. “The lure has to be multi-dimensional, like a silver Rat-L-Trap or a Double D XL in silver.” When you find the menhaden this time of year, you’ll find the fish. “It’s like a holiday for the fish,” Holden said. Photo by Nate Skinner

Puzzle by Craig Nyhus, Lone Star Outdoor News

Capt. Ryan Battistoni knows he can trust the Mullet Jr to deliver on his next inshore fishing trip.

Cats by many means Continued from page 8

are good to go.” Bill’s Landing is home to many old-time fishermen, and some use what they call noodling, but it’s a different kind of noodling from sticking your hand in a hole and hoping a fish grabs it. Fishermen buy a simple noodle, like the ones kids play with in the pool, and rig it like a jug line, except the colorful noodle will stand up when the fish takes the bait. Other anglers use soured grain to catch smaller catfish on rod and reel. Shively said the best baits are cut or live bream and fresh cut shad. The head half of a bream is tough for gar to get off the hooks. The heaviest blue catfish weighed at the facility weighed 88 pounds. The heaviest flathead weighed 85, according to Shively. He said most of the really big catfish brought to the cleaning tables were caught on either live bream or fresh dead cut bream. “The only problem with using live bream is that gar will be a problem, especially during the warm water months,” he said. “The best baits for blues are fresh cut bream, with the head being the best option. For yellow cats, a live mud cat is tough to beat. They can be found in backwater areas of

coves and also in ponds. The best bait for a mud cat is a piece of a nightcrawler.” The rod and reel crowd focuses more on channel catfish. “When we first bought the place lots of channel cats in the 10-to-15-pound range were being caught,” Shively said. “But now it’s mostly 2- to 5-pounders.” Shively said the best way to chum with soured grain is to take a 5-gallon bucket. Pour in the milo, fill it with water and put the lid on. Leave it out in the sun and it’ll be soured up within a few days. “Once a hole has been chummed, you can use a treble hook loaded with punch bait,” he said. “Tight line the bait on or close to bottom and you’ll more than likely catch channel cats.” Customers at Bill’s Landing spend the end of the day at the cleaning station. The best way to clean a catfish? To get the best flavor out of the heavier catfish, Shively recommends hanging them up by the head, cutting the tail and bleeding them out. Trim the fat off and you are ready to start cooking. And if it’s not too hot, you can build a fire and sit back under the stars after eating fresh fried catfish.


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April 22, 2022

LoneOStar Outdoor News







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Solunar Sun times Moon times Dallas

2022 Apr/May

A.M. Minor Major

P.M. Minor Major

SUN Rises Sets

MOON Rises Sets

2022 Apr/May

A.M. P.M. SUN MOON Minor Major Minor Major Rises Sets Rises Sets

22 Fri 23 Sat 24 Sun 25 Mon 26 Tue 27 Wed 28 Thu 29 Fri 30 Sat 01 Sun 02 Mon 03 Tue 04 Wed 05 Thu 06 Fri

11:40 5:25 12:18 6:27 1:10 7:23 2:00 8:12 2:44 8:56 3:25 9:36 4:03 10:14 4:43 10:53 5:24 11:35 6:09 11:54 6:58 12:46 7:50 1:38 8:44 2:32 9:40 3:27 10:35 4:22

----12:42 1:37 2:25 3:08 3:47 4:25 5:04 5:46 6:32 7:22 8:15 9:09 10:05 11:00

06:47 06:46 06:45 06:44 06:43 06:42 06:41 06:40 06:39 06:38 06:38 06:37 06:36 06:35 06:34

1:40a 11:51a 2:35a 12:58p 3:21a 2:06p 4:01a 3:10p 4:36a 4:12p 5:07a 5:11p 5:37a 6:08p 6:06a 7:05p 6:36a 8:03p 7:09a 9:01p 7:44a 9:59p 8:24a 10:55p 9:08a 11:49p 9:56a NoMoon 10:48a 12:40a

22 Fri 23 Sat 24 Sun 25 Mon 26 Tue 27 Wed 28 Thu 29 Fri 30 Sat 01 Sun 02 Mon 03 Tue 04 Wed 05 Thu 06 Fri

11:46 5:31 12:24 6:33 1:15 7:29 2:06 8:18 2:50 9:02 3:31 9:42 4:09 10:20 4:48 10:59 5:30 11:41 6:15 12:03 7:04 12:52 7:56 1:43 8:50 2:38 9:46 3:33 10:41 4:28

