LREI News 2020

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NEWS 2020

What’s Inside:

10 Celebrating Our Community

26 Annual Report

14 In Conversation with Our Students Leading Progressive Education Since 1921 Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School


From Our Principals and DEI Facilitators

LREI MISSION STATEMENT A leader in progressive education since 1921, LREI teaches children to be independent thinkers who work together to solve complex problems. Students graduate from our diverse community as active participants in our democratic society, with the creativity, integrity, and courage to bring meaningful change to the world.

10 Celebrating Our Community


Learning How to Learn in the Remote, Hybrid, and In-Person Classroom

— Approved by the Board of Trustees, October 6, 2014

14 In Conversation with Our Students


The 2019-2020 Fund for LREI Annual Report

IN THIS ISSUE 3 Letter from the Director

24 2020-2021 New Trustees

4 Letter from the Board Chair

26 Meeting the Moment Infographic


16 Congratulations, Class of 2020!

51 Alumni Events Calendar

Jorge Marrón

18 From Our Alumni


20 Virtual Alumni Reunion 2020


22 Class Notes


LREI News 2020

Letter from the Director Dear LREI Community, Greetings from the corner of Sixth Avenue and Bleecker Street. I sincerely hope that this note finds you and your family healthy and navigating our current world, as challenging and unpredictable as it can be. As we look back on the 2019-2020 school year, we find many typical LREI moments - both successes and challenges - and, of course, some very unfamiliar ones. The year was filled with all that we hoped for, from the first day of their school career for our very youngest students to the college process’s breadth for our seniors. We saw learning and achievement in all three divisions. We had great athletic successes, including our first girls varsity soccer championship ever, and dramatic and musical events that took our collective breath away. Students were actively involved in all aspects of the community, as were their families. LREI remains a vibrant, engaging, formative school. In March, we headed out for spring break, creating a “new” school by ending LREI in person and developing LREI@home, debuting in early April. For three months, LREI’s academic and extracurricular programs lived online. Teachers and principals worked to improve the student experience throughout the spring, learning new skills, offering innovative opportunities, and, with our students, creating a progressive online program that we think would have made Elisabeth Irwin herself proud. Staying with the topic of pride, while we are proud of many of our diversity and community efforts over the years, with the school’s commitment to each member and social justice writ large, we learned this summer just how short of the mark we have been falling. Something of which we are not proud. We are grateful to those who shared their experiences on BlackatLREI and in conversations throughout the summer. We have set an ambitious plan for ourselves and are making progress, with much work still to do. We will report to the broader LREI community over the year and continue adjusting the plan as we learn along the journey.

We will focus on tomorrow and many tomorrows to come, using these disruptions to energize our becoming our next best self.

What is coming next? Truthfully, we are not sure. The world is harder and harder to predict. The last school year seems like a poor predictor of the next. I have no question that we will adjust to what comes our way in 2020-2021. We will focus on tomorrow and many tomorrows to come, using these disruptions to energize our becoming our next best self. We are grateful for all of the input we have received from the wider LREI community regarding teaching during the pandemic and our efforts at being a truly just community. We are grateful for LREI’s faculty and staff members’ energy and talents. They have already accomplished so much, and we support them as they meet the challenges that are surely coming our way this year. From all of us to the LREI community, we wish you good health, and we know you join us in our work towards creating a more equitable and anti-racist school in these most particular times.

Phil Kassen P’18, ’22

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Letter from the Board Chair Dear LREI Community, I write to you from the 2020-2021 school year, one we already know will be like none other. You likely won't be surprised when I say that these past several months were also like no other. The board and leadership team have spent countless hours confronting, distilling, planning, and acting to meet the unprecedented challenges presented by the pandemic. At the same time, we are renewing our commitment and redoubling our efforts to combat the systemic racism laid bare in posts on BlackatLREI. Yet, as always, we look forward to the year’s fresh start and the opportunities to connect and reconnect with new and returning community members. Whether we are together in person or communing via Zoom, I am confident that we will take any challenges that come our way in stride. I have seen the incredible effort put forth by the administrators, faculty, staff, and other school employees to ensure that our community is safe. Our students will continue to learn and grow from a full LREI experience, whether online or in the classroom. I am deeply grateful to work with this dedicated team. I also offer special thanks to Phil for his leadership during this turbulent time and his ongoing commitment to our school. Throughout all of this, he has remained steadfast, thoughtful, flexible, creative, while always keeping the school’s mission at the center of all decision-making. Even as I start my 25th year as an LREI parent and 12th year as a volunteer and trustee, the dedication and generosity of the LREI community never fail to awe and inspire me. Despite the uncertainty and anxiety we all experienced last spring, we reached our $1.285 million goal for The 2019-2020 Fund for LREI before the school year had even ended — a significant achievement, especially during these trying times. Thank you to our incredible volunteers for your tireless efforts and the many families and friends who donated so generously. Meeting our goal allowed us to pivot to fundraising solely for the LREI 360 Support Fund, designated to provide immediate financial assistance to students, families, faculty, and staff who lost part or all of their income due to the pandemic. In keeping with the school’s history and mission, I am grateful to all in the community who rallied together and raised nearly $100,000 to support those in need. We are equally indebted to those who have given their time and talents to make LREI the special and unique community it is. Please take a moment to review the roster of parents who volunteer on our numerous committees and participate in our various affinity groups. This active participation in the LREI community is critical to fulfilling our mission, and we are deeply grateful! It is my great honor and privilege to serve as your board chair, and I thank you all for the various ways you contribute to our school. Lastly, at LREI, we ask our students to think outside the box, struggle together, and find creative solutions to real problems. This year I hope we can all follow their example of open-mindedness and flexibility in the face of uncertainty in this ever-changing world. Knowing that we are here together in this caring and supportive LREI community gives me great hope for whatever comes our way. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or if I can be of any assistance. I wish you and your family peace and good health, and I look forward to our future communications. Sincerely,

Jim Harris P’09, ’22 Board Chair


LREI News 2020

From Our Principals and DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) Facilitators From the Lower School DEI FACILITATOR TAMMY DUNN AND PRINCIPAL FAITH HUNTER

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives in the Lower School strongly reflect LREI’s mission and diversity statements. With these statements in mind, we are additionally guided by the Lower School Principles. The following six stand out as we engage in our equity and inclusion work this school year: Empathy, Social Justice, A Childlike Day, Families, The Child as Individual,

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and Curriculum. This year we are recommitting ourselves to intentionally and authentically do the work necessary to ensure our students and families of color, particularly Black students, are celebrated for their unique stories and all they bring to the community.

To do this, we must engage in self-reflection and awareness of our own identity and biases and reevaluate our curriculum to remove biased or outdated materials and provide materials and texts that are culturally and linguistically diverse.

Our aim is to support empathic problem solving and connection with a special focus on culturally responsive pedagogy. LREI’s Lower School has implicit and explicit curricula around noticing, discussing, and celebrating our differences.


It is developmentally appropriate for lower schoolaged children to notice differences and to want to discuss them. To have open, culturally responsive discussions, children need to feel both safe and seen. An essential part of creating a responsive school culture is the formation of a safe learning space that embraces free and open inquiry. An environment that provides mirrors, windows, and sliding doors. Mirrors: in which children see themselves reflected, windows: to look through and see other worlds, and sliding doors: which they can walk through to explore other cultures. To that end, all teachers strive to provide anti-bias/antiracist curriculum content that allows students to tell their stories and listen to others’ stories in a respectful environment. We must acknowledge that the recent civil unrest and the brutal killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and countless others have propelled this work to the fore. The historical impact of systemic racism finds its way into our classrooms’ practices and activities, and we must work to dismantle that which oppresses. To this end, we are committed to using the following essential questions to guide our work: How do we help students explore the concept of racism in the classroom, media, and our community? How do we reflect on our own experiences with or witnessing of racism, and how do we disrupt and dismantle systems of oppression at play in our community?

Lower school teachers are committing to: • Affinity Spaces: Opportunities for white faculty and staff to better understand and challenge Whiteness in their work with our students and for faculty and staff of color to engage in healing, selfcare, and discourse • Restorative Practices: Explore SEL and Restorative Justice practices like peace circles • Anti-bias, Anti-racist (ABAR) Curriculum Audit: An honest examination of what, why, and how we teach. Who’s missing? Who’s centered?

• L ower school readings of the following books: —T roublemakers: Lessons in Freedom from Young Children in School by Carla Shalaby (injustice in school and honoring young children’s expression in the classroom) — We Want to Do More Than Survive: Abolitionist Teaching and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom by Bettina Love (educational justice inspired by the rebellious spirit and methods of abolitionists)

In affecting institutional change, lower school teachers will engage with children in a safe and supportive environment to explore their identity, to discover and nurture individual interests and passions together in their school community. Lower school teachers and administrators will also investigate our own identities through anti-bias, anti-racist training and continuous reflection. We commit to upholding our Lower School Guiding Principles using an authentic anti-bias, antiracist mindset.

Not everything that can be faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. JAMES BALDWIN


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We are proud of how we live our progressive mission by embracing and supporting students at this extraordinary and vital time of their life. With students at the center of learning, classrooms are structured to draw out their energy and effort. Teachers, like coaches, are there to guide, provoke, and encourage. We provide entry points for everyone and give students as much choice as possible because we know that middle schoolers crave independence and autonomy. Science tells us that middle schoolers are pruning and recreating neurological synapses at rapid rates, and where they put their attention dictates how their brain develops.

Now, during the largest civil rights uprising against systemic racism in United States history, the progressive tradition of centering and recentering justice and equity is more important than ever. This year, in more concerted ways,

middle school students will explore systems of racism, white supremacy, classism, sexism, transphobia, ableism, and bigotry with their peers and teachers in developmentally appropriate ways. We are actively collaborating to design

coursework that seeks to liberate students from systems that oppress. They may use what they have learned and be inspired to imagine and work towards creating a society based on fairness, equity, and justice.

Maybe most important of all, the Middle School at LREI is a place that not only accepts the tumultuousness of this age but embraces it. We want students to reinvent themselves often and experiment in their interests and social life in the safest way possible. We want them to connect with their peers around a shared experience and, with the courage drawn from that, be able to take risks and try something new. We aim to be a place where students bring their whole and authentic selves each day, which sees them and feels like it is for them.

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Here are some specific ways that we will do this: • A ll-community read of This Book is Anti-Racist • R acial affinity groups for students of color from various groups, and multiracial students • W hite anti-racist caucus groups for students led by trained White-Identified teachers • R eview the curriculum through an anti-racist and anti-bias lens

• Continual recruitment and practices to support and retain faculty of color and underrepresented groups • Integrate Restorative Justice practices to support community norms • Continued year-round support for students’ academic, social, and emotional growth through advisory group


We have been enthusiastically working together this summer to implement our diversity, equity, and inclusion goals for the school year. We have been enthusiastically working together this year and past summer to implement our diversity, equity, and inclusion goals for the school year. We will dedicate weekly faculty and department meeting time to ensure a more inclusive curriculum through both the content and how we enact it in our classrooms. And we will continue our work on addressing microaggressions as they arise within the High School.


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LREI’s leadership is also working in partnership with the High School Student Government and leaders of racial affinity groups to finalize an antidiscrimination policy that will protect our entire community, students and adults alike, from racial discrimination. As a team, we have met several times over the summer with student leaders of color who helped draft a version of this policy. Their continual input is critical to designing a system that protects every community member from racial discrimination.

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Our team is also revamping Life Lab, a course that ninth and tenth graders take to learn invaluable life skills. We are currently working out a scope and sequence for Life Lab that prioritizes racial identity development and, crucially, helps put the experiences of marginalized and vulnerable people at the center of the curriculum.

In all, we are charting a course for our high school students and teachers that moves us forward in the anti-racist stance we know is critical for transgressing issues that arise in our community and the world beyond it.

This past summer at the High School, many white faculty and staff members have taken the initiative to engage in discussions on how they can create more equitable experiences for our students by acknowledging the effects of their presence as white teachers.


Celebrating Our Community Whether online or in-person, we’ve continued to strengthen our community. Here are just a few of the many ways we’ve done that this year.

• H undreds of Zoom meetings, both academic and extracurricular, including dance, singalongs, and a pastamaking class! • T he first-ever virtual Field Day, including games, scavenger hunts, and buddy activities! • F avorite lunch recipes shared online by Eric and our incredible kitchen staff for anyone to enjoy from home! Check out some of these student favorites on our website: lrei-kitchen-recipes


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• R egular happy hours and social events for faculty and staff. • A beautiful Senior Celebration (combining our traditions of Senior Banquet and Graduation), with graduation kits hand-delivered by high school faculty, banquet meal with the entire class, and more! • R emote archives events, where we learned to browse, identify, and tag our photo archives from home. • C ontinued commitment to building and strengthening affinity spaces for students, parents, faculty, and staff.

