The Cleveland Orchestra January 7-9/14-15 Concerts

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A Place to Be Remembered . . . The Cleveland Orchestra is entering the public phase of a major fundraising effort, the Sound for the Centennial Campaign. The campaign is focused on adding more value to our community by securing financial strength for the Orchestra’s second century. The campaign is building the Orchestra’s endowment through cash gi s and legacy commitments, while also securing broad-based and increasing annual support from across Northeast Ohio. Campaign supporters are eligible for special and unique recogni on. From concert dedica ons and program book recogni on to limited-term or permanent naming opportuni es of musician chairs. Plus unique op ons to name spaces and seats in Severance Hall or Blossom Music Center. All available only by suppor ng The Cleveland Orchestra.



You too can play a cri cal part in securing The Cleveland Orchestra’s role in making the Northeast Ohio community great. To learn more about receiving special recogni on through the Sound for the Centennial Campaign, please contact the Philanthropy & Advancement Department by calling 216-231-7558.

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