5:56 6:56 7:50 8:37 9:19 9:58 10:36 11:15 11:57 12:20 1:10 2:02 2:57 3:52 4:47

07:51 07:52 07:53 07:53 07:54 07:54 07:55 07:56 07:56 07:57 07:58 07:58 07:59 08:00 08:00

----12:48 1:42 2:31 3:13 3:53 4:31 5:10 5:52 6:38 7:27 8:20 9:15 10:11 11:06

6:01 7:02 7:56 8:43 9:25 10:04 10:41 11:21 12:03 12:26 1:16 2:08 3:03 3:58 4:53

06:49 06:48 06:47 06:46 06:45 06:44 06:43 06:42 06:41 06:40 06:39 06:38 06:37 06:36 06:35

08:00 08:01 08:02 08:03 08:03 08:04 08:05 08:06 08:06 08:07 08:08 08:09 08:09 08:10 08:11

1:55a 11:49a 2:49a 12:57p 3:34a 2:06p 4:12a 3:12p 4:45a 4:16p 5:15a 5:16p 5:42a 6:15p 6:10a 7:14p 6:39a 8:13p 7:09a 9:13p 7:44a 10:12p 8:22a 11:10p 9:05a NoMoon 9:53a 12:04a 10:45a 12:54a

San Antonio 2022 Apr/May

A.M. Minor Major

22 Fri 23 Sat 24 Sun 25 Mon 26 Tue 27 Wed 28 Thu 29 Fri 30 Sat 01 Sun 02 Mon 03 Tue 04 Wed 05 Thu 06 Fri

11:53 5:37 12:30 6:40 1:22 7:36 2:12 8:25 2:57 9:08 3:37 9:48 4:16 10:27 4:55 11:06 5:37 11:48 6:21 12:10 7:10 12:58 8:02 1:50 8:57 2:44 9:52 3:40 10:47 4:35


P.M. SUN MOON Minor Major Rises Sets Rises Sets

2022 Apr/May

A.M. Minor Major

P.M. Minor Major

SUN Rises Sets

MOON Rises Sets

----- 6:08 12:54 7:09 1:49 8:03 2:37 8:50 3:20 9:32 3:59 10:10 4:37 10:48 5:17 11:27 5:59 12:10 6:44 12:33 7:34 1:22 8:27 2:15 9:22 3:09 10:18 4:05 11:12 5:00

22 Fri 23 Sat 24 Sun 25 Mon 26 Tue 27 Wed 28 Thu 29 Fri 30 Sat 01 Sun 02 Mon 03 Tue 04 Wed 05 Thu 06 Fri

----- 5:51 12:44 6:53 1:35 7:49 2:26 8:38 3:10 9:22 3:51 10:02 4:29 10:40 5:09 11:19 5:50 ----6:35 12:23 7:24 1:12 8:16 2:04 9:10 2:58 10:06 3:53 11:01 4:48

12:06 1:08 2:03 2:51 3:34 4:13 4:51 5:30 6:12 6:58 7:48 8:41 9:35 10:31 11:26

07:06 07:05 07:04 07:03 07:02 07:00 06:59 06:58 06:57 06:56 06:55 06:54 06:53 06:52 06:51

2:24a 12:02p 3:17a 1:11p 4:01a 2:21p 4:37a 3:30p 5:08a 4:35p 5:36a 5:37p 6:03a 6:37p 6:29a 7:37p 6:56a 8:38p 7:26a 9:39p 7:58a 10:40p 8:36a 11:38p 9:18a NoMoon 10:06a 12:33a 10:59a 1:23a

07:00 06:59 06:58 06:57 06:56 06:55 06:54 06:53 06:52 06:51 06:51 06:50 06:49 06:48 06:47

08:03 08:04 08:04 08:05 08:06 08:06 08:07 08:08 08:08 08:09 08:09 08:10 08:11 08:11 08:12

1:52a 12:06p 2:46a 1:13p 3:33a 2:20p 4:13a 3:24p 4:48a 4:25p 5:20a 5:24p 5:49a 6:21p 6:19a 7:18p 6:49a 8:15p 7:22a 9:13p 7:58a 10:11p 8:38a 11:07p 9:22a NoMoon 10:10a 12:01a 11:02a 12:51a

6:22 7:22 8:16 9:03 9:45 10:24 11:02 11:41 12:23 12:46 1:36 2:28 3:23 4:18 5:13

08:24 08:24 08:25 08:26 08:27 08:28 08:29 08:29 08:30 08:31 08:32 08:33 08:34 08:34 08:35

Legend: Major=2 hours. Minor=1 hour. Times centered on the major-minor window. For other locations, subtract 1 minute per 12 miles east of a location, and add 1 minute per 12 miles west of a location.