Now more than ever, we’re enjoying connecting to our community all over the world and will continue to explore how we can come together. Follow LREI on social media for the most current community celebrations and updates: Facebook @LREINYC Instagram @LREI Twitter @LREI

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Learning How to Learn in the Remote, Hybrid, and In-Person Classroom



LREI News 2020

When LREI moved online to LREI@home last spring, something interesting happened to LREI’s community of teachers; they suddenly found themselves having to think deeply and intentionally about their own learning. As our teachers adapted their well-honed approaches to in-person progressive teaching to the world of online learning, they found themselves engaged in a powerful iterative design process. This process demanded purposeful analysis and reflection on the learnings from each day of teaching to refine practice and the student learning experience. This work’s timeframe was also significantly compressed, which required teachers to be nimble, take risks, and model powerful learning practices for their students. While this happened for all teachers individually, a rich and deep conversation was also taking place within grade levels, departments, divisions, and across these groupings as an institution. Under more normal circumstances, the plans developed in the week before spring break and then refined throughout the spring term might have traveled through months of meetings before seeing the light of day in the classroom.

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Schools, even progressive ones, are sometimes overly cautious when it comes to change efforts. This is tied partly to the inertia of the known and a desire to make sure that new programs truly meet learners’ needs. We discovered through LREI@home that the spirit of daily exploration and inquiry that we want for students is equally powerful for the adult learners in the community. As teachers explored new learning platforms and ways to engage students online, there was also a parallel reexamination about their teaching practice’s core aspects. I heard a lot of “I think I’ll continue to do this when we are back in person.” We also learned that there is a lot of what is central to deeper learning that does not translate to the online world: exploring concepts and ideas with

hands-on materials, faceto-face inquiry with others, learning grounded in a shared experience, and the desire to be in community with others that is not mediated by a screen. But even that desire is challenged by the physical distancing requirements that make in-person learning different from how we experienced it in a preCOVID world. We draw on the learnings from the spring and summer that demand flexibility in design and implementation. The good news is that progressive schools like LREI have been developing a set of missionaligned skills for learning and teaching that have never been more important than in our constantly changing world. The 2020-2021

school year is one where we explore physically distanced, hybrid, and blended learning models through our inperson, LREI@home, and LREIremote programs. As we move through the year, we continue to reflect and redesign to best meet our students’ and families’ needs in what is already proving to be a unique year. But, we also have our eye on how this work will inform the design of LREI as we move into our second century.


In Conversation with Our Students Ajahni J., Malia S., Marcus M., and Natalie P. (four student leaders and members of the Class of 2021) discuss their recent work on LREI’s Anti-Bias Policy and DEI plans.

To me, leadership means getting personal with whatever cause you're fighting for. You're really advocating for stuff headon and devoting yourself and your time to seeing whatever it is through. NATALIE P. ’21

Tell us about your work on LREI’s new Anti-Bias Policy. Malia: The draft for LREI's new antibias policy started in the Students of Color Affinity group (S.O.C), after a conversation about the lack of accountability surrounding the use of racially insensitive statements in our


community. We decided that LREI needs a consistent policy that outlines exactly what kind of behavior is unacceptable in our community, and includes a focus on accountability. We've been working on this policy for around a year now and a lot has changed. The policy started as a racial harassment policy and has now evolved into a more inclusive anti-bias policy. Working on it has been really meaningful for me because I know I can leave a legacy at LREI that I am proud of. Marcus: In my sophomore year, the leaders of Students of Color (Mawena T. ‘20, Dakota L. ‘20, and Malia S. ‘21) began working with us to create the main definition section of this policy. I was elected the Director of Social Justice the same week of George Floyd’s murder, I felt there was a true need for a call to action. With the tensions rising through BlackatLREI, and the school doing silent work, it seemed as if the school was ignoring issues. Ajahni and I decided to then come together to draft a letter to the school, signed by all current leaders and some previous leaders, with some requests for how the school can solve some of the issues we were hearing

through BlackatLREI and in conversations with members of our community. Ajahni: The letter we wrote to the administration detailed what we wanted to see done, when we wanted to see it done, and how we wanted it to happen. On that list were things like improving the education surrounding African American history and general history outside of the European world, we asked for better assemblies, and most importantly, we wanted to fast track finalizing what, at the time, was called the Racial Harassment Policy, which had been started by some of the seniors the year before. After receiving our email, the administration invited us to meet with them to discuss the future. In that meeting, we found out that the administration had actually been planning during that time; they just hadn’t been vocal about it. We told them they had to be vocal about it; we said it was something that needs to be public, the students needed to know because they were upset. Natalie: Yeah, it's definitely been a lot of work. Deciding to get together and create this policy was really daunting at first, and in some ways it still is, especially as we get closer and closer to this policy becoming a reality. One thing that's been on our minds a lot is what this policy is going to look like five, or even ten years from now. Are we leaving something out that future students are going to need? Is there a way to leave space for any additions future students might need to make? It's so difficult to have foresight for these types of things. But while the work is stressful and difficult at times, it's also very important work that needs to be done.

LREI News 2020

Leadership to me is similar to a megaphone. When someone speaks into a megaphone, it doesn’t change what was said, nor does it negate the statement altogether. There might be some static here and there, but the message is still made remotely clear. When I envision leadership, I envision myself as the microphone and the people as the speaker. It’s not really about having the best ideas or being the best person or even the most popular. What it’s really about is being the best listener for what people truly want, and spreading that message loud and clear. MARCUS M. ’21

How has the pandemic affected the way you work together? Malia: We used to meet in SOC about the policy and be able to critique and build off each other's work, but after the pandemic began we had to try harder to find times to meet and work on the policy together. For me personally, it is also a lot harder to remain motivated and hopeful because everything is virtual. It's hard for me to recognize that things are actually getting done, but when we are able to meet as a group virtually, I am able to feed off of their energy and get motivated again.

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We've grown to be a lot more respectful of each other's time and how we are each feeling. I often need breaks from talking about the policy because the work can sometimes be draining and overwhelming, but my peers working on the policy have always been respectful and understanding of that. Marcus: Surprisingly, I feel like this pandemic has somewhat helped us all work together much better. Since I live so far from school, and many of my classmates, participating in the community has always been quite difficult for me. Now that I’m home with about 4-5 more free hours in my day, I’ve been able to be so much more productive, and the ability to talk to everyone with the simple click of a button makes meeting and working on the policy that much easier. Ajahni: For once, the pandemic has been useful. We wouldn’t be able to work so closely with the administration, we wouldn’t be able to get in contact with other people as easily, and we wouldn’t be able to talk to each other while working as easily if not for applications like zoom that we’ve become so comfortable with because of the pandemic. It made working on this a lot easier — I can’t believe I’m saying that — but I think it helped.

As versions of this policy continue to evolve and are being shared with the larger community, what work are you putting your attention toward now? Natalie: At this point we're really just fine-tuning things and making last edits and such. As we're done with the brunt of the work in making this policy, I'm also putting more attention into normal senior-year activities, like filling out college applications, and writing supplements, and doing well in my classes. Marcus: Right now, I’m in the midst of college applications, so I’m trying to juggle supplementals, Black Student Union, Peer Leader, and Student Government altogether. As the policy comes closer to completion and we

get more and more transparent with the community, my focus has really been towards ensuring every identity is included. Making this anti-bias policy, my eyes have also really been opened to how many identities exist, beyond those that first come to mind, and I’ve been really pondering how to advocate for these distinct issues and communities. Ajahni: We’re putting our attention towards what’s next, the future of the policy. We’ve had discussions about potentially merging the policies to make it one comprehensive policy, or if we should have the adult to student, student to student, and adult to adult policies remain separate. I’m thinking in the near future we’re going to begin discussing what we actually need to do when this policy is set in place. How we’re going to get the students informed and make sure they know that this is safe to use. So looking to what’s next.

As a leader, it is your job to represent your people. You need to act 100% in the best interest of the people you’re representing, and if at any point in your leadership you are not doing that, then you are not fit to be a leader. It’s that simple. In order to be a good leader, you need to set up your position and you need to set it up for people to take on in the future. You need to inspire people to want to continue the work that you started. AJAHNI J. ’21


Congratulations, Class of 2020! Though we couldn’t gather in person, we didn’t let that stop us from celebrating our amazing Class of 2020. On Spirit Day, we had a virtual clap-in by the pre-K-12 student body, where every senior was acknowledged. We transformed our traditions of Senior Banquet and Graduation into a remote Senior Celebration. High school faculty assembled “Graduation kits,” including LREI swag, graduation attire (cap, gown, and tassel), a letter and special gift from a teacher, and LREI cupcakes. Faculty teamed up with current families to deliver these to each senior. That same evening, the Class of 2020, their families, and teachers came together for a Zoom banquet meal from home. It included special messages and shoutouts for each senior and a throwback to some of their ninth grade artwork. We ended with Adele reading the names of our graduates as families and teachers cheered for them. We are looking forward to an inperson diploma ceremony in the near future and are excited to hear about the Class of 2020’s adventures beyond LREI!


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Democracy builds on understanding others, accepting responsibility for them, escaping from the narrow cell of personal needs and interests and cultivating the widest possible understanding and appreciation of all the peoples of the earth, a commitment to using knowledge to make a difference in the world and to enrich human life, to reduce human drudgery, and to study community problems and act upon them in constructive, democratic fashion. ELISABETH IRWIN, “DEMOCRACY,� 1940

Every year at Graduation, Director Phil Kassen gives our graduating class three pieces of advice, one of which is to vote. The principles of democracy are deeply rooted in LREI's mission, history, and community.

LREI News 2020

Allegheny College Amherst College Babson College (3) Barnard College Bennington College Berklee College of Music Boston University Bowdoin College Brooklyn College Brown University Bryn Mawr College California Institute of the Arts Clark University (2) College of the Atlantic Colorado College (2) Cornell University Davidson College Elon University (3) Emerson College Georgetown University Hamilton College Howard University Lafayette College Loyola Marymount University Macalester College Middlebury College (2) New York University (3) Northeastern University Oberlin College (2) Occidental College Pratt Institute Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Skidmore College (2) Smith College (2) SUNY, Stony Brook Swarthmore College The American University of Paris University of British Columbia University of Chicago University of Colorado, Boulder University of GothenburgSteneby University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of Redlands University of Rochester University of Vermont University of Wisconsin Washington University in St. Louis Wesleyan University (3) Williams College 17

From Our Alumni: Inclusion, Engagement, and Collaboration LREI’s Alumni Council is excited to welcome Analisa Cipriano Heinz ’05 and Ian Patrick ’03 as our new president and vice president, respectively. In September, we came together via Zoom for our first Alumni Council meeting of the academic year, welcoming new members along with many familiar council faces! We discussed our goals for this year of Inclusion, Engagement, and Collaboration. Central to these three goals is establishing affinity spaces and council committees. Keep reading to see what these different groups mean to some of your fellow alumni! Council meetings are open to all LREI alumni, we hope you will join us as we continue to make gatherings more accessible to our alumni worldwide. Whether at a council meeting, affinity group, or happy hour, in-person or via Zoom, we hope to see you soon!

Alumni Affinity Spaces LREI’s Alumni Affinity Groups connect alumni of a shared identity with each other and the current LREI community. These groups, created by alumni as a resource for alumni, draw upon LREI’s history of progressive education. They encourage alumni to continue learning from each other the same way they did as students at LREI, as “independent thinkers who work together to solve complex problems.”

AOC – Alumni of Color Affinity Group Phillip Ellison ’05 POC Affinity Group Co-leader

Angela Lowe ’03 POC Affinity Group Co-leader

Community is important to me. COVID-19 reemphasized the intrinsic value of human connection and building bridges. I understood the need, dynamic opportunity, and obstacles that presented themselves in recent years as a call for an Alumni of Color group. In part, I was inspired by the idea of building an intergenerational and intersectional community, with the capacity to learn together while reaching across silos within the school community of Students and Parents of Color. LREI provided a fresh start for me as a transfer student. This group is my way of giving back to LREI and helping bring it closer to its ideals in a different way. The BLM movement and the reckoning in the world spurred me to be involved in this opportunity. Even progressive institutions with radical histories need spaces for Black and POC members to come together and create their own community within. Inspired by conversations with Rhea Cumberbatch ‘08, I felt it was the right thing to do. This group offers Alumni of Color a healthy space to come together and build new memories. It also provides current Students of Color with access to people who walked in their shoes and can be a resource for their journeys. It’s humbling to learn from the people who came before me, and alumni who followed me. I hope this group can provide a learning hub for Alumni of Color as they move forward in life. I also hope we can be an accountability mechanism for the school.

As a woman of color and an alumna, helping to lay the foundation for this affinity group felt not only necessary but my duty. Current Students of Color will greatly benefit from the support of alumni who have traveled a similar journey. It is also crucial for us to make connections within the community while revitalizing the ideologies that make our school. LREI has been a cornerstone of the person I am today. However, during my 12 years at LREI, I wish I’d had access to Alumni of Color who could have helped me navigate private school culture. I would have also appreciated having a primary resource after graduation. This affinity group will be that beacon for our current and future Students of Color at LREI. As a new group, we’re taking everything in stride. Still, our primary goal is to act as a support system, connecting with current POC students and their families. We’re also excited about panels on topics including beyond LREI, People of Color in education, building wealth, as well as hosting networking events, and attending events or gatherings hosted by current students. We are excited to engage with you all!


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Akim St. Omer ’02 POC Affinity Group Co-leader I helped start this group because the Alumni of Color who have walked through the doors of LREI are some of the most amazing people I’ve come across. Having a group to call home serves many purposes. It allows us to come together as a collective, and it provides a resource for current students, families, and faculty. This group is taking the mission and history of what LREI stands for and bringing it to life. I hope that this group, and its collective knowledge and experience, can be a resource for the institution and that everyone can be a resource to each other. I’d love to see this group engaged as a way to find thought partners and collaborators for the broader community. To be an example for current students, to let them know that they too will graduate and figure out how to survive. We are proof.

