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Cooee! April 2009

MIRAGE: University of Sydney, NSW

NERCHA: University of New England, NSW

NOMAD: Deakin University, VIC

Alex Rack

Robyn Billing

Cam Hart

Alex Rack

2009 is set to be another exciting year for

The good people of NERCHA love being in bed

I would like to start by thanking all that have

MIRAGE with a number of events already

with all health disciplines and have welcomed

been involved in getting NOMAD over the

planned, an unprecedented number of new

another degree under the blankets- Social

massive hurdle of the year that has passed.

members signing up and most encouragingly

Work. With the start of the new social work

Since the initial steering committee meeting,

an great proportion of those new members

degree, NERCHA now has four health disciplines

now NOMAD has evolved from an idea to a

were from the allied health disciplines. Sign up

in its ranks including Nursing, Medicine and

functioning club. The second year NOMAD

during the initial weeks back at campus were


brings a new logo. The new logo represents

great but the annual Welcome drinks proved

NERCHA kicked off the semester by holding

the youth and enthusiasm of NOMAD, travel

again to be a fantastic forum for acquiring

a barbecue for Nursing and medical students

in rural health and colours of the country. A

new members and generating interest in

in hope of increasing membership numbers

logo competition was run to gain designs that

participating in the club. The Welcome Drinks

post Orientation. The barbecue was a great

reflect the ideas of what NOMAD means to

were as per last year held at the Marly in

success which saw Armidale serve up heavy


Newton, and for $5 (or $10 if you were joining

rain showers and 19 degrees. In spite of

With a new logo comes lots of exciting projects

the club) saw students getting two drinks

optimal New England weather, the event

NOMAD are looking to undertake in 2009. Our

and nibbles and an awesome party! We also

moved indoors where many people signed up,

inaugural AGM is fast approaching and calls

had door prizes and a short presentation

especially Nursing students. A big thankyou

are being put out for nominations. The current

about what MIRAGE stands for, does and what

must be awarded to all those who helped

committee are looking forward to a breath of

opportunities it offers members.

under adverse conditions, especially Yoni

fresh air in new committee members. Our RHSV

Looking forward for the year, in May we are

Luxford, our club administrator and Shannon

calendar is underway with the idea of running

again in conjunction with MedSoc organising

Townsend, NERCHA president.

a RHSV within the month. In collaboration

the Annual Indigenous Health Forum. An

NERCHA had its first official meeting of the

MedSoc’s Global Health Team we are currently

excellent selection of speakers has been

year recently and has a number of plans for

planning Deakin’s first Teddy Bear Hospital.

sought and the night looks like it’s destined to

the coming year. These great events include

As a club we are excited to get this up and

be a highlight in the MIRAGE calendar year yet

establishing a relationship/mentor program

running as it adds another aspect of what

again. RHSV’s are still in the planning stages

with the local Aboriginal primary school,

NOMAD is trying to achieve through educating

but already there are an encouraging amount

holding a combined ball with the UNE Medical

the younger folk on health and the nuts and

of students interested in going to represent

Students Association, two Rural High School

bolts of careers, hospital and healthcare

MIRAGE, with the most likely destination to be

Visits and a whole heap of other minor social


up in the Northern Rivers region of NSW, no


Our recruitment drive has proved fruitful during

doubt a great 3-4 day trip will be organised

Also in the near future, a general meeting

‘O’week, having recruited new members and

with school visits and of course some time

will be called to elect a junior executive

renewing old memberships we are looking

allocated to local sight seeing. Indigenous

to fill places in the NERCHA council. The

forward to getting the new faces of the club

Festivals are also coming up and with the

Newly appointed junior executive will hold

involved in all that is NOMAD.

students out at Dubbo Rural Clinical School on

these positions until later in the year when

board for the Coonanmble Vibe Alive Festival

all executive positions will come up for

we are off to good start. Also with lots of

nomination and election.

interest already in the Deadly Days Festivals to be held later on this year, Indigenous Festivals look to be a great opportunity for MIRAGE members to become involved in the club and in the rural and indigenous communities.

photo: RAHMS

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