Sabine Pass, north Date Apr 22 Apr 23 Apr 24 Apr 25 Apr 26 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 29 Apr 30 May 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6

Time 2:28 AM 3:39 AM 4:54 AM 6:08 AM 12:58 AM 2:13 AM 3:16 AM 4:11 AM 5:00 AM 5:46 AM 6:30 AM 7:15 AM 8:06 AM 12:40 AM 1:29 AM

High Island Height -0.17L -0.03L 0.12L 0.28L 1.54H 1.66H 1.76H 1.85H 1.90H 1.92H 1.92H 1.88H 1.81H 0.09L 0.19L

Time 11:19 AM 12:35 PM 1:25 PM 1:58 PM 7:16 AM 8:15 AM 9:08 AM 9:55 AM 10:38 AM 11:19 AM 11:58 AM 12:37 PM 8:24 AM 9:12 AM 10:39 AM

Height 1.87H 1.83H 1.77H 1.71H 0.44L 0.61L 0.80L 0.99L 1.16L 1.30L 1.42L 1.50L 2.01H 1.75H 1.70H



7:36 PM 7:48 PM 2:24 PM 2:45 PM 3:02 PM 3:16 PM 3:24 PM 3:24 PM 3:12 PM 2:54 PM 1:30 PM

1.35L 1.13L 1.65H 1.60H 1.56H 1.52H 1.50H 1.49H 1.50H 1.53H 1.58L



11:16 PM


8:13 PM 8:41 PM 9:10 PM 9:40 PM 10:12 PM 10:44 PM 11:19 PM 11:58 PM 4:33 PM

0.89L 0.64L 0.41L 0.22L 0.08L 0.01L -0.01L 0.02L 1.68H


Galveston Bay entrance, north jetty Time 2:16 AM 3:27 AM 4:47 AM 6:20 AM 12:40 AM 2:14 AM 3:27 AM 4:30 AM 5:23 AM 6:11 AM 6:59 AM 7:54 AM 12:00 AM 12:37 AM 1:19 AM

Height -0.30L -0.14L 0.06L 0.25L 1.44H 1.56H 1.70H 1.82H 1.92H 1.98H 1.99H 1.98H -0.06L -0.01L 0.08L

Time 11:38 AM 12:52 PM 1:40 PM 2:13 PM 7:35 AM 8:37 AM 9:42 AM 10:49 AM 11:45 AM 12:35 PM 11:26 PM

Height 2.00H 1.91H 1.80H 1.67H 0.44L 0.65L 0.85L 1.03L 1.19L 1.32L -0.06L

8:56 AM 9:55 AM 10:52 AM

1.95H 1.91H 1.86H

Height -0.32L -0.20L -0.03L 0.16L 1.25H 1.39H 1.55H 1.70H 1.83H 1.91H 1.94H 1.94H 1.91H 1.88H 0.06L

Time 11:19 AM 12:16 PM 1:00 PM 1:33 PM 7:18 AM 8:37 AM 9:50 AM 11:07 AM 9:27 PM 9:53 PM 10:22 PM 10:58 PM 11:40 PM

Height 2.06H 1.96H 1.82H 1.64H 0.37L 0.59L 0.80L 0.99L 0.02L -0.06L -0.09L -0.07L -0.01L

10:47 AM


Height -0.17L -0.13L -0.07L 0.01L 0.12L 0.47H 0.53H 0.62H 0.72H -0.09L -0.14L -0.15L -0.13L -0.09L -0.05L

Time 5:25 PM 6:11 PM 6:37 PM 6:36 PM 6:16 PM 10:22 AM 11:28 AM 11:45 PM

Height 0.90H 0.85H 0.77H 0.65H 0.54H 0.26L 0.41L 0.00L

10:43 AM 11:48 AM 1:14 PM 2:41 PM 3:35 PM 4:12 PM

0.79H 0.82H 0.82H 0.82H 0.81H 0.80H

Height 0.08L 0.12L 0.16L 0.23L 0.33L 0.46L 0.60L 0.46L 0.33L 0.22L 0.16L 0.14L 0.16L 0.18L 0.21L