Alumni Council Committee for Alumni Working in Education Analisa Cipriano Heinz ’05 Alumni Council President Within our LREI community, we have so many alumni working in the field of education. This includes alumni of all different backgrounds, ages, and stages of their careers. Through this alumni council committee, we’re looking forward to connecting across our experiences working in education and providing a resource to alumni considering joining this field. We’re excited to come together around our various work experiences and create a space where we continue to grow and learn from each other.

This group is taking the mission and history of what LREI stands for and bringing it to life. AKIM ST. OMER

LGBTQIA+ Alumni Affinity Group Ian Patrick ’03 Alumni Council Vice President As a small school that celebrates difference broadly, it is also important to carve out spaces for marginalized communities to come together as a community. This is why we are developing an affinity group for LREI alumni who identify as LGBTQIA+. In this safe space, we will share experiences, seek counsel, and offer support, with the goal to see one another and lift each other up. In addition to bringing together alumni with shared identities, this group will reassure current LGBTQIA+ students that there is an LREI community for them after they graduate.

Please email us at to learn more about any of the following: AOC – Alumni Color Affinity Group Alumni LGBTQIA+ Affinity Group Alumni Council Committee for Alumni Working in Education If you have a different alumni affinity group or council committee you would like to help create, please contact us so we can work together!

LREI News 2020


Virtual Alumni Reunion 2020 In consideration with COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions, the official 35th annual Alumni Reunion was postponed until 2021. At our next in-person Reunion, we will celebrate classes ending in 0, 1, 5, and 6 all together! Though we couldn’t gather in the same space last spring, our alumni community was eager to connect remotely via various events that took place on May 29-30, 2020. On Friday, we began with an alumni happy hour and trivia hosted by Alumni Council President Analisa Cipriano Heinz ’05 and Vice President Ian Patrick ’03. It was the first alumni trivia game that Mark Bledstein P’10, frequent trivia host and former high school history teacher, got to play rather than host! On Saturday, Yukie Ohta P’26 hosted a virtual archive session. By using Zoom and Vidigami (our photo-sharing platform), alumni from all different class years were able to browse our digital photo archives, identify and electronically label photos, share memories, and connect from all over the world!


LREI News 2020

We continued with class-specific reunion calls and were incredibly excited that Grace Cohen P’79, beloved former third grade teacher, was able to join us! Since these virtual reunion events took place, we have continued to connect with our alumni community from home through council meetings, town hall discussions, and affinity spaces. The Alumni POC (People of Color) Affinity Group has had various Zoom meetings, led by affinity group co-chairs Phillip Ellison ’05, Angela Lowe ’03, and Akim St. Omer ’02. Meetings have included conversations with current student leadership from the Class of 2021, Director Phil Kassen P’18, ’22, and others. We are excited to continue these affinity group meetings, as well as establish additional alumni affinity groups and council committees!

LREI News 2020

If you would like to help with planning and outreach for Reunion 2021 or would like to know more about alumni affinity groups and council committees, please contact the Alumni Office at Event locations and details continue to change as we follow COVID-19 safety protocols and updates. For the most current information, please visit our website and follow us on social media: Website: Facebook: @LREIAlumni Instagram: @LREIAlums


Class Notes Aaron Brill ’45

Marjorie Portnow ’60

is living in Nashville, Tennessee. Last year, he retired from his position as a research professor at Vanderbilt University.

is painting in Easthampton, Massachusetts. She is a retired professor of painting and drawing.

Joe Colt ’47 fondly remembers starting at LREI in 1937 with his three sisters and three brothers, when school tuition was $100 a year.

Ann Oliver ’47 shares that she and four of her classmates still get together every year!

Stephen Diamond ’49 says, “I greatly admire the school having lived up to the tradition that I expected.”

Michael Sperber ’49 laughed and remarked via phone, “I couldn’t be better, and I attribute it all to the Little Red School House.” While discussing the pandemic early on in quarantine, Michael shared a Henry David Thoreau quote he first heard at LREI: “Not till we are lost, in other words not till we have lost the world, do we begin to find ourselves, and realize where we are and the infinite extent of our relations.”

KEEP IN TOUCH, WE LOVE HEARING FROM YOU! Please send us any milestones, exciting news, or updates about your life. Send your news and photos to

Tonia Shimin ’60 recently completed a book on the art of her father, Symeon Shimin. He was very involved in fighting discrimination throughout his life and through his art, so there is a strong connection with what is going on in today's world. You can learn more about this book by visiting the website: or by searching "The Art of Symeon Shimin" on YouTube.

Bill "Damani" Keene ’63 was a career educator (in the cocurriculum - Student Affairs) at the university level. He and his wife embarked on a mission to put the pre-Civil War history of Africans in America - enslaved and free - into an exciting package for adults, including high schoolers. Inspired by the life of his once-enslaved great-grandmother, and after years of family heritage research, they have selfpublished a historical novel, Clandestine, as an eBook and in paperback (available on Amazon). Damani still recalls, from nearly 70 years ago, studying Mexico at Little Red in his Sixes and Sevens class. "The appreciation I garnered for another culture has, without a doubt, molded my world view."

Linda Spector ’68 and her husband have returned to Washington, D.C., the city they left in 1986. She is delighted to be living in D.C. again, walking everywhere and reconnecting with old friends. Both of her children live there, too. Once she is settled in completely, she will be lining up local volunteer opportunities.

Diane Rothauser ’69 shares, “My family and, as far as I know, all my classmates are well. I started an email chain on April 13 with all my classmates asking them to check in and share any reflections. It has been a wonderful vehicle for us to share our lives. We’ve heard from some classmates who have never responded about or been to a reunion. I have some happy family news, my husband and I recently became grandparents. My daughter and her husband gave birth to a baby girl in Atlanta! Her name is Maribel Florence. Her middle name was my mother’s first name. My mother, Florence Rothauser, was very involved in LREI when my brother and I attended. I hope you are well and that everyone at LREI is well too!”

Meri Schachter ’57 writes, “After graduating from LREI in 1957, I graduated college in 1961 and Medical School in 1969. I had a private psychiatry practice in Bergen County from 1973 until the pandemic really shut me down in March 2020 — 47 years. My late husband, Lippman Bodoff, was a corporate lawyer and a Cantor. I recently sponsored a recording of Cantorial Music in his memory."


JOIN OUR ALUMNI MENTORSHIP PROGRAM! Email us at to learn more.

Joe Gilford ’70 is in his 20th year teaching screenwriting at NYU’s Tisch undergrad film program. He is the screenwriter of last year’s “Mobtown,” starring David Arquette, available now on your favorite streaming service.

LREI News 2020

Janea Aleman ’98 writes, “Having graduated from NYU Steinhardt School of Education in 2002, I am currently a teacher in the NYC public school system. I have two children; my son is attending Lehman College, and my daughter started kindergarten this year. I recently purchased a house in Yonkers, New York, as a first time home buyer."


• Benefit from an estate tax deduction by naming LREI in your will or living trust. • S upport future LREI students by endowing a scholarship.

Marcelo Jaimes Lukes ’15

Kamillah Aklaff ’07 is directing a documentary about gender expression in the world of Salsa Caleña. She is also a high school teacher. Follow her on Instagram @genero.salsa.

runs operations and trade marketing for Pinhook Bourbon, a craft whiskey company. After graduating from Princeton University in 2019, Marcelo moved to Chile to work for a winery in the Casablanca Valley. He returned to New York to receive his wine and spirits certification from the International Wine Center. He now lives in Williamsburg.

• E nsure that your annual support to LREI will continue in perpetuity. We can work with you to design a gift that fits your personal financial circumstances and has a lasting impact on LREI. With your legacy gift, LREI will proudly recognize you as a member of the Elisabeth Irwin Heritage Society.

IN MEMORIAM Leila Alexander ’48 David Allman ’78 Harold Begun ’78 Joseph Depierre ’55 Jamey Gambrell ’71 Judith Kaleko ’46 Judith Kandler ’51 Stephanie Lewis ’62 Daniel Menaker '59

Kyle Deane ’09 started a multimedia platform called findinggoodtimes™️ exploring life, purpose, and connection through the power of stories and transformative experiences.

LREI News 2020

Karl Meyer ’46 Harvey Moyses ’53 Greg Passuntino '04 Alan Soloway ’73 Abigail Thernstrom ’54 Mona Udell Rosner ’48


2020-2021 New Trustees Matthew Bernstein P ’28, ’28 Matt is currently a stay-at-home dad. After many years as a West Village resident, he recently moved to Portland, Oregon, where he lives with his husband Carey, and kids Owen and Kei. Previously, he was a principal of SB Capital Group, a retail consulting and real estate investment company specializing in helping companies maximize and protect asset value, revitalize brand names, and restructure operations. Matt has served on several boards, most recently Jewish Community Project (JCP) in Tribeca, and the LGBT National Help Center, which created the first nationwide hotline for queer kids and adults in crisis. Matt received degrees in theater arts and business administration from Ithaca College. He worked as a company manager off-Broadway for several years after graduating. At LREI, Matt was a class parent representative for two years. He also served as chair of the PA’s Gender Sexuality Alliance and co-chair of The Fund for LREI.


Analisa Cipriano Heinz ’05

Lunie Small P ’28, ’30

Analisa Cipriano Heinz ’05 is the president of the LREI Alumni Council. She attended LREI from the 4s through twelfth grade. Analisa pursued her undergraduate studies at Connecticut College, where she double-majored in sociology and American studies. She also holds master’s degrees in psychological counseling and education from Teachers College at Columbia University. Analisa has worked as the Associate Director of College Advising at the Brearley School on the Upper East Side for eight years. Outside of work, Analisa is an avid runner and has been since competing on the LREI and Connecticut College track teams. Analisa is a member of the associate board at Gilda’s Club NYC and is a member of their New York Marathon charity team.

Lunie Small has been an active part of the LREI community for over five years. She and her family reside in Brooklyn. The family includes her husband Ramel, son Ryan ’28, daughter Hannah ’30, and pet turtle affectionately named Ninja. Lunie has been involved in many community events held by the school and has volunteered her services on multiple committees. Lunie served as the lower school PA vice president for two years and is embarking upon her first year as PA co-president. After attending Fordham University, Lunie worked for an educational nonprofit in Harlem that focused on uplifting inadequately serviced youth.

Analisa lives on the Lower East Side with her husband, Peter Heinz, former LREI high school history teacher and assistant director of athletics.

After many years of working with children, Lunie took time off to start a family of her own. During her children’s early years, she was a stay at home mom. Now that Ryan and Hannah are older, she has combined her innate sense of order and attention to detail to become an entrepreneur and started a professional organizing business. Lunie has enjoyed being a part of the LREI community on many levels. She looks forward to further assisting the institution in years to come.

LREI News 2020

Ceci Loebl Van Blerkom P ’22, ’27

Rodney White P ’31

Ceci Loebl Van Blerkom was born in Lima, Peru, and moved to the United States with her family at age thirteen. She attended the Tulane University School of Architecture, where she graduated with honors in 1996. After practicing architecture for over twelve years, she worked as a food stylist. Her work can be seen in a variety of food magazines, cookbooks, and advertisements. Ceci is currently exploring a new passion for wheelthrown pottery and can be found at Greenwich House Pottery whenever she has free time.

Rodney was born and raised in Augusta, Georgia, and now lives and works in Brooklyn. He is an awardwinning creative director who has worked at some of the largest ad agencies on some of the world’s most known brands.

Ceci lives in Chelsea with her husband Larry and their two children, Harvey ’22 and Ivy ’27, and their dog Fez. As an active member of the LREI parent community since 2008, she served as Parent Association co-president and parent representative to the Board of Trustees from 2014 to 2016. Before being Parent Association co-president, she served on numerous committees and had several stints as a class parent representative. Ceci has organized many events for LREI. Most recently, she co-chaired the Big Shindig in 2019. Ceci is looking forward to her new role as a board member and supporting its mission as the school enters its Centennial year.

Rodney’s art is a visual message that encourages each of us to look for something higher to which we can aspire. It reflects an individual’s dream and how it coincides with the sweeping vision of humanity. As a visual communications student, he began to see the power that commercial advertising messages could wield. He decided to use the medium as a way to offer a more practical gift to the

viewers: themselves - to the nth degree. He uses visual cues and vocabulary from vintage advertising and Americana to convey the bygone era of optimism and inspirational advertising. His art is an open journal where one can see the methodology behind his personal growth and mentality, voyeuristically. His paintings have been exhibited in national museums and galleries. They have also appeared many times on popular television shows and blockbuster movies. He is also the creator of Black On Black™, a clothing-and-accessories line that is one part clothing line AND one part protest sign. With the tagline “Deconstruct the Construct”, BXB was born out of the social climate we live in and was created as a way for him to process the vicarious trauma of the many televised killings of unarmed black people in 2015. By helping himself heal, he realized he could inspire others as well. Black On Black™ starts many discussions by addressing many issues. All the ‘isms and ‘phobias. “Intersectionality” is the thread that binds it all together.

