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hot ticket UCSB

On every UCSB student’s graduation bucket list is getting their outfit posted onto the sneaky street style Instagram page, Hot Ticket. As the owners of the account sit outside the Arbor each day, hundreds of UCSB students pass by waiting to get their picture taken. We got an (anonymous) insiders’ interview with the minds behind the biggest street fashion page on campus. Read on to learn about what fashion at UCSB means to the elusive fit finders.

Q: How was Hot Ticket born?


A: Hot Ticket was a very spontaneous idea that was born from our love of fashion and people-watching. We were just sitting on the grass in front of the arbor eating lunch one day and we liked seeing the different outfits that people were wearing. We thought it would be a fun idea to document those outfits and make it into an Instagram page!

Q: What was your reaction to your account’s fast growth on Instagram?

A: Honestly, we were so excited and happy that people enjoyed what we were doing. We get to show everyone what their fellow classmates are wearing! We didn’t expect it at all and honestly thought nobody else would care, but we have been pleasantly surprised.

Q: What style tends to catch your eye when sitting at the arbor?

A: We really like to see when people are creative with their outfits. We appreciate simple but cohesive styles too. There’s definitely a trend of vintage pieces, cool shoes, interesting knits, skirts, dresses, and accessories that are featured on our page, so I guess that’s what usually sticks out to us! We also love to see elevated basics, but we really appreciate all looks. It’s so interesting to see people showcase their own unique style!

Q: What happens when people catch you taking their picture?

A: Nothing, usually! We sometimes will make eye contact and the reactions are different every time! Some people just keep walking and some people smile at us! We’d love to interact with everyone more though.

Q: Do you notice a lot of seemingly vintage or thrifted fashion in the UCSB community?

What's Really Behind The Fit Finders Account

A: Definitely! We have a lot of great thrift stores in town and the fashion community is always growing! Organizations like IV Trading Post do lots of great events that promote sustainability and the recirculation of clothing! We also love all of the little pop-up vintage markets and sellers in Isla Vista.

Q: Do you tend to look more for trendy or original styles? Why?

A: We don’t really look for anything specific. We just love when people just communicate their personal style through the outfits they wear to school! We like to showcase different styles, no matter if it’s trendy!

Q: Do you notice or can you tell when people are walking by with a unique outfit waiting to get posted on Hot Ticket?

A: It was more noticeable when Hot Ticket was starting to get more popular. Now, we just take pictures of whoever walks by, and we don’t tend to notice whether they are intentional.

Q: What’s your favorite aspect of running the beloved Hot Ticket?

A: Our favorite aspect of running Hot Ticket is the fashion community we’ve fostered through this page. It’s been great to see so many people caring more about fashion and getting inspiration from their classmates and even professors! The love and support we’ve gotten from our followers has been incredible and we want to thank every single person who’s looked at our page and enjoyed the content we post!

If you’re dreaming of a Hot Ticket feature, this is all you need to know. Be yourself, as Hot Ticket is looking for your fashionable self-expression! We can thank the mystery creators behind Hot Ticket for sparking such a genuine excitement for fashion across campus.

As the fit finders revealed in our exclusive interview, practicing sustainability can be a great way to build a unique wardrobe. Maybe you’ll even snag a feature on @hotticket_UCSB!

Shawn Wilke

Overworn t-shirts, early 2000s low rise jeans, the “Moo Direction” shirt from the little girls section (context: a strange One Direction parody tee I wear far too often)... Any variation of these unprepossessing clothes are what can be found inside the depths of your local thrift store.

My first visit to the thrift store was the summer before my freshman year of high school. I remember it vividly. I had watched hours of trendy YouTubers showing off their finds in thrift haul

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