Time 8:03 PM 8:49 PM 9:23 PM 9:39 PM 9:16 PM 8:02 PM 7:45 AM 5:49 PM 5:14 PM 4:22 PM 4:33 PM 5:02 PM 5:37 PM 6:16 PM 6:57 PM

Height 1.08H 1.04H 0.98H 0.91H 0.82H 0.78H 0.65H 0.84H 0.93H 1.02H 1.09H 1.12H 1.12H 1.10H 1.08H

Time 8:02 8:09 2:38 3:00 3:17 3:28 3:32 3:31


Height 1.35L 1.17L 1.56H 1.47H 1.41H 1.39H 1.39H 1.42H



10:17 PM


8:27 PM 8:51 PM 9:19 PM 9:50 PM 10:21 PM 10:53 PM

0.94L 0.70L 0.47L 0.26L 0.10L -0.01L

Time 1:48 AM 3:02 AM 4:21 AM 5:49 AM 12:00 AM 1:40 AM 3:04 AM 4:15 AM 5:14 AM 6:05 AM 6:54 AM 7:45 AM 8:43 AM 9:47 AM 12:31 AM


8:27 1:58 2:13 2:18 2:19



1.03L 1.46H 1.31H 1.21H 1.17H


8:32 8:36 8:47 9:05



0.84L 0.61L 0.38L 0.17L

Port O’Connor Date Apr 22 Apr 23 Apr 24 Apr 25 Apr 26 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 29 Apr 30 May 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6

Time 4:47 AM 6:13 AM 7:26 AM 8:27 AM 9:24 AM 1:53 AM 6:27 AM 8:19 AM 9:39 AM 12:16 AM 12:49 AM 1:24 AM 2:02 AM 2:45 AM 3:34 AM

Time 8:42 AM 9:53 AM 10:54 AM 11:43 AM 12:21 PM 12:51 PM 2:13 AM 2:35 AM 3:04 AM 3:37 AM 4:16 AM 5:04 AM 5:59 AM 6:58 AM 7:54 AM

Date Apr 22 Apr 23 Apr 24 Apr 25 Apr 26 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 29 Apr 30 May 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6

Time 2:35 AM 3:45 AM 5:06 AM 6:33 AM 12:09 AM 1:51 AM 3:25 AM 4:47 AM 5:58 AM 7:04 AM 8:10 AM 9:21 AM 10:32 AM 12:38 AM 1:26 AM

Time 5:55 PM 6:47 PM 7:15 PM 6:35 PM 4:20 AM 5:37 AM 6:52 AM 8:13 AM 9:20 AM 10:15 AM 11:09 AM 12:05 PM 1:05 PM 4:46 PM 5:17 PM

Height 1.54H 1.48H 1.39H 1.29H 1.18H 1.24H 1.30H 1.39H 1.49H 1.57H 1.59H 1.57H 1.50H 1.44H 1.40H

Height -0.12L -0.03L 0.09L 0.22L 1.08H 1.12H 1.19H 1.27H 1.34H 1.40H 1.42H 1.42H 1.41H 0.06L 0.11L

Time 12:50 PM 1:43 PM 2:19 PM 2:37 PM 7:52 AM 9:00 AM 10:06 AM 11:14 AM 12:32 PM 10:49 PM 11:20 PM 11:56 PM

Height 1.51H 1.44H 1.33H 1.21H 0.36L 0.52L 0.70L 0.87L 1.01L 0.02L -0.01L 0.01L

11:29 AM 12:17 PM

1.39H 1.37H

Height -0.24L -0.15L -0.02L 0.10L 0.21L 0.86H 0.92H 0.99H 1.04H 1.07H 1.11H 1.14H 1.14H -0.12L -0.09L

Time 2:45 PM 3:32 PM 4:03 PM 4:14 PM 2:10 PM 8:21 AM 9:22 AM 10:25 AM 11:40 AM 10:37 PM 11:08 PM 11:42 PM

Height 1.20H 1.15H 1.05H 0.92H 0.84H 0.35L 0.51L 0.67L 0.80L -0.08L -0.12L -0.13L