The school then, if it is to help individuals to be efficient and active members of society, must introduce children into life rather than shelter them from it. It must be a laboratory rather than a monastery. Just this, I should say is the task of education today – to change our school from monasteries into laboratories, laboratories not where educators experiment with children but where children experiment with life. This is the true meaning, so often misunderstood of experimental education. ELISABETH IRWIN

LREI News 2020


Meeting the Moment Whether it’s meeting the increased need for financial aid, onsite learning support for working parents, new air purifiers in every room, PPE for our staff, or faculty professional development for their hybrid and DEI work, your gift to The Fund for LREI will allow us to meet the moment.

An additional

$400,000 in financial aid to keep our community together

$20,000 for Forest School for 4s and K and onsite learning support for working parents

$160,000 (& GROWING!)

retrofitting our facilities to meet safety guidelines, including:





for air purifiers in every room

for adapted furniture, supplies, and PPE

for hybrid learning technology

LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report

Ways of Giving 

Gifts of Cash While the Office of Advancement works remotely, you are encouraged to make your gift via credit card or direct debit at Checks should be made out to LREI and mailed in the enclosed envelope or to LREI Office of Advancement 272 Sixth Avenue New York, NY 10014

Gifts of Securities A stock gift may have significant tax advantages. Download our Transfer of Securities form at or contact Ryann Imperioli, Director of Annual Giving, at

Matching Gifts More than 1,500 U.S. companies will double or triple the charitable gifts made by their employees. Request a matching gift form from your employer and send it completed with your gift. We’ll take care of the rest!

Gifts-in-Kind Gifts-in-kind include event hosting, technology, services, and similar non-monetary contributions. If you have a question about a gift of tangible property, please contact Jenny Weil, Director of Advancement, at

Legacy Giving Named in honor of LREI's founder, the society is dedicated to honoring those thoughtful and generous members of the school community who made a provision for LREI through a bequest, life income gift, charitable trust arrangement, or estate plan. Their forward-looking support creates a lasting heritage of leadership at LREI. To join the Elisabeth Irwin Heritage Society, simply inform the Office of Advancement that you have made a provision for LREI in your will.

Director’s Initiatives Our administration may identify a particular program or need and will seek funding from the LREI community. These restricted gifts are for a specific purpose and are separate from The Fund for LREI. We are grateful to our 2019-2020 donors.

LREI 27 News: 2019-2020 Annual Report

THE FOLLOWING DONOR MADE A GIFT OF GOODS OR SERVICES IN SUPPORT OF LREI IN 2019-2020: Anonymous (2) Dawn and Andy Eig Laura Fulmer-Terranova and Vince Terranova Mishi Hosono and Adam Weintraub Ceci and Larry Van Blerkom

THE ELISABETH IRWIN HERITAGE SOCIETY Alma Benney Berson ’58 Alice Bien Buseck ’54† Mitzi Filson Commander David Lamb ’48† Walter Leeds ’54 Andrew McLaren Norman Meisenhelter† Peggy Bones Miles ’58† Macy Navasky† Arthur Norton ’40† Larry Osius ’48† Stephen Prigozy ’48† Sandy Roche Lloyd Saletan ’38† Margery Shine† Harriet Silverman Smith Hannah Stolar Eve Stuart Jay van der Reijden ’87 Nancy Walker and Floyd Hammack Roberta Wallitt ’59 Dolores Duncan Wharton ’45 †

Realized Bequests

DIRECTOR’S INITIATIVES Asia Society The Mandel Foundation


THE FUND FOR LREI VOLUNTEERS Angie Vieira Barocas – co-chair

The Impact of Collective Support

Matthew Bernstein – co-chair Allison Weinger – co-chair Jane Belton Ken Cornick ’90 Dawn Eig Cindy Godoy Wilnelia Gutierrez Jim Harris Amado Hernandez Deborah Hodge Charlie Homet Meredith Homet Allison Jacobs Richard Katz

Gifts to The Fund for LREI, Class of 2020 Senior Gift, and 360 Support Fund at all levels made an impact. Thank you!

Leadership Gifts Giving Level

# of Donors

The Elisabeth Irwin Society ($50,000+)


The Randolph B. Smith Society ($25,000-$49,999)


The Director’s Circle ($10,000-$24,999)


LREI Patron ($5,000-$9,999)


Progressive Partner ($2,500-$4,999)


Centennial Donor ($2,021-$2,499)


Tamar Gargle Krakowiak ’88 Marc Mehl Tim Merjos ’80 Kelsey Nair Yukie Ohta Chakshu Patel Kasey Picayo Karen Rhau Halee Sage David Schab Sekka Scher Elizabeth Simmons Diana Friedman Soldo ’90

Sustainer Gifts Giving Level

# of Donors

LREI Friend ($500-$2,020)


Contributor (Up to $499)


Harriette Thomas Jennifer Walters Jamal Young Amy Ziebarth Want to add your name alongside these fantastic Fund for LREI volunteers? Contact Ryann Imperioli P'33 at to see how you can to help with this crucial LREI initiative!


LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report

LREI 360 Support Fund Donors The 360 Support Fund was created to support community members whose lives and livelihoods were especially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. It was a designated fund giving the director of the school the means to provide immediate financial assistance to students, families, faculty, and staff who lost income and had essential living expenses as a result of the pandemic. Thank you for supporting our community during this challenging time. Anonymous (5) Julie Anderson Brandi Beck and Andy Rosen Amy Berley Carey and Matt Bernstein Maren Berthelsen and Jesse Karp ’87 Beth Binnard

Pippa and Robert Gerard

Allison Oakes

Mary and John Gerzema

Yukie Ohta and Arnaud Gibersztajn

Barrie Glabman and Adam Schwartz

Brigitte and Dave Olsen

Veronica Gomez and Gerardo Ocotl

Harmon Pardoe ’15

Molly Sellner Harris and Jim Harris

Kate Peck

Debbie Hecht and Sean O'Neal

Mary Gail Pezzimenti and David Concannon

Meredith and Charlie Homet Jessica Hwang Ryann and Chris Imperioli Jill Kastner and Timothy Rice Shameena Khan ’07 Rochelle and Warren King Suzanne Koppelman Sarah and David Kreidler Sophia Lo and Hunter Chen Andrew McLaren Elisabeth Mendez Ramsey Merritt Sergei Mikhelson Manjula Nair Jill and Michael Neiberg Susan Now

Kasey and José Picayo Jamie Propp Karen and Foster Provost Lauren Ritchie and Leslie Shatz Michelle Roberts ’91 Renee Rolleri and Matt Goldman Rita Mella and Robert Rosenthal ’80 Marta Sanders and Lincoln Mitchell Lauren and Valdi Sapira Ann Schaumburger Cindy and Dan Schwartz Carol Sedwick and Michael Patrick ’71 Michele and Louis Sharpe Allison Silverman and Adrian Jones Fifi and Michael Simon Charles Smith

Linda and Mark Bledstein Rachael Burton and Michael Abrahams Rory and Mike Byrne Chap and Imani Chapman Barbara Charriez Elaine and Mark Connelly Eva Hoffman and Ken Cornick ’90 Diane and Edward Daley Daniele Dolin and Joseph DeMattia Kerry Donahue and Guy Story Tammy Dunn Kellie Ferguson and Neal Baumann Peter Fernandez Robin Fins and Sam Brian Ariela and Sy Foguel Elizabeth Fosnight and Steve Shipley

Our community was excited to return to campus and celebrate the hard work of our faculty and staff in person.

LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report


Alisa Soriano

Eve Stuart

Paige West

Daniel Soyer

Johanna Walter and Phil Kassen

Kira and Jake Wizner

Christina Starbuck

Jenny Weil and John Samuels

Leadership Donors LREI gratefully acknowledges the following donors who made a gift of $2,021 or more to The 2019-2020 Fund for LREI, Class of 2020 Senior Gift, and/or LREI 360 Support Fund. Alumni from the Class of 2010 or younger who made a gift of $100 or more are also recognized as leadership donors. Thank you all for your support!

Isabelle Autones and Francis Greenburger

Anonymous (7)

Rory and Mike Byrne

Allison Adler and Chris McAninch

Danielle and Young Chase

Denise and Robert Adler

Maria Cilenti and Michael Embler

Jesse Avino-Towsen ’08 Nat Avino-Towsen ’03 Jodi and Craig Balsam Shannon and David Barden Lori Barnhill Dana Ben-Ari and Nikola Duravcevic Carey and Matt Bernstein Haley Binn Rachael Burton and Michael Abrahams

Anjali Dalal and Pamit Surana Claire Danes and Hugh Dancy Juliette DeCarlo and Brian Milberg Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Daniele Dolin and Joseph DeMattia Dawn and Andy Eig Jennifer Elster and Lewis Helfer Lili and Wilson Ervin Claudia and Mark Figliulo Emma and Jonny Fine Katy Fleming and Zvi Ben-Dor Benite Ariela and Sy Foguel Jana Friedman and Sandro Pugliese Laura Fulmer-Terranova and Vince Terranova Pippa and Robert Gerard Barrie Glabman and Adam Schwartz Carol and Hank Goldberg Goldman Sachs Gives Goldman, Sachs & Co. Marjorie and Bruce Goldner Allison Grover Molly Sellner Harris and Jim Harris Susan Harris Kaiko Hayes and Damon Duewhite Julia Heaton and Allan Wellenstein Jennifer and Cameron Hillyer Julie Hirschfeld and Bennett Killmer Eva Hoffman and Ken Cornick ’90

LREI's youngest students begin to develop relationships with the community through the school buddy program. Ariel Allam

Elaine and Mark Connelly

Omar Allam

Shira and Alex Cornfeld

Ariane and Ranjit Arpels-Josiah

Cyndi and Francis Cueto Suysel dePedro Cunningham and David Cunningham


Meredith and Charlie Homet Ben Johnston ’09 Ariel Kaminer and David Schab Stefanie and Daniel Kaufman Jen Kellogg and Tad Sennott Shameena Khan ’07 Angela Kim and Mike Weir

LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report

Lisa Kim and Eunu Chun

Inosi Nyatta and H. Gitonga Kiara

Kira Shalom

Rochelle and Warren King

Brigitte and Dave Olsen

Peter Shankman

Suzanne Koppelman

Purvi and Harsh Padia

Michele and Louis Sharpe

Mary Jo and Richard Kovacevich

Harmon Pardoe ’15

Lauren Ritchie and Leslie Shatz

Tamar Gargle Krakowiak ’88 and Tommy Krakowiak

Blaine McIndoe ’18

Jonathan Smidt

Mona Pine Monroe ’48

Charles Smith

Jamie Propp

Karen Spelliscy and Andrew Wang

Rodney Propp

Simon Staples-Vangel ’12

Karen and Foster Provost

Sadie Stern ’17

Kristin and Austin Ratner

Sheree Stomberg and Peter Firestein

Claudia Ray and Peter Zinman

Eve Stuart

Hope Reeves and Martin Walker

Nina Stuart ’05

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals

Jillkerry and Brian Toolan

Genevieve and Rob Lynch

Harriette Resnick and Michel De Konkoly Thege

Kimbrough Towles and George Loening

Jennifer Lynch and Edmond FitzGerald

Renee Rolleri and Matt Goldman

Manja Lyssy and Ted Schiffman

Julie and Jeff Rosenblum

Jill Magid and Jonathan Bauer

Kim and Joshua Rosenblum

Lisa Mahar and Morris Adjmi

Halee Sage and David Friedman

Lana and James Marina

Orly Sandelowsky and Jared Weinryt

Jill and Marc Mehl

Natalie Sanz ’00 and Mike Lopez

Tim Merjos ’80

Peter Schein

Susan Meyer ’58

Sekka Scher and Steve Williams

Karen Mitchell and Robert Chodock

Susie Scher

Barbara Mueller and William Seiple

Sherri and Steven Schnall

Manoj Nair

Cindy and Dan Schwartz

Anh-Van Nguyen and Tien-Tsin Huang

Tirzah Schwarz and Chuck Goldblum

Tom Nussbaum ’63 and Sharon Seiber

Carol Sedwick and Michael Patrick ’71

Sara Kubersky and Thomas O'Hagan Wendy and Jamie Lawson Julie and Michael Leitner Diane and Alan Lieberman Jean Lince Sophia Lo and Hunter Chen Emily Lu ’19 Sarah Lutz and John van Rens

John Towsen Christy Turlington Burns and Ed Burns Ceci and Larry Van Blerkom Liselotte and Robin Vince Johanna Walter and Phil Kassen Paige West Jon Whelan Paul Williams ’63 and Leslie Berger Felicia Wilson-Miller and Vincent Miller Denise and Vic Zaraya Amy Ziebarth and Miguel Brito Lejla and Slaven Zivkovic

Parents The following parents made a gift to The 2019-2020 Fund for LREI, Class of 2020 Senior Gift, and/or 360 Support Fund. Thank you for your support!

