The Melting Pot Deck

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The LGBTQ+ task of finding true love has become incredibly complicated.

Is that woman into women? Is that man comfortable with feminine men?

It’s nearly impossible to walk into a bar and know exactly who is available.

Does this non-binary person have a type?

Luckily, The Melting Pot is a place where everyone could be attracted to anyone.

Over 8 weeks, 16 singles move into the Melting Pot with the goal of finding their true love and making it to the end of the game with them. Each week they are paired up with their fellow singles based on how they rank each other. Once paired up, the couples compete in a Compatibility Competition, the winners of which receive an extraordinary Escape Date, while the three worst performing pairs face elimination. At the end of each week, the couples all vote to drop one of the at-risk couples from the game. If the singles make it to the end of the game with their true love and they both decide to propose, they win the wedding of their dreams. If not, they leave with nothing.

The Melting Pot is a beautifully designed getaway, perfect for flirting, flings, and finding that special someone. Fully outfitted with a futuristic bedroom, a luxurious kitchen, and a backyard straight out of a catalogue, the Melting Pot is a paradise for the 24 singles. The lack of privacy forces the singles to get incredibly comfy incredibly fast, and the romantic décor screams ‘love is in the air.’ The compound will also include a specialized room for the weekly Matchmaking Ceremony, the elimination known as The Drop, and an outdoor space for the Compatibility Competition.

The 16 singles of the melting pot all identify as pansexual, bi-sexual, and fall anywhere on the gender spectrum, While avoiding being including from non-binary. These people have expressed the dropped the game, difficulty of queer and are finally ready to get help. they must makedating it to the

finale with their true

This time, they won’t be navigating the queer dating love- and their true scene alonehope and everyone they encounter could be their love accepts their perfect half.


Only the ones willing to put their heart on the line will be successful, but are they ready to be so vulnerable?

In the first episode, the singles arrive to the compound and are greeted by a welcome party, which is rudely interrupted by the first Matchmaking Ceremony, where they will all rank their fellow contestants from who they are the most to least attracted to purely based on first impressions. Will they make their future decisions based on physical attraction, or a deeper emotional bond? The singles will be matched with whoever they’ve ranked highly, and who has done the same for them, creating couples of singles who are both attracted to each other. However, as the math works out, not everyone will be able to couple up with their #1 pick.

The real world can put stress on a relationship, so why not cause some stress within the game? Each week, the couples compete in a competition that tests their knowledge of their partner, how well they work under stress, and how well they can work together. This will show how well they can problem solve with each other, and also their determination in any task. The winning couple is the Power Couple and chooses two other couples to join them on a special date.

The 3 worst performing teams will be at risk of being dropped from the game.

The competitions will range from mental challenges to completely physical challenges: Read My Mind: Couples stand above pools of slime on platforms held up by three ropes. They answer questions about their partner’s sexual history and if correct, they cut another couple’s rope, but if incorrect, one of their own gets cut. When all three ropes are cut, the platform falls from under them and the couple falls into the slime. The couples take turns answering questions until one couple is left standing on their platform.

Key Party: Couples are placed in cages and must open the lock to escape, but the key is 10 feet away. Using various objects, couples test their problem-solving abilities by attempting to construct a pole that is long enough to reach the key and bring it back to the cage. To spice things up, the only way to tie the poles together is to use their own clothes. The couple to escape the fastest wins.

Recipe for Disaster: Couples answer queer trivia questions. For each question they answer correctly, they move forward and earn an ingredient for a romantic dinner. Once somebody wins all of their ingredients, the game ends and all the other couples can only cook with what they’ve earned. The couples will then cook their meals and have a romantic- or not so romantic- meal later in the evening. Will it truly be a recipe for disaster, or for a perfect candlelit dinner?

The winning couple from the Compatibility Competition, the Power Couple, chooses two other couples to go on The Escape Date: A beautiful location or exciting activity- aka the perfect escape from the Melting Pot compound! These dates give the couples an opportunity to see how they may interact in a real-world setting without the pressure of the game. The Escape Dates range from fun activities like bungee jumping, to a romantic meal on a catamaran, but they always make for a perfect bonding experience.

The Melting Pot is a game and love is the prize, but not everyone can be a winner. At the end of the week, the couples will attend The Drop. The singles vote one of the 3 losing couples from the Compatibility Competition to be dropped from the game. This is followed by a Matchmaking Ceremony and this cycle continues throughout the season.

Between challenges, dates, and eliminations, the couples have time to get to know their partners, as well as the other singles in the Melting Pot. This is when the singles explore their relationships with their partner, as well as possible future pairings. They can also form strategies and alliances to ensure they prevent themselves and their true love from being voted off the show. The only way to ensure you aren’t voted off is by winning competitions and making friends, so let the games begin!

At the fourth Drop, 5 couples remain and one more has been dropped from the game. As this couple goes to leave the compound, the door is locked. Suddenly, a screen in the room cuts to show the six previously eliminated couples standing in the backyard and they are informed that the couple that has just been dropped is not leaving the compound, but has the power to bring two eliminated singles back to the game. Will they choose two singles who were dropped because of their partner and deserve a second chance? Or will they choose singles more likely to get dropped than they are?

After the Revival, there will only be two losing couples from the Compatibility Competition, instead of three. This means that there is now a 50% chance of the losing couples being dropped from the game, losing their shot at love. As the intensity increases and the number of singles dwindles, there will be more pressure to decide which couple gets the drop, and the importance of strong relationships within the compound becomes apparent.

The singles in the Melting Pot Compound come from different backgrounds, some having been open about their sexuality since they were kids while other will be coming out for the first time The emotional storylines about accepting one’s own sexuality speak directly towards the queer audience who have shared a similar experience, and the heterosexual audience will be introduced to the challengingly intimate process of accepting yourself for who you truly are

Once eight singles are left, they will match up one final time. At the Compatibility Competition, the winner will have the sole vote to drop one final couple from the game. The three surviving couples will alternate attending their own extended Escape Date, spending the entire day together while the other two couples spend the day in the Melting Pot.

After the dates, the singles will have to privately announce whether or not they would like to propose to their partner. In a dramatic showdown, the couples take turns revealing their decision by simultaneously either dropping a knee, or continuing to stand. If both singles propose, they will win the wedding of their dreams. If only one single, or neither single proposes, they leave with nothing.

Will they walk away with love, or heartbreak?

After the finale, the viewers will see occasional check-ins on the couples to see how their relationship is standing up in the real world. This episode will also follow their journey to planning their wedding. At the end of the episode, we will get to see if the couples decide to go through with the wedding, as well as their beautiful wedding ceremonies.

The Melting Pot ends with a reunion- regardless of if any of the couples got married. This will be filmed after the weddings take place so that the cast can react to what their fellow contestants had to say about them throughout the season.

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