12:41 PM 1:54 PM

1.12H 1.10H

Height -0.24L -0.15L -0.02L 0.10L 0.21L 0.86H 0.92H 0.99H 1.04H 1.07H 1.11H 1.14H 1.14H -0.12L -0.09L

Time 2:45 PM 3:32 PM 4:03 PM 4:14 PM 2:10 PM 8:21 AM 9:22 AM 10:25 AM 11:40 AM 10:37 PM 11:08 PM 11:42 PM

Height 1.20H 1.15H 1.05H 0.92H 0.84H 0.35L 0.51L 0.67L 0.80L -0.08L -0.12L -0.13L

12:41 PM 1:54 PM

1.12H 1.10H

Height -0.30L -0.19L -0.03L 0.17L 0.38L 1.17H 1.28H 1.41H 1.52H 1.60H 1.65H 1.66H 1.65H 1.64H -0.09L

Time 12:43 PM 1:39 PM 2:14 PM 2:23 PM 2:11 PM 8:01 AM 9:13 AM 10:35 AM 9:23 PM 9:52 PM 10:25 PM 11:02 PM 11:44 PM

Height 1.81H 1.73H 1.58H 1.40H 1.23H 0.60L 0.82L 1.00L 0.01L -0.09L -0.15L -0.16L -0.14L

12:00 PM



12:01 PM 1:03 PM 2:03 PM 3:01 PM


8:31 2:44 2:48 2:51 2:52 2:50


0.29L 0.47L 0.69L 0.92L



0.94L 1.11H 1.04H 1.01H 1.02H 1.05H




6:28 6:28 6:28 6:22



1.22H 1.16H 1.12H 1.11H



8:51 PM 9:13 PM 9:36 PM 9:59 PM 10:23 PM

0.78L 0.59L 0.40L 0.23L 0.10L

Date Apr 22 Apr 23 Apr 24 Apr 25 Apr 26 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 29 Apr 30 May 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6

Time 1:52 AM 2:55 AM 4:20 AM 5:58 AM 7:17 AM 1:00 AM 2:57 AM 4:20 AM 5:32 AM 6:52 AM 9:32 AM 10:38 AM 11:36 AM 12:20 AM 1:02 AM

8:24 8:25 1:58 1:54 2:05 2:18


0.78L 0.61L 0.80H 0.79H 0.82H 0.86H





11:09 PM


8:44 PM 9:10 PM 9:38 PM 10:07 PM

0.43L 0.26L 0.11L -0.00L

Port Aransas Time

10:47 PM 5:16 PM 3:02 PM


0.46L 0.45H 0.46H


10:49 PM 11:15 PM


0.30L 0.14L

Nueces Bay Date Apr 22 Apr 23 Apr 24 Apr 25 Apr 26 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 29 Apr 30 May 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6

San Luis Pass

Height -0.05L 0.03L 0.10L 0.17L 1.04L 0.84L 0.60L 0.36L 0.14L -0.02L -0.10 -0.10L -0.03L 0.09L 0.21L

East Matagorda

Freeport Harbor Date Apr 22 Apr 23 Apr 24 Apr 25 Apr 26 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 29 Apr 30 May 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6

Time 6:41 AM 8:03 AM 9:34 AM 10:56 AM 12:49 AM 1:03 AM 1:21 AM 1:37 AM 1:51 AM 2:06 AM 2:25 AM 2:48 AM 3:17 AM 3:55 AM 4:58 AM

Date Apr 22 Apr 23 Apr 24 Apr 25 Apr 26 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 29 Apr 30 May 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6

Time 1:52 AM 2:55 AM 4:20 AM 5:58 AM 7:17 AM 1:00 AM 2:57 AM 4:20 AM 5:32 AM 6:52 AM 9:32 AM 10:38 AM 11:36 AM 12:20 AM 1:02 AM

8:24 8:25 1:58 1:54 2:05 2:18


0.78L 0.61L 0.80H 0.79H 0.82H 0.86H





11:09 PM


8:44 PM 9:10 PM 9:38 PM 10:07 PM

0.43L 0.26L 0.11L -0.00L

South Padre Island Time

1:01 PM




7:01 PM



Date Apr 22 Apr 23 Apr 24 Apr 25 Apr 26 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 29 Apr 30 May 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6