Danielle and Young Chase

Natalie Sanz ’00 and Mike Lopez

Jane and Andrew Dickerson

Stacy Shoemaker and Jonathon Rauen

Laura Fulmer-Terranova and Vince Terranova

Allison Silverman and Adrian Jones

Eksupar and Randy Griffiths

Elizabeth and Peter Thomatos

Heidi Haddad


Ryann and Chris Imperioli


Angela Kim and Mike Weir

Ariel Allam

Momii Roberts and Amilcar Perez

Omar Allam

Jennifer Sagum and Brian Moss

LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report

Harriette Thomas and David Bess Jillkerry and Brian Toolan Meredith Turner and Jared Heller



Jonathan Smidt


Karen Spelliscy and Andrew Wang

Heather Brubaker and Zach Yeskel

Flora Stubbs and David Shaftel

Ana Fox Chaney ’94 and Frank Portella

Felicia Wilson-Miller and Vincent Miller

Chap and Imani Chapman Shira and Alex Cornfeld Paula Davis Juliette DeCarlo and Brian Milberg Crystal Fisher and Arie Deutsch William Glenn Veronica Gomez and Gerardo Ocotl Tasha and Luis Hernandez Angela Kim and Mike Weir Giada and Alexi Lubomirski Manja Lyssy and Ted Schiffman Brian O'Keeffe Francine O'Keeffe Karen and Hernandez Rhau Cindy and Daniel Schwartz Elaine and Joe Titus Meredith Turner and Jared Heller Keisha Wagner-Gaymon and Fredrick Gaymon

FIRST GRADE Anonymous Ariel Allam Omar Allam Heather Campbell and Adam Rosen Claire Danes and Hugh Dancy Amelia and David Gimbel Stephanie and Richard Hofmann Charlynne and Jeff Kovach Gillian Laub and Tahl Raz Jill Magid and Jonathan Bauer Chantale and Owen Mitchell Jennifer Sagum and Brian Moss Orly Sandelowsky and Jared Weinryt Natalie Sanz ’00 and Mike Lopez Kira Shalom Peter Shankman Stacy Shoemaker and Jonathon Rauen


SECOND GRADE Missy Barshay and Frederic Weil Katia Bouazza and Primavera Salvá Juliette DeCarlo and Brian Milberg

Diana Friedman Soldo ’90 and Peter Soldo Karen Spelliscy and Andrew Wang Keisha Wagner-Gaymon and Fredrick Gaymon

FOURTH GRADE Missy Barshay and Frederic Weil Carey and Matt Bernstein

Elizabeth Fosnight and Steve Shipley

Marika Bernstein-Condos and Steve Condos

Jana Friedman and Sandro Pugliese

Micaela Birmingham and Peter Putka

Laura Fulmer-Terranova and Vince Terranova

Heather Campbell and Adam Rosen

Rachel Geman and Andrew Nash Allison Grover Debbie Hecht and Sean O'Neal Jodi Lu and Asa Johnson Purvi and Harsh Padia Peter Schein Susie Scher Sara and Marc Schiller Michele and Louis Sharpe Allison Silverman and Adrian Jones

THIRD GRADE Sarah Barlow and Nick Huston Mala Beckhoff Jane and Andrew Dickerson Jana Friedman and Sandro Pugliese Ariel Kaminer and David Schab Sophia Lo and Hunter Chen Giada and Alexi Lubomirski Melody Marcus and Laurance Kaufman Karen Mitchell and Robert Chodock Hilla Narov and Woody Boley Anh-Van Nguyen and Tien-Tsin Huang Chakshu Patel and Gabriel Ristorucci Denise Pelletier and Tom Murphy Jennifer Sagum and Brian Moss Zena Sfeir and Clem Price-Thomas Michelle and Daniel Silver Lejla and Slaven Zivkovic

Vivian and Christopher Connolly Sofia Coppola and Thomas Croquet Cyndi and Francis Cueto Kerri Fersel Susannah Flicker and Brian Mundy Ken Geist Stephanie and Richard Hofmann Tamara Jenkins and Jim Taylor Charlynne and Jeff Kovach Sara Kubersky and Thomas O'Hagan Wendy and Jamie Lawson Inosi Nyatta and H. Gitonga Kiara Olukemi and Oluwole Olusheki Hadley Spanier and Danny Bennett Jenny Weil and John Samuels Lejla and Slaven Zivkovic

FIFTH GRADE Dana Ben-Ari and Nikola Duravcevic Beth Binnard Megan Brothers and Michael Kirchmann Anjali Dalal and Pamit Surana Daniele Dolin and Joseph DeMattia Jennifer Elster and Lewis Helfer Kellie Ferguson and Neal Baumann Amanda Goodwin and Jake Edelstein Allison Grover Ariel Kaminer and David Schab Lorena Michel-Santiago and Erick Santiago

Jonathan Smidt

LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report

Anh-Van Nguyen and Tien-Tsin Huang

Julie Hirschfeld and Bennett Killmer

Marjorie and Bruce Goldner

Akiko and Hiroshi Okamoto

Meredith and Charlie Homet

Tascha and Daniel Rudder

Sara Kubersky and Thomas O'Hagan

Elizabeth Gonzalez and Nicolo Marcellino

Susie Scher

Jess and Lauren Leslie

Cindy and Daniel Schwartz

Lana and James Marina

Hadley Spanier and Danny Bennett

Olukemi and Oluwole Olusheki

Dina Treanor and Jeffrey Taschler

Sarah Schumann and Tim Myers

Ceci and Larry Van Blerkom

Diana Friedman Soldo ’90 and Peter Soldo


Julie and Jamal Young

Eva Hoffman and Ken Cornick ’90 Cynthia Howells and Lalith Munasinghe Julie and Michael Leitner Genevieve and Rob Lynch Hannah McCouch and Stephen MacGillivray Allison Penn and Armin Harris Sherri and Steven Schnall

Anonymous (2) Mala Beckhoff Marika Bernstein-Condos and Steve Condos Haley Binn Alessandra Brunialti and Paul Yager Rory and Mike Byrne Shira and Alex Cornfeld Dawn and Andy Eig Yael Goverover and Joshua Livnat Eva Hoffman and Ken Cornick ’90 Jonathan Kregsman Christine Matijasic and Michael Molaei Jill and Marc Mehl Yukie Ohta and Arnaud Gibersztajn Purvi and Harsh Padia

We were thrilled to welcome high school students back to Charlton Street on their first day of in-person learning!

Allison Penn and Armin Harris Lisa Primus Momii Roberts and Amilcar Perez

Sylvia Sokol and Eric Bates

Carey Socol


Karen and Corey Stern


Sheree Stomberg and Peter Firestein

Ariane and Ranjit Arpels-Josiah

Kasia and Steve Turbek

Maren Berthelsen and Jesse Karp ’87

Denise and Vic Zaraya

Haley Binn


Sofia Zuberbuhler-Yafar and Jorge Yafar

Megan Brothers and Michael Kirchmann

Anonymous (2)

Christy Turlington Burns and Ed Burns

Shannon and David Barden

Pam and Chris Cloud

Brandi Beck and Andy Rosen

Cyndi and Francis Cueto

Sarah Blustain and Daniel Max

Daniele Dolin and Joseph DeMattia

Marcia and Charles Brinson

Kellie Ferguson and Neal Baumann

Chap and Imani Chapman

Emma and Jonny Fine

Pam and Chris Cloud

Wanda Garcia and Lionel Shockness

Catherine Del Guercio and Luc Gregoire

SEVENTH GRADE Anonymous Dana Ben-Ari and Nikola Duravcevic Suysel dePedro Cunningham and David Cunningham Kerry Donahue and Guy Story Susannah Flicker and Brian Mundy

LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report

Andrea and Adam Taetle Dina Treanor and Jeffrey Taschler Jon Whelan


Stacy Dillon and Scott Raffo


Halee Sage and David Friedman

Kerry Donahue and Guy Story


Jessica and David Saslow

Lili and Wilson Ervin

Amy Berley

Rachel Tigay

Barrie Glabman and Adam Schwartz

Maren Berthelsen and Jesse Karp ’87

Ceci and Larry Van Blerkom

Wilnelia Gutierrez and Luis Cruz

Sophia Brooks and Howard Brunner

Johanna Walter and Phil Kassen

Jane and David Hyun

Christy Turlington Burns and Ed Burns

Dawn Williams and Marty Fluger

Stefanie and Daniel Kaufman

Vivian and Christopher Connolly

Kira and Jake Wizner

Jen Kellogg and Tad Sennott

Diane and Edward Daley

Rochelle and Warren King

Beth and Tim Detraglia

Matt Mandell

Dawn and Andy Eig

Christine and John McFadden

Emma and Jonny Fine

Jessica Millstone and Steve Rivo

Holly Glass

Jill and Michael Neiberg

Philip Glass

Dominic Obaditch

Molly Sellner Harris and Jim Harris

Brigitte and Dave Olsen

Michelle Hobart and Justin Peyser

Olukemi and Oluwole Olusheki

Allison and Jason Isbell

Mimi Park and David Matt

Katharine and Jim L'Heureux

Kristin and Austin Ratner

Joanne and Michael Magee

Sheila Rogers and Hal Willner

Rachel Mann and Joshua Rosenblatt

Sekka Scher and Steve Williams Lisa Segali and John Rotundo

Hannah McCouch and Stephen MacGillivray

April and Arthur Sookra

Hilary and Harold Meltzer

Christina Starbuck

Jamie Propp

Jennifer Walters and James Mitchell

Hope Reeves and Martin Walker

Paige West

Renee Rolleri and Matt Goldman Julie and Jeff Rosenblum

ELEVENTH GRADE Anonymous Allison Adler and Chris McAninch Julie Anderson Meghan Farley Astrachan and Isaac Astrachan Lori Barnhill Rachael Burton and Michael Abrahams Colleen Castle Maria Cilenti and Michael Embler Elaine and Mark Connelly Cyndi and Francis Cueto Stacy Dillon and Scott Raffo Celeste and Brian Dorsey Katy Fleming and Zvi Ben-Dor Benite Ariela and Sy Foguel Sandra Galvis-Peña and Francisco Peña Mary and John Gerzema Elizabeth Gonzalez and Nicolo Marcellino Jennifer and Cameron Hillyer Richard Katz Akemi Kochiyama and Marc Sardinha Denise Kohn and Adam Blank Suzanne Koppelman Lisa Mahar and Morris Adjmi Kathleen and Jason Oliver Mary Gail Pezzimenti and David Concannon Rodney Propp Paula Recart and Roberto Brodsky Lauren Ritchie and Leslie Shatz Andrea and David Robbins

Taking students outdoors and into the world has always been a core component of our progressive program.


Kim and Joshua Rosenblum Scott Schimmel

LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report

Sherri and Steven Schnall

Susan Jackson

Mari Leung

Tirzah Schwarz and Chuck Goldblum

Halee Sage

Jennifer Lynch and Edmond FitzGerald

Sheila Siemion and Thomas Staskowski

Sue Portelli

Joanne and Michael Magee

Julie Siskovic and David O'Brien

Anonymous (2)

Olga and Alexey Mamaev

Lisa and Stephen Trowbridge

Denise and Robert Adler

Christine and Emmanuel Mark-Duruaku

Marika Bernstein-Condos and Steve Condos

Katie and Paul Metzger

Esther Wahrhaftig and Marc Blazer Amy Ziebarth and Miguel Brito

Nancy Botwinik and Selman Sumer

Brigitte and Dave Olsen

Lisa Edwards

Victoria Pierce

Claudia and Mark Figliulo

Karen and Foster Provost

Robin Fins and Sam Brian

Claudia Ray and Peter Zinman

Charlotte Gainsbourg and Yvan Attal

Vicky and Ed Rich

Susan Glass and James Kielian

Halee Sage and David Friedman

Brigitte and David Hershkovits

Marta Sanders and Lincoln Mitchell

Deborah and Roger Hodge

Susie Scher

Amy Hudson

Fifi and Michael Simon

Susan Jackson and Eric Pomerance ’80

Sheree Stomberg and Peter Firestein

Lisa Kim and Eunu Chun

Ada Tolla and Danny Bright

Tamar Gargle Krakowiak '88 and Tommy Krakowiak

Amy Ziebarth and Miguel Brito

Lauren and Valdi Sapira

SENIOR GIFT Each year, families of seniors are asked to make a special contribution to LREI as a Senior Class Gift. This year’s senior gift will provide additional financial aid counseling to students as they move through the college guidance process as well as support for the school’s programs and operations. Thank you for your support! Senior Gift Co-chairs Denise Adler

Barbara Mueller and William Seiple

Emily Faulkner

Trustee and Former Trustee Donors The following current and former trustees made a gift to The 2019-2020 Fund for LREI, Class of 2020 Senior Gift, and/or LREI 360 Support Fund. Thank you for all that you do for LREI! Anonymous Angie Vieira Barocas Maren Berthelsen Eunu Chun Ken Cornick ’90 Suysel dePedro Cunningham Jane Belton Dickerson Dawn Eig Katy Fleming Francis Greenburger Wilnelia Gutierrez Jim Harris

LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report

Julia Heaton

Kimbrough Towles

Deborah Hodge

Jamal Young

Charlie Homet Tamar Gargle Krakowiak ’88


Liz Kurtzman


Tim Merjos ’80

Craig Balsam

Alejandro Montoya ’08

Pippa Gerard

Anh-Van Nguyen

Sarah Lutz

Yukie Ohta

Andrew McLaren

Dave Olsen

Jeannie Park

Purvi Padia

Michael Patrick ’71

Sean Paroff

Sandy Roche

Kasey Picayo

Jim Wiggins

Robert Rosenthal ’80 Halee Sage


Susie Scher


Elizabeth Simmons

Denise Adler

Eve Stuart

Meghan Farley Astrachan Shannon Barden


Nan Cooper

Jim Gadsden ’66

Matthew Rosen

Milena Cornick

Kaiko Hayes

George Rosenfeld

Daniele Dolin

Rudy Jordan

Michel De Konkoly Thege

Kerry Donahue

Stephen MacGillivray

Ceci Van Blerkom

Celeste Dorsey

Susan Meyer ’58

Liselotte Vince

Emma Fine

Victor Navasky ’50

Robbie Wasserman ’63

Kimberley Fiterman-Duepner

Jacqueline Pelzer

Alumni THE 2019-2020 ALUMNI COUNCIL If you would like to get involved with the Alumni Council, contact Elisabeth Ingwersen Mendez, Alumni and Special Events Manager at or 212-477-5316, ext.269 or Violeta Picayo ‘09, Alumni Relations Associate at Tamar Gargle Krakowiak ’88 – President

The following alumni made a gift to The 2019-2020 Fund for LREI, and/or LREI 360 Support Fund. Thank you for your support!

