TEXTBOOK/WEB Food Glorious Food Is Anybody Out There? Nothing Succeeds Like Success Georgia on My Mind The Environment Music / Global Connections
Jörgen Tholin · Rigmor Eriksson · Moira Linnarud
Joan Boesen & Marianne Rosendal
TEXTBOOK/WEB Joan Boesen & Marianne Rosendal © 2011 Alinea, København – et forlag under Lindhardt og Ringhof Forlag A/S, et selskab i Egmont © Jörgen Tholin, Rigmor Eriksson, Moira Linnarud og Liber AB, Stockholm Mekanisk, fotografisk, elektronisk eller anden gengivelse af denne bog eller dele heraf er kun tilladt efter Copy-Dans regler. Forlagsredaktion Sissel Amundsen Jan Krogh Larsen Omslagsdesign Poul Lange Grafisk tilrettelægning Ulla Korgaard mDD, Designeriet Trykkeri Livonia Print 3. udgave 5. oplag 2016 ISBN: 978-87-23-04002-2 www.alinea.dk
Find the
website at alinea.dk/apieceofcake
FOOD, GLORIOUS FOOD! Some Sayings You Are What You Eat Smart Snacks Be in the Know About Eating Disorders The Wormy Spaghetti Bud, Not Buddy Food, Glorious Food!
6 6 7 8 10 12 14 16
IS ANYBODY OUT THERE? Big Questions! The Solar System Universal Geniuses What Is Your Sign? What Else Is Out There? What's That I Spy? Space Tourists What Happens Next? Space Oddity
NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS 38 What Is Your Idea Of Success? 39 Names Never To Be Forgotten 40 Robert Pattinson – a multi-talented star 42 Caroline Wozniacki – success through training and dedication 44 Marilyn Monroe – the price of success 46 Candle in the Wind 49 Obama – in the right place at the right time 50 How to Mingle 54 How Do You Feel About Yourself as a Learner? 56
18 19 20 22 24 26 30 32 34 36
GEORGIA ON MY MIND Georgia On My Mind Georgia – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Jimmy Carter – from Georgia peanut farmer to US President Atlanta – The Capital of the South Martin Luther King, Jr – a dream come true The Real Thing Coca-Cola Cake Driving Miss Daisy Midnight Train to Georgia
58 59 60 64 68 70 74 76 78 84
THE ENVIRONMENT – IGNORE IT AND IT WILL GO AWAY One Day the Lights Went Out What is Earth Day? What Can We Do To Save Energy? Rubbish – Who, Me? The Carbon Diaries 2015 Water, Water Everywhere Brad Pitt Makes It Right The Life of a Koala The Village Pollution
86 87 88 89 90 92 94 96 98 100 104
MUSIC – OUR UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE Sir Duke Rap Music - more than bustin’ rhymes Coldplay – band of the decade Michael Jackson – Moonwalker Three Days of Peace and Music Last Night of the Proms So You Want To Be a Rock and Roll Star The Monsters' Musical Contest
GLOBAL CONNECTIONS Imagine Globalization – like it or not! World Fair Trade Rotary Youth Exchange A Global Teenager Online Social Networking MMORPGs Lydia Meets the Danes ATIONS
106 107 108 112 116 118 122 124 128
130 131 132 134 136 138 140 142 144 150
You are what you eat Should we eat to live, live to eat – or both? What do you know about food that is good for you and food that isn't? What’s good about fast food? What’s bad about it? Do you eat all kinds of meat? Beef, lamb and pork? Horsemeat? Meat from dogs, cats, guinea pigs, snakes, ostriches? Why? Are you a vegetarian or vegan? Why? How important is it to eat together as a family? If you suspected that a classmate might be anorexic, what would you do?
Smart Snacks Experts say that it is good to snack between meals. Chips, soda pop and candy are easy to grab, but we all know that they contain way too much sugar and/or fat to be healthy. Here are some more nutritious choices for you to try. The trick is to prepare your snack ahead of time so it’s right at your fingertips.
Veggies Galore:
Car rots, peppers and celery stalks can be prepared ahead of time and stored for several days in a container of water in the fridge, so they are always on hand.
Arctic Treats
Fresh Fruit Festival
Rinse a bunch of seedless blue grapes and freeze them in a plastic bag. Eat them right from the freezer. Bananas are good, too. Peal one and freeze it whole, halved or in chunks. Strawberries don’t work because of their high water content, but you can experiment with other fruits. You can also freeze fresh, unsweetened 100% orange juice in ice-pop molds or ice cube bags. Delicious!
Cut a variety of fruits up in bite sized pieces. Cut up fruit doesn’t last very long, so only prepare as much as you are going to eat. If you want to have fruit available over a couple of days, it’s a good idea to make a fruit salad and store it in the fridge.