Time 1:38 AM 2:47 AM 4:03 AM 5:25 AM 6:46 AM 1:07 AM 2:54 AM 4:22 AM 5:32 AM 6:34 AM 7:35 AM 8:43 AM 9:55 AM 11:03 AM 12:32 AM

8:26 8:07 1:56 1:45 1:32


1.09L 0.87L 1.12H 1.07H 1.07H



10:54 PM


8:16 PM 8:34 PM 8:57 PM

0.62L 0.38L 0.17L

Texas Coast Tides

Date Apr 22 Apr 23 Apr 24 Apr 25 Apr 26 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 29 Apr 30 May 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6

Date Apr 22 Apr 23 Apr 24 Apr 25 Apr 26 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 29 Apr 30 May 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6


LoneOStar Outdoor News

April 22, 2022

Page 17

Tergeson to head DSC’s Government Affairs Dallas Safari Club launched its new Government Affairs department, based in Washington D.C., in part to take on the unparalleled opposition threatening science-based wildlife management. Erica Tergeson has been hired to lead the department. Serving as DSC’s first Government Affairs Director. Tergeson has more than 20 years of experience in natural resource policy and politics, and most recently served as senior advisor and director of hunting policy for the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action. An avid outdoorswoman, shooter and hunter, she will oversee and direct DSC’s legislative and policy work with the U.S. Congress, Executive Branch agencies, and state-level legislatures and agencies. Further, she will continue and expand DSC’s past engagement with Members of Congress, Congressional Committees, Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Department of Agriculture and numerous conservation partners. —DSC


Blizzard could help ducks A blizzard that covered much of North Dakota and the southern Manitoba and Saskatchewan prairies, while devastating to cattle ranchers in the midst of calving season, was thought to be a boon for waterfowl production. Much of the area received upwards of 2 feet of snow, wrecking the Easter plans for many and stopping farmers’ plans to get into the fields early in their tracks. Much of the Prairie Pothole Region has been in a drought, with duck production suffering. The heavy, wet snow with high moisture content will likely result in runoff to help fill potholes where the ducks nest in spring. John Devney, the chief policy officer of Delta Waterfowl, called the event the perfect storm of duck snow. —Staff report


State record smallmouth buffalo John Dirks, from Anamosa, caught a 43-pound smallmouth buffalo on December 1, 2021 in the lower Wapsipinicon River. Iowa Department of Natural Resources staff waited to certify the catch as the new state record smallmouth buffalo until genetic tests were completed to confirm that the catch was a smallmouth buffalo. Smallmouth buffalo are thought to hybridize at times with the other two native buffalo species in Iowa, black buffalo and bigmouth buffalo. The new state record buffalo was aged to nearly 70 years old. —IDNR


Huge donation at World’s Fishing Fair At the celebration the 50th Anniversary of Bass Pro Shops at the World’s Fishing Fair, owner Johnny Morris presented a donation of $1.5 million to benefit conservation during the Hank Williams Jr. concert. The donation represented 100 percent of all ticket sales to the World’s Fishing Fair and Concerts for Conservation and 100 percent of the admissions to the World’s Fishing Fair. The concert lineup included Luke Combs, Luke Bryan, Dierks Bentley, Chris Janson, John Anderson and Hank Williams Jr. —Bass Pro Shops


Giant blue cat Eugene Cronley, from Brandon, caught a 131-pound blue catfish on April 7 from the Mississippi River near Natchez. The Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks Fisheries Bureau certified a new state record blue catfish. Cronley said it took him forty minutes to land the fish. The blue catfish shattered the previous rod and reel record of 95 lbs. caught by Dakota Hinson in 2009 and is larger than the trophy record blue catfish of 101 pounds caught by the team of Freddie Parker and Brad Smith in 1997. Cronely caught the fish with a rod and reel using skipjack herring as bait. —MDWFP


Texans busted in Louisiana Four Texans were charged in Louisiana for taking an alligator out of season on April 10. Agents cited Boyd Bumbera, 23, from Brookshire, Baron Vargas, 27, from Houston, Manuel Gomez, 33, from Houston, and Jesus Fajardo, 35, from Baytown. Agents received a complaint of a deceased alligator located at the Gator Corner Truck Stop in Pierre Part. Agents responded to the scene and observed a bullet hole in the alligator’s head. Agents reviewed surveillance footage from the truck stop and identified the four Texas residents as the people responsible. The season for this area of the state opens on the last Wednesday in August. Taking an alligator during a closed season brings a $400 to $950 fine and up to 120 days in jail. The subjects may also face civil restitution totaling $375 for the replacement value of the illegally taken alligator. —LDWF