1940s Nancy Dubois Deutsch ’40 Maggie Colt Domini ’40 Peter Davies ’45 Robert Wilkinson ’46 Joseph Lee Colt ’47

Analisa Cipriano Heinz ’05 – Vice President

Phyllis Botner Davies ’47

Matthew Cipriano ’96

Joan Studer Levine ’47

Philip Ellison ’05 – POC Affinity Group Co-leader

Jane Roland Martin ’47

Angela Lowe ’03 – POC Affinity Group Co-leader

Nancy Richards Osman ’48

Emily Baruch Kirby ’47

Olga Landeck Rothschild ’47

Naomi Sheiner ’54 Michael Salmon ’55 Barbara Tessohn Sheck ’55 Susan Brown Toder ’55 Alyce Friedman Assael ’56 Michael Bronson ’56 Judy Tarlau Claps ’56 Adria Fisher Price ’56 Joel Silverman ’56 Donald Coburn ’57 Edward Schoenberger ’57 Elizabeth Tarlau Weingarten ’57 Judy Ogull Kennedy ’58 Susan Meyer ’58 Nancy Brown Schmiderer ’58 Jane Cohn Waldbaum ’58 Michael Bancroft ’59

Vittorio Maestro ’64

Mona Pine Monroe ’48

Tim Merjos ’80

Robert Belenky ’49

Susan Meyer ’58

Stephen Diamond ’49

Ian Patrick ’03

Anne Epstein McWilliams ’49


Adria Fisher Price ’56

Nancy Schaines Merjos ’49

Paul Goldstein ’60

Robert Rosenthal ’80 Diana Friedman Soldo ’90 Akim St. Omer '02 – POC Affinity Group Co-leader

1950s Jeanne Gould Bloom ’50 Victor Navasky ’50 Stephen Earl ’51 Carter Bancroft ’54 Astrid Beigel ’54 Peter Feldman ’54 Stephen Fisher ’54 Leonard Grossman ’54


Sandra Unterman Hoeh ’59 Roberta Wallitt ’59

Marjorie Portnow ’60 Jonathan Wacker ’60 Cora Baron ’61 Kate Spindell Hays ’61 Bridget Leicester ’61 Stephen Bonime ’62 Ann Weisberg Dean ’62 Jane Miller Doyle ’62 Paul Golden ’62 Toni Gerber Hope ’63

LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report

Tom Nussbaum ’63

Adrienne Lindgren Fisher ’77

Serene Longsworth ’97

Robbie Wasserman ’63

Barkley Stuart ’77

Joseph Blodgett ’98

Paul Williams ’63

Andy Hiller ’98

Karl Baker ’64


Jay Beder ’64

Tim Merjos ’80

Amanda Cooke Oballe ’99

Ellen Davidman Coppley ’64

Eric Pomerance ’80

Scott Paris ’99

Josie Segal Gallup ’64

Rosa Silver-Russell ’82

Edwin Torres ’99

Peter Knobler ’64

Amy Barron Forman ’84

Paul Leavin ’64

Alex Hoffman-Stachelberg ’85


Vittorio Maestro ’64

Jesse Karp ’87

Natalie Sanz ’00

Lorraine Maxwell ’64

Alice Maggin ’87

Daniel Manian ’02

Robert Meeropol ’65

Tamar Gargle Krakowiak ’88

Deborah Raji ’02

Robert Miller ’65 Ellen Schall ’65

Anansa Brayton ’99

Rosina Roa ’02


JC Rojas ’02

Jim Gadsden ’66

Ken Cornick ’90

Akim St. Omer ’02

Henry Levy ’66

Diana Friedman Soldo ’90

Nat Avino-Towsen ’03

Sarah Solomon Gordon ’67

Michelle Roberts ’91

Ariel Cohen ’03

Barbara Salz ’68

Melissa Battino ’92

Jessie Euell ’03

Linda Spector ’68

Ayoka Wiles ’92

Angela Lowe ’03

Michael Spector ’68 Andrew Weiss ’68 Kami Peyser Seligman ’69

1970s Polly Estabrook ’70 Bo Sa Tep ’70 Michael Patrick ’71 Madeleine Robins ’71 Peter Karow ’72 Michael Ramoutar ’72 Annj Gumbinner ’73 Joshua Jaffe ’73 Judy Kepes ’73 Lisa Schilit Pearson ’73 Kate Dundes Shattan ’73 Alan Soloway ’73 Nina Wallace ’73 Alan Klugman ’74 Barbara Martinez ’74 Marc Abrams ’75 Ronald Balter ’76 Sandra Clitter ’77

LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report

Supplies lovingly assembled by our faculty and staff for hybrid and remote learning. Ana Fox Chaney ’94

Nick Brown ’04

Wai Wah Cheung Pak ’95

Analisa Cipriano Heinz ’05

Matthew Cipriano ’96

Alicia Fuss ’05

Naomi Enright ’96

Jonathan Segal ’05

Sarah Schur McCarty ’96

Nina Stuart ’05

Martha King ’97

Alison Wiggins ’05


Javier Picayo ’06

Ella Saunders-Crivello ’08


Kamillah Aklaff ’07

Zoe Harris ’09

Montana Jaro ’10

Shameena Khan ’07

Ben Johnston ’09

Margret Wiggins ’11

Lucy Poe ’07

Julie Laufer-Cintron ’09

Hannah Silverman ’12

Lily Wiggins ’07

Lola Lorber ’09

Simon Staples-Vangel ’12 Surayya Diggs ’13 David White ’13 Jason Boehm ’14 Josey Stuart ’14 Isaiah Sullivan ’14 Harmon Pardoe ’15 Camrin Cohen ’16 Mekhi Duewhite ’16 Malcolm McKenzie ’16 Emilio Picayo ’16 Dylan Siegel ’16 Julia Herzfeld ’17 Lucy Hirschfeld ’17 Lindsay Seitz ’17 Sadie Stern ’17

The Lower School Art Show is an opportunity to share the art and woodshop work of our students, from the 4s to the fourth grade.

Lucas Wong ’17 Blaine McIndoe ’18 Bruce Doyle ’19 Emily Lu ’19

Jesse Avino-Towsen ’08

Caroline Noonan ’09

Rose Merjos ’19

Alejandro Montoya ’08

Violeta Picayo ’09

Daniela Pierro ’19 Julia Meltzer ’20

Alumni Parents Cleo Banks

Maria Cilenti and Michael Embler

Shannon and David Barden

Grace Cohen

Linda and Mark Bledstein

Lori Cohen and Christopher Rothko

Diane and William Blumenthal

Dalton Conley

Michelle and Michael Boehm

Patricia and Gentry Cooke

Mary Ellis Bookbinder

Nan Rothschild Cooper

Katia Bouazza and Primavera Salvá

Sofia Coppola and Thomas Croquet

Rise and Howard Brown

Milena and Bernard Cornick

Tracy Butler and Mark Silberberg

Anne Cumberbatch

Ronda and Frank Chaney

Diane and Edward Daley

Sara Baerwald

Chap and Imani Chapman

Celeste and Brian Dorsey

Jodi and Craig Balsam

Jacqueline Scott Chaykin and Dan Chaykin

Joyce Doyle and Bo Doyle, Jr.

The following alumni parents made a gift to The 2019-2020 Fund for LREI, Class of 2020 Senior Gift, and/or the LREI 360 Support Fund. Thank you for your continued support! Anonymous (4) Denise and Robert Adler Isabelle Autones and Francis Greenburger


LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report

Kate Edgar and Allen Furbeck

Sarah and David Kreidler

Lili and Wilson Ervin

Liz Kurtzman and Marc Hirschfeld

Claudia and Mark Figliulo

Elizabeth Lasdon

Kimberley Fiterman-Duepner and Gregory Duepner

Mari Leung

Eileen Fitzpatrick and Ralph Grishman Christine Fleming and Jim Wiggins Ariela and Sy Foguel Carolyn Fuss Charlotte Gainsbourg and Yvan Attal Sandra Galvis-Pena and Francisco Pena Martha Gargle Pippa and Robert Gerard Holly Glass Philip Glass Susan Glass and James Kielian Marjorie and Bruce Goldner Marla Gordon and Nicholas Messina Helga Grunberg and Andrew Weiss ’68 Sandy Gubar Melinda Hackett Sharyn Hahn Susan Harris Kaiko Hayes and Damon Duewhite

Kim Lew Harriet Lieber Jean Lince Sharon Lu and Edward Lu Sarah Lutz and John van Rens Alice Maggin ’87 and Wayne Nelson Robert Marquez Lynn Martin Andrew McLaren Hilary and Harold Meltzer Nancy Schaines Merjos ’49 Tim Merjos ’80 Katie and Paul Metzger Grisselle Nadal Susan Now Dominic Obaditch Brigitte and Dave Olsen Wendy Oxenhorn Jeannie Park

Nancy Watt Rosenfeld and George Rosenfeld Joyce and Steven Rosenthal Leslie Satin and Dean Rainey Susie Scher Joan Brodsky Schur and Edwin Schur Georgia Silvera Seamans and Robert Seamans Carol Sedwick and Michael Patrick ’71 Nancy Shapiro Martha Spanninger Christina Starbuck Merril Stern Sheree Stomberg and Peter Firestein Janet Strain and Larry Fuchsman Barkley Stuart ’77 Eve Stuart Ena Swansea and Antoine Guerrero Andrea and Adam Taetle Tema and Howard Tischler Kimbrough Towles and George Loening John Towsen Cary Trochesset and Matthew Rosen Marilyn Vasta and Ronald Kuby

Julia Heaton and Allan Wellenstein

Lisa Schilit Pearson ’73 and Stephen Pearson

Eva Hoffman and Ken Cornick ’90

Peggy Peloquin and Christopher Hart

Attilia Kalmus

Kasey and José Picayo

Marjorie Kalter and Robbie Wasserman

Victoria Pierce

Jill Kastner and Timothy Rice

Sujan Hong-Raphael and Daniel Raphael

Lawrence White

Gabrielle Keller

Harriette Resnick and Michel De Konkoly Thege

Ka Yee Wong and Eugene Wong Mary Young and Ruben Olmedo

Peggy Resnick

Lejla and Slaven Zivkovic

Savitrie and Ibrahim Khan Lisa Kim and Eunu Chun Michelle and Robert King Akemi Kochiyama and Marc Sardinha

Veronica Vega and Stephen Herrera Tucker Viemeister Liselotte and Robin Vince Johanna Walter and Phil Kassen

Leslie Richartz and Andrew Hoffer Sandy Roche

Grandparents and Alumni Grandparents The following grandparents made a gift to The 2019-2020 Fund for LREI and/or LREI 360 Support Fund. Thank you for your support! Anonymous

Polly Condit

Nancy Farley

Molly and Edward Burns

Milena and Bernard Cornick

Martha Gargle

Ronda and Frank Chaney

Gayle and Gordon Dragt

Carol and Hank Goldberg

LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report


Barbara and David Grigsby

Nancy Schaines Merjos ’49

Marilyn and Don Silberberg

Babette and Calvin Haddad

Eileen and John Mundy

Linda Silverman

Mimi Jigarjian

Martha Sarno

Mickey and Marv Slind

Mary Jo and Richard Kovacevich

Eileen Schein

Sharon and Howard Socol

Diane and Alan Lieberman

Judy and Stephen Sears

Faculty and Staff The following current and former faculty and staff made a gift to The 2019-2020 Fund for LREI, Class of 2020 Senior Gift, and/or LREI 360 Support Fund. Thank you for your support and all you do for LREI!