Happy Trails Mix
Put together your own mix. You can combine any or all of the following: peanuts, almonds, cashew nuts, raisins, dried cranberries, chopped dried apricots, dried apple rings, whole grain toasted oat cereal, toasted sunflower seeds – whatever you like. Portions can be put in snack bags and stored in the freezer.
Smoothies There are hundreds of ways to combine a super smoothie. Basically, you whirl fruit juice or low fat yoghurt together with chunks of fresh and frozen fruit in a blender. Share this one with a friend:
Kiwi Kick 1 cup frozen strawberries 1 cup diced kiwi 2 frozen bananas, cut in chunks ¼ cup apple juice 1 cup = 2½dl
Besides a delicious drink, you’ll be getting potassium and lots of vitamin C, which plays a role in fighting infections, assists healing and helps growing healthy teeth bones and gums.
Be in the Know About Eating Disorders Do you know that young people between the ages of 13 and 17 are especially prone to eating disorders? Your teen years are some of the most chaotic in your life. You’re not a child, but you’re not an adult either. There are a lot of hormones zooming around in your body causing both emotional upsets and physical changes.
Everyone is very uncertain of themselves in the teen years. Everyone. Some succeed in hiding it, some manage to keep their balance, and some are overwhelmed and suffer from low self-esteem. As if that’s not enough, the media present us with unrealistic role models while non-nutritious and fattening food is available at every turn. We could say that it’s a wonder that more teens don’t develop some kind of eating disorder, but this problem is too serious to be so flippant. We all eat more than we should at times and skip meals at others. That’s normal. But you need to be in the know and be on the alert for danger signals. That will help you to avoid falling prey to an eating disorder yourself and to recognize the signs if a friend is having problems. Eating disorders are maladies of both body and soul and can be remedied.
People with bulimia regularly eat great amounts of food. That’s called binging. Then they try to get rid of it in much the same way as anorexics – by vomiting, laxatives and excessive exercise. Usually what they eat is junk food, stuffing themselves with huge amounts within a very short time.
Binge eating disorder is also an example of an unhealthy eating pattern. It involves binging more than three times a week but, in contrast to anorexia and bulimia, a person with binge eating disorder doesn’t do anything to counteract the excessive intake of calories.
No matter how skinny they are, girls with anorexia will look in the mirror and think they’re fat. Boys with anorexia usually feel that they don’t look athletic enough.
Still, it is typical for them to withdraw from social activities, especially meals and celebrations. They binge and purge alone. A person with bulimia may be a normal weight, underweight or even overweight.
A person with binge eating disorder will be overweight, even obese.
Anorexics do different things. Typically they fast or hardly eat anything at all. Some exercise excessively. Some try to get rid of calories by vomiting after meals - that’s called purging or using laxatives. People with anorexia become extremely thin. Anorexia seems to take over their lives. They can be so underweight and undernourished that it actually is life threatening.
The Wormy Spaghetti by Roald Dahl
Mr and Mrs Twit are twits and they are also extremely nasty and mean to each other. One day Mrs Twit took out her glass eye and dropped it into Mr Twit’s mug of beer when he wasn’t looking. To pay her back Mr Twit placed a frog in Mrs Twit’s bed. That almost scared her to death. But she made up a plan ... The next day, to pay Mr Twit back for the frog trick, Mrs Twit sneaked out into the garden and dug up some worms. She chose big long ones and put them in a tin and carried the tin back to the house under her apron. At twelve o’clock, she cooked spaghetti for lunch and she mixed the worms in the spaghetti, but only on her husband’s plate. The worms didn’t show because everything was covered with tomato sauce and sprinkled with cheese. “Hey, my spaghetti’s moving!” cried Mr Twit, poking around in it with his fork. “It’s a new kind,” Mrs Twit said, taking a mouthful from her own plate which of course had no worms. “It’s called Squiggly Spaghetti. It’s delicious. Eat it up while it’s nice and hot.” Mr Twit started eating, twisting the long tomato-covered strings around his fork and shovelling them into his mouth. Soon there was tomato sauce all over his hairy chin. “It’s not as good as the ordinary kind,” he said, talking with his mouth full. “It’s too squishy.” “I find it very tasty,” Mrs Twit said. She was watching him from the other end of the table. It gave her great pleasure to watch him eating worms. “I find it rather bitter,” Mr Twit said. “It’s got a distinctly bitter flavour. Buy the other kind next time.” Mrs Twit waited until Mr Twit had eaten the plateful. Then she said, “You want to know why your spaghetti was squishy?” Mr Twit wiped the tomato sauce from his beard with a corner of the table cloth. “Why?” he said. “And why it had a nasty bitter taste?” “Why?” he said. “Because it was worms!” cried Mrs Twit, clapping her hands and stamping her feet on the floor and rocking with horrible laughter.
Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis
Bud has run away from ”The Home”, the orphanage he has lived in since his mother died. It was called ”The Home”, but it wasn’t much of a home. In fact, they were very strict and mean there. Bud hopes to find his dad, a jazz musician. An older man, Lefty Lewis, stops when he sees Bud walking along the highway. ”And I’ma tell you. I’ve seen some things out of place before and a young brown-skinned boy walking along the road just outside of Owosso, Michigan, at two-thirty in the morning is definitely not where he ought to be. In fact what is definite is that neither one of us should be out here at this time of night.” Lefty takes Bud to his daughter’s (Mrs. Sleet) home. Bud meets her children, Scott and Kim, and Mrs. Sleet serves a meal for them. To Bud, everything about eating with Lefty and the Sleets is absolutely astonishing.
Mrs. Sleet came into the room with another blue plate, covered with little round pieces of meat. Those had to be the sausages. She saw the way her kids were looking at me with their mouths half opened and said, "Now you two aren't talking Bud's ear off, are you?" Scott said, "No, Momma, I'm not, but Kim's coming real close to." Kim said, "I was not, I was just making pleasant conversation." Mrs. Sleet laughed and set the plate on the table right in front of me. Lefty Lewis came out with a big glass jug filled with orange juice and sat down next to me. Mrs. Sleet sat down and said, "Scott and Kim, would you say the grace, please?" Everyone ducked their heads down and the two kids said, "God is great, God is good, Let us thank him For our food. Amen." Then people started passing the big blue plates around and stabbing toast and pancakes and sausages with their forks. I watched to see how much everyone took and tried to take the
same. Then I started to watch how much food the two kids put on their fork every time so I wouldn't look like a pig. Lefty Lewis noticed I was taking a long time and told his daughter, "See what I told you, Nina, poor Bud-not-Buddy is so skinny and his stomach has shrunk down so much that just smelling the food has got the boy full. Oh, well, I guess that just means more food for the rest of us." Everyone except for me and Mrs. Sleet yelled a big cheer. Eating with the Sleets and Lefty Lewis was really hard to do, not because they had bad table manners or nothing, but because they talked through the whole breakfast. And they kept trying to get me to talk too. At the Home after grace was said we weren't allowed to say boo. Eating and being quiet is a hard habit to break. Every time one of these Sleets would talk to me and look at me like they expected an answer I'd look around first to make sure no one was watching. At the Home if you got caught talking during mealtime you'd have to get up and leave your food. If these Sleets had to live under those rules they'd all starve to death. They talked after every swallow, they talked after every drink they took; they talked whilst they were wiping off their lips. Shucks, the little girl, Kim, talked with milk running down her throat, some of the time her words got gluggled up in what she was swallowing. And they laughed. Man, did they laugh. It was hard to tell whose story they were laughing at, they were doing so much chattering. Lefty Lewis was talking about radio shows and Scott was talking about going to a baseball game to watch Lefty Lewis pitch and Kim was talking about a little girl she didn't like and Mrs. Sleet was talking about some people called redcaps. Kim said to her mother, "Mommy, can't you tell that Bud-notBuddy doesn't know what a redcap is; you gotta explain better."
Food, Glorious Food! (lyrics from the musical “Oliver”)
Is it worth the waiting for? If we live till eighty-four, All we ever get is, GRU…EL. Everyday we say a prayer Will they change the bill of fare? Still we get the same old GRU…EL. There's not a crust, Not a crumb can we find. Can we beg, can we borrow or cadge? But there's nothing to stop us from getting a thrill, when we all close our eyes and IMAG…INE:
Food, glorious food! Hot sausage and mustard! While we're in the mood Cold jelly and custard! Pease pudding and saveloys! “What next?” is the question. Rich gentlemen have it, boys IN-DI-GESTION! Food, glorious food! We're anxious to try it, Three banquets a day Our favourite diet! Just picture a great big steak Fried, roasted or stewed. Oh! food, Wonderful food, Marvellous food, Glorious food! Food, glorious food! What is there more handsome? Gulped swallowed or chewed Still worth a king's RANDSOM. What is it we dream about?
Food, glorious food! Eat right through the menu, Just loosen your belt Two inches and then you Work up a new appetite, In this interlude Then, food, Once again, food, Fabulous, food, Glorious food! Food, glorious food! Don't care what it looks like Burned! Underdone! Crude… Don't care what the cook's like,
Just thinking of growing fat Our senses go reeling One moment of knowing that Full up FEELING. Food, glorious food! What wouldn't we give for That extra bit more That's all that we live for. Why should we be fated to Do nothing but brood On food… Magical, food, Wonderful, food, Marvellous, food, Fabulous, food, Beautiful, food, Glorious food!
Text & music: Lionel Bart © 1959 Lakeview Music Publishing Company Limited. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. Printed with permission by Edition Wilhelm Hansen AS, København.
What brings on a sigh? Piled peaches and cream, about Six feet HIGH!