Record blue catfish On April 8, Cody Carver of Dry Branch, caught and released a blue catfish that broke the state record for weight while fishing from a boat in the Marmet Pool of the Kanawha River. He was using cut shad for bait. Carver’s record fish was 45.51 inches long and weighed 61.28 pounds. The fish eclipsed the previous record of 59.74 pounds held by Mark Blauvelt. —WVDNR

Hunting group


Continued from page 4

“A few of the girls in our group had boyfriends who were running guided goose and crane hunts up near Lubbock,” Deleon said. “We latched onto that hunt in a hurry. It was all good but very cold. And most us had never hunted in layout blinds before. That was a very exciting hunt. We ended up with snows and speck- lebelly geese, along with cranes. After that hunt we were standing around talking about how much fun we had, when all of a sudden one of the guides yelled and was pointing up at the sky. Next thing you know two dead cranes hit the ground. They had ap-

parently been hit by a plane.” Deleon said the group of girls have been together for about two years and makes two to three trips each year. Some of those trips are for elk and deer in Utah. Deleon said a spot-and-stalk hunt for elk is crazy fun. Other hunts were for teal and geese in Arkansas. When the hunting seasons are closed, they head to places like Florida for some offshore fishing. The girls made one trip where they loaded up with big dorado. Because that trip was so good, they are heading back in May.

Puzzle solution from Page 15

Page 18

April 22, 2022

LoneOStar Outdoor News




APRIL 28-29


MULE DEER FOUNDATION Georgetown Banquet Georgetown Community Center (817) 565-7121 muledeer.org WESTERN SPORTSMAN Taxidermy Auction Fort Worth proxibid.com/westernsportsman


DALLAS SAFARI CLUB Trophy and Photo Awards DSC Headquarters (972) 980-9800 biggame.org DUCKS UNLIMITED Galveston Dinner Galveston Island Convention Center galvestondu.org OUTDOORS TOMORROW FOUNDATION Josh Abbott Band Concert and Benefit Gilley’s Dallas (817) 410-5054 gootf.org ROCKY MOUNTAIN ELK FOUNDATION Brazos Valley Banquet Brazos Center, Bryan (832) 655-3180 rmef.org COASTAL CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION San Antonio Banquet Freeman Coliseum Exposition Hall (210) 289-8821 ccatexas.org

DUCKS UNLIMITED Ellis County Dinner Waxahachie Civic Center (214) 673-7264 ducks.org DSC SOUTH TEXAS Annual Gala Venue Villita San Antonio dscsouthtexas.org MULE DEER FOUNDATION Pecos County Banquet Pecos County Civic Center Fort Stockton (817) 565-7121 muledeer.org

SPONSORED BY: WesternSportsman.Auction


COASTAL CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION Texas A&M Banquet (713) 626-4222 ccatexas.org

COASTAL CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION Fort Worth Banquet Joe T. Garcia’s (713) 626-4222 ccatexas.org


MAY 12

NATIONAL WILD TURKEY FEDERATION Van Zandt Banquet Silver Spur Resort, Canton (903) 275-9660 nwtf.org

DUCKS UNLIMITED Comal County Banquet New Braunfels Civic Center (210) 215-5573 ducks.org


COASTAL CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION Austin Banquet Palmer Events Center (512) 662-0006 ccatexas.org

MULE DEER FOUNDATION Adobe Wells Banquet The Blue Moon, Stinnett (817) 565-7121 muledeer.org

COASTAL CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION Trinity Bay Crawfish Boil Gene’s Powersports, Baytown (713) 626-4222 ccatexas.org

Buying and Selling Taxidermy, Firearms, and related estate items


DUCKS UNLIMITED Austin Dinner The Lodge at Grace, Buda (512) 217-8483 ducks.org

Join us for another auction in April. Liquidating multiple estates from across the country. Including rare trophies like a lifesize giraffe and elephant shoulder mount. Come preview the items at our Fort Worth facility. Dates and address on our website: WesternSportsman.Auction.