Ted Desimone

Judy Lambek

Jane Belton Dickerson

Aedin Larkin

Stacy Dillon

Paola Leaño Peralta

Celeste Dorsey

Daniel Li

Eileen Dougherty

Harriet Lieber

Damon DueWhite

Kara Luce

Tammy Dunn

Joanne MacDonald


Shauna Finn

Stephen MacGillivray

Sherezada Acosta

Susannah Flicker

Judith Mack

Megan Ashforth

James French

Joanne Magee

Meghan Farley Astrachan

Jessica Gardiner

Margaret Magee Paul

Jacqueline Baker

Maria Glander

Josh Marks

Shafeiq Baksh

Susan Glass

Jorge Marrón

Sarah Barlow

Elizabeth Gonzalez

Elisabeth Mendez

Mala Beckhoff

Amanda Goodwin

Ramsey Merritt

Jessica Bell

Sharyn Hahn

Sergei Mikhelson

Beth Binnard

Karima Hassan

Hannah Miller

Michele Blackwell

Peter Heinz

Matthew Milton

Mark Bledstein

Luis Hernandez

Sarvjit Moonga

Dan Bobrowski

Tasha Hernandez

Tom Murphy

Michelle Boehm

Pat Higgiston

Manjula Nair

Heather Brubaker

Deborah Hodge

Susan Now

Randy Burd

Kellen Howell

Kelly O'Shea

Ann Carroll

Jessica Hwang

Kate Peck

Jerry Cascio

Ryann Imperioli

Peggy Peloquin

Rohan Cassells

Allison Isbell

Adele Pelz

Ana Fox Chaney ’94

Renee Jenkins

Linda Perlmutter

Chap Chapman

Joan Jubett

Violeta Picayo ’09

Barbara Charriez

Alexis Kahan

Joy Piedmont

Suzanne Cohen

Jesse Karp ’87

Sandra Ramirez

Charlene Cruz-Cerdas

Phil Kassen

Dan Raphael

Candice Cunard

Gabrielle Keller

Debra Rawlins

Ava Dawson

Jessie Kirk

Peggy Resnick

Michel De Konkoly Thege

Elise Knudson

Momii Roberts


LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report

Ann Schaumburger Sarah Schuman Jonathan Segal ’05 Charissa Sgouros Mary Shea Mark Silberberg Karyn Silverman Elizabeth Simmons Alli Skulnik Chloe Smock Carey Socol Alisa Soriano Ariane Stern Jennifer Hubert Swan

High school students organize, host, and perform at our Coffee House.

Alyssa Swart Jessica Tan Tema Tischler

Jenny Weil

Mary Young

Antonio Valle

Nicholas Wight

Catherine Zhong

Calvin Walds

Candace Williams

Toby Zitsman

Former Faculty and Staff Anonymous

Amy Barron Forman ’84

Sandy Roche

Cleo Banks

Pippa Gerard

Matthew Rosen

Mark Bledstein

Julia Heaton

Nancy Watt Rosenfeld

Kate Brown

Jean Lince

Andrew Weiss ’68

Analisa Cipriano Heinz ’05

Andrew McLaren

Grace Cohen

L.J. Mitchell

Friends, Foundations, and Corporations Does your company have a matching gifts program? Please contact your HR department to see if you could double or triple the impact of your gift!

Anonymous (2)

Coydog Foundation

AmazonSmile Foundation

Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation

Ardea Partners LP

Peter Fernandez

Arsenal Capital Management

Fidelity Charitable

Bank of America Charitable Foundation

The Gluckman Foundation

The following friends, foundations, and corporations made a gift to The 2019-2020 Fund for LREI, Class of 2020 Senior Gift, and/or LREI 360 Support Fund:

Bernard F. and Alva. B. Gimbel Foundation

Goldman Sachs Gives

Brookfield Office Properties, Inc.

Google, Inc.

LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report

Carnegie Corporation of New York Cecil Robbins Memorial Fund Community Foundation of New Jersey

Goldman, Sachs & Co. The H&R Block Foundation The Harry and Helen Cohen Charitable Foundation


Jewish Communal Fund

Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts

Starry Night Fund

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals

J.P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund

Rooster AB Charitable Fund

The Thomas Phillips and Jane Moore Johnson Foundation

Macy's Foundation

Schwab Charitable

The Mandel Foundation

Shaftel Family Foundation

Meredith Corporation Foundation

Silicon Valley Community Foundation

Morgan Stanley Gift Fund

Charles Smith

Manoj Nair

Daniel Soyer

New York Community Trust

The Stuart Family Foundation

Allison Oakes

Stuart Four Square Fund

Vanguard Charitable The Walt Disney Company Foundation The Warner Fund Inc. Wheeler Benitas LLC

Tribute Gifts LREI is pleased and proud to accept gifts made in memory of a loved one or in honor of teachers, family, friends, or special occasions.

In honor of Steffi Finberg Graham ’62:

In honor of Randolph B. Smith:

Jane Miller Doyle ’62

Sandra Unterman Hoeh ’59

In honor of Phil Kassen:

In memory of Alan Soloway ’73:

Liselotte and Robin Vince

Kevin Carey, Richard Dobrow, Jocelyn Jezierny, B Diane King and Claire E Coleman, LLC Department, Laura and Robert Nash, VCU School of Business In honor of Eve Stuart’s birthday: Peter Fernandez In memory of Eva Amaya and Charlie Weinryt: Orly Sandelowsky and Jared Weinryt In memory of Susan Avino: Nat Avino-Towsen ’03 Jesse Avino-Towsen ’08 John Towsen In memory of Flora Friedland Bryant ’56: Amy Barron Forman’84

Thanks to the tireless efforts of our entire faculty and staff, our students have safe and accessible learning this year! In honor of my education at LREI:

In honor of Angela Davis ’61:

Scott Paris ’99

Paul Leavin ’64

In honor of Margaret Andrews:

In honor of Cayla Robbins:

Mekhi Duewhite ’16

Andrea and David Robbins

In memory of Alan Gargle ’46: Martha Gargle Tamar Gargle Krakowiak ’88 In memory of David Glaser: Barbara Martinez ’74 In memory of Leonard Gubar: Eve Stuart In memory of Dave Kimball: Jess and Lauren Leslie


LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report

In memory of Julius Portnow:

In memory of David Soyer ’46:

In memory of Marie Weiss:

Marjorie Portnow ’60

Daniel Soyer

Eve Stuart

In memory of Alan S. Rosenthal ’40:

In memory of Stuart Steckler ’69:

Andrew Weiss ’68 and Helga Grunberg

Ann Oliver ’47

Kami Peyser Seligman ’69

In memory of Louis Sarlin HON’99:

In memory of Alison Van Dyke:

Marjorie Portnow ’60

Donald Coburn ’57

In memory of Seth Schapiro ’49:

In memory of Marcia Wallace:

Eve Stuart

Nina Wallace ’73

In memory of Randolph B. Smith:

In memory of Max Fleming Warren ’00:

Sandra Unterman Hoeh ’59

Natalie Sanz ’00

The following donor supported the Julia Rose Wilbur Fund to benefit scholarships for Summers at LREI: Scott Schimmel We have endeavored to accurately list all donors and volunteers. If we have made an error or omissions, please accept our apologies and contact

Parents Association 2019-2020 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE


Co-presidents and PA Representatives to Board of Trustees

This free, biennial community fundraiser is a celebration of visual art and our community. The 2020 Auction was postponed, but we are grateful to the 2019-2020 committee for their hard work.

Maren Berthelsen Anh-Van Nguyen Lower School Vice-president Jana Friedman

Jackie Collins – MS co-chair 2019-2021

Middle School Vice-presidents

Scott Ferguson – HS co-chair 2019-2020

Daniele Dolin

Monica Manzutto – HS co-chair 2020-2021

Liz Parks Christina Starbuck Ada Tolla JJ Veronis Claudia Vieira Denise Zaraya


High School Vice-presidents

Gabriel Shuldiner ’90 - Alumni co-chair 2020-2021

Mya Dunlop

Rodney White – LS co-chair 2019-2021

Hilary Meltzer

Denise Adler

Creates opportunities for parents and children to participate together in community service. This committee organizes a calendar of family-friendly volunteer activities that engage parents and students from all school divisions.

Maren Berthelson

Kellie Ferguson – co-chair

Merv Gerretson

Cindy Godoy – co-chair

Kathleen Gersh

Treasurer Sasha Best

Arnaud Gibersztajn


Denise Adler

Charles (Chuck) Goldblum

Ariane Arpels-Josiah

Deborah Winokur

Philipp Klingelhofer

Michelle Atienza

Lower School Coordinator

Sarah Lutz

Shannon Barden

Erika Kutrieb

Jill Magid

Angie Vieira Barocas

Melody Marcus

Missy Barshay-Weil

Kat McCord

Missy Basile

Andrew Nash

Megan Brothers

Anh-Van Nguyen

Thais Brown

Yukie Ohta

Zoe Buckman

Hiroshi Okamoto

Mike Campbell

Middle School Coordinator Kobi Wu-Pasmore High School Coordinator Holly Glass

LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report


Chap Chapman

Stefanie Kaufman

Ayelet Segal

Karen Cockrell

Erin Kellerman

Zena Sfeir

Kelsey Collins

Angela Kim

Melissa Silver

Shira Cornfeld

Warren King

Michelle Silver

Sofia Coppola

Jen Klass

Lunie Small

Rosemary Corbett

Gary Kravetz

Lizz Smith

Suysel dePedro Cunningham

Erika Kutrieb

Diana Soldo ’90

Anjali Dalal

Harriet Lieber

Karen Stern

Nithya Das

Alexi Lubomirski

Eric Stone

Rajat Das

Alison Lynn

Fain Sutter

Richelle Davies

Rachel Mann

Andrea Taetle

Juliette DeCarlo

Christine Mark-Duruaku

Shailee Upadhyaya

Cathy Del Guercio

Natalie McDonald

Ceci Van Blerkom

Anne Marie Denson

Robin McIntyre

Dave Ward

Amy DiBernardo

Elisabeth Ingwersen Mendez

Allison Weigner

Daniele Dolin

Chantale Mitchell

Susie Williams

Theo Dotson

Riva Naimark ’87

Deborah Winokur

Dawn Eig

Navia Nguyen

Abbe Winter

Lili Ervin

Hannah Notaro

Kobi Wu-Pasmore

Emily Faulkner

Francine O'Keeffe

Kate Zaloom

Hedy Parsia Fawkes

Yukie Ohta

Denise Zaraya

Karla Fernandes-Vogel

Brigitte Olsen

Lejla Zivkovic

Matt Fernandes-Vogel

Bess Oransky

Sofia Zuberbuhler

Kerri Fersel

Susan Paroff

Claudia Figliulo

Dee Pelletier

Emma Fine

Sandra Galvis Peña

Elizabeth Fosnight

Allison Penn

Jody Gardner

Flore Peralte

Cris Goodhart

Jamie Propp

Greer Goodman

Stefanie Rapp

Yael Goverover

Tahl Raz

Allison Grover

Meg Reiss

Kelli Harding

Karen Rhau

Susan Harris

Vicky Rich

Eva Hoffman

Daphne Rubin-Vega

Michelle Eden Humphrey

Halee Sage

Tamara Jenkins

Pam Salisbury

Michi Jigarjian

Primavera Salvá

Shindy Johnson

Jessica Saslow

Kristina Kahn

Sonia Satra

Deedee Kalo-Cunningham

Nancy Schein

Rhoda Kanaaneh

David Schwimmer


FACULTY AND STAFF APPRECIATION COMMITTEE Organizes and coordinates opportunities for families to celebrate the faculty and staff at LREI. Missy Basile – co-chair Jill Schuck Taylor – co-chair Elizabeth Fosnight – co-chair Richelle Davies Sofia Hernandez Pernille Jamil Grace Klingelhofer Melody Marcus Francine O'Keefe Nancy Schein Karen Stern Claudia Vieira

LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report


Veronica Gomez

Bess Oransky

Danielle Gunlock

Tahl Raz

Supports PA-sponsored events and other committees in need of catchy flyers, posters, and social media graphics. Volunteer graphic designers and illustrators create communication materials for PA events and activities.

Navin Gupta

Meg Reiss

Hale Gurland

Heather Ross

James Harris

Liz Ross

Debbie Hecht

Primavera Salvá

Amado Hernandez

Nicole Sanz

Stephanie Hofmann

Nancy Schein

Ryann Imperioli

Sara Schiller

Asa Johnson

Bernd Schoner

Kristina Kahn

Cindy Schwartz

Deedee Kalo

Josephine Shin

Angela Kim

Allison Silverman

Grace Klingelhofer

Lunie Small

Erika Kutrieb

Vincent Terranova

Sophia Lo

Brian Toolan

Valeska Bachauer Heather Ross IIya Startsev

HALLOWEEN FAIR COMMITTEE Thrills the LREI children with this community event. The Halloween Fair features eerie entertainment, creepy games, frightful arts & crafts, a costume parade, and more! Juliette DeCarlo – co-chair Laura Fulmer-Terranova – co-chair Francine O'Keeffe – co-chair Ariel Allam Kerry Barile David Bess Micaela Birmingham Michael Campbell Rob Chodock Karen Cockrell Shira Cornfeld Nithya Das Richelle Davies Amy DiBernardo Ian DiBernado Daniele Dolin

Our music curriculum engages students with music from multiple cultures, styles, and genres.

Kelly Driscoll Dawn Eig Jennifer Elster Kerri Fersel Elizabeth Fosnight Jana Friedman Jody Gardner Cindy Godoy

LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report

Mike Maurice

Jillkerry Toolan

Brian Milberg

Tyson Toussant

Sienna Miller

Wendy Vincent

Karen Mitchell

Keisha Wagner-Gaymon

Kelsey Nair

Liz Wolff

Navia Nguyen

Denise Zaraya

Brian O'Keeffe


KARAMU COMMITTEE Karamu is a celebration of diversity, art, and cultural heritage that brings our community together every year. It is the true expression of the LREI mission centered on deepening our understanding of each other.

Elizabeth Fosnight

Kobi Wu-Pasmore

Fred Gaymon

Sofia Zuberbuhrler-Yafar

Holly Glass Marlowe Glass Sofia Hernandez and Rodney White Stephanie and Rick Hofmann

7th Grade Volunteers: Suko Bey Dash Cosaboom-Son Alden Homet Gray Pasmore Raine Robertson

LITERARY COMMITTEE Enriches the literary life at LREI, organizing the annual Book Week, Book Fair, Literary Evening, and Book Swap. Cathy Del Guercio – co-chair Lorri Shackelford – co-chair Denise Adler Brandi Beck Marika Bernstein-Condos Pamela Calla Heather Campbell Shira Cornfeld The Lower School celebrated their efforts to create a kind and respectful community with Pajama Day!

