Journey Hospice Newsletter - December 2022

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The Journey Journal

December 2022 Edition

Special Days in December

December 1: Eat a Red Apple Day: This is a day we’re honoring our teachers’ favorite desk decor and our doctor’s time honored heart healthy snack all in one crisp bite.

December 3: Let’s Hug Day: Hugs are very versatile. This day celebrates the warmth and comfort of a hug.

December 8: National Brownie Day: Originating in the Palmer House pastry kitchen in 1893, for the Columbian Exposition World's Fair, Bertha Palmer charged Pastry Chef Joseph Sehl to create something new and ta-dah the 1st brownie was made!

December 18-26: Hanukkah: Hanukkah is a Jewish festival that reaffirms the ideals of Judaism and commemorates in particular the rededication of the Second Temple of Jerusalem by the lighting of candles on each day of the festival.

December 21: Winter Solstice: The winter solstice marks the exact moment when half of Earth is tilted the farthest away from the sun. Marking the longest day of the year. It usually happens on December 21 or 22, at the exact same second around the world. It is the shortest day of the year.

December 25: Christmas Day: Christmas is a holiday to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, who, according to the Christian religion, is the son of God. The name is a joining of “Christ” and “mass” which means the holy mass (supper, celebration or festival) of Christ.

December 26-January 1: Kwanzaa: This is a time of learning, family and celebration. During the week of Kwanzaa, families and communities come together to share a feast, to honor the ancestors, affirm the bonds between them, and to celebrate African and African American culture. Dr. Maulana Karenga introduced the festival in 1966 to the United States .

December 28: National Card Playing Day: Playing cards has became a pop culture staple. Estimates from Columbia University suggest that there are at least 6,000 different types of historical decks from over 50 countries, though there are likely more. What’s more, many of these use completely different deck systems from the basic hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades.

As we look forward, filled with joy to the upcoming Holidays, and remembering that we just celebrated Thanksgiving, I had a thought. What if we gave thanks every day for something in particular, while acknowledging that each thing we are thankful for is a gift from God. I know this is usually done in November for Thanksgiving but I believe we should do it every month.

Below you will find a list of suggestions of things to be thankful for. I encourage you to write your answers, share with your family and perhaps have them do it also.

Then with hearts bursting with gratitude, I encourage you each day to read one chapter of the Gospel of Luke. If you start this after December 1, then you can read multiple chapters to catch up. It’s great reading and you will end up at Christmas Day truly remembering the real reason for the Christmas Season. You will have hearts of love and gratitude. What a great way to celebrate Jesus’s birthday!

Merry Christmas.

Pastor Carol
With Us Day 1: Person Day 2: Animal Day 3: Cozy Place Day 4: Favorite snack Day 5: Place Day 6: Pair of Shoes Day 7: Scent Day 8: Restaurant Day 9: Blog/Website Day 10: Time of Day Day 11: Tradition Day 12: Gadget Day 13: Something Old Day 14: Something New Day 15: Experience Day 16: Recipe Day 17: Photo Day 18: Quote Day 19: Clothing Day 20: Keepsake Day 21: Song Day 22: Book Day 23: Feeling Day 24: Luxury Day 25: Take today and be thankful for God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosesoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Hats Off to Our Helpers!

In May, Journey Hospice began honoring an Employee of the Month. Here is a look back on all the employees who have received the honor of Employee of the Month. All the winners are nominated by coworkers.
Laura Trusty
We are blessed to have caring, hardworking nurses and aides that care for patients on a regular basis.
Gabe Kwarteng Kara Lynn Brown Karen Sanchez Melissa Dagrosa Tiffany Colman Nana Richardson

Jokes to End the Year

1. What often falls in the winter but never gets hurt?


2. Who was the snow man’s favorite relative?

Aunt Arctica

3. What can you catch in December with your eyes closed? A cold

4. Why did the boy only wear one snow boot? There was only a 50% chance of snow

5. What did the snowman have for breakfast?

Frosted Snowflakes

6. What do bees do in New York during December? Put on their yellow jacket.

7. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?


8. What’s a good winter tip?

Never catch snowflakes on your tongue until all the birds have flown south for the oowinter.

9. Where do snowmen keep their money? In a snow bank 10. How is a reindeer like a coin? It has a head on one side and tail on the other
DATES: 12/13/22 TIME: 10:30AM - 12:00PM LOCATION: The Shores 2201 Bay Avenue, Ocean City, NJ 08226 RSVP REQUIRED TO MICHELE EROLANI MUSTO AT 609-399-8505 OR MERCOLANI@UMCOMMUNITIES.ORG A dementia friendly space for you and your loved one to experience creativity and social connections. Participants can engage in music, gentle movement, art and more! JOIN US AT THE SHORES MEMORY CAFÉ

Scenes of Winter Coloring Page


First find all the words in the list below. Words can go in any direction and share letters as well as cross over each other. Once you find all the words copy the unused letters starting in the top left corner blanks to

Fill in each square with a number so that the product on the right and below each square are the same.

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