DUCKS UNLIMITED West Houston Banquet Chateau Crystale (713) 471-8854 ducks.org


4/28 & 4/29



COASTAL CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION Katy Banquet Palacio Maria (713) 626-4222 ccatexas.org





TRADE HUNT Big Alligator Gar or Trophy Hog Hunt for Trophy Mule Deer (830) 857-4591 SEEKING SMALL GAME/ HOG HUNTING Looking for place to hunt varmints and/or hogs within 1.5 hours from New Braunfels. Just me, respectful of land and happy to pay. (432) 553-1886

16,600 acres both sides of Pease River 17 miles East of Matador 2 spots - 2 guest privileges - $5,066 3-bedroom house, fully furnished, sleeps 8 – Buy-In - $2,350 Share equally on electricity. If you get off the lease, you lose the house Buy-In. Dog pens. OK to hunt 28 corn feeders 10am to 2pm. Feeders feed at noon as well as early am and late pm. 13 Milo Quail Feeders After trophy buck slots filled, all day.

Call: J. P. Latham (817) 371-4340

HONEY BEES Nucs & Starter Hives April & May Ask for David (361) 362-3283

SEMI-GUIDED HOG HUNTS Price: $200 Per Person Per Day (Minimum Two Days) Minimum Hunter Group Of 2Maximum Hunter Group Of 6 50% Non-Refundable Deposit Due At Time Of Booking To Secure Your Spot Remainder Amount Due Upon Arrival Before Your Hunts Begins Contact Us For Corporate Hunt Packages Non-Hunting Guests Not Allowed Unless Approved In Advance Hunt Quota: Unlimited Hogs & Sizes! Lodging & Meals Available Upon Request (For An Additional Charge) Unlimited Access To Our Ranch Ranch Size: 22,000 Acres Varmint And Predator Hunting At No Extra Cost Location: Panhandle,Texas Terrain: Mesquite Flats, Canyons, Creek, and River Beds Hunt Type: Blinds, Safari Style, Spot & Stalk, and Night Hunting WE HUNT HOGS YEAR-ROUND! Please Feel Free To Call And Discuss Dates Texas Hunt Co LLC (806) 335-0051 OR (806) 786-4976


Guided-Self Guided-Training 700 yard RANGE PoetryShootingClub.com (214) 728-2755

LOOKING FOR MULE DEER I’m Looking for a mule deer hunt or a stable lease. David Cline (972) 489-3404

EXOTICS + WHITETAIL Several species Trophy and meat hunts Owner guided Very reasonable Let’s have fun! (325) 475-2100

AXIS HIDES Tanned axis hides Axis pillows gbroach@ktc.com (830) 896-6996

TEXAS TROPHY WHITETAILS Axis, Blackbuck, Hogs Free range whitetail and exotic hunts in Sonora, TX www.HuntTexasWhitetails.com (717) 512-3582


WHITETAIL DEER FOR YOUR HIGH FENCED RANCH Buy with confidence from a Certified Herd. Whitetail deer to stock your high fenced ranch with superior and enhanced genetics. Stocker bucks and doe with exceptional pedigrees bred to produce 200” Whitetail deer. Contact THE 3 AMIGOS RANCH. Frank Marino at (214) 212-7035 and Anthony Campagna at (214) 212-9292 TDHA - JOIN TODAY Texas Dove Hunters Association TexasDoveHunters.com (210) 764-1189

DUVAL COUNTY South Texas Dove Hunting 65 acres, Lodging RV Power Available Huntershilton.com for more info (361) 244-0544 or (361) 443-9330 ANTLERS WANTED Buying all species, all conditions. Looking for large quantities Call Del (830) 997-2263

JOBS DEER AND WILDLIFE RANCH CARETAKER Available for immediate employment San Antonio, TX References available Contact Manuel Garza (830) 499-3832 PART-TIME DELIVERING LONE STAR OUTDOOR NEWS Two days a month (214) 361-2276

REAL ESTATE/ LEASE VACATION CONCAN RENTALS FRIO RIVER LUXURY LODGES Each with: Pool, BBQ, Cabana Kitchen, FREE Frio River Access! Perfect for: Family Reunions, Friends-cations, Corporate Retreats, Wedding Parties & More! www.vacationconcan.com (830) 570-1919 RANCH South Texas 79 acres $5,000 each Financing available (956) 367-5260

MISC NEED ARCHERY RANGE? www.TexasArchery.info





LoneOStar Outdoor News

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April 22, 2022

Page 19

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April 22, 2022

LoneOStar Outdoor News


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