SVSU Inclusion Advocacy

Page 85

Hiring Checklist for Campus Facilities Positions (Detailed)


Internal Candidates Posting Process: <

Review Job Description and m ake any nece ssary upd ates/cha nges. If significant changes are made to the duties and responsibilities of th e p osition an d/o r po sition re qu irements, the job description must be evaluated to determine ap pro pria te G rad e L ev el.


Com plete and su bm it a signed Authorization to Begin Recruitment Form to Employment & Compensation Services (ECS), Wickes 373.


All positions w ill be po sted on the E CS we bsite a nd in custodial brea k roo m s an d w ill be op en only to sup port staff m em bers for five wo rking days.

Screening/Interviewing Process: <

Receive Application (s)/Bid sheets from ECS. If the re are no internal candidates, refer to the External Posting Process section below. If the position is being filled internally by Best Qualified, see Best Qualified section below.


Com plete Applican t Scre ening S heet for e ach internal can dida te, indicating wh ether the can dida te meets or does not m eet the po sition requ iremen ts and an y com m ents.

Selection: <

Per Article 18.500 of the Support Staff Association contract, “For employees of the Plant/Business Services Division, the selection o f th e a pp licant shall be the most senior employee applying for the position who meets the minimum requ irem ents.”

Completion of Hiring Process: <

Com plete an HR Action form for the selec ted can dida te including start da te and sa lary and forw ard to ECS. (This form initiates p ayroll for ch ose n ca ndidate .)


Return the following documents to ECS: • Ap plican t Scre ening S heet • All folde rs con taining applications /resum es/b id she ets • Com plete d HR Action F orm for sele cted can dida te


Notify internal candidates who were not awarded position.

Best Qualified / Internal Candidates (Assistant Foreman / Foreman – Article 10.304) Screening/Interviewing Process: <

Interview candidates. Ask job-related questions only. A minimum of the top three internal candidates must be granted an in te rvie w . External candidates will not be considered “un til all m em be rs of the b arg ain ing un it who bid during the posting period have been interviewed by the employing supervisor.” (As per Article 18.400 of the Support Staff Asso ciation con tract.)


Each inte rvie wer m ust com ple te a nd sign a Ca nd ida te E va lua tion form for e ach can did ate inte rvie wed . This shou ld reflect each interviewer’s personal opinion.


Com plete the In tervie w S um m ary Sheet.


Return the following documents to ECS: • All resu m e/bid she et folders • Ap plican t Scre ening S heets • Candidate Ev alua tion Form s • Interview Sum mary Sheet • HR Action Form for sele cted can did ate (to in itiate p ayroll)


Notify unsuccessful ap plican ts. It is recomm ended that departments notify candidates who were not selected. ECS will sen d co rrespondence if nece ssary.

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