Carolann Daniel Nithya Das Rajat Das

Lejla Zivkovic – co-chair

Charlie and Meredith Homet

Stacy Dillon

Rosella Molinu – co-chair

Charlynne Kovach

Daniele Dolin

Denise Adler

Erika and Benson Kutrieb

Tracey Edwards

Danielle Gunlock

Sophia Lo

Dawn Eig

Kimberly Hill

Jill Mehl

Emily Faulkner

Lunie Small

Lorena Michel-Santiago

Laura Fulmer-Terranova

Keisha Wagner-Gaymon

Felicia Miller

Sandra Galvis-Peña

Claire Ziegler

Francine O'Keeffe

Jody Gardner

Special thanks to:

Bess Oransky

Marty Gargle

Emmanuel Alexandre

Nicole Sanz

Ken Geist

Tracy Anderson

Bejal Shah

Rachel Geman

Matt Bernstein

Josephine Shin

Cindy Godoy

Jovan Clay

Michelle Silver

Yael Goverover

Karen Cockrell

Diana Friedman Soldo ’90

Kelli Harding

Njemile Davis

April Sookra

Molly Harris

Annie Denson

Karen Spelliscy

Amado Hernandez

Lydia Doctoroff

Flora Stubbs

Cynthia Howells

Daniele Dolin

Shailee Udani

Amy Hudson

Jana Friedman

Natalya Wittman and David Larkin

Susan Jackson


LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report


Shindy Johnson

Michelle Silver

Michelle Kaminsky

Karyn Silverman

Jesse Karp ’87

Lunie Small

Susan Kerner

J. Smith-Cameron

Elyse Kreitman

Jennifer Hubert Swan

Manja Lyssy

Jill Schuck Taylor

Sienna Miller

Marlene Veloso

Theo Dotson – co-chair

Flore Moise

Wendy Vincent

Molly Sellner Harris – co-chair

Riva Naimark ’87

Keisha Wagner-Gaymon

Eva Hoffman – co-chair

Navia Nguyen

Kira Wizner

Sherri Schnall – co-chair

Francine O'Keeffe

Caitlin Zaloom

Marika Bernstein-Condos

Bess Oransky

Sofia Zuberbuhler

Thais Brown

Dee Pelletier Allison Penn Latir Primus Karen Rhau

Joe Titus

LREI CAMPING TRIP Sponsors and organizes the annual LREI Family Camping Trip each spring.

Kate Rice

Dan Galpern – co-chair

Lauren Ritchie

Charlie Homet – co-chair

Adam Rosen Donna Ross Heather Ross Halee Sage Natalie Sanz ’00 David Schwimmer Iliana Sherak

Promotes athletic participation among LREI students and encourages school spirit at LREI games. Organizes the annual Spirit Game, a lively faculty vs. student basketball game.

SCHOOL STORE COORDINATORS Handle the design, production, and sale of school merchandise. The store opens periodically throughout the school year.

SUSTAINABLE LREI Finding ways to make LREI a more ecofriendly environment through tangible short and long term initiatives, this committee raises green awareness throughout the school, sponsoring Earth Month events and various community service actions like drives and recycling events. Giada Lubomirski – co-chair

Sophia Lo

Diana Friedman Soldo ’90 – co-chair

Bess Oransky

Jody Gardner – co-chair

Diana Friedman Soldo ’90

Affinity Groups for discussion include language instruction, student recruitment and retention, and cultural education.

Richelle Davies

Charlynne Kovach – co-chair

Pinky Fung ’02

Josephine Shin – co-chair

Eksupar Griffiths

Dee Pelletier – co-chair

Shailee Udani – co-chair

Navin Gupta

Denise Adler – co-chair

Ariane Arpels-Josiah

Renu Gupta

Ranjit Arpels-Josiah

Mishi Hosono

Michelle Atienza

Cynthia Howells-Munasinghe

Matt Bernstein

Jessica Hwang

Helen Chen

Jennifer Jang

Anjali Dalal

Rhoda Kanaaneh

Nithya Das

Angela Kim

Rajat Das

Christine Kim

ADOPTION COMMITTEE Provides a monthly forum for members to discuss some of the specific needs and issues encountered by parents and children touched by adoption.

ASIAN AMERICAN FAMILIES COMMITTEE Provides a forum for discussion and social interaction for families with roots in Asia and throughout the Pacific Rim, including adoptive and multiracial families. Some issues

LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report

Lydia Doctoroff Lili Ervin


Lisa Kim Charlynne Kovach Shannon Lai Laura Laqui Min Lew Sophia Lo Genevieve Lynch Josh Marks Anh-Van Nguyen Navia Nguyen Yukie Ohta Akiko Okamoto Hiroshi Okamoto Purvi Padia Dorothy Pao Chakshu Patel Robin Reif Momii Roberts Somini Sengupta Bejal Shah Josephine Shin Diana Son Karen Spelliscy Ariane Stern Jessica Tan Michael Thandi Preethi Thomas JaYoung Thomatos Shailee Udani Andrew Wang Mengli Wang Adam Weintraub Cynthia Wong Kobi Wu-Pasmore Julie Young Catherine Zhong Lejla Zivkovic


AZÚCAR! Connects the Latino/a community across all divisions of LREI including students, parents, and faculty. In addition to supporting Spanish language proficiency, the members coordinate activities that focus on Latino/a culture and heritage. Sofia Hernández – co-chair Primavera Salvá – co-chair

GENDER SEXUALITY ALLIANCE Works towards a greater understanding of, and sensitivity to, LGBTQIA+ issues in all areas of school life. Committee members meet and sponsor events, including the Visibility Photography Exhibit, and the annual Pride Parade. Matt Bernstein – chair Denise Adler Amy Berley Katia Bouazza Juliet Burrows Maritza Castro-Rendon ’05 Shira Cornfeld Cathy Del Guercio Kerry Donahue

Susie Scher Scott Schimmel Josephine Shin Lunie Small Kobi Wu-Pasmore

PARENTS OF CHILDREN OF COLOR The POCOC provides a forum for discussion on the needs and concerns of parents raising children of color. Parents can seek a dialogue and provide support on common issues. This affinity group welcomes parents of any race or ethnicity who are raising children of color. Kim Hill – co-chair Meg Reiss – co-chair

WHITE PARENTS ANTI-RACIST GROUP (WARPAG) WARPAG is a group of white parents at LREI who are committed to ending racism, have anger and questions about systemic racism, have shame/ guilt about our internalized racism, and believe we - being accountable to people of color - can contribute to a more racially just world.

Allison Grover

Shira Cornfeld – co-chair

Kelli Harding

Kerry Donahue – co-chair

Debbie Hecht

Cynthia Howells-Munasinghe – co-chair

Elisabeth Jones Hennessy

Denise Adler

Sofia Hernandez

Ariel Allam

Kim Hill

Julie Anderson

Becky Johnson

Ariane Arpels-Josiah

Jodi Lu Johnson

Isaac-Daniel Astrachan

Laura Laqui

Angie Vieira Barocas

Kirsten Lentz

Brandi Beck

Lauren Leslie

Jane Belton

Christine Mark-Duruaku

Dana Ben-Ari

Francine O'Keeffe

Amy Berley

Mary Gail Pezzimenti

Becky Berstler

Peter Putka

Maren Berthelsen

Primavera Salvá

Thais Brown

LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report

Ana Fox Chaney ’94

Chris Imperioli

Lauren Ritchie

Chris Cloud

Ryann Imperioli

Andrea Robbins

Vivian Connolly

Allison Isbel

Kim Rosenblum

Rosemary Corbett

Hugh Jackman

Halee Sage

Alex Cornfeld

Michi Jigarjian

Natalie Sanz ’00

Juliette DeCarlo

Rhoda Kanaaneh

Sarah Schumann

Cathy DelGuerico

Jesse Karp ’89

Cindy Schwartz

Beth DeTraglia

Phil Kassen

Daniel Schwartz

Daniele Dolin

Jill Kastner

Amanda Silverman

Dawn Eig

Melissa Kelly

Cary Socol

Chris Fleming

Susan Kerner

Diana Friedman Soldo ’90

Jody Gardner

Sarah Kresberg

Guy Story

Mary Gerzema

Anna Magliocco

Cynthia Summers

Arnaud Gibersztajn

Rachel Mann

Jill Schuck Taylor

Daniel Gordon

Jill Mehl

Ceci Van Blerkom

Yael Goverover

Marc Mehl

Ashley Vellano

Heidi Haddad

Brian Mundy

Marlene Veloso

Kelli Harding

Francine O'Keeffe

Jenny Weil

Jim Harris

Bess Oransky

Jil Weinstock

Molly Sellner Harris

Liz Parks

Jake Wizner

Debbie Hecht

Dee Pelletier

Kira Wizner

Michelle Hobart

Kasey Picayo

Amy Ziebarth

Deborah Hodge

Jamie Propp

Lejla Zivkovic

Eva Hoffman

Stefanie Rapp

Charlie Homet

Austin Ratner

Class Representatives 2019-2020 4s

Peter Shankman


Arial Allam

Allison Weinger

Becky Berstler

Laura Fulmer-Terranova Adrian Jones Natalie Sanz ’00

SECOND GRADE Juliette DeCarlo Cris Goodhart

Nithya Das Stephanie Rapp Shailee Udani


Debbie Hecht


Shira Cornfeld

Josephine Shin

Sasha Best

Francine O'Keeffe Bess Oransky Karen Rhau


Anjali Dalal Susan Kerner

Rob Chodock

Alison Lynn

Jenn Sagum

Ceci Van Blerkom


Michelle Silver

Heather Campbell

Lejla Zivkovic

Grace Klingelhofer

LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report





Yael Goverover

Theo Dotson

Jill Mehl

Dawn Eig

Ryann Imperioli P’33 Director of Annual Giving

Jill Schuck Taylor

Emma Fine

Denise Zaraya

Holly Glass

Elisabeth Ingwersen Mendez Alumni and Special Events Manager

SEVENTH GRADE Emily Faulkner

Kathryn Huarte Michelle Jassem Ceci Van Blerkom

Sarah Schumann

Jorge Marrón Communications Manager Kate Peck Advancement Services Manager Violeta Picayo ’09 Alumni Relations Associate Jenny Weil P’24, ’28 Director of Advancement

Diana Friedman Soldo ’90


ELEVENTH GRADE Rachael Burton Elaine Connelly

Cyndi Cueto

Mary Gerzema

Kellie Ferguson

Mishi Hosono

Cynthia Howells

Jill Miller Katz

Andrea Taetle

Liz Parks


Esther J. Wahrhaftig

Shannon Barden


Missy Basile

Denise Adler

Cathy Del Guercio

Emily Faulkner

Kerry Donahue

Claudia Figliulo

Stefanie Kaufman

Susan Jackson

Christine Kim

Susan Portelli

Jill Neiberg

Halee Sage

Mimi Park

Amy Ziebarth

April Sookra Claudia Vieira Jennifer Walters Paige West

Buddies bonding over a favorite book.


LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report

Alumni Events 2021 Please note: All event locations and details are subject to change as we follow COVID-19 safety protocols and updates. All events listed are currently scheduled to take place remotely. For the most current information, please visit our website: Alumni Council Meeting

Thursday, January 21, 2021, 6:30p.m.–8:00p.m.

Alumni Archive Night

Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 6:00p.m.–8:00p.m.

Alumni Council Meeting

Thursday, March 4, 2021, 6:30p.m.–8:00p.m.

Fifth Alumni Annual Giving Challenge

Monday, March 8 - Friday, March 12, 2021

Art Auction*

Spring TBD

Alumni Council Meeting

Thursday, May 6, 2021, 6:30p.m.–8:00p.m.

Breakfast for Alumni with Current Students

Wednesday, May 12, 2020, 8:45a.m.–10:00a.m.

Reunion Weekend 2021*

Friday, June 4, 2021–Saturday, June 5, 2021

Alumni Basketball Game*

Friday, June 4, 2021

Pride March 2021*

June 27, 2021

Alumni Affinity Group Meetings and Events



denotes an event that is open to alumni families, as well as alumni.

Please contact the Alumni Office at if you would like to help with planning and outreach for Reunion 2021!* Follow us on social media for alumni updates and event details: Facebook: @LREIAlumni Instagram: @LREIAlums StoryLab is our on-going oral history project. Want to add a memory to our StoryLab archive? Email to arrange a remote recording session!

LREI is Turning 100! We are postponing our Centennial Celebration until we can safely gather in person. We are so looking forward to coming together to celebrate this exciting moment in LREI's history! Be on the lookout for these upcoming events during our 2021-2022 Centennial Celebration: • Archives Exhibition • Speaker Series Event • Alumni Reunion • Street Fair • And more!

LREI News: 2019-2020 Annual Report


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Time Capsule

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We are living through a historic moment. You have the power to shape history by contributing to the LREI Quarantine Time Capsule, a digital record of how we, as a community and as individuals, lived through the COVID-19 pandemic. For further information or to view a gallery of submissions, please visit or email

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